The most popular groups on Instagram. How to promote Instagram - step-by-step instructions

The 21st century is rapidly changing and breaking previous ideas about success. Social networks have become a phenomenon, people spend hours online, communicating with each other, sharing photos or posts. A successful person is considered to be one who has many subscribers or visitors on his page on a social network. This becomes a measure of success, but not only that. The fact is that you can make good money on a popular page. Advertisers send commercial offers to the owners of such pages. That is, the user simply receives money for having a bright page with a bunch of subscribers. Therefore, many owners of accounts on social networks are interested in how to get more subscriptions, and lately the question of how to promote Instagram has been relevant.

There are quite a few ways to promote your page in this service, both paid and free.

Features of this social network

How to make an account successful on Instagram?

In order to achieve certain results in promoting your profile, you need to post popular and relevant content, monitor the quality of photos and add original short posts to them.

Then you can resort to the help of freelancers or start promoting the page yourself and promote Instagram. A program that will help with this is Tooligram Free. This is a small automatic bot that does the work of mass following, mass liking and unsubscribing.

Channel topics that are easiest to promote

In order to understand how to quickly promote Instagram, you need to understand the topics that are in demand on this social network. Statistics show that Instagram is more popular among young people, accounting for 70% of all users. Such people follow the lives of their idols, are interested in the latest fashion trends and dream of traveling, are fond of cinema, proper nutrition and keeping their body in good shape. Therefore, the following topics are popular:

  • celebrity life;
  • fashion;
  • travel and beautiful places;
  • movie;
  • healthy eating;
  • sport and fitness.

Before you promote Instagram, you need to choose the right topic for the channel and have a clear idea of ​​what content will be posted. Of course, you can mix topics in order to attract subscribers. Use all the bright moments from your life, the lives of your friends, you can download photos from the Internet, actively advertise clothes or stylish accessories, the main thing is that everything is colorful and catches your eye. Modern man is a lazy and infantile creature. It is necessary to remember human nature, and use his passions and desires when choosing a topic. Then the question of how to promote Instagram on your own will not seem so difficult. People will subscribe to quality content themselves, without advertising or PR.

High quality photos are the key to a successful channel

A condition that must be observed by the owners of promoted accounts is that the quality of the photographs must be very high, without flaws, the photographs must not be blurry or low resolution. Of course, Instagram is a mobile application, so a lot will depend on the smartphone model, as well as on your photography ability. While taking a selfie on a phone is easy, more complex shots depend on some skills. Therefore, don’t be lazy, but rather search the Internet for small brochures with recommendations for beginning photographers. These tips will serve you well.

If the photo is downloaded from the Internet, you must also monitor its quality. The higher the resolution, the higher the quality of the photos and vice versa.

An original post for a photo is another sign of a successful account. It’s not enough to take a high-quality photo or download it from the Internet and post it on your profile; you need to come up with original text for it. The post for the image should be short and eye-catching, this guarantees a large number of likes and subscribers.

How to promote Instagram at the initial stage?

How much does it cost to promote Instagram? A similar task costs about 2-3 cents, so by spending 2-3 dollars a day on promoting your account, you can get about 100 new subscribers.

Where else can you place similar orders?

The best platform is "Advego". The administration of this service closely monitors the quality of work on its resource. Fraud is impossible here, since analysts promptly respond to all complaints from customers and performers. If an artist deletes likes or subscriptions, then the administration will permanently block such artist and he will lose a valuable source of income. Thus, "Advego" guarantees the advertiser quality services for the money spent.

Hi all! You probably already have a page on the social network Instagram. Do you dream of becoming a popular blogger and having hundreds of thousands of subscribers, but don’t know how to achieve this? Take your time to contact specialized agencies and hire administrators. Today I will tell you how to promote Instagram yourself.

From this article you will learn:

Of course, popularity is not an end in itself. Everyone knows perfectly well what can be done. Not only show business stars receive income from their pages. Anyone can succeed in this. The main thing is to know a few secrets.

Greeted by clothes

It may sound trivial, but the first thing we pay attention to on Instagram is the photo. It should attract attention and stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, not everyone has the skills of a professional photographer and is not ready to part with a round sum for the sake of a good camera. And only models can do daily studio photo shoots with hair styling, make-up and outfit changes. What should a mere mortal do? Remember the main thing:

  • Lighting. It plays a key role. The best photos are taken in natural light. The ideal option is outside during daylight hours. Clumsily placed artificial lighting and the yellow light from Ilyich’s bulb will spoil even Angelina Jolie.
  • Photo editors. Don't neglect them. There are many good apps that will help you take your photos.
  • Design. Add inscriptions, decorative elements, and stickers to your photos. Accounts in the same style and color scheme are very popular.
  • Cats and children. Oddly enough, cute cats, raccoons, dogs and other animals get the most likes. And the pages of Instagram mothers who regularly post their children are just a hit.
  • Come up with your own trick, and promoting Instagram will not require much effort.

For example, one Canadian blogger runs Instagram from the face (or muzzle?) of her cat. She takes it with her on trips and photographs it against the backdrop of nature. Many believe that the profile of the cat (his name, by the way, is Sookie) is one of the most beautiful in the world.

I always feel a little sad if I come across gorgeous photos online without any captions or comments. It seems that the author spared the letters. Or he decided to keep where he captured such a magnificent view a secret to avoid competition. Am I not the only one? Don't be curmudgeons, write! Even if you don't know how!

It is clear to everyone that the text should be interesting, engaging, touch on pressing topics, and touch a nerve. I will cover other aspects of this issue:

  1. Literacy. Be sure to check the text for errors before publishing. Re-read several times, use a text editor to check spelling. Grammar errors, which are often found in the text, turn off the reader.
  2. Write more simply. Long sentences with different turns of phrase only confuse the reader. The thought is lost, and the essence escapes.
  3. Follow the style. If you are writing a review of a newfangled gadget, then you should not use outdated words. Don't be afraid to use colloquial expressions. Be closer to the people.
  4. Write from the heart. What you think about, problems, experiences. Stories from life are more captivating than posts on abstract topics, divorced from reality.
  5. Use emojis and emoticons. They diversify and enliven the post and perfectly convey the author’s mood. They can also be used to structure text, inserted between paragraphs and at the end of a sentence instead of a period.


A hashtag is a special tag that reflects the essence, meaning of what is shown in the photograph. It is placed under the photo after the “#” sign without spaces. By clicking on a hashtag, you will see all photos with similar content. Moreover, first you will see the publications that made it to the top, and then the latest photos. They collect a lot of likes and comments, and accordingly bring their owners new subscribers. Instagram promotion very much depends on the correct placement of hashtags.

Choose hashtags that are relevant to your photo. If you start entering a hashtag, the program will automatically offer you several options to choose from. To the right of them will be indicated the number of posts with the same tag. Choose the most popular and most relevant to the topic of your publication.

You can put hashtags not only in Russian, but also in English. This way you will at least double your audience. It would be wonderful to learn Chinese. Why? There are more than 1.3 billion Chinese people! Even Kim Kardashian cannot imagine such a number of subscribers.

Currently, Instagram allows you to put no more than 30 hashtags under one photo. So enter all thirty! This will maximize your chances of success. In addition, a hashtag subscription feature has recently appeared. By subscribing, the user will see the best publications with the selected hashtag.


Don't forget to indicate the location of your photos. Geolocation is your second assistant after hashtags. It is relevant for both blogs and Instagram stores. Very often people look for objects near their home (hairdressers, shops, beauty salons). When planning a trip, I myself often look at the sights on Instagram, build routes, and evaluate the convenience of a particular hotel for staying with children.

Geolocation is detected automatically if the corresponding function is enabled on your device. You can set the location manually, however, it is better not to experiment with this. The fact is that the same system works with geotags as with hashtags. That is, it is wise to choose the most popular places to get to the top, because they will be the most clickable. There is no need to open America, literally!

personal information

Even during the registration process, you should think about how to do it on Instagram. No wonder they say, whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. In my previous article, I already wrote that there may be problems with the name, since the most interesting and attractive ones, as a rule, are already taken. Of course, you will need to use your imagination and ingenuity to come up with a unique name for your profile.

Don't forget that Instagram has a search by title. If you are starting a page for a business, then instead of the username it would be appropriate to enter the type of product that you plan to distribute or the type of service. You can include in the name the city or area in which you will operate. For example, “parikmaherskaya_mitino”, “Produkti_na_dubrovke”.

If you weren't able to create an attractive login the first time, don't be discouraged. You can change it easily. Just click the “Edit profile” button. But don't get carried away, changing your name frequently can confuse your followers.

Here you can enter personal information or information about your store. You can write whatever you deem necessary, but I would advise you to definitely indicate the following:

  1. First and last name in Russian (if you plan to work with a Russian-speaking audience). I don't like it when names are written in Latin letters. Firstly, a transliteration like Ivan Pupkin looks stupid. Secondly, it is not always possible to read your name correctly, since the English alphabet does not contain the letters ь, ы, е, й, ь, ъ, and you have to type them using combinations of other letters.
  2. Occupation, hobby. For example, blogger, traveler, mother on maternity leave, etc.
  3. Where are you from and where do you live? Please indicate your country or city. This way, your subscribers will know where to find you so they can throw rotten tomatoes at you. Joke. In fact, many are looking for fellow countrymen and willingly subscribe to them.
  4. Link to your website, blog, store on a third-party resource.
  5. Contact information. People most actively use Whats App and Viber now. Therefore, do not just write the phone number, but also mark it: “Whats App/Viber: +7 964 *** 55 55.” You can also specify Skype, e-mail, VKontakte id or another preferred method of communication.

Remember about emojis and line breaks! They will make your profile header more attractive. In general, pictures and emoticons are great for highlighting paragraphs.

Set a beautiful avatar. This is still relevant. You can create your own logo that will become the business card of your store. It should be bright and recognizable. It’s not a sin to spend money on a designer or go to a professional photo shoot. In some cases, Instagram promotion requires sacrifices.

What? Where? When?

Decide on the content and draw up a rough action plan. You must understand when and what you will download. Regularity is important to attract and retain subscribers. Make it a rule to publish 1-2 posts a day. This is the optimal amount. Posting a bunch of photos at once is ineffective. Photospam bores users and overloads the feed. Interesting shots need to be distributed over time and uploaded one at a time. Save your trump cards.

Rare publications are also bad. A minimum of 3 pieces per week is necessary in order to stir up the interest of the audience.

Think about who you are targeting and determine what hours to post. As practice shows, the best time for posting is evening. The period from 17 to 22 hours is considered ideal for uploading new photos. At this time, the majority of people return home from work, travel on public transport, stand in traffic jams, relax after a hard day, which means they have a couple of free minutes at their disposal to leisurely and thoughtfully scroll through their feed.

Morning and lunch hours are also considered active. I know from myself that most often I grab my phone immediately after waking up. I'm deceiving myself and the alarm clock. It seems like I’ve already woken up, but I can lie in bed for another 5 minutes, pointing my finger at the screen and collecting my thoughts.

On weekends, as a rule, there is a decline in activity. People have a hectic time, go to clubs, cinemas and restaurants, in short, there is no time. As they say on Instagram: “It was so much fun that we didn’t take a single photo.” Or they did, but it’s better to post and discuss it in a calm atmosphere on Monday, while sitting at work.

Once you have at least a couple hundred followers, you can experiment with timing. You can track the peak of activity by likes. Who knows, maybe your readers will be night owls or homebodies, not at all tied to time.

Analyze your audience

Let's say you posted a new post and saw the first likes. What to do? Like back! Mutual likes and subscriptions quickly expand your circle of friends. However, don't overdo it. To avoid cheating subscribers, Instagram has set limits on the number of likes, subscriptions, unfollows and comments. For new accounts - no more than 720 per day, for groups with more than 6 months of experience - no more than 1440 per day.

To ensure that your efforts do not go to waste, carefully analyze the pages you subscribe to. Look through the latest photos and stories, evaluate the user’s activity, think about whether he can become a potential buyer, and whether he will be interested in posts on your blog.

You should not subscribe to competitors' profiles. Ordinary human envy often does not allow one to be loyal and subscribe in return. So, if you post cats, it’s better to like an account with landscapes and avoid cat people.

Try to respond quickly to comments and comment on other people's posts. A like is taken for granted, and a comment expresses keen interest. Therefore, potential subscribers are more likely to respond to comments.

Popular bloggers who have already achieved some popularity use the following tricks to expand their audience:

  • SFS. You post a post of praise about one of your Instagram friends on your page, and in response, he publishes a note about you. His subscribers will know about you, and yours will know about him. And everyone is happy!
  • Competitions with prizes. Conducted by prior arrangement with several members of the Instagram community. You independently set the prize fund and the rules of the drawing, among which there will definitely be a subscription to all sponsors.

You can also include the following requirements:

  1. like and comment under the competition post,
  2. repost the post on your page,
  3. Tag 2-3 friends in the comment.

The winner receives a prize, and the organizers receive a bunch of likes and subscribers.

These tools must be used very carefully. The trend is that many network users began to be annoyed by such actions on the part of bloggers. A fool understands that this is just advertising.

Cheat subscribers

You will have to spend a lot of time online, keep your finger on the pulse, and learn to feel the audience in order to independently promote Instagram from scratch. Achieving popularity through hard work is a tedious and thankless task. And, of course, craftsmen have long come up with special programs for promoting Instagram. Of course, their use is completely legal, but it is not entirely fair to other users. Whether to use it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

The choice of programs and services on the Internet is simply huge. Please note that free applications are ineffective. They quickly catch up with bots and are monitored by Instagram security service. For using programs to increase followers, your account may be blocked.

In order to get live subscribers, it is best to use paid services or hire an Instagram administrator who will provide comprehensive services for maintaining your group. Here are some popular sites for mass following and mass liking:


Everything in our world is sold and everything is bought. Fame, popularity, subscriptions, likes. The main thing is not to sell yourself. Be honest with others, and first of all with yourself. This is such a rarity nowadays!


Store accounts are a separate item. It would seem that everything is simple - I posted a photo of the product and off we go. But there are pitfalls here too. It is believed that every few photographs of a product should be diluted with personal photographs, naturally, indirectly related to the store. To put it bluntly, after three photographs of boots on a white background there should be a photograph of a girl on a bench wearing these boots.

After the topic has been chosen, the photos have been uploaded to the newly created Instagram, you should pay attention to the captions, delete all the photos and think about how to sign them and which ones to put.

It is believed that no one likes long texts on Instagram. But everything, again, depends on the topic of the blog, if it has been chosen in a way that allows, and even moreover, disposes, to the walls of text, then go ahead with the song. For example, accounts talking about bars or other interesting places in any city simply cannot get by with a few words. But for photographs of wildlife, in principle, such an approach is not needed. Two or three sentences will be enough here, because without any text I only like very beautiful pictures, and then only if there is a regular audience.

But hashtags will help you create this permanent audience and show yourself to the world.
A hashtag is any word preceded by a “#” sign. Or even a few words like #instafood or #onelove. They are placed under the photo so that other users can find your photo in a general search. If you click on or location on Instagram, a window will open with all the photos taken in this location or having the same tag.

Of course, you should select appropriate tags for your photos, but there are a certain number of tags that are popular depending on the time of year or simply because they are placed quite often. The list of popular ones for Instagram is huge, but here are some of them: #art, #girl, #followme, #vsco. #insta, #20likes, #tweetgram, #iphoneonly and others. You can find them on the Internet or identify them yourself, or just watch what tags are put by popular users. All this is done in order to get the main bonus - likes on Instagram.

There is, of course, a completely unfair and expensive, but quite fast way to get thousands of subscribers.
It's easy to buy them. There are sites that gain followers without your participation at all - you simply provide them with your accounts and account passwords, give them money and enjoy the daily increase in the number of people following you. Or there are applications for Android or iOS where you can buy subscribers yourself.

But these methods will only bring a large number of subscribers. And popularity on Instagram is considered comments and likes. Moreover, as someone smart calculated, the number of likes should be equal to 10% of the number of subscribers. That is, you can have ten thousand fake followers and fifty random “I like” photos. Although everything is not so sad - you can also buy likes.

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Promotion of an Instagram account

Promoting an Instagram account is a whole range of paid and free, black and white methods. They are worth understanding if you have chosen this network to promote your business. Below we will talk about what really works.

Ways to promote Instagram

As with any social network, many services and companies offer black promotion methods: gaining subscribers, buying likes and comments. It is worth thinking seriously before starting to work with such methods. Answer yourself a simple question: will these fakes become your customers? Of course not. Therefore, it is worth spending your resources only on white methods that work. We will share some of them right now. So, catch 7 free methods of promotion on Instagram that work!

Interesting content, hashtags and 5 more working methods of promotion:

1. Interesting content

The basis of successful promotion on Instagram is interesting, high-quality content that is directly related to the business being promoted and meets the interests of your subscribers. Don’t be afraid to write long, informative posts; now this network is the No. 1 blog in terms of character volume. If you add an excellent photo or video to a good text, you can consider that the first step towards success has been taken.

2. Hashtags

Instagram promotion is simply impossible without using hashtags. Be sure to add them to your post, these could be:

  • branded: #runningirls, #shoppingschool, #three-marathon,
  • thematic #we need it, #pencil technique, #how to combine prints.

There is a good resource called Websta that can help you choose popular hashtags.

This way you kill two birds with one stone: take care of your subscribers by making your blog easy to navigate and raise your ranking by allowing new users to find you using keywords.

3. Be open

On Instagram and Facebook there is a complex rotation of posts in the feed. As soon as your subscriber stops liking posts, the social network decides that he is not interested in you and stops prioritizing your publications. As a result, the subscriber loses the opportunity to receive long-awaited content from you, and you risk sliding to the bottom of the news feed and simply losing some of your subscribers.

Therefore, do not hesitate to directly ask for a like in an unobtrusive manner: “we are pleased to receive your likes,” “thanks for the like.” You can also promise to post some interesting information as soon as the previous post gets a certain number of likes.

Another good solution is to remind your subscribers about the “Turn on post notifications” feature and then they will see, read and, of course, like every post you make!

4. Live broadcast, stories

Now it is possible to launch live broadcasts and stories, which are stored for a day and are automatically deleted without clogging up the news feed. These methods of promotion on Instagram are good because subscribers receive a notification about the start of a live broadcast, and accounts that have new stories are highlighted. Not everyone thinks about the benefits of this feature: be one of the first to get the maximum benefit from it.

5. Mass following

Look for people you are interested in who may become your clients. Leave likes and comments under their photos and perhaps by going to your account they will become interested and want to follow you.

6. Round-robin competition

We have already written in detail about the competitions. Let's talk about another interesting type: a circular competition. You will need to come up with prizes, negotiate with several thematic accounts and define the rules of activity. All that is required from participants is to subscribe to each account and wait for the prize. Thus, an exchange of audience occurs. Reposting methods for promoting Instagram are also acceptable, but it is worth considering that this discourages many from participating in competitions - not everyone wants to clog up their news feed.

Social networks are a friendly environment. Where else can you make new friends so freely, observe the lives of strangers, and share your opinion? Find like-minded people, agree on mutual cross-posting with mentions of your products. Do this not often and not harshly. Below is a good example:

Cost of promoting an Instagram account

In addition to free promotion methods, there is also targeted advertising, which gives excellent and quick results. It is successfully integrated into the news feed and looks very organic. Many users often do not immediately understand that they are seeing an advertisement and not a post from their friend.

If you do not have the confidence or ability to promote on your own, you can always contact a specialized agency, for example, us. Our price for promotion on Instagram starts from 8,000 rubles. We will develop and carry out a set of works for you that will give the desired result.

We wish you successful and effective promotion!

Instagram promotion in 2019 involves many nuances. Cheating no longer works; as subscribers grow, the real reach falls, and the competition gets higher and higher.

The material is devoted to how to promote Instagram on your own and almost for free. In this material we will consider in detail all stages of promotion from A to Z.

  • How to properly create and design a profile for a business, personal blog or public page.
  • How to create content for posts and Stories, as well as write texts.
  • How to use advertising for promotion.
  • How to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of promotion.
  • Which services and programs to choose for Instagram promotion.

You will learn all this by reading the article to the end, and at the end of the article you will also find a small bonus.

How to promote Instagram: step-by-step instructions

In this article we will describe the main steps that need to be followed at the very beginning of promoting a business on Instagram.

Creating an account and connecting a business profile

If you are starting promotion from scratch, then the first step is. This can be done both from your phone and computer.

The next step is transition to a commercial profile. To do this, create, go to the “Settings” section of your Instagram account and switch to the organization’s business profile. The process is described in more detail in the article: how to connect.

Why do you need this business account? And then that he has pronounced advantages, relative to the normal profile:

  • availability of statistics (views, likes, comments, engagement, reach, etc.);
  • communication buttons (phone, e-mail and directions);
  • indication of the category (a special block in which you can indicate the field of activity);
  • displaying the actual address of the enterprise (by clicking on it, the client immediately goes to a page with a map).


Therefore, no matter what you will promote - a business, a personal blog or a public page, the first thing you need to do is switch to the company’s account.

Filling out the profile header on Instagram

Description (profile header) is the first thing the user sees when visiting your page. You need to fill out this section correctly to keep the attention of visitors. In the header you need to fill out 5 main points: nickname, account name, description, photo and contact information.


This is a unique set of Latin characters, as well as a url by which they can find you.

In your nickname you should use the company name, a keyword or a link to the region. In a compound nickname, use an underscore to separate words. The use of a dot is allowed.

Examples: adidas, design_interiora, sushi_spb.

Company name

The name can be written both in Latin and using Russian letters. Here you can also enter the name of the brand, a keyword by which potential customers may search for you, or the name of the product. For personal blogs, it is better to use catchy, provocative names or your real first/last name.

By using a unique name or title, you work towards brand recognition. When choosing a keyword, your profile will be more focused on demand.

Description (section about yourself)

The description should contain the basic characteristics of your activity: types of products offered, benefits of cooperation with you, work experience, and so on. You can also provide a link to a website. If it is missing, post links to communities on social networks.

Profile photo

When choosing Images remember two nuances: the final version of the picture will be presented to the audience in the shape of a circle, which means that the original version will be cropped at the edges; The avatar must necessarily evoke a range of associations associated with the services you provide (or with the brand as a whole).

Contact details

Go to your profile settings and specify: phone, email, address and website. If there is no website, put a link to the messenger.

You can also duplicate the phone number in the profile description.

Example of filling out a profile header

Let's take a look at filling out the profile header for a beauty salon as an example. What should we include in the header? What information should I put there? It is best to indicate a list of basic services, a phone number (since not everyone pays attention to the “Call” button), a call to action (write in direct message to sign up or go to the website). In addition, fill out the information in the header from a PC, as this will allow you to break the description into lines, and use emoji to highlight lines.

Filling content

Instagram promotion is primarily based on creating attractive visual content. It is this that encourages subscribers to get acquainted with the text support of the trade offer. Non-standard photographic work, comprehensive selling text, first calls, messages from potential clients.

Characteristics of graphic content for Instagram:

A perfect example of well-crafted and designed content from

Texts for posts

In order for visual content to be delivered to the end consumer, care must be taken to create an appropriate textual explanation. This can be done by posting hashtags.

Hashtags greatly simplify the process of finding the desired product. Recommendations for their use are outlined below: you should not connect the most popular hashtags to the promotion algorithm, since they will be lost in the general stream of distribution tags (solution:

  • develop your own tag structure (for example, create your own branded hashtag), this way you will not only be able to increase brand awareness, but also influence the promotion of the product as a whole);
  • do not place too many words in hashtags (no more than 3);
  • Separate elements in labels using underscores (alternative: continuous spelling).

Hashtags for Instagram promotion

How to correctly use geolocation for posts

Geolocation is a tool that allows you to mark the place where a particular photo was taken. In order to “turn on” the function in a post, you need to click the “Add place” button in the block where the signature is placed, and then enter the required geolocation data.

As a geolocation, you can use not only the place where your organization is located, but also popular places in your city (shopping and entertainment centers, places of cultural recreation, parks and squares, museums, etc.), which will allow you to reach an even larger audience. If the search does not give the desired geotag, you can.

Cheat subscribers

One of the most common ways to promote Instagram is to get subscribers. Just don’t buy subscribers, because 100 times out of 100 they are bots who will never buy anything. To attract new subscribers, it is better to use automated services that will independently:

  • subscribe to those who follow your competitors or by geolocation (you can reach up to 1000 people daily);
  • carry out subscriptions based on those who like or comment (working with the most active audience);
  • leave comments under posts en masse (one of the best ways to attract attention);
  • launch (this way you can remind your subscribers about yourself);
  • unfollow those who have not followed your account.

Services for increasing followers on Instagram:


Let's look at several services.

Editor's Choice: Instagram promotion service with an intuitively simple interface, but performing a sea of ​​tasks:

  1. Masking, -following, -commenting - here the program takes care of you, observing limits, and pays attention to your target audience (by competitors, by geo, by hashtags or by your ID list)
  2. Delayed posting
  3. The service runs in the cloud, you are not tied to a computer, and it may not work for you for days, as with desktop software
  4. Responsive technical support is a special plus, because they will advise you on any issue, they will also help you set up and audit your profile
  5. Mailings in Direct
  6. Working with comments
  7. Cool affiliate and franchise

You can try all the functions of the service for free and see for yourself how Instapromo will become your indispensable assistant.

In fact, there are many more services, you can just go to the search and find the one that suits you. The main thing when using such services is to comply with limits (for example no more than 1000 subscriptions per day) so as not to receive a block from social media. networks, and also do not use young accounts less than 1 month old for promotion. Take a look at the statistics to see how much coverage you can achieve using massfollowing.

How to quickly promote Instagram from scratch

When we say this, we mean the starting point is 0, and 100 is reaching the maximum you can get from Instagram. And the effect, given that this social network can be viral and easily scalable, which is very important for business. And here is a list of additional recommendations, using which you can get your maximum and even more.

  1. Keep track of all the latest changes and trends.
  2. Stay tuned for updates - some may only be cosmetic additions, others may seriously affect the entire work.
  3. Experiment - make up different hypotheses and test them for viability.
  4. Do end-to-end analytics - calculate how much profit clients attracted through Instagram brought you.
  5. Don’t do everything by hand - use special programs and services, delegate routine tasks to your subordinates.

Analysis of the effectiveness of Instagram account promotion

Analyzing the effectiveness of promoting a business account on Instagram involves studying the following indicators:

  • coverage(number of subscribers who read the content of the post); impression (number of views of publications);
  • profile views - the number of users who visited the profile page;
  • involvement users (we are talking about “measuring” the audience’s interest in a certain type of content, the calculation formula is: likes comments reposts number of subscribers 100%);
  • number of clicks(people who went to your site via the link posted in the account header);
  • user actions (daily time spent by followers on Instagram).

Analysis helps to find weaknesses in Instagram promotion, draw appropriate conclusions and plan the necessary actions to eliminate them.

For example, small coverage posts indicates that you are creating uninteresting content that receives few likes and comments, which is why the system for displaying posts on Instagram shows your publications to fewer and fewer users. Exit: Based on statistics, identify posts with the greatest coverage and make other posts according to the same principle.

Another situation: low profile views. The solution would be to launch mass following or, if it is already working, to reconsider the conditions for selecting the audience to which the subscription is made. Have you already worked out all possible audiences? .

No matter how hard we tried, we managed to cover only a small part of the entire array of information regarding how to promote Instagram. Therefore, follow our new materials, in which we will tell you even more about promotion in one of the most popular social networks.