Download the Siri app for Android. The best voice assistant for Android

A person is always pleased to hear someone's voice. Even if this is the voice of a virtual assistant, and not a real interlocutor. This “conversation” is especially helpful when learning the capabilities of a new gadget, because by downloading Siri to your computer, you get a universal assistant that will help you quickly figure out any device.


Siri is a personal virtual assistant originally developed as a basic application installed on Apple mobile platforms. This program was created at the International Center for Artificial Intelligence, the first versions were released in 2008. The first voice-over of the application was dictated by American actress and singer Susan Bennett. Siri received a Russian-language version on PC in 2014.

The operating principle of the utility is based on natural speech processing, which allows the program to adapt individually to each user. The application has the ability to self-educate - by studying the features of the user’s speech for a long time, it gradually forms its “language base”, expanding the built-in dictionary.

The application has quite a few settings. All of them are concentrated in the section of the same name, where you can configure:

  • Activation using a passphrase. After activating this option, your assistant will automatically respond to a greeting voice command.
  • Set language support.
  • Voice. You can choose whose voice the assistant will use to communicate with you: male or female. It is also possible to customize the voice tone. By the way, it was the presence of a female voice, which became the original version of the voice acting, that gave the utility a female name.
  • Audio review. This option allows you to hear what this moment the program does. Audio feedback will notify you of each action of the utility; if this is not necessary, you can completely disable voice prompts.

Working with the application is not particularly difficult. It is enough just to clearly pronounce the necessary commands, and the assistant will do the rest independently. It is clear that the Siri program on an online computer will not independently print a report or work with documents, but it will cope quite well with searching for the necessary information or saving pictures.


  • Open any application using the appropriate command.
  • Record dictation of messages, letters and send them to recipients.
  • Publishing posts and comments on online blogs.
  • Reminder of various events. This function is only available if you have previously made a record of to-dos in the organizer.
  • Linking reminders to location.
  • Pad optimal route on the map.
  • Tracking exchange rates and weather forecasts.
  • Searching for information on the Internet. True, to work with the Internet, the assistant needs to clearly formulate a search query, otherwise you risk getting the wrong result.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages include:

  • Instant readiness for work after the first start.
  • Self-learning - the more you talk to her, the more she understands you.
  • Automatic voice memorization and subsequent saving it in the voice database.
  • During the training process, Siri on PC learns to respond to non-standard questions. For example, “How is the rain today?” or “Should I take a raincoat with me?”
  • You can “introduce” the program to your contact list. It will remember your contact list and will automatically contact familiar users. For example, when using the “Letter for a loved one” command, she will independently send a message to your friend or wife.
  • Sense of humor. The developer gradually teaches the program not only to respond to other people’s jokes, but also to create their own.
  • Multilingual support with a fully Russified version.

The application does not have many disadvantages:

  • Complete helplessness offline. If there is no access to the network, the assistant simply will not get in touch.
  • Inability to work with applications. The utility will be able to open them, but then you will have to work on your own.
  • Selectivity. Siri for Windows 7 does not always respond adequately to search queries. For example, if you ask to find the results of Spartak games, you can easily get material about a slave rebellion, but not the results of a sports match.
  • Excessive initiative. If you do not control the functionality, the assistant may begin to show useless initiative, reminding you of past matters, endlessly informing about the weather forecast, etc.

How to launch Siri on PC

To download Siri to your computer in Russian, you need to seek help from an emulator, the installation of which will not take much time.

To install BlueStacks, download installation file and start the download. After the installation process is completed, the utility will automatically launch, opening the application store login window.

To download the installation file with the assistant, go to the store and use the search bar to find the desired file. After the results appear, select the one you need and press the “Install” button.

  • Indigo Virtual Assistant. A virtual assistant-interlocutor, capable of not only performing actions on command, but also maintaining a simple conversation. Indigo has a fairly wide range of functions, but, unfortunately, does not support the Russian language.
  • Assistant Lana. A pleasant virtual girl with a cute avatar who acts as a voice assistant. She cannot learn on her own, but the developers are constantly improving Lana, expanding functionality and improving speech recognition.

System requirements

  • BlueStacks emulator for any Windows versions or Mac.
  • Constant access to the Internet.
  • 20 MB of free space.
  • The presence of a microphone for communicating with an assistant.

Video review

Results and comments

Downloading Siri to your computer means getting a functional and convenient virtual assistant. True, it will not function without access to the Internet, but it will be indispensable for finding the necessary information and other actions online.

Recently, voice assistants have increasingly penetrated our daily lives. Most users of the iPhone and other Apple products are familiar with one of them - Siri, but few understand all the prospects of virtual assistants and know how to use all their capabilities and functions.

What is a voice assistant

Imagine, your devoted friend is always next to you, who is ready to talk to you at any time of the day or night, answer any of your questions and carry out instructions. At the same time, he never gets tired, he is never in a bad mood, and every day he becomes smarter and understands you better. These are voice assistants that are available for everyday use today.

Voice assistants are built into computers, tablets, phones, smart watch, smart speakers and even into cars. It is important to understand that interaction with the voice assistant is carried out exclusively by voice, without using your hands, without pressing any buttons. It is fundamentally new way interaction between a person and a program, which is very similar to communication between people.

  • Siri from Apple.
  • Google Assistant Google company.
  • Alexa from Amazon.
  • Alice from Yandex.

We have already written about and, and in this article we will talk in detail about Siri.

Voice assistant Siri

Siri is a voice assistant that was the first to support the Russian language, and only then did the domestic one appear, released at the end of 2017, and even later in the summer of 2018 it spoke Russian. Siri recognizes Russian speech quite well, even if music is playing nearby or there are extraneous noises.

Siri on iPhone SE

Siri wasn't always owned by Apple. Initially, it was a separate application in App Store for iOS. In 2010, Apple acquired Siri Inc. and their unique development. Shortly after the purchase, Apple built Siri into the iPhone 4S and then into its subsequent devices. Then, in 2011, Siri became the first product on the personal voice assistant market.

Siri adapts to each user individually, studies his preferences and begins to better understand his “master”. This is primarily noticeable in the improvement of your voice recognition after the first weeks of use. You can also tell Siri how to address you and the names of your contacts in your address book, so it can understand you better. And when Siri pronounces names incorrectly, you can always correct her and show her the correct accent.

Siri is available on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and in almost all modern cars via CarPlay. The way you launch Siri and the list of available commands varies depending on your device.

How to launch Siri on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Launch by pressing the Home button

Siri is available on all iPhones starting with iPhone 4s and running iOS 5 and higher. To launch Siri on an iPhone (excluding iPhone X), you need to press and hold the center Home button.

To launch Siri on iPhone X, you need to press and hold the side button.

After sound signal, you can make a request. On some devices, you must wait for Siri to appear on the screen before giving a command.

Hey Siri - How to enable Siri with your voice

Siri can be launched solely using your voice, without pressing any buttons at all. All you have to do is say, “Hey Siri.” After the sound signal, you can ask a question or give a command.

To do this, the “Hey Siri” function must be activated on the device: Settings → Siri and search → Listen to “Hey Siri”.

For everyone iPhone models, starting with iPhone 6s and also on iPad Pro This function can be used at any time by saying “Hey Siri” so that it is picked up by the gadget’s microphones. On earlier iPhones and iPads, the always-listening feature only works when your device is connected to a charger.

How to enable Siri on headphones

Using original headset Apple with buttons remote control or compatible Bluetooth headphones, you can activate Siri by pressing the center button or the call button. After the beep, you can make a request.

Using wireless AirPods headset from Apple to launch Siri twice touch the outer surface of any earphone.

Siri on Mac

Siri is available on Mac computers running macOS 10.12 Sierra and later versions of the operating system. However, at the moment the functionality of the voice assistant on the Mac is limited. All Siri can do here is make FaceTime calls, write messages, play music, show the weather forecast and help you work with files and folders.

Siri on Mac

It is worth noting that working with files on a computer using a voice assistant is really convenient. Siri can carry out quick search files, sort them by type, date or keyword. For example, if you tell Siri, “Show me my photos from yesterday,” a folder with the corresponding media files will open.

There are several ways to activate Siri on Mac:

There will likely be more commands for Siri in future versions of macOS, including commands for HomeKit. This would be a logical continuation of Apple's integration of voice assistant into its laptops and desktops.

Siri functions

Siri, a personal assistant, can answer questions, make recommendations, and carry out commands. Let's look at some of them.

This is just a small part of everything that Siri can do. Acquainted with big amount commands can be found in our article about commands for Siri. You will find a complete list of commands for the voice assistant in iPhones and Home Pod smart speakers in our reference mobile application, which we update regularly. Download the application " Siri commands"You can do it for free. By installing it, you will always have the most up-to-date list of commands for your voice assistant at hand.

In 2011, Apple made a new revolution - their smartphone spoke. The appearance of Siri marked a new era of gadget control. People were able to contact their gadgets like a person, asking them for important (and not so important) information. Weather, reminders and the latest mail can now be found without moving from application to application. Naturally, other technology companies and smartphone manufacturers could not stand aside and decided to show similar solutions, to varying degrees better or worse than Siri. In this article we’ll talk about the best Siri analogues for Android, how far progress has been made and what these analogues are capable of.

Google Now

Despite the fact that Google Now is different from other voice assistants, it is still considered an analogue of Siri for Android. Google Now is an artificial intelligence that lives in your phone, knowing everything about your interests, activities, upcoming flights and calendar events. In addition to the secretary function, Google Now does an excellent job of searching for information on the Web. The OK Google team has already become a cult favorite and helps millions of people find answers to their questions every day. Google Now can collect your search queries and display relevant information based on them. For example, you were recently looking for tickets to a match of your favorite team. In this case, Google Now will start sending you cards with information about the upcoming game, the team's other games, and their progress in the tournament.

Google Assistant

"Assistant" is new stage development of Google Now. This is Siri for Android at its best. The assistant is not just smarter than its predecessor, but also much more functional. You can use it to create reminders, calendar events, and send messages. Want to hit rock on the way to work? Ask the “Assistant” to play you the TOP best tracks in the genre and he will create the perfect playlist for you.

Don't understand what the word is written on the sign? Ask the “Assistant” to translate it into your language, because he is an excellent linguist and knows more than 100 languages.

Is this not enough? The "Assistant" will help you communicate in instant messengers, choosing words, dates and contact information for you when asked. And the “Assistant” can joke, tell a story, or give advice on where it’s best to put the cabinet.


Microsoft has recently become famous for its endless (and unsuccessful) attempts to catch up with its opponents, introducing similar functions into its devices and competitors' gadgets. Microsoft did not hesitate to make some kind of analogue of Siri for Android. Her name is Cortana (this is a reference to one of the characters in the game Halo). In fact, this assistant is almost no different from its competitors. Microsoft made an attempt to sit on two chairs at once, therefore the interface has smart cards that adapt to a specific user, and a humane interlocutor, creating a feeling of live communication.

In fact, the assistant is not very smart; she will have to provide almost all the information manually. She is unlikely to ever find out your interests and desires, if only because for this you need to use Microsoft services and no others. On the other hand, if you spend some time with Cortana and teach it, it begins to send very useful notifications, for example, showing inexpensive restaurants near you, the latest movies showing in cinemas in your city. Cortana will also remind you of your shopping list when you approach a store or show you the weather forecast for the coming week.


The one who really should have copied the ideas of competitors a long time ago was Samsung. In 2017, together with the Galaxy S8, Korean engineers showed us their own developments in the field of artificial intelligence, which they called unusual name Bixby. Interestingly, Bixby is not just an analogue of Siri for Android. This is a whole complex of self-learning services, ready to give hints throughout the day and find useful information. The functionality isn't much different from Google Assistant and Siri itself, so let's talk about the important differences.

First, Bixby understands context and has cognitive tolerance. That is, if you asked him who Marlon Brando was, and then what films he starred in, without mentioning his name, then Bixby, after analyzing your dialogue, will understand who you are talking about. Secondly, Bixby can search for information from the camera. This means that you just need to point it at some thing or object - and Bixby will immediately tell you everything the Internet knows about it.

"Yandex. Alice"

Well, the last analogue of “Siri” for “Android” in Russian is “Alice”. Yandex had long been developing the idea of ​​artificial intelligence and speech recognition, so it was clear that sooner or later such a project would see the light of day. Alice can do everything that other assistants can, but at the same time she is adapted to the Russian market and searches for information in Yandex services. Alice, like Bixby, understands context, but only in some topics. In most cases, she can only answer one question. Alice can sing a song for you or make a funny joke if you get bored, or she can search for important information in Wikipedia without forcing you to go to the search and the article itself. There were some mistakes in pronunciation, but taking into account the fact that Yandex is still a domestic company, you can be sure that all the shortcomings will be quickly corrected.

iPhone developers have developed a unique Siri app, which allows you to launch programs, search for information, and much more using voice commands. What should those who use managed phones do? operating system Android? It's simple, you need to find a worthy analogue of Siri for the Android OS.

What is Siri

Siri is a cloud assistant that answers questions iPhone owner. Thanks to its functionality, the application allows you to manage mobile device using voice commands.

After Siri gained popularity, the developers decided to create analogues installed on Android. Most intelligent systems are capable of:

  • Wake up instead of alarm clock;
  • Report weather forecast;
  • Notify about new events in the world (region);
  • Help in managing the phone;
  • Remind you of important dates (birthdays and other holidays);
  • Find the necessary information on the Internet.

Almost all Siri for Android communicate with the owner of the phone using voice. It is worth noting that part of the application only responds to English-language speech. To avoid problems with control, you need to install Siri for Android in Russian.


Before installing the application on your smartphone, you should consider all the popular analogues of Siri on Android. In fact, you can find more than a dozen intelligent systems on the Internet. Moreover, some of them can work without an Internet connection.

The most popular intelligent systems include:

  • Assistant– the best of the existing programs. It copes well with navigation and sending SMS messages. The program interface is intuitive. The assistant is able to joke, which adds some charm;
  • Dusya is an intelligent program that is distributed completely free of charge. Unlike competitors, the assistant supports Russian speech. This makes the program management process easier;
  • Talking blonde 3D– a cartoon assistant controlling a smartphone. The program is distributed in two variations: paid and free. The free version is limited in that it does not have a voice module;
  • Skyvi- a small but functional analogue of Siri. The assistant is easy to use and is completely free;
  • Dragon in a smartphone– one of the best programs that allows you to control the device. A distinctive feature is the unique interface and accuracy of voice commands;
  • Andy– an assistant who not only controls the smartphone, but also finds the necessary information on the Internet. The lack of Russian language can be considered a disadvantage. All commands are executed in English;
  • Robin– a Russian-speaking assistant that can be installed on any smartphone. In addition to the main functionality, the program is capable of telling jokes and interesting stories.

It doesn't matter which Siri analogue you choose. The main thing is that the installed assistant copes with the assigned tasks.


Every day, smartphones help us in everyday life (Internet, navigation, etc.) and almost every year it moves to a new level. For example, smartphones have learned to perform tasks using voice commands. This week’s selection is dedicated to voice assistants that will make using all the functionality of your smartphone more convenient.

For most languages, the application requires an Internet connection. This application is ideal for driving. Thanks to this, you will not endanger the lives of yours and others. When you receive a message, this app will display and even read it if you want. If you want to make a call, just say a word and a word to the contact's name.

This app can activate the speaker if you want. Download this incredible app and explore additional functions that have been implemented for you. Internet access is required for voice recognition in some languages. If they contain signs and words that are difficult to say, you must change them.

Google Now- say “Okay Google”

Google Now comes pre-installed on many Android devices, but not all of them. In most cases for Google launch Now you need to hold down the “Home” button or click on the application icon. In some cases, this can be configured; it depends on your smartphone, or rather on its firmware. It is also possible to launch using that famous phrase “Okay, Google”, after which you immediately need to voice the command to it.

Example: "Navigation Street New York Aberdeen." Example for keyword: "delete since then." Application for accessing the Internet. So loaded dress, which can be found in the application, as well as in order to hold it. With these hands-free commands, you will be able to use your phone without touching it, which is amazing. For example, you can use your phone as a device speakerphone while driving, while completely focusing on the road!

Additionally, consider turning on voice recognition from any screen to improve hands-free device control. All phrases and actions have been successfully tested, but availability may vary depending on your country. Be sure to install it on your device to use our application.

All rights reserved and protected by law. Personal assistants are becoming an increasingly popular feature on smartphones. Siri was the first personal, voice-activated assistant introduced on a smartphone. Now the question is what personal assistant better.

You use it to search the web or on your device. The beta version is not officially available. Press and hold the home button on your device. A prompt will appear, you have a new assistant. It can read your latest text messages and update you on the weather. Low functionality and features, but this is a beta app so expect new features to be added.

The main advantage of Google Now is communication with others Google services. It will tell you the weather forecast, your location, get directions, dial a number, help you write an SMS, create a note or reminder, set an alarm, open an application, perform a mathematical operation, or simply make a query in your search engine.

Assistant Dusya– cheerful and smart

Click the overflow button and select Settings from the menu that opens. Voice-controlled computing has been around for quite some time. Today, there are hundreds of artificially intelligent, voice-activated virtual assistants available for your phone, allowing you to control your device without touching your screen. All of today's voice assistants have been tested by asking them to make calls, send texts, show when it's going to rain, and if they can tell a joke. Meanwhile we kept an eye on how fast they were.

At the moment he can only understand English. This is a very interesting experience. However, Reverb can't make calls on your request and tends to slow down quite often. You have to hold the microphone down to speak into it, and it leaves you with a great voice menu to speak without needing to access the app. It may also appear on the lock screen. However, we thought it was time to update our recommendation. It so blossoms into a real personal assistant that uses your usage, your search habits, your location, etc. And turns it all into a useful tool that will proactively help you manage your time better, get where you need to be faster, stay on top of your meetings, and learn about businesses and events that may interest you.

Assistant Dusya is one of the smartest of this kind. The functionality of this assistant is really impressive. Using Dusya, you can forget about tapping on the screen, since all actions can be performed using your voice.

After installation special scripts the application will also be able to tell you jokes, play cities, search for the right VK music, write on WhatsApp and much more, you can also create your own scripts.

It doesn't hurt that almost all of it is actually relevant and useful at the time it is presented. As we said, sometimes it displays maps that are not useful simply because you were looking for something or looking for a specific point. If the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, this could be a great service.

The app covers all the basics you'd expect from a personal assistant. It can organize your calendar, inform you about upcoming meetings and events, and set alarms and reminders by voice, etc. adding and searching for appointments and nearby businesses or destinations is quick.

It can't talk to you, but if you want a quieter, more productive, and HR-focused assistant, it's worth a look. Sherpa is all about talking on the phone. While some of the other competitors here interact with you from time to time, speak when you want them to, or don't speak at all, Sherpa's claim to fame is that it understands natural language, doesn't force you to remember commands, and can understand multiple languages ​​and accents. Sherpa isn't as powerful as some of the other assistants in the review, but you get a lot of information for you - basic knowledge questions and trivia aren't a problem for the app, and it can play music without having to download songs for you first or require you to you were an artist in your library.

The design of the application is standard, everything is clear and there is nothing superfluous. You can view the list of functions that Dusya can perform (they are divided into categories: calls, navigation, places, messages, etc.), and also change their settings.

When installing the application, the developers give time to test this assistant; after the expiration date, you need to purchase the unlimited version.

He seems to have grown in many ways. Although we think the app still spends too much time trying to give you a cute on-screen cartoon avatar to interact with rather than suggesting useful features that can help you succeed, it's improved greatly, and if you don't need much special beyond some basic voice commands and some witty banter, this is a great option. To be fair, while it offers plenty of options on the surface to customize how your assistant can look, talk, and sound, it hasn't added significant updates to its core features at the time.

Assistant in Russian

Assistant in Russian is a multifunctional assistant in your phone that will simplify the use of your smartphone. Here you can instantly go to the browser page with the necessary information, open the right application, set an alarm, check the weather in your region, know everything about sports and cinema, find the nearest cinema or cafe, ask to be reminded of an important event.

It will even work if it thinks you need to know something, and it can connect to dozens of other apps. It has a fan base, but the app itself is still quite limited. If you won't sacrifice any function for form and customization, this is the app for you. Ginny is old, but still a great option. This is one of the lighter options reviewed here, but it also suffers from some stagnation.

Then select Settings and then Language. Now a new button opens in which the language can be changed from "Standard - German" to "English". This means you can use your phone via voice control. Starts a dialogue with your mobile phone.

This application will come in handy even when you are bored. After all, you can play a game with an assistant. To do this, you need to offer to play cities. In addition, the assistant has a pleasant voice.

However, it may take a few weeks for it to be available on all smartphones. We look forward to seeing you from the very beginning. Additionally, it must have at least one 1.5 gigabyte memory space and a resolution of 720 pixels at a minimum. In this case, just wait patiently until the deployment is processed. And one way to do this is with your voice. This means you can tell your cell phone what to do.

It can work without the Internet, but in this case the configuration work is more and voice control is limited. You have to say this phrase on the phone to "wake up". He will start listening to you and you can tell him the task with a specific voice command. Under no circumstances should you touch the phone. The device may wake up when the display is on or.

Inside, the application is quite simple. On the left side of the application you can open the camera and immediately edit the photo you took, in the middle there is a voice recording button, on the right there is a menu and settings button.

You can use all the features of this assistant for only 6 days, after which you have to extend the term or purchase an unlimited version.

Therefore you must install this application. With this system, more advanced users can program specific commands to perform one or more actions at a time. This is done through the application. This and this video explain details about it.

Through it you can order the touch of an icon, button or element on the screen. To play numbered item 1, simply say the word “one.” To go to the previous screen or home screen, you need to say "back" or "go to start." You can even navigate by voice on web pages.

Okay, Notepad- will remind you of everything

This application is not as functional as other voice assistants, but nevertheless does an excellent job. It's great for creating reminders and notes by voice. With the “Okay, notepad” application, it’s enough to say what needs to be done and when in the form that is familiar to us. For example: “Remind me to buy a cake tomorrow evening” or “The series will start on October 18 at 18:00, remind me 1 hour in advance.” The notebook will understand everything and remind you of an important matter. You can create reminders for both every day and every year, for example, birthday reminders.

The application will respond as soon as the screen turns on. But it does not always remain active. When you stop listening, the user must wake him up manually using an on-screen button or from a notification. Unfortunately, this is a noticeable limitation. They require the user to record the voice commands he will use and the actions he wants to perform when those commands are spoken. Once the app is downloaded, open it and review the introduction. You can activate listening when you start the application by scrolling home page and selecting "Automatic Listening".

It is also possible to make voice commands for your smartphone, such as calling, sending a message, setting an alarm or translating a sentence. Relatively classic, this master stands out for its advanced voice recording feature. Available in English only.

However, this software is far superior to many of its competitors. The app offers most of the basic commands, such as voice calls or sending messages, but also lets you take notes or organize your agenda, for example. Cortana also has some jokes in her repertoire. This allows you to listen to your personal assistant even when the screen is turned off and locked.

There is no doubt that Apple makes some of the best apps in the world. Their system works like a well-oiled, well-coordinated machine. It's no surprise that some people want Siri-like apps on Android devices.

For the uninitiated, Siri is Apple's voice assistant that has gained immense popularity among iPhone users. As an iPhone user, I can say that Siri is probably one of the most famous features of iOS.

In addition, there are multiple voices available, and his assistant can be called a little personal touch. This simply allows the assistant to be tailored to the context based on what appears on the screen at the time of the intercession. This feature is very practical when used.

Unfortunately, this app is still in beta and only available to US residents. To stand out from the competition, Indigo Virtual Assistant tries to focus on personality and the human aspect. The goal is to provide a real presence and develop a friendly relationship with the user. In practice, this application is still in development and its speech recognition is not fully completed. In addition to most basic tasks, you can quickly translate sentences and save your favorite commands to speed up your work.

This article contains best apps for Android, working on the Siri principle. Now you can easily select your voice assistant. However, having tried about 10 similar applications, I've concluded that Siri remains the undisputed queen (or king) of mobile voice assistants. This does not mean that for Android systems there are no good alternatives.

Of course, these apps pale in comparison to Apple's assistant, but they still do the job well. Without further ado, let's just jump into the best Siri alternatives for Android devices.


The best Siri-like app for Android, free (with some restrictions). This program sets a surprisingly high level of quality that other applications should aspire to. Assistant has everything you could need in a personal assistant. It may well be called a worthy alternative Siri.

Navigation maps, high-quality voice recognition, sending invitations and other functions are all included in the list of Assistant functions. A simple, easy-to-use interface, as well as friendly jokes from the virtual assistant, give this application a special charm. Find out the cost of certain goods, make notes in your diary, look at train schedules and the names of films showing in cinemas. And even this is only a part of all the functions.


  • Excellent interface that is very well perceived the first time.
  • Fast work and good responsiveness.
  • Even if an application needs to access the Internet to work, it still processes information instantly.
  • Flexible hint system as a useful addition.


  • IN free version some functions are blocked. However, this is completely justified for developers.

Pocket Assistant

The program is a full-fledged virtual assistant, modeled in 3D. The app responds to voice commands and responds accordingly. 3D animation makes the interface a little cartoonish, but this does not affect the functionality in any way. Moreover, this feature contributes to better interaction with the virtual assistant.

You can choose one of four animated assistants, and also change them appearance. Alarm clocks, work with Google Maps and many other functions work great. The developers of Pocket Assistant decided to give the virtual assistant a human face, and they did it well.

The animation slows down the work a little, and this the only reason, which puts Pocket Assistant in second place on our list.

For the paid version, you don't need to purchase additional voice packs, character clothing, or anything else. The app will have around $19 to unlock content.


Looking for an easy-to-use Siri app for Android? Well, then Skyvi is the ideal option for you. The program has all the features you want in a quality virtual assistant.

The simple interface avoids confusion for users who are not very technically savvy. The program is implemented with high quality voice control sending text messages, calling, etc. With Skyvi, all this becomes extremely simple.

Dragon Mobile Assistant has one of the most convenient interfaces among all existing virtual assistants. The app may not look the most stylish, but it has all the basic features you need for Siri on Android.

Dragon Mobile Assistant will tell you anything from the exact time in New York to finding the cheapest restaurant in downtown Chicago. When you have Dragon Mobile Assistant installed on your smartphone, voice control becomes extremely easy.

EVA – Voice Assistant

EVA is another good Siri app on Android, albeit with a very modest interface. Sometimes the program does not recognize languages ​​other than English poorly. In order for EVA to recognize your voice well, be sure to hold your smartphone with the microphone facing you. But the application is quite reliable, has an excellent set of functions: voice navigation, weather functions, alarm clocks, etc.

EVA explains all the features in a large manual. If you want to fully use the application, then you cannot do without this training. The free version of the program can be used for 28 days.

The paid version has no time restrictions. The user gets access to a full range of functions. However, even in the basic trial version, the functions are quite sufficient.


ANDY is a great Siri app for Android. Easy to use, with clear interface, without causing any hassle. ANDY is a smart personal assistant that will be a great companion for a student. Almost instantly the program processes search queries related to history, science, and religion.

The application also displays text on the screen and reads it out loud. We recommend ANDY for those who want to use Wikipedia for homework (although we do not condone plagiarism). You can also ask your personal assistant questions related to mathematics, philosophy, technology, etc.

The paid version adds a solid set of features. The most important feature is the removal of advertisements. They can be quite intrusive in the free version. Without them, performance and usability improve significantly.

Top Assistant is also a virtual assistant, but it makes you work not with your voice, but with your fingers. You will not talk to this app. Instead, you need to touch the screen with your finger. The application will be useful to you if you need multitasking for every day. For example, if you're filling out a spreadsheet and doing complex calculations, you can launch the Top Assistant calculator by pressing a button on the screen. With this application it will be much easier to send emails, search for contacts, enter numbers.

You don't need to buy an expensive one at all. samsung smartphone for full multitasking. Top Assistant works on almost all Android devices, including budget ones.

Robin – the Siri Challenger

Robin is a simple and compact assistant for Android devices. The application loads very quickly and is completely ready for use.

Click on the icon and the application will appear in a translucent pop-up window. The interface has bright, colorful icons. Robin works well even with slow Internet and consumes few device resources. All standard features are very well implemented. The application recognizes perfectly English language with different accents.


  • Very nice user interface.
  • The application quickly responds to questions and gives quick answers.
  • Minimum loading time.
  • Soothing voice application.


  • A small set of functions in comparison with the options described above. This is not to say that there are very few of these functions, but I would like to have more of them.

Indigo Virtual Assistant

Indigo boasts the most beautiful interface of all the 10 best Siri apps on Android. The combination of indigo and white looks very organic and pleasing to the eye. Control music, search for news on a specific topic, cook recipes with Indigo Virtual Assistant.

With this app you can use the built-in translator on the go and use your native language to control Indigo. Easily search for bars and restaurants, get directions to any place on the map.

Indigo is connected to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and Yahoo. With the application, you can check your accounts and update them anywhere and anytime. Synchronization with major web services significantly expands the capabilities of the virtual assistant.


Jeannie is a Siri application with a well-implemented concept of a convenient virtual assistant. The program supports voice control for calls, text messages, information search. Simple phrases will make working with your smartphone much easier.

For example, let's say you want to set your alarm for 7 a.m. on Friday. All you have to do is say, “Wake me up at 7 on Friday morning.” That's all. Then the application will take care of everything itself. And rest assured that you will be woken up exactly at specified time. Other teams work in exactly the same way. For example, say into the microphone: “What is the capital of Brazil?” and you will get an answer. Everything is very simple. The program will translate the text, remind you of important matters and tell you about the horoscope for the next week.

So why did Jeannie end up at the very bottom of the list, despite such advantages? The fact is that in the free version the application is quite limited in its functions. And for the paid version you will have to pay $3. Secondly, the application interface cannot be called the best, although it is quite well thought out.