Roaming in Russia MTS. Advantageous roaming options

The four largest operators in Russia and the Federal Antimonopoly Service have come to a general compromise regarding the issue of whether or not to cancel roaming in 2018. Soon Russian subscribers will no longer pay for this service. The basis for this decision was the decree signed by the president and the national plan No. 618 dated December 21, 2017, approved in accordance with it, aimed at eliminating the unreasonable difference in tariffs for mobile communication services when subscribers travel abroad. home network.

On December 19, 2018, the State Duma adopted in the final 3rd reading the law on roaming developed by A Just Russia, which established uniform conditions for subscribers of cellular networks of the Russian Federation, regardless of the region.

Back in 2018, the Federal Antimonopoly Service gave the Big Four operators a directive to prepare for the abolition of roaming in Russia. For the three service companies - VimpelCom, MegaFon, MTS and Tele2 - deadlines have been set for carrying out the necessary technical work.

According to the signed document, the new rules should come into force on 06/01/19.

The goal of abolishing roaming in Russia in order to reduce unreasonably high prices was set by the antimonopoly service last year. But due to the scale of the work, it was not possible to implement it by the end of December 2018. Most likely, the problem will be solved only by mid-2019. There are no grounds for charging additional payments for calls from one region to another when the subscriber leaves the home network. The coverage of the largest Russian operators covers almost the entire territory of the country (with the exception of Crimea). On the peninsula, communications are provided by their own regional companies, whose activities are regulated by relevant agreements.

The process of waiving fees for services for subscribers that involve the use of resources different networks, FAS plans to monitor constantly. In case of failure to comply with the instructions, the organization has the right to initiate proceedings for violation of clause 6, part 1, article 10 of the law “On the Protection of Competition” that came into force and initiate the seizure of income earned illegally.

In his speech, the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation N. Nikiforov assumed that already in the 2nd half of 2018 there will be no global issues regarding roaming in Russia. But, in practice, the process may drag on for at least another 6 months (until the beginning of summer 2019).

Actions of the Big Four operators

As experts note, leading operators began to prepare for the possible cancellation of roaming in advance. Despite the requirements of the antimonopoly service for an equal distribution of all additional payments for the service, they began to systematically increase tariffs. For comparison: prices for services increased 1.5 times compared to 2016.

Regarding the implementation of instructions to cancel roaming in Russia in 2018, the actions of the “Big Four” can already be observed today:

  • Beeline (VimpelCom) began the process of stabilizing tariffs in national roaming back in December 2017.
  • Megafon plans to cancel intranet roaming in the coming weeks.
  • MTS has officially announced a reduction in tariffs for subscribers when traveling around Russia, including for the period of stay in Crimea.
  • Tele2 initially took a wait-and-see approach, but under the threat of punitive measures from the FAS, it moved to active action to cancel roaming.

Not all companies have yet fully complied with the directive to cancel intranet roaming. No matter how the operators resist, by May 2019 they will have to finally review their tariffs and regulate the billing system.

According to I. Artemyev, the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, the agency is actively finding out “who, why and how” and is ready to use its entire arsenal in implementing the national plan.

As for the territory of the Crimean peninsula, intranet national roaming is currently operating there. At the same time, Russian telecom operators operate on the peninsula, but due to fear of falling under international sanctions, subscriber services are provided without the participation of the Big Four.

There is no need to fear that the refusal of roaming will provoke another wave of tariff increases in other sectors in 2018-2019. The balance of interests of subscribers and communication companies will be maintained due to additional traffic growth. According to I. Artemyev, this will be implemented by eliminating barriers for cellular companies and building a new model that involves providing non-discriminatory access to residential buildings.

The new bill quite clearly outlined the time frame for all operators in Russia. Sergei Mironov focused on the fact that the government had been expecting active action from companies providing services for more than a year cellular communication on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. We invite you to watch the video of what promises he made not so long ago:

Now the law has been adopted and, whatever the opinion of the Big Four companies themselves, they will have to comply with it from June 1, 2019.

On the territory of Russia in the MTS network, communication services are provided to subscribers in full if the account balance is positive. Accordingly, when going on a trip to another region of our country, you do not need to activate roaming. However, in order to significantly reduce communication costs when traveling around Russia, you can connect some services. This will allow you to communicate with friends and family and access the Internet without restrictions throughout Russia.

Recently it became known that MTS has canceled roaming in Russia. Now subscribers will be able to receive incoming calls from any region of Russia for free, and pay for outgoing calls at the price of their home region. These changes have so far affected all tariffs.

What's free when traveling around Russia?

MTS takes care of the comfort of its customers when traveling and helps make the trip more relaxing, thanks to useful services. During the trip you can:

  • Incoming calls are free throughout Russia (if you are on the MTS network);
  • Mobile Internet - throughout Russia at home;
  • Outgoing calls in the region of your stay - regardless of the region where you are located - are at home throughout Russia;
    Outgoing long-distance calls throughout Russia cost the same - 5.5 rubles/min.
  • Make a call to the MTS Contact Center. If the subscriber needs to contact the operator, he can do so at any time. Just dial 0890.
  • Find out how to save money. By dialing *111*33# on your phone, you can go to the roaming portal and find out about great offers.
  • Connect to the “Help out” service. To call and send messages to MTS subscribers at their expense, you need to dial the combination *880#.

Advantageous options for calls while traveling around Russia

Many subscribers are interested in what to connect in MTS roaming so that they can stay in touch with loved ones. To make calls without additional costs, the company offers to connect one of the roaming options.

Option for roaming Home package Russia MTS (daily payment)

Smart subscribers who have activated this option spend their package of minutes and SMS on numbers of other operators in their home region. This means that if you come from Moscow to Tver, then calls from Tver to Moscow (home) will now be long-distance, and minutes will be spent from your package. And if you don’t activate the service, then the cost of a long-distance minute for operators other than MTS is 14 rubles/min.

A fee of 10 rubles is debited once a day, provided that the client sends messages or calls.

Connection and deactivation of the service is carried out using the command *111*743#.

Option Home package Russia plus MTS (payment per month)

If a subscriber wants to save money and receive a package of calls and SMS to the numbers of all Russian operators, which can be used when traveling around Russia, then it is better to connect “ Home package Russia" + MTS. The service costs 100 rubles per month, the fee is debited at the time of activation. This means that if you come from Moscow to Tver, then calls from Tver to any other city will now be long-distance, and minutes will be spent from your package. And if you don’t activate the service, then the cost of a long-distance minute for operators other than MTS is 14 rubles/min.

The service can be activated only on the tariffs “My Unlimited”, “Tariffishche”, “X”, “Smart Unlimited”, “Smart”, “Smart nonstop”, “Smart mini”, “Smart light”

Connect to the service

Adding and deleting a service can be done by dialing *111*128#.

Service Everywhere at home Russia MTS

To make calls while traveling around Russia at a favorable price - 3 rubles per minute to any numbers in your home region - you can activate the “Russia is like home everywhere” option. The cost of the service is 5 rubles per day.

The service cannot be activated on the following tariffs: “My Unlimited”, “Tariffishche”, “X”, “Smart Unlimited”, “Smart”, “Smart nonstop”, “Smart mini”, “Smart light”, “Smart Top”, “Ultra” ", "Smart +"

You can add an option to your tariff and “cancel” roaming in Russia MTS 2018 through by sending an SMS with the numbers 528 to number 111 or by dialing the combination *111*528#.

Options for “profitable” Internet when traveling around Russia

Various options will also help you optimize your data costs while roaming. By connecting one of them, an MTS subscriber will be able to access the Internet even outside their home region, and without spending a lot of money.

Super Bit

3 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 350 rub/month.

Many MTS clients have heard about this option and prefer to connect it when roaming. According to the terms, the subscriber is provided with 3 GB of Internet traffic free of charge per month. After they are exhausted, additional 500 MB packages are “turned on”. The cost of one package is 75 rubles. If necessary, you can refuse additional MB and use the “Turbo buttons”.

The cost of the option is 350 rubles/month. *111*628# is a command to activate the service on your number.

MTS mini

7 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 500 rub/month.

Subscribers of all tariff plans have access to the “Internet-Mini” option, valid in Russia. It allows you to access the Internet even outside your home region. An MTS client receives 7 GB of Internet traffic per month for 500 rubles.

To activate the service you need to enter the command *111*160#.

MTS maxi

15 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 800 rub/month.

“Internet Maxi” is an option for those who like to spend time on the Internet, but at the same time want to save money. As part of the service, the subscriber pays a monthly fee of 800 rubles. 15 GB is provided during the day and unlimited at night. You can activate the option by dialing *111*161#


30 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 1200 rub/month.

MTS customers who are not used to limiting their time on the Internet will like the “Internet-VIP” option, offering 30 GB of traffic during the day and unlimited at night. The monthly service fee of 1,200 rubles is debited at the time of connection. You can add an option to your number by dialing *111*166#.

The “Internet-Maxi” and “Internet-VIP” options also provide a discount on MTS TV. In the first case, clients receive a discount of 30%, in the second – 50%.

It is possible to reduce your communication costs while roaming MTS in Russia thanks to the options that the mobile operator offers its customers. Taking into account your needs, you can connect services that will help you make calls or access the Internet at a favorable price. The main thing is to take care of connecting the appropriate option in advance.

Cellular operators. All for the sake of abolishing intranet roaming.

Are there those here who believed that the “Big Three” would cancel it just like that? Shoot pink glasses, recently the last frontier fell.

Megafon recently sent me an SMS notifying me of changes in tariff conditions. Thank you guys, it would always be like this. I was assured that “it will become more convenient and easier to communicate and use fast Internet when traveling around Russia.”

In general, things haven't gotten any easier.

Here's how the new roaming works

The operators “dutifully” complied with the FAS requirements and unanimously canceled roaming. But at the same time they came up with a new scheme for making money on long distance calls. Moreover the same, with a slight difference in prices. Here's the gist:

1 . Let's say you leave your home region and come to Moscow.

2. All calls within the network to Moscow numbers become free within the limits of your tariff packages.

3. All calls within the network from numbers in other regions (including your home) - paid. Right every minute, past the package.

We are talking about both incoming and outgoing calls. That is, if a person has left for another region and they continue to call him from his home region, he will have to pay good money.

At the same time, the Internet will work throughout Russia as if it were at home. As usual, Sevastopol and Crimea have their own conditions. There are also a couple of nuances with SMS. We have already compared the main tariffs of operators here.

What's the catch here?

You can even put it in minus switched off phone.

This is the first thing that came to my mind after reading the terms and conditions. All because of one useless service - voice mail with an answering machine. The fact is that the connection between subscribers is established immediately after turning on the answering machine. And now for such calls you will have to to pay.

Yes, in the age of instant messengers, hardly anyone leaves voice messages to voicemail. But various amazing offers from banks, insurance, or “investment” companies are constantly pouring in there. And no one canceled random recordings from calls from colleagues and relatives.

Where are the proofs, Billy?

Of course, I immediately rushed to check.

The messages contained several notifications from voice mail. I compared them with the call details, and my guess was confirmed.

In detail at the same time marks we see the following:

That is, when they leave me a message in this way, the operator records outgoing call from my SIM card (!) and then incoming message with notice. He calls to the MegaFon “server” located in my home region. Accordingly, now all this is free. But in roaming such notifications will cost me 5-10 rubles. depending on the length of the message.

And again, this is not exclusive to Megafon; other operators have approximately the same picture.

So what's now?

Option 1: leave your SIM card at home and use local ones.

Not just rearrange them in place, but leave them at home. Simply upon arrival in a new region, the SIM card will be registered through local communication stations. This way the operator will understand that you are not in your home region and will enable “convenient and simple” roaming conditions. If you just leave the card at home, nothing like this will happen.

This answering machine is just another service provided by operators. In Megafon it is “Who called +”, in Beeline - “Answering machine”, and MTS called the service “Voice mail”. You can turn all this off and stop thinking about incoming calls. True, many people continue to receive voice messages even after disconnecting. Perhaps the shutdown takes some time, although everything turned off for me right away.

for Megafon: *581*3#
for MTS: SMS with text 902 to number 111
for Beeline: *110*010#

Option 3: give up and buy a roaming package.

The logic is simple: if you travel often, be so kind as to charge the appropriate fare. If it’s rare, each operator has a package of minutes for roaming.

Remember how it used to be like this? For example, as soon as you leave, you immediately activate the “All over Russia” option. This model completely suits the operators, and they are trying to return to it.

Here's what the big three offer:

What's next?

When traveling around the country, the need for reliable and affordable cellular communications only increases - we need to call relatives, friends and colleagues, use the Internet to navigate and communicate on social networks and instant messengers.

Just a few years ago, when visiting another region of the country, prices for calls and Internet for a Beeline subscriber changed, which created significant inconvenience and increased costs. Today we can say with confidence that Beeline has canceled Roaming in Russia. Travel around the country using mobile communications at your usual prices and conditions!

Beeline mobile communications when traveling around Russia

On all Beeline tariffs, intranet roaming within Russia has been cancelled. When traveling around the country while on the Beeline network, the subscriber can call, send SMS, use the Internet and service packages included in the tariff on the terms and prices of their home region. Connection of any special options for roaming or additional payment for current services not required.

When traveling around Russia, the region of stay automatically becomes home for the subscriber and the tariff conditions for communication services are adapted in accordance with his location. At the same time, the cost of local and long-distance calls and SMS is determined by the conditions tariff plan:

  • Calls and SMS to numbers in your region of residence are charged as local, the same as if you were at home.
  • Calls and SMS to numbers in other regions, including the one where the SIM card was purchased, are charged as long-distance.
  • Incoming calls and SMS messages from any numbers throughout the country are always free.

Mobile Internet always operates under the standard terms of the tariff plan in the Beeline network in Russia.

The cost of international calls and SMS when traveling around the country does not change and corresponds to basic tariffs Beeline.

Roaming conditions in the networks of other operators

Despite the fact that Beeline mobile communications are available throughout Russia, the network base stations The operator is not present throughout its entire territory. In areas of the country where there is no Beeline network coverage, communication services are provided using the networks of other operators under national roaming conditions.

In the networks of other operators, service packages and connected additional options do not work, and all Beeline tariff plans have the same tariff conditions:

Calls andSMS:

  • Incoming calls and SMS are free.
  • Outgoing calls within Russia – 2.03 ₽/min.
  • Sending SMS to Russian license plates– 2.03 ₽/piece.

Mobile Internet:

When accessing the Internet while roaming, the first 3 MB of traffic used during the day will be paid at 2.03 RUB/MB, and then a 110 MB package will be connected for 203.39 RUB per day. After the package ends, until the end of the day, Internet traffic will be paid per megabyte, at a price of 2.03 ₽/MB.

How to save money when traveling around the country?

When planning your trip, decide what services you will need - how many calls you will make to numbers in the region of your stay and to other telephone numbers in Russia, whether you will need Mobile Internet and approximately how much traffic you will need.

When traveling, it is important to remember that all calls and messages within the region of your stay are charged as local, and to numbers in other regions (including the one where the SIM card was purchased) are charged as long-distance.

Beeline subscribers do not need to connect to roaming - the tariffs for communication services when traveling around Russia do not change. But, since different tariffs Opportunities and conditions vary; when you go on a trip, you can make mobile communications more profitable by choosing the most suitable tariff plan or connecting additional options.

When choosing a tariff with a package of services, pay attention to the conditions for using minutes and messages:

  • only within the home region, then during a trip around Russia you can only use them to make calls and send messages to numbers in the region of your stay.
  • If minutes and SMS are for calls and sending messages to any numbers in the country, which means that while roaming in Russia you can use them in the same way, without restrictions.

Check whether the tariff provides for the possibility of unlimited calls to Beeline numbers in Russia. This will allow you to save on long-distance calls if most of your family, friends and colleagues also use Beeline mobile communications.

On tariff plans without a package of minutes intended for long-distance calls, you can reduce the cost of calls within Russia using additional options" " And " ".

How can I find out the cost of communication services while traveling?

You can find out the parameters of your current tariff plan and the cost of services in your region of residence by calling toll free number 0947, through the "" application or on the official Beeline website:

On the website, select from the menu "Services" and go to the section "Travel around Russia"(or