The most undemanding launcher for Android. So, the best launchers for Android tablets

In this article we will talk about the best launchers for Android, and also give some tips on choosing a particular launcher for Android.

Probably the coolest Android feature is that it can be customized to suit your tasks and goals. And it starts with what is commonly called the Launcher. Well, the Launcher includes the ability to change the Android interface, icons, icons, and much more.

Thus, a smartphone can have "stock" Android, if one of the launchers is not installed on it, either adapted or "modified" Android, if the owner decided to make the phone for himself. Surely few people like it "stock" and boring Android, the design of which has already become boring after such a long time since the system itself.

The best launchers for Android in 2017

Google Now Launcher

If you want to get a clean and unique interface design for your Android smartphone, then you need to download Google Now Launcher. This program comes preinstalled on all Nexus models manufactured by Google. At the same time, users Google smartphones Nexus notes the high performance of smartphones, quick access to widgets and applications, as well as the ability to flexibly customize the interface and design using the Google Now Launcher program.

Worth noting that if you download this application, you will not receive advanced features, additional options and modified themes, since most of the program’s functionality is paid, although some people prefer a simpler layout, and thus are quite happy with the Free version this application.

Result: You need to use Google Launcher if you need high stability of your Android smartphone. Using Google services, you can synchronize your smartphone with a Bluetooth keyboard.

But still remember that the free version does not have such wide options for setting up an Android smartphone. Therefore, to expand them, you will have to pay accordingly.

How to download Google Launcher?

Google Play Market.

Nova Launcher

Nova Launcher is very popular program, which offers many options for desktop animation, folder views and changes to the Android interface.

This launcher allows you to set custom icons and custom wallpapers in one click, and with Nova Launcher you can upload your settings to Google Drive. This way you can create backup copy new layout and theme, and then upload it to cloud service, and if necessary, restore the backup directly from the cloud, which will allow you to simplify your work with installing themes and customizing your smartphone.

Result: If you want to tweak part of the interface, then the Nova launcher will help you deal with it.

One more moment Note: Please note that you will have to pay $4.99 to unlock more advanced features of this app.

How to download Nova Launcher?

You can download this launcher from Google Play Market.

Action Launcher 3

Action Launcher is a launcher app that comes with a ton of thoughtful features, as well as many advanced settings that you can set and customize. Thus, you can replace icons and icons of traditional applications, change quick buttons on the main menu, change the appearance of the interface and make customization. What’s even more attractive about this program is that it contains a database of a huge number of icons, settings, themes, and features that will suit you one way or another.

Of course, the advanced features of Action Launcher 3 require a paid upgrade to the version "Plus" but at the same time the price is quite reasonable.

Result: If you are bored with the usual design of your Android smartphone, then you need to download Action Launcher 3 and start customizing your smartphone.

Another: You won't have to pay for the features of Action Launcher 3 every time if you update it to version "Plus", but keep in mind that if you change your smartphone, you will need to buy the Plus version again.

How to download Action Launcher 3

You can download this launcher from Google Play Market.

Video: The best launchers for Android

Hello to all dear and inexpensive users of the best mobile portal called It so happened that suddenly I was given a new topic for material and I sat down to actively write another cool article. Since we are actively replenishing the tops best apps different categories for the operating room Android systems, why not touch on the topic of third-party shells or so-called launchers - I think this topic will be of interest to many. That is why today I will tell you about the seven best launchers according to the editors.
Once again, I will note that I will not put numbers next to the names and thereby will not evaluate any of the selected ones in any way. I just want to provide you with a list of creations of various eminent and no enthusiasts, with the help of which you can every day transform the desktop of your smartphone or tablet beyond recognition. By the way, the user interface of the Android operating system has gone through a difficult path over several years, but still continuing to go, it has turned from, frankly speaking, an ugly duckling into a completely usable bird.

Of course, many users, including beginners or those switching to green robot from completely different mobile platforms, I like and have enough of what the stock Android launcher has to offer, but there are also individuals who choose third party applications from a variety of developers. I can say with confidence that most of these shells repeat the tech giant Google's vision of the desktop, offering only individual improvements and some additional functions. But there are, on the contrary, others who are trying to capture a person’s attention with a completely new, different approach to organizing the workspace.

Thus, with such a good start, I announce the seven best and most popular launchers for Android. Let's get started, I guess.

Nova Launcher deservedly heads today's top of the best launchers for Android. The developers of this shell simply took the stock launcher of the now Android 4.4 KitKat version and tried to bring the functionality to incredible levels, and this is really so. The shell boasts many things that you may not find in other launchers: an unlimited number of desktops, complete customization of the appearance of icons and folders, vertical and horizontal organization of the desktop and application directory, a variety of transition animations, the ability to change the font and icon size and much more. First things first.

Externally, the launcher is no different from that in the operating system Android versions 4.4 KitKat. The same transparent navigation and status bars, the same block of main icons in a row, the same search bar at the top of the screen, which, by the way, can be modified or completely removed from the desktop, which cannot be done in the Google Start launcher. The application menu is slightly different from the chocolate version, because here the appearance is more reminiscent of the version of the green robot numbered 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, where the “Applications” and “Widgets” tabs were also shown, thereby making them “in different corners”. For some, this may seem even more convenient, but for those who do not like such excesses, they can simply remove this panel.

The launcher settings are simply pleasing to the eye - various fans of tinkering with different things will be to their taste, because the settings of this particular shell are incredibly rich and there really is room to roam around. There you can customize the desktop, the application menu, the dock bar (by the way, you can make not 5 icons in a row, but 3 or more than five), and the appearance of the folders, and the full design of the launcher, where functions like color scheme, icon theme, icon size, font style or scroll speed, and overall animation.

I'm glad that you can install gestures. Thanks to them, you can simply swipe your finger to open a menu, application, status bar, or much more that you can choose yourself in the settings. It’s also nice to see that there are extensions for the shell, but they already work in the Prime version and this time I didn’t download pirated version in order to demonstrate all the delights of this creation of the developers. All I can say is that the extensions will allow you to set icons for the dock bar, applications, icons, and folders. This is just convenient, as you will see the number of unread messages, missed calls or unviewed messages on any social network.

Overall, Nova Launcher is truly multifunctional and it rightfully starts today's top. I believe that even for the free version, the number of functions in it is only pleasing and simply cannot disappoint, but we should not forget about those for whom this will not be enough. If we talk about such functionality, you can pay attention to its competitors - Apex Launcher and Holo Launcher, but you are unlikely to notice any difference. In any case, discussions can begin on this topic, but I don’t want that, so let’s move on.

Previously, it is worth noting that Google did not have a separate launcher application as such, but after some time it decided to freely distribute the proprietary software, offering users applications from services such as Hangouts, Gmail, YouTube, Maps, Quickoffice and many others, among which the list now includes a branded launcher, which will be discussed further - or rather, already now.

Speaking from the point of view of a user who uses this launcher every day, I will say: its functionality is enough for me and I don’t need more. But from the point of view of a wild punisher of operating systems or an ordinary person who wanted something new - Google Start, I’ll say right away, is never an option at all. The stock Google shell contains only settings for wallpaper, widgets and system settings, the icon of which you can find in a special menu by tapping for a long time on free space desktop.

On the other hand, it’s worth mentioning such an interesting thing as the multifunctional assistant service Google Now, which is built into this launcher as a standard. Again, I will say from my point of view: such a separate desktop, showing the user daily only the information he needs, is necessary and useful. Not all shells can boast of this. HTC BlinkFeed has similar functionality, but there is a separate desktop used as a personal news aggregator, showing only news and updates from social networks, but nothing more, unfortunately.

You probably know the application menu of the Google Start launcher - a simple grid of application icons measuring 4x5 (on the LG Nexus 5 smartphone) and nothing else. As the previous two times, I will say: I don’t need more, but some others will probably not like this idea. It also happens that the user simply needs to separate application icons and widgets - they just need them to be separate and that’s it. Others may create their own separate "Downloads" tabs to make navigating the menu environment more intuitive.

Google Start, on the one hand, will seem like a kind of golden mean to many, but others will sorely miss such a small functionality. The launcher is visually beautiful, and its performance is absolutely fabulous - everything runs like clockwork. Let's continue and move on to the next hero of the occasion.

It is no coincidence that Aviate is here today. This shell has an interesting and long history, which I will briefly tell you.

So, this launcher was originally released by people from Google - this happened in mid-October last year. The main ideology of the new shell is an intelligent desktop. Its intelligence lies in the automatic categorization of all your applications and further restructuring of the desktop throughout the day, making information and applications dynamic at a certain period of time. For example, you are at work and having unlocked your smartphone, the launcher will already provide you with the corresponding desktop with the necessary applications and needs - this is really convenient. The launcher is based on your location and the apps you frequently use.

It is worth noting that the shell is based on Google service Now, the functionality of which, as you know, is wide and incredibly broad. In the morning, for example, when you just wake up, the launcher will provide you with information about the weather, activities planned for today, and applications that you would open only when you get out of bed - it’s just amazing, isn’t it? The user practically does not need to do anything, because the shell itself knows everything in advance. The Aviate has a card-style design similar to Google Now, but it's not ugly or inconvenient by any stretch of the imagination.

Now, on the one hand, about the sad, but on the other hand, about the good (depending on whom): in January 2014, Yahoo, a company probably known to you, officially announced the purchase of the Aviate launcher, which has become popular, as part of the International Consumer Electronics Show. The head of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, named the reason - tracking mobile trends. As she noted, Yahoo services are used by more than 400 million people a month, and the most popular is its proprietary weather application. So, following mobile trends, the most popular of which at that time was the Aviate launcher, that’s why the company acquired it. And here it’s up to you to decide whether it’s bad or not. I will only say that the shell confidently showed its best side.

This user interface for the Android operating system made it to my top today for a reason. Action Launcher in a fairly short period of time since its appearance in the store Google applications Play has established itself as an excellent, beautiful and convenient launcher with some interesting functions at first glance, which I will discuss in more detail below. To be honest, I liked the design of the launcher from head to toe and in general it deservedly receives positive ratings to this day. Well, let's get down to detailed consideration.

Having launched the Action Launcher, we see the following before our eyes: at the bottom of the screen there are ordinary application icons, the number of which does not exceed 4, and at the top there is a very convenient location of such important functions as search, Google Play(I, for example, look at it almost every day due to the fact that Google applications are constantly updated), settings and application menu. At first glance, nothing special, but that's only at first glance. By clicking on the “Menu” button, you will see a sliding panel, which includes both applications and widgets - agree, convenient solution. The same is done with widgets, which can be placed in a separate pull-out menu on the right. This way, you don’t have to place anything on the desktop - you simply don’t have to do it.

Of course, if you want to organize your desktop space as usual, you can place your main and favorite widgets on the desktop. I would also like to draw attention to the search and Google Play app store buttons at the top of the screen - I find this arrangement more convenient for everyday use than if the icon is located on the desktop. Here you will save space and convenience to a higher level. At least, this is my opinion and it may not coincide with yours - this is what happens. Shell performance high level: icons are sent to the desktop without delay, desktops scroll through perfectly and you won’t see animation in “frames”.

In terms of settings, I won’t tell you anything special, but there is still a piece worth telling about. So, by clicking on the button called “Settings” (the launcher interface language is mostly English), we get to the settings. There you can find tabs such as “Display”, “Quickdrawer and Quickpage”, “1-Swipe (Pro)”, “Shortcuts”, “Backup and import” and “Labs”. In the first you can find the options to select icons (in the Pro version), display the active panel (which is located at the top of the screen), display (in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or Android 4.4 KitKat styles) or complete shutdown dock bar, setting grid size, icon size and number of desktops.

In the second tab, basically the functions will become available for use only in the Pro version. There you will find features such as choosing the style of backgrounds (Tinted, Black, Holo Dark and Holo Light in beta). Let me remind you that the functions will only be available in full version applications, so let's move on. The third tab, guess three times, is available in the full version. The fourth is responsible for gestures. There you will find functions for selecting gestures for opening the status bar, manager open applications, as well as what the search in the active panel will be responsible for (only voice search, Google Now and quick search), enable toggles and notifications. The tab called “Backup and import”, I think you know what it does, and if not, then I’ll say - for backup (backup) and import (restore) of data from any other launcher you used previously.

To summarize, I can say that Action Launcher is praised by users for good reason - it is fast, convenient, has quite a lot of settings and looks quite appetizing. Last but not least, I will say about the latter: the launcher is able to open application widgets by simply clicking on their icon - +100 to usability. Icons, by the way, capable of opening widgets without going to the corresponding menu, are displayed with special character(judging by the Android operating system, we can say that this is a setting symbol (three stripes, dots or something else). So, icons with such symbols will display widgets in a pop-up window for you as soon as you click on them. I believe this plus, you won’t find similar functionality anywhere except Action Launcher.I think that’s enough about it, so let’s move on.

To the huge community of operating system users Android given the shell may seem somewhat heavy and even overloaded. This opinion stems from the fact that the project developers intend to create their own entire ecosystem on Android based. If you don’t know, the GO Dev Team has in its arsenal a proprietary lock screen, browser, calendar, weather application, task manager, special widgets and many other various applications. And if you like at least one solution from the previously named team, if you accept this ecosystem, then GO Launcher EX will serve as its natural foundation. By the way, it is worth noting that the GO Dev Team is one of the leaders in the Google Play app store both in terms of the number of downloads and the amount of money earned. Largely thanks to its proprietary shell.

The GO Launcher EX perfectly combines the most important factors when choosing a shell for the Android operating system: smooth and stable operating speed, pleasant appearance, wide flexibility of settings and ease of use. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to tell about everything, even me, but I will try to focus my writing talents only on the most basic and important things, so I’ll tell you about the main features.

So, the launcher has an excellent catalog of installed applications (there you will also find a search bar if necessary and several display methods (by alphabet, novelty and frequency of use)). There is also a tab there open source software, which allows you to switch to what you want, close it, or all at once, which, by the way, is very convenient. Now the second thing: the dock bar, which can contain up to 15 of the most frequently used applications by scrolling. In addition, I would like to note the support for gestures. It can play a role both for system actions and for launching certain applications.

Continuing the theme of the launcher’s rich functionality, I’ll tell you about a few more features. The desktop is very convenient and its customization is incredibly simple, you want to scroll through desktops again and again - it is very smooth, it is possible to combine application icons into folders (if you put a folder in a folder, they will merge and all nested applications will be located in one folder, and not in a folder that is in a folder) and widgets, many of which are personalized specifically for this launcher. As I explained earlier, flipping through desktops is very smooth, plus you can install one of the many different transition effects - I won’t name the exact number.

The latest features include excellent Russification, as well as a huge number of options, settings and themes, with which the user can change the design of all elements with one swipe of a finger. These include: dock bar, icons, wallpapers, widgets, application menu and much more. If you like to get wild with customization, then for such users in the Google Play app store there is simply an incredible number of launcher design options, most of which are free - this is simply a paradise for a lover of customization. To everything else, I’ll add optimization that helps the launcher work quickly even on old devices (devices based on the Android 2.0 Eclair operating system and higher are supported). Bottom line: if you want to freshen up your smartphone, start with GO Launcher EX. It is possible, by the way, that your experiments may end there.

Surely you know such a popular site called MyColorScreen. There, users mainly of the Android operating system, but not only it, publish their created user interfaces, which they use via a smartphone or tablet. Very, very often you can find interfaces there that are incredibly beautiful, and sometimes you’re simply amazed that Google’s brainchild is capable of this. Naturally, making a beautiful, minimalistic or vice versa interface with your own hands is not so easy. Considering that the authors of unique desktops publish not only screenshots, but also the means by which they achieved this, setup can sometimes take even several hours for an untrained user. As you know, few people will spend so much time setting up a desktop that you are unlikely to use every day, because they are simply too lazy to do it. That's why the developers of MyColorScreen released the Themer application - with it you can create incredible desktops every minute.

It’s very easy to make your own workspace drop-dead cool and beautiful using this application. In the gallery, after installing Themer, you will be provided with a huge number of different user interfaces - from the design of iOS 7 to the Terminator operating system. To change your desktop beyond recognition, the user needs to do just a few steps and it will take about a minute - just select the interface you like, download and install it, and then enjoy using it. True, the settings are there for a reason, so it will still be necessary to change or change something. For example, in any case you will have to establish a correspondence between icons and applications. So you choose standard applications to use certain functions.

As for the application menu, here you will not see the “garbage dump” that is in the Android operating system in its naked form. Themer breaks your apps into categories (similar to the Aviate launcher), which many will find much more convenient than standard solution from the box. Unfortunately, this is where all the advantages of this launcher end and the critical disadvantages begin, which I will discuss further.

With Themer, the interface works noticeably slower, especially when it comes to opening and closing a variety of applications, from lightweight to simple ones. As I understand it, this disadvantage is due to the fact that the theme works from under the application and after minimizing other applications, Themer is first launched and then loaded installed theme. Anyway, I could be wrong, but the interface does run significantly slower.

Also, from time to time Themer crashes and you are faced with the standard user interface of the Android operating system - the way Google sees it. Departures occur with noticeable frequency and in the first half hour of operation this happened 2 times. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the Themer shell is capable of working with icon packs from various developers, which is good, but you cannot completely remove the pre-installed ones, which is bad. Of course, for some this may not be a minus at all, so this is a moot point.

Well, the results are as follows: it is likely that all the disadvantages I have listed are the costs of the fact that the application currently has the status of open beta testing, in which it, by the way, has been for quite a long period of time. By the way, Themer is a free application that you can install right now through the Google Play app store and by installing you will not incur any material losses. The last thing I would like to say is that the choice of interfaces is really wide, so you will probably be able to find what you may have been looking for for so long.

Buzz Launcher in its functionality is a direct competitor and analogue of Themer, which I talked about earlier. It is suitable for those who love customization and endless novelty, but at the same time do not want to delve into a bunch of settings and functions, spending long hours to nothing. With this launcher you can view the coolest and most beautiful desktops and immediately install them on your mobile device literally in one tap. Everything you need, including widgets, utilities, icons, wallpapers and more, is downloaded and installed automatically and you don’t need to do anything.

When you launch it for the first time, the launcher prompts you to restore data from another launcher set as standard. Of course, if you don’t want to, you can create an original desktop yourself, or even more than one. For example, you can make separate interfaces for games, morning reading with a cup of aromatic coffee, a car, a home, and much more. Again, if you don't want to do it yourself, you can install a ready-made user interface, apply it and use it without any problems. A total of up to 9 desktops can coexist.

The launcher application menu looks exactly the same as the stock version in the Android operating system starting with version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. You won't see anything new, but the features are the same: viewing frequently used and recently installed applications. In addition to a myriad of different settings, the developers have added support for gestures. Among the advantages of the application, I can note an extensive library of themes, independent desktop settings and a custom application for creating unique widgets. On the downside: the launcher interface can cause some difficulties for inexperienced users; to access downloaded design options, you need to connect to world wide web and the application menu does not look original in any way. I think that by looking at the pros and cons of this creation, you will be able to decide whether this solution is right for you or not. The choice is yours.

On this pleasant note, I would like to end my long story about the best launchers for the Android operating system. Today, of course, not all solutions from various popular developers were presented to you, but, as you can see from the title, we selected the best. I hope that you were able to find for yourself what you may have been looking for for a long time. Absolutely every launcher has its own right to life and, accordingly, can boast of wider functionality and settings, or vice versa. The choice will obviously be difficult and I just told you about those that really deserve more attention than the rest. Good luck guys and don't forget to share your opinions.

For a long time now, special launcher applications have remained an important part of the process of using an Android smartphone.

If you don't like the way your home screen looks or functions, you can simply download an app to change it.

There's no doubt that Android launchers offer a far more diverse set of features than any other genre of app, and that you can do some amazing things with a launcher.

Let's look at the best of these apps!

Action Launcher 3

Action Launcher has been a long-time favorite among our readers, so it deserves a place on this list.

However, there are some additional features that make it unique.

Quicktheme allows you to customize the colors of your interface based on your wallpaper. Tabs allow you to check out an app widget without having it installed on your home screen.

It even has theme and customization elements to make your phone look more like Android Oreo.

There is also support for icon packs, frequent updates and much more.

ADW Launcher 2

We stopped following this launcher after the developers stopped updating the project, but now the launcher is making a triumphant return.

ADW Launcher 2 is a completely modernized version of the legendary launcher.

You'll find modern features like shortcuts from Android 7.1 Nougat. In addition to this, you will also find a range of themes and customization options.

This bundle includes the coolest widget creator we've seen in a long time.

This launcher is a decent option that has features that others don't have. He has regained his rightful place among the “elite” of the launcher world.

Apex Launcher has been around for a long time and is still one of the most famous launchers for Android.

Among them is the ability to change the animation of transitions, the style of scrolling pages, there is even a special scrolling page on which you can place many icons.

Apex Launcher also uses own themes, the collection of which can be replenished in the Google Play store, it also supports icon sets. At the same time, the launcher is quite stable on almost any device.

The app has undergone big changes in 2018. Now it looks much more modern.

AIO Launcher

AIO Launcher doesn't work like many others. It replaces the standard home screen with an information-packed list of options.

It shows things like your latest SMS and missed calls, your media player, your system information (RAM, battery, storage, etc.).

And even things like news, Bitcoin price, Twitter and more. The paid version also includes integrations for Telegram and your regular widgets from other apps.

Not everything needs to look like stock Android launchers.

The app used to be Arrow Launcher. Microsoft rebranded the application in mid-2017.

The application has integration with many Microsoft services, including calendar, email, a to-do list app and direct integration with Microsoft computers.

It also has customization and gesture control features. This is back in beta after rebranding.

Thus, on this moment, some errors may probably occur. However, it is something different and is especially useful for those who want better PC integration.

Setting up these screens takes a couple of minutes, but anyone who can no longer imagine their life without Microsoft platforms, I just have to try this launcher.

Evie Launcher was released in 2016 and it managed to go unnoticed by us.

The launchpad has a fairly typical layout home screen, as well as universal search, customizable shortcuts, and plenty of personalization options.

The dock is a little more customizable than most standard launchers on most phones.

You can also change things like icon sizes, app bar, and other things.

The launcher manages to remain simple, easy and useful for people. This is possibly the best free Android launcher on the market.

Hyperion Launcher

Hyperion Launcher is new player among launchers for Android. It fits nicely between heavier launchers like the Action and Nova, and the standard Lawnchair.

The user interface certainly looks no frills. There is a lot of room for customization though.

These include support for third-party icons, an icon changer, theming elements, and some other useful things.

It supports Google Feed, but requires a separate download like most other launchers.

This is a new product, but it already occupies a favorable position among the best Android dlch launchers.

Lightning Launcher

Lightning Launcher is not the most popular on this list, but it has one of the highest ratings.

This launcher can be described in just a few words: its goal is to use as few resources as possible on your device.

Its feature set is quite sparse, but some of them are impressive - the ability to create an endless number of home screens, add and move icons wherever you want, as well as minimal system requirements make it a great launcher for older and low-end devices.

It's worth a look if you need something fast and undemanding.

Lawnchair Launcher

Lawnchair Launcher is one of the new Android apps. This is an open source project source code, which mimics much of the look and feel of Pixel Launcher.

It has many similar features to Pixel Launcher, plus a few others. These features include support for icon packs, Android Oreo shortcuts and notification dots, Google Now integration (with an optional and free plugin), adaptive icons, and various other tweaks.

It is still very new and is in beta. However, it already performs better than most launchers. It's also free, with no ads or in-app purchases.

Nova Launcher

You're unlikely to find anything much better than Nova Launcher.

Like Apex Launcher, Nova appeared back in the “good old” days and still remains not just a current launcher, but one of the best among those present on Google Play today.

It has a huge number of customizable features, such as support for gestures, the ability to change the appearance and functionality of the interface, support for icon sets, themes, and much, much more.

This app is also updated at a record frequency, which means bugs are fixed instantly and new features are constantly being added.

This launcher also allows you to backup your desktops in case you suddenly get a new smartphone.

Smart Launcher 5

Smart Launcher 5 is significantly different from Smart Launcher 3. Fortunately, in a positive way.

It has a modern user interface, themed environment features, modern features like responsive icons, and more.

It even has a weather and clock widget, as well as gesture controls. It is not as powerful as Nova Launcher or similar launchers.

However, it has enough features to be quite enjoyable. It feels like it competes directly with Action Launcher and similar apps when it comes to customization and usability.

Solo Launcher

Solo Launcher is positioned as a highly customizable solution for those who prefer to have maximum control over their device.

It uses Material Design version 2.0, which means that in terms of design, your device will meet all modern standards.

The launcher has countless customization options and its appearance can be changed in almost any way.

It also has various themes, gesture controls, weather widget, alarm widget and much more.

It's really worth a look if you need something compact, fast, and customizable.

Lean Launcher is another one of the new Android launchers. It gives you a healthy dose of standard Android minimalism with support for popular, new features.

This includes notification dots, app shortcuts, icon shapes, Google Now, and more.

The app also comes with some easy customization features, double tap to lock feature and more.

Considering how new the app is, it's still very good. It's also completely free, at least as of this writing.

Poco Launcher

Poco Launcher is the base program for the popular (and cheap) Pocophone.

It's actually accessible to most. Android devices, which is surprising considering Google won't even release them.

This is a pretty simple launcher. It has a basic, standard Android layout with icons on the home screen and an app drawer for quick access.

You can customize elements such as the home screen grid and app background. It also has a privacy option that hides icons from the bottom menu if desired.

TSF Launcher

TSF Launcher is one of the unique home screen apps. It has many settings, including full gesture support.

He can do a lot of things that look really cool.

Some of additional functions include 3D animations, unlimited docking bar, batch selection of things like home screen icons, widgets and more.

It is completely free to download and use. It also has an additional plugin that adds application icons.

You can also set up Google Feed to work with this launcher, but like most others, it requires an additional download and installation of a plugin.

A site with instructions can be found in the description on Google Play.

Which launcher do you think is the best? If there is something missing from our list, please let us know in the comments!

One of the best things about Android is that you can customize not only how it looks, but also how it behaves. One way to do this is to download a new launcher, an application that will change the interface of your phone and allow you to customize it to your taste.

Plus, such apps allow you to have the same interface you're used to, even if you bought new phone- simply restore your backup settings from cloud storage. Now this is especially true when almost every manufacturer installs its own shell, which is not always intuitive and fast.

I don't think it's possible to determine the best launcher that will suit everyone. You use your phone differently than I do, and I use my phone differently than my colleagues or friends. Everyone has their ideal launcher, but if you haven't found your favorite yet, here are the best ones that I think will satisfy almost any Android user.


Nova Launcher has been a well-known application for a long time. It has support for gesture control: if you want to open the application list, just swipe up and double-tap the screen to turn it off. In short, the app works with gestures and folders better than anyone else!

The set includes packages of icons and themes, of which there are about a thousand (look on Google Play), application interface settings, a counter unread messages, additional scrolling effects and much more. Another feature is constant updates with the addition of new functionality and bug fixes.

It is worth noting the possibility Reserve copy settings to the cloud with their subsequent restoration on a new phone or when resetting to factory settings.


Microsoft Launcher is an updated version of the Garage Arrow project and we've covered the key changes that came with this update. The app currently supports integration with many Microsoft services, including calendar and email.

If your computer is updated to the latest Windows versions 10, you can link your phone and computer, then you can quickly and easily “Continue to PC”. This means you can take a photo and immediately see it on your computer, or edit a document in Office and then continue editing it on your computer.

There are packages of gestures, icons, and advanced settings. For example, swiping up will not open the list of applications, but will only show your favorite applications, as well as quick settings, such as Wi-Fi, Airplane mode, Bluetooth, etc.

Daily wallpaper change - get it in automatic mode new wallpapers from Bing or enter your own selection of wallpapers to change.

It's important to note that Microsoft doesn't want Android to look the same as Windows 10 Mobile. For example, you won't find square "tiles" here; if you're looking for something like that, check out the following app.

It’s a little strange, but with this launcher you get the impression that you are using an iPhone on an Android smartphone, everything is so convenient and beautiful.


Apex Launcher has been around for a long time and remains one of the most popular launchers. Similar to the Action Launcher app, it's designed to be highly customizable with a few extra features, like hiding the Google search form, status bar, and even the dock, which can display up to seven icons instead of four! If you have a child, you will benefit from the desktop lock feature to prevent accidental changes.

You can choose transition animations, change the design, and custom icons for shortcuts and folders. Up to 9 home screens are supported, with flexible settings for each of them. Convenient gesture control, screen lock, optimized for use on smartphones and tablets. It is possible to display unread messages and missed calls on icons. And this is not all the features that Apex Launcher offers.


An excellent replacement for the standard Android interface will become One Launcher. When creating it, the developer (one BJ) was inspired by latest versions iOS - mobile operating system from Apple. Thanks to this, the launcher turned out to be aesthetically beautiful and very convenient.

As with Apple devices, application icons are located on the home display rather than hidden in a separate menu. You can combine several applications in folders or leave everything as is. The last option is ideal for those who only use big amount programs.

The developers paid special attention to ensuring that their brainchild consumes little RAM when maximum performance. Their work immediately becomes noticeable when you switch from this launcher to another. Or check the amount of free RAM. In addition, One Launcher is completely free and supports all versions of Android starting from 2.3.3.


Smart Launcher is not just an add-on to the stock launcher, and this is immediately noticeable. The home display is presented as a circle with six icons, providing quick access to the most important important applications. You also have access to the widget area or can go to a unique menu. What makes it so unique? Intelligent sorting system. When you install a new utility, the launcher automatically places it in the correct category, making it much easier to access.

A convenient search bar is always at hand, so you can easily find the applications you need. An important part is the lock screen with support for notifications and a variety of themes. To completely change the device interface, download special themes for Smart Launcher 3 on Google Play. In addition, do not forget about the option to hide any utilities or set a password to launch them.


The Hola Launcher developers began their project with one single question: “What features do people need most?” After thinking about it carefully, they got to work and created Hola Launcher - an easy and simple alternative for those who want to achieve best result with the least amount of costs.

Take a few minutes to explore what this launcher has to offer and you will be truly amazed. After all, it only takes up 4 MB. And the extremely low RAM consumption makes it very fast and responsive. The application is built around one concept - simplicity. The interface is minimalistic, easy to navigate and allows you to get to the most frequently used functions in a few taps.

In addition to the usual set of features like custom themes, wallpapers, folders, etc., Hola offers users access to several very useful programs. Hola Shina is a special menu that opens by swiping from the bottom edge of the monitor. In it you will find frequently used applications and settings. Hola Boost is a small, movable circle that releases RAM your smartphone immediately after clicking on it. There's also Hola Box, which can easily hide any utility on your home display if you don't want to show it to other people.

Launcher 8

Launcher 8 is unique in that it doesn't feel like an Android app. In fact, the only task of this application is to make the interface of your device look like Windows Phone. And he copes with this task perfectly. It copies not only the appearance, but also many actions. As a result, when working with the shell, you get the feeling that you are not working under Android at all.

Supports emulation of “live tiles” and a scroll bar when navigating through the application menu, which appears when you move your finger to the right or left on the screen.

There are custom themes that let you customize the look of the launcher, but most of them are very different from what we're used to seeing on Android. If you don't want your smartphone to look like a Windows Phone 8 phone, then there's not much point in installing this app.


Action Launcher has long been a favorite program of many users. In addition to standard functions, there are also some original ones that make the program unique. For example, Quick Theme allows you to customize the colors of your interface.

The Shutters feature gives you access to widgets without actually installing them on your home screen. There is also a set of elements in the style of Android Oreo. There is an icon setting, quick update small elements and much more.


An excellent choice for those who want to try a custom home screen design. In addition, GO Launcher is one of the most downloaded utilities on Google Play. The program combines functionality with excellent user design.

The launcher is created on an innovative 3D engine developed from scratch. It is this that makes the program extremely fast, responsive and versatile. In addition to the engine, you switch between 25 display animation options and get over 10,000 unique themes. With such a staggering number of options for customizing the interface, it would be easy to get confused if it were not for DIY Themer.

GO Launcher also has an excellent tool that allows you to hide or block some a specific program to further protect you from prying eyes. Well, built-in widgets for optimizing your smartphone increase the device’s performance, making multi-window mode faster and more enjoyable to use.

Next 3D Shell

The developers of the Next Launcher 3D Shell program are the same people who worked on the creation of GO Launcher. 3D animation is supported, there are many transition effects and unique settings. Using the scroll bar, you can quickly change home screens and choose the one you like best at the moment. According to most users, this is one of the most expensive launchers. True, you can try all the features of the program for free.


The biggest plus of ADW Launcher 2.0 is the customization: you can customize themes, gestures, folder styles, home screens, app list and even create your own custom widgets. I can go on and on, if you are a fan of settings, then you should definitely download this launcher and test it thoroughly. It contains just an insane amount of settings!

You can create an unlimited number of your own widgets and place them anywhere, even on the top bar (where the search bar is) or on the bottom bar (where you currently have 4 icons).

As always, there is the ability to edit every single icon of any application you have. IN latest update a new set of effects has appeared when switching to another screen, as well as the ability to change the system color palette to any color (black, red, orange, etc.). In general, in this application you can do everything you can imagine.


Evie Launcher comes with icon and widget packs. It is possible to hide any applications, quickly launch programs, and add unique shortcuts with your own signatures to the home screen. You can create your own wallpaper and change the size of the icons.

The program is fast, easy to use, and has some original features. Uses a Pixel Launcher-style app menu that can be moved from the bottom of the screen. The application is distributed free of charge.

Lightning Launcher is small in size and has very flexible settings. With this tool, you can change almost all elements of the home screen. Perhaps the most unique feature is its scripting support, such as the ability to use JavaScript.

You may be intimidated by the abundance of settings and options, but there is nothing to be afraid of. Yes, there are a lot of settings, but they are easy to understand. But what opportunities! Almost all functions and elements can be customized, be it the way applications are placed, folders, widgets, home screens, icon sets, fonts, alignment, and even renaming standard elements (not all).

If you don’t want to understand, there are dozens (if not hundreds) of more classic skins at your service, which offer a couple of basic settings.

Lawnchair Launcher is an open source project that basically mimics Pixel Launcher. Many of their functions are the same, although there are some original features. It is constantly updated and improved. Notifications and context menu are made in the style of Android Oreo.

You can choose different styles panels and windows, icon sizes and much more. It will not be an exaggeration to say that Lawnchair has absorbed all the best that is in the Pixel and Nova Launcher shells. All this is complemented by the high performance and aesthetics of the Pixel shell and seasoned with customization elements from other launchers well known in the Android world.

One of the most attractive design styles is the dark theme. It applies to the appearance of the tray, home screen widget, and context menu. The possibilities for changing the design style here are not as deep as, for example, in Substratum, but still not bad.

There is integration with Google Now (if you install an additional free plugin). Even in beta it works better than many older launchers. If you are looking for the most best analogue Google Pixel, consider that you've already found it.


The main highlight of EverythingMe is the so-called Prediction Bar, which is a series of icons located at the bottom of the screen (there are four in total), dynamically changing depending on the user’s location, time of day and the results of analysis of previous application launches.

Based on the results of this analysis, Prediction Bar will first offer the user those applications that he is most likely to need in the near future. For example, in the morning EverythingMe will tell you the latest news and remind you of what you have planned for today. And on a weekday, the launcher will offer applications that you most often deal with at work.

At the first launch, the launcher will try to automatically expand installed applications in the corresponding folders, such as “Games”, “Music”, “ Social media" and "News". You can create new Smart Folders at any time, grouping apps as you see fit.

Most launchers deal with what you are doing at a given time: what you are viewing, what you are listening to. EverythingMe takes a slightly different approach. Instead of focusing on current actions, it tries to predict what you will do.

The launcher is the main screen of the smartphone. It is from here that all basic user actions take place, such as launching applications, deleting them, and sorting them. Thanks to a well-chosen launcher, you can not only quickly launch necessary programs, but it is also convenient to delete them, clear the cache, find out the weather, account status, SMS and other information directly from the main screen without the need to open a third-party application.

From the article you will learn

List of considered applications

In this article we will look at best launchers and let’s figure out which one to choose for your Android smartphone.

Here is the list:

  • ADW 2;
  • N Launcher – Nougat 7.0, Google Start;
  • Additional launchers (Computer Launcher, Win 10, Smart Launcher 3).

What can launchers do?

First of all, the launcher must launch applications. But this is the most primitive ability. Download third party software worth it for the additional functions of convenience and decoration of the device screen.

Through almost every launcher mentioned in our article, you can long press on the application icon to delete it, hide it from the desktop, view detailed information in the settings, change the name and icon. There is also the ability to conveniently sort everything on your smartphone, change the location of shortcuts, resize and hide unnecessary ones.

For many users, the appearance of the screen is important. At this point, third-party launchers often win, since their functionality is more advanced. They allow you to change the animations of flipping, opening folders and the list of all applications, launching, and so on.

Also in the settings, the color scheme of the entire interface is set and other beautiful goodies are made. This is an individual matter, because launchers are very different, both in functionality and appearance.

What is the installation procedure like?

Before choosing a launcher, let's figure out how to install it. Any of the listed launchers can be downloaded without any problems from the official store Play applications Market (or Google Play) is completely free. And some of the programs have a paid version without advertising or with extended functionality (this will be clarified during the review).

  1. Download the launcher and open it.
  2. It will ask you to set it as your default desktop. To do this, in the menu that appears, select the launcher, then the “Always” button (the button may have a different name depending on the firmware and version).
  3. Now, when you open the main screen, this application will appear, and not the usual standard one.

But what if the user did not like the design or functionality of such an application or some difficulties arose? To do this you can do the following:

  • Install another launcher and assign it as the default desktop in the same way as you installed this one;
  • Delete the program in the settings (“Settings” - “Applications” - “Launcher itself” - “Delete”);
  • Open the launcher in the official store and delete it through the Market;
  • Reassign the default desktop in Settings (Settings -> Main screen"(may be called differently depending on the version of the Android system) - select another launcher or delete this one by clicking on the “trash” icon).

Each action will not harm the device in any way, even with root access, so don’t be afraid to experiment. You can open the settings at any time through the status bar (curtain on top) and delete the launcher.

In general, all the launchers we selected are stable and there should be no problems with them.

Which to choose?

Choosing is a difficult task. You should take this seriously, because everything in a smartphone begins with the start screen, and if it is not as perfect as we would like, using it will spoil the experience a little.

When choosing, first of all, pay attention to the performance and autonomy of the smartphone. If you think that you have enough memory and performance, then you can install heavy launchers with a lot of animations and functions. They consume a lot of memory, both RAM and permanent memory, and can also affect the battery (not much, but they can). Therefore, think about what is more important to you: saving resources or a beautiful view?

If you want to shoot two birds with one stone, then take Nova, N, Google or Evie - these are relatively economical, attractive and multifunctional launchers. ADW and TSF are more demanding, but that is why they have their own features.

Try downloading all the launchers you like and test them one by one for speed and convenience.

For maximum savings, try Apex Launcher, LauncherPro, Mini Launcher or Nano Launcher, they're feature-sparse compared to the competition but very cost-effective.

One of the most interesting launchers at the moment. There are both free version, and paid. The free version lacks some features, but overall, the version is very interesting, and it’s also ad-free, so there’s no need to buy the full version.

Nova is the progenitor of standard launchers from Google. This is actually a copy of the interface from pure Android devices.

The main screen is presented in the form of folders and icons; at the bottom there is a menu of all applications launched through a shortcut or by swiping from bottom to top. Folders do not open completely, but only to the area necessary to display the contents.

By long pressing on the application icon, you can quickly delete it, open it in settings, change the name and icon in the launcher.

Nova also supports gestures, which can be assigned to anything. There are many gestures, ranging from a simple swipe up or down to twirls and two-finger gestures (only available in the paid version).

Nova Launcher is interesting for its capabilities, appearance and autonomy. It looks very beautiful, is highly customizable and does not require a huge amount of smartphone resources.

In the launcher you can configure almost everything, or rather:

  • Number of dots on the desktop and application menu;
  • Icon size;
  • Font, font size, color of application names on the desktop, in folders and the application menu separately;
  • Size and position of widgets;
  • Color and transparency of application menus, folders and dock bar background;
  • Disabling and deeply customizing the dock bar (pages, number of icons, background, signatures, color, transparency);
  • The way all applications are displayed: all together, by folders or departments;
  • Completely hide the application from the launcher;
  • Quick access to the application by swiping on the shortcut of another application or folder.

The launcher has the ability to deeply customize icons and activate icon packs. For each application, you can substitute any icon from any icon pack or, if you wish, create your own and take it from Explorer. In the personalization settings there is a function that activates one pack for all icons in the launcher and, when a new application appears, immediately adjusts its icon to the general standard.

3D launcher with many effects and wide functionality. One of the most demanding not only from our list, but in general. All resources go into developing each 3D animation.

For the owner of a fairly powerful smartphone, TSF will be an excellent replacement for the standard shell. There is nothing special in terms of functionality. In it you can change the page layout, icons, label names, number of rows and columns, this will not surprise you.

Folders open in an interesting fan-shaped fashion. When pressed, a smooth animation occurs, in which the folder background moves down, and all applications fly out of it. When scrolling, the icons either return to the backing or pop out of it. The folder itself opens full screen with the background blurred, this takes longer than usual and sometimes you have to wait about a second before opening the application.

The same situation is with the menu of all applications, which, by the way, is there, but is not particularly customizable. The menu has a filter, a grid, and that's enough. It opens under various animations, which can be viewed in the settings by long tapping on an empty space on the desktop.

Interesting features in the launcher are widgets. They are perfectly animated and very comfortable. For example, a calendar widget looks like a ball, with date and time information on each side. Through these widgets you can control gestures and taps, which makes them multi-functional. Even when not using widgets, they play nicely, move and change colors. Everything looks nice.

A long press on the icon brings up a straight or round menu with background blur. It has all the standard features: deleting, hiding, renaming, and so on. In the settings you can change the animation of the icon when you click on it and hold it. There is either simple zooming out, zooming in or highlighting, or distortion, blurring, and so on.

A nice launcher as an alternative to Nova. Go, unlike others like it, has a unique style. It is not copied from the Android system, but made in its own way, with its own icons, colors and animations.

At first glance, it may seem like it's no worse than others in terms of the amount of customizability, but in reality, Go is not as customizable as others. The developers added the necessary items to the settings for grid type, icon size, and the like. But, alas, in this launcher you cannot customize the icon pack and the location of icons and widgets on such a large scale. But this does not mean that the launcher is completely bad; it’s just that for the most inveterate perfectionists, some nuances that cannot be changed may become a problem.

The launcher is adapted for most users. Initially, it is already configured normally and you can use it without problems, and if necessary, correct some points.

All icons adapt to the overall style. They receive an oval-shaped substrate with rounded edges and protruding walls. These unique icons are very cute and quirky without being rude. Animations and blur effects are done well, there are not many of them. Folders, application menus and settings fly out smoothly with different rotation effects.

Folders open full screen with a strong background blur. The animation is smooth but fast and doesn't force you to wait long before launching the application. By long tapping or pressing the menu button, a retractable panel at the bottom opens, through which you can open the smartphone settings or launcher, and launch all sorts of built-in services, which you can read about below.

In the settings, everything is divided into items such as desktop, folder, all applications, notifications, gestures, and so on. There are enough gestures in the launcher, there are the usual up, down, double tap and unusual ones like rotation or a two-finger gesture.

The launcher has various services that are indirectly related to the launcher itself. It is not necessary to install them. They are available in the menu by long tap on the desktop. Among them there are such functions as clearing memory through a floating button, locking applications with a password, automatic wallpaper change and an online wallpaper catalog.

Multifunctional launcher, very similar to Nova. These are brothers that originated from standard launchers in Android systems from version 4.4 and higher.

ADW 2 has a few new additions to Nova, but it loses a few things. For example, you cannot sort the list of all applications into separate folders. This is done using lists that open by swiping from the left edge. A panel appears in which you can select a list containing all the applications placed in it. It's not as convenient as folders in Nova.

On the other hand, ADW 2 has more animation settings and a more thoughtful system for customizing the desktop, which is done directly in the menu with a long tap. Before you start using it, the launcher will ask you to choose the style of everything where you can give preference specific version Android. Choosing a version won't change much, but it's still important. In total there are the following Android styles: 4.4 KitKat, 5.0 Lollipop, 6.0 Marshmallow and 7.0 Nougat. In the future, there will definitely be versions from more modern Android launchers. The animations haven't increased much, but everything is still nice.

You can also control widgets in ADV; they are all collected in a convenient menu, from which they are sorted by application and size. Each application on the desktop can be assigned not only a swipe up, but also a downward one, which is very convenient for fans of minimalist launchers with just a couple of icons on the main screen.

In general, they do not differ much; ADW is interesting with animations, widgets and gestures, while Nova is convenient in sorting and resource-efficient. Yes, ADW definitely has problems with this, since in this situation it requires a little more resources than is usually needed for a launcher.

A simple, uncomplicated, but interesting launcher that completely copies the start screen from iOS versions 7-8. It is very similar to the original, but still has a couple of differences for more convenient use. For example, a long tap on the icon opens the usual menu with the ability to delete the application, look at it in the settings or rename it, and when you long press on an empty space, a menu with launcher settings and a system settings shortcut appears, as in standard Android. And everything is like an Apple smartphone. All that remains are large oval icons, branded wallpapers and the absence of a list of all applications.

By the way, you can hide some programs in the settings. Then to display them you will have to go into the settings again.

Also, the launcher does not support widgets.

Folders, as on IOS, open completely with a pleasant scaling of the wallpaper to the insides of the folder. There are problems with displaying the folder name, it disappears on the desktop, and then appears under open folder, but this is not particularly noticeable.

Another simple but extremely interesting launcher. It is based on simplicity, minimalism and attractiveness. Despite the small amount of resources consumed, Evie looks very attractive and has the most necessary functions.

In the settings you can change the desktop grid, set icon packs, configure a small number of gestures, and that’s it. Folders open full screen without any other effects. Everything is simple and elegant.

All application menus are sorted alphabetically. On the one hand, letters, on the other, applications. In general, all this can be easily configured in the same menu via a special button in the corner of the screen.

By long tapping on the icon, you can delete the application, hide it or open it in the settings. Folders are sorted automatically, but you can do it manually by moving apps after a long press.

The launcher automatically sorts all content into folders on the desktop. So applications are divided into games, browsers, editors, players, and so on.

Evie is perfect for lovers of simple launchers with good functionality. This is one of the most economical launchers in terms of consumption/function.

N Launcher – Nougat 7.0 and Google Start

Relatively simple, but quite functional launchers, completely copying the interface from Android version 7.0 - Nougat.

N Launcher and Google Start are almost no different, since they are the standard launcher system on Android version 7. It’s up to you to choose between them, we just give advertising to these programs, so to speak. Both are great alternatives to Nova or ADW 2 that require fewer resources but look exactly the same.

N Launcher and Google Start are very stingy in settings compared to others. There are already standard functions for Android launchers in the form of adjusting the grid and size of icons, changing the scale of widgets and changing the color of folders/application menus.

In terms of settings, N and Start will not please you with anything, even in gestures everything is standard: up, down, double tap, swipe with two fingers and circular movements, there is not even zooming in and out with two fingers.

But why is it worth downloading any of these launchers? They are much more energy efficient and stable than any other launcher, because they were made for pure Android. They look no worse, and you can control applications via a long tap on their shortcut, and there is also a convenient menu of widgets.

So N and Google Start are very good if you don’t want to spend a lot of time setting up the launcher, but just need to download it and start using it every day.

Additional launchers (Computer Launcher, Win 10, Smart Launcher 3)

In the review I would like to mention other launchers that are not at all similar to the average desktop of an Android device. We will tell you only briefly, your task is to download and try if short description interested.

  • Computer Launcher. The launcher is similar to a full-fledged Windows 10. It has dozens of standard icons, a start menu with shortcuts attached to it, and even a recycle bin. When you open File Explorer, it floats on top of the desktop instead of opening in full screen mode. In general, a rather unusual launcher for a smartphone.
  • Win 10. Another copy of the works Microsoft, only now in mobile processing. This is a full-fledged launcher like on the already dead Windows Phone. Only he with his own characteristics. It lets you customize the color, background, and even add wallpaper, so fans of tiles instead of icons go for it.
  • Smart Launcher 3. An unusual launcher in which all the icons are arranged in a circle in the center of the screen. It's not particularly different, it's just that all the launch applications are in the center of the screen and arranged in a circle.