The most interesting topics for discussion. How to Suggest an Interesting Topic for Conversation

Today I will share a way how you can analyze media trends for free in the media and in social networks. In fact, there are several ways, there are also paid ones. But for basic purposes, without advanced capabilities, the current method is quite good.

After reading this article, you will be able to quickly find out the most discussed, relevant and hot events on the Internet and in the world. You can use the information to create your own news feeds. Namely, you can quickly find out:

  • The most discussed on the Internet (social networks and news portals);
  • Popular media personalities in the media and social networks for a certain period;
  • Rating of authors and social network groups by month.

These features are provided free of charge by Brand Analytics - a brand monitoring and analysis system in social media and media. Next, in order, about the possibilities.

Most talked about on social networks and news portals

First, go to In the tab "most talked about" you can select sources of information (photo above) and see the most discussed and relevant Russian-language publications for a period of 3 hours, a day, and a week. You can also choose to display by source or as a general feed. By clicking on the title of the post, you will open its original. This way you can see what is most discussed on blogs, on social networks (I’m not sure of the accuracy here due to the nature of the sources), in the media.

You will probably find this article about ways to quickly find specific topics useful.

In this section you can see most cited publications and materials in the media. Data for a period of 6 hours or a day.

Popular media figures in the media and social networks for a certain period

Information on growth leaders in the media and social networks is displayed here. Data for a day, a week or a month. The table shows Top 50 media personalities, as well as displaying the change in the number of mentions in relation to the previous period, expressed as a percentage.

Surely it would be interesting if next to each person there were notes on the ratio of positive or negative mentions 😉

This tab displays TOP 100 media resources. The rating is calculated based on the citation index. Data is available for the past three months.

Nowadays, communication on social networks has become very popular. With their help we will find out last news, get acquainted, communicate with your friends. But sometimes there is a possibility of encountering insincerity and lies, because it is very difficult to determine whether a message is true or fiction. We cannot see the facial expression of our “interlocutor”, we cannot observe his facial expressions, gestures, and therefore, it is difficult for us to understand what he is thinking when he writes. We will reveal to you true meaning the most common posts on social networks.

1. After # each # word # in a # sentence # I use a # hashtag

I don't really understand what a hashtag is, so I put it everywhere - just to seem on topic.

2. I bet. Dots. After. Everyone. Words

I'm too melodramatic.

3. “I’m glad to announce that...”

I have new job and I demand praise.

4. “Laughing”

I'm typing this with a completely straight face while standing in line at the post office.

5. “You only live once”

I just did something completely ordinary and unremarkable.

6. “No offense”

I didn't know how to end the message. It'll do?

7. “This video has taken over the Internet.”

Quite an entertaining Youtube video about a surfing dog.

8. “I just ran 10K in 47 minutes wearing Fitbits.”

It's not enough for me to be healthy. I need you to feel guilty for not being in as good shape as I am.

9. “I just ran 6 km.”

And also, I ate a Snickers while watching my favorite TV series, but I don’t want to talk about it.

10. “Amazing weekend. I'm so glad to have such wonderful friends."

Not like yours. Your friends suck and your whole weekend is boring - not like mine!.

11. “Thank you for the congratulations”

An important reminder to everyone who has not yet remembered my birthday - this is your last chance. And yes, I will notice if you don’t congratulate me.

12. “I can’t believe my “supposed” friends could stoop so low.”

I deliberately put such a vague status on Facebook in the hope that people would pay attention to me and ask me to talk about what happened.

13. “A cheeky selfie with my best friends.”

God yes, I'm amazing! Admit it, you would kill to be in my place!

14. “Two and a half years ago we celebrated the birth of our little angel!”

I think I'm the first man in history to conceive a child.

15. “Josh just went potty! I'm so proud of him!

I'm too narrow-minded and I think you'll find it cute.

16. “Daddy’s little hero is fast asleep. Ukhtyshka"

He's been a real little bastard all day. Look at me. Look at me. Well, look at me, finally, like and write how cool I am!

Everyone only knows about the 2-3 most popular social networks. But do not forget that there are many other thematic communities on the Internet in which people united by common interests or professional fields are constantly active every day.

The most popular social networks in Russia: 2018

    The social network is available in 90 languages ​​or more, is highly popular among the Russian-speaking audience, and is the largest in all of Europe. The headquarters is located in St. Petersburg. VKontakte makes it possible to send messages and images, share video and audio recordings, tags, create your own groups and communities, and relax playing browser games. The social network strives to remain the fastest and in a modern way communication on the Internet. This is the most popular social network in Russia (2018).

    This domestic social network belongs to Mail.Ru Group and was created in March 2006. In terms of popularity this year, it ranks 3rd in Armenia, 4th in Azerbaijan and Russia, 5th in Kazakhstan, 7th in Ukraine, 27th in the whole world.

    According to a December 2017 survey, 19% of the domestic audience use the Odnoklassniki website almost every day or every day.

    A free social network that allows you to share photos and videos. It incorporates elements of a social network. Instagram allows you to take photos and videos, use filters, and share them through your account or other social networks. On this moment both from the user’s point of view and from the point of view of promoting your services and products

    A popular video hosting site in the world that stores a lot of videos. A unique social network in which everyone can find both and make it their main one.

    This is the most famous social network in the world, which appeared on February 4, 2004. Its creator was Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while studying at Harvard University. The first name was Thefacebook, only university students had access to it. After this, students from Boston universities gained access, then students from all American universities from email address Since the fall of 2006, anyone can register on Facebook.

    The emphasis in this social network is on personalization and ease of use. The content is divided into several categories - video and audio, chat, link, quote, photo and text. People subscribe to blogs that are interesting to them, the posts of which appear in the news feed. They also mark posts they like using the corresponding button and reblog to their page to comment on them.

    There is support for automatic export of messages to Facebook and Twitter using the RSS protocol.

Social photo hosting, whose users upload images to appropriate collections and share photos with other people. Added images are called "buttons" and collections are called "boards".

Other most popular social networks in Russia

    A popular portal where users create their electronic diaries, communicate with each other. There are also counters for websites.

    Russian-language social site, which is a collective blog. There are elements of a news site. Habrahabr is intended for publishing analytical articles and news. Topics – Internet, business, modern information Technology. Several years ago, a number of topics were separated into separate resources.

    A popular platform on which users create their blogs and communicate with people. Popular social networks in Russia include it in their list.

    The largest music catalog that creates separate and general charts for each user.

Not the most popular social networks and portals

    This social network is designed for users to communicate with each other. With its help, you can find friends with similar interests and similar entertainment, create an individual personal page design, start a diary, become a member of communities or create your own based on interests, communicate on blogs, share videos, audio and images. About 300 thousand users maintain their blogs on

    This is a popular web service designed for blogging and communicating with like-minded people.

    Social service for Russians information channels, which was launched in the spring of 1998. Designed for organizing and maintaining electronic mailing lists.

Specialized social networks

    A business social network that brings together entrepreneurs and specialists based on certain characteristics (geography, profession, industry). It appeared in the summer of 2008, and today there are about 7 million registered users. The social network is intended for discussing professional problems, finding partners and investors, self-education and obtaining new ideas. The largest communities on the network have over 2 million people participating.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”

– information content, in in this case social network account. This is the information that we convey to readers through the news feed.

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Imagine that this is a huge shopping and entertainment center, where professional accounts serve as boutiques, shops, cafes, gaming centers, and so on. And if the window display of such a boutique is interestingly and informatively designed, a potential client will stop near it, read the ad, and then come in and buy. The information that we post on our wall on a social network is the design of our showcase.

We have prepared another one interesting article- . Want to lead the community and receive maximum return? Read!

Types of content on social networks

The goal of any post is to create maximum engagement. Posts that receive a lot of likes and comments are shown more users. Therefore, the information we provide should be varied and interesting for target audience.

There are 6 types of content:

  • Educational;
  • Selling;
  • Communicative;
  • News;
  • Reputational;
  • Entertaining.

Educational content

This type of post is aimed at those readers who are looking for information. More often this is a b2b audience that seeks to obtain the necessary knowledge in order to monetize it in the future.

But the b2c audience of social networks is also loyal to educational content. An example of educational posts are short videos, where in a simple and understandable manner we tell you how to use the product or service offered without disclosing the price, otherwise the post will become a selling post.

Interesting and informative mini-presentations, also in video format, will tell you about new products and the latest trends in the chosen field. Such reviews indicate expertise and awareness and inspire confidence in the reader. We also use the format of illustrated articles.

If we know our target audience, we can determine what tasks they face. And competent information on the topic of solving these problems will also highlight the page and make it relevant for users. If our audience is athletes, we write an expert post on the topic of sports nutrition. The information will be useful to target subscribers and will show that we understand the topic.

Publications in the style of TOP 10 mistakes work great: we take a similar topic and describe common mistakes, giving information on how to eliminate these shortcomings.

Selling content

A common type of post that decorates the wall of work accounts and groups. But such “head-on” sales do not work on social networks, where people come to relax, communicate, and have fun. The sales process should be unobtrusive; the client first has a desire to buy, and then we offer him a product or service through a commercial one. As a percentage, the number of such publications does not exceed 20-30% of the total page content.

Promotions, discounts, events are examples of selling posts. In addition, we post video reviews of the products offered and short publications with descriptions, delivery methods and prices. In selling texts, it is important to use sales techniques that will make a potential client want to purchase a product or service. For example, the 3 YES technique or the technique of sales through storytelling.

The sales post answers the main question - what benefits will the client receive by making a purchase. His distinctive feature– declared value and description of the acquisition process.

Communicative (engaging) content

Such publications evoke a lively response from the audience. They satisfy the basic need of users - the need for communication. An example of engaging content for social networks are various surveys on topics of interest to the target audience.

There are posts where we ask readers for advice or touch on a provocative topic. You need to work with provocations carefully - sensitive topics evoke an immediate response, but you should control the comments and make sure that the topic does not turn into a banal quarrel between subscribers.

By posting a post asking for feedback, we engage the audience in a dialogue and receive an excellent sales tool. Reviews can be not only positive, but this should not be scary. Negative review– a reason to improve the service, correct errors and attract even more customers.

News content

News can be very different, but must necessarily resonate with the niche it occupies. We add lifestyle publications here: participation in charity events, seminars, banquets. The demand and activity of our enterprise will invariably inspire confidence among potential clients.

Interesting events in the lives of friends and partners are also the topic for a news post. For example, our partner, a beauty salon, is holding an Open Day. We post about this event on our wall.

If the news directly concerns our business, we post it as quickly as possible, hot news is collected maximum amount views.

Reputational content

This includes publications that work to increase the status and reputation of an enterprise. These can be positive reviews, reports, awards and certificates published in the feed.

We write about how our company was created, how the product is produced, how the idea came about, and so on. Readers are interested in learning some secrets; this builds trust in the page and works to increase popularity.

Sections with the invitation of a third-party expert are an excellent option for a profitable partnership. The more famous the invited guest in this case, the better.
We tag subscribers in our publications; the occasion could be a person’s birthday or an interesting post written by them. This technique allows you to increase coverage and works to strengthen your reputation.

Entertainment content

Choice entertainment content depends on the needs of the target audience. If our subscribers are mostly young people, mini-games on the wall, quizzes, and riddles work great.

It’s interesting to take a psychological test, read a horoscope or reveal the secret of a name - people like to read about themselves, such posts get good coverage.

Humor is indispensable - jokes and funny pictures We select it according to your target.

Interesting facts, holiday greetings, creative wishes - all these are ideas for entertaining content. Its goal is to attract and retain subscribers on our page, increase impressions and coverage, and achieve maximum involvement.

Entertainment content makes up up to 30% of the total number of publications. In this case, our page will be interesting and in demand among readers.

Rules for creating content for social networks

  • Post length up to 2000 characters. The length of posts posted varies depending on the social network, but this figure is the maximum. Facebook users are a reading audience, but VKontakte and Instagram are dynamic networks where a long post will remain unread.
  • Be sure to use interesting and high-quality photos, preferably copyright ones.
  • Write in simple and understandable language, close to colloquial. This way information is perceived more easily. The exception is expert posts that show our knowledge.
  • It is compiled for a month or a week, where the topics of posts and the dates of their publications are specified. Selling and entertainment posts occupy 30%, the remaining 40% is educational, reputational, news and communication content.
  • The frequency of publications is at least 1 post per day, but no more than 4.
  • Using auto-posting, it is necessary to adapt publications to the relevant social networks - our readers can subscribe to us in different networks and they won’t like seeing duplicate posts in their feeds.
  • We accompany the repost with our comment; the reader is interested not only in the information, but also in our personal assessment.

And regardless of the type of content and choice of social network, it is important to take into account the interests and needs of the target audience and offer not only goods and services, but also interesting, exciting and useful publications.

Our life. How to make it fun and enjoyable? For various reasons, not all people are able to start, develop and maintain a natural conversation. Especially if you have to talk with a stranger or someone you are in love with. What to do? There is only one way out - to learn the art of casual conversation. This article contains the most interesting topics and ideas for discussion that will help you navigate any situation and get maximum pleasure from communicating with people.

Start a conversation

For many people, this is the most difficult part of the conversation. Not knowing what to talk about, they begin to internally panic, become embarrassed and pronounce phrases out of place. To avoid this, first, calm down. Communication should be fun, not painful. In addition, your interlocutor may be no less embarrassed and try to come up with interesting topics for discussion in the same way.

The British claim that best opportunity to start a casual conversation is a discussion of the weather. It sounds trivial, but in some cases it really helps overcome the feeling of awkwardness. As an option, you can attract the attention of your interlocutor to something happening nearby or outside the window (unusual clothes of a passerby, an interesting sign).

However, no one can guarantee that the other person will be interested in your remark. Therefore, it is better to act for sure. Most people are happy to share their opinions or talk about how they live. This will not only provide interesting topics for discussion, but will also make communication comfortable.

If you don't know the person well, ask:

  • about his attitude to any situation;
  • about what is connected with his life (where he was born, studied, worked, traveled; what was remembered in those places);
  • about children, if your interlocutor is a parent;
  • how he met the owners of the house (if you met at a party).

When talking to someone you haven't seen for a long time, ask:

  • what you did, what changed in your life during this time;
  • about family, children, work;
  • Have you seen mutual friends?

When talking with someone you see often (colleagues, fellow students, classmates), ask this person:

What is the most interesting thing to talk about with most people?

Find a common topic:

Good communication is impossible without genuine interest between the interlocutors in each other and in the topic of conversation. There won't be any problems between friends, but what about people you don't know well?

Be sincere

If you want to make a good impression on your interlocutor, you need to be sincere in what you are told about. Impeccable but cold manners and a forced smile are unlikely to win you over. Uncontrollable chatter - too; who likes to listen to a twenty-minute monologue without the opportunity to get a word in?

Make the person feel comfortable talking to you. Look for both of you interesting topics to discuss, be interested in the person’s opinion, and talk less about yourself and only when asked. You can alternate: a remark about your own affairs - a question to your interlocutor.

A good way to win sympathy is a compliment, but one made from the heart and not trivial.

Discuss current

If you don't know how to suggest an interesting topic for conversation, think about what you would like to discuss with the person you are talking to. Sociable people will suggest a topic to you, all you have to do is support it with questions. With less talkative interlocutors, you can discuss current news (choosing something pleasant), new film releases, or something related to the situation (work, food, skills, a cute wardrobe item, etc.).

Interested in a question

You can use these or any other interesting questions for discussion, to learn something new about your interlocutor, and to make the conversation more unpredictable and exciting. Just don't use too many questions, as this will make the person feel awkward. The ideal option is to link the question to the topic currently being discussed. Start a conversation about something, and alternate questions to your interlocutor with small pieces of information about you.

Know the pitfalls

Which topics are best avoided:

  • illness;
  • bad habits;
  • diets;
  • troubles;
  • relationships, marriage, children (if you don’t know the person);
  • parents (what if the interlocutor has problems in the family?);
  • money matters;
  • religion, politics, sex and other “slippery” topics in which you can offend a person with a random remark.

Focus on your interlocutor

If you are communicating in a group, involve all participants in the conversation. Give interesting topics for discussion through questions and don’t get carried away by long monologues.

If you see that your interlocutor is bored, change the topic and remain silent for a while, allowing him to take the initiative. You should not be afraid of pauses in the conversation, because it would be much worse to say something stupid or offend a person with a thoughtless phrase. A short silence will help you relax and think through the further course of the conversation.

If you notice that a certain topic has aroused the interest of your interlocutor, remember it so that you can talk about it again next time. If a person, on the contrary, clearly didn’t like something or found it boring, take note not to raise this issue again.

Brief conclusions

The main thing in communication is genuine interest in the person you are talking to. In any situation, the most interesting topics for discussion boil down to the following:

And although communication is one of the most difficult activities in our lives, it can still be learned if you show sincere interest in what other people are talking about and what they want.