Statuses that are not copied for skype. Skype statuses

Do you want to stand out from other messenger users? Then set an unusual status and let everyone see your personality.

What are some cool character statuses for Skype?

The status in the application is called a network indicator, for example, “Online”, “Away” and the like. But in the application it is possible to set another status, for example, some interesting expression, a phrase from a philosopher or a famous person.

The status can be not only in the form of a phrase, but also in the form of an interesting icon. The user can find these icons on the Internet. Use any browser and enter the phrase in the search engine: “Cool symbolic statuses for Skype.” In a few seconds you will see the search results. Open the appropriate link and familiarize yourself with their meaning. These can be all kinds of emoticons, flowers, hearts, animals and bugs. Each symbol means something, the main thing is to decide on the purpose for which the original status is established.

Where else can you find cool statuses for Skype?

You can search for interesting phrases and symbols on the official website of the application. You can also search forums on a similar topic and see what other users are interested in. Chat with them and they will share with you information where you can find original statuses.

Interesting phrases can also be found on the following sites:


Here all sayings will be divided into separate folders, for example, “About love”, “About friendship”, and the like. This will make it easier to find exactly what you need. Check out the options provided here and choose the one that suits you best. Interesting sayings can also be found in books, show your imagination, and everything will work out in the best possible way.

How to set the selected status in Skype

To set the status you like, you need to do the following. Open the main menu of the messenger, and go to the “Personal data” section, then to “Edit”. The line “Mood” will appear in front of you; you can enter any expression here, or put one copied from a ready-made status that you really liked. After that, click on the checkbox to save the information.

How can I make flashing and color status

Skype has become a popular messenger, and new subscribers use it every day. Each person has many people in their contact list, and sometimes they need to be grouped and highlighted somehow. To do this, set different statuses next to the friend’s name.

Maybe someone you know already has a colored flashing status installed, so it’s time to choose an original difference for yourself. The symbol can be made blinking, colored, with a different font, in the form of a flag or a smiley face. It is possible to install it using a special add-on to the program, despite the fact that it is completely free.

Go to the program and find in the left top corner“Tools” tab, go to “Applications” and then click “Download Applications”. This will take you to the official website Skype programs. Here you need to select the application directory on English language. A window will open in front of you; click on View all. This will open a list of all available applications. You need to find the Rich Mood Editor for Skype program and click on the “Download” button.

After this, we install the downloaded program and give permission to Skype to use the Rich Mood Editor for Skype utility.

The setup process is simple and won't take much time. Create a unique colored flashing status. When you finish entering it, click on the “Download” button.

When everything is installed, the Rich Mood Editor for Skype application can be deleted, this will not affect the status. But if you want to change it over time, then you shouldn’t get rid of the utility.

Now you know how to set the original status on Skype, and where you can find it. Share the information with your friends, and perhaps they will also express a desire to take advantage of this opportunity.

On this page you will find a list of all emoticons for Skype, their descriptions and secret codes, which must be entered to send emoticons to your interlocutors. Listed here are not only regular emoticons, but also hidden emoticons and even those that have been removed from Skype.

For your convenience, a special form has been developed with which you can:

  • Find emoji by specific words. For example, if you want to find New Year's emoji, enter " New Year" and only those emoticons that contain this word in the name of the emoticon, in the list of shortcuts or secret codes will be shown.
  • Filter emoticons based on their availability:
    “All” - shows all emoticons without exception
    “Hidden” - only hidden emoticons that few people know about
    “Visible” - emoticons that are present in the emoticon palette
  • Sort emoticons according to the properties you need.
    For example, thanks to this you can show the most popular emoji or the most recent one at the top of the list.
  • Show emoticons only for certain version Skype. For example, use this option to find out which emoticons are supported by your Skype or to make sure that the person you're talking to will see the emoticon you send. Please note that this is only for the Windows version of Skype.
Now, let's look at the list of emoticons, which contains 4 columns for each emoticon:
  • Smile. An animated picture (GIF) used in Skype chat. Please note that the speed and quality of the picture may differ slightly from the original emoticon. If you want to see a full-size image, click on the name of the emoticon.
  • Description. The name of the emoticon with a link to separate page, where you can see the full-size emoticon and find details about it. Also, this column contains labels that describe the emoticon and help you find similar emoticons. If you click on a shortcut, only emoji with that label will be shown (you can select multiple shortcuts to narrow down the list of emoji). To exclude a shortcut from the filter, click on it again.
  • Code. Typically, users use the emoji palette to send an emoji in a Skype chat. But there is another way - you can send your interlocutor a special code, which when sent turns into an emoticon (by the way, this is the only way to send hidden emoticons). Each emoticon on Skype has one or more special codes and all are listed on this page (to show hidden codes just click on the symbol opposite the desired smiley).
  • Version. Contains information about which Skype versions This emoticon is supported for Windows. Examples:
    * → means supported by all versions
    2.3/* → from version 2.3 to current
    */3.4 → from the first version to 3.4
    4.5/5.6 → starting from 4.5 to 5.6

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Remember: the nicer the guy, the less you can trust him. This is the law!

Smile at a stranger - let him dream!

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A good salary is when the time has come to receive the next one, but you haven’t had time to spend the previous one.


Hello dear friends! Statuses and Skype are very necessary things in everyday life. Surely you communicate a lot online in such a wonderful program as Skype? If yes, then you have come to the right place. We have put together statuses for Skype so that you can set them for yourself and your friends can appreciate it. Skype has long become popular and has become firmly established in our daily life. We communicate with family, correspond with friends and acquaintances. We hold conferences for work or just relax with friends in a video chat on a cold winter evening, when there are snowdrifts and a howling snowstorm outside. Communication in video format brings a lot of positive emotions, because... we see a person who may be thousands of kilometers away from us and understand him as if he were next to us. Of course, you can’t establish physical contact with a person, hug, kiss, but no one will forbid you to laugh heartily. Therefore, Skype is an excellent solution to distance problems. You can find statuses for Skype by clicking on the link below. Good luck.