Set the air conditioner what. What do the buttons on the air conditioner remote mean: dry, heat, etc.

An air conditioner is, first of all, a device for maintaining the desired temperature in a room. The transfer of air conditioners from one mode to another occurs both manually and from a remote control. In any price category there are air conditioners with the same functionality.

The presence of operations on it depends on the configuration. As a rule, a household unit has several functions, which are marked on remote control air conditioner in the form of intuitive signs. What modes the icons and inscriptions symbolize will be discussed in this article.

General air conditioner modes

The basic functions of an air conditioning device are found in every classic product, and they have designations of air conditioning modes in the form of symbols and inscriptions in English. However, most of these words require translation.

In this row, you can determine what functions the air conditioner performs in the form of the following inscriptions and signs:

  • Cool – coolness, indicated by a snowflake.
  • Heat – heating, there is a sun icon.
  • Dry – drying, icon – drop.
  • Fan speed – ventilation, a propeller is shown next to the inscription.
  • Sleep – night auto mode. Star symbol.
  • Timer – timer. Image of a clock.
  • Swing – direction of air flow through curtains.
  • Lock – child lock button.

When choosing an air conditioner for your home, you usually determine, first of all, energy consumption, and, of course, the minimum possible operations. And although the functions of the air conditioner: air dehumidification, ventilation, ionization and disinfection are not so noticeable at first glance, they significantly increase the comfort of living when using them.

What functions does the air conditioner perform?

The microclimate plays a huge role in a person’s comfortable living. Undoubtedly, being in a room with optimal temperature and normal humidity is much more pleasant than being in a room where it is hot and stuffy.

Although the main task of an air conditioner is to create cool air flow, it also has other functions. important settings, transfer to which will increase the standard of living of household members.

Cooling the room

Each air conditioner is designed primarily to cool the air mass in the room. Switching to this mode is done on the remote control with a button where a snowflake is depicted, which means “cold”.

Good to know! Coolness occurs through a physical process, or, more precisely, the transformation of a substance (refrigerant, freon) from liquid to gaseous state.

When the air conditioner is in auto cooling mode, it turns on when the room temperature rises. After the degree readings have reached their configured value, the compressor in the external module is turned off (if it is a split system). For better comfort, the fan speed in the indoor unit is automatically adjusted depending on the room temperature.

The speed of the outdoor fan changes depending on the condition of the outdoor unit's capacitor. As soon as the moisture release decreases, which means the pressure inside the tubes drops, the compressor turns on and the speed of the fan located outside increases.

At this moment, the warm air formed around the condenser is discharged outside, and the icy refrigerant is driven into the evaporator of the indoor module. The heat exchanger is made in the form of a radiator (copper tubes are fastened together with aluminum plates). Cold air, passing through the grilles, is accelerated by a fan throughout the room.

Heating the room

When the temperature in the room drops, the automatic “cooling” mode switches to the “heating” mode. This is achieved through a 4-way valve, which changes the movement of the refrigerant. And as a result, the outdoor and indoor units change places, or, more precisely, the evaporator works as a condenser, and that, in turn, as a radiator.

Most often, the heating function is designated “heat”, which in Russian for an air conditioner means “heating”, “warmth”. A sun symbol is usually depicted next to the inscription. To switch the air conditioner to the automatic “heating” mode, you need to press the button with a miniature image of the sun and the light on the display should light up.

Air dehumidification

Air humidity in residential premises should be 40-60%. Sometimes it happens that this indicator is higher, and increased humidity creates discomfort. The function of dehumidifying the air mass with an air conditioner is simple.

Moist warm air passes through a cold evaporator (heat exchanger) and as a result, water from the air condenses on the surface. Moisture gradually accumulates in special containers and is then removed through the drainage system to the street.

In general, the dehumidification function can be divided into three stages:

  1. Dehumidification from the remote control button.
  2. Automatic drying.
  3. Switching to air ventilation and drying mode depending on the humidity indicators of the device.

Attention! When the air conditioner operates for dehumidification, the air does not heat up and the temperature in the room remains unchanged, contrary to the opinion of some ordinary people.

Fresh air supply

Over the past decade, supply-type air conditioners have appeared on the market. They differ from traditional split systems by the presence of a ducted air duct, in the system of which atmospheric air can be mixed up to 25% of the device’s power.

An air conditioner with such a mixture has a built-in membrane that regulates the operation of the channel. At the same time, her characteristic property is unequal throughput: oxygen molecules pass through such a membrane much faster and better than molecules of other gases.

However, in most devices in the middle and lower price range, in the “Ventilation” mode, the fan of the indoor unit simply runs idle, thereby distributing air around the room, without real ventilation. In devices that are capable of ventilation, there is always another plastic tube that sucks in air from the street.

Silent or night mode

What does the night function mean in an air conditioner? “Sleep Mode”, or translated into Russian as a night timer, creates favorable conditions for sleep. Switching the air conditioner to this operation is necessary in cases where the room temperature is elevated.

After receiving a command for “dark mode”, the fan in the indoor unit begins to rotate at a slow speed, reducing the sounds from the operating device. After a certain time set for sleep, the timer is triggered and the air conditioner automatically switches to normal operation.

Such orderly operation of the unit saves energy and reduces the noise level during sleep, and the smooth transition of the air conditioner from one mode to another allows you to reach the desired temperature in a short time.


When it comes to such a useful but little-studied function as a timer, you need to understand that it is present in almost all models of air conditioners. With its help, you can not only make automatic transfers from one mode to another, but also configure more economical operation of the entire device.

Turning on the split system at the time when it brings the greatest benefit to the family and turning it off when the household is away makes the timer a profitable and convenient device. Some manufacturers set one for a period of 12 hours, and there are also manufacturers who set several timers to turn on different modes in the air conditioner.

To set the time, you need to press the “timer” button, after which the signal light on the display will light up. The time can be set in 30 minute intervals for up to 3 hours. And in increments of one hour - up to 24 hours. To activate the timer, after setting the time, no later than 10 seconds, press the Set button. Using the timer, you can enable or disable many additional functions on your air conditioner.

Changing the direction of the curtains (Swing)

This operation allows you to change the location of the blinds in the air conditioner, which helps to purposefully distribute air flows throughout the room. To change the movement of the air mass, you need to turn on the Air divestion button (direction of movement) while the air conditioner is running.

And then, after a three-second exposure, press the “Swing” button. After accepting the command to switch to another mode, the horizontal curtains will automatically swing up and down. To raise the blinds of the air conditioner, you need to use the Airswing button.

Attention! If the air conditioner malfunctions, an error code is displayed on the display, which allows you to accurately diagnose the device.

Accessibility and popular features

Now many manufacturers, in order to attract buyers, improve air conditioners with additional functions.

However, some of them especially attract our attention, such as:

Comfort setting. Turning on the air conditioner in optimal mode from +20˚С to +25˚С

Air cleaning. Occurs due to built-in filters, which differ in permeability and in their constituent material. They come with coarse cleaning, which retains medium and large particles of dirt, as well as fine cleaning, ready to retain even pollen. And even the device can be equipped with filters that can absorb odors.

Ionization. Here the room is saturated with ions with negative charges. The function is designed to improve vitality, immunity and well-being of a person.

Defrosting. At the same time, the heat exchanger is not covered with ice for a long time, which is why its performance is greatly increased.

I-Feel. Setting the air temperature using the sensor in the control panel. Such a transfer of climate control equipment is possible in those air conditioners where the temperature relay, which changes the degrees in the room, is built into the remote control.

Air conditioners sometimes use forced ventilation “fan speed”, which is switched to in case of air circulation, ionization or purification.

The functions of each air conditioner are designed to create a favorable microclimate in the apartment.

On a note! If there are unfamiliar inscriptions on the remote control body, you can select the optimal mode using the “Mode” button. You need to press plus or minus according to this command until the transfer to the desired function occurs.

Scroll additional settings depends entirely on the manufacturer and brand of the air conditioner. The designation on the case or remote control of one split system may differ from the same meanings from other manufacturers.

Dry function for air conditioning: translation into Russian and 3 temperature modes

Many modern air conditioners are equipped with a Dry function. Modern air conditioners are devices that can cool the air in a room, as well as many other functions. That is why this equipment is called multifunctional and, most importantly, quite in demand. You can hardly find offices shopping centers, clinics or any other premises that do not have such household appliances. Among the most popular functions are: Dry, Heat, Fan. Each air conditioner operating mode has a specific purpose and is turned on at a specific time, either manually or through an automated system.

Heat: translation into Russian in the air conditioner

The translation into Russian of this mode of operation is very simple and it is a banal heating of the air in the room. As a rule, it activates independently when the operating temperature in the room begins to decrease from the set level. It is worth noting that not every air conditioner contains instructions regarding minimum value temperature at which the air conditioner can be operated.

In order to heat the air in the room, you need to turn on the Heat function in the air conditioner

For example, there are models that can only operate at temperatures not lower than:

  • -5 oC;
  • -10 оС;
  • -15 oC.

If the device model has limitations and it is impossible to turn it on at a temperature lower than specified in the instructions, then there is a high probability of product failure. That is why, when purchasing equipment, you need to pay attention not only to the equipment itself, but also to the conditions under which the operation will be carried out. There are products that can operate at the lowest temperatures.

Air conditioner modes: icons and captions on the control panel

There are certain icons on the control panel that indicate the air conditioner modes.

You can easily get acquainted with the air conditioner modes using the instructions

Each of them is necessarily signed and has a certain meaning.:

  • ON/OFF – on. and off devices;
  • TEMP SET – select temperature level;
  • FAN SPEED – speed at which the fan rotates;
  • TAIMER – delay of turning on or off the device;
  • SLEEP – sleep mode setting;
  • SWING – button responsible for controlling horizontal blinds;
  • RESET – reset of specified parameters;
  • MODE – button responsible for setting the device operating mode;
  • SWING – control of vertical blinds;
  • TURBO – acceleration of the device.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It is enough to decide on necessary action and press the corresponding button.

Fan: translation into Russian in the air conditioner

Air conditioner operating modes are the functions that the device will perform when you press a button with the corresponding icon.

It could be:

  • Drying;
  • Hydration;
  • Ventilation.

A rather convenient function that the air conditioner has is the Fan function.

IN in this case We are talking specifically about ventilation, which means turning off the cooling equipment and turning on the fans. The peculiarity of the function is that air is taken from the street. And it gets inside, but without additional cooling or heating.

This function is an advantageous option for those buildings in which central heating is installed.

There are models in which you can turn off the air intake from outside and simply connect the ventilation of the space in the room. On more modern air conditioners it is possible to regulate the fan speed.

Basic air conditioner modes and their designations

In general, an air conditioner is used for: dehumidification, cooling and heating. It is worth familiarizing yourself with each mode in advance in order to have an idea of ​​​​the capabilities of this equipment. Heating or cooling functions are extremely important when purchasing an air conditioner, as these are the main modes. Cooling is carried out through a physical process, or to be more precise, the state of the refrigerant changes from liquid to gaseous, due to which the intake is carried out warm air from the room.

In heating mode, the opposite happens: warm air is supplied to the room. This function is required from autumn to late spring and is most often used in public areas.

As for operation during winter, you need to carefully study the equipment instructions and determine the maximum permissible level negative temperature at which the device can be used. There are models of air conditioners that are used to heat air from the room in which they are installed, and the work is carried out through the operation of a heating element that heats the air passing through its cavity.

When choosing an air conditioner, you should additionally take into account both its main modes and designations

Many people are interested in the meaning of the word – air dehumidification. In general, not everyone uses a dehumidifier, but it is required to remove humidity and dampness from a room. When cooling, turning on the dehumidifier means providing more comfortable air to the room. The dehumidifier can turn on automatically, but this is only in those models that are equipped with a moisture level capture sensor. As soon as a deviation from the norm occurs, the Dry function is activated, allowing the space to be drained in a minimum amount of time.

If you purchase an air conditioner that has an automatic mode selection button, you can relieve yourself of a lot of worries. By clicking on this mode, you can simply enjoy the pleasant atmosphere and nothing more. In other words, automatic selection occurs required functions depending on environmental conditions. Such products cost a lot, but they are of higher quality and allow you to control the temperature and humidity of the air without even being in the room. The peculiarity of this function is to save energy, since when certain preset levels are reached, the air conditioner will automatically turn off.

By setting a sleep mode, you can also save electricity. For example, if you need the air conditioner to work only during the period of getting ready for bed, and not after that, then you need to set a sleep mode and a timer, when triggered, the equipment will turn off. This will allow you to sleep in silence and avoid oversaturation of the air with heat or, conversely, with cold. In some models this feature is called Comfort Sleep. The timer can be used at any time. For example, if you set it a few hours earlier, in time, before people appear in the room, then by the time they arrive, the optimal temperature will be formed for a comfortable stay.

The heat exchanger defrost function is a mode that allows you to keep the air conditioner in normal operating condition for as long as possible. In other words, when the cooling operating mode is carried out, cold is collected inside in the refrigerant, and the presence of the defrosting function reduces the load on this part.

The process of filtering and purifying air is considered a very popular mode. Today there are air conditioners with step filters that can remove small contaminants and dust, including microorganisms, from the air conditioned. Due to these filters, the air is purified in three stages, in particular, the process of coarse cleaning is carried out, the removal of microbes and pollen from plants and the removal of unpleasant odors. This allows you to maintain not only a pleasant atmosphere in the room in terms of temperature and humidity, but also to eliminate odors that can accumulate and cause discomfort. Such functions are especially important for homes where there are animals, people with allergies, and for retail outlets.

What is DRY for an air conditioner: translation into Russian (video)

It is not at all difficult to understand what an air conditioner is, since it is equipment with the help of which ventilation, cooling, heating and air purification are carried out. The device is extremely useful and far from fancy, provided that high-quality installation and selection of the device have been carried out.

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Often people who have just bought an air conditioner do not know which side to approach it from, where to press, etc. Today we decided to help you understand the air conditioner remote control, which is your main assistant in creating a comfortable temperature in the room. After reading this article, you will no longer have to ask yourself the question: “Am I using air conditioning correctly?”

Of course there is a large number of various remote controls, moreover, each brand has its own design. However, every manufacturer, no matter how extravagant it may be, tries to make the remote control as easy to use as possible. Thus creates universal keys ( general standard), by clicking on which you can quickly set the necessary parameters.

The first and main advice for novice users is to read the instructions. Of course, you can plead laziness, you can think that instructions are a trifle. However, it contains the most important characteristics that you will need when using a new device.

Now we will analyze in order the possible keys that are found in wired and wireless remote controls for air conditioners. All names are written in English, but don’t be scared, you will gradually remember everything and easily control the temperature in your home.

Most popular buttons

These buttons are most often found on air conditioner remote controls and this instruction Applicable to many models.

Mode- mode selection ( automatic operation, cold, dehumidification, heat, ventilation)

Fan– (this is not the same Fan that is in Mode modes)

The Fan button is for setting the fan rotation speed (3-4 different levels speed)

Swing- direction of the horizontal damper (directs the air flow)

Press once, the damper will begin to swing up and down constantly, and when pressed again it will fix its position. Some models have the ability to set the direction of the vertical dampers; if this function is not available, then they must be adjusted manually, pointing them in the desired direction. Direct exposure of the air flow to a person is undesirable.

Temp- temperature (set, inside - outside).
You can find out the set temperature in the air conditioner settings, the indoor and outdoor temperatures (there is not always a thermometer on the external unit of the air conditioner).

Sleep- sleeping mode.

Reduced fan speed to keep it quiet. Every hour for 2 hours the temperature increases +1 from the set value. Then the temperature is maintained at the achieved level, and after 6 hours the air conditioner turns off. During sleep, our body temperature drops and this function prevents us from getting sick/freezing. To clarify the data, see the instructions.

Clock– clock (shows the set time). Set time using temperature arrows

Time on (off)– turn on/off the air conditioner using a timer (don’t forget to set the current Clock time)

Setting the time for turning on and off the air conditioner with the latest mode and temperature settings. Pressing the button again will turn off the timer. Time is adjusted using temperature arrows

Turbo- mode increased productivity(increases the rotation speed of the indoor unit fan).


Don’t forget that you shouldn’t turn on the air conditioner at -10C degrees Celsius. This may damage the air conditioner. Only air conditioners equipped with a winter kit can operate at low temperatures (down to -40C).

Let's look at the remaining keys:

Each brand and model of air conditioner has its own “tricks”. Let's look at some buttons with additional modes and functions for the air conditioner.

Smart Saver– a very important feature that usually pleases budget-conscious users. If you set this option, the air conditioner will reach a certain temperature you set, and then stop working. This is very convenient, then your room will not be too cold or too hot: if the temperature starts to change, the air conditioner will turn on again. Thus, the temperature will be maintained at a certain level.

The Qulet button provides enhanced dispersion of the cold air supply, thus reducing the risk of getting sick from direct pressure to zero. A very important function for rooms where children are often present.

Auto Clean– a button for disinfecting the air conditioner itself and drying its parts. This feature works very well for the device itself, you should press the key once every few days to help the device remove moisture. Thus, fungus will not form in the air conditioner.

Good sleep– this button will help you put the air conditioner into a “half-sleep” state: the device will work, the blade will be slightly open and the cold air will be directed towards the ceiling. This mode prevents you from getting sick and does not interfere with your sleep.

Eco– the button is responsible for the energy saving mode. The air conditioner starts operating at low speed. Used to maintain an already cold room.

Ok and Cancel- button to confirm and cancel commands.

Indicators and signals

Many models have a display on the interior panel of the air conditioner that shows you information about the settings you have made. Most often, the temperature set for operation in the set mode is displayed (sometimes the set mode is displayed).
If you do not have a display or have poor eyesight, then you can navigate by the information on the remote control display. You can also control the set parameters by sound signal indoor unit. When each button is pressed, the air conditioner unit makes a “peep” sound, thereby indicating that it has received a command from the remote control. If you do not hear the sound, press again.

With this simple knowledge of how the remote control works, you will always be able to operate your equipment perfectly. It will bring you only positive emotions and set the perfect temperature in your home.

Air conditioning is a convenient thing. I pressed the button and was transported from the heat to the cool. And it doesn’t matter what the Ministry of Health warns. What do we need hypothetical risks when here it is, momentary pleasure.

The Roman Emperor Heliogabalus thought approximately the same thing, enjoying the cool breeze of the snowdrifts in the heat. The freshest mountain snow for snowdrifts was delivered to His Imperial Majesty by slaves.

Modern air conditioners operate without the use of other people's labor, but under the strict guidance of the user. And the connecting link between the user’s desires and the capabilities of the air conditioner is the remote control. Let's talk about him.

Different but the same

There are different remote controls - stationary and infrared. Landlines communicate with electronic board air conditioner through wires, infrared - through IR rays.

Remote controls may differ in design and “bells and whistles” in the form additional functions, but the operating algorithm and the package of standard buttons are the same for everyone. Once you figure it out, you can become the masters of all air conditioners. Seriously.

As for buttons, some civilized people will determine the functions intuitively or through accumulated experience. ON/OFF – turned on and off. Transparent and understandable. But other buttons can evoke a variety of feelings - genuine interest, slight concern or awe.

What happens if you press MODE? Why doesn't anything happen when I press Health? Buttons are so unpredictable. At least until you read the instructions. We will not rewrite the instructions.

Let's turn all our attention to problem buttons - those that evoke a desire to talk and are the subject of heated discussions on forums. They became the heroes of our hot TOP.

Sharing: Mode button on the air conditioner remote control

Theater begins with a coat rack, and air conditioning control - from the MODE button. This is what you need to press to turn a piece of plastic into a smart device that takes care of the microclimate.

MODE gives access to a menu with modes.

Thanks to MODE, you can fill the room with freshness (COOL), warmth (HEAT), dryness (DRY), simply blow air in ventilation mode (FAN) or entrust climate control to the device (AUTO).

Click on MODE, go to the desired mode, set the temperature (arrow buttons) and fan speed (FAN button) and enjoy the result. By the way, about FAN...

At all speeds: meaning of the Fan button on the air conditioner remote control

FAN is not only the “Ventilation” mode in the MODE menu, in which the air is driven and mixed, as if a table or floor fan were running.

FAN is also a separate button on the remote control panel, which sets the fan’s operating rhythm in modes, that is, it determines at what speed the device will supply cold, hot or neutral air.

By the way, in FAN mode(in the MODE menu) the air is not heated or cooled, but is mixed as it is. The speed can be set to automatic, low (LOW), medium (MED) and high (HI) in any operating mode of the air conditioner, except AUTO, in which the user’s whims do not matter.

Dangerous moisture: Dry – “drying” button on the remote control

If cooling and heating do not raise questions, the DRY mode, which almost all modern air conditioners are equipped with, is puzzling. Why dry the air? Many people are perplexed. And fair enough. Thanks to advertisements for humidifiers, we believed with all our hearts the story of how harmful dry air is.

How to understand the DRY function? It turns out that too humid air is also dangerous. If the room is cool, high humidity leads to dampness. If it's hot, it means stuffiness.

In any case, these are the risks of bronchopulmonary diseases, peeling wallpaper and falling off plaster. What about fungi and mold, for which moisture is their home?

In general, “drying” is useful if the humidity level in the room exceeds 45-60%. A household hygrometer purchased at a hardware or hardware store will help measure the level.

Comfortable sleep: purpose of the Sleep button on the air conditioner remote control

SLEEP is a very important button that you will have to train yourself to use if you are used to sleeping with the air conditioner on.

The button activates the “Comfortable sleep” mode, in which the device automatically maintains optimal conditions for rest - regulates the temperature and turns on silent mode fan operation.

But, most importantly, the SLEEP mode saves energy.

Did you know that thermal power plants consume non-renewable minerals (coal, oil and gas), and during operation they pollute the atmosphere? Even if the noise of an actively running fan in one of the normal modes is not annoying, and your income allows you to not think about spending your money carefully, think about the planet and press the SLEEP button before going to bed.

Useful innovations: what does the Health button mean?

Ionization – a useful innovation or a publicity stunt? Scientists' opinions are divided. However, modern air conditioners are equipped with such a service. Responsible for activating the mode Health button , when pressed, nothing seems to happen.

In fact, at this time the air conditioner begins to generate negatively charged ions, which:

  • a) have an antibacterial effect,
  • b) eliminate unpleasant odors,
  • c) clean the air from dangerous chemical compounds.

By the way, the highest concentration of negatively charged particles is in environmentally friendly parts of the planet.

Up-down: designation of the Swing button on the air conditioner remote control

In jazz there is a rhythmic pattern, in boxing there is a side kick from a long distance. It's all swing.

As for air conditioners, the Swing button can be used to regulate the operation of the blinds and the direction of air supply.

When pressed, the flaps begin to move up and down. When pressed again, they stop. But only. Such a simple and clear swing. It's either jazz.

Remember everything: Shortcut button on the air conditioner remote control

One of the translations of the word “shortcut” from English is a short path. In the context of talking about air conditioners, Shortcut is a quick way to set the air conditioner to a previously configured and stored operating mode.

If there is no corresponding information in the memory, nothing except AUTO mode will turn on. The settings are loaded into memory using the same button - set the mode and press Shortcut (at least 2 seconds). The command “I want it the way it was” is now in memory. Served by briefly pressing the Shortcut button when the device is turned on.

That's all. Which buttons on the air conditioner remote control throw you off balance? What about operating the device remains beyond your understanding? What did the instructions keep silent about or say vaguely? Write in the comments - and perhaps your case will become the hero of our next article.

Greetings to all visitors to our site about air conditioners! Modern split systems are capable of performing multiple tasks. The main ones are cooling, heating, ventilation and air purification. Today we’ll talk more about the heating function. Or more precisely, how this mode is indicated on the control panel. Let's find out what the inscription “heat” means (on the remote control or on the air conditioner itself) translated into Russian.

The heating function on air conditioner remote controls may be indicated differently. But the essence of this mode is the same - indication of the operation of the device to heat the air in the room. Most often, the heat mode is indicated by the sun or the inscription “heat”. What translated from in English means "warmth", “warmth”, “heating”, “warm up”.

How to enable “heat” mode on a split system

Each split system remote control has a mode switching button (usually this button is designated “mode”). In order to turn on the “heat” on the air conditioner you need press the button
so many times until the “sun” or the inscription “heat” will light up. On the indoor units of many air conditioners, in heating mode, an indicator in the form of a “sun” or a light bulb with the inscription “heat” lights up.

After you switch to heat, you will need to wait a while (usually 5-10 minutes) for warm air to come out of the air conditioner. This time is spent redirecting the movement of freon in the device. After the switching occurs, the functions of the split system blocks are swapped. The indoor unit will already produce heat, and external unit release the cold outside.

What to do if the “heat” mode on the air conditioner does not turn on

If you did everything according to, but there is no effect, then it is possible:

The “heat” mode on the air conditioner means that its components (namely the four-way valve) are configured to supply warm air to the room. The “split” will not cool in this mode, no matter what temperature you set it! In order for them to cool again, you will need to switch the mode and WAIT. Subscribe to our resource so as not to miss new articles!