Blue screen UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP - solutions. Blue screen UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP - solutions What does the unexpected kernel mode trap error mean?

Release of a new operating system from Microsoft always gives users the opportunity to access the most advanced features. However, introducing a new OS is never without its challenges. One of these problems was the error message

This error is fairly new in Windows. But it is worth noting that it is also a fairly rare phenomenon. You may encounter this problem after updating your PC to the latest version. Windows 10

You can see this error in the form of the so-called blue screen of death or simply - BZoD, in which you can see the message

Reasons for the occurrence of “Unexpected Store Exception”

Although this is a rather unpredictable error, the message indicates that the problem is Windows Store. It can also occur due to a huge number of factors that directly relate to Windows Store, and your computer.

Let's look at some of the possibilities for this error:

  • Damaged or outdated system drivers.
  • Deferred updates.
  • Damaged system files.
  • Damaged sectors on the hard drive.
  • Installed antivirus software.
  • Problems with startup.
  • Infection with viruses or malware.

Fixing the “Unexpected Store Exception” error

Method No. 1 Prevention

Making sure that your computer is in a stable and good condition is the first step in solving the problem.

  • Launch your antivirus and conduct a full scan of the entire system. It is possible that viruses are the cause of everything.
  • Remove everything junk files from a computer. Different file dumps can produce different conflicts in the system.
  • Uninstall any recently installed third-party applications.

By performing such simple cleaning you can achieve excellent results in improving productivity and solving some errors. After completing it, restart your PC and check if the problem persists.

Method No. 2 Removing antivirus software

operating system Windows 10 has a built-in antivirus Microsoft Defender. Its defensive capabilities are quite sufficient to ensure safe work systems. Other antiviruses that you may have installed on your system may cause various conflicts leading to errors.

  • Press the key combination Win+X and select "Control Panel".
  • Next go to "Programs and components".
  • Find a third-party antivirus in the list that opens, click on it right click mouse and select "Delete".

Restart your computer and try running some program to check if your antivirus was the culprit.

Method #3 Run file scan

Running the system's built-in file checking utility may help resolve the error. This tool will scan and try to fix corrupted files.

  • "Start" and select « Command line(administrator)"
  • Write to "Command line" team sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  • Now the process of checking system files and repairing them will begin, which may take some time.

Once it finishes, you will be shown a list of any damaged files and whether they have been repaired. After doing this, check if the error has been fixed

Method #4 Run disk check

Bad sectors on the hard drive could very well cause the error Running the built-in disk check may resolve it.

  • Right click on "Start" and select "Command line (administrator)."
  • Enter the command chkdsk with /f/r/x and press Enter.

After the process is completed, restart your PC and check for errors.

Method #5 Update PC drivers

Drivers are the most important component of the system. They carry out, so to speak, “communication” between various utilities, services and services in the system.

  • Right click on "My computer" and select "Properties".
  • Select "Device Manager".
  • Find any devices that have outdated drivers.
  • Right click on them and select "Update drivers."
  • Restart your computer after updating the drivers.

Try running some program again, leave it running for a while and check the system for an error

Method #6 Checking for updates for Windows applications

Since the error "Unexpected_Store_Exception" associated with Windows Store, then you need to make sure that everything installed utilities Windows updated and working correctly.

  • Press "Start" and select "Windows Store".
  • Click on the user icon.
  • Select “Settings” -> “Update applications automatically.”
  • Or choose “Downloads” -> “Check for updates”.

You also need to check the update for each application on its page in Windows Store.

Method #7 System Restore

Perform a system restore only if there is an error occurs when running utilities Windows.

  • Press the key combination Win+Q.
  • Click on "Settings".
  • Select an icon "Recoveries".
  • Select an earlier date when your PC was in a stable state.
  • After performing a restore, see if it fixed the problem.

Method No. 8 Reinstalling the operating system

Perhaps this is the most last method which you can resort to. After reinstalling your OS, the problem will definitely disappear. The only disadvantages include the time spent on such an operation and the time to “get used to” the new system.

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This stop code means that Intel processor generated a software interrupt, but the kernel was unable to intercept it for processing. This can be an interrupt associated with a boundary trap operation (bound trap, the interception of which is prohibited for the kernel) or a nested error (when an error occurred while processing another error).

The first parameter of this stop code describes the software interrupt number. The most common software interrupts are:

    0x00000000, or division by zero, indicates a situation where the div processor instruction is being executed and the divisor is zero. The cause of this error could also be memory problems or other hardware problems or even software problems;

    0x00000004 or overflow occurs when the processor executes a call to the interrupt handler while the overflow flag (OF) is set;

    0x00000005 or array out-of-bounds error means that the processor, while executing the BOUND instruction, detected an out-of-bounds error.

    0x00000006 means the processor attempted to execute an illegal instruction. This error usually occurs when data in the IP register (instruction pointer) is corrupted. A common cause of this error is corrupted memory.

    0x00000008 or a nested error means that the exception occurred while calling a handler for a previous exception, such as when two exceptions are handled sequentially. However, certain exceptions cannot be handled sequentially, in such cases the processor signals this with a software interrupt. There are two common causes of this error: stack overflow and a problem with the computer hardware.

Less common software interrupt numbers are:

    0x00000001 - A system-debugger call

    0x00000003 - A debugger breakpoint

    0x00000007 — A hardware coprocessor instruction with no coprocessor present

    0x0000000A - A corrupted Task State Segment

    0x0000000B — An access to a memory segment that was not present

    0x0000000C — An access to memory beyond the limits of a stack

    0x0000000D-An exception not covered by some other exception; a protection fault that pertains to access violations for applications

The remaining numbers are provided in the instructions for the Intel processor.


Typically, a crash with this stop code occurs after installing faulty hardware (especially memory).


If you have recently installed any devices on your computer, try removing them and checking if the crashes remain.

Test your memory, how to do this is described in the articles:

If the error appears recently installed system, try updating the BIOS firmware to the latest version.

Check that all adapters are in system unit installed properly, if necessary (presence of traces of oxidation), wipe the contacts with an eraser.

Check that the installed hardware devices are compatible with the OS version you are using.

If an error occurs during the update process Windows versions, this may mean that the problem is related to one of the drivers that is incompatible (does not work correctly) in a newer version of the OS.

This error can also be caused by damage motherboard.

This guide will detail ways to fix the UNEXPECTED STORE EXCEPTION blue screen error (BSoD) in Windows 10 that desktop and laptop users encounter from time to time.

The error manifests itself in different ways: sometimes it appears at every boot, sometimes after shutting down and turning it on, and disappears after a subsequent reboot. There are other possible ways the error may appear.

Before proceeding with the following methods of fixing the error, and in the event that it began to manifest itself recently, and before that everything worked properly, check to see if there are restore points on your computer to quickly roll back Windows 10 to a working state, see.

Among other common reasons that cause the UNEXPECTED STORE EXCEPTION error to appear in Windows 10, the following stand out.

The antivirus is not working properly

If you have recently installed or updated an antivirus (or Windows 10 itself has been updated), try removing the antivirus if your computer can start. This has been seen, for example, with McAfee and Avast.

Video card drivers

Strangely, unoriginal or not installed drivers video cards can cause the same error. Try updating them.

In this case, updating does not mean clicking “Update drivers” in the device manager (this is not an update, but checking for new drivers on the Microsoft website and on the computer), but means downloading them from the official AMD/NVIDIA/Intel website and installing them manually.

Problems with system files or hard drive

If there are any problems with hard drive computer, as well as in case of damage to system Windows files 10, you may also receive an UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION error.

Additional information that may help fix the error

In conclusion, some Additional Information, which may be useful in the context of the error in question. The following options are rare, but possible:

  • If blue screen UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION appears strictly on schedule (after a certain period of time or at a specific time), study the task scheduler - what is running at this time on the computer and disable this task.
  • If the error appears only after sleep or hibernation mode, try either disabling all sleep mode options or manually installing power management and chipset drivers from the laptop or motherboard manufacturer's website (for PCs).
  • If the error appears after some manipulations with the operating mode hard drive(AHCI/IDE) and other BIOS settings, cleaning the registry, manual edits in the registry, try returning the BIOS settings and .
  • Video card drivers are a common cause of the error, but not the only one. If there are unknown or errored devices in Device Manager, install drivers for those as well.
  • If an error occurs after changing the boot menu or installing a second operating system on your computer, try restoring the OS boot loader, see.

Hopefully one of the methods will help you fix the problem. If not, as a last resort, you can try resetting Windows 10 (provided that the problem is not caused by a faulty hard drive or other hardware).

Catching a blue screen of death in Windows 10 right in the middle of a work process is a very sad thing. It’s even worse when there are no obvious ways to solve them or a clear explanation for the error that has arisen. The Blue Screen of Death Unexpected Store Exception is one of these errors. In this article, we have collected some tips that will help you navigate and try to fix the Unexpected Store Exception error on Windows 10.

What does the Unexpected Store Exception stop code mean?

The problem with this and dozens of other blue screens is that their error codes often have no meaning to regular user actually nothing, and sometimes even on the contrary they are misleading. Despite the word “Store” in the error code, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Microsoft Store. Store errors often do not result in blue screens of death. In short, there is very little information about the meaning of this error. There is no clear explanation even in the Microsoft documentation. If you know technical essence the origin of this error, tell us about it in the comments. We will move on to known effective solutions to the problem.

How to fix Unexpected Store Exception error

Try to analyze the symptoms first. If you can pinpoint when the Blue Screen of Death appears, wait for it to appear and then look in the Scheduler Windows jobs and view its contents at a given time. From there, decide what to do next, depending on what the Task Scheduler tells you. If the error is random in nature and you cannot track down the dependencies, proceed to the tips below.

Restore points

Check for points Windows recovery 10. If you have several previously saved points, try rolling back to them. Perhaps this way you will be able to roll back one of the non-obvious changes that resulted in Unexpected Store Exception errors. and all related mechanisms are described in detail in a separate article on our website.

Quick start

If there are no restore points or rolling back to a different point did not help, try disabling fast startup. Fast startup is a good feature (hibernation option): thanks to it, the computer turns on much faster. Sometimes, during a quick startup, the system does not load some of the drivers, which is why a blue screen of death appears with the Unexpected Store Exception error.

It is quite simple to understand that the reason is a quick start. Execute forced reboot computer (hold down the power key until it turns off) and start it back. If the reason is fast startup, the blue screen of death will not appear until the next shutdown or reboot in the usual way. Disable fast startup as follows:

Also try to prevent your computer from going to sleep. Click Win + X and select Power management. Prevent your computer from going to sleep.

Problem disk

If you are still reading this article (because the methods above did not help or are just out of curiosity), proceed to diagnosing the hard drive. Sometimes a blue screen of death with an Unexpected Store Exception error can appear due to drive errors or its rapidly approaching death. Make sure you have as well. For this you will need free utility CrystalDisk Info, and you can find out how to use it at the link above. If an application reports excessive temperature or poor health of the drive, it makes sense to think about changing the media.

Ideally, if such a possibility exists, of course, try to temporarily replace the disk with another one and observe the operation of the computer. If this is not possible or the diagnostic utility does not show any cause for concern, check the disk for errors and the integrity of system files.

  1. Click Start and enter cmd. Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
  2. Enter the command chkdsk/f/r. This command will check the disk for errors. The system will inform you that you cannot check for errors now because the disk is busy. Click Y and restart your computer. The check will be performed at system startup.
  3. After starting, run Command Prompt as Administrator again and enter the command sfc/scannow. Wait for the procedure to complete. The command line will tell you one of three options: no errors found, errors were found and successfully fixed, errors were found but not fixed.
  4. If the errors were not corrected, enter the command findstr/c"" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log>>%userprofile%\Desktop\sfclogs.txt. Examine the contents of the log. If its contents are unclear to you or you don't know what to do with it, your best bet is to simply try reinstalling Windows.

Owners of desktop PCs can also be advised to check the connection of the drive to the motherboard and power supply. Make sure the cables are snug and not loose.


Antivirus software operates at a very low level and has access to almost every corner of your computer system. Therefore, any mistake in the antivirus code can lead to very sad results, including the Unexpected Store Exception error. Try disabling your antivirus for a while or disabling it altogether, and then work with your computer. Don't worry, you won't get infected with viruses. When you disable third-party antiviruses, the built-in one is enabled Windows Defender, which is enough for approximately 101% of ordinary consumers. If the blue screen of death still appears, return the antivirus back to working condition. If the error no longer occurs, contact technical support your manufacturer. Perhaps they can tell you what's wrong.

Graphics driver

First of all, try updating to new version. AMD Drivers, Intel and Nvidia are updated not from Device Manager, but from their respective control panels. If you notice errors appearing after a recent driver update, try previous version. Perhaps the developers made a mistake in the new release that caused your computer to suffer. Alternatively, you can try to remove them and reinstall the same or previous version.

Unexpected Store Exception is a very obscure error. The reason for its occurrence may not only be a bad video card driver. Look in Device Manager ( Win+Xdevice Manager) and make sure it doesn't contain unknown devices with yellow exclamation marks. Also make sure you have downloaded, installed and updated your latest version motherboard chipset drivers, as well as BIOS.

It is said that the Unexpected Store Exception error can also appear when bootloader configurations fail. For example, when using two operating systems on one computer. In that case, try it.

As usual, we end this article with universal advice for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems with Windows 10 computers: reinstall Windows if all else fails. Sometimes mistakes are like needles in a haystack, and only complete reinstallation systems. Sad but true.

If you know of other working methods to fix the blue screen of death with the Unexpected Store Exception error, please share them in the comments.

Get the fix to the 0x0000007F: UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP error message affecting Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

About the “ 0x0000007F" error

The following information on this error has been compiled by NeoSmart Technologies, based on the information gathered and reported by our global network of engineers, developers, and technicians or partner organizations.

Description and Symptoms

The error messages, alerts, warnings, and symptoms below are tied to this error.

Symptom 1: 0x0000007F error screen

The error is usually triggered by two situations that occur in the kernel mode: either the CPU generated a condition that the kernel is not allowed to catch or the condition is an unrecoverable error.

The most common cause is hardware failure, mostly due to faulty or mismatched memory. There can be cases when faulty software is currently installed on your computer can also make this error appear.

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you’ve seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the Stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters. Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup options, and then select Safe Mode. Technical information: *** STOP: 0x0000007F (0x0000000000, 0x0000000000)

On computers with Windows 8 the error code is replaced with UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP:

:(Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you. (0% complete) If you'd like to know more, you can search online later for this error: UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP

Causes of this Error

This error has been known to occur as a result of one or more of the following:

Cause 1: Faulty RAM module

The most common cause of this error is a faulty RAM module that periodically gives read/write errors. If that's the case, then it is advisable to scan the system memory and replace the faulty RAM module.

Cause 2: Corrupt or outdated device drivers

Sometimes the device drivers may become misconfigured, corrupt or outdated. That may also happen after a Windows update or a Windows downgrade from a newer system to an older one.

Fixing “0x0000007F” on Windows

Fix #1: Check new hardware

If the error occurs after a recent hardware installation, it’s most likely that the error is caused by that specific hardware piece.

In order to fix the error, simply remove the new hardware and restart your computer.

If the error was caused after you’ve installed the driver of the new hardware, go to .

Fix #2: Test RAM memory

The error can be triggered by faulty or mismatched memory.

If 0x0000007F occurs immediately after you’ve plugged-in a new RAM memory, shut down your computer, remove it and then restart your computer and check if the error was fixed.

If the error is caused by a faulty RAM memory, check your RAM using the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start
  2. Type in Memory Diagnostics Tool in the search box
  3. Right-click on Memory Diagnostics Tool
  4. Choose Run as Administrator
  5. Follow the instructions to begin the diagnostic process

If Windows Memory Diagnostic isn’t returning any results, you can also use Easy Recovery Essentials’ Automated Repair feature that can check your RAM, HDD and CPU in a single process:

Fix #3: Update or disable drivers

To check if the error is caused by a faulty drive, run an automatic driver update or manually update the drivers to the latest available versions.

To manually update a driver, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start
  2. Type in devmgmt.msc in the search box
  3. Click devmgmt from results list
  4. Right-click on the driver
  5. To update the driver, select Update Driver Software.
  6. To disable the driver, select Disable.
  7. To uninstall the driver, select Uninstall.

To run an automatic driver update, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start
  2. Go to Devices and Printers
  3. Right-click on your computer
  4. Select Device Installation Settings
  5. Select Yes, do this automatically
  6. Click Save Changes
  7. Follow the necessary steps to continue the process

Fix #4: Disable memory caching from BIOS

Follow these steps to open your BIOS menu and disable Cache Memory to test if the 0x0000007F appears afterwards: