Safari or Google Chrome which is better. Why Safari is better than Chrome: objective reasons

There's been a lot of talk about web browsers in the last few days. They wrote that Google is ready to pay Mozilla a billion dollars over the next three years in order to guarantee its search engine the status of a system that is used “by default.” The reason is that Google is now competing with Firefox with its Chrome. What about Safari, what are the prospects and ways for further development of this popular browser? Popular blogger MG Siegler talks about this.

Remember Safari?

It should be noted that Chrome managed to rise from 0% of the market in August 2008 to as much as 25% in November 2011. Apple's web browser is currently used by 5% to 8% of owners various devices. Safari's growth slowed in late 2008 and early 2009, but did not stop. His popularity continues to grow - of course, not at the same rate as Google browser.

Considering that both browsers are powered by WebKit, an engine "born" at Apple, the question arises: why hasn't Safari taken off instead of Chrome and is not one of the most popular browsers?
The answer may generally be simple - because most people still use Windows. Microsoft still dominates despite Mac sales breaking records quarter after quarter. But despite the fact that the Safari browser is usually associated with Mac (since it is built into OS X), it can be used by owners of devices running Windows control, and much longer than Chrome.

Safari for Windows launched in beta in June 2007. This was followed by a wide release in March 2008. The presentation of Chrome took place in September of the same year, initially only in the Windows version. And Google only had one year to overtake Safari and take a significant market share.

If it's not Windows, then what is it? What allowed Chrome to grow?

Another reason most often cited is speed. Numerous tests show that Chrome has become the fastest browser in both page rendering speed and JavaScript performance.

It’s worth remembering here that when they announced the release of Safari for Windows, they showed the results of similar tests that showed the speed superiority of Safari on Mac and PC (don’t forget that Chrome didn’t exist then). If it was all about speed, why didn't Safari launch in June 2007 like Chrome did in September 2008?

On the other hand, many users have complained over the past few years that Safari for Windows is a disappointment. If you do not take into account test results, but opinions ordinary users, then it is placed between Firefox and Internet Explorer by level of practical performance (that is, by the feeling of speed during use). But Apple continues to make Safari available on both platforms, and version 5.1 is no exception.

Some blame Google's growth as a manufacturer for Chrome's growth. The fact is that Google does not particularly promote its browser, except that there is a link to download it on the website. And it's hard to see this as an advantage over IE or Safari, which are built into Windows and OS X, respectively. To get Chrome at your disposal, the user needs to specifically download it, and, as practice shows, for most this is not a difficulty or a reason to use another browser. It's also safe to assume that most people use IE or Safari simply because they were the default browsers they received when they bought their computers.

Safari's advantage was that iTunes users received it by default, and for some time this gave it an advantage over Windows browsers. But it seems that most people who downloaded it simply didn't use it.

Perhaps the benefits of Chrome are extensions? Perhaps, but Safari has also had them since mid-2010. Of course, there are more of them in Chrome and they are more convenient to use, but for sure - if it were only them, the developers would get into the game and pay more attention to them. In addition, extensions appeared in Firefox long before Chrome and Safari, but they did not help the browser become a leader; it is still inferior to Chrome in popularity.

With the launch of OS X Lion, it looked like Safari might be heading into a renaissance. The default settings have changed, third-party software like Chrome has received restrictions. Safari also has new features - improved multi-touch support and Reading List (for synchronization between iOS and OS X Lion), which competitors did not have. But several months of data showed that Safari's growth remained sluggish, supported by quantitative growth in Mac sales.

Given the growth in the mobile industry, one would assume that the increase in Safari mobile users would help increase the number of Safari users on laptops and desktop systems. But the numbers still show very slow growth for the Apple browser. Meanwhile, Chrome, which isn't part of Android (maybe not yet, but still definitely isn't) is rapidly gaining traction without the help of the mobile industry.

According to MG Siegler, he himself uses Chrome. He tried several times to switch to Safari as his main browser (most recently with the release of the OS X Lion update), but eventually returned to Chrome. Purely for reasons of performance and practical convenience. For example, Safari is inferior to Chrome when it comes to handling 10 or more open tabs, and not only in this regard.

MG Siegler also says that he cannot live without Omnibox, address bar at the top of each open tab, which is offered by Chrome. He also often takes advantage of the ability to collapse tabs and place them on the left side of the screen, separate from the general row of open websites.

Almost 9 years have passed since Safari was first officially talked about Steve Jobs at a Macworld event in 2003. The browser has been constantly improving since then and maintains its share of users, but compared to Chrome it is growing much slower (during this time Safari managed to get more than half as many users as Chrome).

Of course, this could still change quickly if devices like the iPad replace the majority of consumer computers. If we talk only about mobile devices, then there is no doubt about the superiority of Safari over Google, since Google has not yet made a mobile version of its browser. And that makes the opposite situation in the traditional PC space even stranger.

In general, MG Siegler was not able to finally figure it out. Perhaps it's all about the priorities of Apple itself, which is developing App Store gives priority, offering to use native products rather than looking for analogues on the Internet. But, again, the development of mobile Safari rejects this assumption. Most likely, the point is still in the very Google Chrome, which turned out to be a really good product. TO good products success often comes.

For owners of Mac laptops, as well as for users of other mobile PCs, a very serious question is: which browser is best to give preference to. Each of the browsers offered on the market today has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, what is the best choice?

All Mac laptops have their own native browser, called Safari. Nevertheless, the Chrome web browser is extremely popular on Apple computers. Despite the fact that the topic of its excessive gluttony and the fact that it drains the laptop battery much faster has been discussed more than once, its audience still remains one of the largest. Moreover, Chrome has one significant advantage: it is updated on average once every few weeks, so its user experience and security are always at their best.

But let's take a closer look at these browsers and determine which one is best for Mac owners.

The first thing every user pays attention to is the design of the browser. In Safari especially for latest versions operating systems, the design of the web browser is very modern and convenient. Even the smallest details are thought out, so you can get used to this design very easily and quickly. But do not forget that the design cannot be liked by everyone at once, since we all have different tastes. Perhaps this is why Google is in no hurry to change the design of its browser for Mac computers, preferring to use a design that is already outdated, but familiar to most users.

If we compare both browsers in terms of security level, then in this regard they are approximately the same. From time to time there are vulnerabilities here and there, but they are quickly fixed, so it is difficult to single out the best product in this aspect specifically.

Perhaps the biggest difference between these browsers is in their functional features. If we conduct a comparative analysis on this indicator, we will see completely different products. For example, as for Safari, here the developers have resorted to using special algorithms for compressing and loading information. Google is more inclined to use old, but proven technologies that will guarantee reliable and stable operation and will not present unexpected surprises.

Chrome has very wide customization options. An online store of various add-ons is available here, with which you can radically change the appearance of the browser and add new functions. Safari does not have such wide capabilities, and the add-on store is very modest, so you will have to look for most extensions on third-party resources. Safari in its current builds has a very significant drawback: there are no site icons on the tabs that open. When opening large quantity Finding the pages you need can sometimes be very difficult. But in the next version operating system this problem has been partially eliminated.

Another big drawback of Safari is the lack of ability to save copies of viewed pages. That is, in Chrome browser you can look at one page, open a completely different one in its place, and then return, if necessary, to the original version. There is no such option in Safari. If you try to load the previous page with a swipe or button, it will only reload the current one. Such differences in browsers arise due to differences in usage technology random access memory.

The browsers practically do not differ in operating speed; at least by eye, the user will not be able to determine which of the services works better and faster.

We talked about the problems with Safari, now let's move on to Chrome. The Google browser engine has not been updated for about 5 years. Some improvements and new functions were simply attached to it. That is why it is considered outdated. Due to the use of this technology, the browser can slow down very much when opening a large number of tabs and even heavily load the PC. But this drawback is greatly mitigated by the main advantage of the browser - its cross-platform functionality. Safari currently only works on Apple platforms, while Chrome is supported on most desktop and mobile operating systems.

From this we can conclude that for those users for whom time is important battery life his computer, it is better to give preference to the Safari browser. Well, for those who often have to work on other OSes and do not care about the level of resource consumption, Chrome is perfect.

Yandex has made its own browser completely cross-platform, releasing special versions for Android tablets and iPhone smartphones(previously, only the iPad version could be found in the App Store). Vesti.High-Tech tried to use a domestic development instead of Safari on the iPhone.

"Yandex.Browser" for iPhone replaces the previously existing iOS application "Yandex.Search" when updating. A new version supports synchronization of bookmarks and list of frequently visited sites between different devices.

An important advantage of the new browser is the presence of a “Turbo” mode, which significantly speeds up the loading of pages in conditions of a slow Internet connection? There is no such thing in standard Safari. The “smart search bar” distinguishes between website addresses and search engine queries and provides hints. The browser can also answer specific questions immediately - for example, provide photos or maps.

I was pleasantly pleased with the design of the new product. The quick access panel consists of large tiles with frequently visited sites. They can be deleted, modified or dragged - this saves time. Subjectively, "Yandex.Browser" looks much more beautiful than the standard Safari. At first it seemed unusual that the search/address bar was located at the bottom of the screen rather than at the top, but it soon became clear that it was much more convenient to reach it with your finger.

The browser speed was excellent. On the author's iPhone 4S, Safari often starts to slow down if many pages are open. There were no such problems with the Yandex browser; it always worked quickly.

By default, the browser uses Yandex as its default search engine. However, surprisingly, the company allows you to change the search engine in the settings to Google, and even Wikipedia.

All these advantages of the new browser are largely canceled out by the fact that in iOS it is impossible to configure a non-Safari browser as the main browser. This way, links from various applications will still open in the pre-installed browser by default. In Chrome for iOS, this problem is partially solved by the fact that in other Google applications you can configure the ability to open links by default in Chrome, this is especially true for Gmail. But the same “Yandex.Mail” still can open links only in Safari; it has not yet been paired with “Yandex.Browser”.

Let us remind you that the version of Yandex.Browser for desktop computers came out about a year ago. This summer the company released versions for smartphones on Android and for iPad tablets, and last week Yandex.Browser was released for Android tablets.

The abundance of modern web browsers is amazing in its quantity.
Even more striking is the number of web browser developers themselves.
And, even more striking is the reluctance of developers to cooperate and agree with each other to create and improve a single program for browsing the Internet. Despite the fact that there are only three main software for this, web browser developers managed to “create” a whole horde of these wonderful programs, leaving the user the “right” to figure out their advantages and disadvantages themselves.

Well, our brother-user, as always, is happy to try.
The average network user with incredible diligence downloads and installs all the junk that is kindly handed to him on the Internet at every turn. At the same time, he (the user) is deeply confident in his own independent choice when downloading and “testing” this kind of software. After all, for him (the user) they came up with a trap “in a savory way” - try a new browser.

Try a new browser

Ahah. How sweet, how wonderful - “Try a new browser.”
The right to try everything - it’s so creative, fresh and highly social.

Nowadays living individuals do nothing but try everything and spit.
Some try new products, others try new browsers.
And, all together, they spit. What do you want? We have the right to choose.

Nope. The current user is keen to try everything “by bite”.
As if there are no other ways to find out the properties of an object.
But that’s how marketers taught him (the user) - “please try it.”
Maybe if you're lucky, you won't puke.

The current generation is a generation of trying users, which has long turned into a generation of users who hate. Their credo is to try everything and give a damn. For them, to try and not curse the subject of the test means admitting their own ignorance. Trying and finding fault is the karma of modern users on their long path to self-knowledge and self-improvement. Like a small child, trying everything and spitting it out, the modern individual asserts himself in this world and relieves his stress (such a fashionable word, another trick for pumping money out of noobs and justifying their own stupidity).

Sorry, I got carried away :):):) We're talking about browsers here...
- So here it is. Our story with web browsers is no exception - the average people criticizes them, vilifies them and throws mud at them, but they (web browsers) bloom and smell. Or rather, they live and reproduce.

Well, let’s try it and discover a “new browser”.
As they say in Odessa, “Cute is cute. Why try it?
Let me also put “my two cents” into the terrible treasury of national discussion.

Three engines - three points of view

The heart of any browser is its engine.
The browser engine is the operating system of each browser, which performs the same functions as Windows or Mac OS on any computer - it converts something and displays it somewhere. Figuratively speaking, a browser engine is a program for receiving network signals and displaying them on a computer monitor in the form of content on web pages of sites, blogs, etc.

Initially there were many engines, of which (today)
Only three actually survived, although they mutated:
- Trident (Russian: Triden), Gecko (Russian: Gecko) and WebKit (Russian: WebKit).

Now, the fossil bones of these three "dinosaurs"
form the basis for the development of all modern browsers:

  1. Trident- (proud and lonely)
  2. Gecko- and comrades
  3. WebKit - ,

All other network facilities (both engines and browsers) -
These are endless variations on the theme of the first three network luminaries.

Fundamentally, the struggle for survival took place not between engine developers and their creations, but between three points of the network worldview, aimed at different layers of users.

  1. Trident (Internet Explorer)- the most conservative engine, the creators of which are seriously involved in the development of the Windows operating system (OS). Due to the eternal fuss with their OS, the developers of Triden do not get around to the browser and its engine. Therefore, they cannot understand why Internet Explorer is the least favorite network browser, despite the fact that it is part of the most common operating system.
    The Triden (Trident) engine is beyond competition, because it is installed by the developer of the operating system (Windows) and will remain there until Uncle Bill gets tired of it. The situation with Trident-om is clear as day - it is used by people who do not need the Internet, just as Uncle Bill does not need the browser itself (or rather, its development).
  2. Gecko ( Mozilla Firefox) - an engine aimed at people who have “everything in line” in life. Psychologists know that there is a category of people for whom “everything fits the line.” The pencils on the desk lie flat, the grass on the lawn is neatly cut, the boxes in the refrigerator are lined up by height. The Gecko engine is designed for such users. So that everything is laid out neatly and neatly.
    The Gecko engine has lost a lot of ground lately. However, he will be in demand for a long time, if only because this world is full of neat people. And, these people need neat programs.
  3. WebKit (Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera)
    WebKit- the most popular engine on this moment. Now, two online browser developer whales - Google and Yandex - have attacked it at once. What kind of worldview is there when two world leaders of the Internet industry are fighting for the palm of the Network championship? The end consumer only benefits from such a confrontation. Therefore, most likely, over time - the engine WebKit deservedly tops the list of brilliant developments from Apple.

Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer)

Internet Explorer confidently tops the list of outsiders among online observers. The program is worse than ever. It’s not even clear who it was created for. If Internet Explorer made for tough professionals - so there is nothing useful in it for them, and if Internet Explorer is made for the general consumer masses - then why so many incomprehensible functions and bells and whistles? Obviously, Uncle Bill has a deep conviction that in kindergartens around the globe they are studying with might and main the purpose of network protocols, traffic and add-ons to Internet applications. Otherwise, then why is all this crammed into Internet Explorer?

My first acquaintance with Internet Explorer(IE) took place back in 2003, with the connection of the home Internet. Uncle who made network connection, smiling indulgently, clicked on the IE shortcut and time stopped. It turned into a small hourglass that showed the progress and interruptions of loading web pages. We could sit for days and look at this watch, and wait, wait, wait...

This was in those distant times when people had not yet forgotten how to be surprised.
In that prehistoric era home Internet was such an unprecedented overseas monster. There were still very few pictures then, the texts were poor, and the greatest surprise and admiration was caused by forums, interactive buttons and primitive online games. The whole yard played checkers with the Czechs and Poles (after all, there were no traces of translators yet). And, the whole yard, we tried to understand with our boyish minds - what kind of miracle is this - Internet Explorer?

Many years have passed since then. The boys have grown up. Many have acquired their own websites and blogs. Almost everyone has a mobile internet device. Some graduated from universities (universities, that is). Everyone has their own Internet life. Sometimes we meet on some social network or on a forum. In short - everything is a bundle, except for one thing - despite many years of online experience in work and entertainment, none of us understood - What is this - Internet Explorer?

Here's a sad story about the Internet browsing program - Internet Explorer. With this program, everyone begins their first step on the Internet, since Internet Explorer is “tightly” embedded in Windows and the first thing that opens is Internet Explorer. Setting up a network connection in 98 cases out of 100 starts with this, with Internet Explorer. But! In 98 cases out of 100, after setting up a network connection, communication with Internet Explorer ends - the user immediately downloads another browser and instantly switches to it. Because few people can understand what kind of program Internet Explorer is and why it is needed.

The only benefit was with IE6 for webmasters and layout designers who used it as a debugger (a program for identifying layout errors in code). The browser was so capricious that it did not forgive the slightest mistake in the layout of a web document. This is what webmasters used - they viewed their works in Internet Explorer 6. This could not be taken away from IE6 - if it had already rendered a web page normally, then be sure - in all other browsers such a page would run without distortions. Unfortunately, IE6 has long since died, along with its revolutionary operating system.

Despite my complete misunderstanding of this browser, I would like to note that IE is the only browser that can save web documents in one shared file with extension .mht. Previously, she was also able to do this, but with the transition to the WebKit engine, this skill disappeared. For those who don't remember, a file with the extension .mht is very useful file. It can be opened and edited in Worde, which is very convenient when working with web documents.

Mozilla Firefox (Mozilla Firefox)

In past, Mozilla Firefox- my favorite browser. It was very good browser with very correct display of pages. All web applications worked perfectly in this browser, and it itself had many add-ons and extensions for professional work online. For that, Mozilla Firefox was quite loved by webmasters. I am not an alien, and I also did the debugging of my sites and posts, exclusively in Mozilla Firefox. Because all other web browsers could draw anything and everything on the screen Mozilla Firefox- forgave a lot.

Now, Mozilla Firefox remains a universal tool for web developers. At the same time, the quality of font rendering and the play of colors in Mozilla Firefox, as before - much clearer and brighter than in all other browsers. However, now the browser has very big problems adapting to the user's screen resolution. A mismatch in the resolution of program windows results in moving active elements beyond the visibility of the screen, as a result, users can spend hours searching for non-existent (invisible) buttons in the system program window. Thus, modern users Mozilla Firefox, either use the default screen resolution, or are not interested in browser settings, or simply tolerate the inconvenience of visual software display. The latter refers to fossil dinosaurs that were accustomed to Mozilla Firefox during its Internet brilliance and furor in the last decade.

Heyday Mozilla Firefox falls on 2007-2011. In those distant times, just before the invasion of the plague from the dominance social networks- sites were riveted by all and sundry. From normal browsers Then it was only capricious and on many “crooked” sites there were advertisements like “The site is designed for Mozilla Firefox.” Because, I repeat, no other browser can display a web page better and more correctly than the Fire Fox. Alas, those wonderful times of the Network dominance of the Fire Fox (or Fire Fox) have hopelessly sunk into oblivion. Nowadays, the masses have confidently migrated to, etc. This is greatly facilitated by the rather long (up to 1 minute) initial loading of the red-faced, mustachioed and tailed browser program.

From user additions to Mozilla Firefox I would especially like to note its unique quick access panel - Speed ​​Dial. This panel has a lot of settings and is unparalleled for any comparison. Installing this panel completely solves the problems of working with user bookmarks, because in the panel settings it is possible to create an unlimited number of groups and screens for switching quick access.

Apple Safari

Development Apple Safari was discontinued in 2012.
It's a pity, it was a good browser, I liked it.
In that Apple review Safari is mentioned as a tribute to the developments of the famous company Apple, which gave the world its unique engine WebKit, on which the glory of the current most popular and most beloved browsers rests - , and

Google Chrome (Google Chrome)

Google Chrome(Google Chrome) - a basic browser made on the engine WebKit after development of Apple Safari ceased. From Apple Safari Google Chrome(Google Chrome) inherited simplicity of management and asceticism of design. In its basic configuration, Google Chrome(Google Chrome) can rightfully be considered the fastest browser, since it does not have plugins and extensions that slow down the work, unlike Yandex (). Google Chrome(Google Chrome) works very carefully and synchronizes user bookmarks, which cannot be said about Yandex () and Fire Fox (). Although, the latter circumstance is more related to work cloud services, rather than to the direct operation of the browser itself.


At the moment, Yandex (Yandex browser) is one of the most powerful and versatile browsers in the Russian-speaking world (if not the most powerful and versatile). Taking the WebKit () engine as a basis, Yandex specialists created on its basis a kind of monster that will soon replace all known user applications. Today, the Yandex browser can open PDF documents, play videos, translate from foreign languages, and much more. Fundamentally, such functions exist in other browsers, but Yandex is just quicker to master them, or something.

Of course, in terms of the number of extensions and add-ons, Yandex browser cannot compete with. But he doesn’t need it, since many Mozilla Firefox add-ons are designed for highly professional users.

Being a program made for the broad masses, the Yandex browser is winning the love of these same masses more and more every day. Programs with a minimum custom settings, have always been liked by our people. Many people don’t even go beyond the quick launch panel, which is a special topic in the Yandex browser. Yandex Browser has made such a quick launch panel that you can install it in almost any browser.

Yandex Browser is the second browser after the web that has its own quick launch panel. For reference, neither Google Chrome nor Mozilla Firefox have their own, only borrowed ones.

We must pay tribute to the Yandex programmers - with such powerful functionality, the Yandex browser practically does not glitch. True, for some time there were problems with multiplayer work (which I incredibly love). But now, everything seems to be set up, and users are switching normally.

What exactly is wrong with the Yandex browser -
This is synchronization of user bookmarks.
It works disgustingly!

The nightmare manifests itself in the fact that once a bookmark or folder of bookmarks has been made and deleted, it periodically crawls out of some Yandex caches and appears again in the bookmarks menu. Moreover, this can happen often and repeatedly. And as a result, after a couple of reinstallations or rollbacks of the operating system on different computers or high-end mobile devices, the user’s account begins to have such bedlam with bookmarks that it’s time to run for vodka shouting “Dear Mom.”

By the way, the same almshouse with bookmarks is observed in, which suggests the simple instability of the cloud services where these browsers “stack” the user’s bookmarks.

As for the rest, we can put up with it.
As it is fashionable to say these days, the Yandex browser rules. And he drives confidently.

Claiming to be the most fast browser The Yandex browser can be incredibly slow when starting up - the program simply freezes for a few seconds. The reason for this freezing is the famous Yandex Tableau or, as it is also called by analogy with Opera, the quick access panel (Express panel). Being, in fact, an analogue of the Opera Express Panel, Yandex Tableau has a significant drawback - it is systematically dynamically updated when the program is launched. In other words, when the program starts, all Tableau bookmarks are opened in the background, which causes the program to freeze while exchanging information with the sites listed on Tableau. By the way, Yandex Tableau comes as a separate plugin that can be installed in almost any browser. In this case, the Yandex Tableau will be called Yandex bookmarks and can permanently paralyze the work of any browser where it is installed.

What cannot be taken away from the Yandex browser is its incredible security and virus resistance. Well, the other day I picked up some kind of malware and started popping up annoying advertisements on all websites and in all browsers, which, in addition, intercepted the first click on the screen, no matter where it happened. So, the Yandex browser resisted this infection. They fell down, and , and , and . But the Yandex browser survived. This makes me happy.


Opera (Russian: Opera) is a browser that has been beloved by many users since ancient times. The main attraction of Opera has been and remains its famous (Quick Access Toolbar) for many years. There is no such “trick” in any browser. It was thanks to its Express Panel that Opera gained particular popularity in those distant times when there was no trace of it.

Since then, Opera has been trying to “keep up the brand”, placing the main emphasis for the user on the convenience of his work with bookmarks. Adding and editing bookmarks in Opera is a pleasure. This can be done in many ways, for example, by simply dragging with the mouse or clicking the special “plus” sign on the bookmarks bar. And, at the end of the work, having created a whole folder with bookmarks (Oh, the buzz!) - save it entirely, directly into your favorite Express panel.

Analogues of Opera's "Express panel" in other browsers are " Visual bookmarks» from Yandex, which can be installed as an add-on in almost any browser. In addition, there is a similar “Speed ​​Dial” add-on, which is somewhat superior to Opera’s “Express Panel” in capabilities. However, creating, saving and editing entire folders with bookmarks on the Quick Access Toolbar is only available in Opera. Other browsers and their add-ons do not have such capabilities.

And Opera also has a big advantage over other browsers - after closing the last current tab, the browser does not close completely, but goes to the quick access panel tab. This is very convenient, and this “trick” is also present, only in Opera.

The next feature of Opera will be of interest to webmasters. It turns out that Opera is the only browser that works within a page in absolute terms without refreshing the page. This is very convenient when you can check anchors on a page without refreshing it.

And finally. Hooray! Opera has added synchronization of user bookmarks!

Otherwise, Opera is a pretty mediocre browser. With the transition to the WebKit engine, Opera lost its uniqueness and joined a long line of attractions from Apple. In particular, on the new engine, Opera has forgotten how to save web pages in one archive with the .mht extension. But who needs it now? Thanks, it helps.

After its next update, Opera again pleasantly surprised its users. Now Opera bookmarks have a “Trash” for deleted bookmarks. From now on, any deleted bookmark goes first to the trash. It is very comfortable. As always, Opera again confirmed the high title of the most convenient user browser. In working with bookmarks, Opera developers have once again outdone themselves. At the moment, Opera is the only browser that has a recycle bin for deleted bookmarks. This incredible innovation will soon become available in other browsers - a deleted bookmark does not disappear “forever and ever”, but is placed in a special trash folder, from where it can always be retrieved and restored. (To view the picture, click on it)

Lunascape (Lunascape)

Lunascape (Lunascape)- a network browser from pragmatic Japanese developers. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun made “three in one” and combined all three modern basic ones in their program, which brought the author of these lines into indescribable delight. Indeed, isn’t this what we dream about - instead of dozens of items of obscene network rubbish, to have only one, but really useful, working and universal program for Internet surfing? :):):) Beauty, and that’s all, all three engines in one. And now you don’t need to install a whole army of other browsers from different developers.

Fundamentally, there is no development here. This is the main trick of the creators of Lunascape - you don’t need to develop anything, everything has already been developed by others. You just need to add up to a heap and coordinate the work of three engines in one program. Moreover, they should be updated periodically when real developers update their engines. Fortunately, all browsers and engines are supplied by their developers with open source code, available for editing. So, even a violation of licensing rights does not happen, because everything is permitted by the authors themselves. No matter how it is.

Lunascape (Lunascape) has the ability to switch between engines and assign each of them to a specific site. But, perhaps, this is where the charms of this browser end. The functionality of this browser is frankly rather weak. Indeed, how can you combine motors from different cars? The Lunascape browser cannot become widespread for one simple reason - its universality turns against itself.

The average user does not need three; one engine is enough for him. To stare at YouTube for hours, or hang around on social media for days, you don’t need super bells and whistles.

As for professional Internet workers, they are great gourmets and it is very difficult to please them. Provide users of professional categories with plugins, extensions, add-ons with which they are accustomed to working, and without which their network work will not work at all, but just a fuss. But all these plugins, extensions and additions are installed on Lunascape, oh, how bad it is. More precisely, they are not installed at all. I’m generally silent about the possibilities of synchronizing user files, this is some kind of darkness. So it turns out that the Japanese idea is not bad at all, but it will only really begin to work no earlier than the leading network developers of engines and browsers agree among themselves (like they did with the web).

Which browser is better

This entire review of web browsers is my personal user opinion, which was formed from many years of networking experience. Over the course of many years, the crown of browser championship was placed in turn on the head of each of them, and subsequently fell into disgrace. Each web browser has undeniable discoveries from their developers, as well as shortcomings and omissions. To my great disappointment, after a long search through a whole series of browser software, I was never able to choose just one specific model(if I may say so). And the point is not my pickiness, but the instability of the stability of the programs under discussion.

Why do I need browser stability?
- Nowadays, the Internet occupies an important part in the life of its user. And, not surprisingly, this user has his own network values, which he (the user) wants to preserve and increase. Settings appearance browser, saving bookmarks and passwords, creating a multi-user structure in the browser takes a lot of precious time and effort. Accordingly, when after the next update, or installation of an official extension, or simply - all browser settings disappear, you want only one thing - to find the developer and commit an act of civil disobedience against him in a rude manner. And then change your browser so that this never happens again.

torbrowser (torbrowser)

torbrowser(torbrowser) is not quite a browser in the sense of the word in which it is discussed in this article. torbrowser is a program for anonymous Internet browsing that uses a connection to a system of hidden proxy servers and allows you to establish an indefinite (anonymous) network connection.

By her own, torbrowser- a rather primitive program that uses TOR technology (abbr. English: The Onion Router) - a US military development, which they decided to declassify in 2002. The ability to establish anonymous connections is not determined by the cunning of the torbrowser-a, but a feature of the network infrastructure through which the network connection is made. Such an anonymous connection is believed to be protected from eavesdropping, location tracking, and other transmission of user data. How true this is is unknown, since in the free mode of this browser, it is authorized already from the second page refresh, and I did not have to use paid proxies. There was no need for this.

In other words, strength torbrowser- and not in the program itself, but in the power of the network through which it is connected to another network :):):) Accordingly, if torbrowser is connected through the US Navy web network system (for which it was actually developed) - its effectiveness will be maximum (according to 2002 conditions).

From the point of view of an ordinary network user, torbrowser is of absolutely no interest. There are no conveniences in it, plus slow operation due to additional network encryption.

Russian-speaking users remembered torbrowser in 2013, when the fight against “piracy” began in Russia and sites guilty of distributing pirated copies began to be blocked at the state level. That’s when they were needed en masse torbrowser-s for anonymous access to blocked sites, since the blocking was carried out based on the location of the Russian IP user. As soon as this struggle began to wane, about torbrowser

The site's laboratory has been conducting tests for several years now. software for Android devices, and now we have decided to expand our horizons. Now on our resource you can find reviews of applications for iOS devices.

And we’ll start by looking at those programs in which we get stuck for hours, without which a smartphone would not be a full-fledged gadget that provides direct access to the Internet and connection to the virtual world.

First of all we will look at standard application Apple Safari, with which we compare the already familiar Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Maybe the stock iPhone browser is so good and perfect that its competitors are simply not needed?

The following device was used as test equipment:

  • Smartphone Apple iPhone 6 (iOS 10.3.2 installed).

Apple Safari


There are rumors that all Apple products are immediately ready for use, as they say, “out of the box”, they do not need to be modified, they are ideal... It sounds optimistic, but what if? Let's start finding out this fact with the mobile version of the Safari browser.

Beginning of work

Immediately after purchasing and activating your mobile Apple devices You may notice an unusual compass icon on its screen. It would seem, what is the connection here? In my opinion, this is how the developers show that their application will help you find any information on the network, as if using a compass. Hope.

The main menu of the Safari browser is represented by icons with our favorite bookmarks. Regardless of whether you have a regular iPhone or the Plus version, there will always be four icons in width, but either five or six in height. For an iPhone with a “classic” diagonal, the layout of the elements is quite good, but in the “large” version of the smartphone the display size is poorly used.

There is a search bar docked at the top of the screen. Okay at least search engine we are allowed to choose, and I easily installed Yandex, since I mostly use it.

As for the sites themselves and their layout, everything is ordinary here. In most cases it is loaded by default mobile version, which, again, is usually well optimized for the iPhone. True, the text does not adapt to the device’s screen, so reading is sometimes not very convenient.

Actually, this is all that is available to the user in the browser of one of the most advanced devices in the world. model range Apple.

To switch between pages, an additional menu is used; the tabs in it are arranged in a very unusual way, which is what fascinates. Pay attention to the screenshots.

By the way, from this section you can go to “ Private mode", only here it is called "Private Access". If someone asks for a smartphone to go online, then I always open it this mode, especially if I don’t want to close dozens of my tabs.

The difference between the regular mode and the private mode is almost impossible to discern right away. Perhaps Apple could somehow integrate Touch ID here for secure access to bookmarks, a resource, or as a password for a specific folder.

I won’t say much about the history and bookmarks, because there’s nothing interesting there. All bookmarks are stored on the device and in cloud storage, are constantly synchronized with all our Apple gadgets. You can create folders in the bookmarks section. I remember that this feature was not available on the iPhone 3G.


If Google's applications still have at least some parameters, then most Apple applications do not even have such a section, and the Safari browser is no exception.


All Apple applications work as smoothly, clearly and stably as possible, in them you will not see messages “the application was closed by error...”, “the program stopped responding and was closed...” and so on. This is already a definite success compared to Android, just like that and no other way.

No matter what actions you do in the Safari browser, no matter how many tabs are open, your smartphone will perform your actions as smoothly as possible. Even tabs hardly reload, especially if hands iPhone 6s or newer, with big amount random access memory. You can easily say that this browser works great.

About support Adobe Flash this browser has never known and will never know.

As for online browser tests, Safari performs quite well here.


Apple Safari is an excellent browser for the undemanding user. It works well and will not make you bored while waiting for this or that page to load, does not slow down, does not contain bugs, and almost always works smoothly. In principle, in terms of stability and performance, there are no complaints about it.

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