Touch mouse. Does a mouse need a touchpad? Appearance and arrangement of elements

Mouse and Touchpad

Let's look at setting up frequently used devices such as the touchpad and mouse. The touchpad usually comes with special software that allows you to expand its functionality.

Get access to standard settings mouse can be through Control Panel by entering the section Printers and other equipment. Click on the icon Mouse, after which a window will open Properties: Mouse(Fig. 13.14).

Rice. 13.14. Mouse settings. Buttons tab

On the first tab you can change the basic parameters of the mouse. In particular, these include a button configuration that can suit the left or right hand. If you set the switch For lefties, then the left button will perform the functions of the right one, and vice versa.

This may be useful for left-handed people who prefer to use their left hand. Although almost all ergonomic mice (that is, designed in a special way for the human palm for maximum comfort) are produced for right-handers. They are uncomfortable to use with your left hand.

You are given a choice: to configure both the touchpad (in Fig. 13.14 its setting is included) and the mouse. All available devices are listed Devices.

In area Execution speed double click The speed of double-clicking the left mouse button is adjusted. This is done using the slider Speed. Typically, users are satisfied with the standard setting.

In area Mouse Button Stuck There are settings for the so-called sticking. When enabled, if you click on an icon and hold it down for a while (2-3 seconds), you can move the icon without holding down the mouse button. This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled if desired. The time required for sticking is configured using a window called up by pressing a button Options.

On the tab Signposts you choose the design of the mouse pointer (Fig. 13.15).

Rice. 13.15. Customizing Mouse Pointers

By default, Windows has many schemes (groups of pointers designed to display certain system states) that can be selected in the Scheme.

On the list Settings current pointers for all states are displayed. By highlighting one of them and pressing the button Review, you can change the appearance of the pointer by selecting the appropriate file. Check box Enable pointer shadow assumes the presence of a “soft” shadow under the pointer.

Additional pointer options are configured on the tab Pointer Options(Fig. 13.16).

Rice. 13.16. Index Options tab

A frequently changed parameter is the movement speed, which is adjusted in the area Moving. Using the slider, you set the speed at which the pointer moves across the screen. At minimum value to move the pointer from one end of the screen to the other, you will have to move the mouse across the entire pad (or your finger across the entire touchpad); at maximum, on the contrary, no more than a quarter of this distance is sufficient. Please note that the higher the movement speed, the more difficult it is to hit small elements. Even checking the box won't help. Turn on increased accuracy pointer installation, although it certainly won’t make things worse.

The remaining parameters are rarely used, and their default settings are usually sufficient. If you check the box On the default button from the region Home position in dialog box, then the pointer will automatically hover over the button Default when opening a new window. Not the most necessary function, although there is no arguing about tastes.

In area Visibility the parameters for displaying the pointer are specified. For example, by checking the box Show mouse trail, you will turn on the cable that will follow the pointer. At first it’s interesting and new, but over time this property will get boring and even get in the way.

If you check the box Hide the pointer while typing, then the pointer will be hidden when typing. Quite a useful feature, available by default. Last checkbox Indicate the position of the pointer when pressing CTRL set if necessary to quickly find the pointer on the screen. When you press a key Ctrl it will be indicated by several rapidly disappearing circles.

On the tab Wheel you can customize the operation of the scroll wheel (Fig. 13.17).

Rice. 13.17. Customizing the Mouse Wheel

Mice with scrolling have firmly entered into everyday life - now even the cheapest devices are equipped with them. The touch panel does not have scrolling in the classical sense, but this function is implemented through special software (discussed below).

You can set the number of lines to scroll per click when you turn the wheel. By default, this value is 3. If desired, the entire screen can be scrolled. This means that one click of the wheel will correspond to a key press Page Up And Page Down.

Tab Equipment is not of great interest to you - it does not have settings that can affect the usability of the mouse. Tab Device settings very useful for providing more convenient use touch panel (Fig. 13.18).

Rice. 13.18. Device Settings tab

It is not always present in this window, since it is not standard Windows functions. In our case, it is specifically responsible for its presence installed program Synaptics company. Its software for touch panels is the most common.

The list of devices for which the program is responsible (although it would be more correct to call it a driver, see Chapter 7) is in the area Devices. This is one item - the touchpad of a laptop. Once selected with the mouse, you can turn it off by clicking Disable, and then turn it on with the button Turn on.

At the bottom of the window there is an area System tray icon. Here you can configure the display options for the Synaptics program icon. You can choose the following options: disable the icon (switch Hide the taskbar icon), display a static icon (switch Fixed icon on taskbar) or select an animated version of the icon (switch Animated taskbar icon).

Fine-tuning the touchpad can be done by pressing the button Options(Fig. 13.19).

Rice. 13.19. Touchpad Settings Window

In the window that opens, you can set the sensitivity of the panel, specify additional functional zones, configure the sticking described above without having to press buttons under the touchpad, set movement parameters, etc. All features are described in great detail in the program itself. In addition, you can see an example of setting up the touchpad in the video “Lesson 13.2. Setting up the touchpad."

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Mouse There are a lot of mice now, let me tell you. In general, there are no friends according to their tastes and colors, as the well-known saying goes, so one may be given only a five-button with a scroll wheel, while the other, on the contrary, likes to work with a simple two-button. Mice

A mouse with interesting touch technology, which is very useful when actively working with big amount windows

Today we will talk about a rather interesting product Microsoft- their new Touch Mouse. In general, the company has long had a reputation as a manufacturer of very good keyboards and mice - it’s a pity that only among a rather small audience of active users. However, Microsoft never wanted to become the leader of this market, and sees its task (at least according to statements) in introducing to the market and popularizing certain new technologies and technical solutions.

So, let's see what technology Microsoft is presenting to the audience today.

What can Touch Mouse do?

The concept of the Touch Mouse is that on the top of the mouse, instead of buttons, there is a touch zone that can track the movement of several fingers.

First of all, associations with touchpads and multi-point input technology on the touch panel, i.e. multitouch, come to mind. Moreover, multi-touch technology itself has existed for a long time, but Apple became its active popularizer, with whose light hand this technology began to be implemented everywhere, with or without reason. However, within the framework of this material, it is much more interesting to mention Apple not only and not so much as a popularizer of multi-touch.

The fact is that they have a very similar product in concept and functionality: Apple Magic Mouse. This mouse entered the market back in mid-2009, and was reviewed on our website. It was developed just in the wake of the popularization of multi-point input and was even called a “multi-touch mouse.” In this Apple model, all controls are removed from the body, and their functions are assigned to the touch surface of the mouse. Only the functionality of the button remained, but the entire body of the front of the mouse was pressed. However, the functionality of the touchpad in that mouse is not amazing. Scrolling back and forth, moving through galleries on the Internet, photos, etc., if you use two fingers. You can also scale the image, but to do this you need to hold down the button on the keyboard. Overall too little interesting features. At the same time, the mouse has a global drawback, noted in our review. We'll come back to it later.

In terms of functionality, Touch Mouse is much more interesting, because it can do more, and additional functions more useful in work applications.

All additional mouse functions are only available with a special driver. If you do not install it, then it works like a regular two-button mouse, without a scroll wheel. The driver should be installed directly from the receiver, but for some reason this did not happen for me (the system gave a driver installation error). Therefore, the driver had to be downloaded from the site and installed separately.

Let's see what functions the Microsoft Touch Mouse can perform. The mouse works by moving from one to three fingers along the touch surface in four directions and perceives gestures in this way:

  • One finger movement anywhere:
    • Scroll in any direction.
  • Two finger movement:
    • Up: Maximize the window to fill the entire screen.
    • Right or Left: Expand to the right or left half of the screen (Aerosnap).
    • Down: If the window is maximized, it becomes normal (not full screen). If it’s normal, it collapses.
  • Three finger movement:
    • Down - minimize all windows.
    • Up - Thumbnails of open windows appear on top of the screen (a bit like the traditional Alt+Tab switch, but done in a more modern way, above a darkened desktop), where you can select the desired program.

Also, if you move your right thumb up or down along the side of the mouse (in its touch zone), it is perceived as “forward” or “backward,” depending on the direction of the finger movement. Naturally, this gesture will be most in demand when working with a browser.

Box, packaging and appearance

The mouse comes in a beautiful black and orange box, very similar in color to the colors on the promotional site. The mouse in the package strongly resembles a car model, even the mounting method is similar.

The mouse itself looks elegant and beautiful. It has a black matte body, which looks very nice, and an unusual shape: the mouse smoothly slopes towards the sharp front edge. Small gray crosses are marked on the touch surface. The mouse fits comfortably in your hand.

The mouse is symmetrical, it does not have buttons on the sides, i.e. it is equally suitable for both right-handers and left-handers. This, by the way, can become one of its big advantages: after all, all functions are fully accessible to those who use the mouse with their left hand. You rarely see completely symmetrical multi-button mice; they are usually made for right-handed people.

For some reason the bottom is made white, because of this the mouse takes on a resemblance to an animal. There are two large sliders at the bottom (and it’s good, there’s less chance of them coming off), and there’s a sensor between them. There is also a switch here: you can simply turn off the mouse when it is not needed (or if you are going on the road). There is also a special recess in the bottom with a spring-loaded lock, where it is easy to remove the receiver when carrying the mouse.

The receiver is very small, it sticks out from the laptop body by about three millimeters, no more. When working with a laptop, you don’t have to pull it out of the port (although to be fair, when I put the laptop into a bag with a horizontal stowage, it sometimes got caught on the side of the pocket). In a computer, I think it is completely invisible. Just in case, the manufacturer provides an extension cable with Velcro to the receiver so that you can take it away from the body and avoid interference and uncertain operation.


As already mentioned, a driver is required for full operation of all mouse functions.

Since the mouse was tested on a laptop, two devices were connected at the same time.

The driver itself is generally quite standard and provides standard configuration options.

Firstly, it allows you to configure click parameters for both buttons.

It should be taken into account that IntelliPoint is a universal program for all Microsoft mice. If the mouse has a large number of hardware buttons, then the extensive customization options are a big plus. However, in in this case, when there are only two buttons (and even then...), they will most likely remain unclaimed.

The driver also allows you to set specific settings for individual applications.

I think they are also irrelevant for this mouse.

The most interesting tab is the one with touch surface settings.

Here you can adjust the sensitivity of the mouse when moving with one finger, a navigation gesture with your thumb along the edge of the mouse (and at the same time the ability to select left-handed/right-handed use), and enable other mouse functions.

Impressions from work

The Touch Mouse has a good body shape and weight, the mouse fits nicely in the hand. It may seem narrow to people with large palms, but for most users its size and shape are optimal. The mouse fits well in a woman's hand.

This mouse uses Microsoft's Bluetrack technology (read about its introduction on our website).

I had no problems using the Touch Mouse on any surface I tried it on. Even on a wrinkled blanket it worked well. There were no problems with cursor positioning, the mouse works well. There were no complaints about the movement speed and acceleration parameters; I got used to the mouse almost instantly. Pressing the buttons is average in terms of hardness, the click is not loud. You can hear it, but it does not distract others.

I decided to stop experiments on range when I found out that the mouse worked normally from the next room through a non-permanent wall. The receiver was plugged into one of the laptop ports, without an extension cord.

In general, the Touch Mouse is very suitable for use as a regular mouse. So let's move on to advanced functionality.

Based on the list of implemented gestures, we can conclude that the mouse is aimed primarily at work - I would even say, office use. It is especially good to use when working with a large number of open documents or application windows that need to be simultaneously monitored, compared content, etc. In these work scenarios, the mouse is far superior to other solutions. It’s very convenient to see thumbnails of everyone open applications and documents and (without taking your hand off the mouse) switch to the desired window. Or minimize all windows and open the desktop. It's very easy to scatter two documents onto their respective halves of the screen if you need to compare them. And so on.

In order to start working with a mouse confidently, you need to get used to the gestures. The mouse software has a whole presentation built into it, and it’s done very nicely, showing all possible gestures. You can also practice there. This is a very useful feature that allows you to quickly get used to performing gestures “automatically”.

However, I found it difficult to get used to, even though the description of the gestures looks simple and clear. I had to force myself to use gestures for a long time in order to at least somehow remember them and begin to perform them “automatically”, without being distracted from work. You usually get used to hardware buttons faster, although I even had difficulties with additional keys. Overall, getting used to it, even with software to practice with, has proven to be a difficult process. By the way, once you get used to it, it’s even harder to get out of the habit - sitting down at another computer, you scratch someone else’s mouse on the back and wonder why the window didn’t roll up.

Well, from the advantages we smoothly move on to the disadvantages.

Main disadvantages

In general, the Touch Mouse is based on the idea of ​​the Apple Magic Mouse, which Microsoft creatively reworked and adapted to the needs of its operating system. However, the history of the development of electronics teaches us that we should not get carried away with copying, and with the Touch Mouse we are dealing with a very good example the truth of this statement. The fact is that the Touch Mouse directly copied the main problem of the Apple mouse.

I will quote from an article by Sergei Uvarov, to which I already provided a link:

The entire surface of the mouse is one large button, the right part of which is responsible for the right click, and the left part for the left one (if you noted in the settings that you need to imitate the right button). However, since the position of your finger (whether it is on the right or the left) is determined by the sensor located under the transparent button plate, only one finger should be in contact with the mouse when you click. That is, if your index finger is on the left side of the surface and your middle finger is on the right, and you try to press with your middle finger, nothing will work. Magic Mouse will interpret this as a left click.

Mighty Mouse had the same problem, and I personally expected Magic Mouse to solve it. Still, four years have passed... But alas. And this drawback (coupled with average ergonomics) makes it almost impossible to use the Magic Mouse in computer games. Where the outcome of the entire mission can depend on a well-timed click, Magic Mouse will constantly strive to let you down.

This is how I described the same problem with the Touch Mouse when I was taking notes for the article.

If your fingers are on the buttons, instead of a right click you get a left click. That is, if you put your index finger on the left button, and your ring finger on the right (the middle one lies in the middle, where the groove is) and press the right (!) button, then the mouse will act as a left click. If you lift your index finger from the surface, then everything is fine, the right button will work.

This happens for the same reason: the Touch Mouse also top part The body is one large button across the entire width of the mouse (reminds me of nothing?), and it distinguishes right and left clicks by which finger lies on the touch surface. The problem is that the mouse does not distinguish between “lying” and “pressing”. So if your fingers are on both keys, then the left press is selected as a higher priority.

Therefore, every time you use the right click, you need to lift your finger from the left button. With constant active work with the mouse, I well appreciated how much this problem interferes with life. Well, along the way I found out how often I use right click, and how annoying it is when it doesn't work. In principle, you can get used to it, but it is very inconvenient, and when you return to a regular mouse with hardware buttons, you feel well how much easier it has become to work. You still miss the convenient window arrangement functions for a while, but a properly functioning right button is more expensive.

By the way, for some reason the mouse does not support the most common gesture of the multi-touch system - zooming. Perhaps this gesture was abandoned due to large quantity I don’t know about false positives. But the fact remains a fact.

The surface of the mouse is rough and creates noticeable resistance when moving your fingers. If you do not squeeze the mouse (for example, it just lies freely on the table), then when performing a gesture it tends to move after your finger.

Finally, due to some touchpad quirks, the mouse has problems implementing scrolling. Sometimes the mouse does not react to a slight movement at all, sometimes it reacts too sharply. To do what is called “move one click” in a regular mouse is almost impossible here. Sometimes scrolling gets stuck and continues for some time after you remove your finger from the surface. For some applications, the problem was solved by slightly reducing the sensitivity in the settings, but not for all. And I was left with the clear impression that the mouse does not always respond the same way to the same movements.

General impression of use and conclusions

The mouse is focused on a specific application: active work with the Internet and with documents in all cases when you need to switch between several windows or arrange them across the screen. For other applications - for example, for games - it is absolutely not suitable. In principle, it is more interesting to use it in systems with a large monitor, where the problem of window ordering plays a significant role. If the screen is small and the windows normally open to fill the entire screen, then the mouse will not demonstrate all its advantages. Although opening and hiding windows, as well as switching between them, is still more convenient. Then this functionality is greatly lacking with other mice.

If we put aside the problems with getting used to it (and no less problems when switching back to using “regular mice”) stemming from the peculiarities of the technology, then the mouse has two main drawbacks that personally greatly interfered with my work.

Firstly, it is unstable scrolling, when the page moves jerkily, does not scroll, or scrolls too much. Secondly, the need to raise your left finger if you need to press the right button. I can say that after working with the mouse for two weeks in office mode and on a large monitor, you get used to it and begin to appreciate the additional functions. But if you start using another mouse, the skills are forgotten very quickly. At least on this moment.

If we consider this mouse as a finished product sold in stores, it is very well made. It has a comfortable shape, good body material, it works on any surface, and has no problems with operating range.

Gesture recognition is a very interesting and unusual technology. However, it has a limited scope of application, as well as a couple of significant shortcomings that make its daily use inconvenient. However, I think that even in the current implementation there are many professionals for whom the convenience of working with windows on a desktop will outweigh these disadvantages. We hope that this technology will remain on the market and will actively develop, getting rid of shortcomings and gaining new and interesting functionality.

Today it is difficult to find a modern laptop without a touchpad. In other words, without a touch mouse. With its help, you can navigate the menu, surf the Internet, even draw in photo editors. We invite you to get acquainted with the features of the functioning of such a mouse. We will also tell you how to enable/disable it and what to do in case of problems.

What is this?

Why, in fact, is a touch keyboard and mouse called a touchpad? The answer to the question is the translation of the word from English: touch - “touch”, pad - “platform”. That is: “touch a special area.” Namely, this is how the device is controlled via the touch panel. A very convenient alternative to the usual optical one.

The main difference between a touch mouse and a conventional one is that the device is completely motionless. You do not need to move it to orient yourself in the program; on the contrary, you must perform certain movements with your fingers on the touchpad. This is somewhat reminiscent of working with a smartphone or tablet.

Pros of the device

Let's determine the main advantages of a touch mouse over a conventional one:

  • Compactness. You do not need to carry any additional device with you to use your laptop. Touch mouse - a small rectangle on working panel.
  • Versatility. In older models, a touch mouse on a laptop consisted of a field for surfing (moving by touching the cursor with your fingers) and two buttons - right and left, which performed the same functions as in a standard optical mouse. More modern variations consist of only one field. Selecting a menu item on it is done by lightly tapping your finger twice. In some models, by moving your hands you can zoom in/out on the image, rotate it, etc.

Disadvantages of the device

Many laptop owners, despite the presence of a touch panel, still prefer to connect a familiar optical mouse to the computer. Or its wireless variation. For what?

It's all about the disadvantages of the device:

  • Convenience. If working with a touchpad on a smartphone is a pleasure, then on a laptop it can sometimes be a pain. There is a high probability of false clicks, it is inconvenient to call up a pop-up menu, point the cursor at big screen. Some users are simply more comfortable using a traditional mouse.
  • Sensitivity. The touchpad is highly sensitive in most cases. You can move the cursor, select the wrong action, accidentally touching the touchpad with clothing, a finger, or an elbow. In some programs, such an awkward movement becomes fatal - the text is erased, the desired window is closed without returning, and the settings are lost. What if it's choosing "Don't save" instead of "Save"?

Activating/deactivating the touchpad: option No. 1

How to enable touch mouse? The easiest way to cope with this task is for owners of HP laptops. IN top corner touchpad they will see an indicator light. Let's reveal a secret: he is also touch button. Tapping it once activates or deactivates the touchpad. Why is this necessary? For the case when you want to work with a regular mouse connected via USB.

Activation/deactivation of the touchpad: option No. 2

How to disable touch mouse? If your touchpad does not have such a button, it means that you need to turn to the functional + required button F1-12). The small problem is that different manufacturers laptops made different buttons “responsible” for the touchpad.

Take a closer look at the keys. Usually, the desired one has an explanatory schematic drawing: a square panel and a hand reaching towards it. If you didn’t notice the image, we present a number of standard combinations for turning the touch mouse on and off:

  • Acer: Fn + F7.
  • Asus: Fn + F9.
  • Gigabyte: Fn + F1.

Other manufacturers can make the F6 and F8 keys “responsible” for the mouse.

Activating/deactivating the touchpad: option No. 3

For many users, the easiest way to enable and disable a touch mouse is through the Windows Settings menu. This is easy to do using the following path: “Control Panel” - then “Mouse” - “Settings”. Next, choose the action you need: enable or disable.

Let's also introduce another convenient option for those users who often connect a regular optical mouse via USB. In Windows 10, just go to Settings, then Devices. Stop at the "Touchpad" section. Uncheck the "Do not disable the touchpad when a mouse is connected" checkbox. Save your settings. Now, when a mouse is connected, the touchpad will always be disabled.

Touchpad does not work: solution No. 1

Sometimes a problem arises: the touch mouse on a laptop does not work. First of all, we advise you to try to activate it using one of the above methods. Most often it does not function due to the fact that it is simply disabled.

Does not help? Clean the touchpad with regular soft cloths. If it is dusty or greasy, it may not respond to touch. In addition, the touchpad does not respond when operated with wet hands.

The touchpad does not work: solution No. 2

If cleaning does not have satisfactory results, then the next step is to go to the BIOS. Each manufacturer assigns specific keys to access the system. Moreover, even different models The same manufacturer may require different keys to access the BIOS: F1-12, Delete, Esc, etc. Therefore, for clarification, we recommend that you refer to the instructions for the device and the manufacturer’s official website.

Got it? Now let's start setting up:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Immediately after the system starts, press the required button several times.
  3. A typical BIOS screen should appear in front of you.
  4. We need the Advanced tab. Navigation using arrows on the keyboard, selection using "Enter".
  5. Now we need the Internal Pointing Device section.
  6. Select it by pressing "Enter".
  7. Enabled - activates the touch mouse, Disabled - disables it.
  8. To confirm your settings, press Y.
  9. Exiting from my BIOS is carried out as standard by pressing Esc.
  10. Next, the device reboots, after which the settings take effect.

The touchpad does not work: solution No. 3

If working with the BIOS did not help the situation, then there is another way to solve the problem yourself - reinstalling the drivers. The action is not complicated - you just need to know exactly what model of laptop you have. This is indicated in the instructions for it, the warranty card, the sticker on the back panel, and the box of the device.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Go to the official website of your computer manufacturer.
  2. In the search bar, copy and rewrite the exact name of the device model.
  3. In the new window you will need the "Utilities and Drivers" tab.
  4. Here it is important to accurately indicate the version of the operating system installed on the laptop. For example, "Windows 10".
  5. Find drivers for your touch mouse from the list provided. latest version, download them to your device (usually free).
  6. Install the driver. This happens in the same way as installing any program or game.
  7. After the installation wizard finishes, it is important to restart your computer.
  8. If the touchpad is not physically damaged, it should begin to function. If the touch panel is technically faulty, then the only remaining input is to replace it at a service center.

A touch panel or touchpad is an almost complete replacement for the usual optical mouse on laptops. However, not all users like this innovation; many find it inconvenient and non-functional. Therefore, it is important to know how to activate and deactivate the touchpad on your device. You also need to remember what to do if the touchpad has problems.

Today touch control has firmly captured the market mobile devices, whose users prefer phones and tablet computers without mechanical buttons, but with large display. Moreover, modern touch substrates are distinguished by very high accuracy, and many users are already so accustomed to them that they can no longer imagine working with mechanical keys. Perhaps it was the massive spread of touchscreen mobile devices that forced manufacturers of manipulators to once again think about introducing already proven and debugged technologies into new models.

Not long ago we already wrote about the Microsoft Touch Mouse. Today, another representative of this kind came to our test laboratory, the capabilities of which are not limited only to mechanical buttons, but also include controls with simple gestures. The Logitech Touch Mouse M600 is the first representative of Logitech's touch manipulators.

⇡ Technical specifications

Unifying USB receiver

The new product works with the proprietary Unifying USB receiver, traditional for other wireless devices from Logitech, at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. The receiver is interesting because up to six different compatible Logitech devices can be connected to it at the same time. In addition, among the features of the receiver, one cannot fail to note encryption with a 128-bit key using the AES algorithm and built-in anti-interference protection. The optical sensor of the mouse is also branded - Logitech Advanced Optical.

The chosen power supply scheme is no less interesting. By default, the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 uses two AA batteries. This pair, according to the manufacturer, is enough for the manipulator for about six months of operation (not continuous, of course). But if desired, you can use one battery. In this case, the operating time will be reduced by exactly half, but the mouse itself will become noticeably lighter.

⇡ Equipment

Logitech Touch Mouse M600 Package Contents

The new product comes in a small box with a blister. Inside, in addition to the device itself, we found the following accessories:

  • USB receiver
  • two AA batteries,
  • case,
  • brief instructions on how to get started.

Interestingly, there is no CD included with the Logitech Touch Mouse M600. However, for its full operation, it still requires the installation of proprietary software, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website.

⇡ Appearance and ergonomics

The developers tried to give the new product the most original appearance possible, as far as possible for such a conservative device as a computer mouse. No, in this case we are not talking about any intricate shapes, because the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 has a symmetrical body, suitable for both right-handers and left-handers. But its curves, low profile, and interesting color design make the manipulator stand out from similar devices. When looking at the new product, two associations immediately come to mind, the first of which is associated with wet pebbles on the seashore, and the second with some imaginary giant beetle from tropical forests or science fiction films.

Logitech Touch Mouse M600 front view

Logitech Touch Mouse M600 rear view

From Microsoft Touch model Mouse mouse The Logitech Touch Mouse M600 is very different not only in the geometry of the case, but also in the material from which it is made. If the first manipulator has a rough coating that is pleasant to the touch, then the plastic of the new product from Logitech is polished to a mirror finish on both the top and bottom. We will discuss below how convenient the varnish coating is when working. For now, we note that the coating, although of high quality, is still easily soiled. The mouse quickly becomes covered with fingerprints and loses its neat appearance.

Appearance Logitech Touch Mouse M600

The body of the new product is both visually and actually divided into two halves. The upper one, dark gray, has a characteristic pattern that intensifies at the edges and gets lost closer to the center. The lower half is made of light plastic, the top layer of which seems transparent, which gives the appearance of the device additional mystery and uniqueness. Interestingly, there are no visible buttons on the external surfaces of the Logitech Touch Mouse M600. There is no traditional mechanical scroll wheel here either. But the outer surface of the manipulator is turned into a sensor field.

But the developers did not abandon mechanical buttons either. Just to find them, you need to put the mouse on the table and click on those places on the body where the corresponding buttons should be. During this action, the manipulator will “peck” downwards with its entire body, moving relative to the stationary base. And again, we should pay tribute to the designers who worked on the concept of the Logitech Touch Mouse M600. It is difficult to say how important such a solution is from the point of view of ease of use, but the fact that it will attract many users to the new product is certain.

Logitech Touch Mouse M600: bottom view

Battery compartment

The lower part of the body of the new manipulator has two large fluoroplastic legs, a power on/off button located next to LED indicator and a plastic cover, under which the battery compartment and the socket of a miniature proprietary Logitech Unifyling USB receiver are hidden. The latter is reliably protected from accidental loss during transportation, but is too difficult to pull out of its storage. But, as already mentioned, up to six compatible mice and keyboards can be connected to this receiver.

Pouch included in delivery

The cloth pouch included in the delivery kit can perform two tasks at once. useful features. Firstly, it perfectly protects the manipulator from external influences and dust. Well, secondly, the bag is very convenient for wiping the shiny surface of the mouse, eliminating traces of working with the manipulator - fingerprints on the surface of the case.

⇡ Settings

Installing the Logitech SetPoint utility

IN technical specifications The Logitech Touch Mouse M600 says that the new product only works with Microsoft Windows 7. In fact, the proprietary Logitech Flow Scroll utility, designed for manually adjusting the scrolling function, works only with this OS. But the Logitech SetPoint utility, traditional for Logitech manipulators, designed to adjust all other parameters of the new product, worked quite normally under Microsoft Windows XP. However, you cannot configure the mouse under Mac OS X and Linux.

Configuring pointing device parameters in the Logitech SetPoint utility

Since the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 only has two buttons, they perform only basic functions. With Logitech SetPoint, the functions of the buttons can be swapped, but they have no other settings. What I would really like to see is the ability to customize the touch field. In particular, it would be nice if gestures could be programmed. In the meantime, the user of the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 only has access to the functions of regular vertical scrolling and moving to the previous or next window. The first action is carried out by dragging the finger in a vertical direction, and the second - in a horizontal direction. Interestingly, these simple gestures do not require you to move your finger to the center area. Actions can be performed anywhere on the touchpad, that is, on the top of the mouse body.

⇡ Testing

Due to the squat body, the mouse lies quite unusually in the hand. You quickly get used to it, but at first you get the feeling that the manipulator is constantly trying to slip out. In addition, the center of mass of the new product is noticeably shifted back, but after a couple of hours of operation it becomes clear that this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage. Due to the unusual mass distribution and the optical sensor shifted forward, you can move the cursor around the screen without moving your hand. That is, the hand, of course, will have to be moved from side to side, but the base of the palm will lie on the table at the same point. All this takes some getting used to, but ultimately significantly increases productivity. In addition, it should be noted that the manipulator glides very smoothly on a table or any other flat surface. There is also not the slightest complaint about the positioning of the pointer.

The Logitech Flow Scroll utility really noticeably increases the smoothness of scrolling pages, bringing this action as close as possible to the capabilities of a well-functioning mechanical wheel. Moreover, the touch scrolling capabilities even exceed those of this very wheel. So, by sliding your finger as quickly as possible along the body of the mouse from top to bottom, you will immediately get to the end of the document. This won't work with a regular wheel. As it turned out, the notorious varnish coating does not interfere with the smoothness of scrolling. It may not be as pleasant to the touch as a rough one, but overall it is quite comfortable to work with.

Possible actions with the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 touchpad

In general, with the two new gestures in the arsenal, things are much better than expected during the first cursory examination of the manipulator. In this matter, the developers really tried to take into account all the subtleties and nuances. But having thoroughly worked on one, the most difficult issue, they left another to the mercy of the designers. We are talking about the response of the mouse to clicking. Above, we already talked about an unusual design solution related to the fact that the entire body of the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 is turned into one large key. Coupled with the low profile, this design turned out to be not the most convenient to use. Despite the fact that pressing the buttons of the manipulator is clear, with a characteristic click, the entire body of the mouse seems to stick for a moment in the pressed position, which makes double-clicking a task much more difficult than on a regular mouse. As a result, a simple double click can often be done only on the second or even third attempt. It must be admitted that after some training things are already getting better, but the process of getting used to it itself can hardly be called pleasant.

⇡ Competitors

Despite the fact that Apple released its version of the Magic Mouse touch controller back in 2009, the new product from Logitech still has very few competitors. Its direct competitor today can be considered the Microsoft Touch Mouse, which we tested earlier. This mouse has a more traditional body geometry and a pleasant-to-touch matte touch surface, which will surely appeal to the most conservative part of users.

As for ease of use, everything is far from clear. Comparing mice from Logitech and from Microsoft, it is easy to conclude that the second is much more functional than the first, since it works not with two simple gestures for scrolling text and switching between pages open in the Internet browser, but with a number of complex multi-touch gestures, including which simultaneously use two or three fingers. Due to such rich functionality, usability suffered. Not only do you have to remember all these gestures, but false positives also happen quite often, because the more complex a system is, the more difficult it is to debug.

Developers from Logitech took a different route. They left only a couple of touch movements, but fine-tuned the work with them to perfection. However, the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 model has another problem that its competitor from Microsoft does not have - difficulties with double clicks. So, unfortunately, neither one nor the other model can be called ideal.

⇡ Conclusions

Despite the criticism above, many will certainly like the Logitech Touch Mouse M600. This is a nice-looking, modern computer mouse with a well-functioning touchpad. Its advantages also include:

  • case included in delivery,
  • debugged scrolling function,
  • perfectly smooth sliding on the table.

The main disadvantages are the poorly adjusted pressing of the mechanical button and periodic false positives. It’s hardly worth writing down the small number of gestures in your arsenal as disadvantages. This is rather an advantage, thanks to which the touch capabilities of the mouse are brought to almost perfection.

The price of a new product is a bit steep. If the Logitech Touch Mouse M600 had no problems at all with ease of use, then it would not be a pity to pay this money. The manufacturer would like to wish to correct minor shortcomings in the future and be sure to continue to develop their interesting product. And who knows, perhaps in the foreseeable future all manipulators will be fully sensory.

When Touch Mouse first appeared on the market, it was wildly compared to Apple's touch mouse - the first Magic Mouse. Simply because at that time there were... two fully sensory mice in the world. The new product from Microsoft did not correct all the shortcomings of the Apple mouse, but it was a little more convenient to use. For example, about the special pattern on the front of the case: it is laconically incorporated into the design and does not distract attention, nevertheless, under the fingers the textured pattern feels better than just a smooth surface.

Who knows, maybe we are the only ones who see this as an advantage.

One common drawback, however, was and remains: the fact is that when several fingers are on the mouse at once (the index finger is on the left button, the middle or ring finger is on the right button), it is impossible to execute a command with the left or right button until you touch the adjacent one. remove your finger. It is enough to simply lift your second finger for a second for the mouse to work correctly, but in games, bugs with clicks can play a cruel joke.

Let us repeat: for normal work this does not interfere in any way - you get used to it literally right away.

So that you don’t look askance at this mouse, let’s say that Microsoft is ready to vouch for the quality of mice and keyboards: the brand does not produce bad products, and has been holding the brand for a long time. Why haven't you heard of him then? Maybe because Microsoft doesn't do PR for its products. The only advertising is “word of mouth”, i.e. our user reviews.

Microsoft Touch Mouse Specifications

  • Connection type: wireless
  • Purpose: office/home
  • Connection interface: USB
  • Mouse type: laser
  • Design: symmetrical
  • Number of keys: 1
  • Mouse power: 2xAA
  • Dimensions: 120x62x37 mm
  • Polling rate: 127 Hz
  • Travel speed: 5.26 m/s
  • Sensor resolution: 1000 dpi.

Microsoft Touch Mouse ergonomics and accessories

Microsoft can be praised here: the mouse not only looks beautiful, but also feels great in the hand. It can be used freely by both ladies with delicate small hands and men with fairly large palms.

Plus, the mouse has a weighting element: it doesn’t fidget on the table, but moves smoothly and confidently. If the table surface is smooth, you can work without a mat. There are no delays or cursor jumps without a mouse pad thanks to the proprietary BlueTrack laser sensor. Microsoft technologies(the laser does not work except on glass and mirrors, but even on a crumpled blanket you can use the mouse). The sensor resolution is 1000 dpi.

There is only one physical button on the case, and even that one is successfully disguised. So she is responsible for left/right clicks, depending on which key the finger is currently on. Touch zones are responsible for performing other actions.

Instead of a wheel, the Microsoft Touch Mouse also has a sensor, which can be programmed in any way you like. A little higher on the body there is a light indicator: as soon as you install new batteries, it lights up green. If the battery charge is critical, it will light up red. Once the red indicator appears, you will have an hour active work mouse to have time to change batteries. But more about autonomy later.

The indicator is turned on only when the batteries are changed or need to be replaced - it does not light up constantly.

There is a switch on the back of the Microsoft Touch Mouse: when the mouse is not in use (during transportation, for example, or after work), it is better to turn it off. There is no “sleep mode”, so if you want to preserve your battery life longer, don’t forget about this button. The Microsoft Touch Mouse comes with two AA batteries—you can use the purchase right out of the box.

The package also includes a receiver (hidden in a spring-loaded slot near the battery compartment cover) - connect it to the computer, and the mouse is ready to use. All that remains is to install the drivers and set custom settings. Ideally, the drivers will be installed automatically when you connect the receiver. But if for some reason this did not happen, they can be found on the Microsoft website (link here).

Just in case, an extension cord with mounting stickers is included with the receiver. In case of changing workplace, it is convenient to place the receiver in a slot on the mouse - it will not get lost, because always has its place.

Perhaps the only inconvenience of the receiver, which protrudes 5-6 mm from the laptop body, is that sometimes the laptop clings to the bag when packing/unpacking because of it.

Important!The mouse is symmetrical, so it can be used by both left-handed and right-handed people. The touch zones can also be configured equally for left and right hands.

Microsoft Touch Mouse functionality

The presentation that comes with the mouse will better tell you what the Microsoft Touch Mouse can do; there you can also learn new gestures and practice working with them.

It can be controlled with one or three fingers, depending on what you want to do. In addition to standard vertical scrolling in the browser, you can scroll through visited sites using horizontal scrolling. To do this, just “pat” the mouse with your thumb on the side: up, if you need to go to next page, and down - if you return to the previous one.

With the same movement, for example, you can scroll through photos both in a regular viewer and online.

What's great about this mouse is that it can be fine-tuned to suit any need, from laser sensitivity to surface area for horizontal scrolling.

  1. One finger touch. Acts on the entire surface of the sensor, scrolling can be done in any direction.
  2. Two finger touch. Moving up zooms the window to fill the entire screen. A downward movement at 100% scale changes the scale to medium, the same movement at any other scale minimizes the window. Swipe left/right with two fingers to pin an open window to the left/right half of the screen, respectively. A very convenient movement if you often work with several windows at the same time.

By the way, if three or more windows are open, when you swipe left/right, only the active window will be transferred to the desired half of the screen, and the rest will appear on the second, free half as a preview. If you want to occupy the second half of the screen, choose a window from this kaleidoscope. Very practical.

  1. Three finger touch. Another couple of useful movements is to simultaneously swipe down with three fingers to minimize all windows on the desktop. By the way, if you don’t know, the same action in Windows is performed by a special unobtrusive button (look in the lower right corner of the display). But, of course, it’s much more convenient to do it with a mouse in one touch.

Swiping up with three fingers will put everything in thumbnail mode. open windows, and the desired program can be selected from them.

  1. Thumb touch. As mentioned above, this option will allow you to flip pages in the browser or navigate between open files. By the way, you can quickly scroll through photos with this gesture if the swipe is sharper and a little longer.
  2. Touching the middle touch zone. You can set it in the normal scrolling mode, familiar to the wheel, or set the reverse scroll setting.

If someone is worried that the mouse won’t be the same without a wheel, then let’s say this: some options can actually be replaced using Ctrl with a mouse click, and other key combinations. In games and Photoshop, sometimes it’s just inconvenient without a wheel, and sometimes it’s critically lacking - no “hot” keys can save you here.

For reference:The mouse polling rate is 127 Hz, and maximum speed displacement is 5.26 m/s. The mediocre polling rate is another reason why this mouse will be uncomfortable to use for gaming.


There is no official data on how long a mouse will work from one pair of AA. By personal experience use, let's say that with two old 2300 mAh rechargeable batteries and a full 8 working day, the mouse honestly works for 2 weeks and requires replacing the batteries. If you use rechargeable batteries, the operating mode is quite normal, but if you buy regular salt batteries, it’s expensive to shell out money for components for the mouse at least once a month.

So, just in case, it is better to immediately purchase rechargeable batteries and a charger for the mouse. Such a purchase will definitely justify itself in the long run: if it’s not the Microsoft Touch Mouse that needs to be powered, it’s a flashlight, a camera, or, like a lifesaver, the unexpectedly dead batteries in the remote control.

Apple Magic Mouse vs Microsoft Touch Mouse

At the time the Microsoft mouse was released, it was impossible to say that it really competed with the Apple mouse. Not because Apple is “the cutest in the world,” but because we are talking about products designed to work with different operating systems. Just as Magic Mouse would be almost useless on Windows, you can work with Touch Mouse on Mac, but not with full functionality.

Both manufacturers, by the way, managed to release a new touch-enhanced product – Apple Magic Mouse 2 and Arc Touch Mouse. And if Apple made the mouse even more minimalistic, then Microsoft took a different path. The new Arc Touch Mouse becomes a “bridge”! One mode is for work, the body takes an arched position that is convenient for the hand. The other is straightened, practical for carrying and storage.

But Apple has moved away from the idea of ​​installing batteries in the mouse - the new Magic Mouse 2 can be recharged, the model has a built-in battery.

The cost of both models may be a little alarming, considering that these are not gaming mice, but almost office ones. But if you are looking for a high-quality, stylish and modern product that is different from other products on the market, this is definitely in the top ten.

Is it worth buying a new Arc Touch Mouse or is it better to buy a Touch Mouse? Arc Touch Mouse, due to its different design, has a little more functionality: if the wheel is critical to you, then the choice is obvious. Otherwise, the first Touch Mouse remains relevant even almost 5 years after its release (as a nice bonus: it costs less - save money and get a presentable mouse).

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