Certificates for work on government procurement. Installation and configuration of cryptopro for working with electronic signatures

  1. Obtain an electronic signature and an electronic signature tool from the certification center.
  2. Install signature and electronic signature facility on workplace.
  3. Configure your browser to work with the electronic signature tool.

According to 44-FZ, auctions are held in electronic form, according to 223-FZ and commercial auctions - tenders, quotations, requests for prices, etc.

Electronic signature and electronic signature facility

To use an electronic signature (certificate), you need a token and an electronic signature tool.

A USB token is the most common form of issuing an electronic signature. A token can contain several signatures at once. Popular token brands in Russia: Rutoken, eToken and JaCarta.

An electronic signature tool is software that can be used to create and verify an electronic signature, encrypt and decrypt information. The most common electronic signature tool is CryptoPro CSP. You received it along with the token.

How to get a certificate?

Certificates from the SKB Kontur certification center are suitable for any type of procurement, including those under 44-FZ, and to work for everyone. To receive you need:

How to set up a workplace?

If you have an SKB Kontur certificate, then the setup consists of five steps:

    Checking that CryptoPro CSP is installed and working correctly

    Checking your token setup depending on the brand:

    - eToken

    The distribution of the electronic signature tool must have a module that supports the required token, otherwise an error will appear.

    Checking the presence of electronic signatures

    Expired certificates will not work. Each new electronic signature must be installed on the workplace in order to participate with it in electronic procedures.

    Verifying CA certificates

    The certificates of the certification authority where you received the key must be installed at your workplace. Otherwise, the errors “The certificate was issued by an unknown certification authority” or “The page cannot be displayed” may appear.

  1. Checking browser settings:

    • To participate in an electronic auction on most electronic trading platforms, you can only use Internet Explorer.
    • Checking browser properties
    • Checking browser add-ons
      The most common add-on is CAPICOM. If it is not there, errors may occur. If an error occurs at the registration stage, then the ETP cannot obtain the supplier’s TIN from the certificate or reports that the supplier does not have valid certificates. If an error occurs during the login stage Personal Area, then the site denies the supplier access.

Installation is simple, technical problems can be solved remotely. SKB Kontur guarantees the confidentiality of information.

When everything is set

After the workplace is configured, register a new electronic signature on the electronic trading platform.

  • If you are registering on the ETP for the first time, go through accreditation.
  • If you are already accredited to the ETP, the instructions will help you register your electronic signature.

In this article I will look at all installation options and what components must be installed to work correctly with the State Procurement portal. So what is government procurement? This is a portal (website) for organizing web trading (competitions, auctions). To work with this portal you must have the following software:

  • CryptoPro- Data encryption software. A license to use the program must be purchased by your organization. Paid software. You can download version 3.6 distribution from or from the official website cryptopro.
  • Token- key for working with the portal. Typically, such keys are personalized and issued to the user. For example, if you need to sign a document, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov’s token is inserted and signed on his behalf.
  • PKIClient- Drivers for working with a USB token. Drivers are possible.
  • Root certificate of the certification authority. .
  • Server certificate.
  • Sign plugin for Internet Explorer browser. The plugin required to sign a document. When you click on the sign button, the plugin calls the software associated with the token. .
  • Microsoft. NET Framework - It is not clear which version exactly. In the case of Windows XP - 2.0, in Windows 7 it is already built-in and located in Windows components.
  • Lkomponent- Also required for signature. .
  • vcredist -Libraries required for work. for 64 bit Windows versions. for 32 bit.

After installing all components, reboot and try to log into your personal account and sign the necessary document.

What to do if there is an error: Cannot sign data. Error description: Does the object not support this property or method?

  1. First, you need to check point by point whether the components listed above are installed. If everything is installed, check whether Lkomponent is installed correctly and Sign component, since it is he who is responsible for verifying the signature.
  2. If you are using an operating system Windows 7 or higher, then run search for Internet Explorer right click from under administrator.
  3. If you have 64-bit operating system, then run 32-bit Internet Explorer.

Attention! Gosportal works only in the browser Internet Explorer.

This article described what exactly is needed to work on the portal in a simple and clear way, since official instructions, which you can download here - a lot of water and unnecessary information. If this helped you, please leave your thanks in the comments.

Registration of a new certificate on the Government Procurement Portal.

Log in to your personal account using your old certificate or login and password.

If you have forgotten your password, see the explanation at the end of the document.

In the “User Registration Data” window on the right top corner click the link “Register digital signature certificate”

In the window that opens, under the line “Specify the file with new certificates,” click the “Browse...” link.

In the “Select File to Upload” window, select the path to the new certificate file.

When the path to the new certificate file is selected, click the “Download” link.

In the “user registration data” window that opens, if you logged in using a certificate, then click the register button, if you logged in using a password, then in the “Password” line, enter the password and in the “Password Confirmation” line, repeat the password again and click the register button

If the certificate is successfully registered, a message is displayed.

Recovering your password on the Government Procurement Portal.

If you have forgotten your password, then you need to click the “Forgot your password” link in the “Personal Account” login menu.

In the window that opens, you must enter the user login and answer the security question “enter the result of the operation..” and click the “Send password” button.

If the picture is not visible or due to a glitch the result of the security question is not recognized, press the “F5” key on your keyboard to refresh the window.

After the operation is completed, you will receive an email with a temporary password and a link to enter the site to the email address specified when registering as a user on the site.

In the UIS (Unified Information System) and on the five main electronic platforms To perform such actions as changing user permissions, making changes to an organization's registration data, publishing various information, directing a project and signing a contract, it is required.

It can be purchased both from specialized organizations () and on the sites themselves (as a rule, they offer such a service). Registration of an electronic digital signature for individual entrepreneurs for government procurement is no fundamentally different from registration for legal entities.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up an electronic signature

To participate in electronic trading, you need to know how to set up an electronic signature for government procurement. For this:

  1. Receive an electronic signature and a special program for working with it from the certification center.
  2. Install the signature and electronic signature tool on your computer.
  3. Set up Internet Explorer to work.

To use an EDS certificate, you need a token and an electronic signature.

Token with USB connector appearance resembles a regular flash drive. It can record and store multiple signatures. In Russia, the following brands of tokens are most often offered: Rutoken, eToken and JaCarta.

An electronic signature tool is a special software(cryptoprogram), the functions of which allow you to create and verify an electronic signature, encrypt and decrypt information. The most common electronic signature tool is CryptoPro CSP. It can be purchased either from the same organization that issued the digital signature, or from companies that sell the software.

Workplace setup

Setting up an electronic signature for a government order consists of five stages:

Step 1. Make sure that CryptoPro CSP is installed and working correctly. To do this, in the computer's Control Panel, go to the All Control Panel Items section, find the crypto program and, right-clicking on it, select Properties from the menu. A new window will open. The information you need is on the General tab.

Stage 2. Checking the settings of your token depending on the brand: Rutoken, eToken and JaCarta. The driver for the required token must be installed. You can download them on the official website of the manufacturer.

To check, open the Token app and select About.

Stage 3. Installation of electronic signature certificates. Don't forget that certificates have an expiration date.

Stage 4. Installing certificates from the certification authority where you received the key. To do this, select Certificates in the crypto program.

Step 5: Checking your browser settings:

  1. Most often, electronic trading platforms and EIS guarantee correct operation only through the Internet Explorer browser.
  2. Checking your browser settings.
  3. Checking browser add-ons. The most common add-on is CAPICOM. Install it.

To obtain an electronic signature for a customer in the Unified Information System under 44-FZ, it is necessary to generate digital signature keys for government procurement, instructions and a program for which are located on the Treasury website.

Setting up an electronic signature for the Customer

Browser settings

Step 1: Check your browser security settings. To do this, click on the Tools button and select Internet Options from the menu.

Step 2: Go to the Security tab. Select Trusted Sites, then click the Sites button.

Step 3. In the window that opens, in the “Add the next node to the zone” field, enter the address of the UIS website - zakupki.gov.ru. After that, click Add.

Step 4: Check your security settings. To do this, on the same Security tab, click on the Other button.

Step 5: A new window will open. Make sure you have the same settings as in the screenshots below. When everything is ready, click OK.

Step 6: Turn on your pop-up blocker. To do this, go to the Privacy tab and select the appropriate menu item.

Installing a personal certificate

Step 1. Go to the Service tab in a crypto program, for example, CryptoPro CSP, and click on the Install personal certificate button.

Step 2. In the Installation Wizard, select the desired certificate file with the .cer extension.

Step 3. In the next window, check the certificate details and click Next.

Step 4: Click Browse and select the required key container.

Step 5: Select the storage and click OK.

Step 6. In the last window, double-check that the information provided is correct and click Finish to complete the installation.

Participation in public procurement, which are held in electronic form and are reflected in a single information system become impossible without the presence of electronic digital signature(hereinafter referred to as EP). At the same time, the presence of a digital signature with the customer or contractor is not considered separately from the question: “Government procurement certificate of signature verification keys.” Let's try to figure out what's what.

The main requirements put forward for organizing the process of conducting public procurement in electronic form using electronic signatures are regulated by Article 5 Federal Law No. 44 of April 5, 2013

Let's highlight the key ones:

  • transfer and exchange of electronic documents in the field of public procurement, submitting applications for participation in them, determining winners and signing contracts is allowed only if they are signed with an enhanced electronic signature;
  • EP keys, as well as signature verification key certificates are issued by special organizations called certification centers (hereinafter referred to as CA);
  • CAs are required to undergo accreditation;
  • uniform requirements regarding the security of certificates and keys, which are used both in the Unified Information System and on electronic platforms, the right to establish a federal executive body for regulatory issues in the field of procurement.

It is impossible not to mention that each participant in public procurement using an enhanced electronic signature is obliged to:

  • ensure the confidentiality of keys;
  • do not allow third parties to use their own electronic keys without their consent;
  • if a violation of confidentiality is detected, notify the CA that issued the certificate within 1 business day;
  • if there is reason to believe that the security of the key has been compromised, do not use it to check the electronic signature.

Features of the ES installation process

Having dealt with the questions of what it is used for and what the owner of the electronic signature is obliged to do, let’s move on to the most important question, namely how to use it in practice and how to install a certificate for government procurement.

In order to fully use the electronic signature when working on the official EIS website, you need to carry out a number of sequential actions, without which further work with the key will be impossible.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Set up your browser, from a security point of view, and add the official government procurement portal to the list of trusted nodes.
  2. Installation of a cryptoprovider.
  3. Installing a certificate.

At first glance, it may seem that this is quite complicated and technically “confusing”, but in practice this is not at all the case. Let's try to make sure of this.

First stage

Configuring security settings begins with enabling the TLS encryption protocol in your browser. The photo below shows an example of how to do this in the Internet Explorer menu.

After which it is necessary to confirm the security of digital signatures, or as they say otherwise, confirm their authenticity, install a server and CA certificate.

What is needed for this:

  • download the workplace setup files from the official portal and install the root government procurement certificate by opening the file with the extension *.cer

Advice! If the certificate type is PKCS #7, then to install it you need to open a file with the *.p7b extension.

  • Perform similar steps as described above to install a server certificate;
  • place all certificates in the store, specifying “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” in the Certificate Import Wizard;
  • add the EIS website to the list of trusted ones by specifying it in the browser properties (see example below in the figure).

Second and third stages

For the purpose of authorizing the signature and giving electronic document which will be signed by her, the legal force is established special program, referred to as cryptoprovider CryptoPro CSP. To do this, the installation package of the program is launched on the user's computer, all the necessary fields are filled in, the user confirms acceptance of the terms of the license agreement and the types of readers where the received keys are stored are noted.

WITH detailed instructions can be found on the software manufacturer's website. The last step is to install the certificate in the CryptoPro CSP program.

In order for the government procurement root certificate to be installed, a number of actions must be performed:

  • insert into the computer the drive where the certificates are stored;
  • open a file with *.p7b extension;
  • standing on the required file personal certificate, select the item in the menu
  • "Export". An example is shown in the figure below.

  • specify the location for storing the certificate and its name and complete the operation;
  • download the CryptoPro software and install a personal certificate in the “Service” tab, as shown below.

Attention! The system automatically reminds you about the expiration of the electronic signature.

What else you should know about EP

Electronic keys for participation in government procurement are issued by the CA only to contractors/suppliers. To participate in procurement, customers (government institutions) receive electronic signatures only at the centers of the Treasury of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for obtaining keys by procurement participants at the CA is as follows:

  • fill out an application;
  • provide the necessary package of documents;
  • pay for the service;
  • receive a ready-made set of electronic signatures.

It should be noted that at the moment, many CAs, for the maximum convenience of their clients, offer to fill out an application online. As for the package of documents.

As an example, here is a list of documents for participants - entrepreneurs (IP):

  1. Certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs and TIN;
  2. An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs issued no earlier than 30 days ago;
  3. Entrepreneur's passport;
  4. SNILS;
  5. Power of attorney to receive (if it is not the individual entrepreneur himself who will receive the certificate).

Attention! The validity period of the electronic signature is 1 year, after which it must be reissued.

Here are step-by-step instructions for working with the website zakupki.gov.ru: from the necessary requirements for the computer used, browser settings to what operations are possible on the government procurement website.

The website zakupki.gov.ru is the main resource used by procurement participants. This portal contains all the necessary information for suppliers and customers. Therefore, it is very important to know how to work on zakupki.gov.ru.

The portal zakupki.gov.ru is the only official source of information about government procurement in our country. It appeared in 2008, and already in 2011 all federal, regional and municipal government customers moved there without fail.

Registration on the website zakupki.gov.ru

Registration on zakupki.gov.ru is not a whim, only after it you can use all the capabilities of the resource and gain access to the closed part of the system, to perform operations. Detailed and up-to-date instructions for registering users and organizations in 2018 are available on our website.

To obtain full access to the PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU portal, please register. It won't take more than a minute. Select social network for quick authorization on the portal:

So, let's figure out how to register on zakupki.gov.ru. To create an account on the site, you need a certificate to work on it and special software. Please note that an electronic signature is required.

To receive a certificate for government procurement, you need to come to Federal Treasury, submit information about the organization, and then pick up a certificate for registration. It is under this certificate that you will access the site.

When it comes to software, things are more complicated. First, you need to make sure that your computer meets all the requirements.

Computer and software requirements

  1. Processor frequency - at least 1.3 GHz;
  2. RAM - at least a gigabyte;
  3. Internet speed - more than 256 kbit/sec;
  4. Browser versions: Internet Explorer (versions 10.0 and higher), Opera (versions 26 and higher), Mozilla FireFox(versions 40 and higher), Google Chrome(version 44 and above) and Apple Safari (version 8 and above);
  5. Installed software - CryptoPro CSP.

Let's dwell a little on how to make an electronic signature.

An electronic digital signature is encrypted information that identifies a physical or entity. It is impossible to forge this signature. To receive it, collect a package of documents. This is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a passport, its copy, SNILS. You need to contact them at any MFC in your region. Or this can be done in the “obtaining an electronic digital signature certificate” section on the government services website. After completing the procedure you will receive a public key: certificate and private key for signing documents.

What will appear in the Unified Information System in 2019 for the convenience of customers and controllers

How will the report be generated in the register of contracts from the moment it becomes automatic, what will it become easier work With trademarks what a prescription is in a structured form - read in the selection of news about the new functionality of the EIS.

So, you have an electronic digital signature, you have a certificate, now let’s move on to installing the software. Here step-by-step instruction what you need to do:

  • We enable the TLS protocol in the browser ("Tools" - "Internet options" - "Advanced" - click the check-box button next to the item "TLS 1.0" (Use TLS 1.0);
  • We install the necessary certificates. You can download them from the training materials on the government procurement website;
  • Adding a site Goszakupki.ru to the list of trusted nodes (“Tools” - “Internet Options” - “Security” - “Trusted nodes” - “Nodes”. Uncheck the “All nodes require checking https servers” and in the “Add node to zone” column enter: http ://zakupki.gov.ru/ and http s://zakupki.gov.ru/);
  • Install CryptoPro CSP software. Starting from version EIS 8.2, it is recommended to download CryptoPro CSP 4.0 (build 4.0.9944) from the official website;
  • We install the signature generation component - Sign.cab (it is on the EIS website in “Files for setting up a workplace”);
  • Setting up readers;
  • Install the CryptoPro certificate.

Please note that all steps of registration on the procurement portal and all difficulties that may arise during it are described in detail in the training materials on the procurement.gov.ru website. By the way, government procurement software, like any other, tends to be updated. All updates are also available on the website zakupki.gov.ru.

After we have prepared the computer, we register on the portal. To do this, go to your personal account, select the Federal Law you are interested in, for example, 44, click “Login” in the top window and then “Register”. You will need to enter all the data into the organization’s card and select one of the proposed logins.

Features of the site zakupki.gov.ru

The portal contains various registers, regulations, educational materials that we have already discussed, useful links, news in the field of public procurement, interesting statistics, forecasts, etc.

Users can perform the following operations:

  • Enter information about the signed contract, order participants, application deadlines, tender documentation, changes, etc.;
  • Create and place orders in various ways;
  • Form protocols, attach documentation to order cards, conclude related agreements online;
  • Receive comprehensive information about counterparties, which will allow you to adequately assess their capabilities;
  • ;
  • EIS User Guide.pdf

This application automatically sets the necessary PC parameters in accordance with the requirements of sites for working with and.

The program performs its function both for the Supplier’s workplace and for the Customer.

During installation, the software will automatically determine the bit depth of your system and install the appropriate libraries. CryptoPRO components and the device driver will also be selected and installed automatically.

Users do not have to search for and install root and revoked ones into the registry ETP certificates, as well as additional configuration software. This program will do everything without your participation. All you have to do is insert the digital signature media into your computer and start working with purchases!

On-line workplace setup

You can also use online workplace setup using the service of our partner SKB-Kontur. To do this, follow the link below and simply follow the instructions in the setup wizard. The whole process will take no more than 5 minutes and require minimal participation from you.