Download update 6.0 for android 5.1 torrent. New features for working with a memory card

Recently, an important event happened within the Android x86 project - a stable version was released operating system Android 6.0 Marshmallow. This means that the latest version of Android is now available for installation on computers and laptops. In this article, we will tell you how to install Android 6.0 Marshmallow on your computer, as well as how to configure and better use this system on your computer. full-fledged computer.

How to install next to other OS

To install Android 6.0 Marshmallow x86 on your computer or laptop, you need to follow fairly simple instructions. Burning an image to a disk or USB drive:
  1. Download the ISO image of the system from the official website - and bit (direct download links).
  2. The image can be burned to disk in a standard way via CD Burner XP for Windows applications, or using standard utility in Windows 7 and higher. If you don’t want to waste an extra disk, you can create bootable usb:
  3. To do this, it is better to use the Linux Live USB Creator (LiLi) application, which can be downloaded for Windows and Linux on the official website of the project.
  4. Launch the utility, in step 1, select the USB drive on which you would like to install Android.
  5. Select the image itself that you downloaded earlier.
  • Ignoring all the settings, click on the lightning bolt in step 5, after which the image will begin recording to the USB drive.
  • System installation:
    1. Prepare a disk partition for Android. To partition the disk, it is better to use the package Acronis programs Disc Director Suite. The new version of Android x86 allows you to install systems next to another OS without damaging it. Therefore, you don’t even have to worry about the division if you don’t want to bother too much.
    2. Once you have finished burning the image to the USB drive, if there were no errors, reboot your laptop. After turning on and the manufacturer’s logo appears on the screen, periodically press the button that brings up a window with alternative ways downloads. On ASUS laptops- this is the Esc button, on most PCs - F8 or nearby buttons from this row. It's better to check on the Internet. If an alternative boot is not available, then enable it in the BIOS, which is usually called by the Delete button.
    3. In the alternative launch window, select the USB, CD, or DVD drive where you installed Android.
    4. After this, you will see a window with four options. The first three allow you to run Android in Live CD or Live USB mode - working with the system directly from the disk. The last option starts the installation. This is exactly what we need.

  • Next, you have to choose which partition to install Android on. You can select any supported partition by formatting it, or installing Android next to another system. In the latter case, select the “Do Not Format” option instead of the file system name. If you decide to install the system on a blank partition, then select a file system (ext3 or ext4 are recommended).

  • The next window will ask you to install the GRUB boot manager. If you do not have it installed on another Linux system, then you can safely select “Yes”. Then, the next time you turn on the laptop, it will display a window with options to launch all installed operating systems. It is worth noting that Windows is recognized normally. If you already have GRUB installed, you can select “Skip” and then add Android to the /grub/menu.lst list in another OS. In both cases, you can choose to install GRUB - you can't go wrong.

  • After this, the installation will begin. Upon completion, the installer will offer to immediately launch the installed Android or reboot the system. If you chose to install GRUB, then after turning on the laptop you should see something like this.

  • Select the first item, after which the launch will begin installed Android.
  • Next, you will have to go through the usual operation that every buyer of a new Android device faces: installing the language (Russian is present), setting up Google account, Wi-Fi connection and more. There is nothing complicated here.
  • After all this, you should see a full-fledged Android desktop. Voila, the mobile OS is running on your laptop.

  • How to install on a virtual machine

    If you don't want to install Android x86 on your computer as a full-fledged system, but would like to try it on virtual machine, then there is one more instruction for you.
    How to install Android x86 6.0 Marshmallow on a VirtualBox virtual machine:

    1. Create a new virtual machine in VirtualBox. Select the Linux type, Linux version 2.x / 3.x / 4.x (32 or 64 bit) depending on your PC. Also create virtual partition volume of at least 2 GB. As a result, the settings should look like this:

  • After creating the machine, in its settings, connect the Android x86 image you downloaded. This can be done in the “Media” section.

  • Start the virtual machine. If everything is set correctly, you will see a screen with four items. Select the bottom one - “Installation”. But you can also try Live CD without installation.

  • A section selection menu will appear. The sequence of actions is as follows: Create / Modify partitions → Do you want to use GPT (no) → New → Primary → (you can select the partition size) Enter → Bootable → Write (yes + enter) → Quit.

  • Select the partition that was created (VBOX HARDDISK). It will be the first item on the menu. File system - ext4.

  • Are you sure to format this partition? → Yes
  • Do you want to install boot loader GRUB? → Yes
  • Do you want to install EFI GRUB2? → Skip
  • Do you want to install /system directory as read-write? → Yes
  • The system is installed, select Reboot.
  • After rebooting the virtual machine, the GRUB bootloader will appear. To launch Android, select the topmost item in its menu. You don’t have to touch anything at all and the system will boot automatically.

  • Voila! Now you can use Android in a virtual machine.
  • Additional settings

    As an interface shell for Android x86, we can safely recommend ADW Launcher, which offers a lot of settings, and its design is better optimized for the mouse. After installing the launcher, all gestures will become much easier to perform with the mouse, and the desktop will become a little more convenient.

    During setup after the first launch, you may notice that switching the language using a keyboard shortcut does not work. To fix this, you need to go to the “Language and input” section in the settings and select the layout you need. Android developers for computers even provide support for a keyboard shortcut to change the language - by default it is CTRL + Space. By the way, if you need a virtual touch keyboard that is not initially displayed on the screen, then switch the “Show input method” toggle switch in the same layout selection menu.

    Many combinations are supported that are necessary for normal operation: Copy (CTRL + C), Paste (CTRL + V), Cut (CTRL + X), Windows Button minimizes all applications and returns to the desktop. Will work on some laptops and computers function keys in row F. The PrintScreen button works, which takes a screenshot.

    On Android x86 it is better to use a special video player called Dolphin. It better understands the architecture of desktop chips and also works well with big amount formats. You can download the Dolphin video player for Android x86 on Trashbox.

    To see a more detailed status of the laptop battery, it is better to install the Battery Disc widget, which can be placed on the desktop. The widget displays the battery charge as a percentage.

    As you can see, Android 6.0 Marshmallow x86 is already pretty well optimized for most laptops, considering that my device has an AMD chip. I even managed to play the Android port

    Other versions and updates

    Major changes in Android 6.0 Marshmallow for x86 systems:
    • updated Linux kernel to version 4.4.12;
    • OpenGL ES 3.x hardware acceleration support for Intel graphics/ AMD (radeon / radeonsi) / Nvidia (nouveau), as well as in VMware and QEMU (virgl);
    • OpenGL ES 3.0 support via software rendering on or without other graphics chips;
    • Support for secure boot via UEFI and installation to a UEFI disk;
    • the ability to install on partitions with ext4 / ntfs / fat32 file systems via a text-graphical interface;
    • improved updating from older Android x86 releases - now file systems ext2 and ext3 are automatically updated to ext4;
    • improved support for multi-touch screens, audio, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, sensors, cameras and Ethernet (via DHCP only);
    • automatic mounting of USB drives and SD cards;
    • support for other architectures (arm / arm64) through the native mechanism (Settings → Application compatibility).
    Images of the following versions of Android x86 are also available for download:
    • Android 6.0 Marshmallow RC1 (32 bit).
    • Android 6.0 Marshmallow RC1 (64 bit).
    The installation process for version 5.1 is identical to 6.0 Marshmallow. In the second half of August 2015, Google initiated an event that went unnoticed by most media, but became very significant for the mobile industry. Was named and introduced to the world a new version android. Meet Android 6.0 Marshmallow or in our opinion - Marshmallow ;)

    Main innovations of Android 6.0

    Here we will touch basic changes happened in the system, there are not many of them, and the purpose of this site is not to describe the full functionality, but to help you update your tablet or smartphone to Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware.
    In principle, there are only two of these new features (may Google developers forgive me ;))
    1. The long-awaited ability to select permissions for the installed application. Who doesn’t know, this is such a long list that is displayed when you want to buy a toy for yourself and which you don’t read. But in vain. The toy may ask for the opportunity to send SMS to paid numbers and then your balance, and in the worst case, your bank account, can become significantly thinner. Well, before, before installation, reading this list of requested permissions, we had to simply refuse the installation if we doubted something. It was unpleasant because... the program could be very necessary. Now Marshmallow gives us a unique opportunity to choose from the presented list what the installed program can do! Cool!
    And this eternal question: -Why couldn’t this be done right away?! 2. The second significant innovation is again the long-awaited multi-window interface. Well, like Windows, to which we have become accustomed for a hundred years, aaaand.... the same question again;) What didn’t they do before? ;)
    All the other “tricks and goodies” remained, as they say, under the hood and the user will not see them with his own eyes, but they will help him a lot, speeding up the operation of the gadget, extending its time battery life etc.
    Let us emphasize once again that this is only short review. Anyone interested in a full description of the innovations of the sixth android can look at a good article on Habré.

    Latest 20 added Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware

    To download, follow simple instructions.

    1. To start downloading the installation file, click on the blue “Download from server” button located just above.
    2. After which, the server will prepare and check the installation file for viruses.
    3. If the file is not infected and everything is fine with it, a gray “Download” button will appear.
    4. Clicking on the “Download” button will begin downloading the file to your computer.

    We do not ask you to go through a tedious registration process or send any SMS for confirmation. Just download and enjoy for your health =)

    How to install for Android

    To install the program, follow simple instructions that apply to most programs.

    1. Launch the downloaded file by double-clicking on it. All setup files taken from the official websites of the developers.The last update date of the version 6.0 file was January 10, 2017 at 15:59.
    2. In the window that appears, accept the license agreement. You can also read the license agreement on the official website of the program developer.
    3. Select necessary components which you want to install. Uncheck the boxes that may be selected to install additional programs.
    4. Select the folder on your computer where you want to install the program. In most cases, the program automatically selects a folder, for example in Windows it is C:\Program Files\
    5. Finally, the program installation manager may suggest creating a “Desktop Shortcut” or “Start Menu Folder.”
    6. After which the installation process will begin. After completion, the installation manager may ask you to restart the computer for the program to work more correctly.

    According to BlackBerry, the company has fixed about 16 vulnerabilities in the Priv smartphone. Here are some of them:

    • Remote execution malicious code through a vulnerability in MediaServer (CVE-2015-6616).
    • Remote execution of malicious code through a vulnerability in Skia (CVE-2015-6617).
    • Remote execution of malicious code via a vulnerability in Bluetooth (CVE-2015-6618).
    • libstagefright high privilege vulnerability (CVE-2015-6621).
    • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in the Native Frameworks Library (CVE-2015-6622).
    • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in libstagefright (CVE-2015-6626, CVE-2015-6631, CVE-2015-6632).
    • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in Audio (CVE-2015-6627).
    • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in the Media Framework (CVE-2015-6628).
    • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in Wi-Fi (CVE-2015-6629).
    • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in SystemUI (CVE-2015-6630).
    Most of these vulnerabilities were relevant for both Nexus and flagship devices. Samsung Galaxy, which received a similar security update.

    Images, updates and firmware

    Google has already published firmware images with the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow for following devices(direct links to download firmware):
    • Nexus 9 LTE ​​(volantisg) / Wi-Fi (volantis)
    • Nexus 7 2013 Wi-Fi (razor) / LTE (razorg)
    • Google Pixel C (ryu) - MXB48J/MXB48K
    OTA update files for Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow for Nexus devices:

    Dear forum members, this article contains information about mobile device. Here you can download latest version Android firmware on Kazam Trooper2 6.0, and you can also find out how to get root rights .

    You can learn more about root rights. Instructions for obtaining are below.

    In what cases is it necessary to update the firmware?

    • I would like to install new firmware to expand the capabilities of my mobile device;
    • Recovery after unsuccessful firmware is required
    • The device constantly reboots for no reason;
    • The device does not turn on.

    What firmware do we have?

    To download Android firmware 5.1 Lollipop, 6.0 Marshmallow, 7.0 Nougat, Android 8.0 O on Kazam Trooper2 6.0 read the entire article - this is very important. Installing a new available Android version, you will be surprised by the possibilities that arise. And also you can find official version MIUI firmware different versions and custom original firmware.

    If you have questions, you can always ask them through the comment form.

    Availability of firmware: In stock.

    Download firmware

    When leaving feedback through the comment system, please indicate your real email if you have problems installing the firmware. Please take into account that the site administration may not answer questions immediately, depending on workload. In addition to the administration, they can answer and help you regular users, everything is like on the forum.

    The manual on how to install the firmware is located at the links below. Firmware download for Kazam Trooper2 6.0 is available via torrent with instructions.

    Firmware installation instructions

    To download, select the firmware you need and click on the link.

    To install, do the following:

    • Download the file with firmware and special program
    • Run the program on your computer
    • Select the desired firmware version
    • Strictly follow all instructions from the archive

    Video on Kazam Trooper2 6.0 firmware