Rating: “The best landing page builder. Landing page examples: tips for creating Landing page best examples

Landing pages have rapidly burst into the world of Internet marketing, displacing traditional websites. If previously only 2 types were used landing page– single-page and multi-page, now subtypes of landing pages are springing up like mushrooms after rain.

In order not to delay the material (the article is already long), let’s immediately look at examples of 15 types of landing pages that exist today in the RuNet. The selection uses both works from the Internet in general and examples of ready-made landing pages from Panda Copywriting.

To view examples of landing pages in FULL SIZE VIEW you need to click 2 times. First, on the picture, and then, when the image “pops up,” move the mouse to the bottom of the landing page and click on the cross that appears.

View 1. Landing page “About us”

Let's start the list of examples with “About Us” landing pages. Agree, it’s much better: instead of boring text of a couple of paragraphs, create a full-fledged landing page in the corresponding section of the site.

It’s like a passport in a beautiful cover - it will tell you about the main advantages/tasks/prices and attract attention.

Landing Page in the form of a product catalog is suitable for those stores that do not offer a very wide range. If you have a lot of products or want to make a landing page specific model, this type of one-page website is not suitable for you.

But, as an option, if there are too many products, there is also a solution: you can give, for example, only some TOP products in the catalog or display different selections using a code.

Examples of landing pages with catalogs

Tea company catalog page:

Another type of landing page with a catalog. This time meat products:

The trick: the product is immediately dragged into the cart from the landing page

It is optimal if the landing catalog contains the following elements:

    1. No more than 12 products, no more than 11 categories.For more It is better to create a separate catalog of goods, otherwise there is a risk of confusing the site visitor.
    2. Convenient scrolling.It is important that the landing page is not cluttered with positions that dazzle your eyes.
    3. Pop-up buttons “Buy/Order”under each product.
    4. Transparent terms of delivery and payment .


  • Interesting solutions for the shopping cart or product descriptions.

Informative landing pages

A good info landing page most often includes:

  1. . They are suitable for listing facts, trends, resources. Instead of a canvas of text, numbered blocks look better. In a word, the numbers rule like in information article, and in the landing page.
  2. Graphics. The more icons, photos, gifs, tables and other visual materials, the more interesting it is to read the information landing page. Interesting scrolling effects, flash animation, and video in the background are often introduced.
  3. Subheadings. Despite the fact that the landing page is visually divided into blocks, it is impossible to do without capacious and concise subheadings. They tell what the landing page is about if the reader skims over it.

An info landing page is like an infographic that you can scroll through and contains more text. You can use such landing pages to describe products, especially if the product is relative, and before creating a landing page that closes for sale, it is important.

The example below shows a landing page for a website selling 3D pens. You can read about every detail of the design thanks to interactive elements, and see the handle in action in the video. In a word – maximum information, minimum advertising.

And also - info pages are suitable for formatting articles in a corporate or personal blog. For example, information landing pages about online education, like the example below, would be suitable for the blog of a company that offers online courses.

Example info landing page for presentation new platform media planning:

Clear structure and selling elements. This Landing Page looks very laconic.

It is optimal if the information landing page contains the following elements:

    1. Detailed description of the product or service,which covers the buyer's objections.
    2. Product video(if this is a site for selling one product).
    3. Interesting facts about the product/service, advantages.
    4. Minimum advertising.
    5. One or two buttons with a non-aggressive call to action(for example, “Go to catalog”, “Order on the website”).

Landing pages for lead capture. Lead-Page

Landing is one of the most convenient platforms for generating leads. Create a one-page website with really useful bonuses, and a client base (or rather, addresses electronic mailboxes, phones, etc.) – in your pocket!

Entering your email address is much easier than going through the registration procedure, but no one will just give up their address or phone number. Offer free benefits to gain contacts.

Also, many landing pages of this type, as in the example below, offer to enter your email in exchange for a useful newsletter.

Depending on the situation, you can set the following fields on the Lead-landing page:

  1. To enter your phone number and name (if you are offering, for example, a free consultation, free salon treatment, etc.)
  2. To enter email address and name. This data can then be used for mailing. To receive an e-mail, the landing page must offer the potential client “goodies” - guides, courses and webinars, demo versions of software, etc.
  3. To enter gender, age and other personal data. Suitable, for example, for landing pages that gather a user base for a dating site.

An example of a lead capture page from Tinkoff Bank: a small block with the benefits of filling out a questionnaire.

And another example, this time from Tinkoff Magazine: advantages, minimum graphics and reviews. Much more convincing.

It is optimal if the lead capture landing page contains the following elements:

  1. Title.
  2. Subtitle.
  3. Image or videothat will attract attention.
  4. Registration form(aka lead capture).
  5. Practical value,it is also a benefit for the visitor. It is important for a person to know what he will receive in exchange for his data. You can offer discounts, useful newsletters, bonuses, etc.

And further:

  • Interactive:a small interesting survey, competition.
  • Minimum text content.
  • Minimum fields to fill out in the form.
  • A powerful call to action.

One-page pages for products

Often a landing page is created either for a specific product or for its model. For example, for a new car, a new dish on the menu of a famous cafe or fast food. This is convenient because the attention of a potential buyer is not scattered across the entire range of products.

Before your eyes - only specific advantages, prices, photos and tips on using a specific product.

Example of a one-page page for selling a hoverboard:

In the text, with an example, all the reader’s objections are closed. There is only one call to action button, but actually in the right place– at the end of the landing page, where it should be after such a powerful serve.

It is optimal if the landing page for one product contains the following elements:

  1. High-quality photos and videos of the product in action.
  2. Tips for use.
  3. Reviews(just not fake ones, readers feel it).
  4. Call to action buttons.
  5. Selling text style.
  6. Product advantages.

One-page website for a service

A landing page for a specific service is created using the same principle - a one-page page is allocated only for it, no additional facts or unnecessary advertising will distract the user’s attention.

The example below shows a landing page for a manicure service in a beauty salon. At the same time, the salon also provides other services (painting, makeup, etc.), but either sections of the site or other one-page pages are allocated for them.

Another example for a beauty salon service page: selling text with a lead capture form and a lucrative offer:

It is optimal if the landing page for the service contains:

  1. Clear title(readers leave if they don’t immediately understand what service you are offering them).
  2. Video about the service.
  3. Social proof.
  4. Lead capture form.Even if a person is not ready to use the service now, your newsletter can remind him of you when he gets to the right condition.

Multi-page company landing pages

A “classic” landing page is considered to be a one-page site, which is why it is often called a one-page site. But today the niche is very confidently occupied by multi-page websites that serve as the official website for companies.

There are several types of such sites. For example, sites with landing sections at the top. They do not lead to individual pages-sections of the site, but simply transfer the user to the corresponding block within the page.

An example of a bright landing page from the company “The honey”:

If you click on the “Production” menu section, you will be taken to the same page, only lower:

A company’s website may look like a regular landing page, have the same blocks, but at the same time be a completely full-fledged portal with “,” sections, and so on.

Today, such sites very confidently come out on top in terms of frequency of use.

In the example below, there is a one-page website for the Pitaron company, which has a block with a brief description, a list of services, and advantages (as in a typical landing page). But, having selected the “Web-design” section, we find ourselves on another landing page, which is “filmed” purely for web design services from the same company.

Let’s look below: the “Web-design” section, which you can go to from the previous landing page

An important difference between landing pages within one multi-page landing page is the use of typical elements (catchy header, pluses, portfolio, contact field and others). And I note that they are unique for each page, although they are created within the same site.

It is optimal if a multi-page landing page contains the following elements:

  1. Follows the rules:one page – one service or product.
  2. Less visible side menuinstead of the main menu in its classic form.
  3. Each page of a multi-page landing pagecontains all the elements of a classic one-page page:USP, offer, benefits, reviews and call to action button.
  4. Contact list.


Multi-landing pages will help increase the conversion rate of a one-page website several times due to the flexible adjustment of it to the query entered by the user. Geolandings are great for companies that have several branches within the country.

For example, restaurant chains or barbershop chains promote their services using one landing page; there is no need to create a separate one-page page for each city. Automatically replacing the city in the header and changing the contact block will do all the work.

Example of geolanding for a barbershop. Below is a one-page page for those who entered a request with the city of Moscow.

And this is what the hat looks like for Yekaterinburg - only the contacts and the city have changed.

If a company offers the services of a gym, swimming pool, fitness trainers, etc., and the user enters “fitness room in St. Petersburg” in a search engine, then a page only about fitness is generated. All unnecessary data about other services is removed - magic, and that’s all!

In a word, it’s like a geolanding that adapts to the city entered by the user in search query, only it adapts to the service.

Let's look at examples. A travel company promotes its services using landing pages in which tourist spots change, but the city of Kemerovo does not change.

Depending on the entered request, the dynamic landing page “rebuilds” its content

Not only offers can change in a landing page, as in the example above, but also triggers, a block with contacts, etc.

An example of multi-landing for a network of fitness clubs:

Using examples of pages The apk and footer of the site do not change, but the data on the number of clubs, the map and services of each branch differ, depending on the city specified in the search query.

It is optimal if the multilanding has the following elements:

  1. Full customization to the client’s request in PS: pictures, offers, calls to action, USP, contacts.
  2. Adjustment of pop-up windows, subscription forms(if the client has already subscribed to the newsletter, you can offer him something else).
  3. Only simple elementsto avoid difficulties when replacing content.

Employers today are rarely interested in banal resumes, and if you want to clearly stand out in the eyes of the HR department, and then your bosses, then a landing page in the form of a resume is definitely your option.

Essentially, this type of landing page “sells” your skills. Therefore, it is built according to the same scheme as a one-page selling page for a company or service. The example below shows a mixture of a resume and a business card website. The one-page page contains an “About Me” story, a list of skills, a portfolio, a block with contacts, widgets - a really cool presentation of yourself!

And the example below discusses options for how to design a landing page resume. Convenient icons, skills, education - all this can be presented very conveniently, take note :)

Example of a designer's resume landing page:

An example of a resume feature: a video describing the work process. Presenting yourself in this way creates trust and a sense of professionalism. You can take note.

It is optimal if the resume in the form of a Landing Page contains the following elements:

  1. Links to profiles on social networks.
  2. Non-standard content,visualization, own style.
  3. Photo or video with the page owner.
  4. Work examples.
  5. Contacts.
  6. Reviews.

Landing pages-presentations

Sometimes landing pages are created without timers, triggers or unfounded offers. They are designed to simply present the work of a company or person, and it is most convenient to do this in the form of an interactive landing page. In RuNet, this type of one-page website is not yet very common, but abroad it is already actively used by companies related to design, art, etc.

However, there are already very serious progress in the Russian-language segment. If ordinary multi-page pages can simply be scrolled through and closed, then such a trick will not work with a landing page presentation. They are delaying.

Also, presentation landing pages can be used to describe products or services; the presentation is suitable, for example, for applications that are needed for photo processing. In the example below, the blocks scroll not only down and up, but also to the sides, presenting types of software and examples of processed photos.

Examples of creative landing pages and presentations:

Interesting animation, also stylized like comics. It’s immediately obvious that creative people work here.

It is optimal if the landing page in the form of a presentation contains the following elements:

  1. Animation.It always attracts attention and makes users stay on the site longer.
  2. Author's drawings.With their help, you can express individuality and “hook” the site visitor.
  3. Interactive.Questions, a quest, a little testing - all this arouses interest and motivates viewing.
  4. Non-standard text.
  5. Horizontal scrolling.

Wiki landing pages for VK

A colorful one-page page, which opens when you click on the post description, will help you beautifully describe the store, present the service and product, and, of course, increase sales and. And all this allows you to do it.

By the way, Peter Panda was one of the first copywriters in Runet who began writing texts for VKontakte landing pages.

An example of a VK landing page from Peter Panda

One-page website from Panda-copywriting

And an example from the network: the text is divided into short blocks, similar in volume to small posts on VK.

It is optimal if such a Wiki landing page contains the following elements:

  1. Detailed information about the company, service.
  2. Larger graphic elementsso as not to burden the reader's eyes.
  3. Goods(for an online store with a small assortment). Users of social networks do not like to search for products in albums, so it is better to place them on the landing page.
  4. Short text blocks.
  5. Photo.Since the landing page is still located in social network, you need users to see who provides them with services or sells goods.

Landing page on the main page

Another leader among landing pages. You need to fit a lot of data on the main page - short description, mini-catalog or description of several products, advantages, perhaps even prices, contacts, widgets. To prevent the reader from getting tired of this array of information, you need to take into account the interactivity of landing pages.

The example below is a Landing Page that even children will like. Therefore, it inspires confidence among parents, who will pay for the show.

In addition to bright colors and photos of happy children, there are several types of scenarios, video reviews, etc. The remaining subsections (“Learn more”, which describes the types of shows, prices, etc.) can no longer be made in the form of a landing page.

And another example of such a landing page:

An example of an excellent bright landing page on the main page:

Excellent design, a minimum of information, which at the same time fully explains what the specialty of this company is. Pay attention to the regalia, they are not on display, but give an idea of ​​the status of the company.

It is optimal if the main page in the form of a Landing Page contains such elements as:

  1. Simple content -minimum useful information about a company or product.
  2. 1-2 non-aggressive action buttons.
  3. Key benefits and advantages.
  4. Contacts.
  5. Interesting titles, descriptions,drawing the reader in and leading to necessary action(go to the catalogue, call, subscribe).
  6. Lack of text array.

Landing Pages-Games

Such sites will not have a catalog, descriptions of the brand’s advantages, or a block with contacts. They are created for indirect advertising or simply for brand recognition. Cool flash games will definitely be remembered by the user.

If you want to increase confidence in the product or warm up your target audience, take note.

Using the game “Eat the Bomb” as an example, it doesn’t particularly burden the user and is addictive. In addition, this is an unobtrusive advertising ploy by The FWA.

If a user on your site lands on the wrong page, something beautiful, funny, or even playful will definitely make them continue surfing the site.

Offer the user links to other sections of the site. This way he is more likely not to close the page. The examples below show not only cool graphics, but also the ability to go to home page or other pages of the site.

A trifle, of course, but success is made up of little things!

Example of a great 404 error page: yes the ability to report an error, buttons to go to the site, video.

It is optimal if the 404 page contains the following elements:

  1. Useful links,opportunity to switch to home page site.
  2. Clear and understandable messageabout why the user came to this page.
  3. Possibility to report a problem.
  4. Search line,so that the reader does not leave, but still finds what he needs on your site.
  5. Interactive elements.

Landing Pages – Events

If you want your target audience to know about the event, create a landing page. , event program, etc. it looks very boring if made as a continuous canvas, and even bulleted lists will not help keep the reader’s attention until the end.

You will be able to stir up interest from block to block without losing the reader, show the program and speakers in the form of convenient blocks, emphasizing the advantages with icons. And the “cherry on the cake” will be photos from previous events with animated transitions and other multimedia techniques.

And don’t forget about triggers - a discount for registering before a certain date or for referring a friend will not be superfluous.

Below is an example of a long landing page that provides a lot of concentrated information, so you don’t lose your target audience and they reach the very end of the text.

And another example of a long but correct Landing Page:

Bright design, designed not so much for parents as for children. An excellent motivator slogan: “Flight into space for the price of a movie ticket.” Plus, possible reader objections are covered using the FAQ.

It is optimal if the landing page dedicated to the event contains the following elements:

  1. Timerwith a countdown to the start of the event.
  2. Place and timeevents, located in a prominent place.
  3. Several buttons with a call to action.Or, as an option, a “sticky” CTA button.
  4. Bright design,reminiscent of posters.
  5. Contacts,located in a prominent place.

A promotional site is a tool for promoting a product, service or company image on the Internet, which affects a certain part of target audience.

The task of a promotional site is to interest the target audience by showing the characteristics of the promoted object (product or service), its advantages, creating the “right associations” and a back channel of interaction with the audience, forming a consumer community. Ultimately, creating a promotional website is always aimed at increasing sales.

What are we doing to solve these problems?

A promo site is usually associated with a rich and sophisticated design, abundant use of animation effects and various dynamic elements, but in fact it all depends on the specifics of the target audience, the object being promoted and sales channels.

Promotional website design is key. When developing a design concept, it is important to adhere to the corporate style and general promotion concept, including taking into account future events to attract audiences to the site.

Based on the marketing and visual concept of promoting a brand (product, service), we create a visual series that forms the basis for the design of a promotional website. Based on the existing content, we create a completely finished, complete website. If there is not enough content, if necessary, we participate in its creation (photos, videos, texts).

We are also ready to offer services for creating creative and promotion concepts, in cooperation with the marketing and sales department of the client company.

Why us

High-quality design of a promotional website can only be created by qualified specialists. We have such specialists, and besides this:

Wide profile: creating a variety of content for the site

We organize photography, video shooting, studio or on-site, with special equipment (technique, lighting). We will create illustrations, perform retouching, develop a script for an animated video and much more.

Experience and portfolio

We have experience working with leading brands and interacting with major advertising agencies. We are able to work in extreme mode, provide quick feedback, process large amounts of initial data, attract reserves and produce the required amount of results with high quality and on time.

Comprehensive analytics, promotion strategy

N At the stage of website creation, colleagues from related areas will join the process to draw up a website development strategy, determine optimal channels audience, correct budget allocation, control points and indicators for analyzing the result. If you have planned promotional activities in the offline environment, then our strategy will be a logical development and continuation of the general marketing concept.

A large number of landing pages in RuNet are very monotonous, and it is always necessary to create something new and unusual.

Below we will look at the TOP 10 selling landing pages that are well composed and worth analyzing, and then applying the tricks to your selling landing pages.

There is a certain landing page structure that works. These can be either long landing pages or fit into 2 screens.

There is no consensus and there cannot be. In each case, it is necessary to proceed from the target audience on the site.

So, here are examples of 10 selling landing pages that you should definitely study:

I don’t have access to landing page statistics, so I can’t say how well they convert visitors into subscribers, and subscribers into buyers.

This is more of a company and the selling elements on the pages are well developed, so it’s worth conducting detailed analysis these selling landing page.

If you want to not only make a beautiful picture from your website, but also have it work, then I recommend studying it. It can produce more applications with a smaller budget. Be sure to study!

Examples of the best selling Landing Pages

1 Shopify

A very short landing page that offers to try a product for free for 14 days.

Title: short and succinct, consists of several words.

Advantages: presented in the form of 3 points, where there are numbers (this is very important because it attracts attention and gives specific data, without “water”)

Step-by-step application form: they don't show the form right away.

The first step is to fill out the email field:

The second step - they ask you to fill in 2 more fields with a password and the name of your online store:

Please pay attention to the filling order. They don’t show you all the fields at once, because this reduces the conversion, but gradually show you more fields, like in a quiz.

What else is there: at the end of the page there is another call to action:

2 Duolingo

Our next test subject is the language learning service Duolingo.

Title: A very short title, just like the previous example.

Step-by-step application form: the first one also has 2 buttons.

The first button allows you to immediately start studying (but soon we will see how they involve you in the process) and create an account, and the second to log in for those who have registered in the system.

And now the fun begins when you click on the “Start” button:

You get to the question where you need to choose a language.

This question is very natural and easy to answer when you have the intention of studying a foreign language.

Then you need to choose the goal of learning the language:

Depending on this, a training program will be built for you.

The next question is how much time per day you can devote to studying:

Another question where you need to answer whether you are a beginner or have already learned something:

They don’t show you a form where you need to answer 7-8 questions on one page, but gradually involve them in the process and show you the questions.

What is also important is that the questions are written in a logical order and there are no misunderstandings; they are very easy to answer.

Quiz quizzes on websites are used anywhere, it is only important to see them. Read also ours. So you will understand what it is and how to apply it to your business.

3 Airbnb

As you already understand, any information on the landing page can be presented in a very convenient step-by-step form.

But not only selling information, but also when you want to tell and show your product.

Many people are still forced to read on sales pages a large number of text (and this is not in the form of storytelling).

With this example from Airbnb, you'll see how you can concisely show a person a lot of information and conduct a short training course.

This is one of the Airbnb services where you can give your guests more than just a tour (they call it an “Experience”).

To register for this program you need to click the “Get Started” button and you will be redirected to the very beginning:

And only then they offer to register and create your “Impression”:

The same information could be placed in the form of text, which is divided into points, but it is much easier and more interesting to study in a step-by-step format.

4 Black Negative

A distinctive feature of this site over all others is its non-standard scrolling. As you may have noticed, it is horizontal. Also, movement occurs by dragging content to the left. But what’s even more impressive is the number of effects in each block: , , as well as the vertical scrolling of the blocks. The video in the background is a little confusing, but still everything is done quite original and unusual.

5 Super Top Secret

Here I want to draw your attention not to the hover effects, but to the background. After the site has fully loaded, when you move the mouse cursor, streaks appear in the background, like water. Also, with a click, stains are created, and this effect makes an excellent impression. You won't see this on every site.


As you scroll, various icons and headings appear (draw) on the page. Without realizing it, you begin to look at the drawing process and wait for what will appear there at the end, thereby reading the text that was drawn. If you are interested in how this effect is created and you want to create the same effect on your website or landing page, then study these articles: and.



9 The Boat

If, when reading a book, it’s hard for you to imagine what’s happening there, then this site is for you :) Because here you can immediately read and see the plot, because what is written in text happens in the background. That is, as you scroll the page and read the text, the background of the site changes.

Interesting idea. Who knows, maybe in the near future such stories will begin to appear on a large scale. Of course, there are pros and cons to this approach, but there are no complaints about the fact that it was done creatively.

Bonus landing page

*An deiner Page

This is not exactly a selling landing page, but to inspire you a little and direct your thoughts towards creativity, this clip is a must-watch!

When you get to this site you need to hold down the spacebar to start.

There are 2 stories told here and you need to collect all the elements in order to find out the truth :) You are like a detective, where you need to not only see a beautiful picture, but also understand what is hidden behind it.

I won’t tell you anything more, go ahead and see for yourself. The idea is great, be sure to write down in the comments whether your assumptions matched at the beginning of watching and at the end.

And yes, to see different endings, you will have to watch this video several times 😉 .


You saw 9 sites that differ from those that we all see on the RuNet. They are created by a professional team of designers. Websites have many interactive elements that interact with the user and make him stay on the page even longer. I hope that with the help of these sites you will find inspiration for your projects.

Design development landing page the “I want it like his” principle remained in 2014, when the effectiveness of the selling page was revealed to the maximum, and companies realized that with the help of a landing page they can not only quickly sell a product/service, but also reveal themselves from a creative point of view. Modern landing pages are not only a selling structure, but also an excellent opportunity to create a WOW effect in a visitor, to admire the idea of ​​the page and its implementation.

If you don’t want to bother, you can download a prototype of the “ideal landing page” and create a page based on the rules, write a headline, an offer, advantages and benefits, insert a trust block and a call-to-action button and go to sleep with the thought that the work is done “ five." But if you want to exceed the expectations of your target audience, and let’s face it, your own expectations too, then use the landing page examples that we considered the best.

All 9 examples, collected from the Internet, we thought were cool. Simplicity, consistent with the landing page principle, convenience and consideration of the basic requirements inherent in the landing page, make examples of selling Landing pages highly converting.

Example of a selling site No. 1

The first landing that we will consider has an incredibly attractive and stylish design, but poorly thought out marketing component and copywriting. On the first screen we see a bright banner without any unique selling proposition, the emphasis is on a bright photo. When visiting a one-page website, it is initially unclear whether it is dedicated to one unique product or an entire series, which confuses the client at the initial stage.

Each person has a specific goal, why he needs a product or service. In this block we will observe dry selection criteria, but not the final need. At the same time, “from and to” indicators can confuse the client. In this case, it is better to focus on maximum characteristics. Describing a product in the style of “brevity is the sister of talent” raises a certain question about competence.

The essence of the block should be to obtain advice from a professional who knows everything about the product and is ready to give proper advice about the product depending on the client’s operating conditions.

It’s hard to imagine how the simplest landing block can be made so complex and incomprehensible. In addition, texts must be written in the style of addressing the client. Not “leave a request”, but “leave a request”.

Landing page example No. 2

Cool landing page structure, corporate design and amazing work by the marketer made this landing page our favorite. It is clear that the client took a responsible approach to the selection of videos and photos for the development studio. On the first screen we see a unique selling proposition, several needs and criteria have been completed. The most powerful and beautiful element is video instead background, which reveals the essence of training and the equipment of the gym.

Interest is sparked by the criteria.

Professional and bright photos and video materials further stir up interest in the service.

We “pressure” the visitor with a number of advantages and cover the needs, arouse “desire”.

The logical final part of the AIDA structure is the “action” block.

Example landing page no. 3

A unique image, a stylish insert with a USP, a navigation menu, a bright design of the first block and a headline in the style of an appeal in the overall combination make you want to sign up for a trial training session. A button with a call to action also contributes to this. The navigation arrow is missing, which should show that there is also a new information. The next block is advantages in the form of criteria. Made in the form of icons with a brief description.

An excellent solution was to place a block with a call to action with a discount offer and a time limit. Photos inspire confidence in the visitor, motivate, and are also an unusual and stylish addition to the design.

An excellent block with motivation for the first lesson. The big minus is the character of a different nationality.

An example of a landing page demonstrates the style and conciseness of the design, but, at the same time, motivates the reader to the main action due to the absence of distracting details and minimal colors.

Landing Page Example #4

A good landing page developed by our web studio, which can become a role model and inspiration for other developers and clients. The one-page website reveals the problem of the target audience (in our case, women with large breasts), and immediately solves it through a high-quality offer.

Each block is an exact hit to the pain of the target consumer. Immediately behind it is the correct and competent solution to clients’ experiences based on their discomfort.

A bonus for both the visitor and the landing page in terms of lead generation is a block of benefits and advantages, supplemented with real photographs that clearly demonstrate the result.

A great way to communicate benefits not only verbally, but also visually. Thus, all information is perceived better.

Social proof uses two powerful marketing elements. A video that once again puts pressure on the problem and talks about the benefits of properly selected underwear.

And a photo of the company director with his address to the client.

A large amount of negative white space, due to which attention is concentrated on the content, as well as a fairly simple design of the content, create the impression of a stylish and modern design. The landing page is captivating with its concept and converts visitors into clients thanks to competent marketing.

Landing page example #5

A stylish example of a landing page focused on selling a service - the design and construction of luxury private houses and cottages. The landing page was developed according to the AIDA marketing strategy - a classic that tirelessly demonstrates its effectiveness.

Each block demonstrates an integrated approach of a marketer, copywriter and designer. Powerful and motivating calls to action, original and stylistic graphic images and the selling text do not leave the visitor a single chance except to cause him to take the action that is expected of him.

The main goal of a one-page website is to form a positive impression of the company and its reputation, which becomes the main motivator for the target audience, which is wealthy consumers. This group of target audience is less interested in the issue of price, more interested in the image and capabilities of the performing company. Therefore, the landing page aims to highlight the benefits of a construction company.

In total, with the help of this selling one-page website, the consumer is provided with a solution to his problem in finding a reliable and professional contractor. The landing page fully reveals everything strengths companies that become a motivator for cooperation.

Example of a successful landing page No. 6

Here is an excellent example of a beautiful and functional landing page. Modern design with thematic pictures, developed in a combination of dark and light tones with bright accent inserts creates a pleasant impression of nobility.

This landing page has distinctive feature, which is rarely used by other developers. It reveals the issue of price as much as possible, inviting the user to independently choose the price range, having considered the options that he can afford.

This is a very convenient and practical function that visually shows the user online all the offers that are suitable for the price. Another advantage of a one-page website is its focus on all the requests of the target buyer. Using this landing page, a visitor can get advice, place an order, get an idea of ​​the cost of a kitchen set, and also receive an estimate for their order. Each opportunity comes with a call to action.

Overall, the project inspires confidence in the company. And this is the main thing that a one-page website offering services should form for a potential buyer. After all, it is based on trust in the performer that the client turns from potential to real.

Landing page example #7

We chose this landing page example because it is fundamentally different from the usual traditional one-pagers.

The site is dedicated to the milk delivery service. But it is made in a comic form and is aimed only at a small group of the target audience.

After reading the storytelling, which is where the one-page page begins, it becomes clear that it is aimed at young people who are interested in slang.

There is no selling structure or elaboration of problems here, as can be seen in the previous beautiful examples of landing pages. However, the message of the site is clear and interesting, so the landing page itself has a place.

A large amount of information content, which is presented “for fun” to make you smile, is complemented by an audio playback function, which also adds humor to the page. But, scrolling a little lower, we see a block with a call to action, typical of “classic” selling landing pages.

There is no social proof, no block of trust, no blocks of advantages and benefits. But there is a recipe for cutlets :-)

It’s difficult to say about the effectiveness of this landing page. What is obvious is that the page is interesting, with excellent design and “school” humor. And despite the fact that such projects are a rare occurrence in the field of Internet marketing, they are worthy of existence, as they will definitely find their audience.

Example of a selling site landing page No. 8

An example of another of our work that deserves attention. The landing page sells a service for selling or renting mobile stands/photo zones. With the help of this one-page page, a potential client finds all the answers to his questions.

An excellent solution for those who want to understand the service in detail. There are unique photographs for each category of service, the cost of each with the ability to immediately select the one you are interested in. For those who could not make a choice, the landing page offers an individual order service indicating personal requests, formatted as a call to action.

The benefits block focuses on the convenience of cooperation.

The block of benefits is supplemented by a block of company advantages, which together create a powerful motivation for the client to act.

An interesting design solution that combines white and dark gray with red elements to create a stylish aftertaste when viewing the landing page. Unlike other landing pages that work on the problems of the target audience, offering their solution, this project reveals all the advantages of the company’s services, and also helps the client find answers to all his questions.

Example landing page No. 9

This landing page, which was developed by our web studio, holds the visitor’s attention from the first turn of the screen and motivates him to action. A landing page dedicated to selling design and construction services opens up a ton of opportunities for the client. This is confirmed by the form feedback, allowing you to immediately order an individual project or download a free example of a project.

When choosing a contractor, a potential client needs the reputation and experience of the company. It is on this information that the consumer forms benefits for himself.

A special bonus for the visitor is real photographs of projects created by the company. Bright, beautiful and attractive photos become a plus for the visitor’s trust.

Next is the block of “goodies”. That bonus that competitors rarely offer is the opportunity for the client to look at the houses built by the company with his own eyes. This service does not oblige the visitor to order the service. But with the help of the feedback form, the visitor already becomes a lead.

As a result, the client is presented with a website with an original design, thoughtful structure and concept, and competent content, which has a comprehensive effect on page conversion, leading to high efficiency.

Parting words

The modern user, sophisticated with the countless number of sales pages that catch his eye, is already tired of the same type. Today, uniqueness has come into fashion; the more interesting and unusual the landing page, the higher the likelihood that it will attract the user’s attention. In addition, good and exclusive design is always a plus: both to surprise the visitor and to please yourself. And a pleasantly surprised visitor is at least +10% to conversion. We wish you original and delicious ideas! And if you have any difficulties with this, you can always order a landing page from our web studio.

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Victoria Kuchinova

The main problem with most modern landing pages is that they all seem to be carbon copies. Where is the creativity, the fire, where are the designer madness?

In this collection I have collected interesting features and unusual effects. Some of them were made by Texterra developers and web designers, some were found on the Internet. There are also examples of disgusting design and outright silliness - at the end of the article you will get acquainted with the killer hamster and the Snow Maiden with a bucket.

Watch, get inspired, put the ideas you like into practice, mix them with your own and don’t forget to conduct A/B testing - this is the only correct recipe for creating killer landing pages.

And, most importantly, remember that landing is not a self-sufficient tool. Conversions, leads, and sales require quality traffic. And it’s difficult to get it without comprehensive promotion.

Extended form

Typically, one-page websites use a standard application form with several fields. Most often, the client needs to provide contact information – first and last name, email or telephone. But in some complex areas it is better to expand on the topic in more detail. Here's how they did it in Texterra: in the form of the dellservers.ru landing page, the client can select a module, parameters, and server tasks. Can reset values ​​if something goes wrong.

What is it for? The owner of the landing page will receive his leads in any case - even if there are only two or three fields in the form. But the client will be interested in digging deeper. Don’t just order, but choose your own option.

Two CTA buttons

On the landing page of the task planner wunderlist.com/ru there are two calls to action that reinforce each other: “Create a free account" and "Download Wunderlist." Users click on both links, conversions increase, and the landing page does its job perfectly.

Specific numbers (results)

This is not a new feature, but it still works. Show clients what you have achieved in numbers: this is clearer than the abstract phrases “we are the best”, “we have hundreds of completed projects” and so on. Look at the smartprogress.do landing page: you can immediately see how many people have already joined the project, how many goals they have set, how many achievements they have achieved.


Faceless template landing pages - brrr, what could be more dull! Liven up your one-page website, add fire, and interest your potential client. For example, on the Texterra website creation services page there are photos of employees who are directly involved in this. A visitor comes in and sees: yeah, my resource will be developed not by abstract developers, but by completely living Svyatoslav, Polina, Artem and others.

Convenient response form

On many landing pages and websites, you can only ask a question through a form. This means you need to indicate your first and last name, leave your phone number and email. Sometimes you even have to enter captchas and codes - horror! It is clear that this is done in order to get leads. But there is another option - as on the Cerebro Target landing page. If you are registered on VKontakte, you don’t need to fill out anything - just write. It’s both convenient for the client and good for the owner – the contact has been left, and you can continue to work.

Customer Reviews

You can ask clients to tell about their impressions and publish the received texts on the landing page. But the catch is that the visitor will not check in any way whether the reviews are real or fake. It is better to go further and convince visitors of this. The landing page huskypark.info, which was developed by Texterra, contains words from clients from Instagram with links to their accounts. Everything is fair - come in and see for yourself.

Demonstration of results

3D graphics and augmented reality

The landing page was created for the Qubi application. This is a game for children 3+ years old and adults. The essence of the game is simple. In the first step, the user glues together a real paper, cardboard or wooden cube according to the proposed scheme.

Then he installs the application, opens it on his smartphone and “looks” at the cube through the device’s camera.

The cube comes to life on the screen of a smartphone or tablet. The user plays a three-dimensional version of “Snake”, “2048”, “Labyrinth”. In this case, you need to control the game using a real cube. To control the cube with both hands, you need to use a special smartphone stand, which you can assemble yourself.

A three-dimensional model of the cube can be seen in the illustration (gif).

What the client wanted

The client asked to create a landing page that highlights a feature of the game: the use of 3D augmented reality. In particular, he wanted to see the effect of moving faces of a three-dimensional cube, the active face of which is inscribed on the screen of the visitor's device.

What have we done

We implemented three-dimensionality using CSS3 3D transformations. Transitions between cube faces are done using pure JavaScript with drag and touch event tracking. Thanks to the unusual transitions between screens, the user gets a sense of the volume of the screen. This is especially pronounced on working version landing page.

For the final version of the landing page, we made a more realistic version of the cube. Unlike the working version, in the final version the cube rotates from the outside, not from the inside. The 3D feeling is enhanced by title animations.

The landing page is fully responsive.

Interactive selection of interior and furniture colors

The uniqueness of the DSK.Color landing page is the ability to independently choose the color of furniture and interior items using an interactive palette.

The DSK.Color company paints any surface in different colors. You can order painting of furniture, household appliances, bicycles, musical instruments and other items. The client can choose any color.

The most popular service is painting furniture and interior items. It accounts for about 80% of the client's work.

What the client wanted

The client asked to make a bright and memorable landing page “with a call to color everything around.” He had ideas for making 3D renderings of the furniture so that a visitor “could spin and look at the painted piece from different angles.”

What have we done

We proposed an idea to the client: to give the visitor the opportunity to independently choose the color of furniture and interior items.

To do this, the landing page offered an image of a room in which the visitor could paint the main objects using a palette that opened by clicking. Based on the selected colors and items, the user can calculate the cost of services. The first prototype looked like this.

The client really liked the idea, so we made a working prototype of the landing page. On it, the main part already looked like this.

We agreed with the client to leave the option of painting the table, chairs, door and kitchen unit. These are the main items that the company paints.

After agreeing on the prototype, the designer and layout designer got involved in the work. The first one drew all the objects in svg (this is a graphics format). The second one laid out and added a color palette to the svg areas. After that we implemented modal window. With its help, the user can double-check colors and items and submit a request for the service.

Unusual and ordinary preloaders

Using a preloader or spinner, you can make any landing page more convenient and visually attractive. In this section, we’ll talk about preloaders and look at examples of these elements created by Texterra specialists.

What is a preloader and what problems does it solve?

Preloader or spinner is a sign that appears on the screen before the page loads. You see these elements every day when you use the Internet. Below is an example of a preloader.

The preloader solves a practical problem: it informs the user that the page is loading, and also replaces the visually unattractive loading picture. This needs to be explained.

Due to technical features of browsers, website pages load unevenly. While loading, the layout may “float”. If the page loads in a matter of seconds rather than a fraction of a second, the user is left with an unattractive experience for some time.

Preloaders are implemented using standard front-end development tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and additional libraries and frameworks, for example, jQuery, React.

How we improve landing pages using preloaders

We create unique preloaders, including animated ones. Here are some of our works.

  • Qubi

For the Qubi landing page, we made a preloader that replicates the navigation menu. This allows the user to understand how the page is manipulated before it loads.

  • Levellen

On the Levellen Interiors website we used a preloader in the form of the company logo. This is an additional element of site branding.

The landing page provides information about renting premises in the business center. The main secret of the landing page is in the “Offices” section. Here the user can view the availability of available offices on each floor of the building.

When you hover over a vacant office, the “More details” button pops up.

Clicking the button takes the user to a page with information about the office and its photos. From this page you can submit a request to rent a room.

Implementation Features

Our designer drew the shapes of the office premises, the drawings were made in svg format. These drawings are superimposed on the floor plans. When the site administrator notes in the control panel that the office is free, the script includes displaying a picture on the plan and the ability to go to a page with information and an order form. When the administrator notes that the office is busy, the script turns off the image of the drawing on the plan.

Actually design

In this example, there are no complex technical tricks or design effects - the entire landing page is taken away by a beautiful picture: background, colors, mouth-watering photographs of Astrakhan caviar. One-pager astrahancaviar.ru– a good example of how, thanks to the designer, you want to buy a product. And eat it immediately!

Finally, about the sore point - a few examples of terrible landing pages. For contrast, facepalm, powerless agony and all that. I won’t describe what’s wrong with them - I suggest you solve these problems yourself. It-a-ak...