How much does it cost to add an application to the play market? How to publish an application on Google Play? How to upload applications to the play market

If you created your game for the first time for Android devices, and you want not only friends, but also other Google users to play it, you need to find out how to put the application on Google Play. It will help you with this Google Play Console Developer, and in this article we will tell you how to register with the service and then use it to download the application.

Create a developer account

To gain access to the developer console, the first step is to create a separate developer account, under which you can log into the Play Market to download software. To do this, log into an existing account or register with Google, then follow Google's instructions. You can also create a second account to work with software for Android OS.

If you don’t know how to create a developer account, simply follow these instructions:

  1. Read the “Developer Agreement for Software Distribution through Google Play.” Check the “I accept the terms and conditions...” section.
  2. Open the list of countries in which you are allowed to create a seller account and sell your software product.
  3. Enter your bank card details. This is necessary to pay the registration fee (mandatory for all developers). Today it is $25.

The Play Console will become available to you after the above procedure. You can access the service both from a computer and from a phone.

Basics of working with Google Play Console

Let's move directly to the question of how to put the game on the Play Market? Open the Developer Console and then select the All Applications menu. Click on the “New applications” sub-item. Choose a language that is comfortable for your work. Also in the menu that appears you will need to enter the name of the product that you plan to place.

To enter a description, you need to go to the “All Applications” menu and select your game. Select the “Page Settings” submenu, and from there go to the “Software Description” menu. On this page you can also publish the website address or Email. The mailbox in this column may differ from the one you use to log into the Play Market.

You can enter other required data after software products added, namely:

  1. The developer name by which you will be known to other users.
  2. Contact information.
  3. Address.
  4. And other data.

Fill out the form to determine age restrictions

After this, you need to fill out a form that will help the service assign an age limit for the hosted software. This will avoid misunderstandings, since different countries have their own restrictions according to the law. Thanks to the questionnaire, the application will be distributed among those target audience, for which the software was originally designed.

Software products that are not rated may be removed from Google Play or simply not be shown to audiences in some countries due to blocking. Usually the form is filled out immediately when the application is added to the Play Market, but sometimes when changes to the evaluation rules are published age restrictions, you can update your answers to the survey questions.

Instructions for filling out the form:

  1. Select the desired application in the Console.
  2. In the menu, select the “Page Settings” section, and then click on the “Age Restrictions” sub-item.
  3. Read the information about the questionnaire, then enter your e-mail, where IARC can contact you. Then click on “Continue”.
  4. Select the appropriate category. Start filling out the form.
  5. If any answers in the questionnaire need to be changed, click on the appropriate button. Select “Save Project” after completing the form
  6. Click on the “Define age limit” item.

Settings for application distribution features

In the Developer Console settings, you must select what type of software you are publishing. Indicate in which countries distribution is permitted. At the same time, you need to configure its distribution on different devices running the Android OS.

In “Page Settings”, select the “Prices and Distribution” subsection. Here you can indicate whether you plan to host a paid or free application. Please note that paid software can be made free, but in order for a product that could be used for free to be made paid, you will need to reload the packages and then assign a new name to the product.

Working with versions of games and other software products

The application is published on Google Play after downloading APK files through the console software. Open the Play Console, select your software, for which you have already prepared a description and assigned a rating. Then select the “Release Management” submenu. There you need to select the “Application Versions” section, and then click on the “Configure” button. Play Console finds upcoming releases, downloaded software, and archived games and apps.

5. Fill out the “About the product” section on the “Google Play Data” page, paying special attention to the following fields:

  • Name

This title will be showcased on Google Play. It is allowed to enter one name for each language.

  • Short description

This description is published on the application information page in the Google Play Store. Its maximum length is 80 characters.

  • Full description

This is the description of the application that can be seen on GooglePlay. It must fit into 4000 characters.

  • Updates

Attention! Don't overdo it with repetition keywords in the title and descriptions. Use them where truly appropriate. Otherwise, the risk of the application being blocked in the store increases.

6. Provide contact information.

Contact information entered in this section can be seen by all Google Play users. By contacting them, users should receive proper support for the application.

Attention!!! Support can be provided via website, email, or phone, but please note that a valid email address is required to publish your app to the store.

At the top of the application page in the developer console, the status of its publication is shown. The "Draft" status means that the application has not yet been uploaded to Google Play.
The “Published” status indicates that the application has completed publication and is available in the store. The "Suspended" status indicates that the application has been suspended as a result of violating the rules set by Google Play.

Hello everyone who wants to create games.
In this article I will tell you what awaits you in the console Google Play Developer.
If you decide to become an Android game developer, then prepare 25 bucks and let's add the game to the Google Play Market.

Developer account

First of all, you need to create a developer account. Google recommends creating a separate account specifically for the Google Play developer.
Log in to Google and follow the link

Here you need to agree to the Google Play rules, enter your data credit card and pay $25 for a year of owning a developer account.

Developer name

Download game

So, you are in the developer account!

Attention! The design of the Google Play Developer control panel has been changed.
The screenshots in this article were taken using the old design.

Before uploading an APK file to Google Play, you need to sign your application as described in this article.

Do not delete the signature file from your computer. You will need it when you download new versions of your application.

And you also need to change the default package name com.yourcompany.yourapplication
to .[developer name].[application name]

And indicate the version of your application.

When you release an update to your game and download a new APK file, you will need to change the version of the application. You will not be able to download an application with the same version number (the application version is displayed on Google Play).

After this, you can add the APK file. Click on the button

Top right

Enter the name of the application and click on the button Download APK.

Then, if you want, you can change the name of the application.

At closed during beta testing, your application is shown in the Play Market just for you, and those people whose accounts you specify as testers. You can specify up to 1000 beta test participants.

Press the button "Download the first APK file of the beta" and select the file on your computer.

The maximum APK file size is 100 MB. Although if your application is for Android 2.2 and earlier versions, you can download an application weighing only 50 MB.

Here you can create a list of testers who will have access to your beta application.

Everything is quite simple here. You need to fill out the application description. There are some rules about what this description should be.
Short description you see on the application page:

You also need to upload the application icon and screenshots.
Fill in everything you need. And don't forget to upload images in all tabs:

Let's move on to next page.

Everything is even simpler here. You need to enter your email and select the application category.

And then answer simple questions about your game.

And it will be assigned an appropriate age rating, like this:

Last point - Prices and distribution

Here you must determine whether your application will be paid or free.

Paid application can be made free. But a free application cannot be made paid. To earn revenue from selling your app, you'll need to publish it with a new package name (com.yourcompany.yourapplication) and then set a price.

Carefully! Google Play Rules

Do not try to publish games with graphics from other games that you downloaded from the Internet. This risks blocking the developer's account. But the good news is that you can use graphics from the standard Clickteam Fusion 2.5 libraries! Games with objects from Clickteam Fusion 2.5 pass moderation on Google Play without any problems.


When you have completed all the steps,

In general, everything is quite simple. The administration panel itself gives clear hints if you missed something. You just need to click on the link and you will see something like this:

That's all. Hope you enjoyed it. I wish you success in game development and a million downloads

Hello everyone who wants to create games. In this article I will tell you what awaits you in the Google Play Developer console. If you decide to become an Android game developer, then prepare 25 bucks and let's add the game to the Google Play Market. Developer Account First of all, you need to create a developer account. Google recommends creating a separate account specifically for the Google Play developer. Log in to Google and follow the link Here you need to agree to the Google Play rules, enter your credit card information and pay $25 for a year of owning a developer account. Next, you will need to fill out the developer profile information. The developer's name will be displayed...

How to add games to Google Play

How to add games to Google Play

If this is your first time creating your game for Android devices, and you want not only friends, but also other Google users to play it, you need to find out how to put the application on Google Play. Google Play Console Developer will help you with this, and in this article we will tell you how to register with the service and then use it to download the application.

Create a developer account

To gain access to the developer console, the first step is to create a separate developer account, under which you can log into the Play Market to download software. To do this, go to your existing account or register with Google and then follow Google's instructions. You can also create a second account to work with software for Android OS.

If you don’t know how to create a developer account, simply follow these instructions:

  1. Read the “Developer Agreement for Software Distribution through Google Play.” Check the “I accept the terms and conditions...” section.
  2. Open the list of countries in which you are allowed to create a seller account and sell your software product.
  3. Enter your details bank card. This is necessary to pay the registration fee (mandatory for all developers). Today it is $25.

The Play Console will become available to you after the above procedure. You can access the service both from a computer and from a phone.

Basics of working with Google Play Console

Let's move directly to the question of how to put the game on the Play Market? Open the Developer Console and then select the All Applications menu. Click on the “New applications” sub-item. Choose a language that is comfortable for your work. Also in the menu that appears you will need to enter the name of the product that you plan to place.

To enter a description, you need to go to the “All Applications” menu and select your game. Select the “Page Settings” submenu, and from there go to the “Software Description” menu. You can also publish your website or email address on this page. Mailbox in this column may differ from the one you use to enter the Play Market.

You can enter other necessary data after the software products have been added, namely:

  1. The developer name by which you will be known to other users.
  2. Contact information.
  3. Address.
  4. And other data.

Fill out the form to determine age restrictions

After this, you need to fill out a form that will help the service assign an age limit for the hosted software. This will avoid misunderstandings, since different countries have their own restrictions according to the law. Thanks to the questionnaire, the application will be distributed among the target audience for which the software was originally designed.

Software products that are not rated may be removed from Google Play or simply not be shown to audiences in some countries due to blocking. Usually, the questionnaire is filled out immediately when you add the application to the Play Market, but sometimes when changes in the rules for assessing age restrictions are published, you can update the answers to the questions in the questionnaire.

Instructions for filling out the form:

  1. Select the desired application in the Console.
  2. In the menu, select the “Page Settings” section, and then click on the “Age Restrictions” sub-item.
  3. Read the information about the questionnaire, then enter your e-mail, where IARC can contact you. Then click on “Continue”.
  4. Select the appropriate category. Start filling out the form.
  5. If any answers in the questionnaire need to be changed, click on the appropriate button. Select “Save Project” after completing the form
  6. Click on the “Define age limit” item.

Settings for application distribution features

In the Developer Console settings, you must select what type of software you are publishing. Indicate in which countries distribution is permitted. At the same time, you need to configure its distribution to different devices under Android OS.

In “Page Settings”, select the “Prices and Distribution” subsection. Here you can indicate whether you plan to host a paid or free application. Please note that paid software can be made free, but in order for a product that could be used for free to be made paid, you will need to reload the packages and then assign a new name to the product.

If you have already registered on the Android Market (Google Play) and already have your own application, then posting it is a matter of a few minutes.

Placing an application on Android Market (Google Play)

Go to the developer console -, click the “Download application” button:

APK is your application (a file with the extension .apk). If you did it using and have not downloaded it yet, then download it to your computer first.

Select a file from your computer (using the “Browse” button), then click “Upload”.

Google Play will check your file for compliance (I downloaded a test application made on for testing; appsgeyser sets version numbers automatically) and if everything is fine, click on the “Save” button:

After this, your application will receive its own page in your developer console, where you can start describing and publishing it:

At first, your application is considered inactive. You need to activate it. To do this, click on the “Activate” link in the lower right corner.

To fill out the application description, click on the “Product Information” button:

It is not necessary to fill out everything here.

But what is required:

1. Screenshots, at least two, of a certain size (I took them when registering my application on

2. Application icon in high resolution size 512x512 pixels.

3. Language - Russian (if your application is in Russian).

4. Title - the name of the application.

5. Description - description of the application.

6. Promo Text - promotional text, the essence of your application. This text will appear on your app page before your app description.

7. Application type - Applications or Games (if this is not a game, then indicate “Applications”).

9. Copy protection - disabled by default (I left it this way, since my application is free, let them copy; especially since Google reports that the copy protection function will soon stop working).

10. Age restrictions (if there are no age restrictions, indicate “For everyone”).

11. All countries (this is necessary so that your application can be used by Russian-speaking citizens living in other countries).

12. Website (if any).

At the end, you need to check two boxes that your application meets the requirements for Android devices, and that you comply with US laws.

After filling out all the required fields, go to the top of the page and first click the “Save” button, then “Publish”.

Within a few minutes (or hours) your application will be in open access on Google Play.

From now on, all you have to do is watch the number of installations grow.

Benefit from placement free application on Google Play

Many expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that you need to pay $25 to register on Google Play.

But, firstly, this requirement protects you from numerous competitors, including unscrupulous ones (if it weren’t for this restriction, Google Play today would contain several thousand times more applications, among which it would be easy for your application to get lost).

Second, the $25 is a one-time fee. This amount will spread over several years of your stay on Google Play. If, for example, we estimate that your application will live on Google Play for at least three years, then its maintenance will cost you no more than 0.7 dollars (20 rubles) per month.

You can place several applications in your developer account, then the maintenance of each will cost even less than 20 rubles per month.

But even if you have just one application, it can bring you new visitors without any effort on your part. For example, my Home Business app (which is the mobile site of my main website) is bringing me an additional 1000 new users per month today:

Which Yandex.Direct or Google Adsense will give you 1000 new users for 20 rubles?

And if you have an entertainment application, and more than one, then with your several million installations per month you will not only earn back the $25 you once spent, but also earn several hundred times more (I already wrote about this earlier).

By registering a developer account, you can upload applications to Google Play from using Play Console.

Advice. When creating an application, use the recommended format - .

How to create an application

How to prepare to release a testing or production version of your application

How to prepare and implement releases is written in.

A release refers to a collection of objects that you include in a new application or update.

How to manage APK files

Choose package names carefully as they cannot be changed, removed, or reused.

How to find APK files

To find the APK files of an application, follow these steps:

  1. Open Play Console.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click Release management > Object Library. A list will open in which you will find all drafts, as well as active and archived ones APK files.
    • Draft: APK files not yet included in the update release.
    • Active: APK files currently available to users.
    • Archived: Previously active APK files that are no longer available to users.

Maximum size limitation

Apps on Google Play have a size limit for APK files at the time of download.

After downloading an APK file, Play Console estimates its download size using the gzip tool. Because Google Play uses advanced compression tools, the app download size may be smaller than what the Play Console predicts.

APK file size limits vary for different versions Android:

  • 100 MB: for Android 2.3 and later (API levels 9–10, 14 and higher);
  • 50 MB: for Android 2.2 and earlier (API level 8 and lower).

You can download multiple APK files for one app to make it support different types devices.

Advice. To install 100 MB APK files, the user needs the app " Play Store" 5.2 or later.

How to sign an application
  • If you see a message that the APK file is using an insecure certificate and the key size must be at least 1024 bits, follow the instructions to manually add a signature.
  • Important! Sign up for Google Play's App Signing Program or place your key vault in a secure location. If you lose access to the repository, you will have to republish the application with a different package name and a new key. You will also need to update the description of the original app and make it unshared.
APK version numbering requirements for Play Console

The manifest of any APK file has a version code (versionCode parameter), which increases with each application update.

In order for the APK file to be uploaded to the Play Console, the versionCode parameter value must not exceed 2100000000.

When choosing a versionCode value for an APK file, remember that it should increase with each subsequent version (but remain below the maximum value).

Note. Detailed information APK file versions can be found on the Android developer site. Android version numbering (MAXINT) requirements are different from Play Console.

Target API level requirements for Play Console

Every APK file's manifest contains a code called targetSdkVersion (target API level), which specifies the maximum Android version for the app.

Configuring an application to a new target API level improves security and performance while still allowing it to work on older ones. Android versions(up to minSdkVersion).

Before you download an APK, make sure it meets Google Play's target API level requirements. Current and future requirements are listed below.

Once these requirements go into effect, new APKs with earlier target API levels will not be able to be uploaded to the Play Console.

Advice. Technical guidance on how to change the target API level to suit your requirements can be found in this guide.

How to provide data for Google Play

Your app's page appears on Google Play and contains information that allows users to learn more about your app. This data is common to all version types, including .

Product details Graphic objects Languages ​​and translations

How to add and manage translations

The default language for the downloaded application is set to English (en-US). To enable users in other countries to experience your app, localize the app and the information on its Google Play page (including graphics).

Available languages

You can add your own translation into the languages ​​listed below.

  • Afrikaans (af)
  • Amharic (am)
  • Arabic (ar)
  • Armenian (hy-AM)
  • Azerbaijani (az-AZ)
  • Basque (eu-ES)
  • Belarusian (be)
  • Bengali (bn-BD)
  • Bulgarian (bg)
  • Burmese (my-MM)
  • Catalan (ca)
  • Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh-HK)
  • Chinese (simplified) (zh-CN)
  • Chinese (traditional) (zh-TW)
  • Croatian (hr)
  • Czech (cs-CZ)
  • Danish (da-DK)
  • Dutch (nl-NL)
  • English (en-AU)
  • English (en-CA)
  • English (en-IN)
  • English (en-SG)
  • English (UK) (en-GB)
  • English (USA) (en-US)
  • Estonian (et)
  • Filipino (fil)
  • Finnish (fi-FI)
  • French (fr-FR)
  • French (Canada) (fr-CA)
  • Galician (gl-ES)
  • Georgian (ka-GE)
  • German (de-DE)
  • Greek (el-GR)
  • Hebrew (iw-IL)
  • Hindi (hi-IN)
  • Hungarian (hu-HU)
  • Icelandic (is-IS)
  • Indonesian (id)
  • Italian (it-IT)
  • Japanese (ja-JP)
  • Kannada (kn-IN)
  • Khmer (km-KH)
  • Korean (South Korea) (ko-KR)
  • Kyrgyz (ky-KG)
  • Laotian (lo-LA)
  • Latvian (lv)
  • Lithuanian (lt)
  • Macedonian (mk-MK)
  • Malay (ms)
  • Malayalam (ml-IN)
  • Marathi (mr-IN)
  • Mongolian (mn-MN)
  • Nepali (ne-NP)
  • Norwegian (no-NO)
  • Persian (fa)
  • Polish (pl-PL)
  • Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-BR)
  • Portuguese (Portugal) (pt-PT)
  • Romanian (ro)
  • Romansh (rm)
  • Russian (ru-RU)
  • Serbian (sr)
  • Sinhala (si-LK)
  • Slovak (sk)
  • Slovenian (sl)
  • Spanish (Latin America) (es-419)
  • Spanish (Spain) (es-ES)
  • Spanish (US) (es-US)
  • Swahili (sw)
  • Swedish (sv-SE)
  • Tamil (ta-IN)
  • Telugu (te-IN)
  • Thai (th)
  • Turkish (tr-TR)
  • Ukrainian (uk)
  • Vietnamese (vi)
  • Zulu (zu)

Advice. You can use the application localization service for Google Play.

Localized images and videos

To more effectively promote your application in different countries add to it Google Play page localized graphic objects.

Users will see them on Google Play in their language, if it is in the list of added ones.

Automatic translation

If the description is not localized, the Google Play visitor will be able to read the text in the application's default language or use Google Translate.

In the second case, he will see a message stating that the translation was completed automatically, as well as a link to the source text. Please note that this translation is not supported for Armenian, Romansh, Tagalog and Zulu.

  • If an application needs access to confidential information(see user data rules), you must post a link to the privacy policy within the app itself and on its Google Play page. Make sure that the document is available at the provided link, applies to the desired application and contains information about how user privacy is maintained.
  • If the app is part of the Family Apps program, you must post a link to the privacy policy in the app itself and on its Google Play page (regardless of whether the app has access to personal data). Make sure the document is available at the specified link, is relevant to the application you want, and contains information about how user privacy is maintained.