Camera failure on Samsung: troubleshooting methods. How to solve the problem with the camera crashing on the Samsung Galaxy S3 S3 blurry photos on the phone

The biggest surprise that happened to me is that in the Galaxy S3, Samsung decided to use a Sony matrix, exactly the same as Apple uses in its iPhone 4s (or something very close, but also from Sony). Considering that Samsung has always produced excellent matrices for cameras, such as the one installed in the Galaxy S2, the logic in this decision is not easy to find. During the development of the SGS3, it was planned that a 12-megapixel camera would be used, but it was postponed until better times, considering that megapixels are not the key to happiness. And, indeed, the megapixel race is over, manufacturers are paying more attention to service functions, additional features, shooting in difficult conditions. This requires not so much a matrix as image processing algorithms. Each company has its own and is very different from each other. The intrigue of the camera comparison was that I didn’t know who took better pictures - the iPhone 4s or the Galaxy S3. How the image processing algorithm changed the final result. It was interesting to compare the camera with the Galaxy S2 to understand what we get with the new matrix. Best quality, or we still change the awl for soap. How Galaxy user S2, having taken several thousand photos with it over the course of a year, I can say that the camera function is important to me, so I pay special attention to this parameter. For example, use HTC phones I can’t for one simple reason - until recently, the camera in them did not stand up to any criticism, and I was simply tired of answering hundreds of times a day why my photos were so blurry and the picture was out of focus.

Camera interface - service options

Unfortunately, the phone does not have a camera button, however, on the modern market a few models can please us with it. These include Sony Xperia S, one of the happy exceptions. Considering that the button on the Xperia S allows you to instantly jump to taking photos, I like this solution. Only people who don’t take photographs and perceive the camera as something superfluous can argue that the presence of a button is a minus. It’s a pity that the Galaxy S3 doesn’t have a button, but you can launch the camera using the icon from the main screen. A similar call to the Camera application does not provide an immediate start; the device wakes up for about a second. It is worth considering the claimed quick start of the camera as something possible, but in real life unattainable. Not to mention that if you use a screen lock with a code, you will have to enter it first.

The first and main ideological change in the camera concerns the focus mode - as soon as the application is called, the camera tries to focus on the central point. This takes less than a second for most situations, sometimes you can say that focusing is almost instantaneous. The difference from the same Galaxy S2 is striking, where you had to call up the camera, then point at the object and manually focus (press a button or click on the object on the screen). It's a small thing, but it saves time. As before, you can select any object on the screen, then the camera will focus on it.

If we talk about focusing modes, these are traditionally autofocus, macro photography and face detection. For my taste, the macro mode is more of a tribute to tradition than a necessity, since the camera’s automation perfectly handles all distances, including close ones (12 centimeters is the minimum distance, guaranteed - about 15 centimeters). Face detection works quite well, however, this mode was also on the Galaxy S2, according to people’s reviews, it is not very popular. The same picture applies to digital point-and-shoot cameras.

The flash is LED, it can be constantly on or work in automatic mode. I was not able to see any big differences in the quality of the flash from the previous device. It does its job well, we can’t talk about any special results. It is optimal to use a combination of a xenon flash and an LED flash; only this option can achieve good shooting in various conditions. Everything else is a compromise option, which, on the other hand, suits the vast majority of people (this is the reason why manufacturers abandoned the use of xenon flashes, and even turned away from photographic models - their sales volume is very modest).

Shooting modes have become more diverse, let's look at each of them. The default is one shot, this is a normal shot, there are no special features here.

Continuous shooting is already more interesting, here you can get up to 20 shots in a few seconds, in this mode everything additional settings(exposure adjustment, etc.) are turned off. You can also enable the Best Shot function, the number of shots will be limited to eight, and you can choose the best one.

HDR – the camera suggests not shaking your hands so that the picture turns out to be of the highest quality. I admit honestly that I didn’t notice any special differences in the pictures with and without this function. It is possible that I needed to find very contrasting objects, then the difference would be noticeable.

Smile – we press the camera button, and it takes pictures only at the moment when the person smiles. A trick to catch a smile. Few people use such tricks, but perhaps it is important for you.

A beautiful face is simply an effect that removes skin defects and colors it in one tone. Sometimes the result is good, sometimes the face becomes not very natural. It depends on your luck. There is no particular point in using this filter.

Panorama is a regular panoramic shot, you move the camera slowly, and it already captures the picture. You won't be able to get a full 360-degree panorama, but what you get looks very interesting.

Caricature is a filter that distorts colors and makes everything grotesque. I'm not sure anyone will need it.

Photo sharing – function uses Wi-Fi Direct, you can send your photos to another device after selecting the ones you need.

Sharing a photo with a user - you take a photo of your friend, and then the camera itself finds all his pictures in your album and sends them using Wi-Fi Direct. If necessary? I don’t know, but this option looks interesting, although most likely it will not be used in practice by the majority. As a rule, we share not only photos with friends’ faces, but also other photos from one or another event.

Face tagging is a fashionable feature these days, and here it is implemented on a grand scale. You can enable face detection, then if you click on a face, a menu will appear with the ability to write a message or make a call. Is this needed in the gallery? I’m sure not, especially since yellow squares on faces are more of a minus than a plus.

In the settings you can select the shooting scene; these are de facto preset settings that help achieve maximum quality in certain conditions. There are the following subjects - portrait, landscape, night, sports, indoors, beach/snow, sunset, dawn, autumn colors, fireworks, text, twilight, backlight.

The exposure value can be set from -2 to +2, this is the standard setting.

Timer – 2, 5, 10 seconds, if you suddenly want to take a photo with a delay.

Effects – negative, black and white, sepia. I think that giving up more effects is logical, why are they needed if you can transform any picture with the same success in the editor.

Resolution – maximum 3264x2448 pixels, you can shoot in widescreen mode – 3264x1836 pixels.

White balance - auto, daylight, cloudy, incandescent, fluorescent light.

ISO – auto, 100, 200, 400, 800.

Exposure metering – weighted average, spot, matrix.

Stabilization – enabled or not.

Image quality (JPEG compression ratio) – best, excellent, normal.

GPS tag – disabled by default.

It remains to add what you can take out on main screen camera any icon, make it more convenient for your needs.

Video. Maximum resolution - 1920x1080 pixels (1080p). In this case, the file properties indicate up to 30 frames per second. Constant autofocus is supported, but in difficult conditions the camera cannot always quickly focus on the subject or subject of shooting. But in general, the shooting quality is quite at the level of other solutions, and even better. You can take photos while shooting video. One of the disadvantages is the location of the second microphone (stereo sound recording is supported), you often cover it with your hand. This requires you to get used to holding the device correctly.

Sample shots and comparison with other models

So, let's move on to the most interesting part of this material, namely, looking at how the camera shoots and what it can do. I couldn't wait to compare this device with Apple iPhone 4s, but for complete happiness I added to this comparison HTC One X, as well as Samsung Galaxy S2. Let's look at the photos, and then everyone will draw their own conclusions.

Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC One X Apple iPhone 4S

The first thing that surprised me in this comparison was the quality of photos from the HTC One X; the device is not bad at all and performs on par with the Galaxy S3, losing to it not so much. It’s a matter of taste and personal preference; someone will think that the painted swing or green rubber cover on the HTC One X is more attractive to them than the usual red color of the seat on the Galaxy S3 or iPhone. Don't know. Each manufacturer uses its own image enhancement algorithms, for example, the iPhone has a minimum of them. Note that the iPhone's color grading is good, but background detail tends to suffer.

Based on pictures that show fairly obvious differences iPhone cameras and the same in the Galaxy S3, it is impossible to talk about the identity of the modules. It is possible that the manufacturer is the same, but the modules themselves differ, and quite significantly.

I don’t want to choose the best photo solution, since this task is meaningless, everyone will see only what they want to see. For me, the camera in the Galaxy S3 is good because it allows you to take high-quality pictures in different conditions. The downside, perhaps, is that compared to the Galaxy S2, pictures in dark conditions turn out worse (dark room). On the other hand, the shot of the station in the dark turned out very well; it was almost impossible to achieve a similar result on the Galaxy S2.

The bottom line is that the photos are on par with (at least) the Galaxy S2, but you have more options. For myself, and only for myself, I believe that the camera in the Galaxy S3 beats the HTC One X, as well as the iPhone 4s. It is possible that all these little things and post-processing of images do not matter to you and you see complete parity here. I emphasize that this is a matter of taste.

When I was preparing this review, I was interested in trying out the new burst mode. The obvious solution would be to record cyclists, cars or something similar. But I became interested in complicating the task - to take continuous shooting from a distance of 15 centimeters and see if the camera would have time to film the dandelion scattering under my mighty breath. I don’t know what I looked like from the outside at that moment, but after taking several series of pictures, I got what I was looking for.

These are two different dandelions, for each of which I managed to catch an interesting moment. I'll include each of the series of shots below so you can see the individual photos.

Of course, photographs of cars and people in motion are much simpler and not so impressive. On the other hand, filming a flying dandelion is extremely difficult with a regular camera, let alone a mobile one.

In just a few weeks with this phone, I was able to take about a thousand photos (that's what I was interested in when traveling, not staged photos). I will present some of them here; these are by no means the most successful of them, but they give an impression of the average quality of the resulting photographs.

In the first look, we already gave comparative photographs in different modes, nothing has changed since then, so that the goodness does not go to waste, we will give these photographs here too.

Samsung has always been famous for its devices with a good camera, which

Although this time we didn’t get a flagship with a 12 MP camera, nevertheless, in my opinion, 8 MP is now quite enough. Another thing is more important - this model has been improved software part and updated the module. As a result, the pictures turn out pleasant, and the camera works quickly. Zero shutter lag allows you to shoot subjects in motion. IN this review 2GB model reviewed random access memory, produced for the Korean market, in the stock version the phone is equipped with 1 GB of RAM.

Photography capabilities of the Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 smartphone camera

Burst Shot function makes it possible to shoot a series of 20 frames, and Best photo function selects the best of the eight photographs taken for the user. Improved backlighting helps prevent blur in photos, even in low-light conditions. In general, Samsung followed the path of the HTC One line, but the resulting shooting results are better, especially with flash and macro.

Let's start with the settings; their choice is small, but everything is done very conveniently and intuitively. By default, the functions are on automatic, but there is also the possibility of manual settings.

Setting continuous shooting, location tag, shooting mode

Image Dimensions. The camera uses these permissions.

Resolution 8M 3264×2448(4:3)
Resolution 6M 3264×1836(16:9)
Resolution 3.2 M 2048×1546
Resolution 2.4M 2048×1152
Resolution 0.9 M 1280×720
Resolution 0.3 M 640×480

White balance:

Incandescent lamp

Resolution, balance, exposure settings

Setup, voice control, image quality​

Camera sensitivity(ISO)
It is possible to set ISO manually from 100 to 800, or use automatic.
The smartphone can immediately switch to camera mode if you hold down the volume key on the left, that is, it is very convenient. In addition, the phone can use a flash.

Setting white balance, focus mode, ISO

Photo modes

Normal mode
Time Catch shot

Setting up effects, plot, timer

Examples of photos taken with a Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 smartphone

An example of a photo of a pine cone in a forest using an 8MP camera on a Samsung S3​

Example photo of business cards on 8MP camera Samsung S3​

Example photo of Moscow on an 8MP camera Samsung S3

Enough a large number of Direct owners of Samsung smartphones, after one week of using the phone of this model, encountered a problem in the form of camera failure. When you enable it, an error occurs. Camera failure on Samsung is quite common, so this factor must be taken into account. Problems with the camera on the mentioned devices will be discussed in more detail below.

In order to prevent camera failure on Samsung, you are given 4 ways to fix this error with your own hands.

Method number 1: data cleaning

This method, like its other analogues, is simple and does not require anything supernatural. It consists of clearing data, as well as freeing up the internal storage of this camera. The camera failure on the Samsung Grand may be due to its overflow.

The first step in this situation is to restart your smartphone. First of all, you need to turn it off and then turn it on. This procedure is simple, and the user can solve it independently.

Next, you need to go to settings, and there you will find the application manager. As you remember, you need to find a camera. Opening this application and we clean up garbage, uninteresting photos and other material.

Next, you need to restart the gadget again and see if the problem with the camera is resolved. If you have decided, then we congratulate you, and if not, then see the next way to solve this problem.

Method No. 2: Cleaning the internal storage

Camera failure on Samsung is bad, so it’s better to fix it quickly this disadvantage. The second method is to clear the internal storage in the Camera application. recovery method. Just like the previous method, let's look at all the details step by step.

First of all, you need to turn off your device. Next, you need to press and hold three buttons on your phone for a certain time. These buttons are:

  • A button that is responsible for turning it on and off.
  • A button called Home.
  • And the phone volume up button.

When you press these buttons for a few seconds, the phone will present the Android system parameters to your attention.

In order to clean your device, you need to scroll through the lines using the volume buttons. To go down, use the volume down button.

You need to find the line called Wipe cache partition. Next, your task is to restart the device.

If the camera failure on the Samsung Grand Prime has stopped, this is good, but if not, then you should turn to the next method.

Method number 3: file manager

This method also involves cleaning the material, but in a different way. IN in this case This method aims to eliminate camera failure on the Samsung Galaxy and is as follows. We resort to using a file manager.

  • The first step is to connect the device to your computer using a USB cable.
  • You need to find and open the memory folder of this smartphone, and then go to the “Android” folder. There will be another folder with dates. This is exactly what you need.
  • There you can find the archive folder, where your smartphone’s cache will be stored. You will need to remove it.
  • Experts in this matter advise deleting all files from this folder, since they are completely useless on your device and only cause memory problems.
  • After you complete your action, you need to restart the device. We hope this method helped you troubleshoot, if not, then move on to the last method.

Method number 4: removing an alternative camera

This last method, which can help you prevent camera failure on Samsung.

This method also involves removing it, but this time the so-called alternative camera is removed.

Your task is to find all the applications that use the camera services, and once you find them, your task will be to remove them. After this action, be sure to restart the smartphone.

One of the above methods will certainly fix the problem with the camera, and it will continue to perform its job efficiently. If all else fails, you must contact service center- this means the problem is much more serious.

With the advent of the Galaxy S3 on sale, many are wondering about the technical content of Samsung's new flagship. In particular, after some of our reviews, users have doubts about the capabilities of the camera sensor when compared with the camera in the Galaxy S2.

Therefore, it is quite reasonable to do a small test comparison of the Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S3, namely their photo capabilities. Let us remind you that both smartphones have cameras with a resolution of 8 megapixels. Below we will compare the results of photographing under different conditions.

Don't forget that the photo sensor in the Galaxy S3 is the same as in iPhone smartphone 4S. This is why we can say that the quality of photographs does not always depend on the number of pixels. Next we will compare other characteristics.

By the way, different generations of Galaxy also differ in aperture - in the Galaxy S2 it is f/2.65, and in the Galaxy S3 it is already f/2.6. This parameter directly indicates the amount of light transmitted. So the higher the number, the larger the hole and the more light passes through to the sensor.

Therefore, it is quite a good idea to have a wider aperture in strong light, which will give the photo greater depth of field. This will help avoid the “whiteout” effect that often occurs when photographing in a brightly lit room or in the sun.

There are changes between the second and third generation Galaxy in the focal length - it increased from 3.7 to 3.97. Considering that smartphones do not have optical zoom, this is a fairly significant indicator.

The focal length corresponds to the distance between the optical center of the lens and the photosensitive matrix. Thus, by increasing the focal length, the visible field narrows, which means that the area captured in photographs will be smaller. But when comparing our smartphones, this difference is so small that the difference is quite difficult to see in the photo.

Now that we have dealt with the technical differences between smartphones, we can move on to something more interesting – comparing the resulting photos. The first photos were taken in fairly low light:

In this case, there is a noticeable slight improvement in the photos taken with the Galaxy S2 camera - they turned out to have more saturated colors. Although the photos from the Galaxy S3 show stronger sharpness when examining details and the colors themselves are rendered realistically.

Now photos taken in very strong sunlight:

In this comparison, the Galaxy S2 produces more interesting photos thanks to its slightly longer focal length. Too much light hits the sensor in the Galaxy S3 with its lens. That’s why there is an artifact in the form of “Whiteout,” especially in the first picture.

To check the results again, we again took photographs from the same place in the evening:

Now the picture is somewhat different. The Galaxy S3 produced photos with darker colors, better contrast and detail, more pronounced. For proof, you can look at the tree branch photographed in the upper right corner.

Although we take photographs from smartphones, you can still use the zoom option if desired. The built-in zoom allows you to enlarge the image up to 4 times, both in the Galaxy S3 and in the Galaxy S2. It is quite reasonable to see the results of comparing photos when zooming:

In both cases, the image turned out to be too noisy, since the digital zoom cannot stabilize the image and produce sufficient sharpness in the image. However, the Galaxy S3's photo sensor performed slightly better than the Galaxy S2's.

It is quite obvious that smartphones can replace a simple camera for daily photography. Now let's check the versatility of the cameras and shoot in extremely low light conditions using flash:

Once again, the Galaxy S3's camera wins. The image is clear, details are more visible. This is where the reduced focal length comes into play, which becomes a slight advantage.

Well, how can you resist taking a couple of photos in macro mode?

Both smartphones coped quite well with objects at a distance of 20 centimeters. However, it’s better to take close-up photographs, as this is how smartphones and their cameras show themselves more worthy, which is what most users need.

Again, the Galaxy S3 stands out thanks to its sharper images, with more realistic colors, albeit less saturated, but with clear details.

In conclusion, the Galaxy S3 takes better photos even in low light conditions. Alas, the Galaxy S2 loses, although not by much. Colors are more saturated, noise is reduced, detail is also at the same level.

The only bad thing is in strong lighting Galaxy cameras The S3 performs too poorly and often shows light artifacts in photos. If you often have to take photographs under such conditions, then you can use a few tips on changing the parameters.

It is already quite clear and logical that when the flow of light to the sensor decreases, light artifacts should disappear. But these are just cameras on a smartphone, which means the settings are very limited. Luckily Samsung has come up with a smart camera setup.

In the camera settings, you can go to the “White Balance” tab. It can be set to “Daylight”, which will slightly reduce the problems when photographing in bright light.

As you must have realized, to take photographs High Quality, you don't need a smartphone. It won't be a perfect device. Although, as an ideal companion, Galaxy S3 can stand out and capture memories with better quality.

The most unpleasant moment can be called the situation when applications close unexpectedly or an error message appears on the display.

In our opinion, software developers should add a more convenient help system, especially for Samsung devices to troubleshoot such problems. There is one application from Samsung, it is called Samsung Cares - we do not rule out that you will like it and want to install it on your device. In any case, below are some tips on how to solve the annoying problem of the camera not working on your Galaxy S3.

There are a few things you need to do, and some of them are quite simple. First of all, you can clear the camera app and data cache. Note that this will not affect your pictures and photos, but will only delete preset data that helps the application launch faster at startup. In most cases, such data is damaged, so you need to delete it. In principle, this method will not have a noticeable effect on the speed of the camera, but it can help in solving problems with the camera.

  1. Click on the "Menu" icon on home screen and select the “Settings” section.
  2. Now tap on “App Manager” and then swipe left to find the “All Apps” icon.
  3. Scroll down and select the Camera app.
  4. In the information sector, click on the “Force Stop” icon, then clear the cache and then clear the data. The settings you probably saved earlier will be deleted, but you can restore them again without any problems. Please note that deletion will in no way affect any of your photos.
  5. After completing step 4, you will need to restart your phone (press the “On” key and select “Reboot”).

Did these tips help you? If not, then there are still other solutions. You can apply these tips to the Gallery app as well.

Clearing the cache partition

If your camera issues are still not resolved, you can also do a cache partition wipe on your Galaxy S3. This, again, is very easy to do, but if you do it for the first time, it can seem a little scary. Do not be afraid! Can you do it! Here's how it's done:

  1. Turn off your Galaxy S3.
  2. Press the Volume Up, Home and Power keys simultaneously. and hold them.
  3. When the phone vibrates, release the Power button but continue to hold the other two buttons. After a while, a screen will appear that says Android System Recovery.
  4. Go to “Wipe cache partition” using the “Volume Down” key and then press “On.” to confirm the selected action.

Let's be clear that this is not a factory reset, and doing so will not delete any of your data, but will clear the application cache, which will likely help fix the problem.

Reset to factory settings

If problems are still present, then you can try some more solutions. One of them is a factory reset. You can find out how to do it on our website or on others.

Alternative applications

In case all else fails, you should probably use third party applications- there are many similar applications, for example, Google Camera. By the way, this is an amazing app that everyone should try. This application can be downloaded from Google Play Store.

Nothing helps? Buy a new phone

If you don't want to switch to alternative applications, then you should take your phone to the store mobile devices Samsung, or the store where you bought it. The store employee will probably try to flash the factory binaries, and if you still get the camera failure message, then you'll need a new phone.

We really hope that you have already found a solution that helped you. What will you do if you have problems with your Galaxy S3 camera crashing?