Unblocking a person on Facebook. Blacklist on Facebook Blacklist of applicants on Facebook

The title of the world's main social network rightfully belongs to Facebook: in 2017, the total number of accounts on this platform exceeded 2 billion. On Facebook you can find old friends or make new ones, tell the world about your hobbies, achievements, build a business or find a job.
But, as is usually the case, any social network eventually turns into a breeding ground for spammers, hooligans and other unpleasant individuals. Unfortunately, Facebook was no exception.

Not all conflicts can be resolved peacefully, and communication on the Internet, unfortunately, does not always bring only positive emotions. Experts recognize that cyberbullying (bullying or insults on social networks, including emails, in SMS messages), blackmail and threats on the Internet are as destructive to the psyche as negative . That's why Facebook offers users a set of tools with which they can limit contact with unpleasant people. These include the “block” and “unfriend” functions.

How to use them correctly? Should you block every stranger who PMs you or tags you in their posts? Should you hide your feed from relatives and any friends? Before answering these questions, you need to understand the difference between the “block” and “unfriend” functions.

What does it mean to block on Facebook?

When you block a user, they lose the ability to send you private messages, tag you in posts, view your feed, and receive notifications about updates to your page. In other words, almost all your activities on Facebook will become invisible to him.

Blocking also means that the user will be removed from the list, and activity on his page will not be displayed in the news feed.

However, some types of interaction remain available. If you and the blocked person are members, then both of you will be able to see each other's activity within the group. There is also a chance that he will try to contact you through another account.

Interesting fact

You can block anyone on Facebook, except his wife Priscilla Chan. The official explanation is that when many users try to perform the same action at the same time, it causes an error.

The accounts of Zuckerberg and his wife are overloaded with requests, so when you try to block them, a notification appears “this profile cannot now be blocked.”

How to block someone on Facebook

This can be done in two ways:

  1. from your personal page;
  2. on the page of the person who needs to be added to the blacklist (that is, blocked).

First way

You will need:

Rice. 2. Search for a person to blacklist Rice. 3. Are you sure you want to block the person?

By the way, when you block a person, he does not receive a notification about it.

Second way to block a person

It is not always possible to find a person in the way suggested above. Then it follows

By clicking the “Unfriend” button, you confirm that you do not want to see given user on your friends list, but you are not going to completely limit communication with him.

He will be able to send you private messages, view your profile and find you through the search bar, if this does not conflict with yours.

Rice. 5. Unfriend

Which option should I choose?

If communication with a person on Facebook begins to cause negative emotions, you can block him or simply unfriend him. Each situation requires an individual solution, so the choice is yours. Only you can decide how.

Cases of fraud, blackmail or bullying should be dealt with immediately, and there is nothing wrong with banning someone who believes that anything is allowed on the Internet. Even if it is your colleague, relative or just an acquaintance who in reality behaves very friendly.

If you don't think some people should see your posts, you can limit viewing in the " Quick Settings confidentiality."

In addition, Facebook allows you to set individual privacy settings for individual posts. For example, there is an “Unfollow” option: the person remains your friend, but his updates no longer appear in your feed.

To do this, opposite the next friend’s publication that appeared in your feed

  • click on the three dot menu ( ), which is highlighted by number 1 in Fig. 6;
  • then click the “Cancel subscription to updates” button (2 in Fig. 6):

Rice. 6 (click on the picture to enlarge). Unsubscribe from a specific person's updates

This is an ideal option if you are annoyed by a user’s posts, but you don’t want to completely limit communication with him yet.

All options are reversible. You can always open your blacklist and remove people you previously blocked from it to restore communication. You can always send a new friend request to someone you unfriended (unless, of course, the person was so offended that they banned you).

First you need to understand that the page in social network is a public place, so it is not necessary to blacklist those who do not please you. Not everyone wants you to be upset, maybe this action is justified, but what if this person needs help.

What does blocking mean?

Let's understand what difficulties a person will face after being blocked on your page:

How to block someone on Facebook from comments:

How to block a person in a group on Facebook? We find the user we need and add him to the blacklist/block.

How to block someone on Facebook messenger

Method for messenger on operating system iOS:

Some additional points

  • In the privacy settings, select "Edit".
  • Select people who can send friend requests.

What do you have left when you block another user or group?

  • Messages: the entire history of correspondence with the user will remain with you. If this person enters into a general conversation where you are, then you will also see them, just like him.
  • Events, mutual friends: since this user will not always be a stranger, but a friend of friends, then when you tag users in a photo, you will see such an event in the friend’s timeline.
  • Photos: The same goes for other users.
  • Groups: He won't be able to add you to a group, however, you will notice what groups he has.
  • Events: You will be able to see the events that a person has added, but he will not be able to invite you to them.
  • Games and applications: in this case, he will be able to communicate with you in the game chat.


Before blocking a person, you can try simply asking him to be less intrusive, because many people simply do not notice that they can be somewhat annoying. Don't forget that you can block several users at once.

Today there are many different social networks where many people spend a significant amount of time communicating with friends and making new acquaintances. It's no secret that there are people with whom you don't want to communicate, receive letters from them, and even that they can't view information. For such purposes, there are so-called “black lists” on social networking sites.

When blocking a user in Facebook man added to the blacklist will no longer be able to see your profile. In addition, all connections with the blocked user are interrupted, that is, he will be removed from the friends list, etc. Also, your profile will not be displayed for a blocked person when searching and in the list of friends. Adding a person to the blacklist is a mutual blocking process, meaning you will also no longer be able to see the blocked person.

However, blocking a user does not mean that absolutely all communications with this person will be stopped - this does not apply to third party applications and even more so to other sites on the Internet.

If you remove a person from the black list, then previous connections with him will not be restored, and you will have to resend a request to be added to your friends list.

There are situations when it is difficult to find a person to block. In this case, the blocking can be carried out using his email address. To do this, on the “Privacy Settings” page, you need to click “Black List” and fill in the address in the “Email address” column of the blocked person, and then click on the “Add to list” button.

You should be careful when blocking by email address, since adding this to the blacklist will block the account that is associated with this email address, if there is no profile associated with this address, then if in the future someone registers with this by mailbox, it will immediately be automatically blocked for your profile. Unfortunately, the Facebook administration does not provide information about accounts associated with blocked addresses, as this is done for security purposes.

If you do not need to block the user, but simply limit his access to certain profile resources, then the appropriate changes can be made in the configuration settings. When blocking users, you don’t have to worry about the blocked user finding out about it—no notifications are sent to the blocked profile.

Among other things, if you and the person you blocked have mutual friends, then he will not be able to see your comments on friends’ walls, however, he and you will have access to comments from mutual friends on the resource’s materials. By technical reasons There may be situations when a blocked user and you can view comments, but in this case the name will be displayed in black and the photo will not be shown.

An interesting feature of the Facebook blacklist is that its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, cannot be blocked. This is explained by the fact that everything information messages sent on his behalf.

Many people think about how to block a person on Facebook. This procedure is completed in a few clicks. This article will talk about how to work with the “black list” on Facebook.

What is a “black list”

To prevent a social network user from writing messages on Facebook, you can use an option called “black list”. If you are wondering how to unblock a person on Facebook or put him on ignore, you cannot do without the mentioned function.

This is an option that allows you to block access to your profile to other people. All blocked people will be listed here. If desired, you can use the “black list” to unblock a person.

If you decide to ignore the user, he will not be able to:

  • view the page of the friend who blocked him;
  • tag a blocker in photos, publications and communities;
  • invite your former interlocutor to groups and events;
  • add a blocker as a friend;
  • conduct correspondence with the person who has blocked the profile.

Important: blocking a user on Facebook does not guarantee complete exclusion of communication. Visitors to the social network can interact with each other in various applications.

Where to look for "blacklist"

Where is the “black list” on Facebook? To find the corresponding menu item, follow these steps:

Here will be " blacklist».

Blocking from a computer

To add an account to the blacklist, follow these steps:

The actions taken will send the page of the selected “inhabitant” to “ignore”. This technique is suitable for working with computers or mobile browsers.

Blocking on mobile devices

You can carry out the above procedure on your phone. To do this, download and install the official application for mobile devices from Facebook.

After this, follow these steps:

Ready! The person has been added to "ignore". Now he will not be able to communicate with you.

Unlocking from a mobile device

Adding users to the list of ignored ones can be done with mobile phones. To do this, use the official social network application for phones.

Are you wondering how to unblock a friend on Facebook with mobile device? Then follow the suggested instructions:

Important: to remove a person from the “black list” from your computer, go to the appropriate menu item, find the desired user and click on the “Unblock” option on the right side of the timeline.

How to find out about blocking

How do you know if you have been blocked on Facebook? To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Facebook and try to write a friend's name in the search bar. If this fails, you can suspect adding to “ignore”.
  2. Go to Messages and look at the general chat. When adding a person to the blacklist, the user's name will be highlighted in black. You won't be able to go to a user's page from a chat.
  3. Try to report the other person's profile from the Messages section. If the system reports that transaction processing is prohibited, you are added to the number of ignored ones.

You can directly ask your friend about blocking. This technique is not popular. Usually, virtual friends with whom you are in trouble are added to “ignore” real life no contact.


Blocking and unblocking users on the social network Facebook are operations that all users may encounter. Now you know what the “black list” is, where to find it and how to use it.

By adding a person to “ignore”, you can “pull” him out of there at any time. Similar operations can be carried out an infinite number of times.

Many social media users are concerned about the security of their account. Will your personal information be kept private? Is your profile protected from hacking? Who will be able to send you private messages, see your address, etc.? Facebook developers took a responsible approach to this issue and protected their customers. We are reminded of this by mailings about new opportunities, warnings about suspicious actions, and regular requests to confirm your phone number and email.

And yet, from time to time we are faced with unpleasant situations, one of which is the need to cut off communication with a person on Facebook. This happens as a result of personal hostility, annoying messages from a suspicious person, or when someone simply spams your page with meaningless information. It is precisely for such cases that many services and applications have a blacklist. By adding a person to it, you will limit his access to your feed, information, photos, messages. He will not be able to do anything until he is unblocked back

How to add a person to the blacklist?

Getting rid of unwanted guests is extremely simple - go to the page of the desired person and open the additional menu in his profile header. There's an opportunity there Block- this will send the user to the blacklist.

Adding a person to the blacklist from your phone the same thing happens: on the account page there is a menu (three dots), select the item there Block.

What you should know about the blacklist:

  • You can block a friend or any other person. But, if he was following you, then after blocking this user will automatically be removed from your friends. If you later want to be friends with him again, you will need to send him a second request.
  • If a person is on the blacklist, you will not be able to send messages to them.
  • He will not receive a notification that you have blocked a person.
  • You can ban a user only once every 48 hours.

How to block someone in messages?

If you don’t want to completely break ties with a particular person, but you also don’t enjoy receiving messages from them, you can limit yourself to the blacklist in Messenger. By blocking messages and video calls from a user, you will prevent them from contacting you, although the person will still remain your friend and will be able to post on your feed, tag you, comment, like, etc.

Just open Messenger and click on the icon next to the desired chat. A menu will pop up, at the end of which there is an option to Block (1). On your phone, you need to click on the desired correspondence and hold your finger. read our blog article.

Where can I see the blacklist?

To make it easier for you to manage blocked pages, Facebook has a blacklist section. You can find it like this: expand the menu on the right top corner page → go to Settings → in the right block, find the Block section. This page contains a list of people you restricted access(these people don't see posts on Facebook that you only share with your Friends audience), black list users, message blocking, blocking invitations, pages, games.

Here you can edit, remove and add profiles to the necessary sections.

How to unblock a friend?

If you have banned someone by mistake or, having changed your mind, want to bring the person back, just go to the user’s page and, in the same way as you sent him to the blacklist, unban him back: in the profile header, expand the additional menu, and there will be an item Unblock. You can also go to the blacklist in the settings and unblock the page there by clicking on the button next to the name.

Now, with the help of these instructions, you can protect yourself from contact with unwanted individuals and secure your page. by downloading the application.