Hide pop-up ads. How to remove ads in your browser in a couple of minutes with or without programs

I reset the browser settings, that doesn't help either.

AdwCleaner did not solve the issue either.

How to remove ads in your browser

Some readers may ask who am I to write on this topic. I’ll answer this: I’ve been working in the computer field for 20 years and I know what I’m writing about. I decided to write my article after reading some publications on this issue on the Internet; unfortunately, the advice given there is superficial and does not reveal the essence of the problem.

How to distinguish normal advertising from abnormal ones

A little history

Who needs to turn our browser into an advertising dump?

How your computer gets infected with Adware

If the average user needs any program, then he downloads it not from the official website of the developer, but anywhere, naturally the risk of infecting the computer increases.To be honest, you can now download anything on torrents; just recently I was giveninstead of the Windows 10 ISO image, here is this file, I launched it on virtual machine, and then spent an hour raking the virus out of her.

How to deal with advertising in the browser

So, we have a Windows 10 operating system infected with advertising modules (Adware). The system is also infected with numerous malware that directly affects the display of advertising. As you can see, advertising on our computer is shown very differently and in all browsers, we are offered: to get rich, to get younger, to lose weight, to get fat, to increase and even to decrease, but the result will always be the same - a decrease in our money.

If your browsers start showing such funny pictures, then your operating system is probably infected with malware. Open Task Manager and go to Startup, I bet you will have the same picture there as I did. In the screenshot you can see that only two programs in my startup are not malicious, these are free antivirus Baidu and cloud service from Microsoft OneDrive. All other programs can be classified as viruses, and among them several programs specialize specifically in displaying dangerous advertising on your Windows, these are the browsers “”, “”, "Zeta Games Browser" and news service from Zeta, we also see the infamous service"Mail Ru Updater".

Friends, of course, right here in Startup, you can manually disable all these programs and even delete them, but this will not help matters for a long time, since viruses and various advertising modules are located not only in Startup, but also in temporary file folders , also in the folder C:\Program Files (x86), in the user profile C:\Users\Your username\AppData and others, so I suggest first checking the entire drive (C:) for viruses good antivirus and if this does not help, manually review the most vulnerable areas of the operating system.

In many articles on this topic, the authors advise installing the program, I don’t argue that the program is not bad and is designed specifically for finding and removing various spyware and spyware from the system. advertising programs(Adware/Spyware), but it never helped me 100% and after it I always had to clean up the tails. Find absolutely all malware on your computer(including Adware/Spyware) will be able to: /10 and , as well as a very interesting program, I personally prefer it. Why? Because ESET NOD32 and Kaspersky are quite heavy, they take a long time to install, and you also need to register, while Zemana AntiMalware installs very quickly and works faster.

Go to the official website of the Zemana AntiMalware program using this link and click FREE Download,

The installer is downloaded to our computer, we start installing the antivirus.

After successful installation, the main window of the program opens, in which we see information that it will work for free for 15 days. Zemana AntiMalware has very simple settings, even a beginner can handle it.

To search and delete malware you can run a quick scan or a custom scan. You can completely trust quick check and all viruses will be found,

but I always prefer a full drive (C:) virus scan. Open Windows Explorer and simply drag the disk with the mouse (C:) into the scan window, disk scanning begins (C:) for the presence of unwanted programs.

The scanning process begins and the first threats have already been found.

After a full scan, all 68 viruses in our system were found.

The program asks you to restart your computer to complete removal viruses.

After the reboot, a quick scan of the system occurs and two more malware are found.

All threats were completely removed from our computer.

You can work with the Zemana AntiMalware antivirus for free for 15 days and if during this time you do not have access to operating system no problem, then you can purchase it, an annual subscription costs only 500 rubles.

Note: the same result will be obtained when applying ESET antivirus NOD32 Smart Security 9/10 versions.

Friends, in most cases, after such cleaning, none of your browsers will open malicious advertisements anymore, but if this does happen, you need to manually review the most vulnerable places in the operating system and remove any remaining malware manually!

Removing ads in the browser using the task scheduler

You should definitely check the Task Scheduler Library and remove tasks created by viruses. For ordinary users this is the hardest thing, soI will go into detail here.

Scheduler Windows jobs is a tool for running a program at a certain time and under certain conditions.

Very many system administrators enjoy this useful tool, but ordinary users usually not, the creators of malware know about this, which is why many viruses can write your launch in the task scheduler.

Finding a malicious entry in the task scheduler is very easy.


Enter in the input line "taskschd.msc" and click OK.

The Task Scheduler will open. On the left side there is a tree structure of folders

Left-click on the item« Job Scheduler Library"and all scheduler entries open in the right part of the window.

Let's look at all the entries together and find the malicious ones.

Double-click the left mouse on the first task of the scheduler with the name “AnVir Task Manager”,

in the window that opens, go to the “Actions” tab and see all the details of this task. This task launches the startup keeper on my computer - AnVir Task Manager. I installed this program myself, it doesn’t do anything bad and is not associated with advertising, let’s move on.

Click double click left mouse on the MailRuUpdater task

and we see that the task was created by the malicious MailRuUpdater service, which has long been noticed in the distribution of advertising on computers. Let's close this window.

Left-click on the MailRuUpdater task and delete it.

Do you want to delete this task?

We also delete the personal folder program along with content from our computer, it is located at:

C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Mail.Ru

Removing ads by resetting browser settings

If the task scheduler did not help, then try resetting your browser settings to default values. This action will disable all malicious plugins and modules in browsers and restore their operation, without affecting personal user data.

Google Chrome

Left-click on the "H" button setup and control Google Chrome » in the right top corner browser.

" Settings".

Scroll the scroll wheel below and find Show advanced settings.

Again, scroll the scroll wheel down and click on the “Reset settings” button.


That's it, the Google Chrome browser settings have been reset.

Mozilla Firefox

In the main window of the Mozilla Firefox browser, left-click on the button with three horizontal stripes, then click on the button with a question mark

and select Troubleshooting Information.

"Customizing Firefox"

"Clean up Firefox."

Microsoft Edge

Left-click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the browser and select Options.

In the “Clear browsing data” item, click on “Choose what you want to clear.”

Check the boxes next to the required items and click “Clear”.

Clearing browser shortcuts

Sometimes malware makes its own changes to the properties of the browser shortcut and when you open the browser using the shortcut, the browser will automatically open the malicious site. To clear the browser shortcut, right-click on the shortcut and select Properties.

Checking DNS addresses

Be sure to check DNS addresses of your settings network adapter. In some cases, it happens that the virus has already been removed from the operating system, but the changes it made to Windows settings remain.

Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center shared access -> Change adapter settings.

Go to Local Area Connection Properties.

Left-click on IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click on the “Properties” button

Checking the hosts file

You all know about the existence of a special hosts file, necessary to speed up work on the network by bypassing access to DNS server. Virus writers actively use this file for their own purposes. The fact is that if you enter certain information in this file, then instead of your favorite site you will end up on a completely different site, if if anyone is interested, read .


Internet advertising is one of the main sources of income. It is not surprising that most sites and various resources are literally permeated with it. However, advertising is a source of income only for resource owners. For the average user, it is often just information “garbage”. Few people like that the browser is “cluttered” with it. In this regard, the question arises: “ How to remove ads in your browser?”.

There are quite a few ways to do this, but each browser requires an individual approach. The procedure for disabling advertising in different browsers is at least slightly different. Below are ways to disable advertising in the most popular browsers.

I hasten to note, however, that not all sites on the Internet have an excessive amount of advertising. There are also more or less decent people who think about the convenience of people. Because if users don’t like the site, then cover it from top to bottom with advertising, it won’t do any good.

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Complete ad blocking Mozilla browser can only be done by installing add-ons. Standard browser tools only allow you to block pop-up windows on websites. To remove ads in your browser standard means Firefox needs to do the following:

  1. Open the browser menu by clicking on the button in the form of three vertical stripes in the upper right corner.
  2. Select “settings” from the list that appears.
  3. In settings, select “privacy and protection” in the list on the left.
  4. In the “permissions” sub-item, activate the “block pop-up windows” option by checking the box.

Following steps 1 to 7 of the instructions above will turn off the bulk of annoying advertising that blocks your review on sites. Points 8 and 9 are optional. They allow you to disable all remaining advertising, which, as a rule, does not interfere with navigation on Internet resources. Decide for yourself whether to turn it off, but remember the boomerang rule. If you do good, good will return to you; if you do evil, evil will return to you. A resource like ours needs to earn money somehow, otherwise such resources may close.

How to remove ads in the Google Chrome browser

The world's first browser by number of users also suffers from advertising. In new Google versions Chrome's default settings are set to block pop-up windows and intrusive ads. In addition, in your browser settings you can manually specify sites on which you should and should not block advertisements. To get to the corresponding settings submenu, you need to:

Built in Google browser Chrome ad blocking methods do not require the installation of additional software and are very simple. However, they do not allow you to block all advertisements. Because of this, the question arises of how to completely disable advertising in Chrome browser. This can be done using browser extensions that block ads. The most popular such extension on any platform is Adblock. To block ads using Adblock, you must perform the following steps:

Blocking ads in the Chrome browser using steps 7 and 8 will remove absolutely all ads, even if they were normal and partially useful to you. Webmasters will be left without money and will stop writing useful material for you on the Internet. Think about it, do you need this?

In addition to Adblock analogues for Yandex.Browser, there are other extensions with similar functionality. They may do a better job than Adblocker Ultimate. Test them and you will find out for sure which add-on can best remove ads in the Yandex browser.

The above method of blocking ads in the browser is suitable not only for PCs, but also for Android and iOC devices. To do this, they also need to install an ad-blocking extension. However, some minor installation details may vary.

Blocking ads in the Opera browser

  1. Go to your browser settings. This can be done by pressing the key combination “Alt” + “P”.
  2. Activate the very first item “Block ads and surf the Internet three times faster.”

How to disable advertising in Internet Explorer

Built-in browser for Windows operating systems. Reliable way ad blocking in Internet Explorer done using extensions. Again, let's use Adblock. To disable advertising in this browser you need to:

  1. Open on Internet Explorer page with the following URL: https://adblockplus.org/. This is the extension page Adblock Plus.
  2. Click on the “install for Internet Explorer” button: [screen 45]
  3. Click “Run” to download the file. Then complete the Adblock installation in the installation program that opens.

How to remove ads in the Microsoft Edge browser

Another one built into Windows browser. Complete ad blocking is only possible using third-party software. The built-in filter only allows you to remove pop-up windows. To block ads in Microsoft Edge, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the page with the URL in your browser: https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/store/collections/edgeextensions/. There are extensions for Microsoft Edge collected there.
  2. Click on Adblock Plus to go to the page for this extension.
  3. Click on the receive button.
  4. Complete installation of Adblock Plus.

The relevance of blocking ads in the browser is quite high. It blocks the view and interferes with work, and someone makes money from the fact that the user watches it. Despite this, most browsers do not have effective built-in ad blockers. The problem of how to remove ads in a browser can often be solved efficiently only with the help of third-party browser extensions (not counting Opera). Is this because it is not profitable for browser developers themselves to “hide” advertising :)? Many companies that own browsers themselves “sin” with advertisements. Some also collect statistics of user requests in search engines in order to offer advertising on topics that interest the user.

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Almost any Internet user, while surfing websites, is forced to deal with tons of intrusive content, constantly offering to buy something or use unknown services. In this article we will look at possible reasons the occurrence of this problem and, accordingly, ways to neutralize it.

Reasons for the penetration of advertising into the Internet browser and ways to remove it

Until recently, a personal computer differed favorably from a TV in the ability to get rid of the need to bother yourself with unnecessary commercials, but aggressive sales do not stand still, and if you are literally haunted by information about a new online casino or a tempting offer to place bets on all sites sports events, you can be sure that now you are the “lucky” owner of a special virus, although it does not pose a serious danger to the system, but is capable of poisoning with its presence even the shortest session of being on the Internet.

These viruses disguise themselves as special extensions, which ultimately clog the browser with a bunch of advertising banners, and on top of that, it turns out that the user cannot even go to the required site due to constant redirects. That is, you are trying, for example, to get to a long-familiar page of a company selling auto parts, and the browser persistently redirects you to the site of pseudo medical services for penis enlargement. Not much pleasant.

If, when visiting various sites, you observe the following picture: intrusive advertising banners similar themes and design, slow loading and constantly popping up pornographic tabs, this means that malware has “settled” in your browser, which, by the way, even has its own name – Adware. In this case, it is necessary to move on to fixing the problem as quickly as possible in order to get rid of it.

Method 1: Remove installed programs and extensions

  • First of all, you need to go to the “control panel” and open the “uninstall programs” tab.
  • You need to sort all programs by date added by clicking on the “installed” column.
  • Remember when you first had a problem with advertising in your browser and remove all unknown programs installed around the same time. Particular attention should be paid to programs with names like: Conduit, Mipony, Webalta, Search Protect, Download Helper, YouTube Accelerator, Websocial, Podoweb, Pirrit Suggestor, Amigo and “download VKontakte”. It is highly recommended to get rid of them.

Don't forget that malware is highly camouflaged and is not always easy to find. So if the question of how to disable advertising on the Internet remains unresolved after the procedure for removing potentially malicious programs, then it’s time to put things in order in your browser.

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer


In this browser, extensions can be disabled simply: go to the “settings menu”, then to “extensions” and “manage extensions”, where you delete all installed extensions.

Mozilla Firefox

Go to the “settings menu”, where in the “add-ons” tab select “extensions”. You can safely delete them, of course, except for those that may relate to anti-virus software.

How to remove advertising on the Internet if this does not help? Let's move on to the following steps:

If you have completed all the necessary manipulations, but the question of how to disable advertising on the Internet is still looming, then you need to check your browser for the possible presence of links that redirect you to various unsafe sites. To do this, you need to find the browser icon directly on the desktop of your computer or in the “Start” - “Programs” panel, right-click on it and select “properties”. The correct file extension is .exe, but if in your browser properties there is .url after the dot, then malware has managed to work here. You need to manually fix the extension on .exe. The correct extension for Internet Explorer will look something like this: iexplore.exe.

It also happens that malware, even after all cleanings using a “hole” in the browser, saves information about itself on the computer, and with each reboot, accordingly, it is activated again. The trick is that information about this malware is most likely stored in a temporary folder called Temp. So we will clean it.

Press the “Win” + “R” key combination, enter the msconfig command, and then in the “system configuration” window that opens, select the “startup” item. As a result, you will see detailed list all those programs that are automatically loaded with windows. Even if you disable something unnecessary, it’s not at all scary, the maximum trouble that this step can cause is a non-working antivirus or sound, which is easily fixed after rebooting the computer again.

After you have cleared the autorun process of all unnecessary things, it’s time to get rid of the “garbage” located in the temporary (Temp) folder. If your PC has an operating system Windows system 7 or higher, you need to select “organize” – “folder and search options”, then “view” – “change folder and search options”, then scroll through the list that appears on the screen and uncheck the box next to the “hide protected” option system files" and place it opposite the item "show hidden files and folders."

Now you need to find the Temp folder. Open on system disk(drive C by default) Users folder - then the folder under your name account– then AppData – Local – Temp. Select all files and delete them with the Del button. All that remains is to hide the system folders and files back, for which you can use the “restore default value” button.

Method 2: eliminating advertising using special software

Unfortunately, technologies for aggressively imposing advertising do not stand still, constantly improving in methods of disguise and integration into your system, so let’s move on to the question of blocking advertising on the Internet once and for all using specialized software.

Adblock plus. This add-on was specially created for Mozilla Firefox; you can download and install it by going to the official website mozilla.org. After the add-on is finally installed, you need to restart your browser and select the appropriate subscription for yourself. By subscribing, the Adblock application will be aware of what type of advertising and other intrusive offers you, in fact, decided to refuse. After you manage to get rid of a significant part of the advertising, some elements will still need to be cleaned manually. A transparent “block” button will appear next to the animated flash blocks, after which they instantly disappear from the site. The program's capabilities can be expanded, in which case you can hide elements on the page and block intrusive sites with advertising. It remains only to add that the application is absolutely free. On this moment it is supported by most of the most popular browsers.

Hitman Pro. If you have not yet decided on a way to block advertising on the Internet, then this small utility may come in very handy. It can not only detect the presence of malware, but also destroy it. The program itself is paid, but, fortunately, you can use it absolutely free for 30 days from the date of installation. Before launching the utility for the first time, set the value to “I am going to scan the system once,” cancel the news subscription and click “next.” It is strongly recommended that all malicious objects detected by the program be immediately deleted or at least quarantined. All that remains is to restart your computer and check your browser again for advertising.

If you are completely tired of advertising, but you can’t get rid of it, then there is at least one more effective way to remove advertising on the Internet - the Malwarebytes Anti-malware program. The official website offers a choice of both paid and free version. Select “free version”, download, then install this software, after which you launch the threat detection mode and remove them.

AdFender. Another opportunity to get rid of annoying advertising on the network – install this application. It allows you to get rid of advertising not only in browsers, but even in popular instant messengers and torrent clients.

That's all, now you know how to get rid of a bunch of annoying offers and pop-ups, you know what to do if you get tired of advertising on the Internet and how to remove it from your PC and how to eliminate such annoying elements as advertising in the Internet Explorer browser and in everyone else.

If you see ads pop up in your browser and you don’t know how to remove them, then most likely you’ve come to the right place - my blog. However, I want to warn you right away that this article outlines not only the solution, but also the principles that you need to understand and which may be useful to you to eliminate identical problems in the future.

It is worth understanding that advertising in the browser can appear for various reasons and that there is no single solution for all cases at once. Advertising can appear due to a virus on the computer, advertising can appear due to extensions installed in the browser, due to hidden .bat files, due to changing the path of browser shortcuts, and so on. This list can be continued for a long time, but I want to immediately warn you that if the manipulations described in this article do not suit you and pop-up advertisements continue to appear in your browser, you can read another one of my popular articles on this topic: “”.

What to do if the browser itself opens pages with advertising?

Most often, the browser opens with advertisements for online games, advertisements for tanks (worldoftanks.ru), sometimes advertisements for erotic content (18+) appear in the browser, advertisements about making money on the Internet, or it could even be a simple video from YouTube, which you most likely will not watch were going.

You may have even already seen some of these examples:

Online game "Travian Legends"

3D online game"Love city"

And of course, while surfing the Internet, most often you may see an advertisement for Vulcan slot machines or a message that you have won a lot of money.

How to remove advertising?

Each time a new window with advertising opens in the browser - the final site can be almost anything, but here is the first site, most often there is only one and it is this one that subsequently redirects you to other links.

1. You can watch the very moment when the browser starts new inset and remember the first address that appears in address bar. Specifically in in this case this was the site:


Subsequently, this site randomly redirects the user to so-called “layout sites”, which in turn redirect him again and again, until some garbage opens in your browser.

After analyzing the situation, I was able to compile a small list of sites that are responsible for redirection and the appearance of advertising.


Knowing the address of the very first page, you can start looking for a virus on your computer.

How to find a virus on your computer?

2. If the redirect happens too quickly for you to see the address, then I recommend going a different route. Install the program on your computer " CCleaner" “C Cleaner” is a free program for cleaning your “C” drive from unnecessary information, a very useful thing!

At the top you will see the inscription: “ These programs are launched at startupWindows" Carefully study all the lines in the tabs " Windows" And " Scheduled tasks" Try to find anything suspicious.

Alas, in this case there are no clear search criteria, since the computer may have different browsers, their versions may differ, and even more so, the parameters and addresses of sites that are responsible for launching advertising may differ.

Specifically in my case, when I went to the “Scheduled tasks” tab, in one of the lines I saw the address of a site that was still unknown to me at that time, which was launched using the Opera.exe browser.

Scheduled task: brandnewcoms Opera Software "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\42.0.2393.94\opera.exe" http://brandnewcoms.ru/sparktownsm

In general, this process could be immediately deleted or turned off directly from the CCleaner program, but to make sure of everything, I decided to check what kind of task this was.

In the Windows operating system there is a so-called “”, which can be easily found by using the search or pressing a keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R" and enter the command in the window that appears taskschd.msc.

When the planner window appears, select the line “” in the upper left part and look for the object you are interested in in the list.

When I saw the previously found site "brandnewcoms" in this list and when I saw that this task is responsible for the appearance of constant advertising in the browser every 23 minutes, everything immediately fell into place.

Select the scheduled task, right-click, select " Delete" and confirm our actions.

After removing this task from the scheduler, automatic advertising will no longer appear in the browser.

I would also like to note the fact that pop-up advertising is easily implemented in all currently popular browsers. As they say, no one is immune.

  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Yandex browser
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • [email protected]
  • Amigo

Perhaps now you know how to disable advertising in your browser and what to do if the browser itself opens with advertising. For the best understanding of this material, just in case, I recorded a video instruction with all the necessary steps to fix this problem.

When using the Internet to work, unnecessary information in the form of pictures or text can pop up and interfere with its intrusiveness and flickering. To prevent this from annoying the user, it is useful for him to learn how to get rid of ads in the browser. For Google programs Chrome, Opera, Yandex will have their own removal methods, but they are equally effective.

How to remove ads from your browser

Spam, which we encounter every day when working on the Internet, does not allow us to perform usual tasks normally, irritates us, or sometimes even blocks our work. This could be startup pop-ups, banners, or looming huge splash screens. Then the question naturally arises of how to disable advertising on the Internet on your computer and phone.

Users may encounter another type of unwanted information - when it pops up automatically when they click on the icon. There may be several reasons for this: a virus, installation of unverified applications, and others. The interest in how to get rid of advertising in the browser is familiar to many. We need a series of actions that are individual for each program.

To figure out how to remove ads in your browser, you need to use standard settings. These are available in every program and make the user’s life much easier. Specialized or universal cleaning utilities are also applicable. If after these methods the spam does not disappear, it is recommended:

  1. check your computer for viruses;
  2. contact professionals who will use special methods.

Through settings

  1. Right-click on the icon of your working browser and click “Properties”.
  2. On the Shortcut tab, check the name of the destination file that is being called by the link. It must end with “.exe”.
  3. If instead you see the .url extension, then use the “File Location” menu on the disk to find the folder with the name of the program you are looking for and specify the correct link.
  4. In each folder, find files with “.url” extensions and delete them.
  5. After deleting, return to the shortcut tab, make sure that it refers to the program (the extension is “.exe”).

Other methods:

  1. For Internet Explorer, you can select “Service” from the menu and check the box next to “Block pop-up messages”.
  2. For Mozilla, you can apply the stages “Tools”, “Add-ons”, “Extensions”, “Disable” for suspicious items.
  3. For Orbitum, select menu settings, remove all extensions that were installed automatically without user intervention.

In addition, you can use gadget cleaning using “Start”, “Programs and files”, “Uninstall programs”. A folder will open where you should find suspicious names with the extension “.exe” and delete them. Such executable files often long uninformative names (generated names). We can also recommend cleaning the temporary Temp folder. Another option: hold down the Win+R buttons and enter msconfig. A window will open. Find “System Configuration” – “Startup”, disable suspicious files.

You can clean the folder - click “Computer”, “Organize”, “Folder and Search Options”, “View”, uncheck “Hide protected system files”, check “Show hidden files and folders”, confirm your choice. Open the Temp folder (Users-AppData-Local), delete all contents from it. After that, repeat the steps with My Computer, click the “Restore default value” checkbox. Advertising messages will no longer appear.

To remove spam from phones with the Android operating system, use the AdFree or AdAway programs. You can download them through the application store, run them on your phone, and check them. After cleaning, the phone will work properly again. For Firefox, the Adblock Plus utility will help. For Safari, you can use the same Adblock or go to your browser settings and disable pop-ups.

How to disable advertising in Yandex

For Yandex, which is familiar to many, there is a way to solve the problem of how to get rid of unnecessary advertising in the browser. Download the Adguard utility, its Adblock extension, install the file, activate it:

  1. Open Yandex, click “Menu”, select “Add-ons”.
  2. Click " Safe Internet", switch the slider to the "On" position.

You can go the other way and remove unnecessary things - apply “Yandex Browser Settings”, item “Settings”, “Personal Data Protection”, confirm “Enable phishing protection”. Select the “Add-ons” tab, click the “Enable” button under the “Blocking Flash Banners and Videos” line. Working with Yandex will be fast, convenient, unobtrusive, and safe.

In the Opera browser

Very popular program Opera also remains, and therefore information on how to remove pop-up advertising windows will be relevant for it. To do this, go to the settings “General”, “Basic”, “Change data processing”, “OK”. You can also use the built-in Adblock Plus extension - to install it, go to the menu, select “Extensions”. In the center of the page, follow the link “View extension gallery” and find the utility. Next to it there will be a hyperlink “Add to Opera”, click on it. After installation, click on “Disable” for advanced settings.

Remove ads in chrome

For the Google browser, it helps to protect against spam by selecting the menu “Settings”, “Personal data”, “Content settings”, “Block pop-ups”. Sometimes you need a completely different method: on the icon via right button click "Properties". On the “Shortcut” tab, find “File location”, go there, delete malicious file with the extension “.url” and get back to work.

Free ad and pop-up blocker

Protecting against advertising in the browser is much easier when using specialized utilities Adguard, AdFender, Adblock, AdwCleaner, Avast Browser Cleanup. Individual settings are used for each program. You can download the utilities on the official websites of the manufacturer. HitmanPro software is called popular, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, downloading as trial versions for free.

The utilities will scan your computer and detect unnecessary elements and remove them without losing the functionality of the software. You can read about reviews of them from other network users who, with their help, got rid of unnecessary spam and the unpleasant annoying appearance of advertising windows. Every year, new ways are being developed to eliminate unnecessary information that interferes with the normal functioning of gadgets, so choose the one you like and have fun.

Video: how to remove a virus that opens a browser with advertising