Homemade products from a faulty hard drive. What can be made from an old hard drive?

Things that fail are not always trash. You just need to figure out how to replace their intended purpose and use it in a new way. For example, an old hard drive. At first glance, it is a waste material that must be recycled. But if you look closely, you can find many creative ideas for its further use.


If you get creative, you could end up with a table clock that resembles a classic mechanical clock. You only need to spend very little for all this beauty. In addition to the hard drive, you need to stock up on screws, a screwdriver, superglue and a heat gun. You will also need a drill and a drill bit. The hard drive is disassembled and all elements are removed from it.

To make the product not only functional, but also beautiful, surround the plate with LEDs. Strip LED strip attached to the chamber wall using super glue.


In order to make a sharpening machine, you need to take a screwdriver and sandpaper. The manufacturing method is really very simple. All unnecessary components, represented by magnets, are removed from the disks. This is done using a screwdriver. Afterwards the disk is removed, and a circle is cut to its size.

Important! Power is not provided by a regular outlet. You will need a power supply. In order for it to start without motherboard, you need to cut off the copper wire and plug it into the connector, connect it to the black and green wires.

At the end, the emery wheel is glued to the disk, fixed and connected to the power supply.

Portable storage

A portable storage device is simply made from a hard drive. To do this, take a container and place a hard drive in it. For designs larger than 2.5 inches, you will need to buy a power adapter.

A working hard drive can be used as cloud server. This requires a single-board computer and the skill of even a novice IT specialist. The end result will be a device that will provide access to all computer data from gadgets connected to one Wi-Fi router.

Hard drives contain an element called neodymium magnet. It is quite large, so it can attract a lot of different things. With its help, you can create a stand that will hold knives in the air. To do this, you will have to take a bar, a magnet, glue and simple tools such as a screwdriver and a knife.

Wind chimes

One of the cute things you can create from a disc is a doorbell. Before this, you can take the disks, the case, the usual fastening ring made of metal, and also the cord. Put all this together and you get a real work of art.

Secret safe

In standard small-sized apartments there is not enough space to install a secret safe for jewelry or money. But you can make such a useful thing with your own hands from an old hard drive. It is necessary to remove the components from its body, and then attach the cover with a small bolt to the corner. The container will open by turning.

For this device, in addition to the hard drive, you need to take a basin, make a hole in it, stock up on a lid from a tin, the tin itself, and bicycle spokes. First you need to make three holes in the disk on the lid. Next, the bicycle spokes are soldered to the resulting device, and a kind of box is made from the can. The lid is connected to the structure, the middle is removed from it. You can pour fuel into the hole. All this is placed in a basin and sugar is added. At the end, the alcohol is ignited and the disc is turned on.

Flash drive

If you want to surprise your friends with an interesting and unusual gigantic flash drive, you can use an old hard drive. First you need to remove the mounting screws with the disk and cover. Next, select a USB splitter that is suitable in size. It is attached to the place of the central disk, and the connection is lubricated with superglue. At the end, a flash drive is attached and the lid is assembled.

Before we start gutting your HDD and blow his guts, let's talk about data security. A "dead hard drive" means that the drive is not functioning properly, and any attempts you make to recover data programmatically have failed. If the disk contains really important data, and you suspect that there may be an eccentric who will decide to get it, then erase the data so that it is not recoverable :). Although, if the only valuable thing on your screw was stolen rips of Bon Jovi concerts, then your hardware is ripe for all sorts of DIY projects (Do It Yourself projects).

In principle, all DIY projects with hard drives can be divided according to the level of technical knowledge and skill of the experimenter. Let's start from simple to complex :).

Extraction of spare parts

The simplest but most useful thing that can be obtained from a hard drive is magnets. IN hard drives Super strong magnets are used, and they can be used in any household. Here is an example of how one character built a knife holder for the kitchen. He took a wooden plank, extracted the core with a chisel, and stuffed magnets into it.

In general, of course, he did this in vain, because when a friend has knives at hand, it’s not far from everyday life :). It’s good that I didn’t catch the pans.

They are also often used to magnetize screwdrivers or as refrigerator magnets.

Let's add more creativity

Ordinary screw pancakes can be turned into a steampunk clock. To do this, you will need a few parts, which you can find in hobby stores, or try to discreetly borrow your granny's alarm clock.

And if “your hands are not for boredom,” then next you can assemble an LED clock from a hard drive.

You can also turn an old hard drive into a super-sensitive input device. You can see how a craftsman turned his old HDD into a DJ console.

Here is just a small sketch of interesting solutions from old pieces of iron.

It’s interesting how our readers use killed hard disks.

Read, why you shouldn't rush to throw away your old hard drive. How to secure the data stored on such a disk if the disk can still be recovered. The development of electronic technologies does not stand still, and the development of new computer devices and their components rank first here. Stationary personal computers, laptops, netbooks, smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks - these are far from full list devices we use, and it is steadily growing and expanding. Personal computers are the most widely used, used both for solving production or office problems, and for personal use.

The essence of the problem

The main advantage of computers is their high data processing speed, improved performance compared to other devices, as well as the ability to store and instantly process a huge amount of data. An important role in achieving the peak popularity of personal computers is played by internal devices for storing user information - hard drives "HDD".

The use of modern materials and technologies makes it possible to create high-capacity hard drives at a fairly low final cost. You won't surprise anyone anymore hard drive with a capacity of "10 TB", "12 TB" and even "16 TB".

Relatively recently, they have become widely used solid state drives "SSD". Drives made using chip-based technology "SSD" Flash memory is used to store information. Thanks to this approach, solid-state drives are smaller, lighter, and have significantly higher loading and processing speeds than standard hard drives. However, they are inferior to the latter due to several times higher prices and much lower wear resistance.

It's no surprise that users decide to replace outdated versions hard drives new data storage devices, more modern and faster.

However, no matter how attractive the option using hard disk for storing basic user data, there are objective reasons use other information repositories. Available today a large number of external drives And "USB" flash drives. Additionally, thanks to the ability to access from anywhere, a variety of cloud storage data on the Internet.

One of important reasons replacing the old one hard drive new is the high probability of failure of the latter. Very often the average disk uptime "HDD" is five to six years. And when the disk's service life is coming to an end, a number of signs appear signaling this. We described in more detail about possible signs of failure of your hard drive in our earlier article: “Five Signs Your Hard Drive Is Nearing the End of Its Life—So What to Do About It?” .

Or your hard drive has already become unusable, and you are determined to throw it away as unnecessary. But don't rush to make hasty decisions. And in this case, your disk still has some value, even if you have checked it and it is not possible to recover information from it. Read our article about the possible use of old disks in any condition.

The drive still works great!

Not every hard drive is bad just because it's old. As we wrote above, there are various reasons for replacing a hard drive, one of which is insufficient disk capacity. You can continue to use the old hard drive together with the new one by first reinstalling it on new disk operating system, and transferring all important data to it. Your old drive may still serve you for a long time. And if you don't plan to use it for storage important information or creating a backup copy of your data, then you have nothing to fear.

By the way, you need to make sure that you do not find any obvious signs of hard drive failure. You may need to run some disk maintenance tools that can predict and prevent potential possible failure hard drive.

As long as the old hard drive works well, there's no reason for you to get rid of it!

Perhaps your disk is not completely damaged!

So, do you think that your old hard drive is completely broken after it crashed? If you have data stored on such a drive and want to recover it, then you should run a full diagnostic on the drive and see if it can be fixed before getting rid of it completely. Maybe the situation is not critical and you will be able to recover the data. If your hard drive shows certain signs of life, then try to immediately create backup copy your data. The correct step is always to do backup data, regardless of the condition and age of the hard drive. Then you can be confident in the safety of your information. If the hard drive simply won't boot the operating system installed on it, but is otherwise working fine, you can probably copy the data using a relatively simple methods. For example, using "Linux Live CD/USB", which helps restore data and functionality of the main operating system after a failure.

If you have reason to suspect that your hard drive has bad sectors and corrupted data, then you can try using a professional tool such as "Hetman Partition Recovery", to recover your data.

The disc may still be useful!

Are you sure you don't want to use your old hard drive anymore? If it still works fine, there are many different and useful ways to use it for its intended purpose.

There are various uses for your old drive. For example, think about setting "RAID systems". "RAID" is a low-cost redundant disk array that allows you to use a spare hard drive to mirror data from another drive.

Alternatively, you can set up a second operating system on it and use it together on one personal computer. An old hard drive gives you the opportunity to work on another operating system without putting your main hard drive at risk.

Or turn it into your own media center. This is not a complete list of possible options for using an old working hard drive. Depending on your needs, you can independently decide on the further purpose of your disk.

The disk contains personal information!

You can simply sell or donate (donate) your old disk if you no longer need it. This may not bother you, but you should be aware that your old drive contains a variety of personal information. And even if you don’t plan to look for it there, someone else can do it. Some attackers may search your stored information to use it for their own personal gain. You have formatted your old hard drive and are sure that it is impossible to access your stored data. But, this is not true, your data is still on the disk, and can be restored back with special software.

You must understand that this is the nature of the job. file system "Windows". When you normally delete a file or format a disk, the system does not actually delete the information, but marks this location as free for further recording and use! The only way to make sure that attackers cannot recover your personal files is to overwrite them many times.

If knowing that someone can access your files makes you nervous and worried, then you will have to explore ways complete cleaning your hard drive memory to permanently delete sensitive data. However, such methods are not a 100% guarantee of protecting your personal data from recovery and access to third parties.

If software can no longer access your hard drive, you can always physically destroy it to prevent any data recovery.

The disc must be recycled!

If your old hard drive is no longer functional and cannot be used for other purposes, then it definitely needs to be recycled!

Electronics contain various types of precious materials, the extraction of which requires enormous amounts of energy, possibly pollutes the area and causes significant damage to the environment. If you refuse to process and extract from electronic devices such materials, their extraction will increase environmental, social and economic damage every year.

Today, environmental protection and recycling of materials come first in importance. Therefore, it becomes no longer advisable to throw away expensive materials. You can also contribute to the conservation of natural resources by reducing your consumption and reducing the amount of waste you create. This last statement means that you should consider recycling your failed hard drive.

Conclusion: Old and broken hard drives are not automatically useless

Whether your old hard drive is still working or not, it has some value. You can still recover your data from it, use it for your own needs, sell or give away your drive, or a recycling company can extract rare metals from it. In any case, an old hard drive can be useful. And the worst thing you can do with your drive is crash it and just throw it in a landfill.

What did you do with your old hard drive? Or perhaps you have other ways to use it? Please share your ideas and tips with us in the comments to expand your use cases for these drives.

Hi all! Actually the idea is not new. They say the Internet is full of such records, I haven’t seen it yet, the idea appeared on its own. I had the urge to, you know, urgently sharpen a knife and a screwdriver... But “OH GOD!” The sandpaper is in the garage, but at work there isn’t even a file... Well, we are “sysadmins”, simple people, and I went into the “bins of the Motherland” and took out... An old hard drive from a PC...

We take scissors, screwdrivers, sandpaper, our HDD and double-sided tape

Everything we need.

Unscrew the bolts. The 7th bolt is always hidden under the sticker.


Let's open it. and everything is so beautifully packaged there. glitters.

We unscrew the head drive and the head movement lever, magnets for experiments, the rest can be scrapped.

Unscrew the disk mounting cover and remove the washer above the disk, as well as the disk itself

Place the disc on the sandpaper, trace the contours and cut out

These are the bagels you get)

We glue double-sided tape onto our disk (you can also add glue to it, but it will be easier to replace the sandpaper with tape)


Well, about the operation of this device.

It is better to use fine sandpaper; the engine is rather weak for coarse ones. But I had enough for sharpening everything I needed, even a lot. Bye everyone!

If you have an unnecessary, old, or maybe non-working hard drive lying around at home and, in addition, you like to do interesting nonsense, then you are in the right place. Today we will look at one more, besides the main, use of a hard drive. There is nothing sensible or useful in this, but I hope you will find it interesting.

What do we do with an old hard drive?

The hard drive rotates at breakneck speed during operation. Process work hard The disk can be found in the article What do you think will happen if the disk is spun up to breakneck speed and let go for a walk around the world? This is exactly what our old hard drive will do. The following describes the process that precedes this fun.

Preparing an old hard drive

To prepare an old hard drive for this event, you need to remove its cover and remove the hard drive head, which is used to read information. If everything is done correctly, the hard drive should look like this:

As you can see, pull it out yourself magnetic disk no longer a problem. This is exactly the result we need to achieve: the magnetic disk should freely come off its burrow, but this does not need to be done yet. When the time comes, he will get down from there himself.

What do we do next?

After that, we need to connect power to our old hard drive. This should be done from the computer's power supply. If we connect power to the hard drive and supply electricity to the power supply, our drive will start spinning. This is what we are trying to achieve. Now slowly lower the hard drive to the floor and begin to gently tilt it so that the open side is closer to the floor. Somewhere in a perpendicular position (plus or minus a few degrees), the disk will be able to fly off its hole. You can help him with this. Here, make sure that the direction of rotation of the disk does not coincide with your location. As soon as the disc comes off, it will speed out of sight across the floor.

The principle is probably clear. It's like toy cars, the wheels of which need to be charged in reverse motion, after which they will go quite far. It’s the same here: we charge our disk with kinetic energy and lower it to the floor. But unlike a toy car, you need to be a little careful. Since some hard drives can spin up to 15,000 rpm, you have something like a cutting wheel in front of you. Therefore, there is no need to place fragile objects or close friends in the path of the old hard drive.

But you shouldn’t worry too much about safety. The untwisted disk runs perfectly straight, so you can choose its trajectory yourself and not be afraid that it will turn in the wrong direction. We did not observe any destructive actions in relation to the floor and wall (the only thing in my case that was not afraid of coming face to face with the disk).

This is how you can make a new toy out of an old hard drive.