How much do you get paid on Instagram? Earning money on Instagram from likes, subscribers and advertising

Social networks created for communication between people from different countries, are now actively used as advertising and trading platforms. Instagram is no exception. Some users earn millions from it. Let's figure out how to achieve such success?

Where to begin?

Registering an Instagram profile takes just a few minutes. The main thing is to know exactly why you need it. Running your own blog is interesting, but how to make it profitable?

For TV stars and pop music, this is not a problem; people themselves subscribe to their accounts in order to keep abreast of the events in the lives of their favorite performers.

Ordinary users will not promote their page without investing money in advertising and the services of promotion specialists.

All bloggers are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Microbloggers with less 100,000 subscribers. Beginning businessmen cooperate with them and pay with advertised products or services.
  2. Bloggers with more 100 thousand followers. Serious companies work with them and pay in cash.

Earnings depend entirely on the number of subscribers:

  • 4 – 10 thousand people. – from 500 to 1000 rubles. ($8 – 16) for 1 post;
  • 20 – 30 thousand – from 2000 to 5000 ($32 – 80);
  • 50 – 80 thousand – from 10 to 30 thousand ($160 – 481);
  • popular - over 100,000 ($1,604).

For a blog to continually grow in popularity, it must meet certain criteria:

  1. High-quality unique content.
  2. Constant promotions.
  3. Up-to-date information providing expert assessment on the blog topic.
  4. A topic of interest to a large number of people.
  5. Studying the basics of SMM and fashion trends.
  6. Chat in the comments.

Top 10 topics for promotion

A novice Instagram user must correctly assess his capabilities and determine the topic of the blog.

The table shows the most popular destinations:

You need to be well versed in the chosen topic and be able to talk about it beautifully.

Account monetization

Anyone can earn money on INSTAGRAM.

There are several ways to do this:

  1. Place advertisements on your page.
  2. Become a brand representative on social networks.
  3. Promote the accounts of other users.
  4. Printing and sale of photographs.
  5. Online store.
  6. Using the services VKtarget, Twitter, etc.

Subscription revenue

To make money from their popularity, bloggers use several ways:

  • participation in marathons;
  • subscriptions to other users;
  • mutual PR;
  • conduct free webinars, competitions and quizzes;
  • paid advertising campaigns, etc.

The second method is to promote the accounts of other users, for which they carry out the same events, as well as:

  • they offer services in Direct, where they pay 1,500 rubles for 10 new subscribers per day;
  • post reviews of other people's profiles with similar topics for money or mutual advertising.

Selling photos from your account is another great way to earn money from subscribers who are happy to buy pictures of their products.

For likes

When looking through photos and posts, social media users almost intuitively mark the ones they like. Now you can make money from this simple action. Of course, you won’t get rich from this, but as they say, a penny for a penny will make a ruble.

There are special sites for this:

  1. Qcomment.
  2. CachBox.
  3. VKtarget and others.

They register and complete simple tasks - likes, shares, short comments. It’s better to create a new Instagram profile and work through it so that the main one is not blocked. Payment for such work is no more 100 rub. ($1.6) per day. The cost of one action ranges from a few kopecks to 1 ruble.

On public pages

When increasing subscribers up to 100 thousand people, the cost of one post is 1000 rub. Up to 20 publications are posted in 1 month, earnings reach 20,000 rub.. ($321).

A public administrator makes good money, especially if he leads not one, but several projects at once.

He creates high-quality posts, posts photos and promotes his profile.

They pay for it from 10 to 40 thousand rubles. ($160 – 642) per month.

Additional permanent income is generated partnership programs with referral links. They post on their website advertising banners.

From the earnings of users registered by invitation, you will receive from 25 to 30%.

Profits from publications

If the user has accumulated a large number of subscribers - over 100 thousand., advertisers who notice his account offer to post their videos and posts on his page.

From this moment the real earnings begin:

  • on advertising in stories;
  • for an advertising post or video;
  • for working as a permanent representative of the brand on social networks.

Important factors for customers:

  • user status;
  • subscriber activity;
  • no bots.

The more likes there are in the feed, the more likely it is that people will go to the advertised page. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

A large number of PR posts repels not only customers, but also ordinary users.

Who are the Weiners?

Weiners are people who make short, humorous videos about the lives of ordinary people. To create one story, you need a team of like-minded people and modern video technology. It takes one video from 10 to 15 thousand. ($160 – 241).

Their payback depends on the number of subscribers and views.

Earnings from video blogs on Instagram:

Number of users

thousand people

Income for 1 publication, thousand rubles. Profit in $
to 10 0 +
10 – 50 1 – 5 (barter)
50 — 100 5 – 10 (barter) up to 160
100 — 200 10 — 20 160 — 321
200 — 300 up to 20 321
300 — 400 up to 30 481
400 — 500 from 25 to 40 401 — 642
1 – 3 million from 50 to 150 802 — 2406
5 million 200 — 250 3208 — 4010
10 million 300 — 500 4812 — 8019

Remuneration for account promotion specialists

Contrary to the popular belief that schoolchildren can do this work, real SMM specialists have extensive knowledge in marketing and PR. They audit the user profile, create quality content and conduct advertising campaigns within the allocated budget.

Minimum income of a specialist – from 30 to 42 thousand rubles. ($481 – 674). Maximum revenue is from 60 to 110 thousand. ($962 – 1764). A freelancer offering his services can charge up to $200 .

But a serious site requires daily systematic work.

In different cities of Russia, specialists receive:

  • Moscow – 50,000 rub. ($802);
  • St. Petersburg – 40,000 ($642);
  • Yekaterinburg – 32,000 ($513);
  • Nizhny Novgorod – 28,000 ($449);
  • Volgograd – 24,000 ($385);
  • Voronezh – 23,000 ($369).

By hiring a professional, the user ensures that his account has a large number of subscribers and many offers for advertising.

Stellar Profits

Famous personalities make money from their popularity. Their incomes are:



Revenue for the month, rub. Profit per 1 post (RUB) Earnings per 1 publication, $
Alena Esipova 391000 500000 25263 401
Anastasia Volkova 500000 1000000 50000 802
Alena Vodonaeva 500000 600000 14000 235
Ksenia Borodina 600000 7400000 200000 3208
Ksenia Sobchak 4400000 250000 4010
Kate Clapp 500000 100000 1604
Irina Gorbacheva 1000000 30 – 50 thousand 181 — 802

Known to a wide range of viewers, TV star and singer Olga Buzova posts 2 advertising posts + daily stories in 1 day. Due to its popularity, most recently it received for 1 publication $3.4 thousand.

How do bloggers make money on Instagram and does the number of subscribers affect their earnings? Bloggers become people who have leadership qualities, artistry and interest in the type of activity being implemented. This allows them to completely abandon regular work and earn a high income without extra effort. To work in social network Anyone can do it, but to do this you need to choose a method of doing business and follow the recommendations of experts.

To earn a stable income, instablogger owners choose one of the most accessible and convenient methods. Among them:

  1. Actions. This method is available to many, but it is used by users who have an unpromoted profile. In such a situation, you need to cooperate with freelance exchanges or with customers directly. The essence of the work is to like or write comments. For one action you can get no more than 30-50 rubles. Monthly earnings – no more than 5-10 thousand rubles.
  2. Maintaining a business account. With the help of such a profile, it is possible to sell the company’s goods or services, give paid consultations, etc. Expanding the audience here is required to increase the number of clients.
  3. Earning money from advertising. Advertisers reach out to users who have a wide audience. The more popular the blogger, the more money he earns.
  4. Partnership programs. The amount of income in a social network depends on how many new subscribers use the advertiser’s service using a referral link. This is how food promotional codes and discount coupons work.
  5. Ambassador. A person of a well-known company gets the opportunity to travel, participate in social events at its expense and receive fees for passive advertising and promotion of services and goods.

Many regular users are interested in how bloggers on Instagram make money, what they are paid for, believing that cash are received only for views, likes and subscriptions. But the system works more complicated and really requires effort and investment from famous personalities.

How much do bloggers earn on Instagram?

The user’s income directly depends on the number of followers on Instagram. With an increase in quantity, the status increases, and the base of cooperation among partners and customers increases.

For 1,000,000 subscribers

You can get an audience of millions after several years of active promotion. If you have 1,000,000 followers, you can make a profit:

  • from advertising;
  • affiliate programs;
  • business.

Payment is accrued to the profile owner for each advertising post, the cost of which is from 50 thousand rubles and above. Your own business can be profitable depending on the type of activity you choose. Drawing up individual programs for dietetics or training can bring in 2 thousand rubles and more.

Thus, a million followers brings an instablogger up to 500 thousand rubles a month or more. Payment goes to virtual and bank accounts.

With 10k subscribers

Having about 10k followers, an Instagram blogger has the opportunity to earn up to 40-50 thousand rubles from selling advertising (from 500-1000 rubles per publication) and an affiliate program. With this amount, it is possible to run a personal business with a profitability of about 50 thousand rubles.

Typically, a blog with an audience of 10 thousand is developed with the help of personalized giveaways (promotions with prizes for clients) and “affiliates”. Fewer subscriptions generate virtually no income.

Having 50 thousand subscribers

50 thousand people allow the profile owner to count on a profit of up to 100-200 thousand rubles by publishing direct advertising at a price of 1.5-3 thousand rubles. But in this case, you should not overuse advertising content, since this will reduce the number useful publications and will reduce the audience, popularity and rating of the blogger.

How to work with bloggers on Instagram

Opportunities for cooperation are determined by the breadth of the audience, fame and reputation of the person registered on the network. Large trading companies successfully cooperate with Russian and foreign famous personalities. So, Olga Buzova receives about 300-500 thousand rubles. for each publication of an advertisement, Selena Gomez - about 400 thousand dollars. Therefore, organizations and business accounts seeking to promote their own products or options need to select candidates based on the cost of their services.

The process of creating a platform for cooperation is implemented as follows:

  1. The company addresses the Instagram blogger directly. Usually for these purposes home page profile indicates contacts for cooperation or an invitation to direct.
  2. During the communication process, points of cooperation and the cost of services are agreed upon.
  3. If an organization offers a product to customers, the blogger must provide a sample of the product being sold.
  4. Upon fulfillment of the terms of the agreement, the profile owner receives payment. It is possible to make an advance payment.

On Instagram, people pay exclusively for services exactly provided under the contract. Funds arrive:

  • to an electronic wallet;
  • bank card;
  • bank account, etc.

Working in affiliate programs has a similar principle. The organization provides a referral link or promotional code for a product or service that the user is actively offering to the audience. The money goes to a virtual account and can be withdrawn by the blogger in a convenient way.

What do bloggers earn on Instagram, besides advertising?

  1. Own business.
  2. Conducting informational webinars. The account promotes the webinar as a service and accumulates funds when invitations are activated.
  3. Writing comments and giving likes.
  4. Consulting. The method is often used by personal trainers, nutritionists, lawyers, psychologists, esotericists, etc.
  5. "Partner".

Many famous personalities become popular part-time bloggers, having a large audience outside the social network. Their earning methods are complemented by their main occupation. And being in demand at work can affect the level of income on a social network.

How much do bloggers get on Instagram for likes?

Accumulating followers allows you to get more likes and views. The following methods are used for this:

  • setting hashtags for publications;
  • participation in giveaways;
  • work by mutual agreement with other instabloggers, etc.

But how much do bloggers earn on Instagram per million subscribers, receiving likes and views? A public of millions does not monetize an account if the owner does not use basic methods of earning money. You won’t be able to earn a high income from views and likes, so you need to use at least one of the methods described above.

It is really possible to get paid for likes if you work on specialized exchanges. But in such situations, those who give them are paid for the marks. Each “Like” can generate a profit of 1 ruble. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to increase the volume of blog visitors.


A large number of subscribers and views will not monetize an Instagram blogger’s account if the earning methods are not implemented. But making a stable profit is only possible if there is a wide interested audience. Therefore, it is important for a blogger to fill the page with useful content and work closely with other users and advertiser companies.

Elena Demakova

Updated: 2019.07.08

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Today, SMM promotion is considered one of the optimal means for advertising a product or service. And you can see that the social network Instagram is gradually replacing other advertising platforms. It brought together opinion leaders, short videos and other trends in communications in one place.

Anyone who believes that content is more than regularly posting food photos can be one step closer to Instagram fame. But before you start such an activity, you need to figure out how many subscribers you need to make money on Instagram and how difficult it is to achieve a stable income.

Most people have the impression that bloggers who make money on Instagram essentially get money for nothing, without putting in almost any effort. But if you look at the issue in detail, you can understand that this is far from the case.

The essence of the work of an instablogger includes:

  • profile promotion;
  • photography,
  • photo processing;
  • content plan;
  • maintaining the interest of subscribers;
  • maintaining audience engagement;
  • and other related activities.

Today there is quite a lot of competition in this area and it is really difficult to gain live subscribers. This requires a lot of time and effort.

To start making money on Instagram, you need to meet the basic requirements of the advertiser, such as high-quality content, uniqueness, good photo processing, and a sufficient number of subscribers.

Before you start creating and maintaining an Instagram page, you need to know a few rules for beginners, which professionals talk about:

1. Analyze who the channel and content should be aimed at and draw up a portrait of a representative of the target audience. Eg:

  • The Kardashian sisters focus on fashion and cosmetics on their Instagram. Accordingly, following their pages is mainly interesting for girls aged 16 to 30 years.
  • Radislav Gandapas and other business coaches keep their pages in line with business world trends and tell their own success stories.
  • TV presenter Anastasia Ivleeva, who became famous through the TV show “Heads and Tails,” tells travel lovers about her vacation and leisure time.

3. In order to maintain interest and form a loyal pool among readers, you need to ensure regular posting on the page, periodically create promotions and not disappear from the network, constantly maintain contact with the audience.

4. It is much easier to gain an audience among schoolchildren than among thirty-year-olds, since the network itself is aimed at people who freely manage their time. However, it must be taken into account that schoolchildren have too low solvency, and they can very rarely be considered the target audience.

5. It is important to be multi-channel, linking your Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages to your Instagram to ensure maximum coverage.

  1. Stories. Short videos or photographs that are kept on the author's page in open access for everyone exactly one day.
  2. Posts. The classic option for posting text content + a corresponding photo.
  3. Barter - sometimes bloggers advertise in exchange for products distributed by the customer.
  4. Selling a profile - in some cases, owners popular accounts sell their personal pages, or pump up special accounts for sale.
  5. Own business - when a blogger, in addition to the main profile, opens an account for selling goods or providing services. For example, Olga Buzova, in addition to the main page, has an account for selling clothes, her own restaurant and the digital currency Buzkoin.
  6. Affiliate programs - an instablogger can participate in promotions when he receives a portion of the income received from the activity of his audience.
  7. Ambassadorship - Some companies hire bloggers to represent their brand in a positive light.
  8. Giva. Regular drawings of prizes and gifts among subscribers and active users.

In some cases, Instagram bloggers can use different types earnings at the same time to increase your own profits.

How much can you earn on Instagram?

Earning money on Instagram depends on the number of subscribers. It is important that they are real and not fake.

A widely known and highly promoted Instagram blogger can receive an income per month from 100 thousand rubles to two million. And an ordinary person - 10-150 thousand. Beginning bloggers often charge advertised goods/services (equipment, clothing, etc.) for posting a post. Larger bloggers almost always take money from advertisers.

Maintaining a personal account with your own style of writing texts and retouching photos can be an excellent opportunity to earn extra money.

As soon as Instagram bloggers manage to gain the attention of the required number of subscribers, they can begin to cooperate with special platforms to find advertisers. It is believed that the most expensive advertising on Instagram is guaranteed by an advanced service for advertising, mutual PR and collaboration called Label Up.

Blogun - famous service for conducting advertising campaigns on social networks. The price for a post is 150 rubles or more. Plibber is considered one of the largest platforms for advertising and making money on social networks (including Instagram).

Beginning bloggers can start their work by independently searching for advertisers and writing them personal messages in direct messages. When choosing a blogger to promote their product, the advertiser will give preference to a page with a clearly defined, highly specialized focus: IT, psychology, business, finance, recreation, children, travel, public relations, education.

Another way to make money on Instagram is through giveaways. They have their differences for beginners and more advanced bloggers. If unpromoted ones pay for participation in them, acting as sponsors in order to gain an audience, then large profiles can themselves act as the organizer of a personalized giveaway.

Giveaways are one of the methods for keeping the attention of the target audience. A kind of online lottery. Most often they are carried out by very famous bloggers.

The main idea of ​​this approach is that Instagram users chip in a specific amount of money, forming a single prize fund.

In most cases, gifts are purchased with the funds raised, and then the algorithm looks like this:

  1. Creation of a personal account for a giveaway, in the subscriptions of which all investors are present.
  2. The second step is advertising the giveaway page on personal account one of the page creators to start promotion.
  3. Subscribers receive an offer to subscribe to those sponsors who are participants in this project. And remain among their subscribers until the promotion ends.
  4. Using the website - using a random number generator, the system selects a participant in the promotion who has fulfilled all the conditions and can pick up his gift. If there are several gifts, the drawing takes place in a couple of stages.

Giveaway from the Organiko blog

The creators of such a one-time promotion hope that after the draw they will be able to remain in a trusting relationship with the subscriber, or that they will forget that they previously subscribed and continue to follow the page.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the gift played on the page should correspond as much as possible to its theme.

For example, if the page is about holidays with children, it is unlikely that a drill or a wrench will be relevant as a prize.

In the CIS countries, givas are gaining more and more popularity. Ex-wife Russian rapper Timati - Alena Shishkova - raffled off a seventh iPhone with her autograph among her subscribers.

This approach allows the author of the post to promote his page, increase the number of subscribers and likes, and form a trusting relationship with readers. And the advertiser, in turn, receives promotion through word of mouth on the network.

The main postulate for the implementation of competitions: the larger and more expensive the service or product, the more requirements and conditions can be prescribed for participants.

As a result, the giva account accumulates several thousand or several tens of thousands of subscribers, and after the drawing it can be sold. The price depends on the promised number of subscribers, on average it is from 0.7 to 1.2 rubles per person.

For example, if the organizers of the giveaway attract 50 thousand subscribers, then the account can be sold for 40 thousand rubles.

In addition to honest methods of earning money, “dirty” options are also in great demand. Sometimes unscrupulous network users either artificially promote their page using bots, or hack the user’s page and sell it at a large markup.

The price of an artificially advanced account is usually 500-10,000 rubles.

When purchasing such a page, it is very important to realize that:

  1. It has its owner, who has no idea about anything yet, but will soon try to regain what he lost.
  2. Feedback from users on such a page is minimal.

Also, unscrupulous network members are engaged in generating fake subscribers in order to convince advertisers of the popularity of their pages. And present yourself as a unique selling proposition. But experienced users can immediately distinguish between cheating and real growth by tracking the number of likes. As a rule, if a page has 300 thousand subscribers and 30 likes on a post, this is already a reason to think about its level.

As for such ways of earning money as affiliate programs, promoting your own goods and services, the amount of income here depends on the business itself and the activity of the audience, and the exact amount of income is difficult to predict. Ambassadorship is offered only to well-known bloggers and the amount of their income under the contract is a trade secret.

How to choose a blogger for advertising

The selection of a blogger to promote a particular product or service is directly related to the specifics of the activity and the features of maintaining an account.


  • Anastasia Ivleeva is regularly attracted to cooperation by travel agencies and brands that produce clothing for active recreation;
  • Vera Brezhneva promotes a Philips toothbrush;
  • Kylie Jenner - slimming corsets.

Before choosing the most suitable blogger, advertisers set a goal: to find the optimal ratio of price for services and number of subscribers. Much depends on the focus of the active user’s profile, for whom product promotion will be relevant or not.

An Instagram blogger’s earnings depend not only on the number of subscribers, but also on their involvement: how many views, likes, and comments a post gets. To increase these indicators, bloggers conduct like times, express drawings for small prizes, etc.

Also, many advertisers, before ordering an advertising post from a blogger, get acquainted with the reviews of those who have already placed advertisements. Did the blogger fulfill his obligations, was the advertiser satisfied with the result, how many subscribers came, how many sales were there.

There is also a nuance: if a blogger advertises a low-quality product or service, the trust of subscribers will be lost and in the future subscribers will not buy the advertised goods. Therefore, the number of subscribers does not guarantee automatic receipt of income - in order for advertising to be ordered, you need to actively work with both subscribers and advertisers.

How much do famous bloggers earn on Instagram?

An instablogger’s income is directly related to his popularity. With effective tools and advertising techniques, you can earn passive income and still remain interesting to your readers.

Income of bloggers in Russia

In one of her interviews, Ksenia Sobchak said that advertisers pay her from 500 thousand to one million rubles for one post. The price depends on the category of the product being promoted.

Olga Buzova, a famous singer and TV presenter, openly tells in conversations with journalists that she can earn about 48 million rubles in six months. These statistics put Ksenia Borodina in second place, and Ksenia Sobchak in third.

Last year, Ksenia Borodina earned 42 million rubles from advertising on Instagram, and Sobchak was a third less - 28. Still, one advertising post of Olga Buzova costs more than that of any other famous personality in the CIS countries.

Earnings of foreign Instagram stars

If we compare Russian show business stars with foreign ones, we can say that in other countries earning money from advertising through posts rather than stories is more popular.

This is what the top five world leaders with the highest prices for advertising on Instagram look like. The sixth position is occupied by the famous actor Dwayne Johnson, asking $650 thousand for the post. From time to time, he posts training videos on his page and shares with readers fragments of video recordings from his open appearances on television. But the posts with three charming daughters receive the largest number of likes.

Justin Bieber hasn't pleased fans with new albums for a long time, but he doesn't forget about managing Instagram. And recently he has been updating his page with publications that cover his personal life and engagement with Hailey Baldwin. The price of his advertising post costs $630 thousand.

Basically, American and European stars do not trust ordinary customers from outside, they sign an agreement to comply with all the rules and the possibility of further cooperation with major brands, and posting on Instagram is part of the advertising contract:

  • Will Smith's wife actively advertises Pantene brand hair care products;
  • Lionel Messi - Lace and Pepsi chips;
  • Cristiano Ronaldo - shampoos and underwear of famous brands.

Thanks to the active development of social networks, communication has grown to a new level. You can start making more or less tangible money on Instagram if you have at least 100,000 subscribers on your page. And then you can gradually increase your income by promoting your account and attracting new customers. However, it should be remembered that in order to receive a constant flow of orders for advertising, it is necessary to advertise quality products and take a responsible approach to working with customers.

Instagram in recent years has become not only a popular social network, but also a place for... Users try to attract as much attention as possible to their profile in order to find new subscribers. But how many Instagram followers do you really need to make real money from this hobby? How does the earning process work and what are the ways to earn money on Instagram? You can read about this and more in the continuation of the article.

How many followers do you need on Instagram to make money?

How many real (live) subscribers do you need to receive real money from your Instagram account? This question interests many, and no one can give an exact answer to it. We can only say one thing: the more there are, the more earnings you can expect from this hobby. And this is true, but there are some nuances.

The main thing is that the subscribers are “live”, that is, they are real people. It is “live” subscribers who will view your posts, and it is they who will be able to bring you stable income online. But not everything is so simple - not all advertisers check the real number of subscribers, but look at likes on posts, which can be “boosted”.

In Russian-language Instagram, the following ratio can be distinguished between the price of publication and the number of subscribers: for every 10,000 subscribers they usually pay from 500 to 5,000 rubles. The more subscribers you have, the higher the price for publication will be (i.e. if you have 100 thousand subscribers, you can be paid 50 thousand rubles for one posted photo or video). The price depends on the complexity of the publication and its topic.

For example, the cost of an advertising video is much higher than that of a regular photograph. The most attractive audience on Russian-language Instagram are users from St. Petersburg and residents of the capital. If you collect more than a million subscribers, then you can safely quit your job - you will be completely self-sufficient.

But there are some nuances this method earnings. Need to determine target audience: for example, age category and topic. The most popular age audience is users from 18 to 35 years old. But choosing a topic for publication will be much more difficult, but you can highlight fashion bloggers, photographers and various popular trends.

How to make money on Instagram by posting photos

Making money on Instagram without investments is far from a myth. By posting a variety of photos, you can earn quite decent money. But what is the point of making money from publications on a social network? The most popular ways to make money on Instagram are:

  • Earning money from advertising.
  • Earning money from likes.
  • Promoting other people's accounts.

Don’t forget that you can make money on your idea by creating some kind of flash mob or new trend.

Earning money on Instagram from advertising

This method of making money on social networks is the most popular and profitable. But in order to start making money from advertising, you first need to gather your own “army” of subscribers, who will generate passive income. Therefore, in order to start receiving regular income, you first need to try very hard. After all, how much you can earn on the Internet depends directly on the number of subscribers. That is why, in the early stages, special attention should be paid to promoting your account, in which the following services will help you:

The most popular advertising on Instagram are publications with products of some brands or photographs from visits to stores and salons. It is for these photographs that manufacturers are willing to pay a lot of money, because often with the help of this they advertise not only their products, but also their own official accounts in social networks. The point of advertising photo publications is to write positive, even laudatory, reviews about a product or manufacturer as a whole.

But what do you need to do to start earning money? Here detailed instructions on earning money on Instagram:

  1. You need to choose the topic of publications and your entire account as a whole. This is no less important a factor than the number of subscribers, because it is not so much the quantity of advertising that is important, but its quality and target orientation. Therefore, take your choice of topic seriously. Do not choose a topic that is too broad or, conversely, too narrow. After all, it is important for an advertiser to find not just a “place” where a huge number of people gather, but to select subscribers who are truly interested in the publication. Most popular bloggers recommend choosing a topic that you yourself are well versed in - this will attract the target audience. This is how you can make good money from your Instagram account. However, for this you need to wait until the account gains popularity.
  2. Advertising the account itself. After all, everyone knows perfectly well that the more subscribers you have, the more your earnings will be. Communicate regularly with subscribers and answer their questions. Basically, get people's attention. Try advertising your account through friends, leave your comments under the stars’ posts. Leave links to your account on other social networks or on thematic forums. Try not to gain subscribers in not entirely “legal” ways (some Russian stars they buy inactive bot accounts on the Internet that simply hang in the “subscribers”), because advertisers can easily “calculate” this fact.
  3. Page work. Post photos and various posts regularly to attract people. Such “live” accounts are subscribed to large quantity people rather than on accounts with rare publications.
  4. Search for an advertiser. It would be preferable to find a regular advertiser. Advertisements seeking an advertiser can be published on specialized websites on the Internet. It is not recommended to place entries about advertiser searches in the profile description - this repels potential subscribers. You can write something like this: “For any questions, please contact...” Instead of an ellipsis, you can insert an address Email or phone number.

Earning money on Instagram from likes

Making money on Instagram from likes cannot be called a profitable activity; usually only people do this. This method of earning money involves giving likes to other users of the social network, for which you will be paid money. But it is almost impossible to earn decent money this way. Usually, even if you work almost all day long, you can earn the maximum to pay your bills. mobile phone. Such low earnings are explained not only by the low cost of placing a like (usually from 0.01 dollars), but also by the relatively considerable amount of time spent.

You can earn significant money from likes only on your account. That is, pay users for liking your posts or subscribing to your account. A kind of account promotion. Only after good promotion and the appearance of a sufficient number of subscribers will it be possible to earn money.

Free Instagram promotion

Ways free promotion social network account on this moment enough. One of them is getting likes and subscribers. You can cheat for free on special websites on the Internet. You can also download paid application.

The idea is that bot accounts will follow you, thereby increasing the number of subscribers. But we shouldn’t forget that advertisers pay attention not only to the number of subscribers, but also to their activity. For example, if 10 thousand people follow you, and there are about 100 likes on your posts, then most likely they will understand that you have gained more subscribers.

To avoid this, you should also increase the number of likes on posts. To do this, you can also use special sites, programs and applications. But this method has one significant drawback - most of these programs are paid, and over time, often, the number of subscribers begins to drop sharply, as well as the number of likes on publications.

This usually happens due to blocking of bot accounts by the Instagram administration. To prevent the number of subscribers and likes from decreasing, you will have to fall into some kind of “dependence” on cheating. It will be necessary to regularly buy both bots and likes, and therefore spend money on it. Consider if it's worth it. Will you justify the costs of promotion by selling advertising? Won't you go into the red? IN free versions programs, usually the number of subscribers for promotion is small. And to make more money, you have to pay money for it.

Another way to promote Instagram for free is manual promotion. That is, independently attracting subscribers. Getting people to follow you is not that easy. To do this, you need to regularly publish not only photographs, but also videos (article -), and interesting ones. Try to communicate more with people who have already subscribed to you. Ask them questions, go to their pages and comment on their posts.

So, perhaps their subscribers will begin to notice you, and perhaps they will even subscribe. In addition, subscribe to popular thematic public pages or groups. Try to attract attention there. Regularly comment on all publications, join discussions and debates. Just don't overdo it - you may get blocked.
Also, many bloggers recommend liking followers of accounts with topics similar to yours. Usually, in return, people will not only like your posts, but if they find your account truly interesting, they will subscribe to you. In order not to spend a lot of time giving likes to subscribers of thematic groups or popular public pages, you can use special programs in the Internet. You will need to select the required public account, and the program itself will select its most active subscribers and like their posts. Agree, a very convenient way to promote your account.

From completely free ways promotion of an Instagram account, all options were considered. But there is one interesting one paid method, which can be included here. You can buy a public page that already exists. Public houses are usually inexpensive. Usually their creators urgently need money, so they do not try to make money from advertising, but sell their accounts. This purchase is a one-time purchase. You pay once, and then promote the already promoted public further, earn money on advertising, etc.

This option is one of the simplest, pay attention to it. The purchase usually pays off almost immediately, after several advertising posts a day. Consider this option. You don’t have to create an account from scratch; you just need to publish thematic photos and videos. There is only one disadvantage of this method - you may be deceived. For example, you will pay money, but they will not give you the password for your account. You won’t be able to prove anything, and the money will be lost forever. It is better that you are from the same city as the person from whom you want to buy an account. Money can be transferred upon meeting, and this is much safer.

In this article we will talk about how much you can earn on the Instagram social network, as well as how to gain popularity and subscribers to your Instagram profile.


Surely you know or have heard stories Instagram users, who make money from their photos through monetization and partnerships with other brands and companies. It is worth noting that you can monetize your publications, if, of course, you already have a sufficient number of subscribers. Well, if there are no subscribers yet, then there is no need to be upset, because today we will tell you how to gain popularity and subscribers to your profile.

A huge number of bloggers, YouTubers, and anyone who has built an audience around their content is already monetizing their Instagram users anyway. If you have an audience of millions, then this is a factor of fame and influence, and therefore the opportunity to make money from it. I would like to note that nothing is more valuable on Instagram than influence and money.

So these two things together provide an opportunity for Instagram creators to explore multiple potential profit streams, whether they want to or not. But this is still a huge prospect for the growth of Instagram, which will allow them to build an entire empire and allow creators to increase their profits significantly.

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram?

If you are wondering how many followers you need to make money on Instagram, then we would like to immediately surprise you with the fact that these are not the numbers that you think or suspect. Many people think that you can only earn money if you have 100,000 subscribers, but this is not true.

Earnings on Instagram page depends on the following factors:

  • What niche are you in and how easily can you link your account directly to a product category (fashion, food, beauty, and fitness are the most popular niches that rely on hashtags for popularity).
  • How active are your followers and how often do they visit Instagram (1,000,000 boosted followers will not give you any profit, and such followers are of no use).
  • What revenue channels do you use and how widely are they used?

Naturally, the more followers you have on your Instagram profile, the better.

How to make money on an Instagram page?

Depending on your unique brand and content on your Instagram page, your audience, and your level of commitment, you can make money on Instagram in the following ways:

  • Publish sponsored posts for brands that want to get some of your audience's attention.
  • Become an affiliate and earn commissions by selling products from other manufacturers, brands and companies.
  • Create and sell a physical or digital product, or offer paid service. Don’t forget about the way to make money through coaching, webinars and master classes.
  • Sell ​​unique photos, or make money by selling your own photos.
  • If you are a girl with a fairly attractive appearance, then making money here is to create another stream of income, without excluding the ones mentioned above.

So let's start with the most common approach to monetizing Instagram: collaboration with brands as an influencing factor.

Working with brands for advertising posts

It is worth noting that the term "Influence" plays a huge role in the social network Instagram.

Leaders are basically individuals who have built a reputation for themselves on the social network by posting daily photos of themselves and interesting life moments. It is very important for the audience and subscribers how much their tastes in fashion or food are respected. Therefore, it is very important to take them into account, and if you do this, you will undoubtedly come to success.

Many brands can't compete in this situation, so they partner with Instagram influencers instead of making sponsored posts that will let manufacturers know how necessary their products are.

But still, most brands offer to advertise products that are not entirely good and effective, for example, this applies to dietary supplements, which the manufacturer sometimes overestimates. You, in turn, should not enter into a partnership with such a sponsor, since publications of this kind will greatly undermine the trust and attitude of your subscribers towards you.

Therefore, if you want to be conscientious and remain a creator for your subscribers, then you need to carefully select what you advertise on your page, as well as what exactly a particular brand offers. If you publish just anything, the audience will lose interest in you, and this will have an extremely negative impact on your earnings.

How to enter into partnerships with companies and brands?

Typically, entering into a partnership with other partners is about attracting an audience and creating content on your Instagram page. For example, this could be a regular post or video publication, but permission to publish using a brand or any brand must be supported by permission from the manufacturer of this brand and brand.

Keep in mind that when entering into a partnership, you will need to tell the advertising customer how large your audience is. Instagram profile, and also what is the average reach of an advertising post.

In a survey of 5,000 Instagram influencers, approximately 42% said they charged between $200 and $400 per sponsored post. We presented the numbers for a reason, but to give you an idea of ​​how much you can earn by publishing one advertising post on your page. Now you probably understand that some brands are willing to pay a lot of money to advertise their products.

How to find brands to partner with?

If you have a large enough audience on Instagram, then you have a huge number of opportunities and choices to enter into a partnership.

Worth noting That you can also look for brands to partner with that are on the same level in terms of your personality and the values ​​you prefer. This way your audience won't feel like you're “sold out”.

You can contact any customer directly to try to make a deal. But you can also establish yourself on one of the advertising platforms, or find your own advertiser and sponsor.

Please note that the rules change when it comes to sponsored content. But if you love and respect your audience, and want to maintain your audience's trust in you, then you can add to the sponsored post #hashtag, thereby marking the advertising post.

Become an affiliate partner

Unlike regular sponsorship or partnership with a company, affilate partnership is much better.

  • Firstly you choose what to advertise, what product to choose, and how to present it to your audience.
  • Secondly, earnings from an affilate partnership are much greater than earnings from a regular partnership with a company, since here earnings depend on you and how effectively you promote your advertised product.

Since Instagram doesn't allow you to use links in every post, you need to choose one product and promote it. It is very important to include a link to the product in your profile description. "About Me".

You can also contact one of the many online stores that offer affiliate programs that you can participate in, or you can visit popular online stores like:

  • Clickbank— an affiliate platform that has more than 100 products. Clickbank is open to all Internet users, so you can take part in it too.
  • RewardStyle is an affiliate platform that includes more than 250 products on the topics: fashion and lifestyle. For each product sold, the affiliate platform offers a 20% commission on the cost of the product.
  • Affiliate program from Amazon: The most popular platform that pays 10% commission on the price of the product.

Don't forget that affiliate marketing- this is also an art, and you will have a better chance of success if you already have a plan for promoting a particular product online.

Well, today we looked at how to gain a million followers on Instagram, as well as how to make money on Instagram.

Video: How to make money on Instagram?