System cache: what is it, what is it used for and how to change its size in Windows? How to increase the cache memory in Mozilla How to increase the cache size in Mozilla browser.

Greetings to all. Today we are solving the question of how to increase the cache memory in the browser. This procedure is especially relevant for comfortable viewing with slow Internet, as well as for fans online games. Therefore, if your video on the Internet slows down or you can’t launch your favorite toy, then these instructions are for you.

Note. This method is for old versions, for new versions of Opera, starting from 15, made on the new Chromium engine - read the instructions below, in the Yandex and Google Chrome.

Go to settings – Opera – Settings – General settings or press Ctrl+F12:

The browser settings window will open, here we go to the “Advanced” tab - select the “History” item - and in the “Disk cache” field select the maximum memory value - 400 MB. I also advise you to check the box next to “Clean on exit” so that when you close Opera, it is automatically cleaned and does not clog up the system again.

Then click “OK” and you’re done – now gaming will become much more comfortable.

Note. If you need to increase by more than 400 MB, then go to the address - “opera:config” (enter in address bar). The advanced settings editor will open. Find the “Disk Cache” item, expand it and at the very end in the “Size” field set the value you need in kilobytes. For example, for 1GB - enter - 1000000 kb. Then click “Save” and restart your browser just in case.

How to increase the cache in the Yandex, Google Chrome and Opera 21 browser

In these browsers, the developers took a completely different path. And it will take you a long time to figure out how to increase this volume for temporary files. Because all actions need to be done not through the browser settings, in the usual way, but through the program launch shortcut, adding some lines, in general, this is not done for ordinary users. But still, the procedure is simple, the main thing is to know what and where to register, and we will deal with this now.

Since the Yandex Chrome and Opera 21 engines are the same (called Chromium), then all the settings are identical, and in the case of our temporary file storage, the actions will be similar.

To increase the cache in the Yandex browser, click right click mouse over the program launch shortcut and select “Properties”:

In the properties, go to the “Shortcut” tab and in the “Object” field, after the word browser.exe, put a space and add this line (for convenience, copy this line and paste it into the desired field, but be careful not to delete the previous contents of the line):

1 -- disk- cache- dir = "c:\YandexCache" -- disk- cache- size = 1073741824

Disk-cache-dir="с:\YandexCache" --disk-cache-size=1073741824

which will mean that we have set the cache size to 1 GB, which will be located in the YandexCache folder on drive C. Naturally, the size (we write in bytes) and the path can be changed at your discretion.

It will look like this:

Then click “Apply” - “OK” and all the cache memory for Yandex is increased! By the way, you can read how to clear the cache in Yandex Browser.

The same goes for Google Chrome. Go to the properties of the Chrome shortcut, go to the “Shortcut” tab and in the “Object” field after chrome.exe put a space and add the line:

Disk-cache-dir="c:\OperaCache" --disk-cache-size=1073741824

Click “Apply” - “OK” and that’s it. In Opera 21 they also increased it by 1GB, which will be located in the OperaCache folder on drive C.

How to increase cache memory in Mozilla Firefox

Go to the Mozilla settings, to do this, click on the “Firefox” button - select “Settings” - and again “Settings”:

In the settings window, go to the “Advanced” tab - then the “Network” tab - then in the “Cached web content” field, check the box next to “Disable automatic cache management” - and set the value you need, for example 1000 MB, that is, 1GB:

After which, click “OK”, reload the browser, just in case, and that’s it. Mozilla Firefox also increased.

How to increase cache memory in Internet Explorer

Go to settings – “Tools” – “Internet Options”:

On the “General” tab, in the “Browsing history” field, click on the “Options” button:

and in the “Used disk space” field set the value you need:

then click “OK” and restart the browser.

And that’s probably all. We have looked at the main browsers, I hope everything is clear. If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

Good luck to all! And see you soon!

Many PC users are wondering: is it possible to make the computer work, including surfing the Internet, faster? The answer is yes, of course. At certain settings systems.

For example, to load websites faster, you can increase the memory cache size so that in subsequent visits to certain web resources, the information is loaded from your PC rather than downloaded from the Internet. The amount of information downloaded from your computer depends on the size of the cache. So, how to increase cache memory?

In major web browsers such as e.g. Internet Explorer, Mizilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, there is such a function as CACHE memory. It consists of temporary data stored on the hard drive.

This feature exists to help frequently visited web resources load and display faster by limiting the amount of data your computer has to download when opened. specific page in the Internet.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open the "Advanced" tab in the settings window.
  2. Click on the "Network" tab.
  3. Set the volume you need.
  4. Click "OK".

Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click on the "Tools" menu at the top of the window.
  3. Select Internet Options from the list.
  4. In the "General" tab, click on "Options".
  5. In the window that opens, set the volume you need.
  6. Click "OK".


  1. In the panel, select “Tools”, then “Settings” and “Advanced”.
  2. On the left select "History"
  3. In the "Disk cache" field, select the cache size you need.
  4. Click "OK" at the bottom.


  1. Select "Settings" from your web browser's general settings menu.
  2. Go to the "Add-ons" tab.
  3. In the "Default database storage space" field, change the value to the desired value.
  4. Click "OK".

Google Chrome

As you can see, many web browsers allow you to change the cache size using a simple configuration directly through their menu. But there are browsers that are more complicated. For example, Google Chrome. To increase the cache memory of this web browser:

  1. Right-click the Google Chrome icon in the Start menu or desktop and select Properties.
  2. Click the "Shortcut" tab on the top of the Google Chrome properties window.
  3. In the "Object" field, move the cursor to the end.
  4. Press the spacebar once.
  5. Enter the following parameters into this field: "--disk-cache-size=10000000", changing the number after "size =" to the desired one (size in bytes).
  6. Click "OK".

You can also find plan questions on the Internet: how can you increase the amount of processor cache memory and hard drive, can this be done using the settings, and so on. So, a processor is a processing device. It has no memory. To achieve this goal you just need to buy another, more powerful processor. To speed up work and increase PC space, you can add random access memory and an additional hard drive.

Cache is a very important component of any program, be it Mozilla or opera, google chome. But before you figure out how to increase it, you need to understand what it is and why it is needed. Cache is buffer memory, which acts quickly, it occurs between the processor and the main memory of the computer.

The cache is needed in order to partially compensate for the loading speed of various web pages, especially those that you visit frequently or those that you have visited at least once before. The cache folder stores all pictures, video animations, etc. from pages on the Internet.

How to properly increase the cache in Mozilla Firefox

Each program has its own algorithm for increasing the cache. First, let's look at this process in one of the most popular among all Internet users (this fact was clarified thanks to several social surveys in popular social networks).

First of all, go to Mozilla, find the settings icon there and click on it.

After we call the window, a window will appear on the desktop in which there will be an “Advanced” tab, click on it and find the “Network” button, there should be an item with a checkmark “Disable automatic cache memory management”, the checkbox must be unchecked.

In this browser, the maximum memory capacity is only 2025 MB.

Now we set the required amount of memory, but remember the maximum acceptable value. After setting the volume, the computer automatically saves the changes. All you need to do is close.

How to increase volume in Opera

When zoomed in, there are slight differences in opera from mastic. But they are insignificant and can be quickly examined and disassembled.

So, first of all, we go into the program and its settings. In the settings we find the tab “ General settings" The settings window should open. There should be a button “Advanced”, click on it and find the “History” tab, and then click on “Disk Cache”. Now we set the required volume, but also remember maximum value. In this browser it is 400MB.

It is also recommended to check the box next to “Clear cache after exit”. This means that after each closing of the Opera browser, all unnecessary cache will be deleted. This is necessary in order not to clog the operating system your computer or laptop.

How to increase the cache in Yandex, Google Chrome and Opera 21

In these browsers, the memory increase is very different from the previous two browsers. But first things first. In order to increase the cache, you do not need to go into the program settings, but do everything through the launch shortcut and add a few new lines. Unfortunately, not all computer and Internet users will be able to immediately figure everything out and repeat this procedure. But it’s important to just know how it’s done.

Since the engines on which Yandex, Chrome and Opera 21 run are the same (called Chromium), then naturally all the settings are identical, and in the case of the cache, the actions will be similar.

In order to increase memory in Yandex, do this:

  • Right-click on the launcher shortcut and find the “properties” item there.
  • There we find the “shortcut” tab and see the empty “object” field, put a space there and write the following line: –disk-cache-dir=”с:\YandexCache” –disk-cache-size=1073741824.

This means that we just increased the amount of cached memory to 1GB. And the entire cache will be stored on the computer in the YandexCache folder on drive C

  • The last action is to confirm and save the settings.

The amount of cached memory in the Google Chrome browser also increases. The only thing that will change is the line that will need to be added to the “object” field: –disk-cache-dir=”с:\ChromeCache” –disk-cache-size=1073741824

Now click on the “apply” button (in some browsers, instead of “apply”, the “save” button appears). Now we have increased the memory to 1 GB.

All these procedures are quite simple and should not cause any problems, especially for users who use their computer as “YOU”.

Clearing cache as one of the ways to increase space

You can increase memory by cleaning already unnecessary files. After all, they take up a lot of space, thereby preventing the browser from functioning normally. Also, if you do not clear your cache from time to time, you may have problems loading some sites.

For example, if you once visited this web page, but since your last visit it has been updated, and your program through which you visit the Internet launches its saved copy. So, what is the correct way to clear your cache?

First, let's look at Mozilla Firefox:

The second most popular is Google Chrome, so it’s worth considering how to clear everything in it:

We open our program as standard. Next, we also find the “History” window, click on it and select “Clear recent history”. There you can select what exactly needs to be deleted, do not forget to check the box next to “Cache”, confirm your action and click on “Delete”.

Now you have more space on your hard drive to store new data from various sites. The main thing is not to forget to perform this procedure at least several times a month. Otherwise, the program may begin to freeze and display various web page content poorly.

Hello, friends! Today's article will be devoted to one of the most popular Internet browsers among users - Google Chrome. We'll take a quick look at what cache is, increase cache memory in Chrome, and create a desktop shortcut for the browser.

Browser cache - what is it?

As always, before practice, I will give you a few terms. After all, how can we increase something if we don’t know what it is?

A cache is an intermediate buffer that stores used information. When viewing websites on the Internet, videos, listening to audio, files downloaded by the web browser, for all of the above, are saved in a special folder on the hard drive - this is the cache folder.

When you visit a site on the Internet for the first time, to display its content, the browser contacts the server and downloads the necessary information from there, which ends up in the previously mentioned folder. When you visit the same site a second time, the browser will take all the necessary files from the cache. Accordingly, this will load the page faster and use less traffic.

Its capacity in the browser is limited. So when it ends free place, old records are erased and new ones are recorded. If you notice that online games or videos are starting to slow down, you can try increasing your browser cache.

In order to free up space on your hard drive, or if you notice that errors have appeared in your browser, you can. Read the detailed article by following the link.

Increase Chrome cache

Find the Chrome shortcut on your desktop and right-click on it. Select from context menu"Properties" item.

In the properties window, go to the "Shortcut" tab. In the “Object” field, put italics at the end, press the spacebar and insert: —disk-cache-dir=”c:\chromeсache”, space again and: —disk-cache-size=1073741824. Click "Apply" and "OK".

In both cases, the word disk is preceded by two hyphens. The number 1073741824 is the volume in bytes. Set the desired value. IN in this case, 1073741824 bytes is 1 GB.

How to create a Chrome shortcut on your desktop

If, following the instructions described above, you did not find the required shortcut, let's look at how to do it Chrome shortcut on the desktop.

Open “Computer” and find the folder where Google Chrome is installed. More specifically, we need exactly executable file. If you did not select a different folder during installation, then most likely you need to go to the path: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application.

Find here required file. To be sure, right-click on it and go to “Properties”. On the “General” tab, in the “File type” field, the extension should be .exe.