We solve the problem when the laptop sees Wi-Fi, but does not connect. WiFi does not connect on the laptop - nothing bad happened! Why not connect to Wi-Fi

If your laptop does not connect to Wifi, says limited access or no Internet access, you should look into this problem in more detail.

There are several reasons for the problem:

  • outdated or completely missing drivers on the laptop;
  • failure of the Wifi card itself;
  • incorrect router settings, etc.

We are looking for the culprit - a laptop or router

To understand why the laptop does not connect to the Internet via Wifi, let's look at all aspects of this issue.

The first step towards solving a problem is identifying the culprit. Problems with Wifi can be in the laptop itself, or maybe in the router. Finding the cause is important so as not to make things worse by changing all the settings.

First, try connecting another device via Wifi - phone, tablet, laptop. The Wifi button on the router should glow green. If the connection is normal on other devices, then the problem is with your laptop. And if the selected network does not work everywhere, then the cause of the problem is in the router and its settings.

If the reason is in the router, then you still need to check whether there is internet at all. Connect the cable directly to your laptop or computer. If everything works, then the problem is definitely in the router settings, and if not, contact your Internet provider to troubleshoot the problem.

Checking the network driver version

A common reason for the lack of Wifi on a laptop is incorrectly installed or outdated network driver. This is indicated by this icon at the bottom right of the notification panel.

It shows that no available connections(although they actually exist). This often happens when reinstalling the system. Drivers that worked on Windows XP may not work on Windows 7, and drivers that worked on Windows 7 may not work on Windows 8.

You need to check whether the drivers are installed and, if so, their version, as follows:

  • here already look for the tab “ Network adapters/board" and it has its own network adapter. It can be called differently, it all depends on your laptop;

If the device is there and there are no exclamation marks near it, then everything is fine with the driver.

To find out its version, you need to right-click on the driver and select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, select “Driver” and look at its development date.

Hardware enable adapter

Driver network devices is working, but there is still no network? Or did the Internet work before, but now there are no available connections? This indicates that the network adapter on the laptop is turned off.

On different models This is done in different ways, but often it involves pressing the FN + F2 key combination at the same time, or FN + another key with the Wifi icon drawn.

Some models have a special button on the body.

Video: How to distribute wi-fi from a laptop

You can also enable wireless networking on the system itself.

If you have Windows 7, then follow these steps:

  • open "Start";
  • select "Control Panel";
  • "Network and Internet";
  • "Network Control Center and shared access»;
  • "Change adapter settings".

If in the window that appears the icon wireless network colorless, this means that the network is inactive and needs to be turned on by pressing right click mice

To do this on Windows 8 then:

  • click the “Options” button on the right panel;
  • further – “Changing computer settings”;
  • select "Wireless Network". It must be turned on.

You can perform the same operation as for the 7th operating system to make sure that the network is turned on.

In Windows XP it's even easier:

  1. "Start";
  2. "Control Panel";
  3. "Network connections";
  4. turn on the wireless network by right-clicking.

The activation of the adapter will be indicated by this icon on the notification panel.

Laptop stopped connecting to WiFi

If the laptop previously connected to this Wifi network, and then suddenly stopped (the settings were not changed), a virus may be the cause of the problem. It may corrupt the file or change settings. Even if the antivirus scan showed nothing, the installation of some program on the laptop could have messed up the settings.

Simply removing this program will not restore the network. Alternatively, you can remove network connection and create it again, you can reset the router settings and connect it from scratch, you can search for a long time for the broken parameter on the laptop, but the easiest way is to restore the system to the level at which the program got into it.

Restoring the system

Starting this process:

  • "Start";
  • "All programs";
  • "Standard";
  • "Service";
  • "System Restore" ;
  • “Start System Restore”;

  • "Further";
  • select a restore point (updating and installing programs is recorded in the registry, so in the window that opens, select right time recovery);
  • "Further".

The recovery process will begin and upon completion the laptop will reboot. If the problem is malware, then after that Wifi will work.

Updating hardware drivers

If, when checking the network adapter, next to the driver icon in Device Manager there is Exclamation point– right-click on it and select “Engage”.

The absence of a driver entry means that it needs to be installed. Then you need to download it from the manufacturer’s official website. Or use the driver disk that comes with your laptop.

You can find out the name of the driver from the information in the device manager, in the description of the laptop, or using a special program.

You can update the driver by right-clicking on it and selecting “Update”. Or go to its properties and select this item there. Even if everything is fine with the driver, it is recommended to download and install it again.

Checking connection settings

To check connection settings:

When you try to connect to the selected Wifi network for the first time, a password prompt appears. Next to the network there should be automatic connection when turning on the laptop. But if the laptop does not want to connect automatically and asks for a password every time, check whether the “Connect automatically” checkbox under the network name is checked.

Internet no access or limited in Windows

It happens that after connecting, identification occurs without access to the Internet via Wifi and a yellow triangle appears near the network icon on the panel:

Also, if you go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.

Enter the connection properties. If everything in the window looks like this and the IPv4 connection says “No network access,” the problem is incorrectly entered IP addresses or a disabled DHCP server on the router.

Check that you did not forget to check the box to receive addresses automatically. But if they are already there, then try to do the opposite - register everything manually. You can get the network address in the router settings. But basically the IP address is standard 192.168.1.X, and the DNS is

If the connection properties show an IPv4 connection “Without Internet access,” then the DNS server addresses or router settings were entered incorrectly.

In this case, we only change manually DNS settings, leaving the IP address automatic.

  • is Google's public DNS server;
  • – Yandex.

Some connection errors

If your laptop connects to the Internet, but sites load slowly, you might have gone too far from the router’s coverage area. And if at high Wifi signal The problem does not go away, most likely, you are receiving many other networks and the Wifi channel is busy.

This can be changed in the router settings. The default value is 6. You can try changing it from 1 to 13 and watch the speed change. You can also try the "Auto" option.

If the laptop connects to Wifi, but does not access the Internet, and at the same time programs such as Skype and ICQ are working, check the DNS addresses. They must be automatic or registered, as in the paragraph above.

If the laptop does not immediately connect to the Internet:

The Internet and the latest electronic technologies are very closely intertwined in our lives. And sometimes problems with Internet access can ruin all our plans and interfere with our work or leisure. The phone not only helps you stay in touch, but also opens the door from anywhere to the World Wide Web, to the Internet. At the same time, no one is immune from sudden problems, then the question arises: why does the phone not connect to WiFi router? This information also applies to those users who do not know why the tablet does not connect to WiFi.

Let's look at the typical reasons below. It must be said right away that the solution may lie in simple manipulations with the phone. Therefore, apply all the methods described below, without thinking that this will not help in your situation.

What could be the reasons for WiFi not working on a phone or tablet?

First you need to restart your phone and turn off/on the Wi-Fi network on your phone. Then reboot your router(s). If there is still no network, then the problem is different. Another thing that might help is to remove the battery and connect it again, then restart the phone.

The causes of this problem may be the presence of incorrect network or router security settings, as well as the channel operating mode. What errors can we most often see on our device?

  • In the connection status we see: “Obtaining an IP address...”, or simply “Connecting...”. But the phone does not connect to the network. That is, you specify the network where you want to connect, but the phone cannot do this.
  • Authentication problem (authentication error), or simply the status "Authentication...". Usually in in this case The message “Disconnected” appears, and the phone is still not connected to Wi-Fi.
  • The message in the device is “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protected.”
  • The phone connects to the router via Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work and sites do not open in the browser.

What solutions could there be to get your phone or tablet to connect to WiFi?

So, possible solutions to your problem.

Removing WiFi connection

The first thing I could advise you is to delete the connection that is saved on your phone. To do this, select the network through which you accessed the Internet and click on “Delete” or “Delete this network.” Below in the screenshot you can see what it looks like:

After that, try connecting to this network again.

Reboot the router

Sometimes, if there is a problem connecting not only your phone, but also other devices, you just need to reboot the router. A small note: you don’t just need to unplug and plug in the socket after a second, but unplug the router’s power cable for 10 seconds and only then plug it in again.

You must wait for some time so that there is no power left in the router. Such a circuit is often needed with other devices that are powered by energy. By the way, you can use the button that is on the router itself using the same procedure described above.

Changing the channel in the router

If you haven’t changed any settings and the connection with your router has always been without problems, then you should try changing the Wireless channel. This happens very rarely, but there is a small percentage that this setting can help you.

Where can you change the channel for your Wi-Fi? To do this, you need to go to your router’s settings in the “Wireless” tab and change the channel (Channel), then save the settings, reboot the router and try to connect. If it doesn’t work the first time, repeat the same scheme with other channels.

Check the password you enter when connecting to WiFi

If your phone displays an “Authentication” error, then the problem may be wrong password or in wrong given settings security.

The first thing you need to do is check that the password you have set is correct. How to do this, since some users may not be prompted to enter a password? You need to delete your connection and re-enter your password by clicking on your network. Always be careful when entering your password. If you have forgotten your password, you can look it up in the router settings.

Here are articles that will help you with this procedure:

If it's not a password issue, then you need to check your security settings. To do this, set the security type to WPA2. The password must be more than 8 characters and you can try use only numbers.

Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection and changing the password in the router

One of the most common problems is when the phone displays the message “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protected” and at the same time the connection icon may show the presence of a connection, but there is still no Internet in the device.

If the options described above do not help, then you need to check the Wireless operating mode/speed in the router settings, since the phone may not always support the router operating mode. To do this, you need to set the network to automatic or mixed mode instead of b, g or n.

If you couldn't fix the problem and you are still faced with the dilemma of why your phone won't connect to WiFi, try changing the encryption/security type that I already mentioned:

  • WPA/WPA2

These are the settings on my router:

Enter a new password (key) of 8 characters or more. It is advisable to change the password, as you may have forgotten the password and are entering a non-existent one.

Next - the same scheme: save the settings, reboot the router, delete the connection on the phone and connect by entering New Password. It should be remembered that the new password will need to be specified in other devices that use this router. For example, if you have a laptop or computer at home, you need to reconnect to WiFi by entering the new password that you specified in the router.

Channel width

Change the Channel Width in the router settings. Usually there are several options: Auto, 20MHz and 40MHz. After the change, save and reboot the router.

If there are other options, try using them.

MAC and IP address filter

Make sure the MAC or IP address filter is disabled. If you have activated this function in your router and have not specified which MAC and IP addresses can connect to the routers, then the problem may be in this particular router setting.

Here are the most common reasons why a tablet or phone does not connect to WiFi. I hope one of my tips helps you.

By the way, if you have a problem with WiFi itself, then read the article “”:

Here is an example when a user could not connect to WiFi from an iPad:

The most popular problem among Internet connections and Wi-Fi networks is when the laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi networks, through the router. We have a lot of questions on our website on this very topic, and they often ask what to do if the laptop doesn’t want to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi? I decided to write a separate article in which to collect everything possible reasons and their solutions related to connecting to Wi-Fi networks.

We will look at laptops and computers with Wi-Fi adapter ami. Simply put, any computer that can connect to the Internet wirelessly. Also, this article is suitable for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. We already have many separate instructions on our website, with solutions to various, specific problems with Wi-Fi on both laptops with Windows 7 and Windows 10. As I write this article, I will provide links that will definitely be useful to you.

In the question itself, “what to do if the laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi,” there is no specific information at all. There can be many reasons why you cannot connect your computer to the router, as well as solutions. And as practice shows, the computer is not always to blame. I'll try to look at everything in order possible problems so that you can fix them yourself without any problems. Of course, everyone different laptops, different routers, settings, problems, errors, etc. This undoubtedly complicates the task, prepare universal instructions, which would help absolutely everyone in a very difficult way.

If you have a laptop with installed Windows, There is Wi-Fi router, which is distributed by the network, and you just can’t connect your laptop to the Internet via a wireless network, you can’t figure out what’s what, then this article should help you.

Before we move on to any settings, be sure to try connecting your laptop to a Wi-Fi network using. If you have Windows 10, then see. Perhaps you will succeed. If the problem remains, Wi-Fi computer connection failed, then see the article further.

I would divide all problems with Internet connection and operation into three categories:

  • The laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network at all: wireless adapter turned off, driver not installed.
  • The computer sees the Wi-Fi network, but does not connect to it: incorrect password, “failed to connect,” endless connection, etc.
  • The laptop connects to the wireless network, but the Internet does not work: “No Internet access”, “Limited”.

You can go straight to the section you need, depending on what problem you have. Whatever it is, it must definitely fall into one of the categories. It will be much simpler and clearer this way.

What to do if the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network?

And so, let's start with the problem when your computer does not see wireless networks at all. At the same time, you are absolutely sure that your Wi-Fi network is working, there are neighboring networks, and they are displayed on other devices. But on the list available networks on Windows they don't exist. And there is no list itself. In this case, the connection status (icon on the taskbar), most likely it will look like this:

If you see a wireless network icon with a red cross “no connections available” in the notification panel, then most likely there really is not a single wireless network within the radius. But it is possible that this problem appeared for other reasons. In this case, running "Problem Diagnosis" may help. (you can start by right-clicking on the connection icon). I wrote about this using Windows 10 as an example in an article.

Most likely, you have the first case. Red cross near the computer. In this case, the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter is not installed. Or, the wireless adapter itself is turned off. Let's first make sure that everything is in order with the driver, since without it nothing will definitely work.

Checking the wireless adapter driver

To do this, we need to go to the device manager. Right-click on “Computer” or “This PC” and select Properties. In a new window, on the left, open device Manager. You can also go to the start menu and start writing “device manager” in the search and open it in the search results.

In Device Manager we need to open the tab Network adapters, and see if there is a driver for our wireless adapter there. You will recognize it by these words in the name: “Wireless” and “Wi-Fi”. This is roughly what it looks like:

If everything is in order there, then read this article further. If the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter is not in the device manager, then you need to install it, and everything will work. If you don’t know how to install the driver, where to download it, etc., then see the article on. On Windows 8 or Windows 10, this process will be virtually no different.

The main thing is to download and install the driver specifically for your laptop model (or the adapter itself if you have a USB/PCI adapter), and for your operating system. Well, I recommend downloading the driver from the official websites of the manufacturers. If it doesn’t work out at all, then you can try programs for automatic installation drivers. But that's if you can't find it required driver and install manually.

Checking if the wireless adapter is turned on

The adapter itself, through which the laptop connects to Wi-Fi, or rather in our case does not connect, can be turned off. This needs to be checked. Right-click on the Internet connection icon and select "Network and Sharing Center". In the new window, select Change adapter settings.

There must be a wireless adapter network connection, or Wireless network - in Windows 10. If such an adapter is not there at all, then see above where I wrote about installing the driver. If it is, then perhaps it is turned off. Right click on it and select Turn on.

If it is enabled, then you need to check whether wireless connections on the laptop itself. On every laptop, there is a keyboard shortcut that can be used to turn off/on wireless connections (activate airplane mode), including Wi-Fi. This, as I already wrote, is either a key combination or some kind of separate switch. For example, on Asus laptops, these are the Fn+F2 keys. You can always find this combination yourself. Key Fn+antenna key, Or something like that. You can see separate instructions for. And if you have Windows 10, then see these instructions

So we’ve sorted out the problems that prevent us from connecting to Wi-Fi. When the list of networks available for connection is not displayed. If you've tried everything, but you can't get your computer to see wireless networks, then it is possible that the adapter itself (hardware) is simply broken or disabled. This, by the way, often happens after disassembling a laptop and cleaning it from dust. You can describe your problem in detail in the comments, I will try to advise something.

Computer won't connect to Wi-Fi

According to plan, the second big problem is when the laptop sees and displays a list of available networks, your network is there, but it does not connect to it. At the same time, other devices connect to your network (it would be good to check and make sure of this). Let's now look at the most popular problems with connecting to Wi-Fi in Windows 7 and Windows 10. On the eight, everything is the same, there is nothing new there.

First of all, if any error appears, reboot your router and computer. Try connecting again.

Error: "Windows could not connect to..." and "Cannot connect to this network"

A very popular error that may appear when trying to connect a laptop to a Wi-Fi router.

I wrote about solving this error in Windows 10. As for Windows 7, the solutions are the same. To be honest, there are not many solutions there, the error is not very clear, and there is no specific way to get rid of it.

What else can you try to do: check on the laptop, in properties Wireless network connection (protocol version TCP/IPv4) Is it set to automatically obtain an IP address? In the router settings, you can try changing the security type of your network to WPA2-PSK (if you have another one installed). All this can be done in the router settings. We have it on our website detailed instructions to change the password on different routers.

There is a solution to the error “Windows could not connect to...” in Windows 7.

Security key mismatch. Windows does not accept Wi-Fi network password

You select your network from the list, specify the password, and Windows writes that the password is incorrect. Well, of course, the computer does not connect to Wi-Fi.

Try again, maybe you really entered the wrong security key. Check if CapsLock is enabled. If the laptop does not want to accept your password, then there are two options: remember the password by looking at it in the router settings, or change the password for your wireless network. See article: . You can change the password, for example, to some simple number. To check, then set a more complex password.

Read more about this error and its solution.

Another error that often appears in Windows when trying to connect to a wireless network. And it usually appears after changing some settings on the router. Basically, this is the network name and password.

When the error “The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network” appears, deleting the Wi-Fi network on the computer and reconnecting always helps. I gave links to instructions for deleting a network in Windows 7 and Windows 10 (forget the network) a little higher (they are highlighted in blue).

After deleting information about the wireless network, simply reconnect, indicating the key to your network.

There is a Wi-Fi connection, but the Internet does not work

This is a completely different story :)

Therefore, we have separate, large articles on this problem, when a laptop connects to Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work:

I won’t write here why the “No Internet access” and “Restricted” errors appear. The article was already very large. If, after connecting to a wireless network, you encounter a problem when there is a connection, but the Internet does not work, then feel free to follow the links above. I am sure you will find a solution to these problems there.

I wanted to collect all the possible, or at least the most popular, problems encountered when connecting a computer to Wi-Fi. I think I succeeded. If you still cannot solve your problem, then carefully read the article again. If it still doesn’t work out, then describe your case in the comments, and we’ll think about it together.

WiFi is wireless technology new generation. Just a little time, and this method of connecting to the Internet is used by millions of users around the world. Wi-Fi connection makes it possible to connect compatible devices located at a distance of up to fifty meters from the access point. The data exchange rate is about 150 mb/s. However, that's not all. Thanks to recent advances in this area, speeds can reach several gigabits.

Every modern laptop, tablet or phone has a Wi-Fi radio module. This results in significant savings in expensive operator traffic. mobile communications, and the radio module also provides access to multimedia content High Quality, and you don't need to download anything to your device. All you need to do is set up a Wi-Fi connection on your portable device, set a security password and then save it to open wide access to the Internet. However, sometimes not everything goes as smoothly as it seems.

Sometimes Wi-Fi doesn't connect. Why? There are a number of reasons for this, the main ones of which we will now discuss.

Why do problems arise?

Mostly, failures when connecting the device to a Wi-Fi network occur due to incorrect settings wireless router. In this case, the laptop or tablet does not recognize the Internet connection at all. If this happens at home, you need to sequentially perform a series of actions described below:

If a pop-up message appears when you connect your portable device to a Wi-Fi network “Saved, WPA-WPA2 protection”, this means that the encryption on the router is incorrectly configured or the password for the Wi-Fi coverage is entered incorrectly. To fix everything, you need to do following instructions:

  • Check if the password is entered correctly by opening “Connection” and clicking “Change”. Next, you need to select the password display function and enter it again.
  • If the password is entered correctly, but there is still no access, it means that the router settings are problematic.

If the settings are incorrect, you must:

Bottom line

So now your laptop, tablet or smartphone should be able to connect to Wi-Fi. In this case, the initial connection between the device and the router will be broken, you need to connect again. Regarding encryption issues, in these cases you also need to proceed step by step:

  • You need to go to the “Settings” of the router, select the “Network Security” item - sub-item “WEP”, “WPA/WPA2”, and then enter a password that will help the router recognize the user. You will understand which item to choose from the error message, or you can experiment yourself.
  • Next, you need to save the settings using the appropriate function, and then reboot the router.

These are, perhaps, all the main actions that you can do at this stage. In other cases, it is better to contact specialists for more precise settings.