DIY broadband antenna. Do-it-yourself decimeter antenna for T2

In summer cottages, a television signal can rarely be received without amplification: it is too far from the repeater, the terrain is usually non-uniform, and trees get in the way. For normal “picture” quality, antennas are needed. Anyone who knows at least a little how to handle a soldering iron can make an antenna for their dacha with their own hands. Aesthetics outside the city are not given the same great importance, the main thing is the quality of reception, simple design, low cost and reliability. You can experiment and do it yourself.

Simple TV antenna

If the repeater is located within 30 km from your dacha, you can make the simplest receiving part in design. These are two identical tubes connected to each other by a cable. The cable output is fed to the corresponding TV input.

The design of an antenna for a TV in the country: it’s very easy to do it yourself (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

What is needed to make this TV antenna?

First of all, you need to find out what frequency the nearest TV tower is broadcasting on. The length of the “whiskers” depends on the frequency. The broadcast band is in the range of 50-230 MHz. It is divided into 12 channels. Each requires its own length of tubes. A list of terrestrial television channels, their frequencies and parameters of a television antenna for self-production is given in the table.

Channel numberChannel frequencyVibrator length - from one end to the other end of the tubes, cmCable length for matching device, L1/L2 cm
1 50 MHz271-276 cm286 cm / 95 cm
2 59.25 MHz229-234 cm242 cm / 80 cm
3 77.25 MHz177-179 cm187 cm / 62 cm
4 85.25 MHz162-163 cm170 cm / 57 cm
5 93.25 MHz147-150 cm166 cm / 52 cm
6 175.25 MHz85 cm84 cm / 28 cm
7 183.25 MHz80 cm80 cm / 27 cm
8 191.25 MHz77 cm77 cm / 26 cm
9 199.25 MHz75 cm74 cm / 25 cm
10 207.25 MHz71 cm71 cm / 24 cm
11 215.25 MHz69 cm68 cm / 23 cm
12 223.25 MHz66 cm66 cm / 22 cm

So, in order to make a TV antenna with your own hands, you need the following materials:

It would be nice to have a soldering iron, flux for soldering copper and solder on hand: it is advisable to solder all connections of the central conductors: the image quality will be better and the antenna will work longer. The soldering areas then need to be protected from oxidation: it is best to fill it with a layer of silicone, or you can use epoxy resin, etc. As a last resort, seal it with electrical tape, but this is very unreliable.

Even a child can make this homemade antenna for a TV, even at home. You need to cut the tube to the length that corresponds to the broadcast frequency of a nearby repeater, then saw it exactly in half.

Assembly order

The resulting tubes are flattened on one side. With these ends they are attached to a holder - a piece of getinax or textolite 4-6 mm thick (see picture). The tubes are placed at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other, their far ends should be at the distance indicated in the table. They are secured to the holder with clamps; they must hold firmly.

The installed vibrator is fixed to the mast. Now you need to connect the two “whiskers” through a matching device. This is a cable loop with a resistance of 75 Ohms (type RK-1, 3, 4). Its parameters are indicated in the far right column of the table, and how it is done is on the right side of the photo.

The middle cores of the cable are screwed (soldered) to the flattened ends of the tubes, and their braid is connected with a piece of the same conductor. Getting the wire is simple: cut a piece from the cable slightly larger than the required size and remove all the sheaths. Clean the ends and screw them to the cable conductors (it’s better to solder them).

Then the central conductors from two pieces of the matching loop and the cable that goes to the TV are connected. Their braid is also connected with copper wire.

Last step: the loop in the middle is attached to the rod, and the cable going down is screwed to it. The barbell is raised to the required height and “adjusted” there. To set up, you need two people: one turns the antenna, the second watches TV and evaluates the picture quality. Having determined where the signal is best received from, the home-made antenna is fixed in this position. To avoid having to struggle with “tuning” for a long time, take a look at where your neighbors’ receivers (over-the-air antennas) are pointing. The simplest antenna for a summer residence is made with your own hands. Set and “catch” the direction by turning it along its axis.

Watch the video on how to cut a coaxial cable.


Loop from a pipe

This do-it-yourself antenna for a summer residence is a little more difficult to manufacture: you need a pipe bender, but the reception radius is larger - up to 40 km. The starting materials are almost the same: metal tube, cable and rod.

The bend radius of the pipe is not important. It is necessary that the pipe has the required length, and the distance between the ends is 65-70 mm. Both “wings” should be the same length, and the ends should be symmetrical about the center.

Homemade antenna for a TV: a TV signal receiver with a reception radius of up to 40 km is made from a piece of pipe and cable (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The length of the pipe and cable is indicated in the table. Find out what frequency the repeater closest to you is broadcasting on, select the appropriate line. Saw off a pipe of the required size (diameter is preferably 12-18 mm, the parameters of the matching loop are given for them).

Channel numberChannel frequencyVibrator length - from one end to the other, cmCable length for matching device, cm
1 50 MHz276 cm190 cm
2 59.25 MHz234 cm160 cm
3 77.25 MHz178 cm125 cm
4 85.25 MHz163 cm113 cm
5 93.25 MHz151 cm104 cm
6 175.25 MHz81 cm56 cm
7 183.25 MHz77 cm53 cm
8 191.25 MHz74 cm51 cm
9 199.25 MHz71 cm49 cm
10 207.25 MHz69 cm47 cm
11 215.25 MHz66 cm45 cm
12 223.25 MHz66 cm44 cm


The tube of the required length is bent, making it absolutely symmetrical relative to the center. One edge is flattened and welded/sealed. Fill with sand and seal the other side. If there is no welding, you can plug the ends, just attach the plugs to good glue or silicone.

The resulting vibrator is mounted on a mast (rod). The central conductors of the matching loop and the cable that goes to the TV are screwed to the ends of the pipe, and then soldered. The next step is to connect a piece of copper wire without insulation to the braided cables. The assembly is complete - you can start “setting up”.

Beer can antenna

Even though it doesn't look serious, the image becomes much better. Tested many times. Try it!

Outdoor antenna made from beer cans

We collect it like this:

  1. We drill a hole (5-6 mm in diameter) in the bottom of the jar strictly in the center.
  2. We pull the cable through this hole and take it out through the hole in the cover.
  3. We fix this can on the left on the holder so that the cable is directed to the middle.
  4. We pull the cable out of the can by about 5-6 cm, remove the insulation by about 3 cm, and disassemble the braid.
  5. We trim the braid, its length should be about 1.5 cm.
  6. We distribute it over the surface of the can and solder it.
  7. The central conductor sticking out 3 cm needs to be soldered to the bottom of the second can.
  8. The distance between the two banks must be made as small as possible and fixed in some way. One option is duct tape or duct tape.
  9. That's it, the homemade UHF antenna is ready.

Terminate the second end of the cable with a suitable plug and plug it into the required socket on the TV. This design, by the way, can be used to receive digital television. If your TV supports this signal format (DVB T2) or has a special set-top box for your old TV, you can receive a signal from the nearest repeater. You just need to find out where it is and point your television antenna there, made with your own hands from tin cans.

Simple homemade antennas can be made from tin cans (beer or beverage cans). Despite the frivolity of the “components,” it works very well and is very easy to manufacture

The same design can be adapted to receive VHF channels. Instead of 0.5 liter jars, use 1 liter jars. Will receive MV band.

Another option: if you don’t have a soldering iron, or you don’t know how to solder, you can do it easier. Tie two cans at a distance of several centimeters to the holder. Strip the end of the cable by 4-5 centimeters (carefully remove the insulation). You separate the braid, twist it into a bundle, and make a ring out of it, into which you insert a self-tapping screw. Make a second ring from the central conductor and thread a second screw through it. Now at the bottom of one can you clean out (with sandpaper) a spot to which you screw the screws.

Actually for better contact soldering is required: it is better to tin and solder the braid ring, as well as the point of contact with the metal of the can. But it also works well with self-tapping screws, however, the contact periodically oxidizes and needs to be cleaned. When it starts snowing you will know why...

DIY digital TV antenna

The antenna design is frame. For this version of the receiving device you will need a cross made of wooden boards and a television cable. You will also need electrical tape and a few nails. All.

We have already said that to receive a digital signal you only need a decimeter terrestrial antenna and a corresponding decoder. It can be built into televisions (new generation) or made as a separate device. If the TV has the function of receiving a signal in the DVB T2 code, connect the antenna output directly to the TV. If your TV does not have a decoder, you will need to purchase digital set-top box and connect the output from the antenna to it, and connect it to the TV.

How to decide on a channel and calculate the perimeter of the frames

Russia has adopted a program according to which towers are constantly being built. By the end of 2015, the entire territory should be covered by repeaters. On the official website http://xn--p1aadc.xn--p1ai/when/ find the tower closest to you. The broadcast frequency and channel number are indicated there. The perimeter of the antenna frame depends on the channel number.

For example, channel 37 broadcasts at a frequency of 602 MHz. The wavelength is calculated as follows: 300 / 602 = 50 cm. This will be the perimeter of the frame. Let's calculate the other channel in the same way. Let it be channel 22. Frequency 482 MHz, wavelength 300 / 482 = 62 cm.

Since this antenna consists of two frames, the length of the conductor should be equal to twice the wavelength, plus 5 cm for the connection:

  • for channel 37 we take 105 cm of copper wire (50 cm * 2 + 5 cm = 105 cm);
  • for channel 22 you need 129 cm (62 cm * 2 + 5 cm = 129 cm).


It is best to use copper wire from the cable that will then go to the receiver. That is, you take the cable and remove the sheath and braid from it, freeing the central conductor of the required length. Be careful not to damage it.

  • for channel 37: 50 cm / 4 = 12.5 cm;
  • for channel 22: 62 cm / 4 = 15.5 cm.

The distance from one nail to another must correspond to these parameters. Laying copper wire begins on the right, from the middle, moving down and further to all points. Only in the place where the frames come close to each other, do not short-circuit the conductors. They should be at some distance (2-4 cm).

When the entire perimeter is laid, the braid from a cable several centimeters long is twisted into a bundle and soldered (wound if soldering is not possible) to the opposite edge of the frame. Next, the cable is laid as shown in the figure, wrapping it with electrical tape (more often, but the laying route cannot be changed). The cable then goes to the decoder (separate or built-in). The do-it-yourself antenna for receiving digital television is ready.

How to make an antenna for digital television with your own hands - another design - is shown in the video.

How to make an antenna for a TV for reception in the UHF range with your own hands? This question is asked by those who like to do everything with their own hands. Both at home and in the country, the antenna will allow you to watch digital TV without having to buy a factory-made antenna.

Antenna for digital TV

Digital terrestrial television is the transmission of a television signal using digital encoding, which ensures its delivery to the receiving device with minimal losses. Accordingly, the TV must support a technology called DVB-T2. For reliable reception you need a special antenna, which you can buy or you can make yourself.

There are currently a large number of methods for making antennas with your own hands. Let's look at the simplest and most common ones.

From beer cans

A simple decimeter indoor TV antenna can be made from beer cans.

For the production of all-wave homemade antenna This design will require the following materials, components and tools:

  • 2 tin cans of 750 or 1000 ml;
  • coaxial television cable (RK75);
  • antenna plug;
  • electrical tape or tape;
  • metal screws;
  • a polypropylene pipe or wooden stick for attaching cans to it;
  • screwdriver;
  • wire cutters;
  • needle file;
  • ruler.

TV antenna made from beer cans

How to make an antenna from beer cans? The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  • using a screwdriver, make 1 hole in the neck of each can, making sure that it does not become deformed;
  • screw the screws into these holes using a screwdriver;
  • clean the ends of the cable with a knife, not forgetting to remove the varnish from the copper wire with a file;
  • screw the wire and cable braid twisted into a ring to the self-tapping screws (it will be more reliable if it is welded or soldered, but this is only if you have the appropriate tool);
  • Securely secure the cans to a pipe or stick using electrical tape or scotch tape for these purposes, maintaining the distance between the cans (it has long been established experimentally, and this size is 7.5 cm);
  • Attach a plug to the other end of the cable, which will connect the cable to the receiving device.
  • place the antenna in the required place, i.e. where signal reception will be ideal.

The most painstaking work is preparing the RK75 cable. One end must be cleaned from the top shell at a distance of 10-12 cm with a knife without damaging the copper braid. Next, you need to twist this braid into a pigtail and remove the aluminum screen. After this, cut off the polyethylene sheath by 6-7 cm and expose the central core. The resulting copper strand and bare core are then attached to the cans.

The second end of the cable must also be cleaned and a plug consisting of 2 halves must be connected to it. The central core of the cable passes through the hole in one half of the plug, and the braid is connected to the plug body. Both halves are screwed on one another, and you get a reliable device for connecting to the antenna socket of the TV.

If you plan to place an antenna made from tin cans outdoors, then it must be reliably protected from external weather influences. Plastic bottles are suitable; you need to cut off the neck and bottom and place the antenna elements in them. In such conditions, it will reliably carry out the functions assigned to it.

This is the simplest broadband antenna, made from scrap materials without the use of special tools, and it is made quickly. You can make it yourself and install it in 20-30 minutes. You can make sure that your homemade antenna receives most channels satellite television, including TVB-T2. At a minimum, it receives up to 15 channels.

Figure 8

A home satellite dish can be in the shape of a figure eight. It can also be used for outdoor installation. Works without an amplifier.

Figure 8 TV antenna

To make a figure eight antenna you will need:

  • copper or aluminum wire Ø 3-5 mm;
  • coaxial television cable RK75 (can be replaced with a densely braided cable with a resistance of 50 Ohms);
  • antenna F-plug;
  • screwdriver;
  • knife or scalpel;
  • glue gun;
  • soldering iron;
  • solder;
  • flux paste;
  • ruler;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers;
  • needle file;
  • a solid base (a plastic lid will do).

The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

  • cut 2 pieces of wire, 56 cm each;
  • at each end, after exposing the central core, make a loop (approximately 1 cm on each side will be spent on making it);
  • bend the wire into a square using pliers, connecting the loops;
  • put the antenna plug on one side of the coaxial cable, first carefully twisting the braid and exposing the central core;
  • Solder the second side of the cable to 2 squares as follows: the central core to one square, and the braid to the other at a distance of 2 cm;
  • place everything in the lid and fill it with glue.

The picture shows how to do this correctly.

Making a figure eight antenna

Such an antenna can be placed anywhere, and this is its main advantage; you just need to choose the right cable dimensions. You need to know that you don't need an amplifier to operate it. It makes sense to install it on the antenna, with a cable that has a significant length to compensate for losses.

From a cardboard box

A simple satellite antenna for TVB-T2 is made using a cardboard box. To make it you will need:

  • cardboard box (can be used as a shoe box);
  • foil;
  • antenna F-plug;
  • screwdriver;
  • knife or scalpel;
  • glue;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • wire cutters;
  • needle file

Such a simple homemade indoor antenna will provide high-quality TVB-T2 reception.


A DIY all-wave television antenna can be like a butterfly. Such an antenna is no different from a regular decimeter antenna. It is easier to convert a simple array-type antenna, which can be bought at a low price in a retail chain, into a digital one that will receive satellite (T2) channels. To make it yourself you will need the following materials, components and tools:

  • board or plywood measuring 550x70x5 mm;
  • copper wire with a central core Ø 4 mm;
  • metal screws;
  • coaxial television cable RK75;
  • antenna F-plug;
  • screwdriver;
  • knife or scalpel;
  • soldering iron;
  • solder;
  • flux paste;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • wire cutters;
  • pencil.

TV antenna in the form of a butterfly

Manufacturing stages:

  • Mark the board as shown in the figure:

Board for antenna in the shape of a butterfly

To convert measurements in inches to cm, remember that 1 inch equals 2.5 cm.

  • cut 8 wires 37.5 cm long;
  • strip the middle of each wire by 2 cm;
  • bend each wire in a V shape so that the distance between the wires is 7.5 cm;
  • cut 2 wires 22 cm long;
  • strip these 2 wires where they are attached to the board or plywood;
  • assemble all the wires using self-tapping screws, as shown in the figure;

Making a butterfly antenna

  • Connect the antenna to the cable using a special plug.

Connecting the antenna plug to the cable

From coaxial cable

There is a DIY UHF antenna made from coaxial cable. To make such a simple antenna you will need:

  • coaxial cable RK75;
  • plexiglass or plywood;
  • matching device;
  • antenna plug;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • scotch;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

TV antenna made from coaxial cable

Manufacturing stages:

  • cut a piece of cable 530 mm long;
  • strip the pieces of cable from both sides, exposing the central core and connecting the braid into a pigtail;
  • twist it into a ring (possibly in the form of a diamond) and secure it to a piece of plexiglass or plywood with tape, leaving a distance between the ends of the cable of approximately 2 cm;
  • Make a horseshoe-shaped matching device from a piece of coaxial cable 175 cm long. To do this, you need to strip the ends of the cable in the same way as when making a ring;
  • prepare the antenna cable. Place the plug on one side and strip the other side until the central core and braid are exposed;
  • align the ends of the ring wire with matching device and a cable going to the antenna, which will then be connected to the television receiver using a plug.

Homemade antenna. Video

A visual aid on how to make a homemade antenna for digital TV is presented in this video.

It’s easy to make DIY antennas for receiving a digital signal. In terms of reception quality, they are no worse than factory antennas with an amplifier, and their cost is much lower. They can be used in apartments, private houses and country houses. Anyone can make them from scrap materials, you just have to delve into the manufacturing technology.

A super simple and super quick to make antenna from a coaxial cable for receiving digital television channels can be made with your own hands in about 5 minutes. For this you will need absolutely nothing except the cable itself. And this is the main advantage of this antenna.
You can't live without a TV now.

This design will definitely help you out, for example, when you have just moved into your home and have not yet managed to stretch the cable or install fixed antenna. Of course, this is not the only example where this truly simple loop antenna will help.
Now in the comments someone will definitely write that there are even simpler antennas, like a whip one. To make it, it will be enough to simply remove two insulations from the cable and everything will work. Of course, I agree with this, but the loop antenna that I will make from coaxial cable will have much greater gain, due to its directivity and resonant closed circuit.

Making an antenna from coaxial cable

This is what the version made from black cable looks like.

Now let's start making the antenna in order. All we need is less than half a meter of coaxial cable of any color. I took the white one.

We retreat 5 cm from the edge of the cable and remove the top insulation.

Next, remove the insulation from the central core.

Now we twist everything together neatly and tightly.

Then, from the edge with the insulation removed, we retreat 22 cm and cut out a 2 cm piece of the top insulation and the shielded wire from the hose, without touching the insulation of the central core.

Now we measure another 22 cm from the end of the cut and make a cut 1 cm wide only by removing the top insulation. We do not touch the cable shield.

Next, take the end of the cable from which we started. And we wrap it very tightly at the last cut, forming a circle of the antenna.

At this point, our antenna is ready for use. Of course, this is not necessary, but if you hang the antenna outside, it is better to insulate all exposed areas of the cable with electrical tape. You can also add a rigid frame, but this is optional.

Antenna location

We direct the antenna to a repeater or television tower. The direction can also be selected experimentally by rotating the antenna.
The best option would be to place it outside the window, since the walls of the house greatly dampen the high-frequency signal.

The test showed excellent results

If you still don’t understand how to make an antenna from a cable, be sure to watch the video below or ask questions in the comments.

Despite the huge number of television antennas presented on the consumer market, which can be easily purchased at any electronics store, interest in how to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands does not disappear. This interest can be explained by a reluctance to spend money on buying an antenna, being away from retail outlets (if you are in the outback or at the dacha) or the failure of the purchased one.

Antennas for a television receiver can be divided into several types.

  1. All-wave antenna– the design is easy to manufacture; it can be made from simple available materials. Catches quite well digital signal outside the city where there is not much interference. When located near a broadcast tower, it can receive analog television.
  2. Log-periodic band antenna also easy to make. It has perfect consistency with the feeder across all ranges, without changing its parameters. Since this design has average technical parameters, it can be used in the country, or as an indoor antenna in the city.
  3. UHF antenna . A simplified modification of the Z-antenna is often used; it works well, regardless of the signal reception conditions.

All-wave antenna

All-wave TV signal catchers are also called frequency independent (FIN). Their designs can be different.

Of two petals

The figure shows an all-wave antenna made from two metal plates triangular in shape and two wooden slats on which copper wire is stretched in the shape of a fan.

Copper wire can be taken of any diameter, it does not play a special role. The ends of the wire are attached at a distance of 20 to 30 mm from each other. The plates with the other ends of the wire soldered together should be located at a distance of 10 mm from each other.

The metal plate can be replaced with a square piece of fiberglass, which has copper foil on one side.

Since the design of the homemade antenna is square in shape, its height will be equal to its width, and the angle between the panels will be 90 degrees. Zero potential point marked in yellow in the figure. There is no need to solder the cable braid in this place - tying it tightly will be enough.

A television signal receiver assembled in this way in the form of two lobes is capable of receiving both all decimeter channels and meter ones. Moreover, it picks up signals well in all directions. But if you install the CNA in an area of ​​poor signal reception from a TV tower, it will only work normally with amplifier. Others can also be used.

Butterfly shaped

You can make a television antenna in the shape of a butterfly with your own hands. To make this yourself it is enough powerful antenna, you need to prepare a board or plywood with dimensions of 550 x 70 x 5 mm, a wire with a copper core with a cross-section of 4 mm, and, accordingly, a PK75 cable.

  1. Mark the holes on the plywood and drill them. Dimensions in the picture are in inches. Below the figure is a table for converting inches to mm.

  2. From copper wire you need to cut 8 pieces of the same length, 37.5 cm each.
  3. In the center of each wire, clear sections of insulation (2 cm each), as in the figure.

  4. After this, you should cut off 2 more pieces of wire, already 22 centimeters each, divide them into 3 equal parts and remove the insulation at the separation points.

  5. Give the segments V-shape. You should be careful to maintain a distance of 7.5 cm between the ends of the wire. This is the optimal distance to receive a clear signal.

  6. Connect all the elements according to the figure below.

  7. Next, you need to purchase a socket to connect the plug to it.
  8. The cable must be soldered to the coil contacts, as in the figure.

  9. Make 2 more pieces of wire of the required length to connect the antennae to the socket.
  10. Screw the socket onto the board and connect all the elements.

That's all - you have made an antenna for your TV with your own hands.

From beer cans

To make such an original ChNA you will need 2 cans (0.5 l or 0.75) of beer or other drink. But before you make a television antenna, you need to consider some material requirements. Namely, it is recommended to purchase a high-quality television cable with a resistance of 75 ohms per meter. Which is correct? Make sure that the central core is strong and that the braid is double and continuous.

Don’t forget, the longer the cable, the stronger the signal attenuation will be, which is especially important for receiving meter waves, in contrast to UHF, for which the length of the wire also matters, but not so much.

It will also be necessary to prepare the usual wooden trempel, a couple of self-tapping screws, electrical tape or tape and, if possible, a soldering iron with tin.

An antenna made from beer cans can receive both the UHF and meter wavelengths.

To illustrate the entire process, you can watch the video.

Log-periodic antenna

A log-periodic antenna (LPA) can be used to receive radio waves in both the meter and decimeter ranges. To make such a signal receiver, you can use an aluminum tube with a diameter of 10 mm and metal rods (studs) as a stand, which can be purchased at a store that sells fasteners. Ideally, instead of threaded rods, it is better to use smooth tubes or rods. A plastic U-shaped box is used as a base.

When the soldering is completed, the manufacture of the device can be considered complete and you can begin testing your creation.

UHF antenna

Homemade decimeter signal catchers can have different shapes and designs, from the simplest to manufacture to more complex devices.


Most simple design for receiving UHF can be done in a short time with your own hands from scrap materials. All you need is a coaxial cable and a piece of plywood of the appropriate size.

Now all this needs to be assembled:

  • prepare a piece of coaxial cable (RK75) 530 mm long (a ring will be made from it);
  • also cut another piece of cable 175 mm long - this will be a loop;
  • make a ring (1), solder a loop (2) and a cable (3) to it, which connects to the TV;
  • secure it all to a plywood sheet and point the completed TV signal receiver towards the TV tower.

If your TV receiver uses such an antenna, try making a more complex device.

Figure 8

You can make your own home UHF antenna from wire in the shape of the number 8. To make such a receiver, you can use copper or aluminum wire with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm, as well as PK75 cable. During the manufacturing process you will also need glue gun

Manufacturing progress.

  1. Using wire cutters, you need to cut 2 pieces of wire 56 cm each.
  2. At the ends of each segment, make a loop, which should take 1 cm.
  3. Bend the wire squares and connect the loops. Solder the cable to the squares as shown in the picture. The central core is soldered to one square, and the braid to the other. The distance between the elements should be 2 cm. The entire structure can be secured in the lid of a 20 liter water bottle, filled with glue.

Such a UHF receiver can be placed anywhere, and it does not require an amplifier. Perhaps an amplifier may be needed if the device is outdoors and the cable length is significant. In this case, to compensate for signal losses, its installation will be required.

From a metal-plastic pipe

You can make a television antenna with your own hands from an ordinary metal-plastic pipe. This will result in a device for receiving UHF with a possible range from 480 MHz to 1000 MHz. This “model” uses a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm and a cable of 5.5 m. The ring will require 55 cm of pipe, and the stand will require 14 cm, which is equal to a quarter of the wavelength. This serves to better match the outer braiding of the cable and reduces high frequency currents.

The cable exit in this design is made through a hole in the pipe. The cable braid should be attached with a clamp to the stripped part of the pipe. The central core of the cable is attached to the ring (you can use a screw with a washer and a nut). This homemade product works well as an indoor antenna in apartments with reinforced concrete walls that do not transmit television waves well. Thanks to the extended cable, you can take it out onto the balcony or place it on the windowsill - the quality of reception will only improve.

In the form of a frame

Another UHF antenna design is assembled in the form of a frame. It will be made from aluminum plates(stripes).

Thus, home-made antennas will help you save money on purchasing them, and in some cases get out of the situation where you have a TV, but the standard antenna is out of order, or it doesn’t exist at all. Moreover, the quality of reception of homemade products is no worse than their factory counterparts. If you do not want to make the device yourself, then the information in the store will be useful to you.

Today we are sharing life hacks on how to make a TV antenna with your own hands. An antenna is a device for emitting or receiving radio waves. There are transmitters, receivers and transceivers. The editors learned that a simple design can be made using copper and brass wire, copper tubes, wires, and even tin cans.

TV antenna made from tin cans

You can make an antenna for a TV yourself, from scrap materials, even from empty beer cans. This method is the fastest and easiest. You can make a structure from electrodes and disks. Maximum amount there will be seven channels.

You will need:

  1. can;
  2. plug;
  3. antenna cable;
  4. screwdriver;
  5. adhesive tape or insulating tape;
  6. wooden trempel;
  7. self-tapping screws (2 pcs).

The indoor design guarantees reliable reception of an analog signal within the city and without cable coordination (with a length of up to 2 m).

Distance between banks:

where λ is the wavelength. There should be no more than 3-4 dipoles. If there are fewer of them, the gain will be insignificant; if there are more, there will be problems with cable matching.

The signal quality will noticeably improve if you place a metal mesh screen on the back.

Distance between screen and main structure:

How to make a design:

How to improve the antenna?

An amplifier is needed if the broadcaster is located far away. With an amplifier, the design receives the signal more reliably, but the “do it yourself” option may not work here.

You can use a magnet onto which several turns of television cable will be wound (collected both near the TV and on the antenna).

If the question is how to strengthen the signal of a home structure so that instead of 7, 20 channels are clearly broadcast, you need to:

  • buy a special TV signal pre-amplifier;
  • find the location of ideal signal reception;
  • get rid of interference caused by metal objects.

How to quickly make an antenna:

How to assemble an antenna for digital TV?

A homemade design should be:

  1. carefully crafted with high degree accuracy without loss of signal power;
  2. strictly directed along the axis of the electromagnetic wave emanating from the transmitting center;
  3. targeted by type of polarization;
  4. have protection from side interference signals of the same frequency emanating from any sources: electric motors, radio transmitters, generators.

How to make your own antenna for digital TV (DVB T2):

Simple digital TV antenna: what are your options?

It will require a piece of coaxial cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms and a plug to connect the structure.

The algorithm is like this:

  1. use a regular knife to cut off the outer shell from the free end;
  2. take the length with a small margin, since it is easier to bite off a small piece during setup than to run for a new cable;
  3. the shielding layer is removed from this section of the cable, the inner core is exposed and the insulation is removed;
  4. insert the plug socket into the connector on the TV signal set-top box, direct the exposed wire of the inner core across the incoming electromagnetic wave;
  5. remember horizontal polarization;
  6. the on-air digital antenna should be fixed on the windowsill or with a piece of tape on the glass;
  7. interference and reflected signals are shielded by a strip of foil located at a short distance from the central core;

Types of antennas and which ones can you make yourself?

There are “Polish”, “eight” and “square”. Digital antennas for the TV tuner and set-top box must be set to the same frequency.

IMPORTANT! Both the set-top box and the tuner must be able to decode the signal.

"Polish" antenna and digital TV

It provides high-quality and reliable reception of analog television (+ UHF), but is completely unsuitable for receiving modern digital TV.

"Eight": manufacturing algorithm

A simple design for DVB T2, which can be made from Ø 3 mm copper wire. The reflector is not used in this case. The upper side of the segments is 14 cm, the side is 13 cm.

We measure the wire 112 cm long and begin to bend:

  1. We bend the 1st segment to a length of 14 cm (for the antenna - 13 cm and 1 cm - for the strength of the loop);
  2. 2nd and 3rd, like 6 and 7 – 14 cm;
  3. 4th and 5th – 13 cm;
  4. 8th – 14 cm – 13 cm and 1 cm – with a strength loop.

We clean the loops, tighten them and solder them - they will become contacts for connecting the cable. For soldering, we strip the cable from the antenna side by 2 cm and 1 cm from the plug side, the joints are sealed with any elastic hot-melt adhesive.

What is a “square” and is it worth taking on it yourself?

A modification of the “three square” design with 6 elements and a transformer confidently receives digital and analogue channels at a distance of up to 10 km of line of sight.

  • Double square

Behind the main frame is a reflector, the side of the main frame is 0.254λ, the side of the reflector is 0.278λ, the distance between the frames is 0.089λ.

Another option for a double square is two rings.

Butterfly antenna

A short-wave, small-sized antenna, shaped like a butterfly. To make it, you need copper wire with a diameter of about 2 mm; for external use, 4 mm is allowed; for home use, a regular 75 Ohm TV coaxial cable.

Rectangular wire frame (length and width):

  1. for TV - 500x200 mm;
  2. for Wi-fi (omnidirectional) and Bluetooth - 90x30 mm.

We twist the frame crosswise and cut it with wire cutters so that two triangles are formed. We solder the coaxial cable and secure it with staples (adhesive tape) to an ebonite, wood or plastic dielectric.

Powerful TV Antenna: What should I know about it?

In order for the device to function like a regular antenna, its receiving circuit must be improved.


  1. we buy equipment to strengthen the signal;
  2. connect to the device to eliminate signal interference;
  3. wrap the cable at both ends with insulating tape;
  4. we make a screen for high-quality reception: a kind of metal mesh, which is isolated from the TV and fixed behind the receiver;
  5. for the screen, an ordinary metal mesh from an ordinary fence will do;
  6. add iron rods and connect them symmetrically to the screen to amplify the signal (it is necessary that the entire structure be made of the same type of metal to avoid oxidation) $
  7. We place another amplifier in the center of the installation and solder the contacts to the receiver.

IMPORTANT! This television structure is installed on the roof with a focus on the nearest television tower.

Universal design

Required tools and materials:

  • copper wire (length 4 m, cross section 4 mm2);
  • board of any thickness, but 7 cm wide and 55 cm long;
  • soldering iron;
  • wood screws;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • screwdriver;
  • simple pencil.


  1. cut the copper wire into 8 parts, each length 37.5 cm;
  2. remove the insulating layer in the middle part of each of the resulting parts of the wire;
  3. cut off 2 more copper wires (22 cm each) and divide them roughly into 3 equal parts;
  4. at the points of inflection, remove the insulating layer;
  5. bend the wire in prepared (bare) places;
  6. the distance between the ends of the wire bent in half is 7.5 cm;
  7. secure the plug, connect the television cable.

How to make an antenna for digital TV (DVB T2) yourself:

Log-periodic (all-wave) design

This is a collecting line with halves of dipoles installed on it alternately. The length of the piece of wire forming the half-dipole will be equal to λ/4.

IMPORTANT! Do-it-yourself outdoor structures can provide a gain of up to 25 dB, and about 12 dB for indoor ones.

LPA is an ideal device for receiving both analog signals, and digital. To calculate the parameters, it is necessary to know the value of the progression index (from 0.7 to 0.9) and the opening angle α (30-60°). We take the proportion as a basis and calculate the necessary parameters:

τ=B2/B1=B3/B2=Bn/(B(n-1)) = A2/A1=A3/A2=An/(A(n-1))

The higher τ, the better the gain indicator. Reducing the angle α can increase directivity.

Calculation of parameters:

  1. determine the values ​​of B2 and A2;
  2. calculate B1 and A1 and other parameters.

What types of antennas are there? Home simple homemade antenna

The home structure is mounted from copper or brass wire. Aluminum is not suitable because it oxidizes quickly.

The wire is cleared of insulating material at both ends, one end is attached to a pipe or battery, and the opposite end is inserted into a television connector. The amplifier of the required frequencies is a pipe that runs through the entire house and goes upstairs. A signal appears immediately, the antenna picks up 5 channels.

  • For an apartment with a balcony

A longer wire is taken, since the TV and the balcony area will need to be connected. The wire is stripped on both sides, one end is connected to the TV in a cable socket, and the other is pulled out onto the balcony and attached to ropes or strings. Such an antenna gives a cooler image, and there are more channels with it.

Antenna for a summer residence

Passive structures are installed to ensure stable signal reception at a distance of up to 30 km in both winter and summer. For longer distances, more powerful designs are needed, preferably with an amplifier. For hilly terrain and ultra-long-range reception, the antenna must be raised higher using a mast.

For a classic garden design you will need:

  1. wire (Ø 1.5 mm) - at the rate of 1.5-2 m for the antenna and 5-6 m for the distance from the structure to the TV;
    2. the outer part is made of prepared wire (twist 1-1.5 m into a ring, Ø from 356 mm to 450 mm);
  2. the inner part of the antenna (make a second ring from wire, dimensions - 180 mm;
  3. the finished rings - the basis of the future antenna - are fixed on a piece of plywood (you can also use a piece of wood), but so that the wood does not overlap the rings and does not dangle;
  4. Orient the finished structure with its rings in the direction of the signal source, and rotate the antenna to search for the best signal.

Antenna Kharchenko (biquadrat)

This is an outdoor zigzag design with a reflector.

Z-antenna system with reflector provides the same parameters as
LP antenna. The difference is in the main lobe - it is twice as long horizontally, which allows you to catch a signal from all directions.

The UHF antenna is made of a copper tube and a 6 mm thick aluminum sheet.

Car antenna: internal and external

  • Internal

You will need a frame device, which is placed at the back under the glass seal. It is narrowed at the top, but the dimensions are not what is required at a frequency of 27 MHz. For this reason, a capacitor is installed in the center, with the help of which the TV antenna for a car is tuned to resonance on the required channel.

IMPORTANT! There are several receiving frequencies - 27 and 65 MHz, 28.2 and 68 MHz.

Manufacturing algorithm:

  1. we take wire MGTF 0.5, which is laid along the edges of the rear window in the form of a trapezoid;
  2. do the same with the upper part;
  3. the poles are positioned so that it is easy to add wires for the matching capacitor;
  4. to pick up the signal, use cable RK-50;
  5. 5-25 PF are fixed in the center of the rear window, to which both cables are directed strictly vertically.

Universal compact TV antenna for a car:

  • External

For good signal you need to attach a pair of telescopic antennas from the radio. The case can be taken from a Polish device.

Figure 11 - Polish design - the basis for an internal auto antenna

Power supply to amplifier:

  1. take the connector for active TV antenna and solder a wire to it;
  2. We pass the cable from the TV antenna so as not to pinch it;
  3. screw it to the connector;
  4. the wire soldered to the connector is connected to output +12 on the radio to turn on the amplifier or active antenna.

There are active interior combined TV antennas with external elements for receiving MV/UHF.

In addition to the above, there are meter (crossed aluminum tubes) and fractal antennas.

DIY fractal Wi-Fi antenna:

IMPORTANT! All stories about the effective operation of a mercury antenna are a big misconception. Science does not know a single principle by which a mercury antenna could work. The editors warn that making a mercury antenna yourself is a so-so idea and a dangerous undertaking.

What is digital TV multiplex?

A digital multiplex is a set of channels of the same frequency. There are two multiplexes: the first is available in all cities with digital TV, but not all towers are ready for the second. For installation you will need a receiver and antenna supporting DVB T2.