Download the mod to transform into a dragon for Skyrim. Download the mod to transform into a dragon for Skyrim ~ installation ~

Title: Deadly Dragons

Version: 6.3.5

Description, readme and user support: Oyabankyuubi & I2edShift


  • Latest official patch (
  • Dawnguard DLC

The presence of all four components is strictly necessary.


Deadly Dragons contains two versions of the esp file:

  • normal – standard version of the mod;
  • loremonger is a version of the mod that does not add new dragons.
Manual installation:
  • download the archive with the mod and unpack it to any temporary folder;
  • copy the contents of the "00 Core" folder to your "Skyrim/Data" folder;
  • select the desired version (normal or loremonger) and copy DeadlyDragons.esp from the selected folder to "Skyrim/Data";
  • if you want to use the "Deadly Monsters" add-on, then copy the contents of the "01 Deadly Monsters" folder to "Skyrim/Data";
  • launch your plugin manager and include DeadlyDragons.esp (and DeadlyMonsters.esp).
Installation via Wrye Bash:
  • copy the archive with the mod to the folder "Skyrim Mods/Bash Installers/"
  • select the "00 Core" subpackage for installation;
  • select one of the subpackages to install: "00 DD - loremonger" or "00 DD - normal" in accordance with the selected version;
  • if you want to use the "Deadly Monsters" add-on, then check the "01 Deadly Monsters" subpackage for installation;
  • open the context menu of the Deadly_Dragons_Package_v6.3.2_ru package and check the "Don't skip anything" checkbox;
  • in the same context menu, click “Install”;
  • go to the mods tab and connect DeadlyDragons.esp (and DeadlyMonsters.esp).


Before updating to a new version, do the following:

  • return all mod settings to default values. Make sure there are no dragons in your current area;
  • go into the interior (for example, into your house) and wait there for a few minutes;
  • if you want, you can wait 31 game days (for the game world to reset);
  • save in a new slot, then disable the old version;
  • install the new version and continue playing (don't forget to set the settings again).


Before deleting, make sure there are no active/spawning/attacking dragons in your current area. To do this, for example, go to Whiterun, wait a while (to make sure no dragon is attacking), then enter some interior and save.

To remove a mod, just delete the files:







If you installed the mod via Wrye Bash, then open the "Installers" tab and uninstall the package.


Please note that according to Bethesda guidelines, it is not recommended to remove mods during gameplay. As soon as you install a mod and create a save game file, a number of data from the mod (including skippers) permanently end up in the save file. This is not the fault of this mod, but a feature of the game engine. Therefore, if Deadly Dragons is deleted, some data from the mod will still remain in the save file. In general, if you remove the mod correctly, then this feature of the engine will not affect the game world in any way. Just always try to remember this feature. If you decide to switch between versions of the mod, you can do so freely, because Both versions have the same file structure.

Also, before updating Deadly Dragons, make sure there are no dragons in your current area.

When upgrading from the latest versions, you no need make a "clean" save file.


So, you have Dawnguard, SkyUI, SKSE and Deadly Dragons installed. Now you can go into the game, press the Esc key and select "Mod Settings". Find the Deadly Dragons section there, which contains the main Deadly Dragons settings menus. If you have installed the optional Deadly Monsters plugin, a corresponding settings section will also appear for it.

In the Deadly Dragons section you will see the subsections "Dragons", "Attack" and "Miscellaneous". In the first subsection, you can customize absolutely everything related to dragons, from their health parameters, magic and strength reserves, to the peculiarities of their behavior in battle. Please note that changes are not applied immediately. If there is a dragon in your current area, the settings will be applied after the next “update” of the world and the dragon appears. Most settings have a description that appears at the bottom of the screen.

The "Attack" section contains slightly different settings. First of all, let us remind you of one thing: the default value of the timescale parameter in the game is 20, i.e. One game hour is equal to three real minutes. Make sure you understand what we are talking about before changing the settings in this section. In addition, all recommendations are given for the standard timescale value. If you change this parameter, then use the "Attack" system at your own peril and risk. In light of all of the above, everything becomes very simple. The "Attack" system sets the time interval between the appearance of dragons (including the ability to set a time deviation from the specified interval, which will make attacks less predictable).

In the "Miscellaneous" section you can enable the immortality of important NPCs, as well as configure a number of other parameters.

Note: Dragons do not appear in the game world when you are in some dungeons and interiors. However, there are a number of areas that are technically classified as exteriors, but are identified by the engine as interiors. When in such areas, it is RECOMMENDED that you disable the attack system, otherwise dragons may appear there. A list of such areas is given below. Starting from version 6.3.3, a check for the presence of “clear skies” has been added to locations, which allowed us to solve the described problem in most of the mentioned locations (but not in all).

  • AlftandWorld - Alftand (interior)
  • Blackreach - Black Reach (interior)
  • BlindcliffCaveWorld - Sheer Cliff Cave (interior)
  • BloatedMansGrottoWorld - Drowned Man's Grotto (interior)
  • BluePalaceWingWorld - “The Mind of a Madman” - dragons from the original game can also appear here! (interior)
  • BrinewaterGrottoWorld - Salt Water Grotto (interior)
  • DarkWaterWorld - Black passage (interior)
  • DeepwoodRedoubtWorld - Forest Valley
  • DLC01Boneyard - Boneyard
  • DLC01FalmerValley - Forgotten Valley
  • DLC01SoulCairn - Cairn Soul
  • DLC1AncestorGladeWorld - Glade of Ancestors (interior)
  • DLC1DarkfallPassageWorld - Evening passage (interior)
  • DLC1ForbearsHoldout - Elders' Hideout (interior)
  • DLC1HunterHQWorld - Gorge of Light Streams
  • DLC1VampireCastleCourtyard - Volkihar Courtyard (interior)
  • EastEmpireWarehouse - Warehouse of the Eastern Imperial Company (interior)
  • EldergleamSanctuaryWorld - Great Tree Sanctuary (interior)
  • FallowstoneCaveWorldEnd - Yellow Stone Cave (interior)
  • FallowstoneCaveWorldStart - Yellow Stone Cave (interior)
  • FrostmereCryptWorld - Frostmere Depths (interior)
  • JaphetsFolly - Japheth's Caprice
  • KarthspireRedoubt - Karthspire (interior)
  • KatariahWorld - Katariah (ship's internal location)
  • LabarynthiumMazeWorld - Shalidor's Labyrinth (interior)
  • LabarynthiumWorld - Lost Valkigg (interior)
  • LabarynthiumWorld03 - Labyrinthian (College of Winterhold quest) (interior)
  • LabarynthiumWorld04 - Labyrinthian (College of Winterhold quest (boss room)) (interior)
  • MossMotherCavern - Mossy cave (interior)
  • RedEagleRedoubtWorld - Red Eagle, Rise (interior)
  • ShadowgreenCavernWorld - Green Shadow Cave (interior)
  • SkuldulfanWorld - Skuldafn
  • SouthfringeWorld - South Sanctuary (interior)
Options and sliders

Safe areas:

Marks cities and main holdings as "safe" zones, preventing the dragon attack system from triggering there.

Behavior in battle:

An option that controls the landing frequency of dragons during battle (you can force them to land only after their health drops below 50%, increase the frequency of landings, or leave their behavior unchanged).

Special abilities:

Activation of additional abilities for dragons from the original game.


Enables the knockdown effect when a dragon lands nearby.


Manage dragons' resistance to stun from the corresponding Destruction school perk. Stun effects from specials. attacks and shield hits have a 50% chance of being ignored.

NPC Immortality:

Enabling this option makes all important NPCs immortal, including companions, mercenaries, merchants, and quest givers.

Converting dragon souls into perk points:

Allows you to convert the specified number of dragon souls into perk points.

Additional effects:
  • Dragon's breath now leaves trails of fire or ice on the surface;
  • additional abilities have been added to the dragons from the original game, which can be disabled by the corresponding option in the “Dragons” subsection.
  • Most dragons can be classified into a specific type or element: frost, thunder, ice, and undead. The first three types have 50% resistance to damage from their corresponding element, the last type has 50% resistance to poisons and diseases.


The Dragon
  • Level: 10
  • Type: thunderstorm
  • Capabilities:
    • Thunderous breath - 15 units. Electrical damage per second;
    • Electric shock - 40 units. Electrical damage within a 20-foot radius.
forest dragon
  • Level: 30
  • Type: undead
  • Capabilities:
    • Poisonous breath - 40 units. poison damage per second;
    • Poisonous strike - 60 units. Electrical damage within a radius of 20 steps;
    • Call of Nature - calls for help from wild animals that will attack the player.
Hell dragon
  • Level: 40
  • Type: thunderstorm
  • Capabilities:
    • Hellish explosion - 100 units. magic damage within a radius of 20 steps;
  • Level: 50
  • Type: frosty
  • Capabilities:
    • Frost Breath
    • frost ball
    • Frost Wave
    • Summon Servants – Summons three skeletons for 60 seconds.
Lava Dragon
  • Level: 50
  • Type: fire
  • Capabilities:
    • Fire Breath
    • Fire ball
    • Fire storm
Storm Dragon
  • Level: 50
  • Type: thunderstorm
  • Capabilities:
    • Thunderous breath - 100 units. electrical damage per second
    • Electric shock - 150 units. Electrical damage within a 20-foot radius.
    • Call of the Storm
Black-winged dragon
  • Level: 60
  • Type: fire
  • Capabilities:
    • Fire Breath
    • Fire ball
    • Fire Strike
    • Melted Skin
    • Fire Wave – Launches a wave of flames that deals 100 damage. damage and reducing the player's resistance to fire by 50%.
  • Level: 60
  • Type: undead
  • Capabilities:
    • Frost Breath
    • frost ball
    • Draining vitality
    • Army of Death - revives all dead within range.
Phantom Dragon
  • Level: 60
  • Type: thunderstorm
  • Capabilities:
    • Hell's Breath - 70 units. magic damage per second;
    • Hellish explosion - 100 units. magic damage within a radius of 20 steps;
    • Chameleon - makes the dragon temporarily invisible (invisibility will disappear when damage is dealt or when the character is attacked).
Northern dragon
  • Level: 60
  • Type: frosty
  • Capabilities:
    • Frost Breath
    • frost ball
    • Buran
    • Ice armor – protects the dragon for 15 seconds. While the armor is active, frost fever will spread to all attackers, causing constant cold damage and freezing all NPCs for 5 seconds.
Volcanic dragon
  • Level: 60
  • Type: fire
  • Capabilities:
    • Fire Breath
    • Fire ball
    • Melted Skin
    • Eruption - fire will begin to erupt from the ground.
Aspect of Alduin
  • Level: 60
  • Type: thunderstorm
  • Capabilities:
    • Breath of Burning Frost – deals both fire and cold damage, and also freezes the surface.
    • Armageddon is a weather-changing scream that causes fire and ice to rain.
    • Buran
    • Disappearance - periodically the dragon becomes invulnerable for 10 seconds.
  • Level: 60
  • Type: undead
  • Capabilities:
    • Poisonous breath - 180 units. poison damage per second.
    • Poisonous blow - 250 units. poison damage within a radius of 20 steps.
    • Poisonous cloak - 20 units. poison damage per second to all targets within a radius of 30 steps.
    • Vile Spores - places vile spores on the surface that can cause ranged poison damage. Spores deal 100 damage. damage to poisons and reduces poison resistance by 25% for 5 seconds. Effects can be combined with each other.
Bone Dragon
  • Level: 65
  • Type: undead
  • Capabilities:
    • Breath of Plague - 180 units. disease damage per second;
    • Plague explosion - 200 units. damage from disease within a radius of 20 steps;
    • Poison Rain – weather-changing scream that deals poison damage;
    • Army of Death – summons a draugr - the lord of death, a draugr - a death guard and a draugr - an archer for 30 seconds. Draugr - Lord of Death uses a scream that deals damage and infects the player with necrosis, which reduces disease resistance by 50%. Draugr - Archer uses the "Ruthless Force" shout.
Sun dragon
  • Level: 65
  • Type: fire
  • Capabilities:
    • Fire Breath
    • Fire ball
    • Solar Beam - Creates a beam of light that deals massive fire damage over a period of time.
    • Supernova - Emits a destructive wave of light that deals fire damage within a 30-foot radius and knocks targets back.
Awakened Dragon
  • Level: 65
  • Type: undead
  • Capabilities:
    • Breath of burning frost
    • Life Drain – drains life from the target and transfers it to the dragon;
    • Catavasia: All targets near the dragon begin attacking a random target for 20 seconds.
    • Death Grip: Grabs all current targets and moves them towards the dragon.
  • Level: 65
  • Type: thunder, undead, mechanism
  • Capabilities:
    • Steam breathing - 180 units. magic damage per second;
    • Detonation – When attacking, Mechadon has a chance to deal 300 retaliatory electrical damage to all nearby targets.
    • Launch - Mechadon summons mechanical servants for 60 seconds. Possible servants: 4 Dwemer spiders, 3 Dwemer spheres, 2 Dwemer centurions.
Storm Dragon
  • Level: 65
  • Type: thunderstorm
  • Capabilities:
    • Thunderous breath - 180 units. Electrical damage per second;
    • Electric explosion - 250 units. Electrical damage within a radius of 20 steps;
    • Eye of the Storm – Summons a ball of lightning for 30 seconds that deals 100 damage. Electrical damage per second to random targets at a fairly large distance.


Problem: new dragons and/or items are invisible or displayed incorrectly.

Cause: incorrect installation or lack of the latest patch for the game.

Solution: re-read the requirements and installation section.

Problem: The MSM menu is not displayed.

Cause: SKSE is not installed or installed incorrectly.

Solution: download and install SKSE. Also make sure you have the latest official patch.

Problem: The game crashes to the desktop upon startup.

Cause: One of the mods is missing a master file.

Solution: You may not have Dawnguard installed. Also make sure that all the necessary master files are present for all mods.

Problem: The game crashes to the desktop when loading a saved game.

Cause: Once upon a time you had version 4.5 installed.

There is one reason why this might be happening. If you played with Deadly Dragons 4.5 and killed the "Minion of Akatosh" (Zealot of Akatosh), then the script was permanently recorded in your saved game file, uninstalling the mod will make the save unplayable. Unfortunately, the problem was discovered too late, so we apologize. We recommend starting a new game.

Problem: Dragons sometimes don't give up their souls.

Cause: A similar problem could periodically arise in the original game. The exact source of the problem has not been found, and there may also be a certain limit on the dragon souls available to the player.

Problem: new dragons do not appear in locations with words of power.

Cause: the world has not yet been “updated”, or you have not made some progress in the main quest.

Solution: new dragons will not start falling on you from the sky immediately after installing the mod. Dragon attacks will become fully operational after the quest "A Blade in the Darkness" in Kin Grove. Most of the new dragons are level 35+, so until you reach intermediate levels in development, you will mainly encounter dragons from the original game.

If you have any other mod installed that adds dragons, then make sure that Deadly Dragons is loaded AFTER it.

Problems: dragons behave “strangely” (fly backwards, attack random creatures rather than the player, behave peacefully, etc.).

Cause: This problem occurs in earlier versions of the original game, Deadly Dragons does not affect it in any way and cannot fix it.

Solution: No.

Problem: Looping sound effects of dragon cries or spells.

Cause: This is a rare bug in the original game.

Solution: If the looping sound does not disappear after killing the dragon, then fast travel to a new location, create a new save game file, close and re-enter the game.

Problem: Dragon damage/parameter settings don't work! The mod is installed correctly.

Cause: remember that all settings do not work immediately, but after the game world is “updated”. All settings must be set before the dragon appears.

Solution: also try running BOSS.

General issues:

Question: What if I don't need new types of dragons, but want to control the parameters of the dragons from the original game?

Answer: Use the loremonger version.

Question: is Deadly Dragons compatible with Tytanis/Wars in Skyrim/Monster Mod etc?

Answer: Any mod that involves dragons will conflict with Deadly Dragons, so use such mods at your own risk.

Question: does this mod affect the appearance of dragons in the game world?

Answer: No. This mod only affects the parameters of dragons.

Question: Are named dragons affected by the mod?

Answer: Yes. Odahviing and Partrunax are just dragons with a unique model. Alduin is unique, but also affected.


Tytanis: Partially compatible with Deadly Dragons, but Tytanis must come before Deadly Dragons in load order.

Dragons Diversified: Changes the same things as Deadly Dragons. A compatibility patch has been created for version v4.5, but there is no compatibility patch for later versions.

Skyrim Monster Mod: Compatibility patch created by the author.

Deadly Dragons is incompatible with any other mods that change the leveled dragon lists.


The main esp file was developed by 3jiou with partial modifications from I2edShift. Description and readme file created by I2edShift. User support is provided by Oyabankyuubi.

It is prohibited to publish this mod on other resources without obtaining prior consent from the author of the mod, 3jiou.

Translation: "Chronicles of Tamriel"

The dragon transformation mod created for Skyrim will allow Dovahkiin to turn into a flying lizard and soar over the northern lands, terrifying people and elves. The mod can be configured using the MSM menu or without it. In the first case, you can set hotkeys for flight control and select the size and type of dragon.

Setting up without MSM

1. After launching Skyrim with the mod installed, two new items will appear in the list of talents: the transformation spell, as well as its settings.

2. In the settings you need to specify the type of dragon, camera mode, assign the type of mind, reconfigure the controls. In addition, you can read important recommendations there.

3. Use the "Transform into Dragon" shout.

This Skyrim mod for turning into a dragon
allows you to use the mouse in ground combat mode: activating the LMB will make the lizard bite, and using the RMB you can crush opponents with powerful blows of the tail. Using the mod, the player can become any dragon presented in the game, including a named one (for example, Alduin or Paarthurnax). Skeleton and undead are also available.

Depending on its type, the dragon will be more or less powerful and will use different minds.

Control (default, can be changed using MSM)

1. Download the mod for turning into a dragon on Skyrim and install it.

2. Equip the desired spell.

3. Transform into a dragon by pressing "Z". Each time you need to equip the scream again.

4. You can take off and land using the “E” key (if that doesn’t work, press “U”).

5. Change the direction of flight using standard “WASD”.

6. Slow flight - hold down the left shift.

7. Gaining altitude - “Space”.

8. Decrease - “X”.

9. Roar (only during flight) - “V”.

10. You can switch to “autopilot” mode by pressing “G”.

11. On the ground, press LMB to hit with your tail.

12. On the ground, press RMB to bite the enemy.

13. Alternately activating the LMB and RMB will cause the Dragon Dovahkiin to strike with his wing in the indicated direction.

14. By using “Ctrl”, you can land and rest on a steep surface, and also gain the ability to crawl.

15. "CapsLock" changes the speed of the dragon's movement.

16. Flight control can be done using the mouse.

The game should be launched using skse_loader. The modification requirements for the system are as follows:

Skyrim version;

Skyrim Script Extender from 1.06.16;

- SkyUI 4.1 and higher (if you plan to configure the plugin in the MSM menu).

The procedure for updating the mod for transforming into a dragon in Skyrim from version 3.1.3x to version 3.1.3c:

1. While in human form, make sure that the transformation spell is not equipped.

2. Move indoors.

3. Mark the removal of the mod in the MSM menu.

4. Wait a little time in the game, then create a new separate save. Skyrim off.

5. Turn off the .esp file.

6. Reload Skyrim from the last save and wait a couple more minutes.

7. Create a separate save and turn off the game.

8. Delete the .esp and .bsa files, as well as the Burning Skies.esp folder (Data/Sound/Voice address).

9. Install the latest version.

Installation can be done manually and using NMM. To do this, you need to download the mod for turning into a dragon in Skyrim, copy the Data folder found in the archive to the root directory of the game, then confirm all merges and do not forget to enable the plugin in the launcher.

The mod was found on another site, here is the exact description
Now you can control the flights of your dragon. The author was not very happy with the dragon auto-take-offs and attacks in the Dragonborn DLC, so he made this mod.
There are several new features and also the existing vanilla features are retained

Update: 1.3
- Added MSM configuration via SkyUI 3.1
- Added an option to reset the mod/update and remove the mod to the MSM menu
- Fixed when control controls did not work after some time
- Fixed Capture/Kill, sometimes the dragon would pass through the ground or fly high into the sky
- Fixed combat landings

- New feature: Land on the ground and engage in battle with enemies (see controls section)
- New feature: Grab and kill wounded and weak enemies (HP - New feature: Summon Odahviing by shouting
- Resolved the issue with save/load (save/load) of the game, when this mod became non-functional after the update

Update: 1.1
- New feature: Left/Right - Steering while traveling
- Added video tutorial on dragon control
- The Ride command has been improved, now you can summon and mount a dragon almost anywhere
- Correction for the reaction of commands, the dragon now executes the command almost immediately.
- Added Notification to help the player in flight
- Minor bug fixes, after dismantling the dragon, the player will still be able to control it

- Real dragon flying with controls
- Land the dragon on the ground and fight enemies on the ground
- Grab and kill with a throw in the air to the ground
- Summon Odahviing. You need to complete the main quest to get this ability. Shout to summon a dragon, wait 5s, shout again while looking at Odahviing (just look at him when he is close enough) and he will obey your Will
- First of all, you must already have the ability to Train Your Dragon.
- Real time dragon riding
- Vapor anytime and anywhere you want
- Flight in Orbit around the current position
- Forced downward landing near or on objects
- Ability to Command your dragon to shout at a target of your choice (point at target)
- Control your dragon with keys

The dragon will not carry out commands immediately. It will take some time to calculate/build the path to the goal. So don't change the command, this will lead to the dragon confusing your commands....

"Crouch-crouch" key + "Sprint-acceleration": grabs the weak and wounded (HP) "Sprint-acceleration" key: while the dragon is in orbit (not hovering) or in combat on the ground, attracts enemies into melee combat. Press Press the "Sprint Acceleration" key again to return to flight.
"Back-S" key - switches the dragon to hover or fly freely
"Forward-W" key - switch from hovering or hovering mode - quickly press and hold the key, the dragon will fly forward, but will sometimes circle, you must always keep the "Forward" key pressed and not release to set the correct flight path
Key "Shift" + "Back-S" - Lowers the dragon down next to objects, usually to the closest possible
"Space" key + "1" and "2" and then the "Sneak-crouch" key - in guidance mode, shout a fireball at the target
Key "Left-A" or "Right-D" - in free flight or while hovering, you can turn the dragon in the direction you specify
"Sneak - crouch" key - press when the dragon is in "Orbital" flight mode and vanilla screams will be used (the dragon will have its own AI)

Game version
Dragonborn DLC
SKSE 1.06.06
SkyUI 3.1

If the translation of the mod does not correspond to the commands, then write in the comments, we will correct it

How to update from a previous version:
To update, perform a clean uninstall of the previous version MUST with the new MSM configuration
There is an item in the MSM menu:
reset mod - this is a reboot if the mod freezes
shutdown mod - this is for updating or deleting, check this box, save in a clean save, exit the game
Next, reinstall the new version of the mod and reboot the reset mod in the MSM menu

Complete removal of the mod:
1.Type the following commands in the console (without quotes)
"SetStage DragonMount_Rong 255" - Enter
"StopQuest DragonMount_Rong" - Enter
2.Wait for a while
3.Save to a clean save and exit the game
4.Delete the esp and bsa files of the mod
5. Return to the game and load from your save, make another save, exit the game and load again

Back up your save
Place the data folder in the root of the game and activate it in the launcher


New dragons, customization and dragon attacks:

In addition to the 7 types of Skyrim dragons, this mod adds 14 more dragon types, all of which work with level sheets. From level 10 to level 65, the higher your level, the more impressive dragons you will encounter. Each type of dragon is different, some are stronger versions of others. However, they are all unique and have their own attacks and behavior. If you don't want to add new dragon types, there is a lore-friendly version of the mod in a folder called Loremonger Edition. This version allows you to use the full set of mod features, but does not add new types of dragons.

Deadly Dragons are also customizable via um with the SkyUI mod installed (it's required), allowing you to customize the difficulty of the mod. If you want dragons with 50,000 health that do 4 times more damage than legendary dragons? Yes please. Just want more health for longer fights? Easily. Whatever your playstyle, Death Dragons allows you to customize health, base damage, melee damage, magic and breath damage, amount of armor and resistance - all individually configurable. No matter how powerful your dragonborn is, the Death Dragons will be able to provide them with challenges. Customize the mod as you wish and play.

In the micron setting you will find an "attack" option. This option is very simple. This is a dragon spawner with a timer function. This timer is set by you and runs on the Skyrim clock, where 1 hour is equivalent to 3 minutes of actual play. You can adjust the basic timer, choose a different value for the randomizer so that attacks are unexpected, adjust the number of attacking values, and even whether there will be safe zones in the game that dragons will not attack. Don't worry about NPCs - there is an option that allows you to make all important (quest givers, mercenaries, companions and merchants) NPCs immortal. I recommend setting the timer value for several days (48-96 hours) with 12 hour randomization.

There are also other options in Deadly Dragons, such as the number of abilities per dragon soul and customizable respawn slots.

Deadly monsters:

The mod has an optional plugin "Deadly Monsters". It acts the same as the main plugin, but affects all creatures except dragons. You can also customize creature parameters through the µm menu. However, it only affects the parameters of opponents and will not add new spells or weapons to them, so everything will be fine with compatibility.

Note: The dragon attacks are scripted and do not affect the original game's original dragon spawning system.

Version history:

Version 6.4.1
Fixed a bug with official DLCs that caused them to load in the wrong order.
Removed mechanical dragon

Version 6.4.1b
Installer fixed

Version 6.4.0
Both versions now require USLEEP and all DLC
Included most of the changes to the level sheets from the lore version
Paarthurnax now uses Legendary Dragon stats as a base
Aggressive abilities should now be much more impressive
The "Deadly Monsters" module has been removed and is no longer supported.​

Version 6.3.5
*Storm Dragon has been weakened. Now you can run away from his shots

Version 6.3.4
Cell weight and reset settings can now be stored
Deadly monsters: maximum in switches in setting - 1500
minor fixes
Version 6.3.3
-maximum in switches in settings - 1000
-Max. attack timer value - 336 hours
-Max. value in the attack randomizer - 128 hours
-fixed display of parameters when resetting values
-added switch "dependence of souls on abilities"
-added a switch for adjusting the weight of dragon scales and bones
-Fixed fire rain damage
Localization support
Fixed double attack
Version 6.3.2
Attack System: Dragons will now only spawn in areas that are considered exterior spaces and have an open sky.
Dragons only spawn in areas that are considered external and have open skies. This fixes most of the issues with dragon attacks.
Added "other" section in microns
- Convert dragon souls into ability points
- Set respawn time
- Set the immortality or mortality of important NPCs - merchants, quest givers, partners and mercenaries.
Minor fixes in the micron menu
Optimization for Deadly Monsters
(Respawn time is set to 240 hours, as in the original)
Version 6.3.1
Added SkyUI support
This mod is now required along with SKSE
Partially fixed Alduin's breathing
The ice geyser effect and sound have been changed.
The addon for deadly dragons is now called "deadly monsters" and also uses microns.
minor fixes

Version 5.1.1

  • Events: added option to change the spawn chance of the 2nd/3rd dragons
  • Dragon's breath damage now changes in 50% increments: 100>150>200>250>300%
  • Alduin's screams have been reworked

Version 5.0.0

  • 2 new level 70+ dragons, Sun Dragon and Awakened
  • Breath damage from DLC dragons is now also controlled by the config menu
  • DLC and new dragons have been added to the spawn list, Envoy of Akatosh has been completely removed
  • Added menu options: Safe Zone and Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary: Allows you to hide/show the configuration sanctuary located in Dragon's Reach.
  • Safe Zone: Ability to mark/unmark the location you are currently in as safe. This will prevent dragons from spawning in the location you marked in the mod's event system.

Version 4.9.0

  • v4.9 is the first update for Dawnguard (testing), requires Dawnguard DLC installed.
  • Optional texture replacers for 7 dragons in the original Skyrim. Changed textures from HD DLC. 100% compliance with the "spirit" of the Elder Scrolls. Thanks Bellyache!
  • Deadly Dragons - Armory and Spells mods are included in separate add-ons. Links are given in the description.
  • Event intervals now change in increments of 6 hours, rather than in 1 hour, as was previously the case. General Dawnguard support, Legendary and Revered dragons have been added to level lists and can now be found in random locations. Also subject to configuration menu settings.
  • Arctic Dragons' lightning damage reduced in area
  • Envoy of Akatosh has been removed from the level lists, and will be completely removed in update 5.0.


The Dragon
Level: 10
Type: Shock
Abilities: Lightning Breath - 15 damage per sec
Lightning Strike - 40 damage in a 20 ft radius

forest dragon
Level: 30
Type: Undead
Abilities: Poisonous breath - 40 damage per second.
Poison Strike - 60 damage within 20 feet
Call of the Ancestors - calls on wild animals to help you.

Void Dragon
Level: 40
Type: Shock
Abilities: Breath of the Void - 70 magic damage per second

Level: 50
Type: Cold
Abilities: Ice Breath, Ice Ball, Ice Wave
Summons partners - 3 skeletons for 60 sec

Magma Dragon
Level: 50
Type: Fire
Abilities: Fire Breath, Fireball, Fire Storm

Storm Dragon
Level: 50
Type: Shock
Abilities: Lightning Breath - 100 lightning damage per second,
Lightning strike, shout Calling the storm

Black-winged dragon
Level: 60
Type: Fire
Abilities: Fire Breath, Fireball, Ring of Fire, Molten Leather,
Fire Wave - launches a wave of fire that deals 100 damage and infects the enemy with a disease, reduces resistance to fire by 50%

Level: 60
Type: Undead
Abilities: Frost Breath, Ice Ball, Vampiric Drain
Mass raising of undead - raises all the dead in a large radius.

Spectral Dragon
Level: 60
Type: Shock
Abilities: Breath of the Void - 70 magic damage during separatism
Void Strike - 100 magic damage in a 20 ft. radius
Chameleon - temporary invisibility. Becomes visible when it attacks a player or takes damage.
Spectral Ally - Summons an ally for 30 seconds. While it is active, the dragon is invulnerable.

Arctic Dragon
Level: 60
Type: Cold
Abilities: Frost Breath, Ice Ball, Blizzard,
Ice armor - protects the dragon for 15 sec. While it is active, all attackers receive cold damage, causing them to freeze in place for at least 5 seconds.

Volcanic dragon
Level: 60
Type: Fire
Abilities: Fire Breath, Fireball, Molten Leather,
Eruption - sets the ground on fire

Aspect of Alduin
Level: 60
Type: Storm
Abilities: frost-fire breath - causes damage with cold and fire, freezes the ground.
Armageddon Shout is a weather scream effect that summons ice and fire storms and rain from the sky.
Disappear - from time to time the dragon becomes invulnerable for 10 sec.

Level: 60
Type: Undead
Poisonous breath - 180 damage per second.
Poison Strike - 250 damage within 20 feet
Poison Cloak - 20 poison damage per second to everyone within 30 feet
Vile Spores - Places spores at the target's position that continuously shoot toxic spores at a random point in the immediate vicinity.
The spores deal 100 poison damage and reduce the target's poison resistance by 25% for 5 sec. This effect is cumulative.

Bone Dragon
Level: 70
Type: Undead
Abilities: Breath of Plague - 180 disease damage per second
Plague Strike - 200 disease damage in a 20 ft. radius
Acid Rain - Scream Infection Weather Effect
Army of the Dead - summons 3 of the strongest draugr for 30 sec. One of them uses the Death Mark shout, which deals disease damage and infects the player with Necrosis, reducing disease resistance by 50%. Another draugr uses the Ruthless Force shout.

Sun dragon
Level: 70
Type: Fire
Abilities: Fire Breath, Fireball
Solar Sphere: Strikes a target's current position with a beam of light, dealing massive fire damage over time
Supernova - Emits destructive waves of light that deal fire damage to all targets within 30 feet and knock them aside.

Awakened Dragon
Level: 70
Type: Undead
Features: - Frost-fire breath
Life Drain - drains the player's life for its benefit
Mutilate - all targets near the dragon attack everyone in a row for 20 sec
Lethal Grapple: Grabs the current target and places them in front of the dragon.

Level: 70
Type: Undead, Shock, Mechanical
Abilities: Steam Breathing - 180 magic damage per second
Lightning Strike - 250 lightning damage in a 20 ft. radius
Detonation - when receiving damage, the Mechadon can deal 300 electrical damage to all targets around it.
Landing - Mechadon summons mechanical allies for 60 sec. Possible summons: Dwemer spider, 3 Dwemer spheres, 2 centurions.

Level: 70
Type: Shock
Abilities: Storm Breath - 180 shock damage per second
Electric Shock - 250 Electric Damage in a 20 ft. Radius
Eye of the Storm - creates a ball of lightning for 30 sec, dealing 100 lightning damage per second to random targets in a large radius.

Good luck!

All settings now work through the µm menu. The mod requires SkyUI to work.

1. Unpack the archive
2. Select version (loremonger or regular)
3. Copy esp and resources from the BSA folder to the Data folder of your Skyrim
4. Connect esp via mod manager.


Before updating, do the following:

1. Reset all settings to their default values. Make sure there are no dragons nearby.
2. Enter an isolated room away from the dungeons (for example, the player’s house)
3. save the game and delete the old version
4. Install the new version and play. Don't forget to reconfigure your settings.

It is advisable to kill all the dragons in your zone before updating. Don't make a clean save.

Improves the actions of dragons during battle, expanding their capabilities and making combat with them more interesting. This is not an alternative to other dragon mods, it is an improvement that can be used both as a standalone mod and as an addition to already installed mods.

More details:
- Adds new animations (more than 20+) and new types of behavior (more than 20)
- Expands the shouts used by dragons
- Adds new types of attacks
- Dragons will react to damage in different parts of the body: tail, wings and head. Deal damage purposefully depending on the situation, and you will be rewarded - you will be able to find new alchemical ingredients
-Dragons become enraged over time. At this time, smoke begins to come out of the dragon's mouth.
- They will also deal area damage in various ways
- There is variability - each dragon will behave differently from the other depending on the type and occasion
- Can be configured through the MSM menu.

- Improved method for controlling the frequency of dragon flights.
- Changed the biting animation.
- Added native AI (intelligence). Some additional attacks are determined by the game AI.
- Scripts optimized.
- When used together with FNIS, a patch is required. The patch is on the FNIS page.
- Damage from a Magic attack depends on the player's level.
- Fixed breathing sounds.
- Fixed a bug where the player became a dragon when using this mod.

Change log:
Read the changes from all previous versions in the archive.

What the mod DOES NOT do:
- does not turn dragons into unkillable terminators
- does not add new dragons
- does not add creature summoning spells
- does not increase the number of dragons
- does not add the ability to summon dragons
- does not add anything related to health regeneration in dragons

Skyrim LE
4.1 and higher

Chaos Dragons - Ultimate Dragons.esp should be after the Chaos Dragons mod

Dragons Diversified
Resilient Dragons
Dragon Combat Overhaul is technically compatible, but sometimes strange behavior of dragons can occur. Nothing fatal.
UltimateDragons.esp should be below esp. from these mods.

When upgrading to 2.1 and higher:
- Remove scripts starting with aaaUD....psc (there should be 9 pieces) along the path Data/Scripts/source
- Delete the entire UltimateDragons folder along the path Data/meshes/Magic
- Delete the files TailRolling.hkx, BiteRight.hkx, BiteLeft.hkx along the path Data/Meshes/actors/dragon/animations
- You don’t have to delete the rest, install the new version 2.1 and replace all other files.

Installation: (can be done manually or through mod managers)
Place the Data folder from the archive in the game folder, confirm merging the files and activate it in the launcher or mod manager.

When used with FNIS:
Install the latest version of "".
Run "Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe".
Check out the patch "tktk1"s "TK Dodge/Ultimate Combat".
Click Update FNIS Behavior.
Wait until the files are generated.
Done, play.