The most complete guide to Mount & Blade: Warband. Mount and blade warband secrets and tips Mount and blade warband ways to become a king

Mount & Blade. The Age of Tournaments" offered players a kind of final goal - creating their own kingdom and expanding its borders to the size of the entire Calradia. Technically, founding a new kingdom is not difficult; it is enough to capture at least one castle and declare your sovereignty to the whole world. However, the lifespan of such a precocious kingdom is calculated in days, or even hours.

If you want to create a state that will last longer than one week and can grow into a powerful empire, preparations must begin long before you put a crown on your head. And today we want to tell you how to quickly go from a simple mercenary to the ruler of all Calradia.

The beginning of the way

Preparation for accession to the throne begins from childhood, read - at the moment of character creation. The future ruler must, first of all, be a skilled diplomat, and secondly, a competent strategist. Therefore, of the four characteristics, the most important for us is charm (here charisma), and the second most important is intelligence.

As you might guess, the main skills will be leadership and persuasion. Next comes tactics, which allows you to more effectively realize your numerical advantage in battle or, on the contrary, compensate for the enemy’s superiority. It would also be nice to learn education- both before and after ascending the throne, you will have to carry crowds of recruits with you, so let them grow in levels along the way, right?

On a note: If you are used to starting the game as a merchant or a lone fighter, no one is stopping you from doing the same this time. But then you will still have to retrain the hero - of course, in the world of Calradia, a gladiator can rule the state, but the spectacle will turn out to be pathetic.

Having taken care of your education, you can join the caravan going to the Kingdom of the Vaegirs. Why Vaegirs? It's just that their army is best suited to solve our future problems. In the struggle for the throne, you will have to fight a lot in general and very often take and defend castles in particular. The tenacious Vaegir infantry combined with well-aimed archers will serve us best.

Advanced training skill allows you to literally convert recruits on the fly
into real soldiers.

Balanced Rodoks and “infantry” Nords also perform well (although the latter can cause grief if cavalry regiments descend on your young kingdom). The “horsed” Swadia, the Khergit Khanate and the newcomers from the Sarranid Sultanate that joined them are no longer needed - at least until the release of a mod that would teach horsemen to climb walls.

In general, the ideal army in our case is Nordic infantry under the cover of Vaegir archers. Creating an international army comes with its own challenges, but it is worth it.

Now your task is to put together starting capital and assemble a squad with which you are not ashamed to go into battle. For the future king, the most convenient way to the people lies through the battlefield. High charisma and leadership will help literally for pennies to recruit a crowd of recruits in the surrounding villages who will crush the enemy with numbers. You will quickly replace the dead with new recruits, and the few survivors will begin to rapidly rise in rank. Trade in war trophies and captives (in the future - of a noble family) will ensure a stable flow of funds.

So look for bandit camps, train on the bandits “born” in them, then slowly move on to hunting enemy lords, and at the first opportunity, enter the royal service and begin to participate in military campaigns. As soon as storming a mediocre castle ceases to be an insoluble problem, it will be time to move on to active preparations for an uprising.

On the verge of an uprising

Each of the companions comes up with their own ways of campaigning for your rule. Sometimes very original.

“Why not immediately capture the castle and found our own kingdom, if we are already able to do this?” - you ask. I answer: as soon as you gain a foothold in some territory, guests armed to the teeth will immediately come to you. At a minimum, the owners of the land that you declared as yours. As a rule, there are one or two more neighbors, flattered by the easy money.

Therefore, before starting a rebellion, it is necessary to accumulate enough resources in order to subsequently defend their right to exist. And it’s not about money or the army at all. You still can't stand against a real kingdom. The key to the existence of any young state is the reputation of its ruler. It depends on it how favorable your neighbors will be to you.

This resource itself comes in three types. The first is your level of fame. Been here since Mount & Blade. The Story of a Hero" nothing has changed. The second is the Right to Rule stat, an innovation from the Tournament Era. As the name suggests, it determines how legitimate the other lords and kings consider your kingdom to exist. To put it simply, the lower it is, the worse the attitude towards you and the more often your state is attacked.

Lord Falcevor expresses dissatisfaction with the existing system, but does not yet trust us enough to decide on an open uprising.

There is only one way to declare your rights to the throne - to send one of the characters who joined you to campaign for your humble person (to do this, you need to mention in a conversation with him that you want to become king). After some time (up to three weeks), your henchman will return and bring with him +3 to the right to rule.

Which, by the way, is very little. If you want to sit quietly on the throne, at least for the first time, you need to increase the indicator of the right to rule to at least 50. If you are really numb, you can do less, but below 30 at the beginning of a rebellion is certain death. Then it will be too late to “download your rights.” Therefore, it is better from the very beginning of the game to recruit all available characters from taverns and send them to conduct a PR campaign. You don’t have to worry about their personal compatibility; they won’t see each other anyway.

On a note: If a hero has just returned from a mission, you cannot send him again to increase your right to rule. So, the “agitators” who have served their purpose can be safely sent to all four directions. If you need it, hire it again.

Finally, the third indicator of your reputation is your relationship with local lords. It is especially relevant if you are going to bite off a piece of territory from the power that you currently serve. In this case, you will certainly have time to enlist the support of the remaining feudal lords before the time comes to declare independence. And then the king in his capital can shout as much as he wants about “insidious rebels” and “ancestral lands” - you have a real chance of dragging your neighbors to your side before active hostilities begin.

Family matters

A good bride is not only a lot of friends now, but also a crowd of faithful you -
sals in the distant future.

As the famous song sang, “no king can marry for love,” including the future king. The spouse will have to choose based not on external data, but on the number of relatives - after all, after the wedding, you will automatically have good relations with all members of her family. Of course, there can be no talk of any kidnapping of the bride - only matchmaking with all the formalities.

You can, however, try the opposite approach - first become a king, and then choose a richer feudal lord from your neighbors and quickly marry his daughter (or sister - depending on who is available). It won't be long before you can easily make him your vassal. Often, in this way, a territory equal to the entire kingdom is added to your possessions. And the rest of your spouse’s relatives will sooner or later come over to your side.

One step away from the throne

A couple more blows, and on the site of the former capital Sarranids-
from whom the sultanate will arise my own empire.

There are two ways to create your own kingdom. The first is to storm the castle, wait for the king to give it to another lord, immediately declare his displeasure and “put the party ticket on the table.” The possessions granted by the ruler will be left behind you; all that remains is to choose a flag and compose a more harmonious name for the kingdom (kingdom, principality, emirate, khanate - underline as appropriate).

There is an alternative way to secede along with your lands. You leave one soldier in your castle, after which you inform the king about your refusal to take the oath. Immediately rob the nearest caravan or farmers, earn negative relations with your once native kingdom and quickly rush to storm the abandoned castle. You don't even have to climb the walls - a lone defender will capitulate without a fight.

The second option: voluntarily write a letter of resignation, lose all possessions, and only then, being a free shooter, capture a suitable castle. The first option is more popular among players, since it allows you to start ruling on territory that you have already equipped with your own hands. However, in reality, this path is justified only if your castle is well located or if you have managed to earn considerable territory.

In turn, method number two gives wide room for maneuver. At a minimum, you can choose your starting territory. Agree, it’s one thing to find yourself in the middle of a kingdom hostile to you, at arm’s length from the local army, and quite another to start somewhere in a secluded corner of the map, where it takes enemy soldiers several days to get there.

Never do this! The king should not risk his life in battle, so it is better to watch the battle
from the nearest hill.

On a note: Ideally, you should choose a place for the kingdom in advance and only then, based on the decision made, make friends with neighboring lords or, conversely, try to weaken your neighbors.

A very good place to start a reign is a land on the outskirts of a kingdom that is already waging a war on two fronts (or one, but extremely unsuccessfully). Then the local ruler will simply have no time for you. However, here we must take into account how long the fighting has been going on. If it’s more than a month and a half, there’s a good chance that the injured party will quickly conclude a truce and turn to you.

Of course, no one bothers to independently weaken the future victim while still in the service of any sovereign. If you have enough patience, this path can be taken to the extreme. Namely, to ensure that only one capital remains from the neighboring kingdom. After this, you can safely resign and take the last stronghold by storm.

By the way, this will not be so easy to do, since the enemy lords will be there like sardines in a barrel. You'll have to run around first, catching them one by one. But then, since there will be no one to claim legal rights to this land, you will be left alone for a long time. The downside is that you will have a strong empire at your side, created by your own efforts. However, what to do with neighboring states is a question for the next chapter.

The young king's first steps

Small but experienced infantry
detachment is capable of repelling an enemy assault with a corresponding
wearing strength one to eight.

So, the first stage on the path to world domination has been completed. If you are not too lazy to create a good reputation for yourself and wisely choose the location for your kingdom, you will not be asked to leave the throne in the first few days (if there are still piglets - see the sidebar “Let's save the situation”). Once everything calms down, you will be faced with the task of consolidating and building on your success.

First of all, we continue to strengthen the diplomatic status of the country. Characters who previously traveled throughout Calradia giving speeches of praise in your honor are now sent to the rulers of other states as official ambassadors. The more people recognize our independence, the higher the right to rule and the calmer life will be.

At the same time, we begin to annex to our possessions everything that is in bad shape. And the category of bad lands in the “Tournament Era” includes two types of lands. Firstly, the outskirts of the kingdoms, which are already embroiled in confrontation with other states. You won’t be able to handle a full-fledged war yet, but if the enemy has enough problems without you, you may well be able to bite off a piece or two from him. In general, this rule applies at any stage of the game - of all possible opponents, invariably choose the weakest.

On a note: You can also extract some good diplomatic advantages from such a situation by first becoming an ally of the two attacking countries, and then offering peace to the one that was subjected to your aggression. Eventually, relationships will improve with all three.

The second way to expand the territory is to attract “wavering” lords to your side (those whose relations with the faction leader have a negative balance). Some will themselves come to your capital with the aim of entering the service. True, rich feudal lords are rarely found among them, but there are plenty of people who like to change overlords like gloves. You can take them, but don’t count on a rich catch.

The larger your kingdom
In fact, the more Mount & Blade begins to resemble Total War.

It is much more effective to campaign among disgruntled lords yourself. In order not to pester everyone with seditious speeches in vain, regularly send out your characters on spy missions (for example, those who are not employed as diplomats). Thanks to them, you will always know which of the feudal lords is ready to change citizenship.

True, it is not so easy to win over even a disgruntled lord. Firstly, you must be on very good terms, at least +25, otherwise the lord will generally refuse to talk about such a sensitive topic as betrayal. Secondly, it is important that the interlocutor is your neighbor, otherwise he will mutter that you cannot protect him. In a conversation with him, you need to correctly guess the argument in your favor (or select it using Save/Load).

You also can’t put pressure on the lords - almost no one immediately agrees to the transition, but if you give the potential vassal a week or two to think, the chances of a positive response will increase noticeably. Although in the end everything is decided by the notorious right to the throne - with an indicator of more than 80, only the geographical factor can become a serious obstacle.

On a note: a separate conversation - landless lords. It’s easy to attract them to your side; just promise them an allotment, and it’s yours forever. But why, if you need the land, and not the owners for it? It makes sense to call such lords only during military campaigns, when you have one or several ownerless castles in your hands.

Diplomatic development is the main method of expansion in the early stages of development. But be prepared that sooner or later your style of pocketing other people’s lands will become familiar, and they will start beating you - which king would like it that you are luring away his vassals? By the way, as practice shows, kings react more calmly to the loss of acquired lands than those that originally belonged to them.

Saving the situation

In battle, enemies also come in “waves” - first the cavalry, followed by the infantry and archers.

When it comes to war with superior enemy forces (and there is no other way for a novice ruler), you should remember the mistake that enemy commanders invariably repeat - each lord moves on his own, which is why the army stretches out in a line, small the detachments run forward, and the larger ones trail behind. This way, you can defeat enemy troops piece by piece, retreating for reinforcements if necessary.

If the situation is completely at sea and there is no way to stop the advancing enemy, it is better not to wait for the inevitable end and sell yourself wholeheartedly to any faction. Independence will be lost, but with a high probability they will leave you behind and the lands will remain with you. And you can regain your independence at any opportune moment.

On the way to triumph

Enemy “flying” squads quickly come running to attack
a castle with a garrison of 10-15 people. The only thing left is to
come around the corner and kill everyone.

Having found out where the troops of the Sultanate were gathering, I took the enemy by surprise - half of the army was just arriving, and the second was already being destroyed by my troops.

The kingdom, which has already begun to successfully expand at the expense of its neighbors, faces two serious problems - the financial crisis and the protection of its own borders. The taxes you collect from your holdings are usually barely enough to support your ever-growing army. But the opponents very skillfully use guerrilla tactics, carrying out constant raids on your villages. And a devastated village will not soon be able to generate normal income.

In addition, as the kingdom grows, an expense item called “ineffective taxation” increases, which in critical cases can eat up two-thirds of the funds received. The result of all this is weekly losses, sometimes exceeding ten thousand gold coins. A small kingdom, in principle, can exist through trade, but during a war it is difficult to do business. In addition, a king running through the markets with bundles of dried fish is a depressing sight.

Both problems can be solved simply - you need to actively distribute castles for the use of vassals. Ideally, each fortress should have a lord. If you don’t have enough of your own, call the landless from outside. But I wouldn’t recommend making feudal lords out of the characters who join you. For a companion to become an intelligent commander with a strong army, he must reach at least level fifteen, and be developed in the same way as your hero. That is, you need to prepare him as a vassal from the very beginning of the game.

This is interesting: for some reason, lord characters prefer to take their compatriots into the army. Therefore, do not be surprised if one of the lords suddenly gallops for recruits to the other end of the map.

At the end of the game, the castles begin
are swarming with lords of different nationalities—subjects—
mi powers you conquered.

The active distribution of vassals across possessions allows you to reduce the costs of ineffective tax collection. In addition, garrisons in fortresses are removed from your balance - from now on, the owners of the castles pay for them, and where they will get the money for this is no longer your concern. Finally, numerous detachments can be sent to patrol the borders - they, of course, cannot cope with a full-fledged invasion, but they are quite capable of scaring away those who want to rummage through peasant barns.

Do not be afraid that relations with the feudal lord worsen every time you give the castle to someone else (the lords are especially furious if you make a character of humble origin a full-fledged vassal). It is better to have many dissatisfied vassals than one or two happy ones. To prevent treason, feasts can be held regularly in the capital with the mandatory attendance of all lords.

In general, that's all. The main thing is that if you were not crushed at the beginning and were allowed to establish expansion, then they will not be stopped later. A little patience and Calradia will be at your feet.

“One hundred and forty-seven of them arrived from Khald.
At the walls of Brattingsborg soon
They are their silk tents
Spread out in the open.”

Song of the One Hundred and Forty-Seven

First, let's briefly go over the pressing issues. Despite the fact that the game was released quite a long time ago, no one really promoted it (in fact, one of the first projects at the dawn of independent developers), the graphics did not shine even then, and therefore for the general public the toy may turn out to be an unexpected discovery.


Q: What is this anyway?

ABOUT:Mount & Blade (Russian “Sword and Horse”, fan version “Ride and Mochi”) - a kind of “medieval simulator”. You take control of a character and begin your path to glory. The game is built on the principle of being as realistic as possible - as realistic as possible for two people without funds.

IN: How to play this? In what order should I go through the addons?

ABOUT:Yes in any. “Warband”, “With Fire and Sword”, “Viking Conquest” all this simply fills the game with additional content, that’s all. The game is essentially a sandbox, with a very good implementation of the Middle Ages. The add-ons are in no way related to each other, but the most complete and finalized versions are Warband and Viking Conquest.

IN:What do the different settings do in the game?

  • Control e.g. block when you press RMB, your character will place a block. If this item is “auto”, then a block corresponding to the direction of the attack will be automatically placed. You can also change this state to movement arrows or mouse movement.
  • Control e.g. strike when you press the LMB you will swing or aim (depending on the weapon), releasing it will cause a strike or shot. With the default settings, the strike is determined by the movement of the mouse, that is, whether you move it right-left-up-down (i.e. there are four directions of the strike). When fighting on foot, this does not really interfere, but when fighting on horseback, you can switch to arrows.
  • Pike controls polearms have a special status in the game, as they are the only ones of their kind that have real kinetic energy when moving. Simply put, without even swinging, but simply holding it “in the air,” you will deliver a “knight’s blow,” i.e. punch through (or knock down) the enemy. In addition, you can complicate your life by setting manual control (there are two gradations: easy and difficult).
  • Damage to player/damage to allies. By default, it is in the 1/4 and 1/2 states, respectively. It is recommended to set other indicators only to experienced players for the so-called. “acting out” without the proper skill (and desire), they can knock you down at maximum settings with one blow. Do you want to feel like a simple soldier in a massacre of a hundred people? Feel free to put “normal!” If you want to be a knight defeating armies, put 1/4.
  • Combat AI setting that affects how the AI ​​will behave in battle. Your shooting and fencing skills improve, enemies learn to outflank you from the rear and even use additional formations. In fact, there is no big difference between “easy” and “difficult”, since since the demo version the AI ​​has been improved so much that it fights well anyway.
  • Game difficulty is essentially a useless option, needed only for those who want to get “100%” game difficulty (these percentages are indicated in the settings). Depending on the level, the amount of experience and money gained changes (downward).
  • Battle speed affects the speed at which battles occur on the global map.
  • Battle size how many warriors can participate in the battle at the same time. (If there are more enemies, they may appear in the form of reinforcements)

IN: What is Calradia? Who are the Vaegirs, Khergits, Swads and Nords?

ABOUT:Despite the fictional setting, the nations in the game obviously have real prototypes. Nords obvious Scandinavians, Norwegians, Swedes and so on. Vaegirs Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Principality of Lithuania and other Western Slavs. Khergits nomadic tribes, Mongols and Tatars. Sarranid Sultanate Arabs, Turks and other so-called. "Saracens". The Svads and Rodoks divide central Europe among themselves - these are the Italians, the French, the Hungarians, and so on.

IN: Who should I play for?

ABOUT:For whomever you want. All nations are available to play. It is enough to take an oath to the king of the faction you are interested in. First, of course, you will need to earn trust, but this is done simply almost every king, if he is not angry with you, will give you some kind of assignment. Over time, your fame will increase and you will be able to become someone’s vassal without “running around.”

IN: And for whom better play?

ABOUT:Again, who do you like best? The Nords are the best foot soldiers and marksmen, indispensable in the siege and defense of cities and fortresses, the Vaegirs have the best knights, and the Khergits and the Sarradin Sultanate are professional horsemen, even their basic unit has a horse and they are very mobile. Svads and Rodoks are balanced, they have both infantry and cavalry (only Svads, Rodoks spearmen), in addition, their archers are armed with crossbows, not bows.

IN: And who should you be?

ABOUT:Depends on what you like best. Do you want to be a serious warrior? Upgrade two-handed weapons and polearms (it will be difficult for non-horses in this game in open spaces - they will be trampled). Love to shoot bows and an accurate shot is your choice. You can only dissuade him from the idea of ​​​​being a horse archer leave these fun to the Khergits, the character shoots too inaccurately even with good leveling. In addition, you can be an engineer, a merchant, just run around and carry out orders, although this is still a hassle.

IN: Ok, how to make money?

ABOUT:You can run around and carry out various tasks, but firstly, it takes a long time, and secondly, it’s boring.. The easiest way to make money is by participating in tournaments, betting on yourself. However, it will be difficult for a beginner practice first in “training” camps. that are scattered around the map, and hunt small (up to 10 people) squads of bandits. The king's vassal receives a weekly income from his village or castle. After you acquire a detachment, you can start robbing villages - the most profitable activity, because the sale of loot can bring up to 10 thousand denarii. When you experience the value of money (seeing armor in a store that costs more than your annual income from three estates), you begin to wonder whether it’s worth preserving the honor of the coat of arms, yeah. If you participate in wars, you may be lucky enough to capture one of your opponents. Sometimes they pay a substantial ransom for them.

IN: What should you spend it on first?

ABOUT:Depending on who you want to be . In any case, don’t throw away your first money on a beautiful helmet with feathers; first take care of a sensible bib. It also doesn’t make sense to buy weapons right away; those captured in battle aren’t much worse, although if you don’t get your specialized weapon for too long, you’ll still have to buy something simple because your skills directly depend on the frequency of its use. Your next purchase should be a good horse. Then you can show off in a beautiful helmet, and for absolute luxury, buy combat gloves. If you play with a sword and shield, then before the helmet you need to buy a fairly strong shield, where first of all you need to look at its strength, and then everything else.

If everything is purchased from you, then the life of a secular nobleman begins - buy useful books (at high levels this is very important), develop your own estate and throw parties.

IN: Where can I get all this?

ABOUT:In cities! Large capital cities like Praven, Uchkhala, Veluka, Sargoth and others have sellers of weapons and armor, traders of horses and provisions. In addition, the latter can be bought in any village.

IN: The siege of the castle/fortress has been going on for a long time! What to do?

ABOUT:The “engineering” skill is responsible for besieging cities. . Keep it at least 2 points to quickly besiege those castles and cities that require the construction of stairs. Where you need to build siege towers, unfortunately, you will have to wait three days, since it is very difficult to speed up this process. If you don’t have time or money to raise your skill (through books), then you will resort to the help of your companions - some of them have the required skill level. In this case, during the siege, entrust the construction of structures to him.

In addition, this skill significantly shortens the time of construction on the estate and their cost.

IN: Companions? Who else is this?

ABOUT:In various taverns you can meet characters who have some kind of history behind them. They may be willing to join you for a fee. . It is worth considering that they can conflict with each other, so choose your teammates carefully.

IN: What else is useful in taverns?

ABOUT:You can also find booksellers or mercenary troops there. . The latter are not particularly good, and they require a substantial payment, so you should turn to them for services only in cases of extreme hopelessness (as with any mercenaries in general). Also in the latest additions, there are minstrels in taverns who can teach you poetry. You can tell them to the lady of your heart, unless of course you are afraid of angular models. (no, no mods were delivered to the graphics. Wait for Bannerlord)

IN: Which weapon should you choose?

ABOUT:It all depends on the tasks. When besieging/defending a fortress, it is useful to have a bow and arrows, because you can manage to shoot a decent number of frags before the battle enters the active stage. Various clubs will be useful for those who expect to increase the army at the expense of prisoners; stun weapons will allow you to have a high chance of disabling enemy troops without killing them. Cutting and piercing weapons traditionally cause the highest damage, and spears are useful in horse battles.

IN: How to submit quests?

ABOUT:You will definitely need to find the person who gave you the quest (that’s bad luck!). Considering that the world of Calradia lives its own life and literally does not stand still, the quest giver is sometimes difficult to find. He can be found by asking around people belonging to his faction, or in the “quests” section to see where he might be. Geographical places can be seen in the “reports” column; clicking on an object will take you to it on the global map and you can order the character to go there.

ABOUT:There is a “camp” option in the menu on the global map. After you break it, both of these options will appear, as well as the opportunity to end the journey. Look carefully, some books do not need to be read; you just need to carry them in your inventory.

IN: I'm not happy with the king/sultan, is there anything I can do?

ABOUT:If you suddenly want to be known as your mother's revolutionary, the game will give you such an opportunity. In each kingdom, in the capital (that is, in the city owned by the king of the faction) there will be a character who is a contender for the table of some other faction. After talking with him, you can trigger a series of events and begin to build a contender for the throne. Please note that you need to have a serious army to arrange something like this.

  1. Creating a character here isn't just about throwing out parameters. Initially, you will be tormented with questions about your origin, occupation, and other seemingly abstract things. So, all this directly affects your characteristics or skills. By choosing the background of an “impoverished nobleman”, for example, you will immediately have a coat of arms at your disposal. If you choose a career as a veteran, you will have more strength and better control of weapons. Child of the Steppe will add to your riding and point shooting skills. The sales assistant will obviously have a better understanding of prices. So if you want to be a merchant, it is obvious that a career as a street tramp is not for you. And again, a noble knight who plans to spend his entire adult life on campaigns and buhurts should not know how to handle cloth.
  2. Initially, it is worth recruiting an army from the Nords. They are the best infantry in the game, and it will still be difficult to upgrade to good shooters/horsemen at first. When you reach sufficient skill and strength to kill squads of 30+ people, you can try to start recruiting your squad from vaegirs.
  3. Why are riders needed for the most part? In addition to the advantages on the plains, the speed of the detachment also depends on the composition of the troops, so having knights on horses is much more profitable than foot soldiers when chasing some particularly nimble lord. Well, or you can simply improve your “pathfinding”.
  4. It is better to leave captured lords in the castle; they will not escape from there until you receive a ransom for them.
  5. Try to have a very good relationship with the king of the faction you swore allegiance to in the latest updates they like to constantly change the owners of villages and castles. So a good reputation will help you get your castle back.
  6. You shouldn't mess with even five bandits if you don't have a horse - you can easily be killed. While on horseback, at first, until you learn how to play, do not attack squads of more than ten people. For the same reason, it is better to first take place in the kingdoms of Vagir and Nord - more convenient weapons for beginners often drop out there (yes, training ones will have to fight).
  7. Throw a couple of points into the surgery skill - this will seriously increase your soldiers' chances of survival, and therefore you won't have to spend money on recruiting, and, more importantly, spend time pumping them up and collecting troops.
  8. The duration of the swing affects the damage. Such an obvious thing has two nuances: it depends on the speed with which you move (suddenly, physics, yes, but now remember which modern games implement this in practice), and on where you hit (expectedly, more painful things come to your head ). If everything is clear with the second point, then two things immediately follow from the first: firstly, if at full gallop you release the swing button a little earlier than you collide with the enemy, then the weapon will receive an increase in “speed” and cause more damage. Secondly, it is therefore better not to swing spears at all; it is much more effective to simply lower the spear and fly at the enemy (you will be notified of a successful maneuver by the message “a knightly blow struck!” that appears in the log).
  9. Feel free to hire companions; many of them have useful skills that you don’t have to focus on yourself (for example, engineering with Artimener, trading with Cell, etc.)

That's basically all. It would seem that there is not much to be gained, but the apparent emptiness of the game depends solely on the imagination of the player - the atmosphere and mechanics the game offers are simply wonderful, and what goals the player sets for himself is his business. In addition, there are a lot of very playable mods, for example the Game of Thrones mod. So if in the usual Middle Ages you are not interested in fantasizing, perhaps in a more familiar fantasy setting the game will give you something to explore.


One colleague plays it often. Spinal game. You ride, you chop, you make alliances, you capture. Medieval world of tanks. Looking at how he plays, I don’t understand how he decides so quickly what to do, where to jump, etc. He himself explains that he simply already knows all the dialogues, etc., what could happen in any possible scenario, since he has played thousands of times, so he simply skips the text after reading a couple of words and knows what to do next. I don’t understand what’s fun about playing now. But, I think, if I had played it earlier, I would have gotten stuck just as much, since the gameplay automation here is at the level of Heroes. Apparently the guy just likes to run through different scenarios over and over again. Sometimes, as he admitted to me, he even cheats out of boredom and somehow changes the attack of the spear, etc. He makes himself a good sword/shield, etc. Just so that these long wounds according to the scenarios pass quickly. But that’s just how it goes. There's no time to play at work, so he somehow breaks the game. He can’t help but play, but he wants to conquer, fight, etc.

Vaegirs have the best knights

Svads and Rodoks are balanced, they have both infantry and cavalry, in addition, their archers are armed with crossbows, not bows.

Initially, it is worth recruiting an army from the Nords. They are the best infantry in the game, but it will still be difficult to upgrade to good shooters/horsemen at first. When you reach sufficient skill and strength to kill squads of 30+ people, you can try to start recruiting your squad from vaegirs.

Brad infantry<конницы да и глянь ветку раскачки пехоты нордов и конницы свадов, а затем сравни длину.

Why are riders needed for the most part? In addition to the advantages on the plains, the speed of the detachment also depends on the composition of the troops, so having knights on horses is much more profitable than foot soldiers when chasing some particularly nimble lord. Well, or you can simply improve your “pathfinding”.

Riders carry out absolutely every living thing during the siege of a castle or on the plains (and even in the mountains). If you have companions with pathfinding and an army of cavalry, the army flies with at least 10.

Sarradin Sultanate

*Sarranid Sultanate

Throw a couple of points into the surgery skill - this will seriously increase your soldiers' chances of survival, and therefore you won't have to spend money on recruiting, and, more importantly, waste time on pumping them up and gathering troops.

Try to have a very good relationship with the king of the faction you swore allegiance to - in the latest updates they like to constantly change the owners of villages and castles. So a good reputation will help you get your castle back.

It seems like nonsense... He appoints the owner of a recently captured castle.

Q: I'm not happy with the king/sultan, is there anything I can do?

A: If you suddenly want to be known as your mother's revolutionary, the game will give you such an opportunity. In each kingdom, in the capital (that is, in the city owned by the king of the faction) there will be a character who is a contender for the table of some other faction. After talking with him, you can trigger a series of events and begin to build a contender for the throne. Please note that you need to have a serious army to arrange something like this.

You can shake up the right to the throne and, having captured a castle in one (without any help from other lords), tell the king that you want it, if he refuses (due to a low relationship with him), then you declare yourself a king with the initial territory in the form of this castle, then you tear his country (your king who declared you a rebel) into shreds and...
PROFIT, in the end you have your own country. (Because of this feature, many people probably started playing it)

It seems like the whole article is not bad, I liked it (most likely its presence, but oh well).

No, with their two-handed axes they are clearly losing to the cavalry of the Swadians and Sarranids.

Weapons may vary. The most important thing is that everyone has spears.

The Rodoks have no cavalry and are designed as spearmen (who can only win in deep mountains and that is unlikely)

That's for sure? I remember there was.

Brad infantry<конницы да и глянь ветку раскачки пехоты нордов и конницы свадов, а затем сравни длину.

The point is that in the field, infantry humiliates the same foot soldiers, simply due to speed and quick attack.

Riders carry out absolutely every living thing during the siege of a castle or on the plains (and even in the mountains). If you have companions with pathfinding and an army of cavalry, the army flies with at least 10.

During sieges, they are just crap, they die like flies forever. And for any complexity.

It is better to download this for companions (and several) together with pathfinding and a trainer. (Artimen engineering, etc. for the rest)

We're talking about solo play here.

It seems like nonsense... He appoints the owner of a recently captured castle.

It seems like it, but I have accurate information. Constantly changes owner.

You can shake up the right to the throne and, having captured a castle in one (without any help from other lords), tell the king that you want it, if he refuses (due to a low relationship with him), then you declare yourself a king with the initial territory in the form of this castle, then you tear his country (your king who declared you a rebel) into shreds and...
PROFIT, in the end you have your own country. (Because of this feature, many people probably started playing it)

Here we are not talking about our own state, but about the fact that there is a so-called. called palace coups. It’s even more difficult with your own state, and in general it’s difficult to fight against a country. This is a fact (that is, for beginners), so there is no talk of such tricks here.

Shadow Scarab,

The Rodoks have no cavalry and are designed as spearmen (who can only win in deep mountains and that is unlikely)

That's for sure? I remember there was.

no, maybe in the first part.

No, with their two-handed axes they are clearly losing to the cavalry of the Swadians and Sarranids.

Weapons may vary. The most important thing - spears - everyone has.

All spears are usually blocked by the edge of the shield or fly into armored horses (simple ones can be demolished with swords), and just during a siege the spears are crap.

Riders carry out absolutely every living thing during the siege of a castle or on the plains (and even in the mountains). If you have companions with pathfinding and an army of cavalry, the army flies with at least 10.

During sieges, they are just crap, they die like flies forever. And for any complexity.

Well, if you have 60-90 knights versus 300-400, then you will sit standing on the sidelines, covering yourself with a shield from random arrows. (More than half of yours will be wounded, really)

It seems like nonsense... He appoints the owner of a recently captured castle.

It seems like it, but I have accurate information. Constantly changes owner.

“It seems” I wrote out of respect for you, when talking with the king (or with another lord of the same factions) there is a line “Who are you going to appoint as the owner of Uchkhala.” This means that such and such a plot that does not have an owner (which was recently captured) will be appointed next, in this case Uchkhala

It is better to download this for companions (and several) together with pathfinding and a trainer. (Artimen engineering, etc. for the rest)

We're talking about solo play here.

The point here is that you take charisma and leadership for yourself. In a solo game, you can hire and upgrade companions. Just because you hired solo companions, the game will not stop being solo. Everyone plays as they want, so this part is generally unimportant.

You can shake up the right to the throne and, having captured a castle in one (without any help from other lords), tell the king that you want it, if he refuses (due to a low relationship with him), then you declare yourself a king with the initial territory in the form of this castle, then you tear his country (your king who declared you a rebel) into shreds and... PROFIT, in the end you have your own country. (Because of this feature, many people probably started playing it)

Well, if you have 60-90 knights versus 300-400, then you will sit standing on the sidelines, covering yourself with a shield from random arrows. (More than half of yours will be wounded, really)

That’s something, but it’s stupid to stand under fire in general.

“It seems” I wrote out of respect for you, when talking with the king (or with another lord of the same factions) there is a line “Who are you going to appoint as the owner of Uchkhala.” This means that such and such a plot that does not have an owner (which was recently captured) will be appointed next, in this case Uchkhala

Damn, this isn’t about choosing someone unknown, but about the fact that he likes to change things often. What difference does it make if we know who he will choose if it is impossible to influence it? (Also, he always offered himself to me)

That’s something, but it’s stupid to stand under fire in general.

It’s just that if you haven’t pumped yourself up in a war, then you can kill 30 people. (Maximum for the sake of experience because it won’t affect the battle much) The point is that 60-90 knights against 300-400 in a siege are quite sufficient. And you stand and save your HP to break into the depths of the castle (or whatever).

“It seems” I wrote out of respect for you, when talking with the king (or with another lord of the same factions) there is a line “Who are you going to appoint as the owner of Uchkhala.” This means that such and such a plot that does not have an owner (which was recently captured) will be appointed next, in this case Uchkhala

Damn, this isn’t about choosing someone unknown, but about the fact that he likes to change things often. What difference does it make if we know who he will choose if it is impossible to influence it? (Also, he always offered himself to me)

No, all the lords express their opinions, and he, taking into account their opinions, issues an allotment (when he issues an allotment, his relationship with the lords changes because he has greased up some and not others).

It’s unlikely that the game developers could have expected how popular and widespread Mount and Blade: Warband would become. How to build a castle, how to manage an army, how to create a kingdom? These and many other questions constantly worry fans of the series. Today, Mount and Blade, without a doubt, can be called one of the most unique cult games in history, despite the fact that it itself has a budget ten times smaller than the vast majority of other games that received even less success.

Mount and Blade is a universal game in which the player is given absolute freedom of action, and the lack of a plot forces you to create it yourself. Here you can be anyone, from an ordinary highwayman to the owner of your own kingdom, however, since many are interested in the latter, they ask the only question when playing Mount and Blade: Warband: “How to build a castle?”

Is it possible to build your own castle?

It’s worth saying right away that, in principle, building your own castle in the game is impossible. Of course, it would seem how they could not introduce such a simple element, because every player will definitely ask when entering Mount and Blade: Warband: “How to build a castle?” But do not forget that this game is low-budget, and therefore there are still a huge number of various omissions and missing elements that could have been there. Therefore, if you are wondering how to build a castle while playing Mount and Blade: Warband, you will not find the answer to this question, since the only option to gain any possessions and begin to develop your own state is a siege.

Why do you need your own lock?

In this case, it all depends on your goals in the game. Someone is looking for how to build a castle in Mount and Blade: Warband in order to start developing their own state and get acquainted with this content, because without your own possession it is simply impossible to start developing your kingdom. At the same time, as mentioned above, you don’t even need to try to build a castle for this, since you can simply seize other people’s possessions and use them as the capital. It is worth noting that subsequently the capital can be moved to a new captured possession, which is especially important if, after capturing the castle, you captured the city and wanted to make it the capital, or simply your borders have shifted quite a lot and you would like to spend less time so that after the battle return to yourself.

Someone wants to build a castle in Mount and Blade: Warband simply to speed up their own development. The villages located around it pay taxes daily, and the more developed the property is, the more taxes can be received. However, in reality, it may well turn out that your own castle can bring you only losses, since constant sieges require a large army that needs to be recruited and developed.

Among other things, the castle is a great source of fun, because defending the castle from the enemy army is one of the most interesting battles in the game.

Siege as neutral

The easiest option is to capture a castle in Mount and Blade: Warband as a neutral lord, that is, without joining any factions. Thus, after capturing the castle, you do not have to agree with anyone on your rights to own these lands, they automatically become yours, you simply choose the name of your new state and begin to develop it. After this, the full content of the ruler of your own state opens up to you, you can start hiring vassals or making them from your own army, but building a castle in Mount and Blade: Warband after opening your faction will not appear.

It is worth noting that you better be careful, since your possessions can quickly be taken away from you not only by representatives of the faction from which the lands were taken, but also by others, and even after the surrender of your lands, the “sediment” will still remain and the relationship will spoiled.

Siege as a vassal

A somewhat difficult, but not so risky option is to become a vassal of a certain faction and, under its rule, capture a certain castle, however, this option is unlikely to appeal to many of those who would be interested in building a castle. Mount and Blade: Warband invites us to swear allegiance to serve a specific kingdom. You can find some ruler yourself and ask him to make you his vassal, or in the process of your development and gaining reputation, gradually the rulers of states will begin to invite you to join the ranks of their generals.

However, remember that in this case, if you refuse, you may slightly damage relations with this kingdom, as a result of which you may not even have time to build a castle in Mount and Blade: Warband after its siege (prison, town hall, etc.), since An army from this kingdom will already attack you. Considering that after your first siege the army can be quite weakened, it is best to carry it out with a minimum of enemies.

How to prepare for battle?

If you confidently decide to capture someone's castle, then in this case you will need the maximum number of foot troops, but it is worth noting that the Nords, despite the fact that they only have foot soldiers in their army, are far from the best option , since, being basically raiders, they do not use the strongest armor, and are also quite weak in ranged combat. In this case, it is more preferable to use troops:

  • Swadii. Very strong armor, as well as quite strong crossbowmen.
  • Rodokov. The most powerful shooting troops are in the form of crossbowmen, who can exchange fire with the enemy for a long time. Considering the fact that the number of bolts for crossbowmen is equal to the number of arrows for archers, the efficiency of the former in long-range combat is much higher. In addition, Rodok crossbowmen are more protected and trained than Swadia crossbowmen. The Rodoks also have quite strong infantry, which can fight equally with many other troops.
  • Sarranid Sultanate. A universal faction, capable of providing fairly strong troops of any type, however, it is focused mainly on short- and medium-range battles.

Kergits are not very relevant in a siege, since their main advantage is the speed of horses, and this is impossible to realize in battles near the castle. Vaegirs are not distinguished by the strongest armor, but are more focused on maximum damage, and therefore their use is only relevant at a low difficulty level, allowing you to capture the castle with maximum speed. At high speed there is a high risk that they will be killed before they can realize their potential.

Which troops are better to take?

The ratio of melee troops to long-range troops depends directly on how skillfully their general fights, how protected he is and how ready he is to independently participate in battles.

It is very important not to use spearmen as melee troops, since they are extremely poorly implemented in the game, and even more so in siege battles.

If you are not going to take part in the battle at all, then it is better to make the ratio of melee to ranged troops 3:2 (60% swordsmen, 40% archers).


If you are confident that you can participate in battle without the risk of death and actively destroy the enemy in close combat, you should take with you a group of strong melee warriors who will help you, and provide solid cover in the form of a powerful curtain of archers or crossbowmen.

distant battle

If you like the role of a marksman, then, on the contrary, rely on close combat with your troops, covering them and destroying key targets. It is worth noting that in this case it is impossible to say unambiguously which role is more preferable, because in close combat, with good skill, you can cut out a large number of enemy units or, if you have a good shield, keep the bulk of the enemy on yourself, allowing ranged troops to shoot them , while a shooter from a distance can remove key targets, and his position is safer.

Creation of a kingdom in Mount and Blade- this is a very quick and simple matter, but keeping this very kingdom afloat is a whole science! The best way to create a kingdom is with the help of a mod. You can create a kingdom in absolutely any environment and version of M&B, but if you create it in, you will have many more functions that, unfortunately, are not available in simple Mount and Blade. There are several ways to create your kingdom in Fire and Sword:


Starting a rebellion is the surest way to try to start a civil war, overthrow the king from the throne and take his place. To raise a rebellion, you need to find a contender for the throne. Usually such people travel around cities in search of support. Candidates for the throne must be sought in the throne rooms. After you agree to help the applicant win the throne, an internal war will begin in the faction and, depending on the relationship with the lords of the current faction, you will be able to lure them to your side, which will improve the military situation in your favor. In fact, from the rebellion to the very end, you are the marshal of the rebel troops and after the faction is completely captured, the pretender to the throne will disappear and become a full-fledged king, and you will become his right hand.

Capture territory

The second opportunity to create your own kingdom is to capture the fortress. Since version Mount and Blade: Warband Just such an opportunity arose. Just capture a castle or city and the war will begin.

Poaching Lords

When the kingdom has already been created, it is time to begin strengthening it. At the beginning, it is unlikely that many lords will agree to go over to the side of your kingdom, so you will have to use the services of (non-player characters). Among all, there are 6 heroes of noble origin who, upon receiving an estate, will not spoil your reputation in the eyes of other lords. noble birth:

  1. Alaen
  2. Bakheshtur
  3. Firentis
  4. Lezalit
  5. Mateld
  6. Rolf

Of course, not all of them will be friends with each other and this will have to be dealt with. Lords, like , will not just come to you (as already reported above); first you need to have at least a good relationship with the lord and a couple of free villages. When you talk to lords, ask questions about the king and politics. You need to offer the lord something that is not in his kingdom (during the dialogue you will see everything). You can talk to the lords if there is no one nearby and you are alone with him. Never ask the lord to give an answer right away, as there is an 85% chance of failure. Intrigue him with your conversation and don't ask him to give an answer. Believe me, in a week or two the lord himself will come to you to take the oath. Please note that persuasion skills, personal relationships and the right to the throne influence how to lure people to your side.

Right to the throne

Well, the last very important aspect of the kingdom is the right to the throne. This indicator is very important when creating a kingdom, and the higher it is, the less often other kingdoms will attack you, the easier it will be to make peace and lure the lords to your side. You can obtain the right to the throne by concluding peace, sending diplomatic envoys to neighbors, or.