Download the youcam perfect application to your computer. How to use virtual makeup

Cameras modern smartphones The quality is not inferior to amateur cameras. However, even with their help, it is not always possible to create a “correct” selfie photo without unnecessary details or noise. To easily and quickly edit any photo, just download Youcam Perfect to your computer and enjoy high-quality editing, creating your own unique image.

Perfect selfie

Youcam Perfect is a multifunctional utility designed for processing and editing photos. The developers managed to release worthy competitor famous editor Adobe Photoshop, which has become an excellent alternative to the multifunctional but “heavy” Adobe.

The program is designed to work primarily with selfie photographs; it is for this purpose that Youcam Perfect is equipped with a variety of useful options. For example, the function of applying makeup or editing the oval of the face.

In addition to functionality, the creators also took care of an intuitive menu. When launched, four necessary buttons will appear on the screen: camera, editor button, collage and frame selection.

What can he do?

The functionality is amazing in its diversity. The developers really took into account almost all the requirements for full editing, eliminating the need to do a lot of takes to fix a bad photo. Installing Yu Cam Perfect on your computer will provide fast processing with the ability to select backgrounds and frames.

Like any application, Youcam Perfect is not perfect. Besides simple interface and free, the advantages of the application include:

  • The presence of a mass of ready-made makeup, images, various jewelry and even hairstyles.
  • Function of automatic selection of contrast and constant replenishment of the database of ready-made images.
  • There are virtually no errors in face recognition. If there are errors, it is possible to manually set points to identify the face.
  • Auto-detection of hairstyle, used when changing hair color.

The application has very few disadvantages:

  • Lack of calm images in the general database. All ready-made images are bright, catchy, and are not suitable for every user.
  • Automatic face detection only when shooting from the front.
  • Demanding on the quality of images. If the photo quality is low, all effects will look blurry and unrealistic.
  • Auto-detection of hairstyles sometimes fails; you have to set points for recognition yourself.
  • The program is focused exclusively on women's selfies. You won't be able to edit landscapes or macro photography here.

How to run Yucam Perfect on PC

Despite the fact that there are more popular photo editors for PC, Youcam Perfect continues to be very popular. Using it allows you to easily install the You came Perfect program for Windows.

  1. Download the emulator and install it on your PC.
  2. Download the application file. As a rule, these are Apk files.
  3. Open using BlueStacks.
  • . An excellent editor that allows you not only to process and retouch images, but also to create custom collages. As additional options: a collection of magical effects (flying, walking on water, etc.), the ability to create a double photo, the function of drawing on a photo. The effects database is constantly updated.
  • Photo Editor. A powerful application that opens up access to an endless variety of editing options. In terms of quantity, the option is practically not inferior to editors such as Adobe Photoshop. The colorful interface is easy to use, and a wide range of settings allows you to “fix” almost any bad photo. An excellent solution for both an experienced photographer and a beginner who just wants to apply various effects.
  • PhotoGrid. Program for users. Scaling, cropping, rotating pictures and a lot of different frames and backgrounds are available. Internal albums automatically sync with the system gallery, allowing you to instantly share photos on other social networks.

System requirements

A special advantage is the minimum system requirements. Compared to professional photo editors that require large quantity places defined by the OS, powerful processors and other bells and whistles, Youcam Perfect online for computer works great on OSes ranging from Windows XP and is as “unpretentious” as possible system requirements.

Video review

Results and comments

Great program for “female” photoshop. Lovely ladies will appreciate the opportunity to turn a bad shot into a masterpiece of photographic art, especially considering the ease of control and settings. The application is not demanding, works perfectly on almost any OS, and is available for free use.

Downloading Youcam Perfect to your computer is also convenient and simple, which adds to the pleasure of use. For functionality and an expanded base of settings - a solid “5”. A pleasant bonus is the constant expansion of the base of ready-made images and colors.

Photos of your loved ones have become very popular lately. You can take a photo of yourself on your smartphone and send it to friends via instant messengers or upload it to your favorite page social network. But, if you want to create a beautiful photo of yourself, then you need to use special application. IN Play Market several utilities that can be used to “ennoble” your own portraits. In this article we will talk about one of such applications. You can download Youcam Perfect to your computer on our website.

About the application

YouCam Perfect is a selfie camera. With its help, you can not only quickly take a photo of yourself, but also edit the resulting photo using the built-in editor. This application has many options in its arsenal: useful functions. And in order to use them you do not need special knowledge or skills. The interface of this application is intuitive. With this editor, you can smooth out photo defects, improve the shape of your face, and carry out other actions that professional photographers often use in their work.

This application has impressive functionality. On the main screen of YouCam Perfect you can find the following items: editor, collage, camera with filters and frames. By adding various effects you can create a really interesting selfie. The kind of self-portrait that will make your friends jealous.

YouCam Perfect is a well-optimized photo editor. All corrections to the photo are made instantly. No brakes or runaway were noticed. It is also worth noting that the developers did not load the interface with unnecessary advertising.

Video review

Application features on PC

This program has a fairly functional editor. With it, you can crop a photo, put a frame on it, and add background blur. Of course, you can consider this set standard. But, this is if you don’t go to the “Beautyfire” section. It can be used to lighten or smooth the skin, remove shine and add blush. Install Yucam Perfect on your computer and take advantage of the rich functionality of this application to edit your photos. This section can be considered the main highlight of the application. With its help you can correct the size of your eyes, remove bags and correct the shape of your nose. All actions in the “Beautyfire” section occur using the slider movement. Unlike Photoshop, everything in this application is easy and clear. This means that each of us can cope with it.

The program was originally created for smartphones. But, if you install it on your computer with our help, then there will be differences from mobile version you won't feel it. All controls are easily adjusted to the mouse. And thanks big screen computer, you can edit your photos even more conveniently.

This application can:

In addition to its user-friendly interface and free distribution, this application has other advantages. The advantages of Youcam Perfect Photoshop for PC include:

  • Availability of ready-made jewelry, makeup and hairstyles.
  • Selection of the required contrast automatically or by manual adjustment.
  • Easy face recognition in automatic mode.

Not without its shortcomings. These include:

  • The quality of the photo that will be edited must be high.
  • Automatic face detection only works if you take a photo from the front.
  • Exclusively “female” focus of the program.

How to install Youcam Perfect on your computer

In order to take advantage of the capabilities of this application on a computer running Windows control you need to install an emulator program. It will allow you to reproduce applications that were originally created for the mobile operating system. Android systems. We recommend using the BlueStacks emulator. This utility already comes pre-installed. This means you can use applications from the Google catalog at any time convenient for you.

You can install Yu Cam Perfect for Windows in two ways:

Youcam Perfect – new program, created for modifying, editing and other processing of photographs. Long-familiar programs, such as Adobe Photoshop, have ceased to be leaders in this area, giving way to new utilities.

The application is easy to use and will be useful, first of all, to selfie lovers. Moreover, downloading Youcam Perfect for a computer or laptop is not difficult. Installation also does not require special knowledge. It is enough to use the Droid4X emulator.

Simple instructions will tell you the sequence of steps. In a few minutes the program will be installed, you can process and edit a variety of images.

Main features

Modern smartphone cameras can take great pictures. In terms of quality and color rendition, they are compared with photographs taken with a professional camera. However, sometimes there is a desire to correct the photo a little, add a few small touches. This is where it comes to the rescue online Photoshop Youcam Perfect is a simple and user-friendly program that can be installed on a PC.

The program interface contains only a few menu buttons: camera, editing, creating a collage and selecting a photo frame. It is impossible to get confused in the menu - the interface is clear. Like any utility, Youcam Perfect has its pros and cons.

  • free program;
  • clear interface;
  • auto face detection (front only);
  • variety of looks - ready-made hairstyles, makeup, jewelry;
  • replenishment of the database of ready-made images;
  • ease of face recognition;
  • auto hairstyle detection.
  • too bright images - not suitable for lovers of calm photography;
  • required high quality The program does not recognize dim and blurry pictures;
  • Only faces are edited; landscapes cannot be changed.

Nevertheless, the developers took into account the main shortcomings of previous programs. Now you don’t need to waste time and click the camera many times to get a good shot. The ability to install Youcam Perfect on a PC adds to the program's popularity. All manipulations with the photo can be done later on your own computer. The result will be surprising in that it will be impossible to notice traces of processing in the photo.

Like any online Photoshop program, Youcam Perfect has distinctive features. There are a lot of them, thanks to taking into account errors previous applications of this kind:

  • Automatic selfie processing. You can entrust the editing to the program, using the “auto-retouching” function, it will correct the shortcomings.
  • The number of colors, makeup items and stylish hairstyles. Worthy of any discerning request.
  • Lots of new editing tools. For example, changing the oval of the face, the color of the eyebrows.
  • Ability to customize color, background, contrast before the photography process.
  • Individual face recognition. Each face in one photo.
  • Possibility of creating collages. There is a large selection of them.
  • Online contact with social networks for quick transfer of photos to the Internet.

These features - interface convenience and processing quality - allow you to choose Youcam Perfect. Many users have already installed Youcam Perfect on their computer or laptop and appreciated the undoubted advantages of the utility. The installation itself goes without problems. To do this you only need to have Personal Computer connected to the Internet and have minimal computer literacy skills.

On a note

Youcam Perfect is more suitable for female representatives. Who else, if not them, loves to change their appearance, hairstyle, and constantly appear in a new guise. However, some men will also like the application.

How to install Youcam Perfect on PC or laptop

The system requirements for installing the utility are minimal, unlike “heavy” photo editors that require certain operating systems and a large amount of virtual memory. Youcam Perfect is a “light” application that does not require any additional resources. There are several ways to install.

Via the Droid4X emulator

  • Register an account in the service Google Play for quick access to the emulator. This application automatically recognizes and starts working on the desired file.
  • Find the Youcam Perfect file in it, open it, accept the developer’s terms.
  • Select the required functions and tick them.
  • Download the application and install in a standard way to a personal computer. Download with the app step-by-step instruction on installation and use of Youcam Perfect.

There is a way to install a pre-downloaded .ark file. But in any case, you will need an Android emulator. On Internet resources you can download an archive containing an ARK file, an emulator and clear instructions on installation. If for any reason it is not possible to use Google service Play for quick access to the application, then after downloading the ARK file, you can install Youcam Perfect on your computer. Using an ARK file allows you to immediately launch the application through the installed emulator.

System requirements

System requirements are as follows:

  • OS Windows from 7 to 10 versions;
  • processor for hardware virtualization (the ability to use separate guest systems) Intel® VT-x or AMD-V™;
  • bit version of the platform: 32 and 64 bits;
  • RAM: 2 GB.

On a note

The manufacturer positions the emulator as superior in performance to the well-known emulators BlueStacks, as well as Andy. Droid4X has good compatibility with games and applications.

  • is a simple online photo processing service. To work with it, just download the program, upload a photo and start working. The menu has a lot of visual effects and frames. It is possible to place a photograph on the cover of a fashion magazine, against the background of the flag of any state, and turn into animals and birds.
  • jKiwi is a utility that allows you to conduct many experiments on your appearance. Has a rich set of makeup and many hairstyle options. However, the disadvantages include the lack of translation of the interface into Russian and the inability to view the result in volumetric space.
  • “3000 Hairstyles” is a universal program for selecting a new image. Having chosen a hairstyle, you can choose any makeup and jewelry. Based on reviews, it is clear that the program has a clear interface, is easy to download and install on a PC, and has a menu in Russian.

Video instruction


The development of modern online technologies allows lovers of photographs and, especially selfies, to work on improving their appearance. This is an interesting activity, since the utility has a number of options for changing your appearance, choosing makeup, etc. In addition, downloading Youcam Perfect for your computer is easy. Simple step-by-step instructions will help you do this, and you can enjoy the opportunity to edit and process selfies, achieving the best results.

Pictures taken with the camera built into a tablet or smartphone do not always turn out as you expect. The situation also complicates the work when it is not a staged photo, but everything is done in real time.

Here it is difficult to avoid glare, noise or any unnecessary details that distract attention from the main object. To remedy the situation, developers offer many photo editors, and Youcam Perfect takes a worthy place among them. Youcam Perfect is worth installing on your computer for those who want to quickly and efficiently edit the resulting image.

Features: what does the application offer us?

Youcam Perfect is designed for processing and editing pictures. Moreover, the developers challenged the popular Adobe Photoshop, but were able to make their application lighter, while the application is not inferior to this program in versatility.

Youcam Perfect is aimed primarily at working with selfie photographs. And for this purpose, the optimal functionality has been selected here, which allows this work make it simple and understandable even for beginners. You just need to play a little magic with the tools to apply makeup to a photo or edit the shape of your face.

Youcam Perfect on PC, when launched, offers you four buttons necessary for operation. These are the camera, the edit button, selecting a frame and creating a collage.

The functionality of the program allows you not only to edit a photo, but also to change it beyond recognition, for example, by choosing a background for the photo.

If you don’t have time to manually process the photo, then the developers have prepared an “auto-retouching” function for you. It is enough to enable this option, and the system will automatically correct most of the shortcomings.

There are so many colors in the arsenal of makeup functions that no representative of the fair sex will remain indifferent. You can’t even find such a choice in every beauty salon.

In addition, the program allows you to make a number of settings even before the photography process. For example, you can adjust the background, brightness, colors. The program allows you to identify a face even in a group photo, giving you the opportunity to edit each of them individually.

Automatic creation of a collage takes place literally in a matter of seconds, and you can choose one of 30 scenes to create such a masterpiece.

Many users have already downloaded Youcam Perfect to their computer, appreciating the rich functionality, intuitive interface, automatic contrast selection function, as well as the constant updating of the database with ready-made samples. And even if the program was unable to accurately identify a face (and this happens infrequently), then there is the opportunity to independently enter points for identification. With automatic hairstyle detection, you can even change your hair color in a few clicks.

However, there are a number of disadvantages that users note. For example, the overly bright images presented in the program are not suitable for everyone. Sometimes there is a need for calmer images, but such images are not found in the database. Another drawback: face detection occurs only when photographed from the front. In addition, we must take into account that if the quality of the photo is very low, then all the effects will look blurry.

The main difference between this program and professional editors is minimum requirements with the maximum capabilities of the application itself. Youcam Perfect works great on all types of OS, starting from Windows XP, and is completely unpretentious to other system requirements.

How to install Youcam Perfect on your computer or laptop

Although there are many photo editors now, Youcam Perfect still continues to gain popularity, although many note that this application is more suitable for girls. However, in order to install the application on your PC, you will need. To begin with, you will need to download and install this particular program, and then you will need to download the application file and open it using an emulator.

Review of the application on YouTube

Similar applications

  • PicsArt. This application allows you to edit and process photos, as well as create photo collages. Additional options include various magical effects that allow you to simulate flight or, for example, walking on water. In this program you can create a double photo or add something to the photo. Moreover, the database of effects is constantly updated by developers.
  • Photo Editor. In terms of the number of different options, this application is not inferior to Adobe Photoshop. A simple and intuitive control system, a variety of tools with individual settings allowed the program to find popularity not only among beginners, but also among experienced photographers who like to update photos with various effects.
  • PhotoGrid. This program is designed for Instagram users. Here you can rotate and crop pictures, create frames and backgrounds. Thanks to the capabilities of the application, you can immediately send the results of your work to social networks.

Let's summarize the above

Youcam Perfect is an ideal program for ladies who love to take photos and add various effects to the resulting pictures. By using this application even bad photographs can be turned into a work of art. And taking into account the fact that the database of ready-made images is constantly updated, you will be able to constantly improve your photographs and your ability to work with photographs.

YouCam Perfect is a program for Android with which you can change photos to your taste. A wide range of application capabilities will help you realize your creative ideas and fantasies by adjusting images. There are many ways to change a photo.

Functional benefits

  • Monitoring the situation. You can track what is happening in the fashion world, identify stylistic trends, adding to your “treasury” of knowledge new information. The application provides endless scope for exploring trends and trends.
  • Skin tone. You can make your skin glow, add stylish visual effects. You can smooth out the skin or lighten it, remove any blemishes, or add blush. Now, in order to take an aesthetic and chic photo, you don’t even have to waste time on makeup: just make a few clicks.
  • Eyes. Can be changed appearance not only the skin, but also the eyes and the area around them. If necessary, you can enlarge your eyes, remove bags under them, and remove the unpleasant effect of “redness” of the pupils.
  • General. You can work not only with the specific, but also with the general: the program provides classic video editor functions. Whether you want to replace the background from the back, cut out volume - all this can be done without any effort.
  • Social sphere. You can not only process photos, but instantly send them to those you want, leave comments, share your experiences and learn from other people's experiences.
  • Pleasant trifles. It is hardly possible to list the full range of functions in one article: there is the possibility of creating a wasp waist, lengthening the legs, creating a smile, and automatic improvement, and much, much more.


YouCam Perfect for Android has no competitors in its field - it is an advanced program that takes the best from analogues. Functionality is combined with uncomplicated controls (it won’t be difficult to figure everything out) and an aesthetic and pleasant design. These factors determine the popularity of this application, known all over the world.