Selecting a phone according to Yandex Market parameters. How to choose the right cell phone

How to choose good phone without spending any money? What should you pay attention to? Which manufacturers are preferable? These kinds of questions arise every time you are planning to purchase new phone. And it seems that you have already decided on one model, when you notice another, no less good. The vast market of mobile devices will not allow you to quickly choose a phone, offering hundreds good decisions. We decided to help those looking for a new smartphone by describing in today’s article what parameters they should pay attention to when choosing.

Agree, not every grandmother will want a phone with a bunch of incomprehensible functions and the most powerful processor. An elderly person simply will not unlock the full potential of a sophisticated smartphone, using minimal capabilities (calls, SMS). So why overpay for technologies that will not find practical application in the future?

You should not chase expensive smartphones that are diligently advertised by manufacturers. If you don't play games, then you don't need a powerful processor. A device for 3,000-4,000 rubles can handle everyday tasks, social networks and simple arcade games. Do you rarely take photographs? Then pay less attention to the camera on your phone.

Before going to the store, determine for yourself what tasks the future purchase will perform and what is more important to you. By first deleting features that you can do without, you will spend significantly less on your purchase.

What to look for when choosing a phone

A modern telephone is a complex device. Therefore, when choosing, you will have to focus on many parameters, which we will discuss in detail below. The main characteristic for the overwhelming number of users, the price of the model becomes. If you are not one of those who can easily shell out $1,000 for a new product from Apple, then when choosing, you should take into account the prices.

Determine in advance the budget that you are willing to spend on a new phone, so as not to look at more expensive and attractive models in the future. Knowing your specific budget will help significantly speed up your choice by weeding out more expensive devices.

Before purchasing, it’s also a good idea to read reviews of the phone you want, since there are plenty of them on the Internet. It will only be beneficial to read user reviews, from which you can learn about possible problems with the device.

Housing materials and design

Some users, when choosing a phone, put appearance and build materials at the end of the list, paying more attention to memory, processor and other parameters, which is not entirely true. You will have to spend more than a month with your newly purchased smartphone, and the terrible design will clearly not add to the pleasure of use, even if you have a top-end processor installed. Very cheap materials will irritate, poor assembly will quickly make itself felt in the form of creaks and crunching of the case.

To avoid all this, you should look at the characteristics of what material the case is made of. But the quality depends directly on your budget.

If your budget is seriously limited

Even if you have very little money for a new phone, you shouldn’t be upset. Gone are the days when almost every mobile phone was made from cheap plastic. Today, many budget devices have an all-metal body that won’t make a squeak no matter how you twist it in your hands.

If you are going to order, then for around 7,000 rubles you can find options in a metal case. In the domestic market, unfortunately, you will have to pay more for metal. However, don’t turn your nose up at plastic either. Many manufacturers actually produce good devices in polycarbonate, which is often complemented by a metal frame for reliability.

As a result, we have: if the budget is limited to 6000-7000 rubles, you will most likely have to choose a phone from the plastic representatives.

Balanced solution

If we have 10,000 rubles or more at our disposal, then it will not be difficult to choose an all-metal model. You can, of course, save money by choosing plastic, but metal is much more practical and reliable. Alloy cases can save the phone from falls from great heights, remove heat from the processor faster, and feel more expensive and reliable in the hands.

It is worth noting that metal transmits signals less well, so manufacturers often add plastic inserts on top and bottom to phones.

If you wish, you can find smartphones made in a glass case, but you should understand that they are more fragile (but they look very stylish). In addition, inexpensive phones often use cheap glass, which quickly becomes scratched.

As a result, we have: if you have more than 10,000 rubles at your disposal, the best option will become a metal body.

Unlimited budget

When the budget, as they say, allows, you can even choose an exotic body material. It is clear that preference can be given to alloys of various metals, which will ensure high reliability. Many flagship smartphones today have tempered glass cases, which are characterized by excellent wear resistance. Aesthetes may like cases made of leather or wood - they look expensive and unusual, but have a significant impact on the price of the device.

There are even rarer materials that are used in limited editions of smartphones. For example, ceramics, precious stones, skin of rare animals. Such devices are more like works of art, distinguishing their owner in society.

As a result, we have: if funds allow, the choice of material depends only on your preferences.


The screen is something that we will have to contact regularly and receive gigabytes of information from it, so its quality is important. Today, even the display of an ultra-budget smartphone is capable of producing a picture that is quite pleasing to the eye, not to mention mid-range and flagship devices.

Minimum screen specifications

Let's start with such a thing as screen diagonal. It reflects the distance from one corner of the matrix to the other, measured in inches. What diagonal to choose when buying a phone? It all depends on your preferences. For some, 5 inches is too much, for others, even 6 inches feels uncomfortable.

Today, diagonals of 4.7, 5, 5.2 and 5.5 inches are especially popular. Moreover, even among budget models there are plenty of options with large screens.

Next important characteristic displays is resolution (pixel density per unit area). Resolution is measured in pixels, the higher the better (the picture is more saturated and detailed).

Resolution is inextricably linked to diagonal. As the screen size increases, the resolution must also increase (otherwise the image will have noticeable pixels).

Until recently, on budget smartphones A resolution of 840x480 pixels was considered normal, but today it has grown to 1280x720 pixels (HD). It is well suited for 5-inch matrices, and looks good on 5.5 inches.

You don’t have to go into the types of matrices, since in most cases today it is used IPS technology(unless you choose a phone from outdated models).

The best option

Everyone chooses the optimal screen diagonal based on their own needs, so let’s go straight to the resolution. If you are choosing a phone based on the price/quality principle, then the best option will be (1920x1080 pixels). This resolution looks great on any diagonal, unless you are one of the picky users. Moreover, the majority modern smartphones The mid-level ones are FullHD screens.

Maximum quality

For fans virtual reality and ultra-clear images, we recommend smartphones with QHD, 2K or . Such screens can provide excellent picture quality, which is especially noticeable when using VR glasses, but have a significant impact on the cost of the device. In addition, there is only one smartphone with 4K resolution so far - Sony Xperia Z5 Premium.

There is no point in chasing 2K resolution, much less 4K. The differences from FullHD are minimal, but you will have to overpay a serious amount. It’s worth looking at such resolutions if you plan to use your smartphone with virtual reality headsets.


The processor in a smartphone is the heart on which how quickly the device will work depends. There are several popular brands of processors on the market, the lines of which are very extensive and are constantly updated with new models. As a rule, processors can be distinguished by digital markings - the higher the number, the more powerful the chip. Consider each the lineup– the task is complex and lengthy, so you should rely on the characteristics of the chip (number of cores and clock frequency).

You shouldn't chase a flagship processor from two years ago. A modern chip, albeit an average one, can show results that will significantly exceed its top-end ancestor.

Minimum Processor Requirements

Phones are so versatile and smart that they will satisfy the requirements of any owner, especially since technology is growing very quickly. Mobile phones have become an indispensable partner both in our personal lives and in business, they help us not only keep in touch, but also do much more - they give us quick access to the Internet, social networks, combine almost professional video and photo cameras, and even allow us to navigate. All this in one device.

How to choose what we need, and where is the line between necessary and unnecessary devices for each of us?

Here are the steps to help you make your choice

1. Firstly, at least the appearance is satisfactory to you. The reason for this is nothing more than the first impression created appearance devices.

When choosing a cell phone, make sure it fits comfortably in your hand and looks the way you imagined. However, you will be spending a lot of time every day with this phone. Remember that a telephone is a simple addition to your Everyday life, behavior and style.

2. Think better about how you imagine your phone - complete with countless apps to check the weather forecast, your email or calls. When choosing a phone without many features, the benefit is the battery, which lasts up to two weeks to charge.


On the market today you can find quite a few brands of phones, models, with a clear name and not so obvious alphanumeric combinations.


These smart devices are identified by the operating system as WindowsPhone, Apple iOS, Google Android and many others. Due to the almost limitless possibilities, in most cases these are just some of the most expensive phones on the market.


Inconsistent by definition basic phones. Not all of us give great importance excellent phone screen quality or installing a new application on your phone.

For people interested in using a phone only for calls, basic phones are the best option.


And phones with add-ons are immediately in the spotlight. Unlike smartphones, these devices come with an operating system from the manufacturer. This is a phone with a QWERTY keyboard.



Brief classification of screen sizes

Large (from 4.7 to 5.5 inches) These are phones with screens that are usually the size of the phone itself.

Food for thought for every new phone buyer is that this phone will be uncomfortable to hold for a long call. These devices are difficult to operate with one hand.

Medium (from 4 to 4.5 inches) or let's call it a medium screen. A device with a screen that successfully balances the requirements of quality and optimal size.

Small (less than 4 inches), this size is for lovers of portable and small phones. Easy to carry in your shirt pocket, won't sag if you put it at the bottom of your pocket.


While the phone is used as a smart device, it must have sufficient processing power. This parameter is determined by the processor - it can determine the speed at which images are flipped in your smartphone. Like computers, models with dual- and quad-core processors are in demand.


It's just worth mentioning that a large number of megapixels does not always mean high quality image. The lens, image processing, and sensors are also important.


In addition, the full technical specification of the battery - mAh - is given in a completely understandable language in the specification about the maximum duration of a call, the amount of time in standby mode, the ability to shoot video, for example. This information can serve as a guide when choosing a phone.

Additional options


There is no doubt that the most popular, old technologies LCD screens(Liquid Crystal Display). The weak point of the technology is the backlight, which is located outside the screen matrix. This entails a narrow viewing angle and low contrast compared to AMOLED displays.

Active matrix organic light-emitting diode displays. These screens are not designed for backlighting; they benefit from better contrast and brighter colors than LCD screens.


Well-known Apple operating system for mobile device. Working with the user interface becomes direct manipulation - multi-touch, moving your finger across the device screen. With its latest version, iOS7 is one step away from perfection, but it is only available on Apple devices.

This is Google's operating system. The latest version released in the market is Android 4.4 KitKat. The functionality of the operating system extends to several applications, most of which Google has released under a free license. The reason for this is Google's participation in the hardware consortium, software and a telecommunications company committed to developing open standards for mobile devices.

Windows Phone , developed by the software giant Microsoft and aimed at the ordinary consumer, unlike its predecessor, Windows Mobile. An emphasis on multimedia functions, along with access to the Internet and social networks, playback of high-quality music and video, full functionality and office support are provided - calendar, mail, documents. Last Windows version Phone 8 and, according to several sources, offers the latest, freshest and most innovative interface.

BlackBerry A property of BlackBerry Ltd, it is perhaps the best known for comprehensive support for corporate email and enterprise applications. Nevertheless, latest versions MIDP allows synchronization with Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino GropuWise Novell.


Wireless charging technology is not new per se, however, it is new for mobile phones. This feature may seem unnecessary, but unless you have to charge your phone without using charger, you will see that this technology provides convenience.

NFCili Near Field Communication is a technology that enables contactless payments. Of course, the technology is not only designed for this function, but is most widely used in this direction. LTE or Long Term Breakthrough Technology for Broadband wireless transmission data. The technology allows data transfer at speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s.

Bluetooth and Hands-Free Audio. This is nothing new as technology. But here we can mention the new capabilities of this technology, such as wireless stereo headphones.

Technological progress does not stand still, so purchasing a mobile phone today is not difficult. Before making a purchase, you need to understand for what purposes a particular person needs a cell phone. It should be selected not only according to parameters, but also taking into account ease of use for different age groups. It is better to buy a device based on what reviews it has, if you have not yet formed your own opinion. In 2016-2017, a wide selection of phones is presented - from the simplest and budget ones to expensive ones that can replace computers.

Every person has a desire to buy a mobile phone. This is a convenient and modern means of communication. Today it is impossible to imagine a single day without it, since this device performs entertainment functions and allows you to stay in touch always and everywhere.

Modern developments can completely replace or even act as a working element - prestigious models help in, they can tell about the owner by the appearance of the case. That is why the question of which inexpensive but good phone to buy for yourself or your family arises quite often.

Convenience and practicality: a phone with two active SIM cards

With development mobile technologies The devices have also improved - today you can easily choose a phone version that will allow you to use two SIM cards at once. The need for this may be due to several reasons:

  1. division of contacts into home/personal and work;
  2. the opportunity to save money when communicating with subscribers of different operators;
  3. a way to save mobile traffic.

All these features, plus space saving (no need to carry two different phones) increase the demand for such devices among students and working people. Just a couple of years ago there weren’t very many “dual-SIM” apps, but now there’s a large selection. You can choose both powerful and expensive models that can completely replace a tablet - Samsung, LG or Nokia, as well as inexpensive models; the widest range is presented by Chinese manufacturers.

Advice. It must be remembered that SIM cards may be active or inactive. In the first case, the phone can receive incoming calls simultaneously on each of the SIM cards, in the second - the call will go through only one of them, the second call made at the same time will be on hold.

Which phone to buy within 5 thousand: the best options

That's all today large quantity people understand that the telephone is, first of all, a means of communication. That is why there is a need to purchase an inexpensive but high-quality device, whose price would not exceed 5,000 rubles. The modern range of phones in this price category is diverse and is not represented by “grandmother’s” options. Cheap economy phones are productive, full-fledged devices that can not only make calls, but also take photographs and play music. Most popular brands:

  1. Alcatel;
  2. Nokia;
  3. Lenovo.

Of course, it is important to understand that these phones will not have as much power as full-fledged smartphones, but there are quite suitable options that can meet your needs. modern user. If we consider the main indicators of performance and power, as well as the functions introduced into the device by the manufacturer, we can see the following:

  • screen up to 5 inches;
  • resolution 480Хх800 (854) pixels;
  • camera 2-5 MP;
  • RAM 256 MB – 1 GB;
  • ability to support 2 SIM cards (some models).

Most "economy phones" have wi-fi. The body of most of them is made of plastic and comes in a wide variety of colors. Inner memory, on which you can install a variety of programs, averages 4-5 GB, but can be expanded in some models to 6-8 GB.

The presented manufacturers are distinguished by the quality of their products, as they have been known in the markets of many countries for decades. Therefore, the person who needs to make a purchase should think about which phone to buy for personal use or as a gift - in any case, he will be satisfied with the choice made.

What good and high-quality phone can you buy for 10 thousand rubles?

In the event that you need to purchase a high-quality phone that can last for several years, which will be able to meet modern requirements, but at the same time will not harm a modest budget, you should turn your attention to economy options from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. This category includes devices from such brands as:

  1. Alcatel;
  2. Nokia;

Unlike their cheap counterparts, phones costing up to 10 thousand rubles are very similar in appearance to expensive and representative options and are capable of performing a wide variety of tasks and functions. Specifications These phones cannot be called weak. The average is:

  • screen 5 – 5.5 inches;
  • main camera 5-8 MP, front camera – 2-5 MP;
  • RAM 1-2GB;

Permanent memory here starts from 8 GB. Most models have the ability to increase it to 16-64 GB by installing memory cards. The design of the body of phones in this price category is varied - there are both classic options with an oblong body, and designer options that can become an independent decoration for the phone. A thin body is not uncommon at this price point. The main material from which the device is made is plastic, but here you can find options with aluminum inserts, glass protection and other elements of expensive smartphones.

The color reproduction here is always high, as is the number of shades in the palette, so photos and videos will be of high quality. Phone batteries will allow you to use devices without additional recharging for at least 24 hours; in some models, the amount of energy is enough for 2 days of intensive use of the device. Phones in the category up to 10 thousand rubles are capable of processing powerful programs and cope well with most modern games and entertainment - one of the main operating systems is Android with a firmware version of at least 4.0.

Which phone to choose in the category up to 15,000 rubles

The average price segment starts from 10,000 rubles, so those people whose budget is limited to 15,000 can choose an inexpensive but good phone, which in terms of performance and capabilities will be equal to famous brands or more expensive options from the same manufacturer. Among the most popular and sought-after models that have earned positive user reviews are:

The phones listed are full-fledged smartphones capable of performing a wide range of tasks. The power provided by the manufacturer is on average equal to the following indicators:

  • screen 5 - 5.5 inches, has a protective coating that prevents scratches, chips and cracks, protects against glare when viewing photos and videos;
  • wide range of colors, ability to adjust brightness and contrast;
  • resolution 1280 X 720 pixels;
  • main camera 8 -13 MP, front camera – 5 MP autofocus functions, flash, full-length video recording;
  • internal memory starts from 16 GB, can be increased to 64 GB;
  • RAM 2GB;
  • ability to support 2 SIM cards (most models).

The processor in most cases has 4 cores, which quickly process the information received, but you can also purchase phones that are equipped with 8 cores. The operating system installed on most smartphones in this price category is with a firmware version of at least 4.3.

Attention! Some models have a modern feature that is actively used in the category of expensive phones - a fingerprint scanner, so you should take this into account when choosing.

Devices in this price category can be used not only by students and schoolchildren, but also by novice businessmen, since there are many possibilities that a smartphone can easily cope with - there is easy access to the Internet, data transfer, high-quality video and photography, a variety of games and entertainment. The main material for the production of the case remains plastic, but there may be additional inserts that perform both protective and decorative functions. That is why visually the phones look very presentable and stylish.

Thus, the choice of a good, but inexpensive device is made not only based on the available budget, but also on the basic parameters that a person determines for himself. If he perceives the phone as a means of communication, then there is no need to spend large sums of money, but for the active use of modern capabilities and functions, models up to 5,000 rubles are not suitable.

All these factors must be taken into account when choosing the necessary gadget option so that it does not become a disappointment, but is able to cope with all the tasks assigned to it. First of all, you need to look at the performance of the device, then compare the indicators with your own requests, and then it will be clear in what price category the required type of smartphone is located.

How to choose a phone - video

Before you go to the store to buy a new mobile device, decide what exactly is required from it. The assortment is quite wide, and it is not difficult to get confused. However, if you clearly set your goals and know the basic criteria for how to choose the right cellular telephone, shopping will be easy and fast. At the very least, you'll have three to four models to choose from rather than being overwhelmed by shelves full of gadgets.

Cell phone display

The face of your future phone is the display. Nowadays most models are equipped with color TFT display. It is easy on the eyes and has good viewing angles. SCN technology on given time It is rare, as are monochrome displays (black and white). The latest types of screens do not consume much energy, and a monochrome screen has a huge advantage for many - information from it is perfectly readable in the sun.

But let's return to how to choose a mobile phone with standard TFT. Even if the phone has this type of display, you may encounter such an unpleasant fact as graininess. What does this depend on? Mainly, this is a “disproportionate” combination of screen diagonal and resolution. For example, for phones with a diagonal of 2.2 inches, a resolution of 320x240 (QVGA) is quite suitable, while 2.8-3 inches will already require 240x480 (HVGA). Another example: if the phone has a diagonal of 3.5 inches and a resolution of 240x480, the image on the screen will look “grainy”. For some this is not critical. However, those who value picture quality and protect their eyes will definitely choose a model with a resolution of 480x800 pixels for a 3.5-4 inch diagonal.

New types of displays are screens made using SuperAMOLED technology and Super LCD. These displays deliver rich colors, clear, a bright picture. But they have a higher price and energy consumption.

When choosing a phone, decide which one Screen size you need. For a regular dialer, 2 inches is quite suitable. But if you are going to browse the Internet or watch videos, it is better to stick to phones with a diagonal of more than 3 inches.

If you want to be fashionable and stylish, choose a good cell phone taking into account the latest trends, pay attention to touch phones. Now they occupy about 40% of the total assortment in stores.

Touch displays divided into capacitive and resistive. In the first case, the screen responds only to fingertips and a special stylus for capacitive displays. In the second case, you can press the screen with gloved fingers, nails, or a regular stylus.

Touch phones are more expensive than their “mechanical” counterparts. In addition, those who have not previously had experience with the sensor still need to “get used to” this type of display.

When purchasing, check how the sensor reacts and whether it is sensitive enough. It is unpleasant when operations slow down or occur too abruptly. Ideally, the touch screen should reflect your actions smoothly, but without unnecessary “thinking”.

Type of housing design

Based on the type of case design, mobile phones are divided into classic monoblocks, clamshells, sliders, and rotators (rotating). Less common are phones with a flip or shaped wristwatch.

Choose a case type according to your lifestyle. How to choose the right cell phone based on this criterion? For example, for a busy person leading an active, energetic lifestyle, a candy bar or slider is more suitable than a clamshell. Consider whether it will be convenient for you to open (or turn) the device every time in difficult conditions or whether it is better to give preference to the classics. The “folding phone” is convenient during a conversation: the speakers are evenly distributed.

Nowadays, many phones have a QWERTY keyboard. In principle, this is a good invention. But often it is convenient to use only for women with long nails, because on the small area of ​​the phone the mechanical buttons are simply miniature in size.

Material and assembly mobile phone

When wondering how to choose a mobile phone, pay attention to the assembly and materials. Plastic models are relatively inexpensive. However, glass displays are more likely to break when dropped and require immediate replacement, which is very expensive.

Phone panels can be glossy or matte. The gloss looks very expressive and fashionable, but the slightest stains, scratches and fingerprints on it will be very noticeable, and the phone itself can easily slip out. Therefore, if you want to purchase such a device, immediately buy a case or a special “wiping”.

If you want to choose a good cell phone, check for creaks when pressing buttons, play in the case, and also carefully examine the display for “dead” pixels. Continuing the conversation about “mechanics”, don’t be lazy to listen to the speaker. It should work efficiently as in maximum volume(without hissing and rattling of the rear panel), and at low (background noise).

Multimedia Features

Those who want to have a complete multimedia entertainment center in their phone can recommend models with a built-in camera that can take pictures and videos, and devices with an MP-3 player. By the way, in the latter case it is worth paying attention to the sound quality. In some phones it is below average and quite “flat”. Therefore, if you are a passionate music lover and want to know how to choose a cell phone with good sound quality, choose a model with stereo speakers and a subwoofer. Media player in this case must have an equalizer with the ability manual settings.

Please note that phone camera can take decent pictures mainly only in good lighting due to the inexpensive matrix. The number of pixels in this case does not play a special role. Even 2 megapixels can significantly outperform 3, depending on the phone model. The phone may be equipped with a xenon or LED flash.

In addition to a media player and camera, the phone may also have a built-in TV with a retractable antenna. Now such models are no longer a rarity and a subject of amazement.

Phone memory

The next parameter is the amount of built-in memory and the possibility of expanding it using removable memory cards. For a regular phone, which you are going to use only for calls and sending SMS, this does not play a special role.

But how to choose the right cell phone if this gadget for you is a collection of photo albums, animations, videos, films and musical compositions? You will need a fairly large space to store these files. Used as removable memory microSD cards . They come in different sizes. Check with the seller what the limit is external memory supported by one or another device model. They have different size restrictions.

If your needs go beyond a standard mobile phone, you should purchase a smartphone that combines the functions of a miniature computer and a communications device. Here the main role is played by the type of operating system, processor power and volume random access memory.

Finally, it is necessary to mention the possibility synchronize your mobile device with your computer. When purchasing a phone, people often don't think about this important feature. But with further operation it requires attention. Nowadays most phones have Bluetooth, but the availability USB cable The kit greatly simplifies the work of transferring data. Often, for a computer to recognize a gadget, you need to install required driver. The driver disk should also be present in the box.

Now you know how to choose a mobile phone. Happy shopping!