Samsung Galaxy S4 takes a long time to charge. The phone is charging slowly: what to do? How to prevent your phone from taking too long to charge

Name " mobile device" speaks for itself - it should work normally even in the absence of stationary power sources. However modern processors and filling in smartphones and tablets, as well as large displays, demonstrate a remarkable appetite for battery charge. Despite this, in order to remain attractive to buyers, gadgets with increased power must still remain as autonomous as possible. Moreover, according to the results of many surveys conducted, the operating time of the device is one of the most significant when choosing a suitable model.

At the same time, mobility depends not only on the operating time without recharging, but you should also pay attention to the charging speed. Today, special accelerated charging technologies have already been developed that make it possible to replenish a device’s battery reserve by 70% in just half an hour. However, for some reason the stated capabilities do not always work, so now we will try to consider the difficulties that users may encounter.

USB cable quality

If there are problems, you should not immediately look for updates for your gadget or even buy a new battery - first of all, you should check the USB cable, which may be damaged. Manufacturers often do not pay enough attention to this detail in terms of trouble-free service life. Moreover, the use of organic, harmless substances as a protective coating for cables has recently become increasingly popular, which is an additional factor in its accelerated wear. As an example, we can recall the same Lightning.

So, it is worth checking the charging cable for breaks in the protective coating and testing its performance on other devices. If no problems are identified, you should look for the cause of slow charging elsewhere, otherwise simply replacing the USB cable with a new one will help.

The USB port itself may also be damaged or corroded if it has come into contact with water.

Insufficient power supply

Connectors on a desktop PC or laptop cannot always provide good current for charging a gadget. Indeed, according to the specification, USB 2.0 ports provide power of only 2.5 W (5B/0.5 A), and USB 3.0 provides a maximum of 4.5 W (5V/0.9A).

Adapter problems

It is necessary to check the power adapter for the presence/absence of external damage. If there are none, you can check its quality characteristics. If the adapter is designed to transmit a current of 1 A, charging the device will take longer than when using an adapter that provides 1.5-2 A. In this case, you should take into account the capabilities of the smartphone itself, since not every device can be charged with high currents. It is optimal to use the standard charger supplied in the kit. But modern gadgets often support it, and most often a special QC adapter designed to use this function must be purchased separately.

Outdated smartphone model

If your gadget entered the market more than two years ago, you should not expect from it the same charging speed that they are able to demonstrate modern models 2015, with built-in support for various accelerated charging technologies. In order to be at the peak of progress, you need to constantly update your smartphone.

Battery failure

It should be remembered that the battery's ability to provide normal power to the device deteriorates over time. Even after 1-2 years, the smartphone will need more time to fully charge, and after 3 years, the gadget may experience unpredictable shutdowns when the battery charge drops to 50 percent or less. In this case, replacing the battery should solve all the problems - independently in the case of a replaceable battery or with the help of service center specialists in the case of a built-in one.

All Android smartphones have something in common - they run out of battery quickly.

It's connected with big amount factors including the original battery capacity and custom settings. Many users are forced to charge gadgets daily, and in some cases several times a day.

In this case, charging speed plays a big role. Users notice that immediately after purchase the phone charged much faster than it does now. There can be many reasons for this situation - let's figure out why the smartphone charges slowly.

Faulty cable or power supply

The first reason is banal and occurs quite often - poor quality Charger. To check this, simply replace the power supply and cable. If nothing has changed, there is a high probability that the problem lies in the hardware of the device - the battery, USB connector or power controller.

Problems with the power controller

To check whether the reason for slow charging is the power controller, you need to charge the smartphone while it is turned off. If the process takes too long, then the problem is most likely in the hardware. In this case, the device must be taken to service center.

Outdated software

Did your device charge quickly? The problem is probably in the software. You need to go to settings, check for software updates and install them. It doesn’t hurt to clean your smartphone of unnecessary data, applications and other debris.

Uncalibrated battery

Another reason for slow charging is a poorly calibrated battery. It is very simple to understand that this is the reason - in such cases, the smartphone often does not charge 100%. You can calibrate the battery manually or using special application- all the details .

The battery has failed

The battery has its own lifespan. If the phone is more than 2 years old, it needs more time to be fully charged. Often, old Android devices with worn-out batteries behave unpredictably - they turn off, quickly discharge, and so on. In this case, it is recommended to replace the battery.

Weak source

Some users prefer to charge their gadget using a laptop, computer or similar energy sources. This is not entirely correct, because such USB connectors provide too little power, therefore, the charging speed drops. The most reliable source is a power outlet. The above methods can be used as an exception.

Charging your smartphone while using it

How often do you connect your phone to a power source and start sitting in in social networks, browser and YouTube? This may also be the reason for the long charging time. In principle, you can use the device, but it is better to disable resource-intensive programs and lower the brightness - this will charge the device faster.

If your smartphone charges too slowly, do not rush to contact a service center - first check it for all the above-mentioned points. If you cannot correct the situation on your own, you can contact specialists.

If the phone is charging slowly, there is no need to think that the battery has exhausted itself during continuous operation of the device, the reason may be much simpler. You can deal with the problem associated with slow charging of a smartphone quite quickly by understanding the cases in which the phone takes a long time to charge. There are several reasons, the main thing is to follow the instructions, and then you will be able to make your own smartphone work perfectly. In some cases, the mobile device not only charges poorly, but also charges quickly. The reasons for these troubles are described in this article, and each user will be able to find out all this for themselves.

Poor contact

At times, it is precisely because of poor contacts that the smartphone takes an extremely long time to charge. This could be either a damaged USB charging cable or a manufacturer’s defect, because the contacts on the battery may be clogged. Dealing with this problem is quite easy. If your smartphone has a removable battery, you need to remove it and clean it with a thin needle - the metal coating of the battery. You should act carefully, because there is a possibility that after the actions taken, the battery will stop functioning.

Broken cable

The most fragile part among the huge list is the charging cable. Due to constant kinks, the cable quickly breaks down, and under such circumstances, the smartphone takes an extremely long time to charge. With this problem, there cannot be a question - “What to do?” After all, the answer is quite simple, you need to go to the nearest store that sells accessories for mobile equipment and buy a new cable there, provided that this is where the problem lies.

Debris in the USB port

Another reason why a smartphone begins to charge slowly is, naturally, debris in the port where the USB charging cable is inserted. The reason for the ingress of debris is extremely simple, and technicians involved in the repair of mobile equipment often face this tricky issue. People carry their smartphones in their jeans pockets, which causes small fibers to get into the port, causing the connector to become clogged and the phone to charge slowly. You can cope with this problem even at home. You need to take a powerful hair dryer and blow out this connector; in addition, you can use a compressor or compressed air from a special cylinder.

Adapter not working correctly

Another reason why a smartphone takes a long time to charge is the adapter. Due to falls and various mechanical damages, the adapter sometimes fails. To check its functionality, just try using it to charge another mobile phone. If and on next device If a similar problem occurs, you will definitely have to buy a new charging adapter for your gadget.

Battery problem

You need to understand that nothing lasts forever. Almost everything can fail on any given day. The battery also has an expiration date. And it is about five years. After this period, the phone may generally begin to discharge in almost an hour, it will take a long time to charge and there will be a bunch of other problems (shutdown in the cold, and so on). The only viable option in such a situation would be to purchase a new battery. If the battery begins to behave incorrectly after six months of use, this is an abnormal case and then you should contact the seller with complaints.

Charging from the right source

Some users start charging their smartphone from different sources - these could be: laptops, computers, various wireless chargers, and so on. If you belong to this category, you should not ask service centers: - “Why does the phone take a long time to charge?” The only reliable source for charging your smartphone will be a power outlet. The whole reason lies in the fact that laptop ports and wireless charging provide very little power and because of this, smartphones take a long time to charge.

Turning off your smartphone

At times, rebooting your own device helps solve the problem that causes your smartphone to quickly dry up. All this is due solely to the fact that a lot is open background applications, because of which the purchased device quickly discharges. Turning off your phone helps clean up RAM, thereby closing running tasks.

Software update

It happened more than once that after updating the current software version, the smartphone began to quickly discharge. Turns out, incorrect update firmware may affect the autonomy of the smartphone. The solution to this problem is to roll back to previous version BY.


A huge number of cases were analyzed in which a smartphone on Android platform, iOS could drain quickly and take a long time to charge. Informed users can now draw certain conclusions for themselves. Not always buying a new battery can solve the problem, as many citizens are used to thinking; sometimes you need to figure out the reason before starting to come up with a list of actions. At times even the most trivial reason may affect the autonomy of the device. And by sorting out such little things you can save yourself a lot Money without buying extra (unnecessary) parts.

If your smartphone takes a long time to charge, then perhaps the reason lies in the battery. If new phone takes a long time to charge, then you should check the charging, battery and settings. If you do not find the reason, then return the device under warranty. It often happens that a Xiaomi phone takes a very long time to charge or Samsung Galaxy S4 from laptop. No need to be surprised. The problem here is not the phone; most likely the current strength of the laptop's USB port is lower than that of your charger.

The smartphone takes a long time to charge – what should I do?

Often the charger is slow to charge the iPhone due to wear and tear on the battery. You should also check your charger. To check you can:

  • use a different charger;
  • try charging another smartphone with your charger;
  • inspect the charger for integrity.

If you decide to use another charger, we recommend taking the original device. A counterfeit charger may not provide the required level of current. Now you know what to do if your smartphone takes a long time to charge. All of the reasons listed above most likely apply to branded devices. For example, if your LG phone is charging slowly, you can simply change the battery.

However, the picture with cheap devices is somewhat different. For example, if a Lenovo phone takes a long time to charge, then the problem may be a defective controller. Alas, when assembling affordable gadgets, low-quality, of course, short-lived parts are often used. This is where many problems arise related to charging, software and other issues.

A new smartphone takes a long time to charge, or several other reasons

Many users are interested in what to do if the phone is not charging well. At first glance, everything is simple. You need to contact a specialist. But some would like to solve the problem themselves if possible. On the one hand, it’s cheaper, and on the other, there’s less fuss. Then a few tips will help you. So, if your phone takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly, then:

  • change the battery;
  • unload the device - remove unnecessary applications;
  • check the charger;
  • If you can, check the controller;
  • if your smartphone was in water, then look for oxidation.

There is a separate post regarding liquid getting into a smartphone. Here we described the simplest reasons why a smartphone takes a long time to charge. If you have any questions, write in the comments!

Problems with chargers and batteries in mobile equipment arise quite often. As a result, phones stop charging or holding a charge. One of the most common problems is that the phone takes a long time to charge. This occurs after long-term use of the device or as a result of some kind of breakdown. Let's try to figure out why this happens and what to do about it.

Is your phone charging slowly? It is possible that you are using the wrong charger. This often happens when changing handsets, when the owner continues to use the old charger (quite natural, considering that almost all phones now have the same connectors). Due to different charging currents, the charging speed may be slow. Therefore, to successfully replenish the battery capacity, it is necessary to use only complete chargers.

If the included charger fails, you should buy a new “charger” with a suitable current strength at the nearest communication store - compare the parameters on the original charger and the purchased one.

If the phone takes a long time to charge, then the problem may lie in a decrease in the charging current provided by the charger. Such a breakdown can be diagnosed using a multimeter. We disassemble the charger, switch the multimeter to ammeter mode, connect it to the open circuit and look at the current strength. How can I find out the initial value of this parameter?

It can only be roughly estimated - if a 2000 mAh battery was charged in 2 hours, then the current in the circuit was slightly more than 1000 mA (including losses). If the phone takes too long to charge, and the multimeter shows a current of 200 mA, then the charging process will last over 10 hours. There is only one conclusion - you need to buy a new charger, after using a known good charger.

Does your phone take a long time to charge and drain quickly? All this indicates that accumulator battery in your gadget has exhausted its resource - you need to change it. By replacing the original battery, you will be able to use the device as before. If you choose a non-original battery, the time battery life the gadget may shrink slightly– this is quite natural.

Some might argue that fast discharge may be due to power-hungry software installed on your phone. This is true, but the charging speed remains virtually unchanged.

When addressing this problem to the employees of communication stores, you can hear the following recommendations - the phone needs to be completely discharged, and then charged for 10-15 hours, repeating this cycle 3-4 times. About 10-15 years ago, when nickel-metal hydride batteries were in use, such a scheme could have worked. This approach will not help modern lithium-ion batteries.. But a very deep discharge can cause harm.

Is your phone charging slowly? It is quite possible that you have used programs to save battery and manage charge. A typical example of this is the Doctor Battery application - it provides some kind of interesting multi-stage charging scheme, supposedly ensuring better filling of the battery with electricity. If you do use one of these apps, try uninstalling it, reboot and try to charge the phone again.

If you checked the charger, replaced the battery and removed all the relevant software, but nothing helped your phone, try taking the device to a service center - here it will be diagnosed using measuring equipment. Sometimes the cause of slow charging is faulty electronics.

Mobile devices were called this way for a reason. Nowadays, of course, our devices have much greater functionality, huge displays that consume a lot of energy, but we cannot leave our roots. Smartphones should always remain as mobile as possible. Take a look at user surveys where the most important parameter was device operating time.

However, not only the operating time determines the mobility of the gadget, but also the charging speed. There are many technologies available nowadays fast charging, which can charge your device up to 70 percent in just 30 minutes. However, some users may have a number of difficulties with this. Does the smartphone charge in 3-4 hours? We will try to find and fix the problem.

Before blaming everything on the faulty one or the next update to a more recent one Android versions, try to first check the cable for external damage. Not much attention is paid to the USB cable when it comes to its long service life, on the contrary, many manufacturers have begun to produce protective coatings for cables from organic substances, which leads to faster failure, by the way, Lightning is a good example of this.

Check to see if there are any places on your cable where the protective coating has torn; it is also likely that the cable was in places with very low temperatures. In any case, the first thing to do is test it on another device. If everything works properly, move on to the next step, otherwise replace your USB cable with a new one.

Meanwhile, you should also check the USB port for external damage. In addition, it may corrode if the device is exposed to water.

Weak energy source

Try not to charge your smartphone using a computer or laptop, because energy transfer in this way is very slow. USB 2.0 transmits up to 2.5 W (0.5A/5B), while USB 3.0 transmits up to 4.5 W (0.9A/5B).

Faulty adapter

Evaluate the power adapter for external damage, but if no problems were identified, check the adapter parameters: if the current is only 1 A, the device will charge slower than if we are talking about 1.5-2 A. However, it is worth remembering : Not every smartphone supports such indicators. Try to always use standard adapter, included in the kit. Meanwhile some modern devices support Quick Charge fast charging, and, as a rule, there is no QC adapter included in the kit; it must be purchased separately.

Your smartphone is outdated

If you've been using your gadget for more than two years, don't think that it will charge as quickly as modern devices from 2015 that support various fast charging technologies. Do you want to keep up with progress? — you should buy yourself a new modern smartphone.

The battery has failed

Typically, battery life is very limited. After only 1-2 years, the device will begin to charge more slowly, and by three years it may even begin to turn off, for example, after passing the threshold of 50% of the remaining charge. This only means one thing: the battery needs to be replaced. Owners of devices with a replaceable battery can replace it themselves; others are advised to contact a service center.

The problem is you

Avoid using the device while charging. If you decide, set the screen brightness slider to a level below average, because most of the energy is spent on the display backlight. Close running applications from the multitasking window, “kill” unnecessary processes, wakelocks, for this you can use Greenify or Wakelock Terminator, for example.

Based on androidauthority

If I had a dollar, every time people complain that the battery on an Android smartphone takes a long time to charge, then I wouldn’t have much left to become a millionaire.

This is of course a joke, but the problem exists. People are massively buying phones that allow them to watch movies, listen to music, play games, and everyone understands that such a device can be charged.

Just note that today we charge our smartphone almost every day, but if you don't treat the battery properly, then within a few months, you will have to connect your device to the charger every few hours.

Additionally, there are a few rules that need to be applied to the battery so that within a year the battery doesn't become just good for garbage - especially if you have one of the new, swanky types where the battery can't be replaced without a specialist.

This was the introduction, and now I’ll tell you in order: why the phone took a very long time to charge, quickly discharged, and what to do then.

How long should an Android phone or smartphone charge?

You can find out the condition of the battery of your Android device. .

There are a lot of phones, like smartphones, for example, samsung galaxy, lenovo, xiaomi, meizu, asus, htc, lumia, etc., and their charging times are different.

Fully charged push-button telephone or modern smartphone lasts on average 0.5 - 5 hours. So, with a capacity of 1500 mAh it will charge faster than with 3000 mAh.

Moreover. If the phone is turned off, it will also charge faster than when it is turned on, and you are also watching a movie, which is not recommended. Some smartphones support fast charging, then the charging time increases sharply, but wears out faster.

Therefore, before you start panicking why the phone battery takes a long time to charge, look at the battery capacity - perhaps this is normal for it

Reasons why your phone takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly

What is the reason that the phone takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly? There is more than one reason, but the main one, of course, is the battery itself.

Perhaps while charging you have the Internet, Bluetooth, GPS, player running, many applications open, cool wallpapers, you are listening to music, and so on.

All this undoubtedly affects the charging speed of the battery of an Android phone or smartphone.

Also the reason may be usb connector or controller. The connector can be cleaned and the contacts can be bent.

Another reason is the charger itself. Try something else or from your computer. There are also precedents when the charging speed increased when the cable was replaced (I saw it personally).

Moreover, you can safely try even replacing the original cable with another one - there are examples that the problem is solved.

Above, I gave only a few reasons why the phone took too long to charge, but here we go.

Summarizing the main reasons why your phone takes a long time to charge

  • Poor contact between USB port and micro USB
  • Bad cable
  • Bad adapter (charger).
  • Bad phone or smartphone battery
  • Bad firmware (update)
  • Along with charging, many unnecessary processes are launched

What to do when your phone takes a long time to charge

If you for example samsung smartphone galaxy s3, s5, j3 and so on, try to determine what the problem is with the GalaxyChargingCurrent program. With its help you can determine which direction to move.

NOTE: an old, used battery can charge faster than a new one - a paradox, but a fact.

You can also calibrate the battery. How – Not always, but sometimes calibration solves the problem.

ATTENTION: today it is available in some smartphones wireless charger, for example, Lumi 92, or Samsung Galaxy S4, but it’s better not to use it - it significantly reduces its lifespan.

IMPORTANT: Do not completely discharge the battery. A battery that is completely discharged and left unused for a long time should not be suddenly charged to full capacity - this could put it at risk.

REMEMBER: elevated temperature, which accompanies the process of charging the phone, leads to a decrease in the service life of the battery and other electronic components.

How to prevent your phone from taking too long to charge

Do not allow complete discharge. Partial recharging is better than constant full recharging. Do not expose the battery to high or low temperatures for long periods.

If you actively use the battery, after some time (a certain number of cycles), its performance will decrease significantly.

Then don't be afraid of replacement. Contrary to what people may think, even on devices without a removable back cover, you can replace the battery, except it may require you to take the phone to a technician.

The worst thing that can happen is when there is no way to replace the battery in the phone and the end of its life marks the end of the smartphone.

There are, however, ways to charge your phone faster and keep it in good condition longer.

Recommendations for avoiding long-term charging of a phone or smartphone

It's best not to charge your device at night - it can't "wake up" itself to trigger an alarm.

At night, use a weaker charger. Batteries last longer when they are charged less. Charge the battery at room temperature - preferably below 25°C and above freezing.

If possible, do not fully charge your phone. Up to 85-90 percent is quite enough to maintain the condition for a longer period of time.

If the temperature increases by more than 10°C during the process, something is wrong. Replace the charger.

If you depend on fast charging, use a short cable with thick wires. Current losses will be less. Be careful on hot days - do work in a cool place. Beware of cheap chargers.

Cheap ones do not take into account battery characteristics. I also recommend watching the video on how to increase the battery charge in your phone. Good luck.