Reset Android battery statistics. Calibrating the battery in Android by deleting the statistics file is a myth

Phones and tablets working in the operating room Android system have long acquired a reputation for being “all-consuming” energy devices. Many people are probably familiar with the situation when a gadget starts to turn itself off when the battery charge has not yet been completely used up, for example, there is still 50 or 70% of the charge left.

The first thought in such a situation is to buy new battery. But my advice to you is don’t rush, it’s just that your OS has not correctly remembered the power consumption mode and is starting to manage the battery not quite correctly, you just need to calibrate the battery and if it doesn’t help, then you can safely go to the store for a new battery.

How to calibrate an Android battery?

There are several ways to set up economical energy consumption. Some require root access, others do not. We will describe each method so that you choose the one that suits you.

How do I know if my tablet has battery problems?

Before you start dealing with a problem, you need to identify it and admit that it exists. After all, maybe the tablet works fine for you and the battery holds a charge well, and you are already trying to calibrate it.

1. We have already described the first sign above - if the Android device, for no apparent reason, starts to turn off before the battery is completely discharged. These are the cases when the battery charge is still displayed on the screen and maybe even 95%, but the tablet or smartphone nevertheless turns off.

2. The second sign is a rapid decrease in the device’s battery life. For example, if after purchase your tablet lasted 5 days, and after a month it became 4 days, after another month of use - 3 days. This sure sign Not correct settings batteries that require calibration.

What does calibration mean?

If you look in the dictionary, this means setting up or bringing an instrument/device to an optimal state. Often used in electrics when it is necessary to configure a device to certain standards.

In our case, this is tuning (calibrating) the battery in order to improve energy consumption so that it is in optimal shape and therefore holds the battery charge for as long as possible.

Android battery calibration without root access

Method 1

First, you need to find out the capacity of the experimental battery in milliamp-hours (mAh). You can find information on the Internet, in some review of your tablet model, or just look under the battery, most often the characteristics are written on it.

Ampere is a unit of current measurement; mAh measures the battery capacity. It means how many milliamps the battery can provide for one hour. If consumption increases, then the capacity indicator drops.

The next step is to install the CurrentWidget: Battery Monitor program from the Play Market. This app will show the battery charge in milliamps (mA). Now, by monitoring the charge level, you need to charge the battery to the capacity specified by the manufacturer.

When the required number of milliamps is reached, turn off the tablet and start it up. By rebooting the device, you will let it know what the current battery level is.

If it doesn’t help, then try another modification of this battery calibration method - do 5 full charge/discharge cycles of the phone so that when fully charged, the battery capacity reaches the required maximum in mAh. After the last fifth full charge, remove Charger, wait 10-20 seconds and do a hard reset of the tablet.

After these manipulations, the device must remember the required charge level and take it as 100%.

Hard Reset - full reset all settings, rollback to factory settings. To do this, dial *#*#7780#*#* and press the call button. This USSD request does not work on all Android devices!

Method 2

The second method is a variation of the first, the only difference is that you do not need to install special programs, only work with charging.

  • To calibrate the battery, charge the battery until it is fully charged so that the screen shows a level of 100%, then unplug the charger and turn off the tablet (phone). Then connect the charging cable to the disconnected device and continue charging the battery until led indicator(LED) will not light up green, indicating that the battery is fully charged.
  • Turn on the device again and remove the option automatic shutdown screen (usually on Android: display settings -> sleep mode). Now that your tablet has stopped going into sleep mode, we begin to charge the battery to 100% again.
  • It is necessary to disable sleep mode in order for the device to shut down faster. Therefore, after fully charging, we leave the tablet with the display on and wait for it to completely discharge.
  • We charge our device again and that’s it, now Android should use the battery correctly and follow the full discharge cycle. Don't forget to turn Sleep Mode back on!

Calibrating the battery of a Tablet with Android and root access

With root access there are several calibration methods. If one of them does not work, then there is a high probability that the second will give results.

Method 1 - Battery Calibration
Install the Battery Calibration program from the Play Market. Then connect the charger and charge the battery to 100%. Then open the Battery Calibration application and look at the battery level in the program, as most likely it will differ from what is shown on the display.

Continue charging the tablet until it reaches 100% according to Battery Calibration. When the charge level reaches the maximum, press the “battery calibration” button, and then reboot. That's it, we have calibrated our Android tablet.

As with non-root battery calibration, we're trying to give Android "reference points" so it can see when the battery is fully charged and when it's low.

Method 2 - Recovery mode

1. Go to Recovery mode on Android and go to the Advanced section, where you will find the “wipe battery stats” option. This will remove any previously made calibrations by you or the system itself.

Recovery mode is a recovery mode in Android. On different types devices, the method of booting into Recovery mode is different, but often the actions are something like this: on the device turned off, press the volume up button, then press Home button, after which you need to press the power button. All three buttons must be pressed simultaneously, not one after another!

Video example of booting into Recovery mode:

2. After resetting all previous Android calibrations, completely discharge the battery before turning off the device. After that, put the disconnected device on charge, and without turning it on, charge it to full.

3. Turn on your tablet/smartphone without unplugging the power cable and perform calibration in the Battery Calibration app. With this step we will further strengthen the settings and let Android understand what we need.

  • If the batteries are already 5-10 years old, then you no longer need to think about calibration, but about buying a new one. And don't be surprised if the above methods don't work on your devices;
  • On new devices, always do several cycles of complete discharge - charging the battery, calibration can also be done;
  • If all else fails, check your charging cable, maybe there is a problem with it;
  • Do not constantly charge from USB. Use this method only in extreme cases when there is no normal outlet;
  • It is not recommended to use non-original chargers - they can quickly drain your battery and it will no longer be able to deliver the number of milliamp hours for which it is designed;
  • If the device has fallen, floated, or floated, these methods may not help. In this case, contact service centers and let them clean and repair it. Because miracles only happen in fairy tales!
  • If you constantly fly on an airplane or go to the mountains, then don’t be surprised at how quickly your battery drains; it’s not a matter of Android and calibration, but of physics.

For all current smartphones, be they iOS or Android devices, the issue of autonomy is especially acute. The thing is that phones today process large volumes of processes that require a lot of energy.

Calibrating the battery can be a relative solution to this situation. Its essence is to forcefully tune the battery, which brings it to an optimal state for use. After all the manipulations, your battery will hold its charge for as long as possible. Next, we will tell you how to calibrate a new battery (Android).

Calibration Features

Internet forums are absolutely full of all kinds of advice by calibration. In general, there are only a few proven methods; they will help complete the task. As mentioned above, the biggest problem for many Android smartphones is the battery. Calibration can proceed as follows:

  1. On smartphones with Root access (2 methods).
  2. Without Root access (also 2 methods).

We will talk about each of them in detail later. The calibration process itself is relevant only if the phone really quickly discharges (in less than 5 hours of average load) or a high battery charge is displayed (90-95%), and the cell phone turns off for no reason. It is in such cases that you should think about calibration.

without Root: method 1

The first thing to do is find out (in mAh). You can find out this from several sources: from the Internet, in the passport of your device, or directly on the battery, where the required number should be written. Next, we follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the Play Market, where we look for and install the CurrentWidget: Battery Monitor program, which will show the battery charge in milliamps.
  2. By monitoring the charge level, we charge the smartphone as much as possible to the level specified by the manufacturer.
  3. When the required charge is reached, turn off the phone and turn it on again. Rebooting the device is required in order to determine what the true battery level is currently.
  4. If necessary, repeat 2-3 times.

After such simple manipulations, your smartphone should remember the required charge level, correctly displaying the data on your Android. A battery that has been calibrated more than once will no longer be able to show high battery life results, so you will have to think about replacing it.

Some phones have a "default calibration" feature. To start it, go to the battery settings item (Menu - Settings - Battery), where we select "Calibration" from the drop-down list. We start it up, wait 10-15 minutes and charge the device. This is where all your actions end.

Calibration without Root: method 2

The second method is a variation of its predecessor; it differs only in that there is no need to download programs. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. In order to perform calibration, we charge the battery to the maximum, after which we disconnect the charger and the phone itself. Then we connect the charging cable to the switched off device and continue charging until the LED indicator turns green, which means the battery is fully charged.
  2. We start the smartphone again and disable the ability to go into “Sleep mode”. As a rule, this can be done in the display settings. It is worth performing this action so that the smartphone is discharged as quickly as possible.
  3. After waiting until the charge level drops to 1-2%, we reconnect the charger so that Android can properly use battery resources and maintain a full operating cycle. Don't forget to return it back

All this will improve the performance of your Android. The battery (which was previously calibrated) will be able to hold a charge longer and will display data correctly.

Calibration with Root access: method 1

If you have Root access (that is, superuser mode is enabled) to the files, do the following:

  1. Install the Battery Calibration application so that normal calibration occurs Android batteries. The program will show the exact data and not the data that is displayed on the display.
  2. We continue to charge the smartphone until the application shows the 100% mark. When the battery has reached its full capacity, click “battery calibration”.
  3. Then we reboot the device and enjoy the configured device for the Android OS.

This completes the execution of the first method with Root access ends.

Calibration with Root access: method 2

So, let's do the following:

  1. We go into Recovery mode and go to the "Advanced" section. There we look for the Wipe battery stats menu item, which will delete all calibrations previously performed by the user.
  2. Then we completely discharge the device until it turns off by itself.
  3. After that, we put the smartphone back on the charger and, without turning it on, charge it to 100%.
  4. We start the device without turning it off and then carry out calibration in the Battery Calibration program. This step will further strengthen the settings, making it clear to the OS what is required of it.

In general, the above methods are the main ways to calibrate a battery.

Calibrating the battery on an Android tablet

The tablet market today is very diverse, because a fairly compact device sometimes replaces a desktop PC or laptop, which is very convenient when traveling frequently. Of course, most of all devices run Android OS. As in the case of smartphones, devices discharge very quickly, which is very unfortunate. Battery calibration on tablets is no different from that on phones, because the operating principle of the OS itself does not change.

  1. Charge the tablet to maximum. Even if we are told that the process is over, we continue to charge the gadget. The first point must be at least 8 hours. Of course, the device itself must be turned on.
  2. Then unplug the charger from the outlet and turn off the tablet.
  3. We start charging the device again for an hour, after which we pull out the power cable and turn on the device. We keep it in this state for a couple of minutes, after which we turn it off again and put it on charge again.
  4. After another hour, disconnect the charger and turn on the tablet, enjoying the fact that the Android battery has been successfully calibrated.

Samsung, Asus, Lenovo and other market giants, as a rule, produce high-quality products that do not skimp on details. So there should not be any special problems with calibration. If all else fails, you should think about purchasing a new battery. As a tip: do not use USB very often as a charger, as this can seriously damage your tablet or smartphone.

Myths and their refutation

We often meet people who advise to “boost” or “train” the battery by completely discharging the battery. Once upon a time, the memory effect really worked, but it was relevant for nickel-metal hydride batteries, which are not found on the modern market. Nowadays, all devices are equipped with lithium batteries that do not have this feature. Moreover, deep charge-discharge cycles have an extremely detrimental effect on the operation of such batteries.

It is quite common to see advisors that tell you to delete the Android battery calibration file called batterystats.bin. In fact, this will not help in any way, because it only contains data that shows the level of energy consumption of certain applications.

Important tip! In order for your phone battery to last longer and hold a good charge, after purchasing a smartphone or tablet, do 5 full cycles of charging and discharging the battery. This will significantly increase battery life.

Methods for calibrating the battery on Android

  • Without obtaining Root access
  • WITH getting Root access
  • Using programs and applications
  • Using the Recovery menu

How to calibrate the battery without root access

Method 1.
First you need to find out the full capacity of your battery in milliamp-hours. To do this, you need to look under the battery, where all the information about it is stored, or you can find information on the Internet, in some review where the characteristics of your model are indicated. After this, you should install the calibration program from the Play Market on the device. There are a lot of them, but the most effective is Current Widget: Battery Monitor.

Using this program you can find out the battery charge in milliamps (mah). From now on, you should charge the device until maximum level charging. After this, you should turn off and turn on the device again. This action will let the phone know what the real and valid battery limit should be. If this method does not work, then you can try to do five cycles of charging and discharging the device and after the fifth time remove the charger and perform a hard reset phone or tablet. Hard reset will reset all created settings to their original state, but the command does not work on all Android operating systems.

Method 2.
The next method for calibrating the Android battery is extremely similar to the first, the only difference is that you do not need to install additional applications. To do this, you need to charge your phone to maximum value. After this, disconnect the charger and turn off the phone. Then reconnect the charging cable and wait until the LED indicator turns green, indicating that the battery is fully charged. Then you need to turn on the phone and remove the auto screen off function. This action can be done using the settings. All this is needed to ensure that the phone runs out faster. After the absolute discharge cycle, we charge it again to the maximum value. After all operations, the Android operating system should use the battery sparingly and perform a full discharge cycle.

Android battery calibration program

You need to install the calibration program from Play market. There are a lot of them, but the most common is Battery Calibration. After installing this application, you need to charge your phone or tablet to the maximum charge, and then launch this application.

The charge values ​​on the display and in the application will differ significantly, so you need to wait until they reach the same value. As soon as they become the same, you need to press the “battery calibration” button. Your device's battery is now calibrated. This method is similar to the one we did without root access.

Calibration using Recovery

You need to go into Recovery mode on Android (Usually this is by holding down the power button and the volume + button when the device is turned off) and go to the additional settings section, where the “wipe battery stats” function is located.

It will delete all previously made settings and settings. After resetting all previous settings, you should completely discharge the device. After that, put it on charge again and charge to the maximum value. When the maximum charge value is reached, you need to go back to the application and perform calibration. This action will strengthen the settings and increase functionality operating system android.

There are cases among users that each of the methods does not work. This happens because the battery it uses is more than five years old and any calibration will not help here. When purchasing a new phone, it is recommended to immediately perform several cycles of complete discharge and charging. This action will increase the functionality of the phone and ensure long-term operation.

Modern mobile devices they just look simple. In fact, each of these compact devices - tablet, smartphone or just mobile phone- represent a whole complex various systems. Some of them have very high energy consumption. For a tablet, such a module is a block, just like for a smartphone. It is not surprising that even with a large battery capacity, the charge does not last long. You can often come across such a thing as calibrating a tablet battery, which is said to be necessary and even inevitable. Let's see if this is true.

There are situations in which the battery may need to be calibrated. The short list is as follows:

  1. The device began to work for much less time;
  2. After full charging, the indicator on the screen does not show 100% level;
  3. The system displays a decrease in battery capacity in strong jumps;
  4. The tablet turns off due to lack of power, although the indicator does not indicate that the battery is completely discharged, and no warnings are issued.

There may be several explanations for this behavior. Some cases are quite expected - experiments were carried out with the device, for example. Others are not so obvious, and battery calibration may actually be necessary. A short list of symptoms and preliminary actions can be summarized as follows:

  • the firmware with which the system was recorded, which has different battery usage statistics, has changed;
  • the battery has been changed and has different parameters;
  • The tablet battery fails;
  • the power and battery charge controller is acting up;
  • the charger does not provide the necessary parameters;
  • The battery controller gives incorrect readings from the sensors that Android uses.

There is no point in compensating for the last four points. Needs renovation. But the whole catch is that the behavior of the tablet is difficult - in the electronics or the software part. Therefore, before you go to service center, it is better to resort to simpler methods.

Most popular method

If the firmware is changed, the best answer to the question of how to calibrate the battery on Android will sound very simple. You need to reset the battery usage statistics and force the system to create the file again.

There is a popular and quite widespread - the Battery Calibration program. It acts radically and simply, forcing Android to recognize the battery as the first and only one and set the power system parameters in accordance with its characteristics.

The application will need root access to delete statistics. Battery Calibration can be downloaded from PlayMarket, it is easy to install and does not require configuration. You won’t have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to calibrate the battery on your tablet either. as follows:

  1. Install Battery Calibration;
  2. Fully charge the tablet when turned off;
  3. Turn on the device and launch the program;
  4. Before us is a single button. Click;
  5. Battery Calibration will ask for a superuser name.

Video on how to use the Battery Calibration app:

Having specified the required data and confirmed the choice, the user initiates overwriting the statistics file and creating parameters that are responsible for only 100% battery charge. Then the system will do everything itself according to the readings of the battery controller.

Meticulous and attentive users began to ask questions to the “author” - Google. They concerned, first of all, the effectiveness of using Battery Calibration and similar programs. As expected, the company recognized the method as the least effective, giving an acceptable result only when the following factors are combined:

  • normal battery condition;
  • correct operation of the power controller;
  • reliable battery sensor readings;
  • normal operation of the charger.

The method proposed by Google to calibrate the battery on Android is quite complicated. Judge for yourself:

  1. or smartphone. The process must continue for at least 8 hours, even if the system signals that charging is complete. The device must be turned on;
  2. Disconnect the charger or unplug it from the outlet. Turn off your tablet or smartphone;
  3. Start the charging process again and continue for an hour;
  4. Disconnect the charger and turn on the tablet or smartphone. Keep it in this state for a minute or two;
  5. Turn off the device and charge again. Continue for an hour;
  6. Physically disconnect the charger cable and turn on the smartphone or tablet.

It looks strange at first glance. But everything is rational and simple. In this way, statistics are recreated and hardware parameters are adjusted as much as possible to suit all conditions. From a physical point of view, everything looks like this:

  • after the first point, the battery gains capacity, which corresponds to the maximum controller readings recorded in system statistics;
  • the second point relieves the load, all consumers are disconnected;
  • the third point performs additional charging with optimal current and voltage under hardware control of the power chip;
  • the fourth point forces the system to update statistics, since sensor readings may not correspond to previously recorded ones;

The actions of the fifth and sixth points are control ones. They are intended mainly for complex devices whose power management systems use operating system statistics. The last two steps allow you to truly charge the battery completely. And turning on the smartphone or tablet again records a new maximum of indicators in the statistics if they have changed.

As you can see, this is the most It can be done periodically if the battery loses capacity.

other methods

You can find several more options for action. One of them is a prototype of the technique proposed by Google - repeated charging/discharging of the tablet. The same method of collecting new statistics, only not as accurate.

There are a number of programs similar in principle to Battery Calibration. But resetting statistics parameters, as described above, does not always work well.

Which display the indicators of battery monitoring sensors in numerical form. One of them is Battery Monitor. It displays the current battery charge in milliamp-hours. It is recommended to charge the battery until the program readings match the maximum capacity written on the battery.

The program works great, but anyone who decides to learn how to calibrate the battery on Android is likely to encounter problems. If we are talking about improper operation of the power controller or a drop in battery performance, then in accordance with the recommendations, you can repeat the charging/discharging process forever. And to no avail.

What to do?

In order not to wander around in three pines, wondering why the tablet began to work for less time or behaves incorrectly, use the method proposed by Google. This tablet battery calibration is completely safe.

Perhaps the problems will disappear; in any case, the repetition of similar symptoms after some time will clearly signal hardware problems. But if you carried out experiments: changed the firmware or changed the power management parameters, resetting the statistics using Battery Calibration is acceptable and will give good results.

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After purchasing a brand new smartphone or tablet on Android based, many users are beginning to notice one unpleasant feature - the rapid drainage of the battery. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from a malfunction of the gadget itself to malicious applications.

More details about everyone possible reasons You can find out about fast battery drain and their solutions in the article

But, if the problem has already appeared, then do not get upset and immediately run for a new battery; you can try to revive the battery using calibration.

What is battery calibration

If we talk in simple words, then calibration is setting up and bringing the battery to its optimal state.

Battery calibration(from the French Caliber value, size, template) is a set of forced actions (cycles) with the battery, the purpose of which is to bring the parameters to the most optimal values.

When is calibration needed?

If you begin to notice that your device begins to discharge quickly or even turn off ahead of time, this means that the so-called “Memory Effect” has worked. You can retrain it using calibration.

Memory effect– this is a reversible loss of capacity caused by a violation of the recommended charging mode, in particular, when recharging a battery that is not completely discharged.

If the battery is not fully charged, its capacity decreases over time. The battery seems to remember to what limit it needs to be charged. The reason for this effect is the enlargement of the active substance in the battery and, as a consequence, a decrease in the active surface area of ​​its working substance.

There are two main ways to calibrate the battery on Android:

  1. Manual method.
  2. Automatic method.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Manual calibration method

First, let's look at the simplest type of calibration. All you need to implement it is Android itself and a charger.

  1. Charge the battery to 100%.
  2. Unplug the charger and turn off the phone.
  3. Connect the charging cable and plug it back in.
  4. Repeat step #3 until fully charged appears on the screen.
  5. Turn on your phone, open Settings and turn off Sleep Mode.
  6. Then charge the battery back to 100%.
  7. After the smartphone is charged, leave it to discharge with the display on.
  8. When the smartphone is discharged, charge it again.

This is where the “manual” calibration method ends. This should be enough for your smartphone to start using energy properly again. Don't forget to turn Sleep Mode back on.

Automatic calibration method

Automatic view implies installation special application to calibrate the battery. As a rule, programs are divided into those that work with and without root rights.

Calibration process with Root rights and without Root are largely similar and have several minor differences, so we will not describe each of them separately, but will provide general instructions:

  1. Connect the charger to your device.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Once the phone is charged to 100%, leave the charger connected for another 1 hour.
  4. After an hour, open the application menu, click the “Calibrate” button and wait for the process to complete.
  5. Unplug the charger.
  6. Reboot your phone.

Attention! In some cases, a regular reboot may not be enough and you will need to do a full reset to factory settings!

This completes the calibration process; if you did everything correctly, then your memory battery was reset.

Calibration Applications

There are many free applications for automatic battery calibration. List best programs you will find below. All presented software is completely free and available for download on Google Play.

1. Accu​Battery

The application uses the most modern technology to check for potential problems on your battery and calibrates it with one button. We recommend calibrating the battery once a week, and the process will take no more than three minutes.


2. Battery Recovery

Quite a popular battery calibration app that can help you increase the uptime of your Android and the life of your battery. Having completed only 4 simple steps, you can extend the battery life and charge level of your phone for free.


3. HD Battery

This program will fix the problems of your Android and make it see the real battery capacity, allowing you to charge to full capacity. Advanced Battery Calibrator works especially well together with the Battery Life Repair app, to get the full benefit, use both apps.


4. Kaspersky Battery Life

Free professional application to increase battery life. The program works with one click. You can learn how to increase the lifespan of your Android device. Use Life Repair Life and forget about charging your phone every day. Using the application once a week significantly increases battery life.


5. Phone Check

Battery problems? Want to maximize battery life and runtime? With this program you can achieve the desired effect. The use of advanced calibration technologies will make your battery as good as new. Simply run an automated process that independently analyzes the current battery health and corrects any problems detected. The calibration process will take no more than 3 minutes.


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