Is Stallone dead? Sylvester Stallone passed away: true or false, latest news


Sage Stallone, the eldest son of world-famous Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone, was found dead in his home in Los Angeles. This news gave rise to many rumors - from speculation about a drug overdose or suicide to murder during a robbery or health problems. What really happened?

Childhood and adolescence

Sage Moonblood Stallone was born in Los Angeles, California, USA on May 5, 1976. Sage's father is the famous actor Sylvester Stallone, his mother is film actress Sasha Zak. The marriage of the boy's parents lasted 10 years; after their divorce, Sage and his autistic younger brother Sergio remained with their mother. The marital status of each parent changed periodically. So, from 1985, for two years, the boys had a stepmother, actress Brigitte Nielsen, and since 1997, the boys had a stepfather, musician Rick Ash. In 1997, Sylvester Stallone married model Jennifer Flavin. As a result of this marriage, Sage and Sergio had three half-sisters - Sophia Rose, Sistine Rose and Scarlett Rose.

Sage's health has caused some problems since childhood. When the future actor turned 10 years old, doctors diagnosed him with “coronary heart disease, weakening the coronary vessels.” But, having matured and entered the film industry, the young actor and director did not lead a healthy lifestyle - according to close friends, Sage smoked a lot and could take drugs.

Success in cinema

For a time, Sage chose to live with his father. At the age of 14, the boy starred with Sylvester in the film “Rocky 5” as the son of the main character Rocky Balboa. This was the debut role with which the young Stallone's acting career began. And immediate success - this role led Sage to the nomination “Best Young Actor in a Film.” Over the next 20 years, he starred in 11 films and lent his voice to one film. Most of the roles were minor, one of the films that also brought success was “Daylight” with Sylvester Stallone in the title role.

Together with Bob Murawski, Stallone's eldest son created the company Grindhouse releasing, which specializes in preserving films of the 1970-1980s. From 2003 to 2010, Sage Stallone acted as a director, screenwriter, and producer of several films. In 2006, he won an award at the Boston Film Festival for the film “Vic,” in which Sage acted as a screenwriter, producer and actor. The film actor played his last role 2 years before his death in the short film “Agent”.

Cause of death of Sage Stallone

On July 13, 2012, Sage Stallone's body was discovered in his home on Mulholland Drive by a maid who came at the request of his family after phone calls went unanswered for several days. Police believe Sage Stallone's death happened about three days ago.

Before the official conclusion of forensic experts, there were a lot of rumors around this incident - there were suggestions in the press that Sage died as a result of an overdose of drugs or medications, vials of which were found in his apartment. There were also versions of violent death and suicide. However, none of them were true. According to the official conclusion, the cause of Stallone's death was a heart attack caused by atherosclerosis.


Sylvester Stallone was in San Diego at the Comic Con film festival when he received this sad news. The news hit the actor hard. Sage's mother Sasha Zak said that the day before the actor had surgery to remove five teeth at the same time and was forced to take strong painkillers. According to Sasha, she warned her son that such an operation could be dangerous.

At the same time, Sylvester's nephew Ed Filiti, having learned about his cousin's death, blamed the actor's father for the incident. According to him, Sage needed his father's attention, but did not receive it in the right amount. In addition, in his message written on his Facebook page, Ed congratulated Sylvester’s wife Jennifer, who, according to him, wanted to break up their family and achieved this. After some time, Filiti deleted his comments, explaining that at the time of writing them he was in deep shock.

The young, successful film actor Sage Stallone, who received many offers, died at the age of 36, on the eve of his wedding, without having time to carry out many of his plans.

News of a celebrity's death spreads at lightning speed. On the evening of February 19, information appeared online that actor Sylvester Stallone had passed away. He allegedly had prostate cancer, a diagnosis that Sly hid from the public. Of course, the actor’s fans could not hide their emotions. As it turned out, this information is someone's cruel joke! The next day, the actor wrote on Instagram that he was alive, healthy, and could even throw a good punch.

“Friends, I ask you: do not pay attention to these nonsense! I'm not dead, I'm fine, I feel good. I'm healthy and happy! I can quite “punch you in the eye”!”

Fans of the famous actor's work actively responded to his post. The post received over 400,000 likes in a few hours. Sly's fans even promised to find the joker who started this trick and give him a good beating.

Life goes on

Stallone's next Instagram post proved that he has a great sense of humor, especially for a dead man. He posted a video with his daughters. The short video shows that the father locked the girls outside and did not let them into the house, despite the fact that it started to rain. The funny father commented on this post:

“I locked my daughters outside, and it’s raining a little here. It’s great, I tell you, to feel alive again after Death!!!”

Once again, the news that Sylvester Stallone passed away not so long ago shocked supporters of the artist and director. A publication dated February 19 on a website with a reputation for dubious veracity contained regret over the death of a man from prostate cancer and illustrated the tragic news with terrible photographs. In the photographs, the elderly artist looks very deplorable - bald and exhausted appearance Stallone had to clearly confirm his deplorable state of health on the eve of the sad event.

As it turned out, a little later, the news of Sly’s death “from a long illness” turned out to be premature, which he personally commented on the Internet. According to the artist, such fake news that this or that public person has passed away is posted on the Internet only in order to increase traffic to one’s own website or blog. Therefore, the artist is grateful to all his fans for their excitement about their own existence in “this” world and advises them not to believe such reports about counting themselves among the host of the dead.

We remind you that the artist first learned about his own death in the fall of 2016. Then the message about the death of the performer of the roles of Rocky Balboa and Rambo appeared on the front pages of news sites, vying with each other to tell the stunning news about the artist’s cocaine overdose.

An outrageous fake was published news portal with the loud name CNN and therefore the majority of visitors social networks They simply bombarded the artist’s Instagram and Facebook accounts with alarming requests about the pet’s well-being. Even a joint photo of Stallone and his daughter, posted on the Internet a few hours after a false report about the actor’s addiction and his death, did not save the situation.

Some bloggers suggested that the news of the untimely death of the popular American was provoked by Sylvester Stallone himself, because the photographs with his haggard face and thinning hair showed Rambo in makeup. The changed appearance was needed to work in last movie strongman "Creed 2". A poster on this topic appeared in the media not long ago.

At the end of last year, newspapers shocked the public with the news of the criminal prosecution of artist Sylvester Stallone, the news of whose death is again being discussed by fans online. Allegedly, in 1986, the actor, while on the set of the film “Fighting With All My Strength,” forced a 16-year-old fan of his work to satisfy the base needs of himself and several bodyguards who were constantly present next to the American movie star.

And supposedly, 31 years later, the now adult woman was prompted to talk about such a base act by the idol of millions 31 years later in the case of Vanstein, a director against whom dozens of accusations were made last fall by the victim actresses.

The next portion of information madness was then refuted by the artist’s press secretary, publishing in open sources a statement that all this is a vile lie. No one has ever contacted the artist or his proxies regarding such accusations, government officials have not given any comments on this matter, and references to police reports cannot be valid.

Facts from the life of Rambo: n Stallone's nationality

Sylvester Stallone, whose death was recently reported by a fake Internet portal, was born into a family with a complex interweaving of national characteristics. My ancestors on my mother’s side were Jewish immigrants from Odessa who fled pogroms at the beginning of the 20th century, while my father’s roots stretched far into the Sicilian Peninsula.

The future star’s parent had a bad reputation and a quarrelsome character, so he often beat not only members of his family, but also his own horses. Mom suffered the most, so the birth of her first child on June 6, 1946 was very difficult.

Due to the inept actions of obstetricians who used forceps when removing the baby from the mother's womb, Sylvester was left with a noticeable impairment of facial expressions for the rest of his life. His facial nerve was compressed so tightly that left-hand side The man's face was left paralyzed.

The childhood years of the now popular actor were crippled not only by his always fighting father - at school, a thin boy with a speech impediment and an always distorted left corner of his mouth was often bullied by his peers.

The guy did not want to put up with injustice and, as a result of constant fights, at the age of 16 he ended up in a special military school for difficult teenagers. Here the guy became interested in bodybuilding and devoted all his free time to classes in the college gym.

After graduation, his mother tried to get Sly a job in her beauty salon, but the stubborn man was determined to settle in Hollywood at any cost.

The thorny path to glory

The persistent Sicilian, who visited the doors of all film studios and acting agencies in the mid-seventies of the last century, had to work in a variety of ways:

Still from the movie "Rocky"

  • actor of extras and tiny episodes;
  • a bouncer in a restaurant;
  • a doorman at a hotel;
  • a janitor at a zoo;
  • a porn star.

The turning point in the biography of Sylvester Stallone came in 1975. After yet another viewing of a fight between famous boxers, the future Oscar winner, whose death is constantly reported online, began writing a script for a film about boxer Rocky Balboa. According to journalists, the project for the future film was created by the artist almost in one breath - in 92 hours.

The dynamic story about the experiences and struggle of an unknown boxer appealed to Hollywood directors, and the homeless and little-known artist was offered about $350,000 for the right to use it. The main condition of the contract was the invitation to more famous actors to play the main role. Stallone refused and offered to reduce the fee on the condition that he himself would present his own work to the audience.

Still from the movie "Rambo"

The success of the first film exceeded all expectations:

  • 10 Oscar nominations;
  • 3 legendary statuettes for film sequels;
  • 220 million dollars collected at the box office.

The actor and his plans for the future

Contrary to regular rumors that Sylvester Stallone has passed away, the popular actor and director is enjoying his own comfortable existence and is planning new works. So, after the success of the film “The Expendables” with the participation of almost all the Hollywood stars of the last century, the Sicilian plans to create a series on a similar topic.

The strongman predicts stunning success for his own sequel on the theme of super-action films with the participation of the female half of the “ripe” performers of various images of fighting friends:

  • Meryl Streep;
  • Mila Jovovich;
  • Cameron Diaz.

The continuation of "Rambo", which is the film "Creed 2", will be released on television screens around the world in November this year. Immediately after the release of the film, the artist plans to begin work on a series on the theme of the rebellious boxer, who became a favorite not only in America, but also in the vastness of the Soviet Union in the distant 80s of the last century.

The actor said that he is alive and happy.

Hollywood star Sylvester Stallone reacted to the news of his own death, which spread on February 19 on the Internet.

On his Instagram page, the 71-year-old legendary actor wrote that he is alive and happy and asked fans to ignore fake information about himself.

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"Please ignore this nonsense. Alive, happy and healthy. Still can hit," Stallone commented.

Let us recall that on Monday, February 19, a fake message appeared on the Internet about the sudden death of actor Sylvester Stallone.

“Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone died this morning from prostate cancer, the actor kept his illness a secret, but in the end he could not cope with it,” the media headlines read.

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Fake news, as The Sun found out, world wide web launched the online community World Tattoo & Piercing and, as proof, attached a photo of Stallone with almost no hair. This community has long been known for its fictitious news stories about the deaths of famous people. The tragic publication was quickly picked up by other sites, communities and users. They reposted it and expressed condolences to the actor’s family.

Stallone's fans almost immediately denied information about the star's illness and death. Sylvester's fans reported that the actor is now actively working on a sequel about the indestructible boxer "Creed: The Rocky Legacy."

But supporters of world conspiracy theories suspect that rumors about the artist’s death are an attempt to attract as much attention as possible to the premiere of his new film.