Realtek HD Manager: where to download, how to install, configure and find

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The well-known company Realtek has long managed to occupy its huge niche in the computer equipment market, specializing in the production of drivers for computer sound cards. They allow you to customize the sound and make the sound surround. The most famous of them is the Realtek HD dispatcher program.

Realtek HD Audio Driver are standard drivers for HD Audio Codec audio cards and some other Realtek boards. The manager is a package that combines all audio drivers, and at the same time fits Windows system 7 and the relatively new Windows 8 OS.

The Realtek HD program will come in handy for people who cannot imagine themselves without listening to music. In addition, recording professionals can use it with equal success. This program can further expand the boundaries of the sound of audio equipment, and it can be either a professional acoustic system or a regular subwoofer with speakers.

The equalizer settings can be easily adjusted as you wish - in addition to the user mode, the manager offers several types of sound to choose from: “Rock”, “Pop”, “Club” and others. And these modes have much more potential than the standard ones. In addition, in just a couple of clicks you can choose the environment around you as you wish (bathroom, coliseum, fireplace).

Before you start using the Realtek HD program, you should definitely update the drivers of your audio devices by visiting the company’s official website on the Internet ( This procedure is necessary because the manager is sensitive to drivers that are already installed.

As for the evaluation of the Realtek HD dispatcher, it has many positive aspects:

  • It is capable of supporting absolutely all the latest audio formats;
  • Has a deep throughput frequency;
  • Allows you to connect and provides support for audio devices that use technology Plug and Play;
  • Accurately and professionally recognizes speech and also inputs it;
  • Provides software support for 3D audio based on Sensaura algorithms.

However, in addition to the advantages, the dispatcher also has one disadvantage:

  • The thoughtfulness of the program's control panel leaves much to be desired.

What to do if there is no Realtek HD manager?

If you don’t have a Realtek HD manager on your computer, you can download it on the Internet completely free of charge, but more on that later. First let's check if this program is missing from your computer. Where can I find realtek hd manager? Everything is very simple.

Go to the following address: “Start - Control Panel - Hardware and Sound.”

Let's see, if it's not here, then you need to download and install the dispatcher from the official website.

Where can I download?

You can download the Realtek HD dispatcher program on the official website by following the link:

We agree to the terms by checking the box next to I accept to the above. And click the “Next” button.

We get to the program download page, which can be downloaded from any of the six servers. Download Realtek HD.

Launch the previously downloaded file. The program installation process has begun.

Where necessary, click the “Next” button.

Upon completion Realtek installations The HD wizard will ask you to restart your computer. Click the “Finish” button.

After the computer has rebooted, we see if Realtek HD appears. To do this, go to the address: “Start - Control Panel - Hardware and Sound”, at the bottom there should be “ Realtek Manager HD".

To open or launch the Realtek HD manager, you need to go to the above address and double click mouse click on the corresponding inscription. The dispatcher will start.

The appearance of the dispatcher may differ (the photo above is the dispatcher on my laptop, and at the beginning of the article - on the computer), but in general the program menu is the same.

How to setup?

Setting up the Realtek HD Manager is quite simple. Let's go over the main menu items.

When you start the program, at the top we have two main sections - “Speakers” and “Microphone” (1). In the “Main Volume” subsection (2), you can adjust the speaker volume, as well as add or decrease the volume in the left or right speaker.

In the sound effects tab, you can customize the environment by selecting from the list the one that suits your conditions, for example, a living room, living room, concert hall, hangar, etc.

Adjust the equalizer or select a preset option, for example, pop, live, club, rock.

If something doesn’t work out, by clicking on the “Reset” button, all settings can be returned to standard.

In the “Standard format” tab, you can select the sound quality (frequency and bit depth).

In the “Microphone” section you can adjust the sound of the microphone. You can set the microphone sound, enable microphone gain, noise and echo reduction, and select the audio quality format.

In the manager you can also find out what version of the audio driver is installed on the computer, the version of DirecrX, what audio controller is used and the audio codec. To do this, just click on the “i” icon in the right top corner.

Almost all modern motherboards are equipped with integrated ones, most of which are developed by the Taiwanese corporation Realtek Semiconductor. Due to the popularity of the product, it is inevitable that all sorts of operational issues will arise, often related to setting up audio playback. The Realtek HD manager will become the “hero” of our story.

"Creative potential" of your PC

Level of effective productivity built-in sound card depends primarily on the modification of the hardware codec. At the same time, the configuration of the computer and the potential of the functionality implemented in it allow the integrated chip to use the full force of its “power”. Modern motherboards have 7.1 “musical capabilities” (multi-channel surround sound). However, the principle of transformation analog signal to digital and back remains unchanged and works according to the same scheme: hardware codec - south bridge - processor. Of course, the final quality of the audio signal depends on the coordination of actions and the rated power of each individual element in the “sound generation” chain. At the same time, the Realtek HD controller is a kind of DJ console, through which the user can influence the favorable sound of a particular multimedia material. However, let's take it in order.

Crackling, noise and other disturbances

The not entirely pleasant sound of computer speakers may be due to a number of reasons:

The stereo speakers, as well as the components of the audio device, are of low quality, which is often confirmed by the low cost of the product.
. It is quite possible that the cord or the connector is damaged.
. Electrical appliances located close to the speakers can be the cause of unpleasant background noise.
. Wheezing and crackling from the speakers can be caused by too high a volume level.
. Alternatively: with incorrect connection The speakers produce background noise or a low, unclear sound.

It goes without saying that the Realtek HD manager is unlikely to be useful in cases where the problem is purely technical. Of course, sometimes software “troubles” happen. It is worth noting that there are often two causal bases bad sound At the first stage of diagnosis, they remain erroneous. After a series of tedious experiments, the user may discover that the problem was precisely sound driver. Therefore, the most universal way out difficult situation- reinstallation software. So, let's move on to the main topic of our review.

Installing and Configuring Realtek HD Manager: Step-by-Step Guide

You are probably aware of the fact that installing software requires following standard Windows usage procedures. In other words, for the software to be correctly implemented into the operating environment, you must close all active applications, and given the fact that you will be installing drivers, you simply cannot avoid the reboot process. By the way, when installing from the official POST server, you will have to go through the POST mode twice.

Step No. 1: find, download and “register”

First of all, you need to install the driver itself. Of course, if your sound works, then the system has the necessary software solution. However, standard Windows drivers are somewhat limited in their “sphere of influence,” and meanwhile, the Realtek driver package will help you get full access to the functionality High Definition Audio Driver" (it is recommended to install latest version). After installation, an additional speaker icon in dark colors will appear in the system tray.

Step No. 2: setting up drivers

Make sure your speakers or headphones are connected to the (green) audio output jack. Then:

Go to the control panel.
. Now go to the “Sound” tab.
. Disconnect all devices that are not part of installed package(look for the name).
. Perform the same actions by clicking on the “Record” tab.

Step No. 3: launch Realtek HD Manager

Windows 7 and 8 versions of the OS from Microsoft are by far the most promising, so all actions are based on the example of these systems.

Double click right button mouse over the dark speaker icon (system tray).
. In the utility interface that opens, you need to set the speaker configuration that meets your requirements. Let's stick with an example: desktop speakers.
. So, on the top left side, select: Stereo.
. If there is a checkmark next to the “Virtual surround sound” item, uncheck it.
. In the upper left corner of the window, click on the gear icon. Check the box next to “Split all inputs”.
. The volume level and sound balance can be adjusted using the slider indicators located in the lower block of the interface.

The Realtek HD Manager always monitors active connections, and when the configuration changes, it alerts the user with a corresponding message window. You can configure this option by clicking on the “wrench” icon.

Step #4: Playback Effects

IN this menu, which is activated by clicking on the “Sound Effects” tab, there are two basic blocks: ambience and equalizer. Two main interrelated settings can be superimposed on each other, thereby creating a unique sound output signal. Templates representing musical styles can be edited. In order to do this, you need to click on the “mixer” icon and make your preferred changes in the 10-band equalizer, to save the project you need to click on the “floppy” icon.

Step #5: Room Correction

The same Realtek HD controller will competently help you indicate angles, acceptable distances, and the power of audio perception with filigree precision. How to set up 5.1 sound? The question will exhaust itself, because everything is clear schematically, and to activate the editing process you just need to check the “Enable correction function...” By the way, the default distance measurement is feet, you can switch to an acceptable footage by clicking the corresponding button on the right side of the window.

Step #6: Selecting Acceptable Quality

The necessary parameters for playing audio streams can be specified by using the blanks: CD or DVD format. Using the separate checkboxes located above each of the presented standards, select the parameters that best suit you. In case you wish to return to standard settings, click on the “locked lock” icon.

By the way, information about the software version can be viewed by using the “i” button, which is located in the left corner under the already familiar “gear” icon. After all, updating is an important part of a software upgrade.


So, we have discussed what Realtek HD Manager is. Now you understand the essence of the setup process. However, within the framework of the article, only standard functions of the program were considered. It is worth noting that the Taiwanese driver is indispensable when using various video and photo editors. For example, in Skype - a well-known, “still free video messenger” - it is unrealistically difficult to set up a microphone using standard Windows drivers. If your system has RealTek software, there will be no problems, and the decoding quality will always remain at its best. If one of your loved ones or acquaintances does not know how to configure the Realtek HD manager, please be kind enough to provide support with knowledge of the matter.