Removing bypassing the recycle bin in windows 7

Any file, after deletion, is sent to a special folder called Recycle Bin. It is stored in it for a certain time or until the user independently clears it of its contents. The benefits of a Recycle Bin on your desktop are that deleted file can be restored. However, some users prefer not to have a Recycle Bin at all and delete files permanently.

Removing the Recycle Bin from the desktop using the Control Panel

You can not delete, but remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop through the Control Panel. In this case, the Recycle Bin folder will be filled with files and automatically emptied once a month (or after a period that the user independently sets in the settings). You can do this in the following way:

  • Click “Start”, “Control Panel” and select “Personalization”.
  • A new window will open. In the menu on the left, select “Change desktop icons.”

  • Now uncheck the “Trash” box and click “OK”.

The trash can will disappear, but will not stop functioning. Now, to get to the Recycle Bin folder, go to C:\$Recycle.bin\Recycle Bin. It is important to note that the folder is only accessible when viewing is activated hidden files.

Completely disabling the Recycle Bin

There are several ways to disable the Recycle Bin, that is, to ensure that files are permanently deleted.

Method number 1. Through the settings of the Cart itself

Before you disable saving files, you must completely empty the contents of the Recycle Bin. Next steps will be as follows:

  • Click right click mouse on the Trash and select “Properties”.

  • Now for each disk we set the checkbox “Destroy files immediately after deletion, without placing them in the Recycle Bin.”

  • The files will be deleted without the possibility of recovery.

Method number 2. Via Registry Editor

Initially you create backup copy registry so that if damaged, it can be restored. Then follow the instructions:

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “regedit”.

  • Go to the branch “HKEY_CURRENT_USER”, “SOFTWARE”, “Microsoft”, “Windows”, “CurrentVersion”, “Policies”, “Explorer”. Right-click in the right window and select “New”, “DWORD Value”.

  • Give it the name “NoRecycleFiles” and the value “1”.
  • Reboot your PC for the changes to take effect.

Method No. 3. Through the Local Group Policy Editor

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “gpedit.msc”.

  • The editor will open group policies. We go along the branch: “User Configuration”, “Administrative Templates”, “Windows Components”, “Explorer”.
  • We find in the list the option “Do not move deleted files to the Recycle Bin”.

  • Double-click the parameter and set it to “Enabled”.

After you restart your computer, all selected files will be permanently deleted.

When a file is deleted normally, it is usually placed in the Recycle Bin. At the same time, until the latter is cleared, it remains on the hard drive. Sometimes circumstances require you to delete a file without going to the trash can.


To delete a file without placing it in the Recycle Bin, use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Delete. To do this, use the mouse or keyboard to select the file that needs to be deleted and press this key combination. Instead of the standard dialog box: “Are you sure you want to move this file to the trash?” – you will see another window: “Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?” Confirm your desire by clicking the “Yes” button. The file is now deleted without placing it in the trash.

If you want to delete files in the usual way, but, nevertheless, do not put them in the trash, make changes to its properties. To do this, right-click on the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and select the “Properties” menu. Check the box next to “Destroy files immediately after deletion, without placing them in the trash” and save the changes. Now, when deleting files using the Delete button or the “Delete” function, they will not be placed in the trash.

In addition to this, there are special programs, allowing you to completely delete files from hard drive. In this case, they are not placed in the Recycle Bin, and the possibility of their subsequent recovery using programs for recovering deleted files is excluded. This result is achieved by repeatedly rewriting the memory cells in which the deleted file was located using special algorithms. Examples of such programs are Active ZDelete, Clean Disk Security, CCleaner, etc.


Deleting files without putting them in the trash is undoubtedly very convenient. And the impossibility of restoring them is a good bonus if you do not want a third party to be able to view the files you deleted. However, before deleting a file permanently, think again about whether you will regret it after a while.

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When a file is deleted normally, it is usually placed in the Recycle Bin. At the same time, until the latter is cleared, it remains on the hard drive. Sometimes circumstances require you to delete a file without going to the trash can.


To delete a file without placing it in the Recycle Bin, use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Delete. To do this, use the mouse or keyboard to select the file that needs to be deleted and press this key combination. Instead of the standard dialog box: “Are you sure you want to move this file to the trash?” – you will see another window: “Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?” Confirm your desire by clicking the “Yes” button. The file is now deleted without placing it in the trash.

If you want to delete files in the usual way, but, nevertheless, do not put them in the Recycle Bin, make changes to its properties. To do this, right-click on the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and select the “Properties” menu. Check the box next to “Destroy files immediately after deletion, without placing them in the trash” and save the changes. Now, when deleting files using the Delete button or the “Delete” function, they will not be placed in the trash.

In addition, there are special programs that allow you to completely delete files from your hard drive. In this case, they are not placed in the Recycle Bin, and the possibility of their subsequent recovery using programs for recovering deleted files is excluded. This result is achieved by repeatedly rewriting the memory cells in which the deleted file was located using special algorithms. Examples of such programs are Active ZDelete, Clean Disk Security, CCleaner, etc.


Deleting files without putting them in the trash is undoubtedly very convenient. And the impossibility of restoring them is a good bonus if you do not want a third party to be able to view the files you deleted. However, before deleting a file permanently, think again about whether you will regret it after a while.