Image dimensions. Enlarging Digital Photos

Rice. 4.12. Setting standard block parameters

      In field Name Enter the title (name) of the standard block. The block name must be unique within the collection in which it will be stored. Different collections may have blocks with the same names.

      In the dropdown list Collection select the collection in which the building block will be stored. The collection you select determines the order in which the block is inserted when creating the document. For blocks inserted directly into the document text, it is better to select a collection Express blocks. In addition, the collection Express blocks displayed as a list in the button menu Express blocks(cm. rice. 4.11).

      In the dropdown list Category select a block category. Selecting a category determines the position of the block in the button menu Express blocks in Group Text tabs Insert. You can select one of the existing categories or create a new one. The presence of categories makes it easier to find the desired block in the button menu list Express blocks(cm. rice. 4.11).

      In field Description You can enter arbitrary text for a clarifying description of the block being created, which will be displayed as a tooltip when you select a block. The field may not be filled in!

      In the dropdown list Options select Paste content on the same page so that the standard block is inserted onto separate page. Select Paste content into the same paragraph to prevent the content from becoming part of another paragraph, even if the cursor is in the middle of the paragraph. All other content uses the parameter Paste content only.

After you create new building blocks or change their settings, when you end your session in Word 2010, you will be prompted to save your changes to the building blocks file ( rice. 4.13). Click the button Save.

Enlarge image

Rice. 4.13. Saving changes to a collection of blocks

5.3. Inserting a building block into a document

To insert a standard block into a document you need:

    Place the cursor where the block will be inserted.

    In the tab Insert in Group Text click the button Express blocks.

    To insert a building block from a collection Express blocks find this block in the list ( rice. 4.14) and click on it with the mouse.

Enlarge image

Rice. 4.14. Inserting a building block

To insert a block from an arbitrary collection into a document:

    From the button menu Express blocks select a team (see rice. 4.14).

    In the dialog box Building Blocks Organizer (rice. 4.15) find the desired block and press the button Insert. For easier searching, you can sort blocks by names, collections, categories, templates, and descriptions. To sort, click on the corresponding button ( for example, click on the button Name to sort blocks by name).

Enlarge image

Rice. 4.15. Selecting a standard block

5.4. Changing a building block

5.4.1. Change content

The contents of a standard block cannot be changed.

You can delete an existing block and then create a new one with the same name.

You can replace an existing block.

    Insert a building block.

    Make the necessary changes.

    Save the building block with the same name and the same parameters.


5.4.2. Change settings

You can change the name of the building block, the collection in which it is located, add or change the description, etc.

    In the tab Insert in Group Text click the button Express blocks and select a team Building Blocks Organizer(cm. rice. 4.14).

    In the dialog box Building Blocks Organizer(cm. rice. 4.15 Change properties.

    In the dialog box Changing a building block (rice. 4.16) change the parameters and click the button OK.

enlarge image

Rice. 4.16. Changing standard block parameters

    When prompted to override a building block, click Yes.

5.5. Removing a building block

    In the tab Insert in Group Text click the button Express blocks and select a team Building Blocks Organizer(cm. rice. 4.14).

    In the dialog box Building Blocks Organizer(cm. rice. 4.15) find the desired block and click the button Delete.

    When prompted to delete a building block, click Yes.

6. Add a cover page

You can add a specially designed title (first) page to the document.

    In the tab Insert in Group Pages click the button Front page and in the list that appears, select one of the proposed options ( rice. 4.17).

enlarge image

Rice. 4.17. Selecting a Cover Page

    The page you add may have pictures and other graphical objects, as well as prompts indicating the information you enter ( rice. 4.18).

enlarge image

Rice. 4.18. Front page

Some fields on the cover page are filled in automatically, with information taken, for example, from the file properties. Some fields must be filled out yourself.

When filling out the fields, you do not have to follow the prompts provided. You can change the contents of automatically filled fields. You cannot leave blank fields; they should be removed.

The contents of the fields can be formatted as plain text. You can add text, tables, and graphic objects to the title page.

To remove the cover page in a tab Insert in Group Pages click the button Front page and in the menu that appears, select the command Delete current cover page(cm. rice. 4.17).

With the advent of photography in the first half of the 19th century, a natural desire to enlarge the image to the size of an artistic canvas could not help but arise. One of the real and most effective ways, which is still used to this day, consisted of redrawing cell by cell, but today such advice is rarely given, because it is quite obvious that those who want to enlarge an image are interested in how to increase the size of photographs on a computer.

Image size on PC monitor

Since we're talking about a PC, let's say that on the monitor the size of images is reduced/increased using the Ctrl (-/+) key combination or the mouse wheel with the same Ctrl key pressed. And if you're online, you can influence the size of the image by changing the scale in the "View" tab in the browser menu. No one is forbidden to resolve), calling this command by right-clicking directly on the desktop.

Now, if you follow the principle “from simple to complex,” you need to figure out how to increase the size of photos in Paint, because, firstly, it is a standard graphics editor (Start > All Programs > Accessories) that comes with the Windows operating system, and secondly, many are not aware of some of its abilities, including the “Resize” button on the “Home” tab.

Stretch the picture in Paint

In the "Resize and Skew" dialog box, you usually check the "Maintain proportions" checkbox and specify either a percentage or a specific value in pixels. In the second case, it is enough to specify only the desired image width (change horizontally) for the second parameter to change automatically.

Some versions of Paint also have a "Points" option that allows you to enter specific dimensions for the image. If everything is OK, tell the editor so.

When figuring out how to enlarge, most users probably don’t even consider it necessary to add that without loss of quality, believing that this goes without saying. However, this tacit condition is not so easy to satisfy, because the image can be roughly compared to a mosaic of multi-colored pixels. It is not difficult to imagine what the picture will look like if it is simply stretched, because the number of informative pixels will remain the same, but the physical size will increase.

In order to somehow maintain quality to a certain extent, you need to fill the “voids” taking into account the content of the surrounding pixels. Unfortunately, good old Paint is far from the best at this, but there are many programs that, using various algorithms for interpolating data between stretched pixels (resample methods), can enlarge images with very decent quality. Most of these services, among which the paid PhotoZoom Pro is especially popular, are functionally similar and easy to use, but simply recommending them to those who want to learn how to increase the size of photos in Photoshop would be an evasive answer.

Photoshop's ability to resize photos

If you are going to enlarge an image, you must keep in mind that the result directly depends on the quality and size of the source material. After loading the photo into Photoshop, select the “Image Size” command in the “Image” menu, thereby opening a window of the same name, in which you conduct a dialogue with the program.

If you completely trust the program, you can only specify the width and height in the fields of the "Document Size" block, and leave the remaining parameters selected by default, including the "Interpolation" function (Resample Image) and the "Bicubic Automatic" resampling method (Bicubic), which is generally preferred over the other five algorithms. Then use the “Auto…” button to open the “Automatic resolution selection” window, select the desired quality (the default is “Good”) and click OK.

Note: Resampling is a function that controls the amount of data in images that are resized or resized.

Little tricks

Perhaps not everyone knows about some well-known recommendations on how to increase the size of photos with minimal loss of quality using any graphic editor with correction and resampling functions, but it doesn’t have to be Photoshop.

First, you need to prepare the original image by slightly enlarging it and carefully examining it for noise, blurry areas (where they should not be), various spots and other possible defects. All shortcomings must be eliminated (corrected) and only then proceed to resizing.

Next, you need to enlarge the photo twice as large as planned, work with sharpness, contrast, saturation, then return to the desired size and make sure that the quality remains at the proper level. Here's a little trick, but that's not all.

What can people come up with in search of original solution how to increase the size of photos.

It turns out that if you enlarge the image size by 10%, there will be no visual deterioration in quality. This suggests an obvious conclusion: by repeatedly increasing the size by 10%, you can... well, then - who has any imagination. But this method is not universal, and its indiscriminate use for all photographs in a row will not necessarily lead to good results, which largely depend on various quality parameters of the image, including the format. For example, they manage to stretch a black and white photograph up to 50%.

These “secret” techniques are permissible only in cases where for some reason there are no other options, and, most likely, the “cunning production” will require very serious post-processing in Photoshop.

Specialized programs

If you need an answer to the question of how to increase the size of photos with minimal headaches, use one of the specialized programs that have more interpolation algorithms than Photoshop and their own original technologies. In addition to the previously mentioned PhotoZoom Pro program, these services are: Perfect Resiz, Reshade Image Enlarger, OnOne Genuine Fractals Pro v6.0, Akvis Magnifier v3.0 and others.

The Photoshop graphics editor is called raster because it is designed for creating and processing raster images. Speaking in simple language, raster images consist of dots (raster, pixels), the color code of each of them is stored in the computer memory. Therefore, a digital image is just a set of numbers; it can be seen through any output device: a monitor, printer or other printing device.

When working with digital images, you must understand the purposes for which this image will be used. For example, if an image is being prepared for publication on a web page, then the intended output device is a monitor. If in the future you want to store the image as a photograph in a photo album, you must first print it on a photo printer. And to print an image in some glossy magazine, a printing press will be used.

Therefore, to prepare digital images for output to a device, you need to know what resolution should be assigned. To display an image through a monitor, the resolution is most often set to 72 or 96 pixels per inch. For printing on a printer - from 120 to 200 pixels/inch. For high-quality typographic printing - from 250 to 300 pixels/inch.

Resolution and geometric dimensions of the image are interrelated. The higher the resolution, the smaller its size, because the higher the resolution of the intended output device, the smaller its raster dots and the smaller the geometric size of the image.


Increasing the image resolution increases the file size, which can reduce your computer's performance when processing the image. Therefore, when choosing a high resolution, you must adhere to the golden mean between image quality and file size.

To change the resolution, use the dialog box Image Size(Image Size), and when the resolution is determined and only the geometric dimensions of the image need to be changed, two tools are used: the Frame(Crop) and dialog box Canvas size(Canvas Size).

In Fig. 2.5 window is presented Image Size(Image Size), the name of which is in the menu Image ++(on Mac OS

Dimensions of the image when displayed on the monitor

The dimensions of the image that it will have when printed on a printer

Rice. 2.5. Dialog window Image Size

Notice the two areas where the dimensions are indicated. The top area can only display dimensions in two units: pixels or percentages. Here are the dimensions of the image when displayed on the monitor. Therefore, this area should be used, for example, to prepare an image for use as a desktop picture or for publication on the Internet.

The lower area displays the dimensions that the image will have when printed on the printer. Therefore, this area should be used to determine and set the dimensions of your future printed photo.

If you need to change the image resolution and its geometric dimensions at the same time, then disable the checkbox before making changes Interpolation(Resample Image). Then, when the image is reduced, its dimensions will be increased, and when the resolution is increased, on the contrary, they will be reduced.


Reducing the resolution reduces the number of pixels in the image; these pixels are lost forever and cannot be returned by increasing the resolution! So if you have a high quality image, say 300 ppi, you can downsample it to 180 or 72 ppi, but if the original image is low quality, like 72 ppi, you won't be able to upscale it to letterpress quality.

In Fig. 2.6 shows the window Canvas size(Canvas Size), the name of which is in the menu Image(Image). Can also be caused by a key combination ++(on Mac OS

You just need to click on this square

Rice. 2.6. Dialog window Canvas size

This window is designed to change the geometric dimensions of the image; it does not affect the resolution.

Please note the checkbox Relative(Relative). Don't forget to install it before setting new dimensions. If you want to increase the width or height of the image, you should enter a positive number in these fields. To reduce the size, enter a negative number.

It is also convenient to use the switch Location(Anchor), which indicates the direction of resizing. For example, if you need to reduce the height of the image at the top by 2 cm, then in the field Height(Height) you must enter a value of –2 cm when the checkbox is checked Relative(Relative), and switch Location(Anchor) place in the lower middle position. The switch is set by simply clicking on the required square.

04/12/16 59K

You don't know how to increase the size of a picture? This is a very simple task since everything you need is already installed on your computer. Read this tutorial and you'll learn how to resize a photo using 5 simple tools.

Method 1: How to Resize an Image in Microsoft Paint

  1. Find and launch MS Paint. It comes pre-installed on all versions of the operating system Windows. Start> All Programs> Accessories> Paint:
  1. Drag the image into the Paint window or use Menu > Open (Ctrl + O).
  2. In the main menu of the program, find the item “ Resize" and select it:
  1. The panel for changing image sizes and proportions will open. You can specify the value in pixels. Don't forget to check the " Maintain proportions" Otherwise the image will be deformed:
  1. To increase the size of the picture, click the "OK" button and save the photo.


  • If you can't size your photo without stretching it, you can use the Crop tool to remove unwanted edges. How to do this is described in paragraph 3;
  • To open a photo faster, right-click on it and select “ Open with Paint»;
  • It is best to save the image in the same format as the original.

Method 2. How to resize an image in MS Photo Gallery

  1. If Microsoft Photo Gallery is not installed on your computer ( Start > Photo Gallery), you need to download and install it as part of Windows Essentials 2012;
  2. Launch MS Photo Gallery and find your graphic file;
  3. Right-click on it and select “Resize...”:
  1. Select a ready-made preset: " Small 640 pixels", "Medium 1024", "Large 1280", etc.
  1. Click " Resize and save" After you increase the size of the picture, the image will be placed in the same folder, and the original will also remain in it.


  • If you need to set the exact image size, select " Custom" and set the size to the larger side of the photo;
  • To resize multiple photos at once, select them while holding down the Ctrl key.

Method 3: How to Resize an Image in Photoscape

You can increase the size of the picture in Photoshop. Or use Photoscape for this.

  1. Download Photoscape and install it. Launch the program;
  2. Go to the "Editor" tab and find the photo you want to edit:
  1. At the bottom of the image there is a button “Resize”, click on it.
  2. Set a new photo size. Make sure the option " Maintain aspect ratio" is enabled and press the "OK" button:
  1. Save the edited image.


  • If you need to resize multiple images, use the " Batch editor" Add a folder and resize all the photos in it;
  • If you don't know the exact size, you can set the "Percentage" of the original size.

Method 4. How to resize an image in IrfanView

  1. Install IrfanView - a great tool for viewing and enlarging pictures;
  2. Add a photo by dragging it into the program window, or by clicking the first button in the toolbar:
  1. Go to the "Image" tab, select " Change size/proportions» ( Ctrl+R);
  2. Set the new size in pixels, centimeters, inches, or as a percentage of the original image:
  1. Save the image.


  • You can use standard sizes: 640 by 480 pixels, 800 by 600 pixels, 1024 by 768 pixels, etc.;
  • To maintain high quality photos, make sure your DPI is set to at least 300.

Method 5. How to resize an image online

  1. To resize a picture online, go to PicResize.
  2. Click the button Browse" to select a photo. Click " Continue»:
  1. Select a percentage of the original image, such as 50% smaller. The tool will display the output image size. Alternatively, you can enter your exact size by selecting " Custom Size»:

For a novice user, the Photoshop program will seem like a magical tool that, with mysterious ease, can change any photo beyond recognition. But how!? Tell! How he does it? What is the mechanism? What happens inside the photograph that it changes in any way, as if it were a chameleon? Nothing complicated, you just need to know what digital photography consists of and what rules apply to it, then everything will fall into place.

Namely, this is the type of graphics that Photoshop works with; it consists of tiny elements - pixels, like any object made of the smallest particles - atoms.

Pixels- these are tiny square-shaped elements that contain information about color, brightness and transparency. The term comes from crossing two English words - picture (image) And element.

A digital image file consists of vertical and horizontal rows of pixels that fill its height and width, respectively. The more pixels an image contains, the more detail it can display. They are elusive to the human eye because they are negligible. You'll have to zoom in a lot to see them:

Pay attention to . The visible part of the image is marked with a red frame. I zoomed in to 1200% on the area where the panda's nose and mouth are. As you can see, the image consists of a set of colored squares. When enlarged, it looks like a patchwork quilt of square pieces.

By looking closely, you can understand the basic principles of image construction:

1. Pixels are square in shape and arranged in a grid in the image (think of a checkered notebook sheet).

2. Squares are always strictly one specific color; they cannot even be a gradient. Even if it seems to you that some square is shimmering in color, then this is nothing more than an optical illusion. Enlarge this area even more and you will see this.

3. A smooth transition between colors occurs due to gradually changing tones of adjacent pixels. Even the line of contact of contrasting colors can contain more than a dozen tones.

Image Resolution

The concept of image resolution is inextricably linked with pixels.

The resolution of a digital photograph is written as follows: 1920×1280. This notation means that the image is 1920 pixels wide and 1280 pixels high, that is, these numbers are nothing more than the number of those very small squares in one row and column.

By the way, if you multiply these two numbers - 1920x1280 (in my example it turns out 2,457,600 pixels), then we get the total number "shreds", of which a specific image is composed. This number can be reduced and written as 2.5 megapixels (MP). You came across such abbreviations when you got acquainted with the characteristics of a digital camera or, for example, the camera in a smartphone. Equipment manufacturers indicate the maximum value that their product is capable of. This means that the higher the MP number, the higher the resolution of future images can be.

So, the higher the resolution, the smaller the pixels, which means the quality and detail of the image increases. But a photograph with a higher resolution will also weigh more - such is the price of quality. Since each pixel stores certain information, as their number increases, more computer memory is required, which means their weight increases. For example, the photo with bears at the top of the article with a resolution of 655x510 weighs 58 KB, and a photo with a resolution of 5184x3456 will take up 6 MB.

Pixel sizes and printing

It is important to differentiate situations when we talk about pixel sizes and their impact on the quality of the photo.

Looking at images on a monitor screen, we see that the pixel sizes are always the same. The computer resolution size is considered 72 dpi.


Please note that when you create a new document in Photoshop, the program offers you exactly this value by default:

When viewing large photographs on a computer, for example, 5184 × 3456, you can feel how detailed it is, there is no grain and no defects, it is bright and clear. But believe me, such a photo is again 72 dots per inch. Just for fun, let’s open the image properties:

A large photo will look great on a computer due to its scale. What is your screen resolution? Obviously not 5184x3456, but smaller. This means that the computer must reduce such a photograph so that it fits entirely on the computer screen. The pixels are compressed and their sizes are reduced, which means great image quality. If you were to view such a photo at its original size, you could easily see blur and fade in the image, as well as hard edges of contrasting details.

Pixel sizes are something that people mostly think about when it comes to printing a photo. Here 72 points may not be enough.

For example, I created a document measuring 655x400 pixels with a resolution of 72 pixels. Look at the column print size:

Photoshop has calculated that an image of 655x400 with a resolution of 72 pixels can be printed on paper measuring 9.097x5.556 inches (in centimeters this is 23.11x14.11)

655 pixels wide divided by 72 pixels per inch = 9.097 inches wide
400 pixels divided by 72 pixels per inch = 5.556 inches in height

It would seem, “Wow! What a big sheet of paper you can print on!” But in fact the photo will look something like this:

Blurred photo, no sharpness or clarity.

Printers are considered high-resolution devices, so in order for photos to print beautifully, you either need to print photos initially at a large size, like mine 5184x3456, or change the number of dots per inch in the range of 200 to 300.

I’ll take the same 655x400 image again, but change the number of pixels to 200, this is what Photoshop writes:

The print size has decreased by almost three times. Our image now prints 200 pixels onto 1 inch of paper.

What happens is that the image will be small, hardly fit into a standard 10 by 15 photograph, but it will be of high quality, clear and detailed.

It turns out that there is a certain minimum resolution for printing photographs. If the picture is initially small in size, as mine was, then there’s nothing to even think about good print quality.

What size should an image be in order to print it beautifully?

Let's say you came back from a vacation from Crimea, or took 100,500 photographs of a child and, of course, want to print something in a photo album (example 1), and make one of the most remarkable ones in the form of a painting on the wall (example 2). Let's figure out what size such photographs should be and whether modern cameras can achieve this.

Example 1

So, as a rule, a photo album contains photos of the size 10×15 cm(in inches this is 3.937×5.906). Now we’ll find out what the minimum photo size should be for everything to print beautifully. For calculations we take a resolution of 200 dpi.

200 pixels per inch x 3.937 inches wide = 787 pixels;
200 pixels per inch x 5.906 inches high = 1181 pixels.

That is, a photograph 10×15 cm = 787×1181 pixels, minimum (!)

And having learned the total number of pixels in this resolution (787 × 1181 = 929447 pixels), rounded to the nearest million, we get 1MP (megapixel). I have already written that the number of megapixels is the most important characteristic of modern cameras. The average number of MP in cameras and smartphones reaches approximately 8 MP.

This means that current technology will easily make it possible to take photographs that are immediately suitable for printing images in 10×15 cm.

Example 2

Now let’s look at the case when you have chosen a photograph and want to hang it on the wall in a frame measuring, say, 30x40 cm (I took the frame size from the IKEA store catalog), I’ll immediately convert it to inches: 11.811x15.748. For this size of photo, I would take the maximum resolution size: 300 dpi, this is already considered professional and the highest quality print (just what you need for a large framed picture). And now the calculations:

300 pixels per inch x 11.811 inches wide = 3543 pixels;
300 pixels per inch x 15.748 inches high = 4724 pixels.

Therefore, your photo must be at least 3543x4724 pixels. We multiply the values ​​and get 16,737,132 pixels or 17 MP!

Thus, to print a photo into a frame, you will need a powerful camera. In this range are already being considered. And this is an expensive and serious type of technology.

In general, you should now be able to understand at least a little how the Photoshop program works and how all these photo editing shenanigans are achieved. Having learned about pixels, their properties and capabilities, this process should no longer seem like magic.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!