We hide Windows updates from installation. Hiding Windows updates from installation How to restore hidden windows 7 updates

Fortunately, not often, but some users are faced with the fact that the automatic installation of one of the updates leads to errors in the operation of the system or devices for which new drivers were automatically installed. Removing the service pack or driver solves the problem, but after a while the package or driver will be automatically reinstalled, which will again lead to errors. Until recently, there was no way to hide an update from the list in Windows 10, and in general, the only solution to the problem was to completely disable the Update Center.

How to hide an unwanted update in Windows 10

Download the “Show or hide updates” troubleshooter package and run it, the following window should open, in it click next:

After a little thought, we will be asked to either select the updates that you want to hide - 1 or show already hidden updates - 2, select the first item, we need to hide unwanted service packs or driver updates:

The list will contain available packages ready for installation in this moment, if you want to refuse to install an already installed update, you will first have to uninstall it, search for updates so that the required package is in this list, the same with drivers - delete the driver or roll back to the previous version, perform a search and only then it will appear in list, then you can hide it. Check the box next to the package that we do not want to install, and click next again:

If everything went well, you will see this message:

If you change your mind and want to install previously hidden update packages or drivers, run this tool again and in the second step select the second item, this menu will open where you can check the boxes next to the required packages and “reveal them”:

The package can now be installed again.

How to roll back a driver version in Windows 10 and prevent it from being updated

In Windows 10, the system's performance with drivers has been significantly improved, and the system itself successfully finds most drivers and installs them, but sometimes updating a driver leads to the system or device becoming unstable and with errors; in such cases, rolling back to previous version driver, which ensured stable operation. In order to roll back the driver version to the previous one, open Device Manager, find the desired device in the list (most often video card drivers are updated unsuccessfully), click on the device right click and select “Properties”, in the window that opens, go to the “Driver” tab and select “Roll back driver...”. Then specify the reason for the rollback (you can choose any) and click “Yes”. If this is the only version of the driver, then it will simply be deleted. The whole process is presented more clearly in the picture below:

After you have done all this, return to the beginning of the article, run the hide update package tool and hide the driver update package. After this, the system will not try to update drivers for your device.

For Windows 7, as well as for other operating systems of this family, updates are released with enviable regularity. There seems to be nothing wrong with installing them, since they are designed to fix many bugs in the OS itself and strengthen the security of the system. But this is only at first glance. It is believed that shutting down in Windows 7 can be due to a variety of factors, including a lack of free space on the hard drive, small throughput when downloading packages, etc. And it is not always recommended to install the updates themselves, since many of them (especially those intended for other Microsoft products) are not needed by the average user at all.

Windows 7 automatic update problems

However, all of the above does not fully reflect the need to disable automatic updates or remove already installed packages updates. The most serious problem is that some updates themselves are unfinished, which is why very often there is a malfunction of the operating system itself, even with the impossibility of its subsequent loading or the appearance of so-called blue screens of death. Another reason is the presence of unlicensed versions of the OS on user computers, which, after installing the recommended packages in automatic mode They just start to get blocked. But it is very easy to remove such updates, cancel their installation, or completely disable the main service responsible for searching and installing them.

What is the easiest way to cancel?

To begin with, let’s assume that the user did not disable the automatic update, activated in the system settings by default, and the updates were already installed. How to remove automatic updates Windows 7 after all operations have been completed? Apparently, many users know that in fact simple case you need to roll back the system to the state it was in before installing the latest packages (as a rule, Windows itself creates backup copy with a rollback point immediately before their installation).

To do this, use the system recovery section in the “Control Panel” and start the recovery process by selecting either the last or any other previous point.

Manual removal of unnecessary or faulty update packages

If we talk about how to remove automatic Windows updates 7 without use Windows rollback, which may affect the programs installed after they are integrated into the system, one more method can be used.

It consists of going to the programs and components section, then selecting to view installed updates, sort them by installation date and remove them manually. It seems simple. But here you need to clearly understand that if the “Update Center” itself and the service responsible for its operation are in an active state, which, in fact, is the case, it will still be completed after a certain period of time new search followed by installation of the found packages. But more on that later.

Automated uninstallation of updates

Alternatively, you can use specialized uninstaller programs like iObit Uninstaller to remove installed packages.

Their use is justified by the fact that they remove not only the update packages themselves, but also clean up residual components after they are uninstalled in automatic mode (you will need to enable it yourself).

How to remove automatic updates in Windows 7 or another system once and for all?

Finally, let's move on to deactivating the search and installation of updates, since without this, whether you like it or not, attempts to search and install from the operating system will still be made. How to turn off automatic updates in Windows 7 in the simplest way?

To do this, you need to go to the “Windows Update” section in the “Control Panel”, and disable it in the settings settings automatic search by selecting the appropriate mode from the drop-down list, and also uncheck the line automatic installation recommended updates. At the same time, you can deactivate the installation of updates for other Microsoft products. In particular, this applies to office suite. But that's not all.

Despite the actions taken, the underlying service is still active.

Now you need to call the services section (services.msc in the “Run” console), find “Update Center” there, double-click to edit parameters, stop the services and select the disabled start type from the drop-down list.

Many users stop there, but in vain. The point is that for complete shutdown To search for and install updates, you also need to deactivate two more services: “Windows Installer” and “Windows Modules Installer”. Only after this can you restart the computer and make sure that the search for and installation of updates is completely disabled.

Note: for the last two components it is also sometimes advisable to set the startup type to manual to avoid incorrect behavior of the operating system.

Additional utilities for managing updates

How to remove automatic updates in Windows 7 using improvised means, we figured it out a little. As mentioned above, the search for updates even before the main service is turned off can be done again. If there is no need to deactivate receiving updates after removing unnecessary or faulty packages, you should immediately set up a manual search for available updates, and then exclude from the list of those found those that cannot be installed, remembering the numbers of the deleted packages. But such a procedure looks very labor-intensive, especially since updates can be installed immediately. In this situation the best option is to use a tiny portable utility called Show or hide updates, developed by Microsoft Corporation specialists.

After starting the application, you just need to select the Hide updates item, after which the program will hide Windows 7 automatic updates, giving the instruction operating system ignore them during further search and installation.

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Previously, we looked at the problem of occurrence system error 0x0000005, which makes it impossible to launch 32-bit applications. , as one of the fix options, it was mentioned to remove and hide service packs from re-installation in Windows. As it turned out, the ability to hide is unfamiliar to many users, which complicates the actions to eliminate the consequences after the mentioned error.

How to hide Windows updates?

All updates by Microsoft developers are divided into three categories:

  • Optional - various software(new and trial versions) from Microsoft developers and partners.
  • Recommended - Updates Windows components and adds new or improved features to the system.
  • Important – increasing the level of protection (security updates) and increasing the stability of the operating system.

To hide one of the updates, open it in Windows Update.
(Control Panel -> Windows Update)
Where we follow the corresponding link - important or optional updates.

From the list we find the name of the update we are looking for, right-click to open the context menu on it and select “Hide”.

Note! It turns out that the hidden update package must be downloaded from the Internet in advance, otherwise it will not be in the mentioned list.

Instead of an afterword

If necessary, Windows has the ability to install hidden updates. To do this, in “Windows Update”, follow the link on the left “Restore hidden updates”, find the package of interest and through context menu select "Restore". After the search, the system will install the found updates, including new ones available for download.

Friends, today I wrote an article how to remove updates in Windows 7 in case some update after installation brought you problems, and this happens. In my memory, this has happened many times, an incorrect update is released and installed on the system, then Windows starts to glitch, there were a variety of problems, the article is not enough to list them here, the most interesting thing is that you are looking for a problem anywhere, but not in this.

For example, quite recently, users began to contact me with complaints that switching the keyboard layout to the right using ALT + SHIFT stopped working, the reason was quickly found out, the KB2970228 update is to blame. If you also have similar problems, then the update needs to be uninstalled and then disabled new installation in the system settings.

How to remove updates in Windows 7

You can remove any update installed on your Windows 7; if you need it in the future, you can install it back. All this is done very simply.

In the Computer window, left-click on the "Uninstall or change a program" panel

View installed updates

We right-click on the update we need and select Delete

We prohibit installation incorrect update

Right-click on the Start button and select Control Panel

system and safety

Windows Update


We select Download updates, but the decision to install is made by me. Now not a single update will be installed in Windows 7 without your knowledge.

After some time, the update will be downloaded again, but will not be installed automatically. Again we go to Windows Update. Important updates: available.

Check the box next to the update you want, right-click on it and select Hide update. Check the remaining updates and click OK. Updates are being installed.

You can restore hidden updates at any time. Go to Windows Update and select Restore hidden updates. Check the box next to the update you want and click Restore.