Registration ICQ without a number - How to register in ICQ. Detailed instructions with screenshots

You don't need any special knowledge to register. Registration in ICQ is similar to registration on regular sites. There are several ways and we will consider each.

Method one - through the official website
We go to the official website of the ICQ company. Registration is possible in two ways: with confirmation by phone and by E-mail.

In the first case, you only need to enter Surnames, First Names and mobile phone, which will receive the activation code. Do not be afraid, this is not a scam with entering a number. This is a standard check against automatic registrations. After entering the data, you need to click Receive SMS with the code, and after receiving the code, enter it on the site and complete the registration. In this case, registration will be completed. Remember your new ICQ login details.

In the second case, instead of a phone, the test will be sending a message to email address. To do this, click - "I do not have mobile phone". An input field will open. Enter your valid address, because registration confirmation will come to it. Fill in the remaining fields and click Register. After that, we look for a letter from registration in ICQ. We follow the link that is in the letter and complete the registration. Also we remember all the data received. Registration is over. Congratulations!

Method two - through the client
To do this, you must have any ICQ program installed. I'll show it with an example

In it, fill in the required data, enter the code from the picture and click Submit. After, in the e-mail, we find a letter from registration and in it we look for a confirmation link. This completes the registration. Congratulations!

ICQ entrance

Now you need to go into the ICQ program itself. If you have it, then try it. If not, then download any one you like

Modern technologies make communication between people convenient and affordable. With the help of popular instant messengers, you can contact friends, various relatives and even colleagues at any time, regardless of their location. In this regard, it will be useful for many to know how to register in ICQ for free because it is one of the most popular utilities. It allows you to send each other short messages, make calls and even send files without limitation.

The popular popular messenger is constantly updated. In addition, there are many versions of it. As a result of the introduction of various innovations in the program, the registration service has changed not so long ago. As a result, its form has changed. Despite this, the procedure itself was still free and the user does not need to send absolutely no SMS messages.

ICQ registration implies that each of the users will download the program client to their computer for more convenient use utilities. This procedure is recommended to be performed directly from the official resource. This will allow the user not to worry about the security of their desktop or laptop.

How to register in ICQ correctly?

In order to register with ace you must also open the official website. It has the following address: After the resource opens in any browser, you need to go to a page specifically designed to perform this procedure. It is on it that the registration form is placed, which you will have to fill out. The operation itself is not difficult. You need to clearly follow all of the following steps:

  1. Enter the first name, as well as your last name (there are restrictions on characters, which can be no more than 20 pieces).
  2. Dial an email address that will allow you to recover your password in the future if it is lost.
  3. Come up with a complex password from 6 to 8 digits and/or Latin letters. It is listed 2 times.
  4. Enter your date of birth. With this information, other users will be able to identify you.
  5. Type the characters shown in the picture. They prevent the execution automatic registration robots.
  6. Confirm the completed operations by pressing the button that says "Register".

In the next step, a message should appear saying that you are almost done. Also, a letter with a link must be sent to the email address. You will need to click on it to confirm the procedure. After that, a new window will appear where you can see the congratulations that ICQ registration passed successfully.

To register in ICQ, you need to install the ICQ client itself. The latest version ICQ free download You can on our resource or on the developer's website. After installing and starting the client, a dialog box will appear on the monitor in which you will see virtual buttons: UIN\ E -mail, phone, register, and icons social networks. Each of them offers an alternative registration option.

We will consider all options for how registration in ICQ can take place without SMS and for free.

Click on the "Register" field. The dialog box will open a list of fields in front of you - fill them out.

Please note that the password must contain only latin letters or numbers. First name, last name and age do not have to be real. However, enter a real e-mail, as an email will be sent to it to confirm the creation of a new account. After you open the letter sent to your mail and follow the specified link, you will see congratulations on the fact that registration in icq was successful!

By the way: Don't forget - by hiding personal information, you complicate the search for your account. Therefore, immediately decide for what purpose you will use the new account in ICQ. D To work, as a rule, a minimum set of information for registration is sufficient. But for relaxation... No one is interested in talking to anonymous people. Plus more personal data will make it easier to find you as a user for your friends who may not know your nickname or UIN number.

Option 2. Registration in ICQ through the official website

This option allows you to create an ICQ account even before you install the program itself. To do this, go to the official website of the client and click on the link "Registration in ICQ" in the upper right corner.

This will take you to the registration page. Please note that when registering on the site, you must fill in all the fields. Pay special attention to the password - it must contain from 6 to 8 Latin characters or numbers. Or better yet, a combination of them.

Advice: Remember what harder password, the higher the guarantee that your account will not be hacked and used by intruders. A good option is to write Russian words in the English layout with the addition of numbers. Examples good passwords: gfdtk71, vfhbyf00 .

Optionally, you can specify a fake first and last name, as well as a date of birth - it's up to you. However, the e-mail must be real - a link will be sent to it to activate your ICQ. After you go to the last line and enter the characters shown in the picture to confirm that you are not a robot, check your email box. It will contain an email asking you to follow the link provided to complete the account creation process for the new user. Do this and voila - icq number registration was successful!

Option 3. Using a mobile phone

Before us is a field for entering a mobile phone number. Enter the number and click Next.

If the number was entered correctly, then after a while an SMS message with an activation code will be sent to your phone. This code will need to be entered in the field that appears below.

It remains to click "Next". This completes the registration process in this case completed, the program will automatically log you in. You can see your new UIN in the upper right part of the client interface. To enter ICQ in the future, you will need to enter your phone number each time.

Option 4. Authorization through social networks

Another way how you can register ICQ for free in new version- use your profiles in Facebook networks, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki.

All you need is to click on one of the icons of the social network in which you have an account (page). They are located below the "Register" field. Then enter the login and password that you use to enter the social network in the appropriate fields and ... you're done! All your friends from the selected social network will appear in the contact list, and you can immediately start chatting with them.

By the way: Log in to ICQ through social networks, for other users of these networks you will be displayed in the "online" mode throughout the entire time of work in ICQ.

Now you know how to register new ICQ. By installing a new Russified version ICQ program, you will be able to communicate on the Internet with your friends, relatives and work colleagues. And it's easy to make new friends. Moreover, you can access ICQ from any computer or mobile phone. You will also have access to free sms messages, video calls and support for Facebook, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki social networks.

Likbez: Find out why ICQ called "client".

ICQ, or in the common people "ICQ", is a service that was popular at one time, which allowed you to quickly exchange messages through a computer. It appeared in the mid-90s in Israel. From a kind of analogue of a pager and SMS telephony, icq has turned into a kind of Skype with the ability to transmit voice information. Belongs to holding.

Old and new features of "ICQ"

When ICQ (from English I seek you, that is, "I'm looking for you") just appeared, it was immediately appreciated by active PC users: it allowed instant and without intermediaries to exchange messages without going into e-mail. The client was assigned an individual number, first for only one computer (each had its own UIN), and then for a specific person, so that you could use ICQ on different PCs.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the service was supplemented by advertising and games. However, the owner company led an aggressive policy towards customers, imposing its own conditions, unexpectedly turning off old versions, arranging communication problems. As a result, competitors, including Skipe, switched users to their services.

Currently ICQ provides the following features:

  • send regular and video messages to ICQ users;
  • visit group chats that work on its basis;
  • use a large selection of stickers and emoticons to spice up your correspondence;
  • install mobile applications service on smartphones and iPhones.

Registration in ICQ

To register in "ICQ", you need to go to the official website of ICQ. Here's what it looks like.

Registration can be done on a PC (Microsoft), devices on iOS, Android, in operating systems ah Mac OSX or Linux, on the internet. To register on a computer, you need to click "Download ICQ" and install the program to yourself. This is done free of charge. After loading, for example, in User, we launch the file with the "exe" extension.

Then we return to the site, click "Login". A window will appear, there is a “Registration” command at the top right, click it:

We fill registration form: first name, last name, phone number; then - "Send SMS":

We enter on next page code from SMS, press the "Register" button and get to our profile page. Some of the fields are already filled in automatically, we just have to come up with a nickname, indicate the location, gender, date of birth, if desired, upload an avatar. Then click "Update and Save".

If desired, the phone can be changed, just click "Edit".

You can enter the site by SMS (you must enter a phone number), e-mail or UIN. Under the avatar is a unique an identification number user - UIN. On the screen, this is 744753951. It will be possible to enter the system using it.

It is easier to get into ICQ on a computer via SMS from a phone.

The password can be obtained by recovery. When entering ICQ via e-mail / UIN, click "Forgot your password?", And then fill out the form: write our UIN (it is under the photo), captcha, click "Confirm". Password recovery occurs only 24 hours after registration.

When registering from other devices or operating systems, you must click on the one you need on the ICQ website. Here is an example for iOS:

So, the ICQ service (“ICQ”) has significantly lost its target audience. However, a few years ago, updated the service, providing users with the ability to video chat. Free download of the program is possible from the official website. Owners of PCs, laptops, iPhones, and smartphones can register. There is also an option for Linux and MC OSX operating systems.

The easiest and fastest way to get an ICQ number for free and without much loss of time is to register ICQ on the official website of the program. Article in detail describes how and where you can do it.

Recently there have been big changes on the ICQ website and in the work of the service itself. Not so long ago, it was possible to register an ICQ number in any alternative. Right now there are only two options. free registration ICQ. In this article, only registration on the official website will be considered (registration is also available in the official client).

Registration in ICQ is required in order to use the ICQ client to communicate with registered members. Registration is a very simple procedure that will not take much time:

  1. Registration on the site. At the beginning of the first step, you need to go to the official website, to a special page. Where, fill in all fields in accordance with the recommendations below:
    1. Name. Two fields are calculated for the first and last names. Filled in in any form.
    2. Address Email:
      • The system will issue a warning if this email address ICQ number has already been registered (one email can only be used to register one ICQ numbers).
      • In the future, it is this address that will become attach email, with which you can reset () the password at any time.
      • It can also be used to enter the ICQ client immediately after registration, a separate article is devoted to this issue.
    3. Password. detailed information and the generator for ICQ password is on a special one, recommendations are also given below:
      • It should be exactly eight characters.
      • Must contain latin letters of different registers and numbers.
    4. Date of Birth. Everything is simple here, you need to select the month, day and year of birth.
    5. Floor.
    6. Protection from robots. You need to enter the numbers from the picture.
    7. Confirm your data entry with the "Register" button. After that, the inscription will appear:
      Almost done!
      Click the link in the email to complete the registration process.
  2. Link activation. The second step takes place entirely electronically. mailbox. You need to check your incoming mail. The letter should be titled as "Confirmation of registration in ICQ" It will contain a link that you need to follow. After that, the following inscription should appear in the browser window, indicating successful completion of the ICQ registration process numbers:
    Thank you!
    Now you can log in to ICQ with your address and your password

Video instruction for free registration of ICQ number

The video shows the entire process of registering an ICQ number, which is described above.