Blur the background in Photoshop cs6. How to blur the background beautifully in Photoshop? Applying a blur effect

When taking a photograph, if you open the aperture as much as possible, you can achieve an interesting effect - the main object, due to blurring the background, becomes as if separated from it. This is written in more detail in my article about. But in some cases, for example if the lens was not wide open or both the subject and background are close to each other and far from the photographer, they come out equally sharp. To fix this and make our photos more expressive, we can blur the background in Photoshop. This is relatively easy to do, but you need to have at least a basic understanding of the application in Photoshop.

As an example, let's take a photo of a girl taken on the Photo Forum. The lens aperture was opened as wide as possible - up to F4.0, with a focal length of 105 mm. But this value, with a sufficiently large distance to the subject, did not allow the background to be blurred greatly and the photo turned out not very interesting because background details distract attention to themselves.

Let's try to improve it by blurring the background. The procedure will be as follows: open the photo in Photoshop, then copy the layer, then apply a blur to the copy and “cover” the shape with a mask so that the bottom layer is visible, because she must remain sharp.

So, let's begin. We open the photo in Photoshop, we have one layer, actually it. To copy this layer, go to the menu “ Layer» (« Layer"), select " New» (« New") And " Layer via Copy» (« Layer via copying") or just press Ctrl+J on keyboard. We now have a second layer exactly the same as the initial layer.

The program automatically moved us to the top layer. This is where we will do the blur. Go to the menu " Filter» (« Filters"), find the item " Blur» (« Blur") and select " Gaussian Blur» (« Gaussian blur«).

There is only one slider in the window that changes the degree of blur. You can stop at any value that seems appropriate, while we are looking only at the background, because we will then completely remove the blur from the main subject. After we have selected the desired value, we apply blur.

Now we need to add a mask to the blurred layer to “reveal” the girl. On the menu " Layer» (« Layer"), we find " Layer Mask» (« Layer mask") and select " Reveal All» (« show all"). Nothing has changed, but a white rectangle appears to the right of the layer.

Select the brush tool on the left palette, at the top in the tool panel we need to change the parameter “ Hardness» (« Rigidity") brushes, this is done so that when painting on a mask we do not have sharp edges when moving from one layer to another. The value can be set from 20 to 40%, the more, the harder the edges and the rougher the transition will be.

Now we begin to paint over the girl’s figure in the photograph, while it becomes sharp, this is the bottom layer that appears. If you painted over something too much, then it’s okay, you just need to select the white color on the left and carefully correct the problem area.

The elements of the dress in the photo below right will present some difficulty. They need to be carefully outlined with a small-diameter brush; the work is painstaking, but otherwise the effect will turn out unnatural.

As a result, we will get something like this. In my opinion, the option with the background blurred in Photoshop looks better.

Why blur the background? The reasons can be very different. Sometimes you need to emphasize the object in the center of the photo. Sometimes the background is unflattering and then blur is a salvation. In each individual case there may be a reason to blur the background.

Using the example of a photograph of a monument, let's look at two ways to blur the background in the Photoshop program, Russian version CS-4.

Blurring the background in Photoshop

Method No. 1

1. After opening the picture, use the Lasso tool. Outline the background, closing it.

2. Apply the following sequence to the selected area: Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur. Set the radius parameter to 2.1 pixels or any other at your discretion. Click OK.

3. Deselect the selection using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D.

4. It would be possible to leave it this way, but the boundaries between blurred and non-blurred areas are very striking.

So let's use the Blur tool.

Let's install a brush of the required size and walk along the entire border. Now let's save the result.

Method No. 2

1. After opening the image, use the Quick Mask tool. Click on the quick mask button. Then click on the brush, at the same time selecting the desired brush size. Slowly begin to draw a brush around the monument in order to highlight the background. The places where we hold will take on a red patina. This way we know where we have already touched with the brush.

2. After the small details are outlined, you can enlarge the brush and in 1-2 seconds also process the remaining area of ​​the background.

Remove the quick mask by pressing the letter Q or the same button. Invert: Ctrl + Shift + I. Now you can repeat the operation with the filter from the first method, starting from point 2: that is, turn on Filter again - Blur - Gaussian Blur - radius 2.1 pixels. You will get approximately the same result.

In general, the main thing you need to understand about the blur system is that first you need to select the area that you want to blur, and then apply a filter to it. And for highlighting in Photoshop, there are several different techniques. We have just looked at two of them.

Often perfect photo- one that does not distract attention from the main subject of photography. Excellent focus can be achieved by increasing the aperture or using a special lens; however, there are a number of tricks with which you can turn an ordinary photograph into a work of art. All you need is Photoshop.

The article presents the simplest and most effective answers to the question of how to blur the background in Photoshop. CS6 is the English version of the program, in which all the listed photo manipulations are performed.

Why do you need a blurred background?

A clear, rich background can ruin a great photo by distracting viewers from what's going on behind the scenes. A properly blurred background can instantly draw eyes to the main subject in focus. The ability to effectively dim the background is especially important for sports or concert photographs, where the crowd and props often “clog” the composition.

The use of special lenses and the maximum aperture will, of course, ensure best quality image, but sometimes the photographer still has to resort to the help of Photoshop in order not to lose a perspective frame, but on the contrary, to “squeeze” everything possible out of it.

How to blur the background in Photoshop?

Photoshop is a very friendly program with a rich selection of tools and actions. Working with the background can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on how complex the resulting background needs to be.

With just one layer and one filter, it is possible to create a uniform blur of the background while keeping the desired subject in focus. This easy and fast method clearly divides the photo into two plans - the first and second, without leaving any transitions.

In the case where a complex background is needed, that is, several backgrounds and focal elements, the work on the photo will be long and painstaking. But for modern versions of the program, that is, CS6 and higher, there is practically nothing impossible.

Several simple background blur options

A quick and completely uniform background blur can be achieved in just a few steps. There are three very simple ways to make the background blurry in Photoshop, without resorting to many layers and completely bypassing working with masks.

Such blur, although simple and effective, is still far from ideal, since the space of the photo loses some of its realism and depth. The listed methods are more suitable for amateur editing and will do an excellent job of blurring the background.

Iris Blur Filter

The first and most easy way- use the Iris Blur filter. It simultaneously brings the selected subject into focus and blurs the rest of the photo. The advantage of this method is the speed and quality of the result; among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the shape of the focus, which can only be a circle or an ellipse.

The Iris Blur filter allows you to select just one element or part of the image into elliptical focus, washing out and blurring the remaining background. The focus size and blur radius are very easy to change and control. It is also possible to adjust the smooth transition between clear and blurred areas of the photo.

Step-by-step instruction

The following steps describe in detail how to blur the background in Photoshop CS6 using the Iris Blur filter:

  1. You need to open the file in Photoshop and unlock the layer by double-clicking on its icon and clicking Ok in the pop-up window.
  2. Next, you need to select the required filter in the main (top) menu of the Photoshop program, repeating the following steps: Filter -> Blur -> Iris Blur. The photo opens in a new menu that offers you to select the focus point and blur radius using a moving ellipse.
  3. When setting focus, you need to ensure that the center of the ellipse, indicated by a circle, is in the very center of the main subject of the photo. Once the focus is selected, you can adjust the size and even the shape of the ellipse by flipping or pulling its edges to the sides.
  4. On the inside of the ellipse there are four points that allow you to adjust the transition from focus to blur.
  5. On the side panel, under the Iris Blur label, there is a slider that controls the level of blur - the lower the value, the sharper the background.
  6. Having configured all the parameters, you need to click Ok, and the photo is ready.

Blur Tool

The second way is to use the Blur tool and “paint over” the background with it. Using the Blur tool is perhaps the most in a simple way answer to the question of how to blur the background in Photoshop. To work with it you only need one layer, which can be the original photo.

The main advantages of this method are simplicity and speed, but do not underestimate the ability to control not only the radius, but also the blur areas. The disadvantages of the Blur tool are the roughness and some clumsiness of the final result.

Detailed description

By following a few steps below, you can very easily figure out how to blur the background in Photoshop conveniently and quickly, thereby improving the picture:

  1. You need to load the selected photo into Photoshop and unlock the layer.
  2. In the toolbar (on the left) you need to select Blur, it is indicated by a drop icon.
  3. The settings panel, located at the top, under the main menu of the program, allows you to select the brush size and blur intensity (Strength).
  4. Having configured all the parameters of the tool, you need to drag the brush over the part of the background that needs to be blurred.
  5. You can change the brush size and blur intensity as you get closer to the object in focus, and you can also experiment with the Blur tool and blur the background unevenly.

Working with two layers

The third way is to create two layers, one of which will serve as the blurred background, and the other will become the focus object. The advantages of this method are ease of use and the ability to highlight several focal objects in a photograph. The negative aspects of using this method are unprofessionalism and the “cheap” appearance of the final result.

However, for beginners, this is another simple method that will tell you how to blur the background in Photoshop almost as easily as with the Blur tool. To do this you need to open the photo in Photoshop program and duplicate the main layer by right-clicking on it and selecting the Duplicate layer option. This will create two working layers. To make it easier to work with, you can rename the top layer, calling it “background”.

Detailed description

The following instructions explain step by step how to blur the background in Photoshop using just two layers:

  1. Select the top layer in the side panel on the right.
  2. Select a suitable blur filter from the gallery: Filter -> Blur -> filter of your choice. For a quick and effortless effect, it is better to use Gaussian Blur. The result will be a completely blurry photo.
  3. In order to select the object of focus, you need to select the eraser (Eraser) in the toolbar and, by adjusting its size, erase the part of the top layer above the part of the photo that should be clearly focused.
  4. By adjusting the size and transparency of the eraser, you can create complex and different blurred background.
  5. At the end, you need to combine both layers into one; to do this, select Layer in the main menu and then click on Flatten image.

These methods are ideal for beginners just starting to get acquainted with Photoshop. They answer FAQ about how to blur the background in Photoshop quickly and beautifully. In addition to the above, there are many more opportunities to turn a simple photo into a deep and complex shot with multiple focal points and complex backgrounds.

There are a number complicated ways, which require a lot of time and skill, but at the same time they show how to blur the background in Photoshop without losing quality and adding artistry.

Unfortunately, ordinary compacts and smartphones most often do not know how to create beautiful bokeh. This is explained by the fact that such devices have a smaller matrix built in. What should owners of budget cameras do? We can recommend that they use Photoshop, where making a blurred background is not difficult. All you need is appropriate practice, which you will now receive.
How to blur the background in Photoshop?

First, you need to clarify that not every photo is suitable for blurring the background. It is best to choose a photo in which the person’s legs are not visible, as are nearby objects. In our case, the person is standing against the background of the forest; this frame is ideal for processing. If there was also a bush or tree in the foreground of the photograph, then great difficulties would arise.

You should immediately remember that the desired effect is achieved using the Gaussian Blur function. If you apply it to any photo, you will get the impression that the photographer forgot to focus his camera. But we need to understand how to blur the background in Photoshop, not the entire image. Therefore, you should initially select the object that remains in the sharpness zone. There are several ways to do this. The easiest one is to use the Magnetic Lasso tool. If you already know how to use it (in one of the previous lessons we talked in detail about its work) - this is very good. If you don’t have enough skills, you’ll have to work hard. But in this lesson we will only briefly touch on this method. First of all, it’s worth talking about how you can get a blurred background using a mask. This is difficult for a beginner, but the result is impressive. It may take you 15-20 minutes to process one photo.
Blurred background in Photoshop CS5

First you need to create a copy of the existing layer. This is done in the Layers panel. Just open this palette and press Ctrl+J. You can also drag the “Background” layer onto the “Create New Layer” button. This will also cause a copy of it to appear.

The new layer needs to be blurred. As mentioned above, the Gaussian Blur filter is used for this. It is located along the path “Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur”. The filter is adjusted by dragging the slider, which affects the blur radius. Focus on the background at this moment. It should be blurred as if you were taking the photo with a DSLR camera at a wide aperture. Do not overdo it, otherwise the picture will not look realistic. If the changes in the photo are not displayed, then check the box next to the “View” item. This is how a blurred background is created in Photoshop CS5 later versions.

When you are satisfied with the degree of blur, click the “OK” button. Now you need to apply a layer mask to this layer. To do this, follow the path “Layers - Layer Mask - Show All”. None external changes after clicking on this item you will not notice. But in the Layers panel you will see a white rectangle.

And now the hardest part begins. Masks in Photoshop allow you to remove the effect of an applied filter from specified areas. Therefore, you need to tell the program that the person in the photo should remain sharp. To do this you will have to paint it completely black. This is difficult, so zoom in to 100%.

Select black color and then go to the Brush tool. Set the hardness to 20%. The diameter depends on the resolution of your photo and the size of the person. When the diameter suits you, start drawing in black on the subject.

Make a blurred background in Photoshop

Gradually you need to make the entire figure of a person sharp. It's okay if you go slightly beyond its edges. At any time you can press the Latin key X. This will change the color from black to white. Now all that remains is to brush over those places that accidentally became sharp. The filter action will be applied to them immediately.

Paint white along the outline of the person. You must ensure that even a piece of the background is not sharp. For accuracy, you can reduce the brush size and increase the image scale to 200-300%.

Most of the work is ready: we have already succeeded in making a blurred background in Photoshop. But there is now a kind of halo around a person with its blurred outline. You need to get rid of him. To do this, use the Stamp tool.

Merge both layers into one. To do this, follow the path “Layers - Flatten”. The background layer needs to be unlocked. To do this, double-click on it in the Layers panel and give it a name. Next, use the Stamp tool. Set the pressure to 10%. All that remains is to remove all existing artifacts. You should already know how to work with this tool. If this is not the case, then Photoshop will explain everything to you. In short, this tool copies one area of ​​the image to another location. The area to be copied is selected by pressing the Alt key and the left mouse button. Then click next to the outline of the person so that a stamp appears on it in the form of a copied circle. Don't forget to adjust the diameter of the brush, otherwise you risk getting too much on the person's figure or taking too long.

The end result is a pretty good image. Some may have the impression that it was obtained using a good lens and a DSLR camera. But in fact, all you have to do is look closely and some artifacts will become noticeable. Only very painstaking photo processing, which sometimes takes an hour, will help you get rid of them. This is why experienced photographers use high-quality, fast optics. It's better to spend a decent amount, but then save a large number of time.

How to blur the background in Photoshop CS6?

As for the second method of blurring the background in Photoshop, it is very similar to the first. A copy of the background layer is also created, and the unlocked background layer is blurred using the above method. Then you should go to the top layer and select the person in any way convenient. The most commonly used tool for this is the Magnetic Lasso tool. Then all that remains is to invert the selection and enjoy the result. This is also how you can blur the background in Photoshop CS6 and later versions of the graphics editor.

This concludes our lesson. Today you've learned another useful skill that you can then apply to almost any portrait shot. Now you know how to blur the background in Photoshop, which should only make your photos better.