Download a selection of drivers for your laptop. Free programs for searching and installing drivers

Programs for updating drivers in Russian are collected in this section. All programs can be downloaded for free with activation keys.

DUMo Pro is a very useful software for the Windows operating system, which is necessary for monitoring the performance of drivers and updating them in a timely manner. Therefore, with the help of this utility, users will be able to optimize their device and make it more functional and powerful. All drivers need to be updated regularly, as developers are constantly improving their products and making them more reliable, secure and efficient. However, the OS itself is not capable of fully performing this...

Driver Talent is a program for automatically searching and updating drivers. This application scans the system, and then generates a list of drivers that need to be restored or updated. Driver Talent fixes problems related to unstable graphics, display, motherboard, networks and sound card. This program will help update, restore, remove drivers, and, if possible, restore. Using the utility, users will be able to find the most suitable firewood for their device to ensure high...

We all know that a driver is a conductor that connects the computer to the specific device. It is he who is responsible for the coordinated work of computer programs with programs of another device. Activation of Auslogics Driver Updater is a complex system files, the purpose of which is to update the necessary drivers. Thus, the operating system receives a signal to action and scans the PC. And then, when this process is completed, a report is displayed on the monitor indicating the presence of all operating system drivers...

Driver Booster is a convenient program for automatically installing and updating drivers on your computer from the large IObit family. Like the rest of the company's software, it is very easy to use. Essentially yours the main task— install it, and Driver Booster will do the rest on its own. After launching the program, Driver Booster fully monitors the drivers existing on the computer and updates outdated versions. It also detects malfunctions in the operation of already installed ones. Download IObit Driver for free…

In order for the operating system to interact perfectly with software as well as hardware, it is necessary to have drivers. These intermediary programs must be installed separately on your computer. The performance of the computer will depend on the driver's performance. For this reason, users should regularly check for compatibility and correct operation. Driver Reviver is a program that is capable of scanning the operating system to find and update outdated drivers. The process of updating drivers is not complicated; it is much more difficult to find drivers that are completely...

TweakBit Driver Updater - great program, which is created for automatic download and installing drivers on the computer. This software scans the operating system to find outdated drivers. TweakBit Driver Updater selects the appropriate drivers and automatic mode installs them. This program has a limited version, which is available for one month. License key TweakBit Driver Updater can be downloaded from our website to remove all restrictions. Activating TweakBit Driver Updater allows you to use all…

After formatting the disk and reinstalling the operating system, you need to spend a lot of time searching for the necessary drivers. Some found drivers may not work correctly. If users do not want to waste time searching for software components, then they need to download DriverEasy. This program allows you to always have the latest versions of drivers on your computer. Everyone knows that if the driver is outdated, the PC will work incorrectly and be unstable. It is important to have the most latest versions drivers. Download Driver for free…

DriverHub is designed to help users different computers in search suitable drivers compatible with Windows operating system versions: 7, 8 and 10. The application independently determines specifications installed equipment, finds devices not identified by the system, checks versions installed drivers, the need to update, downloads and installs new files. Download DriverHub 1.1.2 for free in Russian Password for all archives: 1progs Features of the program Already at the installation stage it becomes clear what the program is intended for:…

Users often encounter problems that are not related to “bugs” in programs or operating system, and with drivers. For example, if there is no driver for the network card, you will not be able to set up an Internet connection, and an incorrectly installed video card driver means that not a single game will run.
Specialists who often set up computers and laptops know this problem firsthand. This article will introduce you to the most effective driver update applications. So, let's start setting up your computer.

Driver Pack Solution

Driver Pack Solution(driver pack solution) – one of best utilities to update drivers. The program is implemented in ISO image format. This is a virtual disk that is opened through a special program (for example, Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%). The ISO image is large (about 11 GB). But there is also a version that takes up much less space and requires the Internet to work.

An important feature of the application is that it can be used on computers without an Internet connection. Many other driver update programs must go online to download from there required driver. And this is the key advantage: you download the image only once and use it.

Open the downloaded file and the program will automatically scan your computer. Based on the scanning results, a report similar to this is issued (in the screenshot below):

The user needs to check the boxes of those drivers that need to be installed and click the button to begin the operation. Some users prefer to click " Update all" This operation takes no more than 10-15 minutes, after which the computer or laptop receives all the required drivers. In some cases, you have to look for rare drivers yourself, since they may not be in the program database. However, this does not happen often - after all, the assembly is quite large.

Driver Booster

Convenient Russian language program with the free version. It will quickly scan your computer and identify old drivers.

The utility will not only show outdated drivers, but will also mark the criticality of the update, that is, those drivers that are strongly recommended to be updated as soon as possible.

A special feature of the application is the ability to update drivers in background. You press one button and the program starts the installation. A checkpoint is automatically created to roll back the system to a working state if the installation of new drivers fails.

If you often have to deal with drivers (you professionally configure computers, update programs), this utility will be very popular in your kit. software.

Driver Checker

It is impossible not to mention this useful utility. Imagine the situation: you are about to reinstall the operating system Windows system, but you haven't saved any working drivers for your devices. This application allows you to create backup copies of all active drivers in use, and then restore them on a new OS. In such situations, the program turns out to be indispensable!

The utility is very easy to use. Launch it, and it will prompt you to scan the system. Example in the screenshot:

After the scan is completed, the program will provide a report indicating which drivers need updating.

Slim Drivers

A simple and free program for checking drivers and updating them.

It is not capable of installing drivers in the background, but will quickly scan HDD and will display a list of direct links to new drivers. Naturally, this saves a lot of time.

The program has found 5 outdated drivers and offers to update them.


Another simple and fast program for searching and updating drivers. It only takes 10-20 seconds to scan your computer. There are two versions of the utility: free and professional. For home use Free is quite enough.

The interface is based on English language, however, no difficulties arise - everything is intuitive. During the first launch, the program offers to scan the system. Click the button to start the scanning process.

Once the scan is complete, DriverMax generates a recommendation report, indicating which drivers need to be updated. The report is very detailed and understandable.


Some readers will argue that it is better to download drivers from the website of the manufacturer of a particular device. We can agree with this if the user knows the manufacturer, and the drivers for the device in your series are posted on the official website. It often happens that components (video card, LAN card etc.) become obsolete, and the manufacturer ceases to support its product for the new operating system. Especially, manual installation ten or more drivers is not a pleasant task.

Drivers, like programs that control computer hardware and some virtual devices, are one of the most important components of the entire system. And for the correct operation of all equipment, they must be installed and updated in a timely manner. What program for searching for drivers and installing them into the system is best suited for such procedures? Let's look at this issue and focus on the tools offered by Windows systems, as well as the most popular third-party software products.

Installing drivers using Windows

At the installation stage of the system or if some malfunctions occur in the operation of devices, they can use the system’s own tools. Built-in search and installation program Windows drivers works on the basis of its own database, which can be stored on the computer’s hard drive or installation distribution on optical or USB media.

Access this system tool can be obtained from the “Device Manager”, which is called through the “Control Panel” or by the command devmgmt.msc in the “Run” console. Here you just need to select the desired device, and then use either the context menu or the properties bar, where you select the driver update. But for some non-standard devices, using this database is not possible, since the system installs the driver that is most suitable from its point of view, and not the one that may be required. In addition, this tool does not automatically update drivers (only upon user request).

Rating of programs for searching and installing drivers

Thus, to partially or fully automate the driver update process, you need to use third party programs, the most popular of which are the following:

DriverPack Solution

It is believed that this utility is the best program for finding and installing drivers. First of all, it is absolutely free. Secondly, its database with information on any of the known types of devices is the most complete. Thirdly, the application updates drivers exclusively through a search on the official resources of equipment manufacturers on the Internet.

However, if there is no connection, but if you have a disk with a distribution kit, which, in addition to installation files, includes the same driver database, you can use this tool. Scanning occurs automatically, after which it is suggested to install or update drivers for the corresponding equipment. If the driver installation will be carried out using system tools, at the stage of selecting the location from which the installation will be carried out, you will need to specify the appropriate media.

A program for automatically searching and installing Windows drivers Driver Booster

In second place is the Driver Booster utility. This program for searching for drivers and installing them automatically is somewhat reminiscent of the previous package, but, unlike it, it does not have its own driver database and works exclusively via the Internet.

You can install both the free version Free and the paid Pro version, which has extended driver support. But it requires a license, which costs about 400 rubles and is valid for a year. However, in practice, the usual Free versions, which copes with its responsibilities no worse. True, sometimes the user will see constant messages about updating the program itself, but there is nothing to worry about.

SlimDrivers package

This program is for finding drivers and installing them on everything computer devices is somewhat reminiscent of previous utilities, but has a number of features.

One of the most convenient features is that drivers can be copied to a backup copy if necessary. In addition, when scanning, the application not only identifies devices for which you need to install or update drivers, but also displays outdated components that can be removed from the system so that their keys do not clog the registry, and the drivers themselves do not cause conflicts after updating. At the same time, the program removes outdated drivers independently and completely automatically without user intervention.

Driver Scanner and Driver Genius Pro utilities

These two utilities are very similar to each other, but the first is free and is designed for the average user thanks to the almost complete automation of any process, while the second is available in a paid version and has somewhat greater capabilities (although you can also use a very functional demo version for familiarization).

Among their features, one can note a serious system for creating driver backups, but the program for searching for drivers and installing them on a computer, Driver Genius Pro, has the ability to create backup copy complete package installed or updated drivers in the form of regular ZIP archives, self-extracting SFX archives or even as EXE installers, which makes the recovery process faster and more reliable.

What to prefer?

What to choose from all that is offered on the software market today to automate the processes of searching, installing and updating drivers? It seems that the first two programs (DriverPack Solution and Driver Booster Free) are more suitable for the average user, since they are completely easy to use and are free. The rest of the utilities are mostly designed specifically for creating backups after searching for drivers or integrating them into the system. It is worth noting here that the Driver Genius Pro utility is more designed for those who, due to their specific nature, have to very often repair or configure computer equipment at a professional level. The SlimDrivers and Driver Scanner programs are “tailored” for use by ordinary users who, in addition to automatically updating or installing drivers, also want to get a simple means of creating backups for possible subsequent recovery in case of system failures.

Finding the best program for installing and updating drivers for Windows 7/8, 8.1/10 greatly simplifies solving such problems in the future. Since an outdated version, and especially their absence, brings much more problems than an operating system or a poorly functioning program. So, without a driver for a sound card, your computer will be dumb, and if you do not have a driver for a video card, then you can forget about playing games on your computer.

We hope you find the information regarding driver update programs helpful.

Below are verified and convenient programs to search for the drivers necessary for updating, automatically finding them on the Internet, downloading and installing them. These programs contain indispensable functions for computer and laptop users, especially people who are not particularly knowledgeable about this.

Driver Booster

Driver Booster is a pretty good program, Russian and with the presence free version, which can quickly scan the device and identify old and out-of-date drivers. In addition, it will not only show those drivers that need to be updated, but will also indicate how critical the update is. That is, it will let you know which drivers should be updated first.

  • This is what the program window will look like after the system has been scanned. We see the need to update drivers. Click " update everything«.

One cannot but rejoice at what is possible update drivers in the background - with just one click of a button. The program independently creates a checkpoint, with the help of which, if necessary, the system can be rolled back to a working state.

DriverPack Solution

DriverPack Solution - We can safely say that this is one of the most best programs, allowing us to find and update drivers. There are 2 ways to install and use this program.

1 way Launch online versions, a fast and easy way to update. Click " download online version" and run the installation file.

  • In the category " Drivers", put " Russian" and press " Install drivers«.

  • The program will automatically download and install everything necessary drivers to your computer.

2 Method Installation full version— Driver package Pack Solution Full is ISO image(such files are often called virtual disks), which must be opened in special program, for example, such as Daemon Tools. Since the ISO image is quite large - about 8 GB, it needs to be downloaded via torrent.

  • It is also important to note that to use this image It is possible even on those computers where there is no Internet. Often programs of this nature require an Internet connection to update drivers. And this is one of the basic advantages of this package - you only need to download the image once!
  • When you open the downloaded image, the program will automatically scan your Personal Computer, and will provide you with a report approximately in this form.
  • You just need to check the boxes next to the drivers selected for installation and click on the button to start the operation. A good option is to immediately click “update all”, and after ten minutes, the drivers necessary for operation will already be installed on your device (although in some cases you need manual method install drivers that are rare and therefore not in the database).
  • Before you start installing drivers, it is better to create a checkpoint to restore the operating system (this is done so that in case of an emergency you can “roll back” it to a working state).

Driver Checker

Driver Checker is a convenient and easy-to-use driver installation and update program, especially if you want to reinstall your operating system Windows 7/8, 8.1/10, but you don’t have absolutely all the drivers. This program will make it possible to save all the drivers that were installed from the system (backup), and then they can be restored at any time.

  • After downloading boot file, run it. After the program is installed, click " Start scan» When the scan is completed, you will receive a report with recommendations on which drivers are best to update. And perhaps there won’t be any.

  • Having found outdated or uninstalled drivers, it will offer to download and install them.

  • Button" Next", then download the drivers " Download“, after pressing which a window will appear where you need to enter the registration key (BRE09-CA7H6-DMHKK-4FH7C, should work) and then “ Buy now«

  • When the latter is completed, you will receive a report with recommendations on which drivers are best to update. And perhaps there won’t be any.

Slim Drivers

Slim Drivers - Extremely simple and completely free utility, allowing you to check and update drivers. Naturally, it is not capable of installing drivers in the background, however, it will easily scan the system and provide you with a list of direct links for new drivers. This is also a good time saver.

  • The program window immediately prompts you to start scanning the system.

  • The program offers driver updates. Download links are also provided for them.


DriverMax - Designed to search for drivers and update them, the program is very interesting. It works extremely quickly, and a personal computer is scanned in just 10-20 seconds. Note that the program has two versions: free and PRO. In fact, the free version will be quite sufficient for home use. Although the program interface is in English, this does not complicate the process of using it. When you launch the program for the first time, you will receive an offer to scan your computer, and, of course, all you have to do is agree.

  • When the scan is completed, DriverMax will provide you with a report, as well as recommendations on which system drivers require updating and a link to download them.

Of course, you can object and insist on the need to use the official website to download drivers. This is quite a good option, if you know exactly your manufacturer, and there are definitely drivers for your model on the website. But what if the device is no longer new, or the manufacturer remains unknown?

Well, we won’t talk about the fact that installing ten drivers manually is not the most exciting process.

To maintain normal operation of your computer, you need to update drivers from time to time, but searching for and installing them manually is tedious and time-consuming. And why? After all, this work is easy to automate. Today we will look at the ten best programs for updating drivers on PCs and laptops of any brands and models.

Intel Driver Update Utility Installer is a proprietary utility for searching and updating drivers for any Intel product (processors, system logic, network devices, drives, server components and other things). Compatible with Windows XP, 7, and newer editions of this system.

The utility automatically recognizes the PC hardware on which it is installed. Checking for new driver versions on the Intel website is done by clicking the “Search” button, downloading and installing at the user’s discretion.

In addition, the Intel Driver Update Utility Installer allows you to find and download drivers for any other Intel devices you choose from the list (“Search manually” option).

The developers warn that the application installs only standard drivers that do not take into account the characteristics of a particular brand of computer. Therefore, before you launch it, you should visit the website of the manufacturer of your PC or laptop and check if there is anything suitable there.

AMD Driver Autodetect

AMD Driver Autodetect is a similar proprietary tool from AMD. Designed to keep drivers for video cards of this brand up to date (except AMD FirePro).

After installation, the utility will monitor the relevance of video drivers and ensure they are updated in a timely manner. It automatically detects the model of the video card installed on the PC, as well as the bit depth and version of the operating system. Once launched, it checks to see if there is a new driver on the AMD website. If there is one, it reports it and offers to download it. To begin the installation, the user just needs to confirm his consent by clicking on the “Install” button.

AMD Driver Autodetect is also available exclusively in Windows version.


NVIDIA Update is a proprietary Windows utility for installing drivers on NVIDIA devices. Like AMD Driver Autodetect, it independently recognizes hardware models and checks for the availability of the latest driver on the manufacturer's website. The decision about installation remains with the user.

DriverPack Solution

DriverPack Solution is a lifesaver for service engineers, system administrators and those who earn extra money by providing services Windows installation and programs. The application is a huge collection of drivers for devices of various brands and models, as well as a module for installing them.

DriverPack Solution is released in two versions - online and offline.

  • The online distribution is intended for use on a PC that has an Internet connection. Its difference is its small file size (285 Kb). After launch, the program scans Windows for installed drivers and the relevance of their versions, after which it connects to the database (on its own server) and performs automatic update.
  • The offline distribution (size 10.2 Gb) is intended for installing drivers on a machine not connected to the Internet. In addition to the installer, it includes a database of 960,000 drivers for Windows 7, XP, Vista, 8 (8.1) and 10, both 32 bit and 64 bit. After launch, the scanning module recognizes device types and installs drivers from its own offline database.

The online version of DriverPack Solution is convenient for regular home use. In addition to monitoring the relevance of drivers, it gives the user the opportunity to automatically install and update individual applications, remove software junk, view a list of equipment, information about the operating system and computer security.

The offline version is an emergency solution. Its task is to select not the best, but simply the appropriate driver to start the device. And in the future update it via the Internet.

DriverPack Solution and the proprietary utilities listed above are completely free.

Driver Genius

Driver Genius is a universal driver management tool. The latest edition of the program is the sixteenth, optimized for Windows 8 and 10, but can also run on older systems.

In addition to updating the versions of installed drivers, Driver Genius can:

  • Create backup copies of drivers and save them in the form of archives - regular and self-extracting, as well as in the form of an installer program (exe). To restore from a backup, you do not need to use Driver Genius.
  • Remove unused and faulty drivers.
  • Display information about computer hardware.

The backup function is a real treasure for those who often reinstall Windows. However, the program itself is not a gift: the cost of one license is $29.95. You can use it for free for only 30 days.

Snappy Driver Installer

Snappy Driver Installer is an application created by one of the developers of DriverPack Solution and has a lot in common with the latter. Also available in two versions: SDI Lite and SDI Full.

  • The SDI Lite option is a module for recognizing devices and searching for suitable drivers on the Internet. Its size is 3.6 Mb. It does not have its own base.
  • The SDI Full option is an installation module plus a base (31.6 Gb). Designed to install drivers regardless of Internet access.

Features of Snappy Driver Installer:

  • Works without installation (portable version only, can be run from a flash drive or DVD).
  • Completely free - no premium features or ads.
  • With an improved selection algorithm, which is based on the “do no harm” principle.
  • Features high scanning speed.
  • Before installing the driver, it creates a system restore point.
  • Allows you to change design themes according to the user's choice.
  • Multilingual (there is a version in Russian, Ukrainian and other national languages).
  • Adapted for Windows 10.

Driver Booster

iObit Driver Booster is a fan-favorite app computer games. It is produced in editions Free - free, and Pro - paid. The cost of subscription to the latter is 590 rubles per year.

Driver Booster has one single function - scanning the system for outdated drivers and installing updates in one click. And not simple updates, but (according to the developers) tuned to improve the performance of games.

- free and very simple utility to install and update PC drivers on Windows based 7, 8 and 10. Its database includes only original, signed drivers from the official websites of equipment manufacturers.

The application is designed for users with no experience. Russian language support, a minimum of settings and one-button control virtually eliminate the possibility of something being confused or broken. And if new driver turns out to be unsuitable, DriverHub will remove it from the system and return the old one to its place.

All DriverHub features:

  • Search for missing ones, update outdated drivers and additional software. Automatic installation.
  • Simple and expert operating mode. In expert mode, the user can select a driver from several available ones; in simple mode, the program itself selects the optimal version.
  • Daily updating of the driver database.
  • Storing download history.
  • Recovery - rollback drivers to previous versions.
  • Displays basic information about your computer.
  • Launching system Windows utilities from your interface.

DriverMax Free

DriverMax is a free, simple, English-language utility whose main purpose is to update drivers. Unlike others free applications there is one more in it useful option— creating a system rollback point and backup of installed drivers at the user’s discretion. As well as restoring from a backup.

After installation, DriverMax persistently reminds you that it would be a good idea to register on the site and buy a paid license with advanced functions, one of which is completely automatic operation. Annual use starts at $10.39.

Driver Magician

Driver Magician is the last hero of today's review. In the recent past, I had 2 versions, one of which was free. Nowadays there is only a paid one with a 13-day trial period. The license cost is $29.95.

There is no Russian language in Driver Magician, but it is not difficult to use. The range of features is approximately the same as in Driver Genius:

  • Scan and update.
  • Creating backup copies of drivers with the ability to restore both using and without using the program (the backup is saved as a zip archive or an installer application).
  • Uninstalling the driver.
  • Backing up and restoring individual user folders - Favorites Internet Explorer, Desktop and Documents, and - system registry(one file).
  • Identification of devices unknown to the system.

During the trial period, the program is fully functional. Compatible with any version of Windows.

That's probably all. Choose what you like best and use it.