“Invisible” mode on VKontakte for Android and iOS. How to be invisible on VK

In today's article we will look at how you can mask your Vkontakte online presence status, using all the capabilities of the service that allow you to appear offline to everyone who views your page. Hide online VKontakte using your own means social network and when using third-party services.

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Is there a need to hide your presence on VKontakte?

Many of us are accustomed to using the social network VKontakte every day. Each of us uses it for different purposes. Some people spend most of their time on VKontakte, communicating with friends, some listen to music from public pages of interest, some compete in flash games all day, and some are interested in news and watch videos.

However, all users have a certain desire to hide online VKontakte in functionality that unites us all, for example: we all want to view guests visiting our profile (See). Many users want to deliberately hide the Online sign, which is treacherously visible on the upper right side of the VK website interface, and some are even thinking about removing this sign forever.

In this section we will talk specifically about your presence in Vkontakte with an offline status and how to make sure that a visitor who has entered your profile cannot identify you, because he will think that you are absent.

Interestingly, after leaving VK, he asked the VK developers to remove the sign Online when he came online and the time when he was last online. This function he has it completely disabled. At the same time, there is a way by which you can track whether a person is online or not.

How to hide online in VK 2018

How to be invisible on VKontakte

First, you should consider the simplest method of how to hide your online status on VK and become invisible on a social network, however, in order to be invisible you will still have to go to the site once. So, we perform the actions in the following sequence:

We go to the site and go to the personal messages page.

We leave this section without activity and without additional transitions for 20 minutes.

After this, the VKontakte server closes the online session and does not kick you out of your account.

In this state, it is quite possible to view posts and other news, and you can even respond to them and comment, listen to music, play music, etc., but it is not recommended to go to your own or someone else’s page, otherwise there is a high possibility of ending up in an online session.

This mode is extremely simple and effective. A characteristic disadvantage is that it is impossible to visit users, even when it is really necessary.

ApiDog and VKlife - VKontakte invisible function

The next method of being invisible in VK involves installing Special programs, of which today you can find a fairly large number on the Internet. The most popular of the famous programs for this purpose are VkLife and ApiDog. The most important advantage of the programs is that when you fully use VKontakte, your account does not go online.

Downloading and installing programs is extremely simple, it will take a maximum of 5-7 minutes. time. It is better to download from the official website of the program vklife.ru and apidog.ru because on other websites you can come across copies of the program in which malicious code is embedded. Now you know how to hide VKontakte online on any browser except the following one.

Hide online VKontakte - mode in FireFox

For users of one of the most famous FireFox browsers There is another technique for being invisible in a given social network. First you need to open new tab and enter about: config in the address bar, opening the browser options extension page. In the filter field you need to use “network.http.redirection-limit” (without quotes) and change the value to 0, remembering the initial value indicator. After this, you need to open a fresh tab and log in to the public network. An error message will be generated there, this is normal. After this, you should go to some section, for example “my photos” or “my news”. Then we need to return to the tab where we have the options open and return the initial value to the parameter that we changed first. If everything was done without errors, then the account status will be offline. In order to continue to remain invisible, it is preferable not to go to your own profile and pages of other users, otherwise an online icon may appear and you will not be able to access VKontakte offline.

How to log into VK and not be online from your phone

Is it possible to make “Invisible” mode on an Android smartphone in VK in order to be present on the site but at the same time be offline?

Yes. This is quite possible to do using the unofficial function of the VK mobile application. In order to activate the VKontakte invisible mode on an Android device, you will need to take the following steps:

Invisibility mode on VKontakte on Android

First, let's download the official mobile client. It is quite possible to download the VKontakte application for free from Play Store via direct link.

After installation, launch the application. After starting the program, go to “Options”. In the options tab, go to the “About” section.

A window will be formed where you need to press (tap) on the illustration of the dog 3 times. After which nothing will change on the screen. Close the VKontakte for Android application. Now you need to go to the dialer of your phone and dial the following combination of numbers and symbols: *#*#856682583#*#*. This formula will help you hide VKontakte online.

After dialing, without clicking on the call button, a window for setting up hidden features for the VK application should appear.

In the window that opens, make a mark on the “Invisible” item.

That's it, Vkontakte stealth mode is now running. From this moment on, your presence on the VK social networking site will be hidden and your “Online” status will change to “Offline”.

VKontakte stealth mode on iPhone

To activate the stealth mode for devices on iOS-based You will need to follow the same steps as on Android. The hyperlink for downloading the VK add-on for iPhone will be the same.

Is it possible to log in from a phone in the same status as from a computer?

Now we will look at how to log into VKontakte not in phone status.

If you access the site through a browser and at the same time through the full version of the VKontakte site, and not the mobile one, then for sure, just a circle will be shown next to you, and not an image of a phone.

To do this, it is also better to access the network through a “proxy server”. This is, in fact, how “hackers” act, so that the real IP address is not determined and their presence on the network is hidden.

Similarly, you can log into VK from your phone as from a computer.

How to hide online VKontakte 2018

In this article, we looked in detail at ways to hide the “online” status from your computer and phone on the version of the VKontakte website that will be valid in 2017-2018. At the same time, do not forget that there are programs that limit this process, using which you can be visible.

Is it possible somehow on an Android smartphone? enable stealth mode In contact with to be on the site but to be offline VKontakte?

Yes. This can be done using the unofficial function of the VK application for mobile devices. In order to activate the VKontakte invisible mode on your Android device, you need to complete the following steps.

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Invisibility mode on VKontakte on Android

First, let's download the official mobile client. You can download the VKontakte application for free from the Play Store using this direct link.

After installation, launch the application. After launching the application, go to the Settings menu. In the settings tab, go to the About menu.

A window like this will appear. Where you should click (tap) on the dog picture 3 times. After which nothing will change on the screen. Close the VKontakte for Android application.

Offline VKontakte

Now you need to go to your phone's dialer and dial this combination of numbers and symbols:


After dialing, without pressing the call button, a window for debugging the hidden capabilities of the VK application should appear.

In the window that appears, check the Invisible box.

That's it, now you have enabled Vkontakte invisible mode. From now on, your presence on the VKontakte social networking site will be hidden and your online status will be “Offline”.

VKontakte stealth mode on iPhone

To activate stealth mode for iOS devices, you need to follow the same steps as on Android. Link to download the VK application for iPhone. Personally, I have not tested this hidden feature on a phone running operating system iOS, but they say that the theme works on iPhone too. Try it and write in the comments.

Today we will tell you about hidden functions VK and we’ll tell you all the really working ways to be invisible on VKontakte. We are all familiar with the situation when we just want to sit and listen to music on VKontakte, and don’t want to communicate with anyone, but as soon as we open a social network on our page and our friends’ status is displayed: online. In this article we will reveal several tricks on how you can use VK and be always offline.

What is invisible VK

First, let's figure out what VK invisible is and why users of the social network use it, and only after that we’ll find out how to be invisible on VKontakte.

Invisibility in VK is the hidden functions of VK through which you can fully or partially use the functionality of VKontakte and at the same time for all other users you will be in offline status.

Several years ago there was a boom in hiding online status, now people are gradually stopping using these features, some for reasons of not knowing how to do it, others simply because they are lazy. Let's look at the main reasons why people want to be invisible to others:

  • The desire to hide your online status from a certain person(usually from a girl, an annoying boyfriend, etc.).
  • Bad mood and reluctance to communicate with anyone.
  • Show your friends that you can be invisible on VK.
  • Depression, the desire to be one invisible to another world.

There can be many more reasons for becoming invisible on VK, and everyone has their own reasons, but these are the most basic.

How to be invisible on VK

Do you want to become invisible on VKontakte? No problem! We spent a long time searching and checking everything we found on the Internet for the query “How to be invisible on VK.” As it turned out, more than half of the methods no longer work, but there are some that work. To make it more clear to you, we will divide the continuation of the article into two parts: you will learn how to be invisible on VKontakte from a computer and from a mobile phone.

How to log into VK invisible from a computer

There are many ways to activate stealth or invisibility mode for other social network users. We will tell and show each of them, and you choose the one that suits you best

Method 1 - Not very effective.

The simplest, but not very effective method: Go to any section of VK (music, photos, videos, messages, etc.) wait 20 minutes. Next, our status changes to offline until we go to our page. This method is long and works every time, so we recommend using any of the other options below.

Method 2 is better than the first, but we still don’t like it.

Let's go to the music section for example. Add the page to your bookmarks. Ctrl+D close VK and go from the bookmark. The advantage of this method is that we don’t need to wait 20 minutes; you immediately become invisible to others. The disadvantage of this method, just like in the first method, is if you switch to home page your status will be online.

Method 3 is, in our opinion, the most effective

Here we come to the very effective way sit incognito on VKontakte. This method is the simplest and most reliable in terms of anonymity. You must use an extension for your browser. For the most popular browsers: Chrome, Fox, Opera, there is a Vkfox extension. This extension hides your online status without problems, is easily activated and has a huge variety of settings.

Method 4 - VKlife program and its analogues.

That's last method on our list for the desktop version. Since we promised to tell you all the ways, we couldn’t ignore programs for your computer. We tested the invisibility function on the VkLife program, the program completely copes with the invisibility mode until you publish something on your wall. But we strongly recommend that you use browser extensions. Because there are many copies and fakes of this program or simply viruses on the Internet. Protect yourself and your account and try not to use third-party software.

Download VkLife here: vklife.ru

How to log into VK invisible from your phone

After analyzing all the information that is on the Internet and on forms, we found 3 working ways to activate the VK stealth mode from your phone. 2 of them are suitable for the Android operating network and only 1 for an iPhone. Well, let's take a closer look.

Be invisible on VK from Android

For the mobile version of VKontakte, everything is very simple. There are 2 ways to be offline for everyone.

First and the easiest one is to use the Kate mobile application, its interface is very similar to the VK version from the official developers, however, it has a number of functional features that allow you to be offline all the time or vice versa all the time online and many other features.

Download Kate mobile latest version you can on the official website of the developer: katemobile.ru

Method two for the official VK application on Android, which you can download from the play market.

Why it’s convenient this method that there is no need to download additional programs.

We need to activate developer mode on our phone:

  • You need to go to the settings section.
  • Scroll to the very bottom to the line “Build number or version”.
  • Press 7-10 times.
  • The system displays a notification that we have opened developer mode on our device.

You can now activate hidden features in standard application VK on Android.

  • Let's go to our mobile version VC.
  • Go to the settings section.
  • About the program.
  • Press the dog 5-10 times.
  • We go to the dialer (where we usually call the interlocutor from the address book).
  • Enter *#*#856682583#*#*
  • We are opening a mode for the developer of the VK application.
  • We are looking for an invisible line.
  • Plus, you can turn off annoying ads.

Important note this method doesn't work for mobile phones Samsung, due to the functionality of the standard touchwiz shell

How can we not be visible on VK from an iPhone?

Well, we’ve come to the owners of apple products. To hide your presence on the VKontakte social network, we recommend using 3 applications that you can download in the app store:

  • Swist
  • Agent for VK
  • VFeed

In our opinion, it is best to use VFeed; it has an intuitive design and a lot of features and functionality.

We hope you liked our article, we welcome comments

Invisibility on VKontakte allows you to remain offline on the site, using almost all of its features. You can enable stealth mode in the official VK application and clients from third party developers, however, you cannot be sure that it will work.

Invisibility in the official client

On iPhone, the operation is performed in a similar way, since the Android application works the same as the client on iOS. The answer to the question of how to sit offline has been found - the VKontakte invisible mode hides your real status, showing when you were last online.

Invisibility in third-party applications

Previously it was possible to be on VK offline in programs from third-party developers - Kate Mobile for Android and v Feed for iOS. The problem is that in April 2017, VK developers turned off invisibility. So now you can download a VK application like v Feed for free, but it will be of little use - you won’t be able to use your phone offline on VKontakte.

Previously, the user downloaded Feed or Kate Mobile, set the “Be offline if possible” mode and did not worry that other users would notice that he was online. Now in the Kate Mobile settings you can also set the status to “Offline”, but it will not work. Incognito mode on VKontakte on Android via Kate Mobile is activated as follows:

  1. Open client settings.
  2. Click on the "Online" section.
  3. Click on “Online” again.
  4. Select the status “Be offline if possible.”

Now the invisible feature for the VKontakte social network for Android in Kate Mobile does not work. No advice helps, such as “don’t open your profile, but only go to the news - the Feed section.” The VKontakte developers have removed the very ability to hide the real status, so you won’t be able to download the invisible one. The developers of v Feed and Kate Mobile have already confirmed the disabling of the option, so the questions of how to be offline and how to sit on VK and remain invisible received a clear answer - no way.

This is not the case when a separate VK option does not work. VK invisibility on Android applications is disabled intentionally so that users come out of the shadows. So you no longer have to wonder how to make yourself invisible, whether you should only sit in the “Feed” section with news - in any case, friends will see that you are on the site. All that remains is to explain to them that the “Online” status does not mean that you are ready to communicate and respond to messages immediately.