Download the ssid xplore xxxxx application. X-plore - file manager

X-plore File Manager is a file manager program for Android phones and tablets. It has a custom interface and extensive capabilities for complete management of the entire file system of your device.

The file manager X-plore File Manager appeared a long time ago and is well known to all owners of Symbian smartphones. We can say that it was he who became the first most serious file manager, which has survived and is successfully developing today. The program is time-tested, and the developers certainly know what functions a real file manager should have. That is why it is worth paying attention to this program, and not to any other.

Advantages of the X-plore program for Android

  • The original interface, in a tree structure, is the hallmark of the X-plore File Manager program for Android and noticeably distinguishes it from a large number of competitors.
  • The unique “dual panel” allows you to quickly move between folders, while simultaneously working with several files located in different folders and on different media.
  • Convenient work with files allows you to copy, move, delete, create, hide, change the extension and perform many other actions with a particular file without turning to your computer for help.
  • Archive management provides convenient access to files located in the archive. They can be viewed either by unpacking the archive or directly in the archive itself. It is possible to create zip archives yourself.
  • View apk files as a zip archive. This allows you to make some adjustments to programs, games and any other applications created for Android.
  • The ability to send any files via Bluetooch, email or any other method (depending on the device and its capabilities, there may be more options).
  • Manual assignment of programs to certain extensions. For example, you can decide for yourself which specific program will open mp3 files.
  • Viewing thumbnail images provides a convenient and smooth transition between images, which can be a complete replacement for the standard gallery.
  • Connecting cloud storage and convenient work with them will make your work with files even more convenient, since you will not have to work with several programs at the same time. Just one X-plore File Manager is enough.
  • Convenient work with Picasa albums will allow you to fully manage the albums of this service, view and synchronize images.
  • The built-in text editor will help you conveniently edit text, as well as create text files without turning to other programs for help.
  • Editing the file structure, viewing and editing configuration files will allow you to change the value and parameters of installation files directly from the program.
  • Simultaneous work with a large volume of files and folders will allow you to quickly and effortlessly complete all the necessary work.

The list of features can go on and on, but you can see them only after installing X-plore File Manager. It has everything you need that you could want from a file manager. We are also pleased with the wide range of settings, which allows you to adapt the program to your needs. And if you give the program root rights, it will allow you to look into the structure of system files and ensure comfortable work with them. It’s only recommended to use this function only for experienced users who know which files can be touched and which cannot.

The user actually had a choice between the built-in “File Manager” and the manager available, among others, in Swiss Manager Pro. The latter coped with his tasks quite well, but still his role in the program was secondary.

The situation has changed for the better with the advent of the X-Plore program from the popular developer Lonely Cat Games - (hereinafter referred to as LCG). At the moment, it has as many as 10 beta versions behind it (from 0.90 to 0.99) and, recently, one final version - 1.0, which we will test. During the time that elapsed from the release of the first release to the final version of the utility, many errors and bugs were corrected, and a significant portion of new functionality was added. Since all this is already in the past, we will not focus on the history of the application; those interested can easily find it on the Internet.

So, let's start exploring X-Plore, as they say, “from scratch.” The manager installation file takes up about 330 kb of free space, so it can be installed both on a memory card and in the internal memory of your smartphone. The first time you start the utility, you will be notified that you are using an unregistered version:

As you can see, the developers from LCG force the purchase of the program in a rather peculiar way - you can use the utility for free as long as you like, but every time you start and exit the file manager you will see such a reminder (with a delay of 3 seconds). On the company’s official website this is called a “relaxed registration option,” that is, a weakened registration option. If you decide to support the manufacturer, it will cost you only $7.

After confirming that you are using the program for free, you will be taken to the start window, where two local drives of your device are displayed:

Folder navigation is based on a tree structure, similar to how it is implemented in Explorer on the desktop version of Windows. A single click with the stylus on a category or local disk opens the content, and a second click closes it (the same happens for the Jog Dial navigation wheel). To the right of the file names (but not folders) their size is displayed, and in the case of disks, the total volume and the amount of free space.

The screen is divided into 3 parts: at the very top the path to the current category is displayed, below is the contents of open folders, and at the very bottom is a panel with two virtual buttons Menu And Exit.

It is immediately noticeable that the program recognizes file types and “knows” which program to open them (if viewing them is supported at all). In this regard, each file type has its own simple icon. To open the selected file, just press the Jog Dial or stylus once.

Having become familiar with the program interface, let’s move on to its capabilities, which are hidden in the main menu ( Menu), the call button is located in the lower right corner of the screen.

The menu consists of 7 large sections and trivial items Exit And Buy and unlock. The product registration key is tied to the phone’s IMEI, which can be seen in the entry window:

Now let's move directly to the sections Menu. The first of them ( File) is responsible for working with the current file or directory (in the latter case, some options become inactive).

From the screenshot you can see that the item File contains 10 subsections: Open(opening a file using a manager or smartphone), Open by System(attempt to open a file only using a smartphone), HEX Viewer(view binary files), Edit(editing), Show Details(information about the selected position), Attributes(attributes). The last four positions correspond to deleting and changing the name of an object, as well as creating a new folder or text document (txt). The windows of some of the above options are shown in the figures below:

The next main menu item is Find. It is responsible for searching files for the current directory ( Find file), there is also a “Find Next” option ( Find next). The search and result windows look like this:

Separately, the search result window has its own Menu, which is a simplified version of the main one.

Half of the options for working with files are available, going to the directory with the file ( Go to file) , copy and move ( Edit) and selection ( Mark).

Let's return to the main menu. Below Find there are small sections Edit And Mark, similar to those described in the previous paragraph.

Below is the section Send by, responsible for calling the built-in wireless connection managers to transfer the current file via Bluetooth or infrared. If you select an entire folder to transfer, the program will try to send its contents separately. You will read about the implementation features of this function for UIQ 3.0 at the end of our test.

The next section is very interesting and is called Quick Folders– shortcuts for quick navigation through folders. In total, you can create up to ten bookmarks; to do this, just go to the sub-item window Edit folders and add the directory you need.

And finally, the last section of the main menu ( Menu) – Tools. It consists of five sub-items, among which are program settings.

So, the first point is Configuration. Selecting this item will take you to the program settings window, which consists of two parts - the options themselves and their brief description (a narrow field is allocated for this at the bottom of the screen).

Options include selecting the font size (Small, Normal, Big), selecting sorting criteria (by name, by date, by size, by extension), setting the display of ROM drives, hidden folders and system files, enabling/disabling confirmation of exiting the application and full screen mode. Also here you can set a password to enter the program, give the application system properties (it becomes invisible in the standard task manager), select text encoding and color scheme (7 options).

The next item in the section Tools is Messaging– incoming message manager (files only, SMS and MMS are not displayed). The window that opens consists of the contents of the corresponding directory; for working with files, exactly the same “half-hearted” options are available as in the search results window.

The last three points are called About, Program Update And Device Info. The first one is responsible for information about the program, the second one is for downloading updates, and the third one opens a window with information about IMEI, processor speed and amount of RAM.

This is where the actual options for setting up and working with the application end. Before summing up, let’s consider the program’s capabilities for working with graphics and text.

View text and graphics

Text and graphics viewers are built directly into the program:

Viewing graphics is implemented at the simplest level. As can be seen from the picture above, in addition to the central part with the image itself, there is an upper field with the file name and an indicator of the degree of enlargement/reduction of the image (in percentage) and a lower field with 6 buttons (two main and four buttons responsible for scaling).

Button Menu in the lower right part of the screen calls up a menu that looks like this:

Using the top two commands Previous And Next You can scroll through the images in the current folder. The options below are responsible for the graphics viewing options: Original Size(original resolution), Fit to Screen(compression/stretching to fit screen size), Zoom in and Zoom out(increase and decrease), Fullscreen(full screen mode), Landscape(landscape mode or, simply, image flip). I was pleasantly surprised that the viewer supports GIF animation.

As for viewing text, there is nothing special here: txt and doc formats are supported, provided that the desired encoding is selected in the settings, everything is usually displayed correctly. The option to search by text and “find next” is available. Outwardly, everything seems to work as it should, but in practice problems arise (more on this below).

Conclusions and results

Above we looked at the capabilities of the program declared by the developer. Most of them work correctly, but as always there are some flaws. And this time there are quite a lot of them. Despite the large number of beta versions, the final release leaves much to be desired and has serious flaws, which will be listed below.

The first thing I had to deal with was that transmission via the infrared port did not work (latest firmware). Neither with the IR switched on nor with the IR switched off did the transmission occur (using the tools built into the firmware, everything was transferred without problems), instead an error popped up:

This unpleasant fact did not stop there. Another problem is also quite serious - after some actions (for example, after transferring files via Bluetooth), the bottom panel with buttons disappears. This problem occurs after almost any access to a system application and can only be cured by restarting the program through the task manager.

Among the smaller problems - there is no text search in doc files, there is no ability to edit already created txt files (available only for new ones), sometimes the program crashes with a Kern-Exec error.

Among the advantages, it is worth noting the presence of fast navigation using hot keys (for some reason it does not work for Quick Folder) and the small amount of occupied RAM. I'm pleased with the ability to conveniently work with groups of files and folders. It is also interesting to have a HEX viewer and editor; consideration of their capabilities was omitted during the review, because these are quite exotic functions and will not be in demand by most users.

The result for the program is disappointing - too “raw” for the final version. But given the complete absence of competitors, as well as the fact that most of the shortcomings are still related to non-core functions of the program, it can be fully recommended for use instead of the built-in file manager.

X-plore File Manager- My favorite file manager for Android which has enormous functionality, minimalist design and a very convenient 2-panel interface. The program can work with all existing files, it doesn’t matter if it’s an archive or a text document, music or video, photograph or picture, the program can handle everything. You can do whatever you want with all your files, copy, move, edit, delete, forward, and so on. X-plore can also work with protected system files; if you have ROOT open on your device, then the program will kindly give you access to system files and you can do with them the same as with simple ones. The functionality is enormous, I described only the smallest part of it, in reality there are very, very many functions. At the same time, the file manager is distributed free of charge and has no advertising.


  • 2-pane tree view
  • Root access, work with FTP, SMB, Sqlite, Picasa, as well as Zip, Rar, 7zip archives
  • Disk map - for visually viewing files that take up a lot of space
  • Access to cloud storage: Google Drive™, Dropbox,, OneDrive, Webdav, Yandex.disk, MediaFire, SugarSync, Dump Truck,
  • Application Manager
  • Adding folders to Favorites
  • Own viewer of photos, videos, text files; audio playback
  • Hex editor
  • Icons for images and videos, as well as for various file types (depending on the associated application)
  • Multiple Choice
  • View APK as an archive
  • Send files via Bluetooth, email, or other method (depending on device capabilities) from anywhere
  • Customizable buttons and shortcuts

Download file manager X-Plore for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: Lonely Cat Games
Platform: Android 4.3 and higher
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Root: Required (for full access to the system)
Status: Full

The file manager must be loaded on all devices. There are such software products for different types of devices and different operating systems. A huge number of different managers are also provided directly for Android.

X-plore is an excellent assistant. There is a separate category of programs for smartphones and other gadgets. Among them, X-plore occupies a special place. This application helps in managing a wide variety of files, folders with media content and other objects that are on each device.

It is especially important to install such a manager if the device has a lot of different documents that need to be managed quickly and competently. There are many reasons to use third-party managers. Although such a utility is built into every smartphone, it is only capable of performing basic manipulations.

Most of the built-in applications provide access only to files on the memory card. So the lack of functionality of this plan does not suit absolutely all users. But third-party utilities with rich functionality come to the rescue.

There is currently no clear opinion on the best file manager for Android. Various software offer different functions. So each user chooses the service that is more suitable for the built-in options than others.

The main criteria according to which users can choose managers is providing access to the internal memory of the device, as well as to all applications installed in the device’s memory.

It is also important that users can use the manager to work with several files at the same time. Group management helps to perform sorting, grouping and other manipulations.

The presence of a built-in viewer is a prerequisite for the quality of the service. It is also necessary to choose those software that will help in creating archives. It’s also worth paying attention to the ability to access a wide variety of devices integrated into one local network. It is important to ensure that files of different types can be opened in different formats.

Since X-plore meets all the above requirements, professionals recommend this universal software product in the form of a file manager to all owners of Android devices. So it’s time to move on to getting to know this current assistant.

Software installation. Special functionality of the program

The first step is to install the software. To install, you must first download the software. The source of a wide variety of utilities is Google Play. So you can download a variety of applications and games from this resource, including this manager for working with various files.

The second option for obtaining the program is to download the archive with the APK file. In this case, instructions and all necessary installation files are already built into the downloaded object. So such an archive will need to be unpacked and then installed.

Downloading any software product should only be done from official resources. In this case, users can count on receiving software without viruses and other additional components.

If suddenly a notification from the antivirus appears during boot, you can make adjustments to the defender settings during installation. That is, we allow downloads from unknown sources. You may also need to make changes to the antivirus software filtering list.

Then we return the previous settings so that the antivirus actively fights pests. Even if installation difficulties arise, they can be quickly eliminated. Users just need to follow all instructions.

A special feature of this modern manager is full support for access to the device’s internal memory. At the same time, you can work with a variety of sources of information, to which each user who has chosen this software product has access.

So you can use a local network, a variety of memory cards, cloud storage, all kinds of folders, servers. In general, users are given the chance to work with a variety of objects that can store an incredible variety of documents and files.

This application will also delight you with an abundance of possibilities. When working with this application, the ease of use of the two-panel interface is noted. It is also very easy to work with all those applications that are installed on the device. This involves unpacking, copying and extracting files.

There is also provision for working with archives. If necessary, you can use the built-in tools, thanks to which it is possible to view videos, various images, musical compositions, and text documents. The possibility of creating, quickly viewing and editing text files is not excluded.

Thanks to the built-in viewer, you can open a wide variety of files. This universal software product functions correctly in terms of searching for objects. You can quickly find any file, since this service has competently sorted documents.

This set of options will not fail to please users. The modern assistant is in great demand due to its versatility. Compared to other managers, the utility works faster. The compact software is also equipped with additional options. You can download third-party plugins to expand the range of features.

An interesting feature of the program is also the presence of built-in tools that can be used to view and correct text.

In addition to this, it is possible to perform work regarding video and audio recordings. It is very easy to play these files. There is also a built-in photo and image viewer. By default, the most appropriate viewer is selected when working with specific files.

Launch the utility. User's first steps

When you launch the software for the first time, the main window will open. The left panel will appear in front of you. If the user has not previously made adjustments to the settings, then the work will first be carried out only in relation to the built-in memory.

In this case, the tools in the right panel will help you work with the gadget’s memory card. But the default settings are very relative. It will be possible to work with any data sources from any panel. Correctly setting the fins allows you to work with maximum comfort.

But the screen shows not only a list of available sources. Users will also be able to see a button to switch between panels. You can use your fingers to move the panels, selecting the one you need.

When you first meet, you can view all the tabs and tools to configure the software. This is the best option, since proper adjustment of parameters will help improve control in the future. It is also possible to customize the list of available data.

You can mark all the necessary folders with which you will work. At the same time, it is also necessary to uncheck those elements that are not yet needed. In the future, this will allow you to concentrate as much as possible exclusively on the most important aspects.

When working with folders, some people complain that only the native viewing option is provided. But you shouldn't concentrate on this. Users should consider this parameter, which will make it possible to really evaluate its information content and convenience.

The tree-like file structure in the X-plore service can be very convenient to use. To verify this, you need to open the program. For all files, the main parameters will be shown. So you can see the size, creation date, name and other information.

If the user works with pictures, then when the mouse cursor hovers over the object, a miniature opens. Due to this, it is possible to understand which file is being worked with. A special button is provided to quickly return to a previously opened folder. It's also easy to close any folders. In general, there are a lot of buttons, which simplifies control.

You can perform various manipulations with each selected file. All actions are available. You can try copying any installed application to the memory card. This is implemented quite simply: open the application management section in one panel. In this case, in the second panel you will have to select a specific folder on the removable drive. Now all that remains is to open the APK file menu.

Next, we carry out copying or any other manipulations that can only be implemented in this software product. The copy function has no special features. But there is one drawback: the copied object will have the name “pkg.apk”. but this can be fixed by simply renaming it.

Changing the file name is not difficult. It is important not to change other parameters, for example, extension. After entering the name, click OK for the changes to take effect. This will give the file a new name.

Software parameters and their quick setup

This is a very important point when working with a file manager. You can access the settings directly by going to the menu of the gadget you are using. This will display several tabs. You will need to select the option to configure tools.

At the same time, the entire extensive list of keys will appear, which can be placed on the side panel for convenience. It is very easy to move using special keys. By quickly checking the boxes next to the desired options, users can quickly configure a specific set of functions that are needed to achieve the expected positive result.

In the settings settings, you should deactivate the built-in viewer, which works by default. This is necessary so that files do not open automatically. It is best for the user to download and view the objects themselves. You should also configure the type of access to the gadget’s internal memory.

General settings can be made only if you have previously switched to the Superuser operating mode. So just go through the menu of this software and look through all the available parameters to determine all those that you need to work with the most. The most important tools need to be highlighted and configured.

It is very easy to set a password that will protect this software from third-party users. So you can come up with a secret key, and then indicate it. In the future, this is what will allow you to defend yourself. If the user incorrectly specifies the secret key, access to the program will be denied.

You can also try updating the appearance of the application. In this case, special themes are used for design. With their help, it is possible to transform the design. There are also several languages ​​in which the utility can function. In general, you can adjust all the parameters of this software.

Control settings must be performed without fail. You need to put in a minimum of effort, but the effect will be excellent. But you need to take into account that all settings will function exclusively on devices that have a real keyboard. This is not suitable for touch screens.

Working with different sources

Connecting to various remote data sources is another feature of the application. Users can work with numerous storages, servers, flash drives and other elements. It's worth trying to connect directly to a pre-configured local network.

You also need to specify those folders that all users connected to this network can work with. Only when creating shared folders is it possible to ensure work from a mobile device. So this will have to be done without fail.

We open access to the selected directory located on the local network. You will have to call the context menu for this, and then you need to provide access to a folder with shared access and security settings. Now we simply activate the opening of access to a specific folder that has been previously selected.

This way you can view the files. If it is necessary to ensure file transfer, then a tab with permission to change files over the network is marked. After turning on Wi-Fi, you can immediately connect to the network. Next, we add a server to search for the desired object. Click on the search button and wait a couple of seconds until a list of all available devices appears.

Now we connect to the device, from which you can then download files with open access. However, not all folders in the list may be accessible. It is very easy to identify them: they are highlighted in gray and black. So it's impossible to work with them.

This software has a huge number of advantages. Users are given the chance to use a file manager to control all the files on their smartphone. An excellent two-panel interface and fast navigation make the work as comfortable as possible. Fine tuning is also possible.

Program version: 1.51
Developer: Lonely Cat Games
Developer's website:
Compatibility: Symbian OS
Distribution terms: shareware
Interface language: multilingual
Competitors: , Modo,

X-plore- the best file manager for smartphones running the Symbian OS operating system. There is almost everything here: a file manager (if it weren’t there, it would be a little strange, right?), a text file editor, a simple video viewer, an audio player and many, many more very interesting and extremely necessary “things”, about which I'll definitely tell you. Unless there is a coffee maker, but I think it is not needed in the file manager, and the developers emphasized this well by not integrating it there. Therefore, if you are looking for a combination of a file manager + coffee maker, it will not satisfy your requirements.

Let's end the jokes on this line and start reviewing this program. I will try to explain why I called it the best file manager. Go!

Program description
The first thing you need to do is install it if you don’t already have it installed. The installer is simple and intuitive, I think you won’t have any problems with it, but I’ll still tell you point by point what to do and how to do it:
1. First, download the program itself.
2. Launch the installer via or via phone, it doesn’t matter.
3. After starting the installation, we see a window with the name of the program, developer, etc. If you are interested, you can read it; if not, just click OK.

4. Next, the program will ask where to install it, it depends only on you and the amount of free memory on your phone or memory card. But if you have enough space on your phone and you are not bothered by the size of the memory it will take up, install it in the phone memory.

After successful installation, you will be informed with the “Installation Complete” window. After this, you can safely launch the program.

I won’t tell you what the program icon looks like, how it’s drawn, what colors are used, I’ll just show it to you:

With full confidence, click on the application shortcut and wait for it to launch. This usually takes a few seconds. The first thing that catches our eye is the license agreement; you don’t have to read it if you’re not interested. Just click on OK and all these incomprehensible distribution conditions, etc. will disappear.

Next we will see a 3-second window notifying that the program needs to be purchased. But don’t be afraid, the program will always work fully, you just need to wait 3 seconds after turning the program on and off.

After the 3-second window disappears, we will see this:

    Disk C is the internal memory of the phone.
    Disk E - memory card, or built-in memory.
Also on the right next to each disk we will see the amount of free memory. Note: You should not trust the RAM indicators of disk D, which you can read about a little later.

I do not recommend that you change the contents of the system drive C unless you follow specific instructions or do not know what you are deleting. I won’t talk about the folder structure and their purpose, since this is a review of a file manager, not a file system, right?

Traditionally, the first thing you need to do is go to settings. This can be done through Menu –> Tools -> Configuration or press the number 0 (zero).

Once we get into the settings menu, we will see a bunch of items that I will write about right now.

As you have already seen, after installation the application language is English, this is easy to fix. You just need to go down the list to the item " Language" and select the desired language from the list. Switching languages ​​is done using the left/right keys.

After you have chosen the language, we return to the first point.

Show. hidden files- displays hidden files in the list. Any files and folders can be hidden through the file manager itself. For example, if you set the hidden attribute to a picture, it will not be visible in the standard gallery.

Show ROM drives- shows disk Z in the list of disks, which contains all the files of your firmware. I will not recommend deleting or changing anything on this disk. You simply can't do it. The disk is protected. And there is no way you can delete its contents.

Show RAM disk- shows disk D in the list of disks - the RAM memory of your smartphone. You shouldn’t trust the free memory indicators, just don’t look at this disk and that’s it. The author of the review has it in the list of discs just for beauty.

Show system files/folders- shows system files and folders. If this is your first time hearing about system files and folders in Symbian, do not include this item.

Sort by- everything is simple here, we choose to sort files and folders by name, date, extension or size.

Interface font size- choose the font size for the program interface.

Use system font- if you check this box instead of the font X-plore the system font or the font you use as the system font will be used. This is demonstrated in two screenshots.

Text font size- here you select the letter size for the text file editor. Only two sizes available: small and normal.

Request upon exit- if you enable this item, after clicking on exit, the program will ask if you really want to exit. Very comfortably.

Full screen viewing- text and graphic viewer starts in full screen mode by default.

Album. picture mode- the graphic viewer starts in landscape mode by default.

System application- do not allow the system to close the application when there is insufficient RAM.

Application password - use a password when turning on the application.

Text encoding- open a text file with the selected encoding, if it is not in Unicode. It helps when a text file contains quackery instead of letters.

Color schemes- choose a color scheme to suit your taste. The very first one is transparent, that is, the design theme of your smartphone is used.

Program menu overview
Let's go to main screen. If you don't know how to do this, click Back. Files and folders are displayed in the form of a tree. Navigation is carried out using the joystick left, right, up and down on smartphones with a keyboard. On touch smartphones, navigation is carried out using kinetic scrolling (move up/down on the screen), files and folders are opened by double tapping.

Main menu The application consists of ten points, each of them has several sub-points.
1. File.
Open- the file opens in X-Plore.
Open in the system- the file is opened by a system application. That is, for example, the picture will open not in X-Plore, but through the gallery.
View in HEX- view the file in HEX. The average user does not need this. The HEX editor has functions such as text search, hex search and editing.

Edit- editing a text file through a text editor or editing any file in hex.
Properties- here you can see the address of the file or folder, size and date of modification.

Attributes- a very interesting point. Here you can hide or prevent changes to any file or folder.

Create a folder.
Create text file- You can read more about the text editor below.

2. Search - search for files on any disk.
Search files- you can search for files by name or resolution. The search takes place in the folder that is currently highlighted.

3. Zip archive - creating an archive. Pack into Zip archive - pack the file into an archive. You can select the location where the created archive will be saved.

Move to Zip archive- move files to archive.

4. Editing - copying/moving any number of files or folders.

5. Mark - you can mark any number of files or folders and move, copy or send via bluetooth.

You can mark files one at a time or all at once. To mark files one by one, just press shift+ok, to mark everything - shift+right, to remove any selection - shift+left. Naturally, this trick only works on push-button smartphones. For touchscreen smartphones it’s a little different. Selection occurs by clicking on the area where the file size is indicated. To select many files, you need to click and slide down or up the files. Removing a selection works in the same way as checking a box.

6. Transfer - you can transfer any files via bluetooth. To quickly transfer a file, you can press the green button.

7. Shortcuts - assigning file opening to a keyboard shortcut.

If you don’t have shortcuts yet, go to the “ Editing».

Next, choose a combination. The program will prompt you to select a folder to which, when you press a given combination, you will instantly be transferred from any folder in the file manager. Unfortunately, this feature does not work on touchscreen smartphones. She even refused to work on Nokia N97.

8. Tools.
Settings. Inbox- View all received files in incoming messages. You can move, copy, or delete files. This is especially convenient when the file you received is not recognized by the system and you cannot copy it.

Associations- a very useful point. If you want that when you click on a file with an image, it opens in an installed third-party application (for example, in) instead of the X-plore viewer, just click Menu -> Create.

In the first small window you need to write the file resolution, without dots (for example, jpg). Next, you need to click on OK and select the desired program.

Update- application update. Everything here is simple and accessible.

About the device- shows your IMEI, the amount of free memory and the processor frequency of your smartphone.

About the program- here we can look at the large application icon, the release date of the installed version and a link to the office. application website.

Registration- if you are tired of the terribly hated three-second window or you just want to support the developers, you can register the program at this point. After registration, the three-second window will disappear, you will become a User of the licensed version of the application and will contribute to the further development of this file manager. After entering this item, you will see your IMEI and the “Registration Key” field. You can buy the key itself on the official website of the application. After you have entered the key, exit the application. The next time you log in, there will be an online verification check.

Exit- exit the program.

A little before starting work
The type of display of files and folders is tree. To some extent this is not very convenient: the deeper the attachment, the shorter the file name will be. But this cannot be considered a disadvantage, because navigation is very convenient and fast. On push-button devices, just press right to open the folder, or left to return to the beginning of the folder. A very smart solution, unfortunately, not all developers thought of making a quick exit from the folder. When your file is in 345th place out of 1000, you must admit, it’s not very pleasant to scroll back. But in X-plore, just press left and you will immediately return to the beginning of the folder. The interface is friendly and intuitive. Feature phones have a huge advantage - hot keys. The list can be found at the end of the review.

Working with files
The first and most important thing in file managers is copying, pasting, renaming and deleting. They are implemented a little strangely. On push-button devices, to move/copy, you must first select the required files (without hotkeys this is very inconvenient, the list of hotkeys is at the end of the review), then click copy/move. The whole point is that you only need to move to select a place for insertion using the left/right, up/down keys. If you habitually press the center of the joystick to open a folder, your files will move slightly to the wrong place :) Just use the center of the joystick as “Paste” in paste mode. You might be thinking, how does this work on touchscreen smartphones? Everything is very simple. This was solved by adding additional icons to the bottom bar. Selecting a file or group of files is done by clicking on the area where the size is indicated. Insert - by clicking on the folder. But if you want to paste a file somewhere, you will experience some difficulties. If you have already selected a file and clicked copy, you cannot open or close folders. The only way out is to select the necessary files, then find the folder to paste, click copy and then safely paste the desired objects. A plus is the display in the upper right corner of the number of selected files. There are no complaints about renaming and deleting, everything works fine.

Sending files
One of the most popular features is file transfer via bluetooth and IrDA. Everything is fine here and there can be no complaints about the implementation. can send any files, including protected ones, which is something a standard file manager cannot boast of. You can also send multiple files by first selecting them with checkboxes. Fast transmission via bluetooth is carried out by pressing the green key (handset).

View files
To view text documents directly in the program itself there is a text editor. There is also an audio player, video player and picture viewer. You can read more about each of them below. Naturally, there can be no talk of super functionality. The new version also adds the function of previewing pictures and playing audio files. You just need to hover over the file.

Text editor. A simple text editor that understands formats such as txt, doc and docx. Naturally, everything without pictures, simple text.

Navigation through the text and basic functions for editing text are possible.

Video Player - a simple video player. Understands the most primitive file formats: .3gp and .mp4. It is so easy to work with that there is no need to describe it in more detail. There is no full screen viewing.

Audio player. And, again, a very simple audio player. Plays the most popular formats. There is no setting.

View pictures. Unlike the previous paragraphs, the image viewer has rich functionality, but is not able to replace the standard gallery or an alternative graphic viewer. The most common functions - rotation, zoom - are available.

For convenience, on touchscreen smartphones, when you long press on the image, a pop-up window appears.

Does its job with 5+. Zooming in and navigating through pictures is much faster than in a standard gallery.


    - joystick center
    - joystick left
    - joystick right
    - "Pencil" or "#"
    - “green” (call key)

    - Move. In photo viewing mode - Back.
    - View in hex. In photo viewing mode - Forward.
    - Inbox. In zip, rar, jar archives – Extract.
    - Properties
    - Attributes
    - Rename
    - Editing
    - Create a folder
    - Settings
    [*] - Scroll up
    [#] - Scroll down
    - Open
    [C] - Delete
    - send via Bluetooth
    - opens folders
    - closes folders

    Mark (selected)
    - mark all (files and subfolders in the current folder)
    - remove all marks
    - pack into a zip archive

X-plore- the most functional file manager. The program was tested on different smartphones, on all of them the performance was complete and did not raise any complaints. Full functionality was transferred to touchscreen smartphones, thanks to the work of the developers. None of the competitors have the same functionality and workmanship. The program is simply necessary for all smartphone owners, from beginners to advanced users.