Watch let them speak for March 29th. Let Them Talk (2017)

In this studio they discuss stories that cannot be kept silent: by bringing up the private problem of an individual, an individual family, we talk about what worries everyone without exception.

Talk show Let them talk - Terpila (03/29/2017)

In the footage taken on the eve of March 8 at the so-called teenage registration in the village of Podkamennaya, Irkutsk region. We see how schoolgirls Elya Shipitsina, Katya Belyakova and Snezhana Moskaleva humiliate their classmate, 14-year-old Anton Nikolaev. In order not to leave marks on the victim’s face, the girls prudently tied towels around their fists. The abuse of Anton lasted almost 3 hours, the girls spat at the guy, beat him on the body and face with their hands and feet. And at the end of the reprisal, the schoolgirls, drunk with impunity, forced Anton to kiss their shoes. And only from social networks Anton’s mother Tatyana Viktorovna found out how her teenage son went through the humiliation of his classmates. Today our program includes all sides of this conflict. Together we will try to figure out why Anton, knowing that his humiliation would become the property of the entire Internet, endured bullying and did not even try to stand up for himself. And what is he ready to answer to those who now call him an asshole?

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  • Talk show Let them talk from March 29, 2017
  • TV show Let Them Talk 03/29/2017 watch online
  • Let them talk today's episode dated March 29, 2017 online
Published: March 30, 2017 at 10:41 am

A scandalous incident occurred in the village of Podkamennoye, Irkutsk region, on the eve of March 8th. Yesterday on Channel One, Andrei Malakhov, the host of the Let Them Talk program, tried to figure out the situation.

That 14-year-old students from one of the schools in the Shelekhovsky district beat their classmate for almost three hours. The bullying was filmed on a phone camera, and the video was published on social networks.

The footage shows the boy one by one strike in the neck and chest area. To prevent bruises, the girls wrapped their hands in a towel.

The victim's classmates reported that the conflict on that pre-holiday day arose due to the use of alcohol.

After the beating of the girls, who, as it turned out, were already in the police department on record for escaping from their parents’ house, forced a classmate to kiss his shoes.

On March 29, an episode of the talk show “Let Them Talk” was aired, in which the public tried to understand what happened.

After this, on behalf of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, a pre-investigation check on the fact of beating and humiliating a boy.

“The participants in the beating have been identified as 14-year-old girls who are on preventive registration. As part of the inspection, the conditions for raising children will be checked and it will be established whether one of the girls was justifiably transferred from the orphanage to the care of her grandmother. The investigation will also check how effectively the work was carried out by the PDN and KDN bodies and what psychological work was carried out with them at school,” reports the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

In this studio they discuss stories that cannot be kept silent: by bringing up the private problem of an individual, an individual family, we talk about what worries everyone without exception.

Talk show Let them talk - Terpila (03/29/2017)

In the footage taken on the eve of March 8 at the so-called teenage registration in the village of Podkamennaya, Irkutsk region. We see how schoolgirls Elya Shipitsina, Katya Belyakova and Snezhana Moskaleva humiliate their classmate, 14-year-old Anton Nikolaev. In order not to leave marks on the victim’s face, the girls prudently tied towels around their fists. The abuse of Anton lasted almost 3 hours, the girls spat at the guy, beat him on the body and face with their hands and feet. And at the end of the reprisal, the schoolgirls, drunk with impunity, forced Anton to kiss their shoes. And only from social networks Anton’s mother Tatyana Viktorovna found out how her teenage son went through the humiliation of his classmates. Today our program includes all sides of this conflict. Together we will try to figure out why Anton, knowing that his humiliation would become the property of the entire Internet, endured bullying and did not even try to stand up for himself. And what is he ready to answer to those who now call him an asshole?

  • Let them talk latest episode watch online
  • Talk show Let them talk from March 29, 2017
  • TV show Let Them Talk 03/29/2017 watch online
  • Let them talk today's episode dated March 29, 2017 online
- Another social conflict became the theme of the “Let Them Talk” program. Three schoolgirls humiliate their classmate Anton Nikolaev during a party. The abuse of Anton lasted almost three hours. The girls beat him, and to complete the reprisal they forced Anton to kiss his shoes. They... posted all this on a social network.

Anton's mother went to court, knowing that her son would become an object of ridicule. She suggests that the girls could engage in such “pranks” before the story with Anton, and will probably go unpunished after this incident.

Official guests of the program see a deep problem in the Irkutsk hinterland - the lack of social infrastructure. In a village of 800 inhabitants, the school is old, there are no buses, and no one organizes leisure activities for schoolchildren. Perhaps this becomes the reason for such “entertainment”.
The famous blogger Ida Galich reports that teenagers deliberately post this kind of video with a thirst for popularity. Nobody thinks about the consequences.

But during the “Let Them Talk” program, where schoolchildren, parents, lawyers, psychologists and stars are invited, it turns out that there is a second side to this conflict...

The shots that you will see at the beginning of this issue were taken on the eve of March 8 at one of the teenage "registrations" in the Irkutsk region (the village of Podkamennaya). In the video, three schoolgirls Elya Shipitsina, Snezhana Moskaleva and Katya Belyakova mock their 14-year-old classmate Anton Nikolaev and call him a jerk. The humiliation lasted approximately 3 hours. The girls spat at the guy and beat him with their hands and feet. Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Terpila 03/29/2017

To avoid leaving marks, the angry schoolgirls wrapped a towel around their hands. They punched and kicked Anton Nikolaev, and at the end of the massacre they forced him to kiss their shoes. The guy’s mother, Tatyana Viktorovna, learned about what happened from social networks when a video of his beating spread all over the Internet. Today on the program Let All Sides to the Conflict Gather Together. Why did Anton endure bullying from girls and not even try to stand up for himself? And what will he answer to those who now call him an idiot?

Let them say - I endured

In the studio of the program Let Them Talk - One of the participants in the beating of Anton Nikolaev, Ekaterina Belyakova, suffered. How will she explain what was recorded on camera?

- Everything is completely different from what you saw in this video. This was all a long time ago... He humiliated me and insulted me with obscenities for a long time. And then he humiliated my mother, who works as a primary school teacher. Anton's younger sister studies with my mother. Yes, I understand that it was impossible to do this, and I am also to blame.

Belyakova’s friend, who also took part in the fight, comes into the hall.

Snezhana Moskaleva:

— Anton and I were walking together and I invited him to visit. We didn't want to hit him, we just wanted to sort it out verbally.

In the studio Let the third girl who humiliated the guy, Elya Shipitsin, also speak:

“He left us without any bruises!” He didn't have any beatings. We were just kidding him. And when he came to us on March 8, he said that his father had punched him!

A resident of the village of Podkamennaya and Snezhana’s neighbor, Svetlana Tishina, reveals the reasons for the girls’ aggressive behavior:

“They’re normal girls, there’s just nothing to do in our village.” There are no gyms or clubs. And Anton is just a good boy and was afraid of offending them.

Anton's mother Tatyana Viktorovna Nikolaeva in the program studio:

— All this happened on March 7. My son came home late with a swollen cheek and didn’t tell us anything. His father couldn't beat him, that's nonsense! Then he said that the girls called him to a private house, then asked him to lock the house and began to beat him with their hands and feet.

Actress and TV presenter Alika Smekhova expresses her opinion:

“I’m completely on the boy’s side.” What I see in the video: three morally degraded girls allow themselves to do this. Your future is simply monstrous! You don't know what is good and what is bad.

Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - Terpila, broadcast on March 29, 2017 (03/29/2017).

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    Future bitches will have them in the ****.

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    ostanovite zemliu,ja soidu!!

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  1. Elena Murakhtanova:

    Dear creators of the “Let Them Talk” program! When you give public “floggings” to people, do not forget that what happens to them is a certain consequence of certain reasons. We all live in a society and are responsible for what happens to homeless people, careless teenagers, people who have committed crimes, etc. falls on ALL society. They made a new education reform, reduced additional clubs in schools - and children got rampant crime. The number of homeless people has increased - someone made another “great” law. Cases of theft and nepotism have increased, “corruption” has become rampant, which means that someone in our society benefits from this. Why be surprised if wars happen only because someone needs to earn money.... It’s tempting, of course (for some), but only for you and me to live in old age with such grown-up teenagers.
    I suggest: 1. When you raise a problem, immediately invite those people who were at the origins of its origins. Let them look the people in the eyes and say that they wanted what our society now has.
    2. I propose to move from the specific to the general and draw conclusions. Who is to blame and what to do? - a classic expression. And not only to these specific people, but to our state. Why stagnate? Invite people who do things differently as a counterbalance: for example, someone mocks, someone helps. Your programs only make me depressed. Is this what you are trying to achieve? For what? So, a person at work “gets drunk”, comes home, turns on the FEDERAL channel, and there is “porn” and “chernukha”. Let the people “give wings”. You unwittingly give guidance to those who are morally unstable. In general, I wish you wisdom. It doesn’t take much intelligence to just pour a bucket of dirt into the airwaves. Make your show educational as well. Education is the main thing that teachers in secondary schools are now “denying” from, and parents simply have no time to do this. When? if you are at work from 9 to 20:00, then while you get there, while you have dinner, of course you talk to the children, but that’s not enough. The Internet is who is now “raising” our children. And there is advertising of alcohol and cigarettes and violence, etc. Only a few study in circles, and in art schools too. Who will we live with in 20 years? and after 30? Already, gangs of teenagers are forming in whose heads there is nothing, and this emptiness is being filled quite quickly by “interested” people. Stop (please) ostentatious broadcasts that lead to nothing. My mother is terrified every time, and she is over 80!!!
    Finally, worry about the end result, and not the process itself!
    I wish you peace of mind and a speedy recovery! Sincerely, Elena Murakhtanova (Director of the Children's Art School)