SEO where to start learning on your own. Self-learning SEO from scratch

Don't forget to pay attention to reviews when choosing a training company.

Courses, seminars, trainings on SEO

In order for your online business to make a profit in a short time, it is recommended to take a full course on. The course program should study ranking factors, algorithms search engines, subtleties of promotion. The goal of the training is to ensure your website has a leading position in a fiercely competitive environment, and the ability to analyze the actions of resources and search engines.

In addition to courses, you can attend seminars and usability training. Competent will attract large quantity user.

When choosing SEO courses or training, you need to consider the following:

  • in addition to studying theoretical material, there must be full-fledged practice;
  • The training program should include modern methods and research; SEO should be studied taking into account the latest search engine algorithms;
  • the presence of an individual approach to each student, which contributes to successful learning;
  • At the end of the training you should receive a certificate of completion of the course or training.

Individual, distance learning

If you need an in-depth study of SEO in a short time, you can use a tutor. Typically, individual training is used by entrepreneurs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is possible to conduct corporate trainings for company personnel. Distance SEO training is conducted via Skype or via webinar for residents of any region of Russia.

What will you get from SEO training?

You will definitely learn:

  • compilation semantic core resource, competent formation of search queries;
  • optimizing the text of web pages to increase their ranking for relevant queries;
  • writing meta tags, internal linking for site functionality;
  • monitoring resource positions;
  • checking the uniqueness of content, selecting keys;
  • building link mass through the placement of thematic optimized texts.

If you are a businessman or entrepreneur, you will be able to exercise competent control over your optimizer, implement it, reduce costs and significantly increase the efficiency of website promotion. If your goal is to get a highly paid profession as a webmaster, then the acquired knowledge is quite enough to work on the Internet.


Hello, friends. My name is Artem and I am the author of this blog. Last time, in an interview with Andrey Kulutsky, we completely figured out the Internet profession of an SEO specialist - who he is and what he does, how much he earns, etc. Today we will delve into the topic and talk about how to become an SEO specialist and quickly get the first result. Again, Andrei Kalutsky, a SEO specialist, practitioner, and a person who mastered this profession from scratch, will help us figure it all out. For questions regarding cooperation, please contact Andrey here.

First there must be interest and desire to work. If there are no problems with this, then you can move on to studying the theory:

  1. Get at least a basic understanding of CSS and HTML;
  2. understand the algorithms of search engines;
  3. master the basic tools for website optimization and promotion;
  4. get to know analytics tools.

After that, move on to practice. Take on a few small projects and gradually improve your skills.

Can you really master all of the above on your own?

Yes, that's exactly how I started.

Is there any special forum for SEO specialists?


A lot of things are published on these sites. useful information about SEO optimization.

Are there any professional difficulties?

I am sorely lacking free time. The whole problem with a flexible schedule is that I have to independently plan the workload, monitor project deadlines, work with customers and supervise other performers.

How do you plan your time?

First, I define the overall goal and highlight the priority tasks. For example, to optimize a new website, you first need to order articles and links. After that I move on to minor edits technical work and attract additional specialists.

Why do you love your job?

My profession makes me free. I work in comfortable conditions and can take a day off or an indefinite leave at any time. The more I can do, the higher my earnings.
There is one more important point. Imagine that you work as a specialist in a public or private company. Whatever you do, you will be tied to the employer.

  1. If he is in a bad mood, you will suffer.
  2. If his dog gets sick, you will suffer.
  3. If you feel bad but need to submit a project, you will suffer.
  4. If a new employer comes, you will suffer.
  5. If the company closes, you will suffer.

Everything is wrong with me. Relationships with the customer are always built on equal terms. I promote his website, he pays for my work. We both benefit from such cooperation. Conflicts and disputes rarely arise. Problems do not arise even when a completely insane customer comes across. We stop work and I immediately take on a new project. It's simple.

What professional skills are you missing?

I want to better study analytics tools.

How do you plan to organize training?

I don't have a clear program. The easiest way to acquire a skill is in the process of implementing a new project. I will work, gain experience and at the same time fill the gaps in my education.

Aren't you going to take advanced training courses?

They don't plan. I have already learned the basics of the profession, so I know how to develop further. However there is educational programs, which are perfect for beginners. With their help you can save a lot of time. If I were starting all over again, I would use one of them.

For example, training in online university Netology program SEO specialist. After training, you will receive a diploma, which will be an excellent addition to your resume. In addition, your profile will be received by a potential employer, who will load you with work as soon as necessary.

Online course " SEO OPTIMIZER" The training program includes: online webinars, completing homework and checking them with a curator, Feedback throughout the entire training.

There is also a course " SEO OPTIMIZER"in the recording - this is the same practical material only without checking homework and feedback.

What professional literature do you read?

Only forums and articles. No special textbooks or manuals.

What specialists do you need to hire for projects?

It all depends on the task at hand, but mostly these are programmers, designers and copywriters.

What difficulties arise?

Problems rarely arise with programmers and designers. The main problem with copywriters. They may not comply technical task, miss deadlines, submit poor-quality work, or generally write text that does not correspond to the topic.

How to find a good copywriter for a project?

First, remember: if you look for a new copywriter for every one-time order, you will spend too much effort, time and budget. You must have a full-time copywriter.

Find a good specialist with reasonable prices difficult. As a rule, such a person is busy with work and is rarely distracted by small tasks. Ask people you know who filled their websites with content. If there are none, place orders on freelance exchanges. Perhaps after long search you will find the right person.

What problems arise with customers?

Due to increased busyness, many customers are unable to provide the necessary data for the project in a timely manner. Let's say you need to fill out a page about a company's services. To do this you need to get a price list, photo and short description each service. At this stage, you are extremely vulnerable, since there will be no content - there will be nothing to optimize. Such force majeure events disrupt the plan and negatively affect the final result.

To avoid delays, follow these simple guidelines:

  1. write a separate clause in the contract explaining that the project period begins to be calculated from the moment all necessary materials are received;
  2. draw up detailed technical specifications;
  3. create, print and send to the customer a detailed checklist of everything necessary;
  4. Periodically call the customer and remind them of your requirements.

What are your plans for the future?

I will gradually increase the volume of work. I want to increase my salary to 10,000 hryvnia per month over the next few years. We'll see later. The main thing is that the number of projects does not affect the quality.

Hold out for six months. During this period you will have to work a lot, read and freak out. If you don’t break down, adequately assess your strengths and thoughtfully approach each task, then you will succeed.

  1. To become a CEO, you must have an interest and desire to work.
  2. Study the theory: CSS, HTML, search engine algorithms, optimization and website promotion tools.
  3. Get to practice. Start with a small project and gradually improve your skills.
  4. From the first days, learn to prioritize and plan time.
  5. Practice - The best way training. If you want to take a course, pay attention to the university Netology.
  6. To implement most projects, you will need a team: programmers, designers, copywriters.
  7. You will have the most problems with copywriters, so find a full-time specialist.
  8. Request information from customers for the project. Due to increased busyness, many will not be able to provide the necessary data in a timely manner.

Dear readers, now you know who SEO specialists are and what they do. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

- 2 of my big ones current courses from dozens of PDF files for free self-promotion sites. My courses are quite deep, suitable not only for beginners. But many have already been taught how to promote websites from scratch, and there are a lot of good reviews.

There was news for 2017 - Yandex launched SEO training courses for beginners.

All my projects except this SEO blog:

TOP Base - quality base for semi-automatic registration with Allsubmitter or for completely manual submission - for self-service free promotion any website, attracting targeted visitors to the site, increasing sales, naturally diluting the link profile. I have been collecting and updating the database for 10 years. There are all types of sites, all topics and regions.

SEO-Topshop- SEO software with DISCOUNTS, on favorable terms, news of SEO services, databases, manuals. Including Xrumer on the most favorable terms and with free training, Zennoposter, Zebroid and various others.

My free comprehensive SEO courses- 20 detailed lessons in PDF format.
- catalogs of sites, articles, press release sites, bulletin boards, company directories, forums, social networks, blog systems, etc.

"Approaching.."- my blog on the topic of self-development, psychology, relationships, personal effectiveness

Now I'll show you the way SEO promotion with my own hands, which I used to promote my website to 5,000 unique visitors per day in just 9 months. Moreover, I promoted my website from scratch, exclusively on my own and for free.

I called this method “Shock website promotion”. It differs in many ways from what is usually offered as an “SEO promotion recipe.” But the main thing is that it works and you can repeat it.

In this article, we will talk about website promotion using articles. That is, we will not buy any links. Exclusively white safe methods– wrote an article, optimized it, brought it to the TOP, repeated this scheme 50 – 100 times. That's all the promotion =)

And the very first step is choosing the right keyword for your article.

Step #1 – Select key queries “per million”

I hope you are already aware that you cannot write articles on the site “just like that.” Be sure to select in advance a specific key query for which you will optimize your article. For example, this article is optimized for the query “do-it-yourself SEO promotion.” That's why I put this phrase in the title.

Without this, search robots simply will not understand what your article is about. Although they are very smart, they are still robots.

And our task is to select key queries that:

  1. Have a large number of monthly requests (otherwise you will have to write 1000 articles to see any traffic);
  2. They have low competition (otherwise it will be almost impossible for you to break into the TOP);
  3. They have good prospects for “career growth” (more on this below).

Collecting a pool of such key queries is called compiling a semantic core. And if it seems to you that it is difficult and long, you think right. But it’s better to spend a couple of weeks selecting 30 queries now than to spend a couple of years writing articles and ending up with nothing.

The main tool for selecting keywords

Let's say we want to write an article about how having your own blog is very cool and cool. The title that comes to our mind for the article is “Why you need to blog.” It would seem that the topic will certainly be of interest to a wide range of readers.

But to check, we first go to Yandex.Wordstat. This is a free tool that will immediately show you the exact popularity of a particular request. Enter the selected key in the line and click “Select”.

As you can see in the screenshot above - this request has 0 views per month. This means no one is looking for him, and no one needs him. Please note that I put the request in quotes. This is how Yandex.Wordstat shows the exact frequency. If you leave the query without quotes, it will show completely incorrect numbers.

We conclude that the key query needs to be changed. But how best to formulate it? We begin to enter our main word “blog” into the Wordstat line and add question words– “how”, “what”, “why”.

And here we already have a very wide field for activity. We take each key query that we like and insert it into quotation marks to check the exact frequency. As a result we get:

Now this is another matter. If our article is in the TOP for 1500 impressions per month, then we will definitely get good traffic. But that's not the end of the story. Will we really be able to get to the top places for this request? Let's now turn to another tool.

SEO Competition Checker Tool

To check the level of competition among requests, we will use a service called “ Mutagen" It's paid, but you can do 10 free checks every day. Yes and paid checks They are very inexpensive - a few kopecks apiece.

The essence of this service in that it compares many different indicators of sites that are in first place in search results for a particular query, and draws a conclusion how easy or difficult it will be to “move” these sites.

For example, we take the same query that we found - “what is a blog”, enter it into the Mutagen check line and press Enter.

This query shows competition of “more than 25”. This maximum level competition, which shows Mutagen. That is, it will be extremely difficult to get to the TOP for this key. We are not happy with this.

If your resource is not yet highly promoted, then it is better to choose key queries with a competition level of 5-7 or even lower. So what should we do with this topic? Abandon the idea and write an article about something else?

Not at all necessary. Now we need to try to reformulate the request so that the level of competition is significantly reduced, and the number of requests does not fall very much. And the first thing you should try to do is lengthen the key query with additional words.

Now that's better. Let this query option have only 28 views per month. It’s better to take it for the article, because it has a competition level of only 7. If you come out on top for this key, then it is likely that Yandex will put you in the TOP for a broader one.

Many people believe that the more words in a key query, the fewer views it will have (because people are too lazy to enter long keys by hand). But as you can see, this is not always the case. We extended our key even further, and received a competition level of only 4, and almost 200 net views.

This is the ideal key for writing an article. We stop there and move on to the next stage - writing an article that deserves first place in the TOP.

Step #2 – Write armor-piercing articles

The amount of money in your pocket directly depends on the amount of traffic on your site. And the amount of traffic depends on the number of articles you have posted. The more articles, the more traffic. Everyone knows this, but for some reason articles are still not written.

And here I will give you a couple of life hacks that will help you write less and get more traffic.

Should I write it myself or hire a copywriter?

I recommend that all owners of content sites write articles for their resource themselves. This way you will immediately bypass numerous competitors who hire copywriters for this task. Here's my opinion - a copywriter will never write an article well enough.

Firstly, he is not an expert in the topic on which you made your site. This will be immediately noticeable by the amount of “water” and banal advice in the articles.

Secondly, a copywriter is not the owner of the site, and he will not work hard to ensure that the article turns out to be of really high quality and sufficiently voluminous.

And thirdly, what is called “copywriting” today is actually rewriting in 95% of cases. That is, a freelancer takes several articles on a given topic, crosses them with each other, adds some water, and that’s it. Even if different services for checking the uniqueness of text show “95-100% uniqueness” of such texts, Yandex and Google have their own verification algorithms.

Non-unique content is something that search engines are now actively struggling with. And if you start doing what no one else does (that is, writing unique original articles with truly valuable content yourself), you will immediately be noticed and put in the TOP.

Should I write long articles or short ones?

One of the questions that I get asked most often sounds something like this: “Dmitry, why do you write such long articles for the site? Nobody reads them." In fact, they read. And the longer the article, the longer the average person spends on the site (within reasonable limits, of course).

I can name at least 5 reasons why you also need to write long articles:

  1. Search robots think logically. And if they see that your article is 1500 words, and all other articles on this topic are 700 words, he concludes that your article contains 2 times more information on the topic. It's logical. Accordingly, he will at least give people the opportunity to “try” it.
  2. The longer your article, the more words and phrases on the topic you use in it. And this gives what is called “tail traffic”. That is, 80% of your traffic will come not from the main key query, but from many small queries that users search for 1-2 times a month.
  3. Even just scrolling through a long article to the end takes time. Accordingly, this greatly reduces the bounce rate - when a visitor spent less than 10-15 seconds on your site. And this is a very important indicator of the quality of the site.
  4. By publishing long articles on the site, you immediately show search engines that this is original content, and not just another copywriting (more on this below).
  5. An article of 1.5 – 2 thousand words is very difficult to re-optimize. Even if you use the main key in an article a dozen times, given the overall volume of text, this will be a very easy optimization. And search engines will have no reason to think that you are trying to deceive them.

Regarding the fourth item on this list. My articles are usually 2000 words or more. This is an average of 14 - 15 thousand characters. Today, a more or less normal copywriter on the stock exchange charges 70–80 rubles per 1000 rewriting characters. In total, to get an article with 15,000 characters, you will have to pay 1,200 rubles.

This is too much for a content site. Considering the quality of the copywriting, you will need 300 – 600 articles to start getting meaningful traffic. This is too much expense. Therefore, all webmasters who write articles as “copywriters” order texts of 3-4 thousand characters, no more. And so search engines immediately distinguish them from those who write on their own.

And therefore, you and I won’t need 300-600 articles. My site reached 5,000 visitors per day with only 30 large original articles. That is, you don’t have to worry that you’ll have to spend several hours every day writing huge articles all your life.

It will be enough for you to write only a dozen articles, as I indicated above, and you will already have more traffic than others get from hundreds of articles. But to do this, we need to help our article a little more after you have written it.

Step #3 - Quickly get to the TOP

Turnkey article optimization

After you have written an article, you need to lightly optimize it (without fanaticism). To do this, take the main key query for which the article was written and place it in the following places:

  1. In the H1 header;
  2. In the SEO title, which is called “title”;
  3. At the very beginning of the article (preferably in the first sentence);
  4. In the alt tag and in image captions;
  5. In the URL of your article;
  6. In subheading H2;
  7. In the middle and at the end of the article.

This will be quite enough for Yandex and Google to understand what your article is about and why key query she wants to compete. Now all that remains is to wait to see what verdict the search engines will make.

We speed up the publication of articles in the TOP

It usually takes 2-3 months for an article to mature enough to take its place in the TOP of search engines. But you can also speed up this process. Then your articles can be in first place literally 5-10 minutes after you click the “Publish” button.

For example, here is my article in the TOP 5 7 minutes after publication:

To achieve the same result, here's what you need to do:

  • Write and publish articles every day at a certain time. If Yandex notices that new material appears on your site every day at 12 o’clock, then soon it will begin sending its special robot to your site at exactly 12 o’clock. This is a so-called “fast robot” whose task is to quickly index new and relevant materials.
  • After publishing the article, go to Yandex.Webmaster and submit your article for re-crawling. This is the so-called “adurilka” of Yandex:

  • Post links to your new material in all in social networks, wherever you can: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others.
  • Send a newsletter to your subscriber base notifying you about new article(if you don’t have it yet, it’s time to start collecting)

Actually, this is where the main work of website promotion ends. Now you need to repeat this algorithm several dozen times, and your site will grow first to a “thousand” site, and then to a “ten-thousand” site. There would be a desire)

I hope that this article was useful to you, and now you better understand how to properly do SEO promotion with your own hands. Add it to your bookmarks so as not to lose it. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

To become a real SEO specialist, many webmasters had to make a lot of mistakes, lose a lot of money and many projects. According to statistics, most of the resources of beginners fall under the filter (after which the sites are abandoned), since the owner did not know all the intricacies of SEO promotion and optimization.

The Internet is full of articles about how to properly optimize and promote a website, but this information is not always up-to-date (search engine conditions are constantly changing) and presented correctly. Let's take a look here at what you need to do to become a good SEO as quickly as possible.

Large SEO forums are always full of experienced specialists who will always help with advice. You don’t need to spend a lot of time communicating; you just need to choose 3-4 forums and visit them from time to time.

You also need to select several blogs on SEO topics and subscribe to updates. The attendance of the resource to which the subscription is maintained must be at least 1000 visitors per day, because why learn from a webmaster who has not yet achieved anything?

Constantly learn

You should never miss an opportunity to get Additional information. It’s worth following experiments (or doing them yourself), watching webinars and reading SEO literature. Sometimes very useful, but paid information appears on the Internet, which is highly recommended to purchase.

For example, the course at the address will teach a beginner how to properly and effectively promote any website. Valuable information costs money, but such an expenditure will quickly pay off, since the course will allow you to comprehensively solve all problems with promotion. In just 3 months, some queries will make it to the Top10, and site traffic will increase 10 times.

Start simple

If you don’t have any experience in SEO, then you don’t need to set a high bar for yourself right away. It is better to make the first project on a non-competitive topic. If competitors are present, then it is better to promote low-frequency queries, since there is no chance for the rest.

No matter how effective it may be to cheat behavioral factors, buy links, automatic promotion, etc., using these methods is not recommended, since these actions are too dangerous, and a beginner will most likely receive sanctions. This is already more high level promotion that should only be used by experienced webmasters. Although a beginner can also purchase links if he follows all precautions.

Have patience

In SEO there is no point in waiting for quick results, everything takes time. If you do not follow some unique promotion system, then receiving the first thousand visitors will take, at best, about a year.

The speed of promotion directly depends on the indexing of the site. If it is fast (which is rare on young sites), then the published content will appear in the search results faster and, accordingly, will give a positive result earlier.

Website promotion is not for those people who need a lot of everything at once. Some bloggers write articles for months that no one reads or comments on. But then their efforts are generously rewarded with high attendance.

Drawing up a promotion plan

To promote a website, you need to perform a huge number of actions, and some of them must be done in strict order. Newbies may forget to do something, which is why the site will fall under the filter.

For example, often before installing a template on a website, a novice webmaster forgot to perform optimization (remove hidden links, duplicates, etc.), as a result of which, after indexing, the search engine considered the site to be of low quality.

Therefore, it is better to immediately draw up a promotion plan and strictly implement it. In future projects, the plan will most likely no longer be needed, since the optimizer will remember all the necessary actions well.

Analyze your competitors

Competitor analysis is great way make your website better and increase your rankings. For example, if competitors’ articles are several times larger than the optimizer’s, then he will already know the shortcomings of his resource, which means that he can easily fix it. Sometimes it's even better to make friends with a competitor to exchange knowledge.

But not everything needs to be adopted from a competitor’s site. For example, if he used the basic keyword 3 times, this does not mean that the webmaster needs to do 4. This way you can get a sanction for over-optimization.


The main thing is to constantly develop, without missing a single opportunity to gain valuable information. If an SEO marathon is being held on any reputable resource, then it is worth taking part in it. Marathons involve not only theory, but also practice, which is why they are much more effective than books and video courses.