Operating system families. Operating systems of the Windows family: main characteristics and types One of the versions of operating systems of the Windows family

Every computer user knows about the Windows operating system. Today it is considered the most widespread, simple and convenient, aimed at both beginners and “advanced” owners. In this article, we invite the reader to briefly get acquainted with all the operating systems of the Windows family, from the very first to the most modern. Let's present basic information and distinctive characteristics of the versions.

About MS Windows

Windows - "Windows". This is how the name of a popular OS is translated into Russian from English.

MS Windows is the name of a family of proprietary operating families from Microsoft that are focused on using a graphical interface for management. It must be said that initially “Windows” was just a graphical add-on for MS-DOS.

In August 2014, Net Application undertook a large-scale statistical study. Based on its results, it was revealed that 89% personal computers in the world they work with operating systems of the Windows family. Agree, this is a significant indicator.

Today, Windows operates on x86, x86-64, IA-64 and ARM platforms. Previously there were versions for DEC Alpha, MIPS, PowerPC and SPARC.

OS development

First versions operating systems the Windows families, as we have already said, were not full-fledged operating systems. These are settings for MS-DOS. Such a multifunctional expansion added new processor operating modes, support for multitasking operations, and standardization of interfaces hardware computer, uniform programs for users. This feature applies to the following versions:

New stage development - Windows 9x families: 95 and 98, 2000, ME.

The current step of development falls on 2001-2016. Its beginning is considered to be the release of two versions of the popular Windows XP - corporate and home. Then versions "Vista", 7, 8, 10 were presented.

Let's look at each OS variation in more detail.

Windows 1.0

Let's reveal the features of the Windows operating system. This version was a Microsoft graphical user interface for MS-DOS. The principle of a frame window manager was used here. Helped dialogue with the operating system, unified the appearance of programs, optimized work with peripheral devices.

Bill Gates officially announced the development in 1983 in New York. Above creation of Windows 1.0 involved 24 scientists. The interface went on retail sale two years later - in 1985. In the USA at that time the product cost 99 dollars, and in Germany - 399 marks.

One of the most significant disadvantages of the development: its use required the purchase of expensive components - a new model of processor, mouse, large memory for the computer.

Windows 2.0

This addition to the MS Windows family of operating systems was released in 1987. It was distinguished by new characteristics and capabilities:

  • Using express Intel processor 286.
  • Opportunities for memory expansion and application interoperability using DDE.
  • Using hotkey combinations.
  • Using a multi-window environment.
  • Own API code.

Despite all of the above, this operating system did not become widespread, although there were developers who wrote programs for it. Its significant disadvantages: weak hardware, large software limitations.

Windows 3.0

Main characteristics operating system of the Windows family: this is the first product to truly become widespread. Its production began in 1990. The explanation was that the OS was installed by manufacturers on the computers they sold.

The MS-DOS file shell in this version was replaced by the "Program Manager". We also used our own add-on: “File Manager”, which is used for disk navigation.

You can also highlight the external design. The interface was pseudo-three-dimensional: this was achieved with an expanded VGA color palette. This version already had a fully functional "Control Panel". It allowed you to operate the system settings and opened completely new opportunity- use the image as a desktop background.

The user assistance system was organized using HTML language and already contained hyperlinks. The range of accompanying software was also expanded:

  • Text editor Wordpad.
  • Graphics editor Paintbrush.
  • Games "Solitaire-free cells", "Solitaire-kerchief", "Mineweeper".
  • Other utilities.

Several memory modes were supported: 16- and 32-bit. According to users, in terms of usability, the OS was on par with contemporary Apple Macintosh products.

Windows 3.1

What is the advantage of the operating system of the family Microsoft Windows version 3.1? This is the first OS from the corporation that has support for the Russian language, which is why it has become widespread in Russia.

Entered the market in 1992. There are no distinctive features here - 3.1 was an improved version of the previous release. Added advanced settings for the working environment, improved GUI, fixed bugs and improved stability.

Windows 95

The code name of this graphical operating system of the Windows family is “Chicago”. It was released in August 1995 (the version for Russia was presented in November of the same year).

Mainly intended for home computers. It was hybrid: it supported 16- and 32-bit systems. It was here that the desktop with the familiar icons, taskbars and the “branded” Start menu appeared.

Windows 98

The official release (after beta testing) of this version occurred in 1998. Let us list the main features and characteristics of the Windows operating system:

  • Improved AGP support.
  • Improved drivers for USB.
  • Support for multi-monitor systems.
  • First browser Internet Explorer.
  • Web TV support.

In 1999, an updated version of the OS was released. It featured a more advanced browser and added DVD support.

Windows 2000 and ME

The version was released, respectively, in 2000. She was characterized by the following:

In the same 2000, a new version of the system was released - Windows ME (Millennium Edition). Let's briefly imagine how it differed:

  • Improvement of work with multimedia tools.
  • Ability to record both audio and video conferences.
  • The emergence of means for recovering information after system failures.
  • Lack of real mode from MS-DOS.

Windows XP and Vista

XP is the most popular operating system from the Windows group. There was a version for both home and corporate computers. Key additions:

  • Improved graphical interface.
  • Quick change of "users".
  • Possibilities remote control PC.
  • Improved system recovery capabilities.

In 2003, the server version of the OS was released - Windows Server 2003. According to its developers, great attention was paid to system security. In 2006, a version of XP appeared for low-power PCs called Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs (FLP).

In 2006, Vista was introduced to corporate clients. Ordinary users were able to purchase its “home” version only in 2007. "Vista" was distinguished by the following:

  • New features for managing the user interface.
  • Updated memory management and I/O subsystem.
  • The appearance of the "hibernation" mode.
  • Improved security capabilities.

Windows 7

This operating system from Windows appeared on store shelves in 2007. Let's take a look at its distinctive characteristics:

  • Unicode 5.1 support.
  • Possibility of multi-touch control.
  • The appearance of 50 new fonts in addition to the modified standard ones.
  • Support for folder aliases internally.
  • Tight integration with driver manufacturers.
  • Compatible with a number of older applications whose launch was impossible on Vista.
  • New interface standard multimedia player.
  • Supports multiple monitors, multimedia extensions, and the ability to play audio files with low latency.

Windows 8

This version went on sale in 2012. According to statistics, it is in second place in terms of prevalence in the world (after version 7).

The innovations here are the following:

  • Login using account"Microsoft".
  • Two new methods for user authentication.
  • Appearance of an application store for the OS.
  • New version of the Internet browser: desktop and touch versions.
  • Ability to restore and reset the system.
  • New "Task Manager".
  • The "Family Safety" option appears.
  • New control panel, new welcome screen.
  • Improved search system.
  • Convenient switching of keyboard layouts.

Windows 10

The newest version of the operating system was released in July 2015. Here are its key differences from the previous ones:

  • Modification of the Start menu: presented in the form of user-customizable tiles.
  • Changing the Start size.
  • New possibilities for using the application store.
  • Appearance of the Notification Center.
  • Updated calendar, clock, battery indicator (for laptops).
  • Modern windows with new animation.
  • Updated interfaces greetings and blocking.

This concludes our review of the Windows operating systems. Perhaps in the near future the list will be supplemented with a new version.

The Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating system platforms are operating systems for use on a wide variety of computers.

The Windows NT platform includes the following operating systems:

    Windows NT Workstation;

    Windows NT for Workgroups;

    Windows NT Server.

The Windows 2000 platform includes the following operating systems:

    Windows 2000 Professional;

    Windows 2000 Server;

    Windows 2000 Advanced Server;

    Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.

Windows Professional

Windows Server

Windows Advanced Server

Windows Datacenter Server

Application area

Desktops, laptops

File server, print server, local network, network support

Business applications, e-commerce

Large critical important applications: OLTP, data warehouses, ASP and ISP

Number of processors supported by the system

Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 Professional are client operating systems. The remaining OS of these platforms are operating systems for servers. IN this review Only client operating systems are considered.

The operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows XP are 32-bit in architecture. OS Windows 95, Windows 98 are single-user, single-processor systems. Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP are multi-user operating systems that support more than one processor.

All Windows operating systems are multitasking systems with a graphical interface.

WindowsNT is a 32-bit operating system that supports a fairly high degree of security. This means that it is very difficult to corrupt data or files; programs do not interfere with each other’s work, because Each 32-bit application operates in its own Virtual Memory space (4 Gb). Security is also ensured by the fact that each user can have their own username and password to log into the system. In addition, security is provided at the level of the NTFS file system (for each file you can specify access rights to this file).

Windows NT supports the FAT file structure and the NTFS system(new technology file system).

Windows NT supports both RISC and CISC processor architectures.

Unlike the early Windows versions(such as Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95), NT is a complete operating system and not an add-on to the DOS operating system.

Microsoft Windows 98 is an updated Windows 95 operating system that expands the functionality of your computer. Advantages of this OS :

    Windows 98's Web-compatible user interface makes searching easier by unifying the presentation of information across your computer, local network, and the Web. (See chapters on Internet).

    Reduced application launch time, new disk cleaning tools and increased disk efficiency.

    Hardware support new generation such as USB bus and DVDs, expands the ability to display your workspace on multiple monitors by allowing you to connect multiple monitors and multiple graphics adapters to a single computer.

    An improved version of the file system file allocation table (FAT32) allows you to increase the volume free space on hard drives large capacity due to its more efficient use. Converting a drive to FAT32 is done by a GUI program.

In 2000, the OS appeared Windows Millennium, which became the development of the Windows 95/98 OS direction. Almost simultaneously with it, the OS appeared Windows 2000, which was based on NT technology, while retaining all the useful features of Windows 98.

Windows 2000 was planned as an OS to support the entire spectrum of computing technology - from laptops and desktop computers to cluster systems on high-end servers.

Although home users were encouraged to upgrade to Windows Me, and corporate users to Windows 2000, some users faced a choice between the more reliable and powerful Windows 2000 Professional and Windows Me, which was more tailored for the home user, particularly for gaming products. Essentially, Microsoft developed two families of operating systems in parallel - for home computers and for corporate networks, which was later found to be expensive and ineffective.

System Windows XP was created based on Windows 2000, and various versions were developed for home computer users and business users: Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional.

While retaining the core of Windows 2000, the Windows XP operating system acquired a new appearance. Typical tasks have been combined and simplified, and new visual cues have been added to help the user work with the computer.

In Windows XP, it became possible for multiple users working on the same computer to use the Fast User Switching feature. This feature has been designed for home use. It allows each family member to work with the computer as if this computer were only at their disposal. When switching, it is not necessary for the user who was previously working on the computer to log out of the system, saving the files that were open to them.

The Windows XP family also includes a 64-bit operating system Windows XP 64-Bit Edition, designed for specialized technical workstations whose users require the highest levels of performance. This OS is developed for a 64-bit Intel processor.

Advantages of the Windows OS family.

One of the advantages of the Windows family of operating systems is technology support Plug & Play– a standard of hardware and software architecture that makes device recognition possible. This technology makes it easy for the user to connect different external devices(scanners, printers, etc.)

Another advantage of these OS is their portability: through special modules, the OS communicates with different hardware.

Windows family operating systems implement preemptive multitasking method. This method allows the OS to "take over" the processor at any time, regardless of the running application. This allows you to quit the application if it freezes.

Windows operating systems support this technology OLE(Object Linking and Embedding -connection And implementation objects). OLE– a standard that allows you to create various compound documents: a document created by one application can embed or reference objects created by other applications. For example, you can insert a table created in Excel into a document created using the Word text editor.

The Windows OS interface implements object model. Formally, an object is a collection of data and methods for working with them. Each object has its own properties. It is this model that allows the user to double-click on the icon of the desired file to open it, etc.

Windows operating systems support PC operation online. This support is provided in the following situations:

    The OS supports client machine action for the most common server operating systems (Novell, etc.). This means that a computer with Windows installed on it can be connected as a workstation local network.

    The OS can simultaneously support Various types client machines, i.e. The computer can simultaneously support work in local and global networks.

    The OS makes it possible to create peer-to-peer local networks. A peer-to-peer network is a network in which all computers are equal in their rights and users can access information stored on other machines, while there is no main machine in the network - the server.

While the share of Windows 10 continues to grow, there are still some users who continue to work on Windows XP. Each of them has their own reason for not switching to newer versions of the system, but only one can be called objective - too weak computer, unable to fully pull a seven or eight. Not really XP bad by no means, it's a wonderful system.

But it has outlived its usefulness, and few software developers optimize their products for it. Programs from well-known brands may not work on it at all or work incorrectly.

It turns out there is only one way out - to buy new computer? Yes, this would be the most correct decision, but there is another way. There is a family of Windows OS, among which there is both a version 7 , so 8 , characterized by very, very modest requirements for hardware resources. And just such a Windows can be installed on a weak machine, thus killing two birds with one stone, that is, you can upgrade it without losing performance.

These are systems of a separate family NT - Windows Embedded, used in various software and hardware systems: ATMs, terminals, medical devices, and the like. Being based on desktop versions NT, systems Embedded differ from the first ones in a modified kernel, reduced functionality and lower cost. Like other versions of Windows, Windows Embedded have their own editions. For example, distributed in editorial offices POSReady , Compact , Standard And Enterprise .

Place in the family Embedded there was also a more modern one Windows 8.1, available in editions Compact , POSRead , Standard , Enterprise And Industry Pro. As for Windows 10, this version also has a separate branch for use in software and hardware systems, but it is called IoT, which translates to Internet of Things. We will look at it in more detail sometime later, but now let’s return to the main topic. Type editions POSReady too specific, due to their limited functionality they are not suitable for the user, which cannot be said about the editors Standard And Enterprise.

Version 7 more modest in terms of hardware resource requirements than the version 8.1 . For Windows Embedded Standard 7, for example, a processor with a frequency of 1 GHz And 512 MB RAM, but it’s better to install eight on a PC with memory of at least 1 GB. Let's first take a look at Windows 7 Embedded Standard 32-bit.

Key differences in Windows 7 Embedded

Essentially it's the same "seven", but with reduced functionality. It has a control panel, built-in browser, player, set system utilities, command line and registry and group policy editors, standard themes, technologies supported Multitouch, Silverlight And DirectX, EWF And HORM. Externally almost no different from the desktop one, except for the logo and welcome screen. It is missing some drivers, the page file is disabled, a number of services and system components, no partition is created during installation "Reserved by the system", the Russian language will have to be installed separately. There are no restrictions on installing third-party software. The latter is very important, since for full-fledged work with peripheral devices You may need to install additional drivers.

Download and Install

Download it is possible both from torrents along with activation keys, and with official page www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=11887. On the official resource, the distribution kit is presented in several self-extracting archives, don’t let this bother you, check all five parts of the archive as shown in the screenshot, download them and run the first part, unpack. As a result you will get the usual boot image ISO .

The installation procedure will be slightly different. When the wizard window appears, you need to click "Build an Image", accept the license agreement, and in the next window select a third-party compatible software configuration "Application Compatibility". Next, we select the Russian time localization and keyboard layout; at the next stage, if necessary, we modify the assembly. Option "Modify Drivers" allows you to add device drivers during system installation, and the option "Modify Features"- enable or disable Windows components.

Then everything goes as usual. We partition the disk, after copying the files, create a user, enter the product key. If there is no key, we skip the step and make the usual settings that usually complete the installation of any version of Windows. Soon you will see a familiar desktop, decorated with branded wallpaper "sevens".


After installation, the first thing you need to do is enable the swap file, since it is disabled by default. Open with command systempropertiesperformance "Performance Options", switch to tab Advanced, press Change -> Custom size, in the fields of minimum and maximum value You put 2048 MB, which is optimal for . Save the settings and reboot.

Now let's Russify the interface. Download the language file from the links below. Browser I.E. may not display the download page correctly, so it's better to install it right away Chrome. Download CAB -file, run the command lpksetup language pack installation utility, in the window that opens, click "Install display language" -> "Browse computer or network" and specify the path to the package CAB. Follow the wizard to install the package, then click « Next", select Russian as the main language and apply the settings. The changes will take effect after a reboot.

Extending the test period

U official version There is one drawback - its trial period is only 30 days, after which the system will automatically reboot every 20 minutes. Fortunately, the built-in activation can be reset three times. When the trial period comes to an end, run as administrator command line, execute the reset command in it slmgr -rearm and reboot.

Those who wish to go even further can install more new version systems Windows Embedded 8.1. Like "seven", it is suitable for running on low-power PCs. It lacks some minor components and most of the universal programs, except metro-versions of IE, Store, applications OneDrive, Photos and Camera. The installed system weighs just over 6.5 GB. Otherwise it's practically the same Windows 8.1 Pro.

Download and Install

You can download the distribution kit with the system from the official page www.microsoft.com/ru-RU/download/details.aspx?id=40745. The system installation procedure is slightly different, whether you like it or not, but when installing the official assembly, you will have to enter the key right away.

Then everything is as usual: we accept the license agreement, break disk space, we produce primary settings user profile. Customize in installed system nothing special is required. Swap file in Windows Embedded 8.1 enabled by default, the Russian language is present, all that remains is to activate the system in any way.

Russian language for Windows 7 Embedded:

Language file for 32 -bit Windows 7 Embedded: www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26215

Language file for 64-bit Windows 7 Embedded: www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26216

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Windows 95 was the first of the family. Developed on the basis of MS DOS OS and Windows 3.x operating shell. by Microsoft. Subsequently, the development of the OS of this family continued in two directions - local and network. OS of the first direction - Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME (Millenium Edition). They are all built on the same principles and, despite the fact that new functions are added, the user remains in the same familiar and comfortable environment. All versions of local operating systems of the Windows family are multitasking, single-user OS providing convenient graphical interface , but enough weakly provide protection against unauthorized access .

Another group from this family was developed from the very beginning as OS for servers and workstations . The first was Windows NT (New Technology), then Windows 2000, Windows XP (eXPerience - experience, knowledge). This OS group is more stable than Windows 95/98/Me, has improved process address space protection, an advanced file system .

Windows Vista and its modified and optimized version Windows 7 - latest versions Microsoft Windows, a line of graphical operating systems used on personal computers.

The new version of Windows provides increased data security and reliability compared to previous versions, easier work with information and compatibility with most modern means of communication, an updated interface, performance, etc., however, according to experts, the performance of Windows XP in many situations higher than the latest versions.

Approximate structure of Windows OS

The basic Windows system includes the following main components:

    virtual machine manager subsystem;

    file and driver management subsystem;

    window management subsystem.

OS objects Windows

Logical objects :

1) documents– objects containing any information (text, graphic, sound, animation, video or multimedia);

2) programs– tool objects that generate and process documents;

3) folders– larger objects containing documents, programs and other folders;

4) desktop– an object on which you can place the most frequently used documents, folders, programs;

5) basket– an object for discarding unnecessary objects;

6) taskbar– a generalized object containing the names of open applications, the Start button, icons: time, alphabet switch, etc.;

7) shortcut– an auxiliary object indicating the path to a document, folder or program.

Physical object

    My computer– an object for describing the computer configuration (disks, printers, network, etc.) and a built-in logical object - control Panel to configure various external devices.

Standard OS applications Windows

The OS includes a group of “Standard” applications, such as Notepad, Text Editor, Graphics Editor, Calculator, Multimedia (sound recording, universal player, etc.), and some utility programs. These applications allow the application user to work within the Windows OS until the purchase of licensed, more powerful programs.

Basic Operating Principles of the OS Windows

    Window (applications, documents, messages, dialogs).

The basic idea of ​​Windows OS is to work with windows. Each window has a title and can be moved around the screen. Application and document windows have three buttons on the right top corner windows - pause a task, increase (decrease) the window size and close an application or document.

    Virtual machines and multitasking.

A virtual machine is a logical computer with its own address space that Windows creates in the computer's memory. Each task runs on its own virtual machine. In this case, several tasks can be performed simultaneously. Windows gives each program access to the processor for a very short period of time, so it creates the effect of all tasks running simultaneously.

MS DOS OS runs in a separate window as a separate applied problem, the so-called MS DOS OS emulation occurs (the word emulation literally means “do the same and even better”, which in English sounds like this: try to do as well as and better then).

    Desk metaphor , Start button, Explorer program.

The Windows family of operating systems implements the metaphor (allegorically, in a figurative sense) of a desktop on which all the necessary objects and a recycle bin for unnecessary objects are located.

The Start button contains a menu with basic options for starting and stopping work. The main ones include the following:

    the ability to access application and service programs that can be worked with in Windows;

    ability to customize the OS environment;

    the ability to search for files and folders on disks;

    shutting down the computer correctly or restarting the operating system.

To work with objects located outside the desktop - in folders on external media, you use the Explorer program, a utility program for organizing navigation through the file system.

On the left side of its window, Explorer shows computer configuration and tree structure of each disk , on the right - disc table of contents or directory (folder).

    Cursor interface (Mouse pointers).

A set of mouse pointers is a kind of language for communication between the user and the computer. Each type of mouse pointer means some action, for example, waiting or typing, etc.

    Technology "drag and drop ".

This technology (“move and drop”) is used not only in operations on files and folders, but also in applications when working with objects or elements of documents, for example, text fragments, pictures, diagrams, etc.

    Technology - OLE (Object Linking and Embedding ).

The technology for linking and embedding objects allows you to insert, for example, graphic objects into documents in two ways:

    object binding stores in the document information about the file and the application that generated it. If graphic file changes separately, it is updated automatically in the document;

    implementation object saves only information about the application in the document and breaks the connection with the file;

    technology "Clipboards ".

This technology is used not only in operations on files and folders, but also for exchanging data between applications. Its essence is that the required object (file, folder or fragment of some document) is placed in a certain memory, from which it can then be retrieved for insertion into another object (folder, text document, etc.).

    Menu text and pictographic.

Work in any Windows OS application is organized using a menu, and in almost any application you can get information about what a menu item or icon means using a hint.

Network operating systems

Network OS is an OS whose main function is to manage data flows and network resources, protect against unauthorized access and ensure work with all workstations that have different OSes.

The creation of network operating systems is associated with the emergence of local and global networks. These operating systems are designed to provide user access to all computer network resources. The most common operating systems are the following:

    NetWare from Novell;

    MS Windows NT(2000, XP);

  • Solaris from Sun.

Network OS has no fundamental differences from local OS, but it necessarily contains software support for network interface devices (network adapter driver), as well as tools for remote login to other computers on the network and means of access to deleted files, however, these additions do not significantly change the structure of the operating system itself.

The network OS coordinates the work of local workstations and regulates the sharing process network resources. In addition, the network OS provides various network administration tools that ensure data protection and integrity by controlling access rights to them.

Network OS is located on file server and controls work on workstations, which, as a rule, are loaded with one of the basic operating systems, for example, the WINDOWS family of operating systems. Requests coming from the user's application program are analyzed by a special module of the network OS and, if it belongs to the local OS, transfers this request to it for processing. When a network service is requested, control is transferred to the network OS.

Currently, most personal computers in the world run some version of the Windows operating system (company Microsoft). Software products This family has common characteristics:

· unified graphical user interface;

· multitasking;

· support for working in a network environment;

· the presence of a universal system of data exchange tools between applications (clipboard, dynamic exchange data – DDE, object linking and embedding – OLE).

Implemented in operating systems of the Windows family open architecture(Windows Open Services Architecture– WOSA), which provides mechanisms for solving the problem of transmitting information regardless of its location and presentation format. With their help, a computer user can easily connect to any of the information services located on various networks or operating systems. Currently, standard access to databases, mail, telephone networks and licensing systems, network services and specialized services (financial systems and real-time data).

Microsoft's first developments in the field of creating new operating systems for personal computers were software environments Windows 3.x (Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11 for Workgroup), which were a graphical add-on to the MS DOS operating system.

Then the corporation introduced the first real OS of the Windows family to the operating system market - Windows 95 . It is a multitasking, 32-bit OS with advanced networking capabilities and provides extensive multimedia capabilities, processing text, graphics, audio and video information, and also provides built-in support for file sharing and protection, the ability to share printers, faxes and other shared resources. Windows 95 allows you to send messages by e-mail, fax, supports remote access. The protected mode used in it does not allow application program in the event of a failure, disrupt the operation of the system, reliably protect applications from accidental interference of one process with another, and provide certain resistance to viruses.

Windows 98 differs from Windows 95 in its integration with Internet browser Explorer, which displays the contents of folders in a browser window; improved compatibility with new computer hardware; support plug-and-play standard. Can be used on desktop and laptop computers.

Windows Millennium Edition(Windows ME) is the next version of the Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE operating systems. It is based on the Windows 98 kernel.

In parallel with Windows 95, Microsoft introduced a fundamentally new operating system to the market - Windows NT (New Technology), which became the ancestor of a number of operating systems. This is a 32-bit system with built-in network support and advanced multi-user capabilities. It provides true multitasking, multiprocessing, access control to hardware and information resources, data protection and much more.

This operating system is very convenient for users working on a local network, as well as for group users, especially a group carrying out a joint project and exchanging data. Comes in two Windows options NT Server and Windows NT for Workstation.

Next generation operating system Windows 2000 is aimed at a variety of computers: laptops, desktops, servers and cluster systems, and provides tight integration with the Internet. It is a development of Windows NT 4.0 and is characterized by the following parameters:

· has a 32-bit file system with an architecture open for further development, which works faster and implements many new features;

· simplifies installation and configuration of equipment as much as possible due to support for the plug-and-play standard;

· has built-in tools for working with sound, video and CDs (CD-ROM); diagnostics, optimization and error correction, which help eliminate conflicts between devices and increase the efficiency of the entire system;

· includes effective tools for working with the Internet that speed up work and search for information on the World Wide Web.

Due to the presence effective means providing protection (saving the system state for recovery after failures, modified file system, encryption, access control, etc.) Windows 2000 was recognized as one of the most secure operating systems.

IN Windows system 2000, many solutions have been implemented to reduce the cost of operating the system in corporate networks.

The Windows 2000 family includes: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. Each of them is designed for its own purposes and has corresponding capabilities and functions. For example, Windows 2000 Professional is aimed at home computers or workstations.

Windows XP combines best qualities previous versions of Windows: reliability, stability and manageability - from Windows 2000, plug-and-play technology– from Windows 98. It features a more efficient user interface, including new capabilities for grouping and searching documents, the ability to quickly switch users, etc. A Windows XP user can create CDs in write-once or write-once formats (CD-R or CD-RW) using the usual drag-and-drop method or appropriate wizards. The Windows XP operating system is implemented by Microsoft in two versions: for home Windows users XP Home Edition, and for corporate clients– Windows XP Professional Edition.

OS Windows NT, 2000, XP support file systems FAT, NTFS, CDFS.

The capabilities of Windows 2000 Server were further developed in the 64-bit operating system Windows Server 2003 , versions of which are aimed at small businesses and the SOHO market ( Small Office/Home Office– small office/home office), servers for large enterprises, construction of Web servers.

Windows CE– operating system for mobile computing devices such as pocket computers, digital information pagers, Cell Phones, multimedia and entertainment consoles, including DVD players and Internet access devices. It is a 32-bit, multitasking operating system with an open architecture. Windows CE allows devices of different categories to “talk” and exchange information with each other, communicate with corporate networks and from the Internet, use e-mail. It is compact and highly productive, operating on microprocessors of various brands and manufacturers.