Samba - first steps. Samba File Server What is samba

The main Samba configuration file is /etc/samba/smb.conf. The initial configuration file has a significant number of comments to document the various configuration directives.

Not all possible options are included in the default settings file. See manual man smb.conf or Samba FAQ for more details.

1. First change the following key/value pairs in the section file /etc/samba/smb.conf:

Workgroup = EXAMPLE ... security = user

Parameter security is located much lower in the section and is commented out by default. Also replace EXAMPLE to something more appropriate to your surroundings.

2. Create a new section at the end of the file or uncomment one of the examples for the directory that you want to share:

Comment = Ubuntu File Server Share path = /srv/samba/share browsable = yes guest ok = yes read only = no create mask = 0755

    comment: A short description of the shared resource. Used for your convenience.

    path: path to the shared directory.

    This example uses /srv/samba/sharename because, according to the File System Hierarchy Standard (FHS), the /srv directory is where all data related to a given site should reside. Technically, a Samba share can be placed anywhere on the file system where file access restrictions allow, but following standards is recommended.

    browsable: Allows Windows clients to view the contents of a shared directory using Windows Explorer.

    guest ok: Allows clients to connect to the shared resource without providing a password.

    read only: Determines whether the resource is accessible with read-only or write privileges. Write privileges are only available when you specify no, as shown in this example. If the value yes, then access to the resource will be read-only.

    create mask: determines which access rights will be set for new files created.

3. Now that Samba is configured, you need to create a directory and set permissions on it. Enter in terminal:

Sudo mkdir -p /srv/samba/share sudo chown nobody.nogroup /srv/samba/share/

parameter -p tells mkdir to create a complete directory tree if it doesn't exist.

4. Finally, restart samba services to apply the new settings:

Sudo restart smbd sudo restart nmbd

You can now search the Ubuntu file server using the Windows client and browse its shared directories. If your client does not show your shares automatically, try accessing your server by its IP address, for example, \\, from a Windows Explorer window. To check that everything works, try creating a directory inside your share from Windows.

To create additional shares, create a new section in /etc/samba/smb.conf and restart Samba. Just make sure the shared directory is created and has the correct permissions.

Shared resource "" and the way /srv/samba/share- these are just examples. Set the resource name and directory name according to your environment. It is a good idea to use the name of the resource's directory on the file system as the name of the resource. In other words, the resource can be specified for the /srv/samba/qa directory.

This article will focus on creating a wireless local network for devices running various operating systems Windows systems, Linux, Android using Samba.

Nowadays, almost every apartment has Wi-Fi network, and there is also a large number of different devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, Android TV Box). In this regard, sooner or later there will be a need to combine all devices available for use into one home network in order to easily access all kinds of files from any gadget.

This is actually what will be discussed in this opus. So let's get started.

For network construction, we will use a ready-made solution called Samba. This is the package free programs with open source code allowing you to connect to network drives, printers and other equipment on various operating systems using its own SMB/CIFS protocol.

The software consists of two parts - server and client. We will install the Samba server on one of the devices, which by definition will be the main one, and the Samba client on all the others.

Installing the Samba server

In my case, for the server device, I chose a laptop on which Windows 7 and Ubuntu Mate 16.04 were installed in parallel. Below we will consider in detail the process of installing and configuring Samba for both operating systems.

Setting up samba server under Linux

By default, Samba is not installed in Ubuntu, so you need to do so before moving on. As an option, in order not to subsequently edit the Samba configuration file through the terminal, we will install the Gadmin-Samba program, which includes, in addition to the Samba server packages and GUI.

To install, type in the terminal:

Sudo apt install gadmin-samba

Once the installation is complete, launch Gadmin Samba. The application interface is not Russified, but understanding the settings is quite simple.

There are a lot of settings in the program, but by and large, in our case we are interested in the “users” tab. Go to it and add a new user.

Click the “New user” button, enter the user name in the updated window, come up with a password, add it to the group (in order not to “invent the wheel”, indicate the existing one, namely “sambausers”) and set the home directory for the files. After that, click "Apply".

HD Videobox - New user

To apply the changes, restart the server using the “deactivate” and “activate” buttons, respectively, located in the upper left corner of the application window.

Don’t forget, also, to set access rights to “shared” folders for shared access. This can be done either through the terminal or through the graphical interface of the Nautilus file explorer.

Nautilus - changing permissions

Nautilus - File Write Permission

Setting up samba server under Windows

In the case of Windows, everything is much more prosaic, since Samba is used by default in this operating system.

In principle, you can use an existing account or enable guest access. Alternatively, you can create another account, the data of which will be used for network access

To create a new account, you need to go to the "control panel", select "manage user accounts" and create new account with a password.

Adding a new account

When creating a new user, you will need to select an account type, create a name and password.

At the last stage, you will need to set rights to view changes to “shared” folders. This can be done in standard Windows Explorer through the item context menu"properties", in relation to the folder you need.

"Sharing" a folder

Adding a user and changing folder permissions

After creating a new user, be sure to re-login to the current session for the changes to take effect.

Installing the Samba client on Android

To access the Samba server and, accordingly, network drives on devices running Android control I recommend using the Root Explorer application (download link full version no advertising at the end of the article).

Samba is a program that allows you to access network drives on various operating systems via SMB/CIFS protocol. It has client and server parts. Is free software, released under the GPL license.
Samba runs on most Unix-like systems, such as GNU/Linux, POSIX-compliant Solaris and Mac OS X Server, various BSD variants, OS/2, Windows. Samba is included in almost all GNU/Linux distributions, including, of course, Ubuntu.

To do shared folder In Ubuntu Desktop, just right-click on the folder and select the “Publish Folder” menu item. There is no need to edit any configuration files. Everything described below applies only to manual setting, for example, in the case of creating a file server.
To install, just open a terminal and enter:

sudo apt-get install samba

The application will be automatically downloaded and installed.


Using the terminal, we will make a backup copy of the initial configuration file:

Sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf(,.bak)

Now you can edit the settings file /etc/samba/smb.conf; to do this, open it in any text editor with superuser rights. For example, like this:

Sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf An example of configuring Samba as a standalone file server with authorization: ; Global Settings servers; General server settings ; Computer name that will be displayed in the network environment netbios name = main-server server string = ; Working group clients workgroup = WORKGROUP announce version = 5.0 socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_KEEPALIVE SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 passdb backend = tdbsam security = user null passwords = true ; File for user name aliases username map = /etc/samba/smbusers name resolve order = hosts wins bcast ; wins support is set to yes if your nmbd(8) in Samba is a WINS server. Do not set this parameter to yes unless you have multiple subnets and do not want your nmbd to act as a WINS server. Never set this parameter to yes on more than one machine within the same subnet. wins support = no ; Printer support printing = CUPS printcap name = CUPS ; Logs log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m syslog = 0 syslog only = no ; Configuring binding to which interfaces to listen on, if listens on all interfaces are not specified; interfaces = lo, eth0 ; bind interfaces only = true ; ; ; path = /var/lib/samba/printers ; browseable = yes ; guest ok = yes ; read only = yes ; write list = root ; create mask = 0664 ; directory mask = 0775 ; ; ; path = /tmp ; printable = yes ; guest ok = yes ; browseable = no ; ; ;path = /media/cdrom ;browseable = yes ;read only = yes ;guest ok = yes ; Hard drive ball; The name of the balls is visible from clients; Path to the shared disk path = /media/sda1 ; Is it possible to browse browseable = yes read only = no guest ok = no create mask = 0644 directory mask = 0755 ; Binding to a specific user name or group, names separated by a space; force user = user1 user2 ; force group = group1 group2 ; Another HDD, similar to what is above path = /media/sde1 browseable = yes read only = no guest ok = no create mask = 0644 directory mask = 0755

Now we need to deal with the users.

Samba uses users that are already in the system, let’s take the name user as an example, let’s say that it is already in the system, we need to add it to the SMB database and assign a password to access shared resources, we’ll do this with the command:

Smbpasswd -a user

You will be prompted to enter a password, the user will be added to the database, now you need to enable this user.

Smbpasswd -e user

Next, let's create an alias for the username user to make it easier for us to access from a Windows machine on which we have, for example, a user named Admin. To do this, we'll create and edit the file /etc/samba/smbusers:

Sudo touch /etc/samba/smbusers sudo gedit /etc/samba/smbusers

Write a couple of lines into the file

# Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 user = Admin

This completes the setup, restart Samba.

Samba file server for Windows network

Very often Samba is used to create a file server on a Windows network.

File server as part of an Active Directory domain

In order to create a file server integrated into an Active Directory domain, you will first need to join your Ubuntu machine to the domain. A separate article is devoted to this:

To create a file server, you do not need to configure PAM, just add domain users and groups via Winbind to the system.

After successfully logging into the domain, all you have to do is configure the shared resources on your computer.

Here you should immediately pay attention to one very important thing: Samba tries to map the rights to Windows files onto Unix rights, however, due to fundamental differences in the mechanisms for assigning rights, this is not always possible. Please note that file rights are always and in any case controlled by your file system on a computer running Ubuntu; Samba can only adapt to them, but not change their behavior.

Therefore, by default, shared resources will have very limited access control capabilities - assigning different rights to the user, group and everyone else. However, this can be easily fixed by adding POSIX ACL support to your FS. In this case, it will be possible to assign different rights to different users and groups, much like in Windows.

POSIX ACL support is available in at least ext3/4; to activate it, you just need to add the acl parameter to the mounting options of the desired partition.

It is important that the directory you want to share via Samba is on a disk mounted with the acl option. Otherwise, you will not be able to properly use the mechanism for delimiting access rights to files on the shares.

There is one more very important point: POSIX ACLs do not support inheritance of access rights from parent directories, but in Windows this feature is present. Therefore, Samba implements an additional mechanism for storing information about the inheritance of access rights, which uses extended file system attributes. Therefore, in order for Samba to correctly handle inheritance of rights other than acl, it is necessary to add the user_xattr parameter to the file system mounting options, which is responsible for enabling support for extended attributes.

For example, I always use separate LVM disks to organize shared resources, and my fstab lines for them look something like this:

/dev/mapper/data-profiles /var/data/profiles ext3 defaults,noexec,acl,user_xattr 0 2

The noexec option is needed because on Windows balls there should not be 100% executable files Linux, and it won’t hurt to be on the safe side.

To work with acl on Ubuntu, you need to install a package of appropriate utilities:

Sudo aptitude install acl

Then you can view the extended rights (i.e. ACL) for a file or directory with the command

Getfacl file

And install with the command

Setfacl file

Just in case, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the POSIX ACL mechanism has nothing to do with Samba - it is simply an add-on to the standard mechanism for dividing rights in Linux. Accordingly, Samba can use it, but cannot change or bypass it in any way.

To work with extended FS attributes, you will need a utility package very similar to acl - attr , which can be installed with the command

Sudo aptitude install attr

To view extended attributes you can use the command

Getfattr file

And for installation

Setfattr file

However, there is one small catch. The fact is that Samba stores all information about inheritance in binary form in a single extended attribute user.SAMBA_PAI. Therefore, you will not be able to change anything using setfattr, unless you completely remove extended attributes (sometimes this may need to be done).

Well, you will have to manage the inheritance of rights from a Windows machine using the standard tools of this system. Or using the smbcacls utility, if you figure out how to use it.

There is also an experimental VFS module acl_xattr, which allows you to store NT ACLs entirely in extended attributes. Unfortunately, there is no documentation on it, so it’s difficult to say anything intelligible about it. It is expected that Samba 4 will have full integrated support for NT ACLs, but for now you can use what is available.

If you have anything to add about extended attributes in Samba and methods of working with them, be sure to write to this topic on the forum. I would be grateful for any links, articles and comments on the topic.

In addition, extended file system attributes allow Samba to enable full support for DOS file attributes such as hidden, archive, etc.

So, let's assume that you have a directory on the system that you want to share via Samba (and it is located on a disk mounted with acl and user_xattr support). Now you need to actually configure its sharing. To do this, you need to enter the appropriate information into the /etc/samba/smb.conf file.

Let's start with the general settings that can be added to the section of this file (these are not all possible parameters, just a few quite useful ones):

# Disable printer sharing. Unless, of course, you really want to share them. # For complete shutdown you need to specify all 4 lines below load printers = no show add printer wizard = no printcap name = /dev/null disable spoolss = yes # Make hidden when viewed with Windows files with the following names hide files = /$RECYCLE.BIN/desktop.ini/lost+found/Thumbs.db/ # Use the next UNIX user as Guest for the public share share guest account = nobody # Treat unregistered users as guest map to guest = Bad User ## Settings that use extended file system attributes # Handle inheritance of rights using extended file system attributes map acl inherit = yes # Use extended file system attributes to store DOS attributes store dos attributes = yes # Disable DOS attribute mapping on UNIX rights enabled default # According to man smb.conf, when using extended attributes, these options must be disabled map archive = no map system = no map hidden = no map readonly = no

Now the settings for the directly shared resource. I call it profiles, and physically on the Ubuntu machine it is located at /var/data/profiles:

# Comment comment = User Profiles # Path to the folder that we are sharing path = /var/data/profiles/ # Users with unlimited access rights to the share # I have a domain administrators group. # When working with files, these users are treated as local root admin users = "@DOMAIN\Domain Administrators" # Hide folders to which the user does not have access hide unreadable = yes # Non-read-only access read only = no # Masks for created files - can be set as desired #create mask = 0600 #directory mask = 0700 # Disabling locking - it is better to disable locking = no

There are many other options - it's worth consulting the Samba documentation for details.

Do not forget to set the correct owner and access rights to the folder that you are sharing, otherwise, despite any samba settings, writing to it may be prohibited at the Linux permission level. I usually do it like this:

Sudo chmod ug+rwx /var/data/profiles sudo chown root:"domain users" /var/data/profiles

Please note, since your Ubuntu machine is joined to a domain, you can use domain users and groups as file owners directly in Ubuntu.

Check that Samba configuration is correct with the command


Then restart Samba:

Sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Now you can access the shared resource from any machine in the domain.

By the way, don't forget about SGID and Sticky bits for directories. They will allow you to inherit the owning group and prevent users from deleting files that are not theirs - this can be very convenient for multi-user storages. However, unlike editing rights from Windows, changing these bits on folders on a shared resource will not work - only manually directly on the Ubuntu computer.

Among other things, Samba allows you to organize the storage of previous versions of files, which is sometimes useful when creating shared resources with user data.

Standalone file server

Not everyone has an Active Directory domain. Therefore, there is often a need to organize Linux machine offline file storage with its own authorization system. It's very easy to do.

The main feature of this organization of file storage will be that all information about users will be stored in the Samba database; accordingly, users will have to be added and deleted to Samba manually.

The most important thing is to decide on the method of accessing the resource. To change it, you must correctly set the value of the security parameter in the section of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. You can read more about this parameter or in the official documentation.

Typically the value used is share or user .

Standalone file server without authorization

It is convenient for the house so that everyone can see everyone. This can be done by adding 4 lines to the section of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. Some may already exist.

[global] workgroup = WORKGROUP map to guest = Bad User netbios name = NOTEBOOK security = user

NOTEBOOK - the name of the computer that will be on the network. In addition, you need to install additional programs:

sudo apt-get install samba

For kubuntu you also need to install smb4k. After editing the configs, you need to restart the services. In systemd (since 15.04) the restart looks like this:

sudo systemctl restart smbd.service nmbd.service

You can view the “balls” through the file browser nautilus, konkueror, or like this:

Smbclient -L

. Official documentation in English.

Sharing a folder on ubuntu

Create a folder for sharing files.

mkdir ~/share

Add the following lines to the end of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file, replacing yuraku1504 with the username of the computer running samba:

[ MyShareWork] comment = Anonymous Samba Share path = / home/ yuraku1504/ share guest ok = yes browsable =yes writable = yes read only = no force user = yuraku1504 force group = yuraku1504

The folder will be opened for reading and writing.

Nowadays, it is quite common to find computers running Linux and Windows on the same local network. The reasons for this symbiosis may be different: for example, the owners of an Internet cafe did not have enough funds to purchase a licensed OS for all computers, or system administrator I was simply attracted to the positive aspects of Linux. The popularity of Microsoft operating systems is largely determined by client software for Windows. It's no secret that this software sector is very developed. Many companies have made serious efforts to this and have created really good, and most importantly, easy-to-use programs that even an ordinary user can easily master. But as a server, Windows’ position is no longer so clear. A server running Unix is ​​traditionally distinguished by reliability, stability, security and often lower requirements for system resources. But in any case, simply connecting computers with different software platforms to the network will not get the expected result. The whole problem is that these two systems use different principles organizations of network resources that are incompatible with each other.
Since there is no need to wait for Microsoft's mercy, and Windows is unlikely to learn to work with the Unix network file system (NFS) standard means, and to be honest, I don’t know any third-party programs, the most popular way is to try to teach Unix to “pretend” that it is Windows NT.

Interaction in a network of computers under Windows control built on the use of the protocol SMB (Server Message Block)— blocks of server messages. It ensures that all the tasks necessary in these cases are performed: opening and closing, reading and writing, searching for files, creating and deleting directories, setting a print job and deleting it from there. All actions necessary for this are implemented in Unix-like operating systems using the package SAMBA. Its capabilities can be divided into two categories: provision of resources (by which we mean access to the printer system and files) for Windows clients and access to client resources. That is, a computer running Linux can act as both a server and a client. First, let's consider the SAMBA server option.

What should SAMBA provide for normal operation on a network of Windows machines? First, access control, which can be implemented either at the resource level (share level), when a password and corresponding usage rules are assigned to any resource on the network (for example, “read only”), while the user name has absolutely no no meaning; or a more advanced and flexible organization at the user level, when an account is created for each user, which, in addition to the name and password, contains all the necessary information about access rights to the resource. Before gaining access to the required resource, each user is authenticated, after which he is granted rights according to his accounts. Secondly, emulation of access rights determined by the file system is necessary. The thing is that the systems in question have access rights to files and directories on the disk differently. In Unix, there are traditionally three categories of file users: owner, group And the rest (other). Each of these entities may be provided read permissions, write And execution. In Windows NT, the access system is somewhat more flexible; access is granted to several groups or users, and the corresponding access rights are determined separately for each subject. Therefore, it is impossible to fully emulate the access rights inherent in NTFS using SAMBA.

With clients running Windows 9x, the situation is different. Since the time of the grandfather of DOS, due to the fact that the system is single-user and there could be no talk of any users, much less groups, only four attributes have been defined for the FAT file system - read only, system, archive and hidden. Plus, in Windows, unlike Unix, the file extension has a special meaning - those that are intended to be executed have the extensions .exe, .com or .bat. When copying files from Unix machines to Windows computers, the attributes are set like this:

only for reading— reading, writing for the owner;

archival— execution for the owner;

systemic— execution for the group;

hidden - execution for the group.

A network of Windows machines can be organized as a workgroup, when the computers are independent of each other and each has its own database of passwords and logins with its own security policy, and also as an NT domain. The entire basis for user and computer authentication is managed primary domain controller (PDC, Primary Domain Controller), i.e. centralized. Samba allows you to restrict access at all of these levels and acts as a "master browser" in the context of a workgroup or domain controller.

We have sorted out the general organizational issues. Let's now look specifically at the implementation and configuration of a SAMBA server in Linux. For the Samba server to work, two daemons must be running: smbd, which provides a print and file sharing service for Samba clients (such as Windows of all stripes), and nmbd, which powers the NetBIOS name service (it can also be used to query other name service daemons). The protocol is used to access clients TCP/IP. Typically, Samba is installed with a Linux distribution. How to check? Just give the command:

$whereis samba

and you should get something like this:

Samba: /usr/sbin/samba /etc/samba /usr/share/man/man7/samba.7.gz

If it is not included in the standard distribution, then welcome to or almost any server with programs for Linux. The package is easy to install, so in order not to take up space, we will assume that you have it installed. Now let's check if the daemon is running:

$ ps -aux | grep smbd root 1122 0.0 0.6 4440 380 ? S 16:36 0:00 smbd -D

As you can see, I already have it running. If you don’t have it, and you want it to start when the system boots, then in Linux Mandrake, for example, check the desired box in DrakConfstarting services or in Red HatСontrol-panelService Configuration, usually this is enough. Or start manually: ./etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start. The only Samba configuration file is called smb.conf and is usually located in the /etc directory (although in AltLinux, for example, it is in the /etc/samba directory). The SAMBA service reads it every 60 seconds, so changes made to the configuration take effect without rebooting, but do not apply to already established connections.

This is why I love Linux, because the configuration files are plain text (and well commented inside), and in order to use most of the parameters, you just need to uncomment the corresponding line. The smb.conf file is no exception. It consists of named sections starting with the section name enclosed in square brackets. Inside each section there are a number of parameters in the form key=value. The configuration file contains four special sections: , , and individual resources (shares). As the name suggests, the section contains the most general characteristics that will apply everywhere, but which, however, can then be overridden in sections for individual resources. Some parameters in this section are also relevant to configuring the Samba client part.

Values ​​of typical section parameters global:

Workgroup = group_name # name of the workgroup on the Windows network netbios name = name of the server on the network server string = comment that is visible in the network browsing properties window guest ok = yes # allowing guest login (guest ok = no - guest login is prohibited) guest account = nobody # name under which guest login is allowed security = user # Access level. user - at the user level, security = share - authentication based on username and password. When storing the password database on another SMB server, the values ​​security = server and password server = name_server_NT are used. If the server is a member of a domain, the value security = domain is used, the access password is specified in the file defined using the smb passwd file = /path/to/file option.

In addition, during registration you can use encrypted and unencrypted (plain-text) passwords. The latter are used in old Windows(Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 (OSR2), all versions of Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4 (up to Service Pack 3)). To enable the option to use an encrypted password, use the encrypt password = yes option. Please pay special attention to this option. In older Linux distributions that were created during the Windows 95 era (and beyond), old version Samba) password encryption is disabled by default, and samba is up to version 2.0 does not support this mode at all (by the way, this option and similar ones - those that do not relate to access to specific resources - are also used in the client).

To correctly display Russian file names, the following options are needed: client code page = 866 and character set = koi8-r. In distributions with good localization, for example, derivatives from Mandrake and Russian ones, this line is already there; sometimes it’s enough just to uncomment it, but in most others you have to add it yourself.

The interfaces = option specifies which network (interface) the program should run on if the server is connected to several networks at once. When setting the bind interfaces only = yes parameter, the server will only respond to requests from these networks.

hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127. — defines clients for whom access to the service is allowed.

In the global section, you can use various variables for more flexible configuration of the server. After the connection is established, real values ​​are substituted instead. For example, in the log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log directive, the %m parameter helps define a separate log file for each client machine. Here are the most common variables used in the global section:

%a - OS architecture on the client machine (possible values ​​- Win95, Win NT, UNKNOWN, etc.);

%m — NetBIOS name of the client computer;

%L — NetBIOS name of the SAMBA server;

%v — SAMBA version;

%I — IP address of the client computer;

%T — date and time;

%u is the name of the user working with the service;

%H is the home directory of user %u.

Also, for more flexible configuration, the include directive is used, using the above variables. For example: include = /etc/samba/smb.conf.%m - now when you request sales from a computer and there is a file /etc/samba/smb.conf.sales, the configuration will be taken from this file. If there is no separate file for a particular machine, then a common file is used to work with it.

There is also an interesting possibility creation virtual server . To do this, use the netbios aliases parameter:

Netbios aliases = sales accounting admin

Now we tell Samba to use its own configuration file for each virtual server:

Include = /etc/samba/smb.conf.%L

Three servers will be visible in the network browser window: sales, accounting, admin.

Enabling the preserve case and short preserve case options causes the server to save all input in a case-sensitive manner (on Windows case is not case-sensitive, on all Unix systems it is the other way around).

The section allows users to connect to their working directories without explicitly describing them. When a client requests its //sambaserver/sergej directory, the machine looks for the corresponding description in the file and, if it does not find it, then looks for the presence of this section. If the partition exists, it looks through the password file to find the working directory of the user making the request and, if found, makes it available to the user.

A typical description of this section looks like this:

Comment = Home Directories # comment that is visible in the network properties window browseable = no # determines whether to display the resource in the browse list. writable = yes # allows (no - denies) writing to the home directory create mode = 0750 # access rights for newly created files directory mode = 0775 # also, but only for directories

After configuring the default settings, you can create network resources that can be accessed by a specific user or group of users. Such a resource is created from an already existing directory; for this we write in the file:

Comment = Public Stuff path = /home/samba public = yes writable = no printable = no write list = administrator, @sales

The path parameter points to the directory in which the resource is located; the public parameter specifies whether the resource can be used by a guest, and the printable parameter specifies whether the resource can be used for printing. The write list parameter allows you to define users who are allowed to write to a resource regardless of the writable value (in this example, these are the administrator user and the sales group). It is also possible to use the opposite list - read list. If there is a need to hide some files, then in Unix/Linux the file name must begin with a dot (the hide dot files parameter, which controls the display hidden files, defaults to yes). In addition, it is possible to specify templates for the names of hidden files, for which the hide files parameter is used. Each pattern begins and ends with a forward slash (/) character and can contain characters used in regular expressions. For example: hide files = /*.log/??.tmp/. Such tricks cost Windows users just by setting the “Show hidden and system files» Conductor. To confidently limit the availability (the ability to delete) a file (directory), use the veto files and delete veto files parameters.

With CD drives the situation is somewhat more complicated. The thing is that in Unix-like systems there is no concept of a disk as such, and in order to gain access to the desired device, it must first be mounted into a directory tree (# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom) , and after use, so as not to destroy file system, must be unmounted (# umount /dev/cdrom), otherwise the device simply will not give up the disk. If you have a daemon running on your server autofs, then the problem is easily solved. To automatically unmount a device that has been unused for some time, set the timeout parameter in the /etc/auto.master file to the desired value. For example:

/mnt/auto/etc/ --timeout=5

(a similar line is already there, you just need to uncomment it). Then set the options for the appropriate device in the /etc/ file:

Cdrom -fstype=auto,ro:/dev/cdrom

After all this, we write the following lines in /etc/smb.conf to make this resource available:

Path = /mnt/cdrom writable = no

The second option is to use the preexec and postexec directives, which indicate which commands must be executed when accessing a resource and after disconnecting from it (these parameters can be specified for any resource and even in the global section, which opens up great possibilities).

Path = /mnt/cdrom read only = yes root preexec = mount /mnt/cdrom # Only root has the right to mount a resource root postexec = umount /mnt/cdrom # Naturally, these mount points must be described in the /etc/fstab file, otherwise You must also provide other information.

Now, when accessing a resource, the CD-ROM is automatically mounted, and sometimes unmounted. The whole problem is that the decision to close a resource must be made by the server - clients, as a rule, do not notify about this. But usually this happens because the resource is being used by several users at the same time or is left on one computer open file on this resource (Device busy). Therefore, the CD-ROM is not automatically unmounted; the only acceptable way to free up the resource is to look using the utility smbstatus number of the process using this resource and kill it with the command # kill pid_number (or kill -s HUP pid_number).

Having established the necessary configuration, we will now create user accounts (with the exception of the guest login with minimal rights nobody). To identify SAMBA users, the file /etc/samba/smbpasswd is used, which contains user names and encrypted passwords. Since the encryption mechanism in networks of Windows machines is not compatible with standard Unix mechanisms, a separate utility is used to fill out the password file - smbpasswd.

# useradd -s /bin/false -d /home/samba/sergej -g sales sergej # smbpasswd -a sergej # smbpasswd -e sergej

This example adds a new user sergej belonging to the group sales, with a dummy shell (possible options are /sbin/nologin, /dev/null) and a home directory /home/samba/sergej. Then we create a password for the user sergej and the last step is to enable access for the user, because it is disabled by default. An interesting point that can sometimes be confusing. The fact is that when connecting to a SAMBA server on a computer with Windows NT/2000, the user is prompted to enter, as expected, a login and password, and if a computer with Windows 9x/Me is used for access, then the user is prompted to enter only the password, and The login is generated automatically based on the registration name.

You can also map multiple Windows users to one Linux/Unix user. To do this, a mapping file /etc/ is created, in which each mapping is specified as a separate line:

User_Linux = user_win1 user_win2 user_winN

In the section, add the line username map = /etc/ Wherein Windows user must be registered with the password of the user it is associated with.

Using SAMBA, you can organize network printing from computers running Windows (if you are planning a separate print server, then a machine based on a 486 processor is sufficient for this).

To do this, you need to write the following lines in the section:

Printcap name = /etc/printcap # file describing printers connected to the system load printers = yes # indicates the need for automatic inclusion in the list of network resources printing = lprng # printing system (for Linux bsd can also be used).

Path = /var/spool/samba # points to the directory where print jobs are placed browseable = yes printable = yes read only = yes

After creating the file, test it using the utility testparm. Unfortunately, using this program you can only detect syntax errors, not logical ones, so there is no guarantee that the services described in the file will work correctly (during testing, all settings will be displayed, even those installed by default - so review carefully result). But if the program does not complain, you can hope that the file will be downloaded without problems when launched. You can check the correct operation of the printers listed in the /etc/printcap file with the SAMBA server using the utility testprns. Plus, don’t forget about .log files: if problems arise, you can sometimes find a solution there.

Now a little about the good stuff. Configuring Samba is quite complex, but the distribution comes with a Web-based administration tool called swat(Samba Web Administration Tool, ). Swat runs as a service or using an Apache server and is designed to edit the smb.conf file, as well as check the status, start and stop Samba daemons, and change user passwords. For it to work as a service, the /etc/services file must contain the line swat 901/tcp, and the /etc/inetd.conf file must contain swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/local/samba/bin/swat swat (this is if the network daemon is used inetd, usually in older distributions; modern distributions use a more secure option - xinetd). In order to use swat in the /etc/xinet.d directory, create a swat file with the following content:

Service swat ( disable = no port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = # this is a line to run only from the local machine user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID )

Now to launch Swat in your browser window, enter:


But before that, be sure to create a user admin in the manner described above. And never run the SAMBA service on behalf of root.

After all the changes to the smb.conf file, you will sometimes need to restart the daemon:

Smb: /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart

If after all the above steps it was still not possible to organize access to SAMBA resources, then utilities such as ping(to check the availability of a node on the network), nmblookup(to query NetBIOS names), or as a last resort tcpdump. And don’t forget about access rights, because by assigning the /gde/to/w/glubine directory to the user, you will give him the ability to read (execute right) the previous directories.

Now let's talk about using the Samba client, because we (Linux users) also want to work with network Windows resources. To find out what resources are available, you must enter the command /usr/bin/smbclient -L host_name. The program will ask for a password, in response to which in most cases you just need to press Enter. Now, to connect to the required resource, enter the computer name and the required resource. For example:

# /usr/bin/smbclient \\Alex\Sound

(here we are trying to connect to the Sound folder on Alex's computer). As a result, if the command was entered correctly and the network resource exists, you should be prompted to enter a password. Enter it or press Enter if a password is not required for access. In response, you will receive a samba client prompt: smb: >. Further work occurs through a set of commands, with which you can perform all the necessary operations for working with files (copying, creating, moving, etc.). For help, enter smb: > help. This mode is somewhat inconvenient, so in most cases the module is used smbfs, part of samba; but in older distributions the kernel may be compiled without smbfs support, and then it will have to be rebuilt. To mount the required resource, type something like this:

Mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=123456,iocharset=koi8-r,codepage=866 //alex/sound /mnt/sound.

If you do not specify a username and password, the system will ask you for it. Don't forget that by looking at the ~HOME/.bash_history file, you can find out the password based on the commands you typed. Another subtlety: if the smbclient program correctly displays files with Russian names, then the smbfs module sometimes does not pay absolutely no attention to other encoding, even if you specify it explicitly. They say this can be fixed with a patch, but I haven't found one for my Red Hat yet.

If you want the SMB share to be mounted automatically at system startup, add a line like this to your /etc/fstab file:

//guest@alex/sound /mnt/alex/sound smbfs rw, noauto 0 0.

In this example, on behalf of the user guest(if the resource supports this user and if this user has access only with a password, then do not worry: you will certainly be asked for it) the sound network resource on the alex computer is mounted in the /mnt/alex/sound folder with the ability to write to this directory. By the way, the Samba client perfectly sees hidden network resources, i.e. those who have network name ends with a $ sign.

As you can see, you have to work with command line, which modern user causes quiet horror. And here the OpenSource world met him halfway - many utilities have been created that allow you to work with Samba resources in a more familiar way, by pressing buttons in graphical shells. The most popular program, included in the distribution of Mandrake and its derivatives, as well as Debian - gnomba. In any case, it can be found on most servers with Linux software (I saw it on for sure). This utility allows you to view available network resources () and, if necessary, mount them in the desired directory, while a mounting option is possible indicating the login and password for those resources that require it. Possible launch file manager when mounted (default gmc), creating directories for mounted resources, setting the option of automatic scanning at program startup (possible using the SMB protocol by default) and scanning by IP addresses (planned using the WINS protocol). For reasons unknown to me, in some distributions, when scanning using the SMB protocol, network resources were not displayed, so I always use the second method, since it works flawlessly, you just need to set the range of IP addresses for scanning (if you know). In order for Russian file names to be displayed correctly, do not forget to install the koi8-r fonts in the tab Options > Font selection, and also check the lines indicating the Cyrillic encoding in the smb.conf file (see above).

If gnomba can only mount and unmount resources, then the program xsmbrowser It also allows you to enter them as folders on the local computer (). True, I have not yet been able to get this program to understand files with Russian names, but there are also positive aspects: when this program is running, all mounting commands and various network requests are output to the console, which allows you to understand them well. The KDE developers also tried: through Preferences > Information utility available Samba Status, displaying all connections to/from local computer, which is also a convenient tool for viewing .log files. The utility provides similar information komba, which can be found at

As much as I would like to tell you more, a magazine is a magazine—you can’t fit everything. Next, the ubiquitous man and info will come to your aid. Also, all the necessary reference information can be obtained from the SWAT utility, and in Red Hat 7.3 there was a book Using Samba Robert"a Eckstein"a(English language - bad, completely free - good: /usr/share/swat/using_samba), also available from SWAT (). Additional documentation, FAQs, and example configuration files can be found in the /usr/share/doc/samba directory. In various forums you can find quite contradictory opinions about the work of Samba, from extremely negative to complete delight. Personally, I'm on the side of those who support this. Windows emulator NT, also based on test results with the same equipment Samba server shows performance approximately 25-30% higher than a computer running a system from Microsoft. Good luck.

Samba- a program that allows you to access network drives on various operating systems using the SMB/CIFS protocol. It has client and server parts. It is free software, released under the GPL license.

Samba runs on most Unix-like systems, such as GNU/Linux, POSIX-compliant Solaris and Mac OS X Server, various BSD variants, OS/2, Windows. Samba included in almost all GNU/Linux distributions, including, of course, Ubuntu.


To make a shared folder in Ubuntu Desktop, just right-click on the folder and select the “Publish Folder” menu item. There is no need to edit any configuration files. Everything described below applies only to manual configuration, for example, in the case of creating a file server.

To install, just open a terminal and enter:

Sudo apt-get install samba

The application will be automatically downloaded and installed.


Using the terminal, we will make a backup copy of the initial configuration file:

Sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf(,.bak)

Now you can edit the settings file /etc/samba/smb.conf; to do this, open it in any text editor with superuser rights. For example, like this:

Sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

What is written below is generally speaking just one specific scenario for using Samba, and in a huge number of cases everything is configured absolutely wrong. The article needs to be corrected, focusing on the capabilities of Samba, and not just on the use of this program as a file storage with local authorization. It is better to include the example with file storage in a separate detailed article.

An example of setting up Samba as a standalone file server with authorization:

; Global server settings; General server settings ; Computer name that will be displayed in the network environment netbios name = main-server server string = ; Client workgroup workgroup = WORKGROUP announce version = 5.0 socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_KEEPALIVE SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 passdb backend = tdbsam security = user null passwords = true ; File for user name aliases username map = /etc/samba/smbusers name resolve order = hosts wins bcast ; wins support is set to yes if your nmbd(8) in Samba is a WINS server. Do not set this parameter to yes unless you have multiple subnets and do not want your nmbd to act as a WINS server. Never set this parameter to yes on more than one machine within the same subnet. wins support = no ; Printer support printing = CUPS printcap name = CUPS ; Logs log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m syslog = 0 syslog only = no ; Configuring binding to which interfaces to listen on, if listens on all interfaces are not specified; interfaces = lo, eth0 ; bind interfaces only = true ; ; ; path = /var/lib/samba/printers ; browseable = yes ; guest ok = yes ; read only = yes ; write list = root ; create mask = 0664 ; directory mask = 0775 ; ; ; path = /tmp ; printable = yes ; guest ok = yes ; browseable = no ; ; ;path = /media/cdrom ;browseable = yes ;read only = yes ;guest ok = yes ; Hard drive ball; The name of the balls is visible from clients; Path to the shared disk path = /media/sda1 ; Is it possible to browse browseable = yes read only = no guest ok = no create mask = 0644 directory mask = 0755 ; Binding to a specific user name or group, names separated by a space; force user = user1 user2 ; force group = group1 group2 ; Another hard drive, similar to the one above path = /media/sde1 browseable = yes read only = no guest ok = no create mask = 0644 directory mask = 0755

Now we need to deal with the users.

Samba uses users that are already in the system, let’s take the name user as an example, let’s say that it is already in the system, we need to add it to the SMB database and assign a password to access shared resources, we’ll do this with the command:

Smbpasswd -a user

You will be prompted to enter a password, the user will be added to the database, now you need to enable this user.

Smbpasswd -e user

Next, let's create an alias for the username user to make it easier for us to access from a Windows machine on which we have, for example, a user named Admin. To do this, we'll create and edit the file /etc/samba/smbusers:

Sudo touch /etc/samba/smbusers sudo gedit /etc/samba/smbusers

Write a couple of lines into the file

# Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 user = Admin

This completes the setup, restart Samba.

You can install the simplest GUI for Samba with the command:

Sudo apt-get install system-config-samba

It is launched with the command:

Sudo system-config-samba

It writes all changes to the samba configuration file.

Perfect for remote administration of Samba as a web interface for Samba