Backing up data on your computer. How to backup files on your computer quickly and easily

All storage media such as hard disks, flash drives, SSD media, magnetic drives, CD/DVD, etc., have varying degrees of reliability. Some are created large companies and are original, others are obvious Chinese fakes. One way or another, all drives are devices, and any device, even the most reliable, can fail at any time, taking all your files with it. Ideally, all PC users should take care of duplicating information stored on the computer, but in practice there are not many such people.

Types of backups

As it turns out, not everyone understands how to backup files and what is it. In essence, creating a backup is creating a duplicate of some data - information in order to restore files in case of their loss. In computer terminology, a distinction is made between copies of files and disks (images).

Backup copy disk (system or Windows image) - this is a duplicate of the entire disk volume, that is, the logical partition on which Windows is installed. Most often, this can be the contents of each sector of the storage medium, packed into a single container file. Storing it requires significant disk space, comparable to the size of the data on the disk itself. Of course, if you have large storage volumes, then this is not a problem. However, storing multiple duplicates can be costly. In addition, creating a backup of an entire volume may require significantly more time than copying individual directories. The advantages include quick recovery of the entire system and installed programs, and the disadvantages are the inability to restore only individually selected directories.

Backup folder is a duplicate of a folder on a disk created at a certain point in time. As a rule, a PC user is not interested in the safety of the operating system. Windows systems, since it can be reinstalled without any problems. Much more important for a person are working documents, 1C accounting databases, personal photos and video materials, e-mail correspondence, computer settings various programs and so on. In this case, much less disk space will be required than when copying the entire volume.

Each of the reservation methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Most often, creating backup folders selectively is used, since it is inexpensive, simple and quick way protect the most important data from loss. Therefore, in this article we will consider how to do backup - namely creating a backup of folders, and not the entire disk.

4 Easy Ways to Backup Files on PC or Laptop

There are 4 main ways to create backups. Let's look at them, evaluate the pros and cons of these methods, including creating a disk image.

Method 1. Copying files manually (from one folder to another)

performed without the use of any programs or tools.

Pros: No need to install anything. Just open two Windows windows(with source and destination directories), select necessary files and folders and drag them with the mouse from window to window.

Minuses :

  • Need to frequently take time away from current affairs to copy work folders
  • You may forget to back up important data on time (human factor)
  • Difficult if the source data needs to be copied from several different folders
  • Inconvenient to manage backups

Method 2. Copying using bat files

Files with the .bat extension are executable on the Windows operating system and have text format and can execute a sequence of commands, including copying from one folder to another. This method can be called semi-automatic, because usually bat is launched manually and they are quite inferior to automatic “backup” programs.

Pros: No software required. It is enough to create bat files yourself and configure the Task Scheduler in the Panel Windows management to run .bat at a specific time.

Cons: It requires certain knowledge and time to create .bat, which in terms of convenience, functions and flexibility are much inferior to specialized backup programs.

Method 3. Using special software - a program for creating “backups”

3. Initial data

At this stage, you need to select the folders and files that you want to copy. In this case, you can specify both local computer directories and network directories, on an FTP server or external device. To copy from Linux to Windows, FTP or SSH protocol is usually used. For each selected folder, you can specify masks, for example all (*.*) or all except "~*.pps". In this example it is indicated local folder with working documents and photographs.

Selecting folders to copy

4. ZIP compression

You need to decide whether to archive source files in standard ZIP format or do without simple copying"as it is". Even if you consider that photos or audio files are very poorly compressed, it is still recommended to enable the ZIP compression option for the following reasons:

  • It’s convenient that a backup of all data is stored in one ZIP archive
  • In paid versions, it is possible to specify a password for the archive and select an encryption method, thereby hiding your working documents from prying eyes
  • Types of poorly compressed formats (JPG, MP3, AVI, MOV, etc.) can be indicated below, where the formats to which compression will not be applied are listed - this will speed up the task

ZIP compression options and encryption

5. Where to save

As we agreed, we will save files on an external hard drive (HDD or SSD) connected to the USB port (let it be the H:\ drive, as it is designated in the system when connected). In paid versions, you can specify an unlimited number of places where backup folders will be stored (local, network drives, FTP servers) and thus increase storage reliability.

Below, specify a template for naming backups, which can contain date and time variables so that the archives are named in accordance with current date and time.

Where to store backup files? Choosing a storage location

6. Schedule

The built-in scheduler allows you to flexibly specify 1 or several (even 100) job launch schedules, for example, every day at 12:00, and on Fridays at 18:00. In addition, we can specify the task to start when an external drive is connected, so that the creation of a backup copy begins immediately when the drive is connected to the USB port. If you wish, you can not specify a schedule in order to independently launch the task using a button in the program.

Examples of scheduling options:

  • Every day at 08:00
  • Every second day, every hour from 08:00 to 12:00
  • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri at 15:00, Sat, Sun at 11:00
  • On the 1st day of the month and the 15th at 17:00


In addition to the fact that the program records all actions in a log, you can specify the method of notification about the completion of the task, either by e-mail (or SMS to mobile phone), and by local network(Net send) or a simple message on the screen on top of all windows. Moreover, you can choose in which case you want to send a notification: when the data backup is created and everything is fine, or only in case of errors and warnings in the log. The following variables are allowed in the message subject: the name of the PC where the program is running, the name of the completed task, and the result. Thanks to all these settings, you can control the reservation process wherever you are.

Ready. The task has been created!

Click the "Finish" button - the task is created! Sign in General settings program (the "Settings" button is located at the top of the main window) and make sure that the "[x] Load a program when Windows starts" option is enabled, then click OK.

Running a job

Now, with an external drive with the given name connected to the PC, our task will begin to execute. You can minimize the program to the notification area (System Tray) and go about your business. When a task is completed, a panel will smoothly appear above the notification area showing the progress of the task. Once the task is completed, the panel will gradually disappear.

As a result, a backup will be created in the folder you specified (the list of created backup copies of data is displayed on the corresponding tab at the bottom of the main window). You will see the result of the task by switching to the tab containing the created archives.

Restoring files from a backup

We looked at how to make a backup on your computer by copying to an external drive. If you lose one or more files, double-click on the last backup created in the list and the contents of your backup will open in a new window - a list of files and folders. You can tick the required data and restore it to its original location or to a specified folder on the disk.

Exiland Backup has 3 versions: Free, Standard and Professional, designed for both home users and businesses, ensuring data security on workstations and servers.

There are situations when resetting the data stored on your device and rolling back to the manufacturer's settings is simply necessary for Android to work. The reasons may be anything, but the result is always the same - the irretrievable loss of all existing data that has been lovingly accumulated for a long time. Therefore, the need for backup is completely obvious android firmware) photos, contacts, installed applications and other things. So that you can avoid long and exhausting searches for the necessary information, we would like to offer you detailed material on how to do system backup, and its further restoration.

Surprisingly, not many people know about the ability of the system itself to do backup android , and, if necessary, save all your existing content. It is absolutely clear that a failure in the operation of any system is possible, which can occur due to clutter, for example, and as a result - the inevitable deletion of data. Or after purchasing a new phone you will need to transfer information to new smartphone. Now you can cope with help standard means without having to install special applications.

How to Backup and Restore Using a Google Account

It is well known that Android and Google are one and the same. This integration makes it possible to save backup copies in the cloud and easy access to them when system recovery is required. What we must do for this:

1st step. To synchronize with a Google account, find “personal” in the settings, then “accounts”, and then Google.

2nd step. Select your account and check all the boxes.

3rd step. Go to settings, then “personal”, then “backup”, and finally “reset settings”. Check the “data archiving” and “auto-recovery” fields. We first check the account with which we worked (see step 1). It is important that it is registered in the backup account field. In the synchronization section, click the “Synchronize” button. To restore saved data, log into your Google account from your phone (by “data” we mean all passwords, settings wireless networks, as well as previously installed applications).

Immediately after the settings have been reset to factory settings, or when connecting an old account on a new device, the system should load all the data from your account; make sure that an Internet connection is provided in advance.

It's worth noting that this kind of storage refers to something related to Google services. That is, if, at the cost of enormous effort, you have reached the last level of a game, then you may not be able to return to it. During recovery, from a list of applications that is too long, we remove those that you no longer need.

If you have applications that are not connected to the Google server, then backup and restoration are performed in other ways.

Using standard ADB tools

Step by step:

  • Enable USB debugging on Adnroid;
  • Download the proprietary program from the ADB RUN website (version 3.21.35 and higher);
  • Install the driver on the PC (if it has not been installed previously);
  • USB cable

Let's create a backup:

  • Launch Adb Run, select the Backup menu;
  • Select the first item “Adb Backup”;
  • Take your Android smartphone (tablet) and click the “create a backup copy” button (password not required).

Restoring from a backup:

  • Select the item “Adb Restore”;
  • On your Android device, click “recover data.”

Using custom Recovery (root)

To use this method, you need to understand that Recovery must already be installed, because the creation of a backup itself cannot be called a backup copy, it is rather the creation of a solid image of the current state of the firmware.

  • After Recovery installations, we enter it;
  • Select “Backup and Restore” from the menu
  • Next comes the “Backup” menu item (to create a backup)
  • To restore, select “Restore”.

Online Nandroid Backup (root required)

Despite the name, unfortunately, nothing is saved in the cloud. The program does not have GUI, therefore, we will act from the terminal. This type of backup was created specifically for those who are already tired of rebooting into Recovery to perform Backup, as well as to create a snapshot of the current state of the entire system and what is already installed in it.

Using DataSync (root)

This program will be useful for backing up existing applications and quickly transferring them to another device. However, if your goal is to create backup copies of the applications themselves, and not just existing data and settings, then this application is not worth using.

OBackup (root) features

Backups are created similarly to ONB (third method), only in this case we see graphically and intuitively clear interface, and a means to send a backup to a cloud drive.

Titanum Backup (root)

Perhaps the most convenient and flexible option for high-quality backup. And although in in this case the current state of the system is not sliced, but all user and system applications, as well as their data. If your plans are to switch to another firmware and then restore everything you need, then we highly recommend this method.

Helium (root/root)

An effective means to perform backup copy android . The operating principle is based on ADB, but with the ability to select the application for which a copy is created

(The application does not work on Motorola). In this case, it is possible to work without root rights; in this case, you need to connect the android to the PC. So, step by step:

Download free Helium from the official store Google applications Play

With absence Root is right download and install the add-on on your PC. It is possible to install drivers on your computer (for non-Root devices) available on the download page.

Creating a backup in Helium on rooted devices

  • Launch the application;
  • We refuse the offer to log into Google Disk, because this function does not work correctly (copies, but restores only in the paid version);
  • We save backups using internal or external memory. To create them, select required applications in the “backup” section, click the button to start the process, select where we will save the data.

The recovery process is also extremely simple.

Creating a backup in Helium on non-rooted devices

  • Everything basically looks the same as in the previous case, only with some reservations: After downloading and installing the add-on on your computer, launch it;
  • Enable USB debugging on Android;
  • Let's launch
  • We perform the remaining actions in the same way as for root.

We hope that our material will be useful to you, good luck!

The first thought that comes to your mind when your smartphone falls on concrete or is the fear of losing all the contacts, photos, text messages and notes stored on your device. What should an Android fan do in this case? As the sages say: “plan ahead.”

Planning ahead is the easiest way to save your data even if the phone is subsequently destroyed. Luckily, Google automatically syncs your contacts, calendar appointments, documents, and even installed app purchases - .

Although Google stores a lot of your data, there are other backup methods and programs that will allow you to save the same data.

Help Google save your data from your phone

Giving Google permission to back up your stuff doesn't change much depending on the phone model.

You need to go to Settings ⯮⯮ Backup & Reset or Backup & Restore, then click on Back up my data and Automatic recovery.

This will help save the following:

Google Contacts data

Google Calendar Events and Settings

Wi-Fi networks and passwords

Desktop wallpaper

Gmail Settings

Applications installed in Google Play(backup to Play app Store)

Display settings (brightness and sleep mode)

Language and input settings

date and time

That's not all. In settings go to account and click on your account Google posts. You'll see a long list of sync icons covering app data, calendar, contacts, documents, Gmail, photos, and any other service you might actually want to back up. Be sure to include everything you want to keep. That's all.

But that's not the only backup trick Google has up its sleeve.

If you use Google service Music, all your ringtones will be saved to Google servers, even if both phones and your computer die at the same time. If you have a large music collection like us, the initial download process will take a long time. But once the first download is complete, subsequent albums will be downloaded as they are added to your collection.

Your music can then be broadcast on ten Android devices or personal computers.

Copy content directly from your device

Photos, videos and music from your Android phone can also be transferred directly to your computer by connecting your phone to USB port on your computer and manually copying the files to your HDD.

It's not a perfect solution, but it's quick and easy, especially on a PC where Windows will mount it as external storage and uses the Media Transfer Protocol.

What should I do if Windows doesn't detect my smartphone?

Do you have the correct USB cable? Many users often try to connect their smartphones to computers using any Micro cable USB or USB-C and this may be the reason why your smartphone does not appear in Windows.

In the above picture, for example, on the left, a third-party cable can only charge an Android smartphone. However, on the right, the official LG MicroUSB cable allows you to get a USB connection.

Once you connect the correct cable, your smartphone will appear in Windows Explorer as one of your drives. If you are using Mac, download Android File Transfer, install software and launch it when you connect your phone.

Saving files using a third-party backup utility

My Backup Pro

Available on Google Play Store ($7, available free version), this app supports everything you can back up without using your phone: photos, app data, browser bookmarks, contacts, system settings, shortcuts on the home screen, alarms, calendars, MMS messages, SMS messages, music and much more.

The app allows you to schedule backups at a time convenient for you, for example, when you sleep, and saves backup files either on microSD card on your phone or in the cloud, making your data instantly available on the My Backup Pro website.

If your phone is broken or you are switching to new phone, use My Backup Pro software to restore all your settings, data and applications in one session. The app looks very outdated, but it works.

SMS Backup and Restore

Want to save every text message for posterity? SMS Backup & Restore - free application, which integrates with your account Email, to backup your SMS messages in XML format.

You can store backups on your computer and send them via email. You can view and restore your messages selectively, or all at once. You can also use the app to schedule regular backups.

Use your device manufacturer's software

Almost every smartphone manufacturer offers some kind of backup solution for your device. Most of them are moving from computer backups to simple app switchers that let you transfer your contacts, photos, messages and everything else.

Programs for backing up phone files from any manufacturer

Backup needs to be done now

If you don't create a backup, then you risk losing everything.

When contacts, photos, music disappear, it can be very difficult or even impossible to recover. Don't delay, backup your smartphone right now, today.

This may be required both when reinstalling Windows on an old computer, and to transfer files and settings from an old computer to a new one. After this, we will consider in detail all the nuances of installation, and.

1. What files need to be copied

If you are reinstalling Windows on an old computer, then you need to make a backup copy of all the files you need located on the “C” drive. The easiest way is to copy them to another disk partition (for example, to drive “D”). You can also copy them to an external drive, flash drive, DVDs, another computer or cloud storage in the Internet.

Don't forget to copy files from the desktop and from standard user folders such as "My Documents", "My Pictures", etc., as they are usually located on the "C" drive, which will be cleared in the process Windows installations. Go through other folders on drive “C”, in case there is something you need there that you forgot about.

2. Copying files to another disk partition

First, determine how much space there is on the disk partition where you plan to copy files (for example, on drive “D”). To do this, click right click mouse on the selected drive and select “Properties”.

Look at the volume indicated in the “Free” column.

Then select the folders and files that you want to copy with the mouse, right-click on any of the selected elements, select “Properties”.

Make sure they will fit on the selected disk partition.

If your files fit on the selected disk, click on any of the selected elements and select “Copy”.

Then go to the disk partition where you wanted to copy your files (I made the “Backup” folder on drive “D”), right-click and select “Paste.”

Wait until copying finishes. You can copy other folders and files in the same way. If your disk does not have a second partition or there is not enough space on it, then use other copying methods listed below.

3. Copying files to a flash drive

Copying files to a flash drive is done in the same way as copying to another partition hard drive.
Transcend JetFlash 790 8Gb

Also remember to make sure that there is enough space on the flash drive.

There is a more convenient way to copy to a flash drive. Select the folders and files you want to copy with the mouse, right-click on any of them, select “Send” - “ Removable drive(F.” The files will immediately begin to be copied to the flash drive, this is very convenient!

Instead of “Removable disk (F”), the name of the flash drive manufacturer or another label specified by the user may be displayed; the drive letter may also differ, for example, “Transcend (G”).

4. Using the Total Commander program

Using the program " Total Commander» Copying files is much more convenient. You can download the program itself below in the “” section. After installation, open "Total Commander" using the desktop shortcut. Click the mouse on the number indicated on the screen (1, 2 or 3).

In one panel, select the folder into which you want to copy the files, and in the other panel, select the files and folders you want to copy and press “F5”.

This is very convenient because you don't have to switch between multiple windows to copy files. File selection can be done using the mouse in combination with the “Ctrl” or “Shift” buttons, or using the “Insert” button and the arrows on the keyboard.

5. Copy files to DVD

If you do not have an additional partition on the disk or a flash drive, then you can copy your files to DVDs. I recommend using DVD-R discs 16x. One such disk can hold 4.38 GB of data. Buy disks based on at least 1 spare disk for every 5 disks.

Windows XP has a built-in disc burning tool, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for us, since it does not have the function of checking the disc after burning. If you have a disc burning program (such as Nero), you can use it. We will use a simple free program"Astroburn", which you can download below in the "" section. There is nothing complicated in installing the program, just run the downloaded file and click “Next” several times.

After that, insert a blank disc into the DVD drive and close the AutoPlay window if it appears. Find the "Astroburn Lite" shortcut on your desktop or Start menu and launch the program. After launch, a new project is automatically created. To add folders and files to a project, simply drag them into the program window.

You can also use the toolbar along the right border of the program window to add and remove files from the project.

If the volume of files added to the project does not fit on the disk, then delete files or folders from the project that exceed the size.

After you eliminate the excess volume, make sure the “Check” checkbox is checked. I recommend setting the recording speed to 8x. Click "Start Recording".

Wait for the recording to finish and a message that everything was successful. If an error or freeze occurs during the disk burning process, try writing the files again to new disk. If the error occurs again, your DVD drive may be malfunctioning. Don't forget to write to the next disk the files that you removed from the project due to excess space.

6. Copy files to another computer

If you have a second computer or laptop, you can copy the files to it. This can be done using a flash drive in several steps. Or you can transfer files over a local network. We will not consider how to set up a local network in this article; you can look for this information on the Internet or ask a knowledgeable friend to help set it up. Let's assume that your network is already configured. Let's create a folder on the second computer and open access to it over the network.

6.1. Sharing a folder in Windows XP

First of all, make sure that there is enough space on the computer drive where you want to copy your files (for example, on the “D” drive). To do this, right-click on the selected drive and select “Properties”.

Now create new folder, where you want to copy your files. For example, “Backup”, which means backup. Right-click on this folder and select “Sharing and Security.”

If the message “If you understand...” appears, as in the screenshot below, left-click on it.

If the message “Enable public access to files" as in the screenshot below, select "Just enable file sharing" and click "OK".

Now check the boxes “Share this folder”, “Allow editing files over the network” and click “OK”.

A hand should appear under the folder, as in the screenshot below. This means that it is publicly accessible.

6.2. Sharing a folder in Windows 7

Right-click on the folder you want to share and select “Sharing\Specific Users...”.

Enter "Everyone" and click the "Add" button.

Click on the line that appears, select “Read and Write” and click the “Sharing” button.

The folder is open for public access and you can already copy files to it over the network.

6.3. Copying files over a network

Copying files over a network is no different from copying files from one folder to another. Select the folders and files that you want to copy with the mouse, right-click on any of the selected elements, select “Properties” and make sure that they will fit on the disk of the second computer on which you created the folder with network access.

Click on any of the selected elements and select “Copy”.

Now open File Explorer using the My Computer icon or any folder. In the left pane, find " network"and find in it your second computer with the one you created. network folder. I already had a "Backup" folder where my backups are located.

Right-click either on the folder itself or in any empty space and select “Paste.” The files will be copied over the network as if they were in a regular folder. Wait for the copying to finish; if there is a large volume of files and a slow network, it may take a long time.

7. Copy files to the cloud

If your disk does not have a second partition (for example, drive “D”), a large flash drive, a DVD drive and a second computer, or there is not enough free space, but there is fast Internet, then you can back up your files to cloud storage on the Internet.

There are many paid and free services who provide their disk space for storing user files. Here we will consider only the simplest and free means. This " Google Drive", "Yandex Disk" and "Cloud". “Google Drive” provides 15 GB for free, “Yandex Disk” – 10 GB, “ Cloud” – 100 GB. Additional space can be purchased for a small monthly fee. But no one bothers you to register several accounts (accounts) in these services, which is not so convenient, but it is free.

Let's consider Cloud, since this service provides the largest amount of free file storage. In order to use this service you need to register on the website “”. If you already have Mailbox to “”, then you do not need to register. Go to the “” website and, if necessary, enter your username (mailbox) and password. In order to copy your files to cloud storage, click on the “Download” button and select the required files. Or simply drag and drop your files and folders into the browser window using your mouse. Click on the picture to enlarge.

To download the files back, click the “Download” button. In this case, all or previously selected files will be downloaded in one ZIP archive, which can be unpacked after downloading. By right-clicking on a specific file, you can download it separately.

The cloud has a maximum file size limit of 2 GB and uploading to it is slower than to Google Drive () or Yandex Drive (). Otherwise, these services work similarly, so we will not consider them.

8. Backup browser bookmarks

Make a backup of your bookmarks in the browser you use. These bookmarks can be restored to any browser after Windows reinstallation. If several people use the computer and each has their own account, then this needs to be done for each user.

8.1. Internet Explorer browser

Go to the “File\Import and Export...” menu.

Select Export Favorites.

Click the "Browse..." button, indicate where you want to save the file and its name. I recommend saving it in a folder with all other backups, for example, “Backup”.

8.2. Browser Mozilla Firefox

Use the “Show all bookmarks” command or the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+B”.

Then “Import and backups\Export bookmarks to HTML file.”

8.3. Google Chrome browser

Open the “Bookmark Manager” through the “Bookmarks” menu or using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+O”.

Use the "Manage\Export bookmarks to HTML file" function.

Select a location, file name and click Save.

8.4. Opera browser (up to v.12)

If you are using Opera browser on the old engine (up to v.12 inclusive), go to the menu “Opera\Bookmarks\Manage Bookmarks...” or use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+B”.

From the File menu, select "Export as HTML...".

Select a location, file name and click Save.

8.5. Opera browser (v.15 and higher)

If you use the Opera browser on the Chromium engine (v.15 and higher), then, unfortunately, it does not have a function for exporting bookmarks. Instead, use the “Opera\Sync...” function.

Click "Create an account!"

Enter your email address (e-mail), New Password for the Opera bookmarks synchronization service, verification code and click “Create an account”.

After this, your bookmarks will be synchronized with the Opera server. Write down your username and password in text file, where the rest of your passwords are stored, or in a paper notepad. They will be useful for restoring bookmarks after reinstalling the system.

9. Accounts and passwords

Rewrite account passwords (Skype, mail, social networks, etc.). If you haven't done this yet, now is the time. I recommend creating a text file in Notepad and writing everything down in it. If you write to notebook, then write in detail and legibly, otherwise you won’t understand what’s what later. I do not recommend using separate leaves for this, they tend to get lost.

10. Internet settings

Internet connection parameters, if they exist, should have been provided by the provider when concluding the contract. They can be written down in the contract itself, an appendix to it, or simply on a separate sheet. If the computer is connected via a router, then most likely there are no additional settings not required. If you have a laptop or computer connected via Wi-Fi, then you only need a password to the Wi-Fi network.

In any case, it doesn't hurt to check the network card settings.

10.1. Internet settings in Windows XP

Go to “Control Panel\Network Connections”. Right-click on “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”.

Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.

If you set the parameters to be received automatically, as in the screenshot below, then there is no need to write anything down.

If the parameters are indicated as in the screenshot below, then write them down or take a photo.

These numbers will need to be put back in place after reinstalling Windows. If in network connections If you have others, then just in case, look at their parameters.

10.2. Internet settings in Windows 7

Go to the "START\Control Panel" menu.

Right-click on “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”.

Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.

If you set the parameters to be received automatically, then there is no need to write anything down. If the parameters are indicated, write them down or take a photo.

These numbers will need to be put back in place after installing Windows. If you have others in your network connections, then look at their parameters, just in case.

11. Program and game saving settings

Look at what programs you have installed and think about what files and settings you may still need and where they are located. Determine where the saves are for games that you have not completed and want to continue. They can be in the “My Documents” folder, in one of the user profile folders on the “C” drive. In Windows XP this is “C:\Documents and Settings\ Username", in Windows 7 - "C:\Users\ Username" Sometimes the settings are saved directly in the folder with the program or game in the folder “C:\Program Files\ The name of the program" If you don't find it, enter Google search or Yandex "settings" the name of the program" or "save name of the game».

There are very convenient program“Migration Wizard”, with which you can transfer program settings and game saves from Windows XP, 7 to Windows 7, 8. When restored, they will automatically go to the desired folders.

To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on showing hidden files and folders.

11.1. Enabling showing hidden files in Windows XP

Open File Explorer using the My Computer icon or any folder. Go to the “Tools\Folder Options...” menu.

Switch to the “View” tab, select with the mouse the lowest option “Show hidden files and folders" and click "OK".

11.2. Enabling showing hidden files in Windows 7

Open File Explorer using the My Computer icon or any folder. Go to the "Organize\Folder and Search Options" menu.

Switch to the View tab, scroll to the bottom of the window, select Show hidden files, folders and drives and click OK.

12. Using the Migration Wizard program

Next, we will look at how you can back up your files in the Migration Wizard program. You can download it below in the “” section. There are versions for 32 and 64 bit Windows. Windows XP on the vast majority of computers is 32-bit.

There is nothing complicated in installing the program, just download the file from the “” section, run it and click “Extract”. Find the Migration Wizard shortcut on your desktop, launch the program and click Next.

Select " External drive or USB device..."

Select "This is my source computer."

Wait while the program scans and displays the file sizes in user profiles.

Pay attention to the folders in which program and game settings are stored.

Windows XP

"C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data"

"C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data"

Windows 7


In my case, these folders only contain browser settings (Google, Mozilla and Opera), and since I already backed up my bookmarks, I don't need anything else here. But I found a save for the game “Borderlands 2” in the “My Documents\My Games” folder, which I did not complete. Also in the “My Documents” folder were projects from the video editor “Pinnacle Studio”. To save this data, I checked the appropriate folders.

Please note that I have not highlighted the Favorites folder because we have already saved bookmarks from the browser " Internet Explorer" I also did not check the boxes for the personal files folders “Downloads”, “History”, “Books”, “My Pictures”, “My Music”, “Miscellaneous”, since we should have already copied these folders to a safe place. And since they can take up a significant amount of space, there is no point in putting them in the parameter transfer file.

We do the same for the “Administrator” user. Uncheck all the boxes and click “Advanced”.

In this user's "Application Data" folder I found the "uTorrent" settings.

This means that the user uploaded files using this program. I decided to save the settings for it and checked the “uTorrent” folder. In the “Local Settings\Application Data” folder I found folders for several more programs. “QIP” – stores settings and message history of a popular exchange program text messages. “Skype” – stores settings and photos and other files received from users. "" - settings popular game“World of Tanks”, we save it, since we will reinstall this game on this computer In addition, saves for two more games were found in the “Documents - Administrator\My Games” folder.

We do the same for the item “ Common Elements" Uncheck all the boxes and click “Advanced”.

Sometimes the necessary files may appear here.

In this case, in the “Program Files” folder I found the “ABBY Fine Reader” folder, in which I once saved the scanner settings file “Untitled.fbt”. I also found a folder on my HTC phone, which contained several dozen photos. If I had not done this, this data would have been irretrievably lost. But that's not all. On the “C” drive, the “Music” and “Photo” folders were ticked, which take up a large amount of space and which I had already copied to a safe place. Also, several folders on the “D” drive turned out to be selected, which there is no need to copy anywhere at all. Naturally, I unchecked all these boxes, otherwise I would have sat there until the morning and I still don’t know if there would be enough space on the flash drive...

After all the necessary folders are checked and unnecessary ones are unchecked, check how much data is left for archiving and click “Next”.

The amount of data should not be too large, since we transfer the bulk of files manually, and we use the “Transfer Wizard” only for program and game parameters. In my case it turned out to be 448.5 MB. If you copy this file to a flash drive, it is not advisable that it exceed 4 GB.

In the next step, you can set a password for the transfer file so that no one can access confidential information. Usually this is not required, but if for some reason you decide to do this, then do not forget the password; without it, you will not be able to recover the data.

You will see the following window indicating the file name and where it is saved. Check this information so you don’t have to look for it later and click “Next”.

In the next window, click “Close” and the program will completely exit.

The Migration Wizard program has several features. It cannot be used to transfer settings from Windows XP to Windows XP, but only to an older one Windows version 7 or 8. The transfer may not work from 64-bit Windows to 32-bit, but usually this is not required. It is desirable that the language of the operating systems be the same, but in most cases this is the case.

If you need to reinstall Windows XP, try one of the following:

  1. “START\All Programs\Accessories\System Tools\Data Backup”
  2. “START\All Programs\Accessories\System Tools\File and Settings Transfer Wizard”

13. Links

Hard drive Transcend StoreJet 25H3 2 TB
Hard drive Transcend StoreJet 25M3 1 TB
Hard drive Transcend StoreJet 25M TS500GSJ25M 500 GB

The Windows 7 operating system has built-in backup tools that allow you to back up the Windows operating system and user data. Archiving will allow you to create a backup image of the system and other user data, with which you can restore the system after serious problems.

This article will provide an overview of using built-in backup tools. Windows copy 7. The built-in backup tools of the operating system, in their capabilities, can satisfy most computer users.

How to make a backup? There are quite a few backup programs, among them the following stand out: popular programs, like , Nero BackItUp, Norton Ghost, Paragon Drive Backup Professional, . You can also back up your system without any help. third party programs using Windows archiving and backup tools.

Why is it advisable to make backups? Because, if you reinstall the Windows operating system, for some reason, all data on your computer will be lost. system disk. You will have to reinstall all programs and make other operating system settings.

Suddenly, due to hard drive failure or viruses, you may lose all your data, and lost data may not always be recovered by recovery specialists.

The way out of this situation is to create a backup copy of the system and other files you need. After a sudden system or equipment failure, you can restore all data from a backup copy. will be restored on your computer operating system, drivers, programs and other files that you archived.

Now you can move on to an overview of how archiving works in Windows 7.

To start a system backup, go to the Start menu => All Programs => Maintenance => Backup and Restore. You can also launch the built-in Windows archiving and backup tools from the “Start” menu => “Control Panel” => “Backup and Restore Files”.

It may happen that in case of serious problems with the operating system, you will not be able to boot the operating system in normal or in safe mode. Then you will have to use a Windows 7 installation disk, or a bootable USB flash drive with an operating system image recorded on it, to restore the system.

Boot Windows flash drive can be created using specialized programs, reviews of which you can read on my website in the “Programs” section.

In your absence installation disk with Windows 7 operating system, you should create a system repair disc. The recovery disk, which contains the recovery environment, can be used to boot the computer.

This system recovery disc contains recovery tools for the Windows operating system, using which you can restore the operating system after a serious error, or restore the system from a created system image.

Creating a system repair disc

For those users who have pre-installed operating systems on their computer, create boot disk System recovery is simply necessary. Computer manufacturers now often do not include a Windows installation disc with them. In this case, an emergency system recovery disk will help boot the computer to restore it if it is not possible to boot in any other way.

In the “Backup and Restore” window, you must click on the “Create system repair disk” item to create an emergency system recovery disk. In this case, you will have an emergency CD for system recovery in case of serious problems with the operating system.

After clicking on the “Create a system repair disk” item, the “Create a recovery disk” window opens. To create a system recovery disc, you must insert it into a reading device optical disks a blank CD or DVD disc, and then click on the “Create Disc” button.

Next comes the process of creating a system recovery disk. After completing the creation of the emergency recovery disk, you need to click on the “OK” button. Rescue disk Windows recovery 7 takes up about 150 MB.

You will now be able to access system recovery options using a bootable recovery disc if you are unable to boot your computer using other methods.

To boot your computer from a rescue or installation disk, you will need to select in the BIOS the priority of booting from a CD/DVD reader, and if you use bootable flash drive With USB drive, to which such a bootable flash drive is connected.

If, when creating a recovery disk, you are prompted to insert an installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system, this means that the necessary files to create a system recovery disk were not found. In this case you will need to paste into optical drive computer installation DVD disc with Windows 7 operating system.

Using the installation Windows disk 7 or a rescue system recovery disk, you will be able to boot into your computer and have access to all operating system recovery options.

Creating a system image

If you select “Create a system image” in the “Backup and Restore” window, then a system image will be created for its recovery, which includes copies of the disks necessary for the operation of the Windows operating system. You can include in the system image additional disks and use it for recovery in case of problems. However, you cannot use individual elements for recovery.

In the "Create a system image" window, you will need to select a location to store the backup.

In the “Create a system image” window, you will need to select the disks that you want to include in the backup. In this case, it will not be possible to add the disk on which the backup copy will be saved. Then click on the “Next” button.

In the new "Create a system image" window, you will need to confirm the archiving parameters and backup location. After that, click on the “Archive” button.

Backup in Windows 7

Now let's move on to the archiving and backup settings. In the “Backup and Restore Files” window, click on the “Set up backup” item.

Next, the “Archiving Settings” window opens. You will have to wait some time while data archiving starts. You will see the message “Starting data archiving” in the window, but the archiving itself is not yet happening.

Then the “Archive Settings” window opens. In this window, you must select a location to store the backup archive.

The best option for storing the system backup being created would be an external hard drive. Because if you backup on another hard section disk of your computer, then if the hard drive fails, then the operating system, your data and the backups created for recovery will be lost forever. The data, in this case, is physically located on one hard drive, they are only located on different logical drives.

This image shows that the system itself suggested a storage location for me - an external hard drive, with enough space to create a backup copy.

In the Archive Settings window, you will need to select what to archive.

If provided Windows selection, the operating system will archive files saved in standard folders, in libraries, on the Desktop, and will also create a system image that will allow you to restore your computer in case of problems. All your data and settings will be archived, and you can restore your system from a backup if necessary.

In this case, you can select specific drives and select individual folders located on the selected drive. Be sure to check the box next to “Include disk system image: (C:)” so that you have the opportunity, if necessary, to restore the system from the created backup copy.

The data you select will be archived according to a schedule unless you start archiving manually. After completing the selection of objects for archiving, click on the “Next” button.

In the archiving settings window, you need to check the archiving settings again, and then click on the “Save settings and start archiving” button.

Before starting the backup, you can click on the "Change schedule" link to select your schedule or perform backups on demand.

If you do not perform archiving according to a schedule, but manually when you need it, then you will need to uncheck the box next to “Run archiving on a schedule (recommended)” and then click on the “OK” button.

Next, you will need to start archiving. The time it takes to create a backup will depend on the size of the disks and files that will be backed up, as well as the power of your computer. Repeated backups will be faster because only files that have changed since the previous backup will be overwritten.

Please remember that if you set up a scheduled backup, the external hard drive must be connected to your computer at the time. If you do backups without a specific schedule, then the best option Archiving will take place approximately once a month. In this case, you will retain the system settings that you made relatively recently.

Important data that you change frequently will need to be backed up more than once a month to always have an up-to-date backup version for recovery.

How to disable archiving in Windows 7

Sometimes, it may be necessary to disable archiving if you have set up scheduled backups, and the disk where you save the backups runs out of data. free place. In this case, you will need to disable scheduled backups.

To do this, you will need to go to the “Start” menu => “Control Panel” => “Administration” => “Services”. In the "Services" window, you need to find the item "Block-level backup engine service (WBENGINE service is used to perform backup and restore operations)."

To disable automatic archiving, you must change the service startup type from “Automatic” to “Manual”. To do this, you need to right-click on the “Automatic” item and select in context menu"Properties" item.

In the “Properties: Block-level archiving module service” window that opens, in the “General” tab, in the “Startup type” item, select “Manual” and click on the “OK” button. Next you will need to restart your computer. Now you can run the backup manually at your discretion.

If you are annoyed by messages that appear from time to time about the need to configure archiving from the Notification Panel (tray), then such messages can be disabled. To do this, go to the Start menu => Control Panel => Action Center. In the “Support Center” window, in the “Maintenance” field, in the “Archiving settings” item, you must click on the link “Do not receive any more messages on the topic: “about Windows archiving.”