Win 7 partitions. Creating a partition on your hard drive is easy! Figure: Search results for the "Section" category

Some users do not know how to split one disk into several logical partitions, but this can be very useful. If you have several logical partitions, you can store information not on the system volume. In this case, the risk of losing it when reinstalling the system or formatting the disk is sharply reduced. This article will tell you several ways on how you can create a second volume D, both using standard tools and using third-party software.

Using Disk Management to create a new partition

The built-in disk management utility will allow you to perform all the necessary actions, while this program is present in all latest versions Windows. To run it you need pressWin+R enter diskmgmt.msc.

In the window that opens you need select drive C(or another section that you want to divide), you need to right-click on it and select the item “ Shrink Volume" In the next window you need to write the size of the new volume D; according to the standard, all free space is indicated there. But it’s worth leaving at least ten gigabytes of the system disk free space for new programs and system files.

After this it will start formation process. At the end of it, unallocated space will appear on which you need to right-click.

Here you just have to select the item marked in the picture. In the next window you need to select letter for the new volume, in our case it is D.

Then it was suggested write the name volumes, and also select the file system and cluster. Here everything can be left as default. After this, formatting will be performed and the new logical partition will become available for use.

Using the command line to partition disks

Separation can also be done using the console. To do this, you will have to open it with administrator rights and enter the following operators:

Application of Aomei Partition Assistant Standard

There are quite a lot of applications that help manage logical partitions, as well as cut off and create new partitions. You can find many examples on the Internet, but here we talk about one utility. After the user downloads and installs it, you need to go to Main menu, select the desired hard drive, then right-click and select “”.

In the next section you will have to indicate the number of megabytes for a new section.

Then all you have to do is click OK, and then Go.

After this, the device will reboot and you can use the new partition.

Hello! I’ll probably start from the very beginning, and if you’re not very interested, and you know why this article was written, then you can safely move on to the next heading, lower on the page. I decided to install Windows 8, I want to test it new system, and I haven’t written instructions for installing Windows 8 on the blog yet. Install on virtual machine I don’t really want to, I want to demonstrate to my blog visitors a real installation on real computer. Everything would be fine, but I’m not ready to give up Windows 7 yet, especially since it’s not very good feedback they're floating around the internet about the figure eight, and if people talk about it, then most likely it's true :).

So I decided to install Windows 8 on one computer next to Windows 7. I think I’ll see what happens, and then if I like the eight, I can install it instead of the seven. There is only one little thing left, you need to create a partition on your hard drive to install Windows 8 as a second system. This is not even a problem, I thought about taking a boot disk with Acronis Disk Director , take some space from the local drive D and create a partition for Windows 8.

But then I realized that not everyone who reads my blog, in particular this article, has a ready-made boot disk with Acronis Disk Director. Therefore, I decided to write an article in which I tell you in detail and with pictures how to create a partition on your hard drive in Windows 7, we will make it all out of working system standard utility “Disk Management”.

I need to create another partition on my hard drive to install the second one operating system. You may have another reason, for example, you installed Windows and were too lazy to do only one system disk C, for which all the memory was allocated hard drive. I've encountered this and it's very inconvenient. Therefore, in this way you can take some memory from a single partition and create one or two more local drives for storing photos, videos, etc.

How to create a partition on a hard drive under Windows?

As I wrote above, create another local disk we will use the utility “Disk Management”, first we need to launch it. We go to “Start”, "Control Panel", select "Administration", a window will open in which you can run “Computer Management”. In the window that opens, on the left you need to select “Disk Management”. Wait a moment while the system collects information about the partitions on your hard drive.

After loading the information, we will see all our HDD and sections that have already been created. This means we need to create another partition, but I only have 47 MB ​​of free memory (see the picture below, light green area). This means we need to take some space from one of the already created partitions, look at which we have the most free space, select it, click right click mouse and select “Shrink Volume...”. As you can see, I selected local drive D for compression.

You need to wait a little while Windows 7 determines how much space can be squeezed out of this partition :).

A window will appear in which you can see the total size of the partition before compression, and how much space is available for compression. In my case, the maximum I could take from drive D was 20,140 MB, which is great for Windows 8. But you can specify how much space you want to take from a specific local drive. Click “Compress”.

We wait a little and look at the table again. As you can see, the area with free memory (light green area) has increased. You can create a partition from this free area. Right click on it and select “Create a simple volume...”.

The Create Simple Volume Wizard opens. Click “Next”.

Based on the free area, the system will show us the maximum and minimum size the created section. And it will ask you to enter the size for the new partition. For new logical drive I used all the free memory, so I just clicked “Next”.

Next we need to assign a letter to the disk being created. Therefore, we leave the mark opposite “Assign a drive letter” and choose a letter, or you can leave it as a prepositional system. Click the “Next” button.

The next stage is formatting the partition. I advise you to immediately format the local disk. Against File system I advise you to install NTFS, “Cluster size” We leave it as default. Where “Volume Label” we indicate any name, since I am creating a partition under Windows installation 8, then I called it that. Check mark opposite “Quick Format” and click “Next”.

We check the information and click “Finish”.

All is ready! I now have another logical partition “H” called “Windows 8”. Now you can install an operating system on it, or simply save information.

If you go to "My computer", then you can see the partition we created, even without any reboots.


Honestly, this was my first time creating a new partition on my hard drive. standard means in Windows 7. Usually I always use a boot disk, or a standard manager during the installation of the operating system.

But if you are running Windows 7, and you just need to create another partition and take some memory from the existing one, then all this can be done in a few minutes using the method described above, and there is no point in downloading and burning all sorts of boot disk images.

How to increase one logical partition at the expense of another using boot disk, I wrote in the article, read it, it might come in handy. Here is another article on the topic of partitioning a new hard drive during the installation of an operating system.

Perhaps someone will say that this method is bad, and it is best to create new partitions using special programs. This is not true, I did not have a single problem either when creating or using this section. I installed Windows 8 on it without any problems next to the already installed Windows 7, but this is a topic for the next article. Good luck friends!

Also on the site:

Create a partition on your hard drive using a standard tool in Windows 7 updated: February 14, 2013 by: admin

The concept of disks, partitions and volumes in Windows 7

A partition is an area on your hard drive that can be formatted and assigned a drive letter. On a hard disk, a volume is a formatted primary partition or logical drive. Concepts chapter And volume often used interchangeably.

HP and Compaq computers running Windows 7 have hard disks, divided into at least two partitions: the main partition for Windows and for work, and the recovery partition, used to restore the computer to factory settings. Here is a list of some of the partitions that are available on your hard drive.

    The main partition, usually designated partition C, contains system files, program files and some free disk space, which can be used.

    The second section, usually designated D, contains information to RESTORE the system in case the data in section C becomes corrupted or becomes unusable.

    There may also be a hidden section called “SYSTEM” in the system. The SYSTEM partition is used by Windows to store protected files that are used for troubleshooting and should not be modified.

    The computer may also contain a partition called "HP_TOOLS". This partition stores HP UEFI tools that you can use to troubleshoot boot problems or check your system for hardware failures.


When following the steps described in this document Not Delete the SYSTEM, Recovery, or FACTORY_IMAGE partition and do not use it to store files. Otherwise, the troubleshooting or recovery tools may not load even if there is a serious problem with your computer.

Adding a new drive letter in Windows 7

To create more storage space or view a different file, add a new drive letter on your computer using one of the following methods:

    Installing a new drive- If you need more disk space to store photos, videos, music or other files, install another hard drive or connect a USB storage device. New hard the disk can be internal or external, connected to the computer using USB cable. When you add a new storage device, Windows automatically identifies it with a letter.


    To add a new internal drive, your computer must have free space to connect it. Most mid-tower or larger PCs include space for installation extra hard disk. Almost all laptops and computers of the Slimline and AiO series do not have space for an additional hard drive.

  • Partitioning an existing drive into partitions- If you do not need additional disk space, but need a separate disk in Windows environment, create another partition on the installed hard drive. This can be useful if you want to share files on one drive while preventing access to your other files on another drive.

    This method does not add disk space, but rather allocates some free space on the existing hard drive to create a new partition. This space will be treated as a different drive and will have its own drive letter.

Creating a new partition in Windows 7

To re-allocate free space on a hard drive by creating more partitions or volumes, there must be unallocated space on the hard drive that is not part of an existing partition. Shrink your existing hard drive to create unallocated space, then create and format a new partition.

    To open the Disk Management utility, click the Start button. . In the Search field, enter the text Section. Then in the list of search results, highlight the line Creating and formatting hard drive partitions.

    Rice. : Search results for the category "Section"

    The Disk Management utility window will open, displaying information about the storage devices installed on the computer.

    To create unallocated disk space, right-click on the disk on which you want to create a partition. For most applications, choose the C: drive.

    Then click Shrink Volume...


    Not use the Recovery or FACTORY_IMAGE partition to create a new volume. Otherwise, HP Recovery Manager will not be able to restore the computer's configuration if the information in the C: partition is damaged.

    Do not change the settings in the Reduce window. Click Reduce.

    After the partition reduction process is completed, the new partition will be displayed in the Disk Management utility window as Unallocated Space.

    Rice. : Disk Management window with unallocated space outlined in red

  1. Right click on the new partition. In the menu that appears, select New simple section...

    The New Simple Partition Wizard window will open. To continue, click Next.

    The Specify volume size window will appear on the screen. Enter the volume size or click Next to accept the default settings.

    The “Assigning a letter or path” window will appear on the screen. Select a letter designation and click Next.

    Rice. : Assign letter or path window

  2. The Format Partition window will appear on the screen. To name the partition, enter it in the Volume Label field. Then click the Next button.


    Not choose installation Quick formatting or Allow compression of files and folders.

    A settings window will appear on the screen. Click the Finish button.

    The Disk Management utility window appears with a formatting progress indicator.

    Once the formatting process is complete, the new partition will be displayed in the Disk Management utility window.

    If the AutoPlay window appears, click the X symbol on the right top corner to close it.

Changing the drive letter in Windows 7

Each drive on your computer can be assigned letters C through Z. System partition usually denoted by the letter C, while the letters A and B are intended to denote floppy drives magnetic disks or removable media. If your computer does not have a floppy drive, you can assign letters A and B to volumes.


Some MS-DOS and Windows programs refer to specific drive letters. If the drive letter changes, some installed programs may start to work incorrectly. Letter designation A disk that is a system or boot disk cannot be changed. If an error appears, it may mean that the partition or drive whose letter you want to change is currently in use. Close all programs and windows using the partition or disk and try again.

To change the drive letter, follow these steps:

Removing a drive letter in Windows 7

You can clean up and access storage space on your computer by removing the drive letters. The hard drive letter can be removed using the Disk Management utility.


Removing a partition in Windows 7

You can clean up and access storage space on your computer by deleting partitions. A partition can be deleted from the Disk Management option in the Computer Management window by selecting Delete Volume, Delete Partition, and adding unallocated space to another drive.


Deleting a volume deletes all data written to it. Write it down backup copy the data you need.

In this article I will tell you how to create a partition on your hard drive in Windows 7.
Hard section disk- This is part of the hard drive on which information can be stored. Partitions can be created, compressed, formatted, deleted. A partition is created to separate user files from operating system files. Typically, it is enough to have two hard drive partitions on your computer: Local Disk C and Local Disk D.

On Local Drive Coperating room files are stored windows systems, as well as installed programs. On another partition of the hard drive (it may be called differently for you) you can store your important documents, programs, photos, videos, music. If the operating system fails, the data on this local drive will be saved, since the system will be reinstalled on Local Drive C.

Previously, it was possible to partition a hard drive only using third party programs. For example Partition Magic, Acronis Disc Director. Now, with the advent of new operating systems, this procedure can be done using built-in windows tools 7.

So, let's start creating a partition on your hard drive. To do this, you need to follow the following instructions.

Step 1 . Right click on my icon Computer and from the context menu select Management.

Step 2. In the snap-in section Storage devices select Disk management.

Step 3 . Next, click onLocal drive C or another disk , which you want to compress (If you have only one hard drive C, then you have no choice; you will have to compress it; if there are other partitions, then the choice is yours from which drive you want to “take away” the memory). Compressing the disk is necessary to provide free space for creating a new partition. In the context menu window that appears, click Shrink volume...

Step 4 . The process will begin to determine the available space for compression. You'll have to wait a little... After a few seconds, a dialog box will appear in which you need to configure drive C for compression.

In field Compressible space size (MB)indicate the size by how much you need to compress the disk. (The compressed size is the size of the future partition being created). After you calculate what size you need, click the button Compress.

Step 5. After the compression process is completed, an unallocated black section will appear. Right-click on it and click Create a simple volume...
Next a window will appear Create Simple Volume Wizard, which will help you create a simple disk volume.

A simple volume can only reside on one disk.

To continue, click the button Further.

Step 6. Next you need specify the size of the partition to be created. In line Simple volume size enter the maximum size in M.B. or leave it as is (by default, the maximum size is indicated in the simple volume size field).
Click to continue Further.

Step 7. In the next window Simple Volume Wizards assign a drive letter to the partition from A-Z by clicking on the drop-down list (indicated by the arrow), and then click Further.

Step 8. In a new window you have to perform.

In order to save data on this partition, you must first format it.Formatting is the process of creating a file system.

Select the radio button in the section Format this volume as follows and select:

- File system - FAT or NTFS. Choose NTFS.
- Cluster size- the choice of cluster size depends on what files you will store on the disk, if the files are not large, then choose a small cluster, if the files are large, for example photos, videos, music, then choose a larger cluster.
- Volume Label- enter the name of the disc (for example: music, video, photos, programs, documents, etc.).

Uncheck the boxes Quick formatting And Compress folders and files. Click to continue Further.

Step 9. The Create Simple Volume Wizard completed successfully. This window displays all selected options. If you want to change something, click Back, if everything suits you, then click Ready.

Step 10. Once the formatting process is complete, a new primary partition will be created, highlighted in blue.

That's all, a new partition has been created in the Windows 7 operating system. Go to My computer. In chapter Hard disks you will see the created partition. You can start filling it with information.

In this article I will tell you how to create a partition on your hard drive in Windows 7.
Hard drive partition- This is part of the hard drive on which information can be stored. Partitions can be created, compressed, formatted, deleted. A partition is created to separate user files from operating system files. Typically, it is enough to have two hard drive partitions on your computer: Local Disk C and Local Disk D.

On Local Drive C Windows operating system files are stored, as well as installed programs. On another partition of the hard drive (it may be called differently for you) you can store your important documents, programs, photos, videos, music. If the operating system fails, the data on this local drive will be saved, since the system will be reinstalled on Local Drive C.

Previously, it was possible to partition a hard drive only using third-party programs. For example Partition Magic, Acronis Disc Director. Now, with the advent of new operating systems, this procedure can be done using the built-in tools of Windows 7.

So, let's start creating a partition on your hard drive. To do this, you need to follow the following instructions.

Step 1 . Right click on my icon Computer and from the context menu select Control.

Step 2. In the snap-in section Storage devices select Disk management.

Step 3 . Next, click onLocal drive C or another disk , which you want to compress (If you have only one hard drive C, then you have no choice; you will have to compress it; if there are other partitions, then the choice is yours from which drive you want to “take away” the memory). Compressing the disk is necessary to allow the creation of a new partition. In the context menu window that appears, click Compress volume...

Step 4 . The process will begin to determine the available space for compression. You'll have to wait a little... After a few seconds, a dialog box will appear in which you need to configure drive C for compression.

In field indicate the size by how much you need to compress the disk. (The compressed size is the size of the future partition being created). After you calculate what size you need, click the button Compress.

Step 5. After the compression process is completed, an unallocated black section will appear. Right-click on it and click Create a simple volume...
Next a window will appear Create Simple Volume Wizard, which will help you create a simple disk volume.

A simple volume can only reside on one disk.

To continue, click the button Further.

Step 6. Next you need specify the size of the partition to be created. In line Simple volume size enter the maximum size in M.B. or leave it as is (by default, the maximum size is indicated in the simple volume size field).
Click to continue Further.

Step 7. In the next window Simple Volume Wizards assign a drive letter to the partition from A-Z by clicking on the drop-down list (indicated by the arrow), and then click Further.

Step 8. In a new window you have to complete.

In order to save data on this partition, you must first format it.Formatting is the process of creating a file system.

Select the radio button in the section Format this volume as follows and select:

Create a simple volume using Disk Management.

  1. Launch Disk Management.
  2. Run the New Simple Volume wizard on Disk 2.
  3. Define the volume size as 100 MB and label the volume as "Simple".

Create a simple volume using Diskpart.exe.

  1. Launch Command Prompt.
  2. Run diskpart.exe and use the following commands to create a simple volume:
  • list disk
  • select disk 3
  • create partition primary size=100
  • list partition
  • select partition 2
  • format fs=ntfs label=simple2 quick
  • assign.

In this beginner's guide, we'll look at how to partition (split) and merge hard drive partitions in Windows 10 using the built-in snap-in.

Sometimes you just need to create, delete or modify disk partitions in Windows 10. If you have one disk and you would not like to keep the operating system files and your files on the same disk, creating logical drives will help you. Each of the logical disk partitions can have its own file system and will allow you to load several operating systems from one hard drive. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to manage disk partitions in Windows 10, simply using a snap-in.

For the convenience of readers, this guide is divided into two parts. The first part will show you how to partition your hard drive into two partitions and assign a drive letter to the newly created volume.

In the second part, we will delete the new volume and merge the freed space, returning it back to the original volume of the C: drive. So let's get started...

How to split and merge disk partitions in Windows 10

Part 1 - splitting and creating a new disk partition

In the first half of this tutorial, we will see how to split an existing disk space into two partitions. Let's say you bought a new Windows 10 PC and the disk size C: is 500 GB. Obviously, Windows will already be installed on the disk C:. But there comes a time when you need to move some of your data to some other drive. Or in another case, you want to create a new partition to boot another operating system. You need to create a new partition by partitioning the disk WITH into two parts. Here's what you need to do:

To open the snap-in - Click Win+R and in the Run window line and enter. Click OK or Enter .

In the window, right-click on the disk partition you want to partition and select Shrink Volume. In my case it's a disk WITH:

Then in the window that appears, in the line Compressible space size (MB) Enter the desired size of the disk to be created. I specified 26000(MB) (this is about a sixth of the capacity of my hard drive) Its size will be approximately 25 GB. In other words, you will get this size from an already existing partition if it has free space, and then, click Compress.

In a few seconds, you will see the area you have freed up for the future disk partition with a mark, the same space will be taken away from the existing disk partition WITH:.

So the disk WITH: is divided into two volumes. Right-click on the unallocated space and in context menu click Create a simple volume, will start automatically

In the window Volume Size Guidelines you can change the size of the created size, click Further.

In the next window, set the letter of the new disk partition and click Further

Now you need to format the disk, there is no need to change the default settings.

If you plan to install a new OS on this drive, make sure that Apply file and folder compression not enabled, otherwise you will face an error while installing the OS - Windows cannot be installed because this computer is using compressed...

The wizard finishes by showing you a summary of the information. Click the button.

The created logical drive will appear in the snap-in window and Windows 10 Explorer ready for use.

Part 2 - Merge disk volumes

You may need to merge the disk volumes by returning the disk WITH: previously selected space for disk Z:

Here's how to do it:

1. Open Select the disk partition that you want to merge and right-click on it, selecting from the context menu Delete volume. This will remove the drive letter and partition.

Note:This will also delete all data on the disk partition (In my case, from drive Z:, I previously transferred all the necessary information to another drive).

Click Yes to confirm volume deletion.

2. After the disk partition Z: will be deleted, you will see the disk partition marked. Now right-click on the disk volume with which you want to merge unallocated capacity ( V in this case this is a disk WITH: ) and select Extend Volume.

3. In the wizard window that opens, click the button Further:

4. Then on the next screen. Simply confirm the size by clicking Further.

5. Click the button.

6. Now you will see that the volume of the disk selected for expansion has increased due to Unallocated volume.

That's all about Merge Disk Volumes in Windows 10!

Hello! I’ll probably start from the very beginning, and if you’re not very interested, and you know why this article was written, then you can safely move on to the next heading, lower on the page. I decided to install Windows 8, I want to test the new system, and I haven’t written instructions for installing Windows 8 on the blog yet. I don’t really want to install it on a virtual machine; I want to demonstrate to my blog visitors the actual installation on a real computer. Everything would be fine, but I’m not ready to give up Windows 7 yet, especially since there are not very good reviews floating around the Internet about the eight, and if people say it, then most likely it’s true :).

So I decided to install Windows 8 on one computer next to Windows 7. I think I’ll see what happens, and then if I like the eight, I can install it instead of the seven. There is only one little thing left, you need to create a partition on your hard drive to install Windows 8 as a second system. This is not even a problem, I thought about taking a boot disk with Acronis Disk Director, take some space from the local drive D and create a partition for Windows 8.

But then I realized that not everyone who reads my blog, in particular this article, has a ready-made boot disk with Acronis Disk Director. Therefore, I decided to write an article in which I tell you in detail and with pictures how to create a partition on your hard drive in Windows 7, we will do all this from the working system using a standard utility “Disk Management”.

I need to create another partition on my hard drive to install a second operating system. You may have another reason, for example, you installed Windows and, being lazy, made only one system drive C, under which you allocated the entire hard memory disk. I've encountered this and it's very inconvenient. Therefore, in this way you can take some memory from a single partition and create one or two more local drives for storing photos, videos, etc.

How to create a partition on a hard drive under Windows?

As I wrote above, we will create another local disk using the utility “Disk Management”, first we need to launch it. We go to “Start”, "Control Panel", select "Administration", a window will open in which you can run “Computer Management”. In the window that opens, on the left you need to select “Disk Management”. Wait a moment while the system collects information about the partitions on your hard drive.

After loading the information, we will see our entire hard drive and the partitions that have already been created. This means we need to create another partition, but I only have 47 MB ​​of free memory (see the picture below, light green area). This means we need to take some space from one of the already created partitions, look at which we have the most free space, select it, right-click and select “Shrink Volume...”. As you can see, I selected local drive D for compression.

You need to wait a little while Windows 7 determines how much space can be squeezed out of this partition :).

A window will appear in which you can see the total size of the partition before compression, and how much space is available for compression. In my case, the maximum I could take from drive D was 20,140 MB, which is great for Windows 8. But you can specify how much space you want to take from a specific local drive. Click “Compress”.

We wait a little and look at the table again. As you can see, the area with free memory (light green area) has increased. You can create a partition from this free area. Right click on it and select “Create a simple volume...”.

The Create Simple Volume Wizard opens. Click “Next”.

Based on the free area, the system will show us the maximum and minimum size of the partition to be created. And it will ask you to enter the size for the new partition. For the new logical drive, I used all the free memory, so I just clicked “Next”.

Next we need to assign a letter to the disk being created. Therefore, we leave the mark opposite “Assign a drive letter” and choose a letter, or you can leave it as a prepositional system. Click the “Next” button.

The next stage is formatting the partition. I advise you to immediately format the local disk. Against "File system" I advise you to install NTFS, “Cluster size” We leave it as default. Where “Volume Label” we indicate any name, since I am creating a partition for installing Windows 8, I named it that way. Check mark opposite “Quick Format” and click “Next”.

We check the information and click “Finish”.

All is ready! I now have another logical partition “H” called “Windows 8”. Now you can install an operating system on it, or simply save information.

If you go to "My computer", then you can see the partition we created, even without any reboots.


To be honest, this was the first time I created a new partition on a hard drive using a standard tool in Windows 7. Usually I always use a boot disk or a standard manager during the installation of the operating system.

But if you are running Windows 7, and you just need to create another partition and take some memory from the existing one, then all this can be done in a few minutes using the method described above, and there is no point in downloading and burning all sorts of boot disk images.

I wrote in an article about how to increase one logical partition at the expense of another using a boot disk, read it, it might come in handy. Here is another article on the topic of partitioning a new hard drive during the installation of an operating system.

Perhaps someone will say that this method is bad, and it is best to create new partitions using special programs. This is not true, I did not have a single problem either when creating or using this section. I installed Windows 8 on it next to the already installed Windows without any problems

In this article, I will tell you how to create a hard drive partition in Windows 7. A hard drive partition is a part of the hard drive on which you can store information. Sections can be created...

In this article, I will tell you how to create a hard drive partition in Windows 7. A hard drive partition is a part of the hard drive on which you can store information. Sections can be created...

In this article, I will tell you how to create a hard drive partition in Windows 7. A hard drive partition is a part of the hard drive on which you can store information. Sections can be created...