Steam stopped accepting payments in Bitcoin due to the high volatility of the cryptocurrency. Review of Steem and Steem Dollars (SBD): description, current rate, differences, working with a wallet, earnings, reviews, rate forecast Who can use Steem

It is profitable to buy STEEM on the following sites:

Cryptocurrency STEEM.

Many of you remember how in 2015 the project became a real boom. As for 2016, this year the noise was raised by the new social network Steem. What is amazing about social media? The fact is that the STEEM cryptocurrency is used inside the network. That is, there is a blockchain inside the social network. Surprising but true.

Within the network there is voting, translations and publication of posts. Now the network has more than 50 thousand visitors. Each post can collect Steam coins. Some posts are gaining impressive amounts that reach up to 10 thousand Steam. If we translate this amount into dollars, we get 7200 dollars. Not bad, right? Even a comment can earn an amount of 600-700 Stim.

If you think that you can collect coins with the help of platitudes, then you are mistaken. Only unique content can get money. The more interest a post generates, the more money you get. The social network has several sections that can significantly enrich. For example, there is a section where you can analyze the rate of cryptocurrencies. There is a "Life" section, where one of the users received 1 thousand coins just for showing how to draw a whale. There are many sections on the web. Each visitor will be able to find what he is good at.

Here are a few benefits of Steem.

2) Every year the network becomes more and more popular.

And here are the disadvantages of this network.

1) The system is not entirely clear.

2) It is not clear how you can earn coins by posts and other things.

Cryptocurrency Steem- at the time of updating this entry, it is in the TOP 30 cryptocurrencies of the coinmarketcap website. You can always look at the current Steem exchange rate against the dollar for today on this page. You will also find a handy Steem chart and recommendations here. where you can profitably buy Steem for rubles or dollars.

This site is an analogue of the social networks Reddit or Facebook, while working on the basis of blockchain technology. Each participant receives a reward for publishing their own posts, as well as for voting on others. The promotion is carried out by the Steem digital currency, the rate of which is this moment does not exceed 0.00054673 BTC.

How did the features of the currency appear

The birthday of the Steem cryptocurrency can be considered March 24, 2016, when a topic was created on one of the bitcoin forums dedicated to the study and testing of a new project. According to platform developers Ned Scott and Dan Larimer, the system was a decentralized social network based on blockchain technology (all translations, voting, and publications are stored in transaction blocks). Among its main features stood out complete freedom from censorship, which has now overwhelmed such popular resources as Reddit or Facebook. The site immediately gained immense popularity, with more than 50 thousand active users at the moment.

Without exception, all members of the Steem community are divided into 2 groups that are different in their capabilities. This difference lies in the number of votes that determine the interest and significance of the posted post, and, consequently, the reward for it. Content rating is an integral part of the internal structure of the network. In addition, this concept has significantly improved the quality and uniqueness of posted posts, a huge number of scenarios have arisen that increase profits from publishing articles.

Naturally, you won’t be able to make money with ordinary copying or useless messages. Interesting and unique content written in perfect English is valued here. The site encourages you to post only something of high quality, so that the interest in the post, as well as the reward for it, only grows. There is no spam, because no one will ever pay for all sorts of mailings, and there are no bots that distribute advertising. Thus, Steem managed to get rid of bots, spam and ad units, while at the same time attracting new users with unique content.

As one of the security measures, real user identification is introduced here. Only those who logged in from their Facebook or Gmail account will be able to work on the site. This solution makes it possible to avoid the dominance of bots. On the right side of the network interface is a list of the most interesting community topics. Posts in the system are distributed according to popularity, that is, according to the degree of profitability for their authors.

In the event that a post collects more than 10 thousand stim dollars (which is not uncommon at all), it will be possible to receive approximately 7 thousand US dollars. In addition, the network allows you to earn 700 stim dollars just by writing a small comment.

Advantages of the project

Such a rapid growth in the popularity of Steem is due to a number of positive features. These include:

  1. An unparalleled concept of social and business relationships.
  2. No commission fees.
  3. The incredible enthusiasm of community members who saw the platform as a completely new direction in social media.
  4. An opportunity to earn for each participant who creates interesting and unique content.
  5. Optimistic prospects for further development of the site.
  6. Liquidity reward to achieve bootstrapping across various token transactions.
  7. Bringing benefits to people who are not members of the platform and do not invest in its development.
  8. Natural resource promotion through content creation.
  9. In addition, due to the relative youth, and, consequently, the low workload of the project, all transactions are made much faster.


As usual, there are also negative points in the Steem project:

  1. Until now, the exact algorithm for obtaining electronic cash through comments, publications and voting has not been formed.
  2. Despite the high level of protection, there is always a risk of losing your savings as a result of a hacker attack.
  3. The platform is quite difficult to master.
  4. The insecurity of the cryptocurrency, as well as its ongoing development, make it impossible to predict changes in digital asset exchanges.
  5. Finally, it is worth remembering that there is always a chance of not making any profit at all.

By the beginning of the summer of 2016, the platform, which was founded less than 6 months ago, reached the third place among more than 700 cryptocurrencies in terms of capitalization. Even a hacker attack that occurred in June of that year, which resulted in the theft of almost 100 thousand dollars, could not prevent rapid growth. Capitalization indicators have not changed at all. After 5 days, one of the most reputable digital currency exchanges, Poloniex, added electronic cash to its trading. Today, the exchange rate is 0.00054673 BTC.

Registration method

The easiest and most convenient way to connect to the platform is to register on the official website. To do this, you need a social account. Facebook networks(no additional requirements) or a profile on Reddit (requires a positive reputation). The amount of 7 tokens is credited to the account of the registered account. However, this figure may vary depending on the parameters of the system. Such an account makes the user a full member of the community, giving him the opportunity to publish posts, leave comments and participate in voting without any restrictions.

True, despite the ease of this registration method, it has 2 fundamentally important points that are worth remembering.

Firstly, such an account is not anonymous, since it is assigned to an account in social network. In addition, platform developers become aware Email registered. Second, all protection functions account the user falls on the shoulders of the creators of the resource Although they claim that they do not have access to the profile management keys created during registration, the mechanism for creating passwords is not carried out by the user, and changing the key is possible only after the approval of the developers.

Based on the conditions, the creation of each block is approximately 2 seconds. After a series of 21 components is recruited, the same number of active miners are rotated. Through the voting of the entire community, 19 miners with the highest performance are selected. Then, from the 2 remaining ones, one is selected by the PoW method, the last one, 21 places, is divided into a limited time period between all users in the network.

In order to succeed in the difficult task of mining, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Come up with an intriguing, unusual and interesting post title. Images are often added, and they often try to attract with various sexual themes.
  2. Hand-drawn drawings or animated pictures are very successful.
  3. Beginners should take a look at the introduce yourself section, where newcomers get to know platform veterans. You can leave a post that will in detail describe what contribution New user is going to contribute to the development of the site, how it will be useful to this community and what are its future plans. A significant role is played by competent formatting of the post and experience.
  4. Important, and most importantly, quite profitable are also the life, money, anarchy and ethereum sections.
  5. Finally, the analysis of the digital currency exchange rate, author's articles and technical reviews are appreciated.

At the moment, it is difficult to predict in which direction the platform will develop. Now Steem offers only the publication of its posts and is not adapted to the reposting of links. In addition, site developers can delete comments or articles of their own free will, however, the information will be stored on the blockchain.

On the other hand, even content that violates all norms of morality or morality can be on the network and recorded on transaction blocks, it just will not be displayed in the list of popular posts.

The voting algorithm, the publication of articles, the distribution of the currency, its value, incentives with rewards, the blockchain technology itself - all these components come in constant interaction with each other. They create a market reaction through various financial mechanisms (prices, material incentives for created content) with electronic cash.

Given the relative youth of the project, everyone has yet to find out if it will work, turning out to be a new milestone in the history of social media, or will it be another failed attempt. One way or another, everyone must make a choice for themselves.

What do ordinary users say about Steem?

Among users, there is a dual attitude towards this platform. Its unconditional advantages are distinguished, including the possibility of earning money through content creation, the absence of a commission, the innovativeness of the concept of combining blockchain technology and social networks. However, certain shortcomings of the system are also noted: the complexity of mastering, the presence of an algorithm for posting articles that has not been properly developed. In general, they call Steem a fairly promising network.

Let's take a look at two cryptocurrencies at once - Steem and Steem Dollars (SBD), which are paired and, with slight differences, serve the same purpose and have a social function. Steam appeared a little over a year ago, but in such a short time it managed to overtake bitcoin and ether in terms of the number of transactions. This is not surprising, because there is no commission in the network, and the bulk of payments are quite modest in size.

The Steam blockchain is used to host and store public content with protection from changes. In this system, in order to mine Steem and Steem Dollars, you need to use not your computer's processor or video card, but your brain. The official website uses Steam and Steam Dollars cryptocurrencies to motivate authors and so-called curators. We will talk about them later in the section on how to earn Stims. That is, in fact, the Steam blockchain is used for a decentralized social network, which is based on the principle of rewarding both the author and the reader.

Cryptocurrency Steam and Steam Dollars.

The course of both cryptocurrencies can be viewed below on convenient charts. Analyzing the charts will also help you make predictions about where Steem and Steem Dollars will go in the near future. In the long-term prospects of these cryptocurrencies, we will deal with them separately.

A) Steam cryptocurrency rate (totally depends on the market)

B) Steam Dollars cryptocurrency rate (the lower price threshold is set at 1 US dollar)

Information about Steem and Steem Dollars

Site for registration and work:

Twitter @steemit

Commission in the system for the transfer: none

Transaction speed: up to 3 seconds inclusive

A new block is formed every 3 seconds

Coins (Ticker): Steem (STEEM) and Steem Dollars (SBD)

Token distribution system: Proof-of-Brain (proof of mind)

Annual issue of tokens: 9.5% of the current number.

Project launch: 2016.

Free registration

As of November 13, 2017, the cost of one Steem coin is 0.00013688 BTC or $0.886975, capitalization is $218,481,483 (26th place in terms of capitalization).

The price of Steem Dollars (SBD) on the same date is 0.00015911 BTC or $1.03, but despite the higher price, the capitalization is only $3,430,793 and the cryptocurrency takes the 356th place by capitalization.

Steem, Steem Power and Steem Dollars - what's the difference? How to work with Steem wallet

In fact, earning with your mind on the website, you will come across three different cryptocurrencies. To the already mentioned two, Steem Power is also added. In order not to get completely confused, let's figure out how they differ and what function they perform in the crypto-social network.

This is what the wallet looks like inside our profile:

By the way, full openness reigns on Stimite, you can go to the wallet of any profile and see all the amounts on the accounts, as well as all transactions and understand how this person earns his money and which exchange he withdraws to.

The first currency on the list is Steam. You can send, receive, withdraw to exchanges or exchange on the internal exchange for Steam Dollars. You can view all transactions available with any of the three currencies by clicking on the small triangle next to the amount. A specific feature of Steem is the ability to convert these coins into Steem Power - to do this, click on the triangle and select the Power Up function.

Why do we need STEEM POWER, on which we spent all our Stims in the previous paragraph? Just the Power of Steam is needed in order to earn much more on this platform. This is your weight in this society. STEEM POWER can be compared to the production assets of an enterprise. Ordinary Stims are converted into Strength instantly, but it's not so easy to withdraw your strength. If you want to completely withdraw all earned money from the system, then to convert STEEM POWER back into STEEM, which can be sold on the exchange, you need to run the Power down function. At the same time, all your STEEM POWER will be transformed and transferred to the Steam account within thirteen weeks in equal parts. This process can be stopped at any time.

Steem Dollars (or SBD) - are displayed on the exchanges like regular stims. There are two fundamental differences between them:

  • For SBD, you cannot increase your strength like for stims. To do this, you need to exchange Steam Dollars for Steam on internal or external exchanges, exchangers or with local money changers, simply by sending SBD to their profile and receiving Steam.
  • If ordinary Stims can fall as you like (depending on supply and demand in the market), then the lower threshold for the cost of SBD cannot be lower than $1. Part of the royalties are paid in SBD and this is a guarantee that the author will receive normal payment for his work.

Right there in the wallet you can see the total cost of your account, which is equal to the sum of all three currencies of the site, provided that they are sold for dollars at the current exchange rate.

There is also a Safe or Savings Account in the Steem Wallet. You can transfer STEEM and SBD to it if there is a suspicion that your account has been hacked. Crypto cannot be withdrawn from the safe immediately, but only three days after the withdrawal request. This will create barriers for the attacker, and you can change the password in the meantime. Also, interest is charged on Steam Dollars in the safe, but very small - only 0.01% per year.

How to earn Steem and Steem Dollars on Steam. Registration on

On Steam, there are several options to earn local cryptocurrency. As we wrote earlier, Steams are mined by their mind. Every day, a pool of awards for authors and readers is formed, the size of which depends on the total capitalization of the project currencies. This pool is divided daily between:

  • Authors who write articles on Steam and readers who vote for their posts. These two categories receive 75% of the total pool of new tokens. Naturally, with a large margin in the direction of the authors (75% to 25%). The more votes your post has collected, the more rewards you will receive.
  • Node Holders (sometimes referred to as Witnesses). Those who have the entire Stimita database on their hosting to support the operation of the portal receive 10% to pay for the spent capacity.
  • Another 15% of the pool goes as interest to those who keep their funds in STEEM POWER. This is to prevent investors and workers from downsizing and selling their earnings.

How to earn Steam? To get started, register on the site Registration does not look complicated: one by one enter the name in the system (login) and email. A confirmation letter comes to the mail, we follow the link, but the registration does not end there. After confirmation, you have to wait from a couple of days to a week until your account is reviewed and further registration is allowed. If your IP does not seem suspicious, then you will be sent a link where you can get your private key, which we use to log into your account.

Attention! When registering, we indicate only mailboxes on Since if you register through, for example, Yandex mail or, you will not pass moderation even if you successfully confirm the mail.

After you have successfully registered on, you can enter the site and start earning cryptocurrency. In the beginning, your Steam Power is very low and you won't get anything for reading and liking posts. To do this, you need to level up a bit by writing a few articles or buying Stims on the exchanges and converting them into Strength.

When writing posts, be sure to figure out the tags, in total you can put 5 of them to the article, articles under different tags collect different amounts, as different people read them.

Basically, everyone tries to write on Steam in English (this is the main language of the site), but if you write in your native language, then no one will mind, they just won’t read your article large quantity curators, but you can get a few bold upvotes (as they call likes here) from compatriots purely on patriotism. The system, for example, has a lot of articles in Chinese, Russian and Hindi.

To publish a post, press the Post button next to your avatar in the right upper corner. This form opens:

As we can see, everything is extremely simple. We enter the name, in the next field we write the text itself, and we can simply drag the pictures with the mouse. Below we put five tags, consisting only of small letters and numbers, separated by spaces. Leave 50%/50% in the Rewards field. This means that part of the Steam dollars will go to the readers. In total, you will receive the above 75% of the income from the article and 25% will go to those who vote for it. This happens because you pay only half of the Steam Dollars, and the usual Steams and Steam Power for the article remain with you in full.

You will receive payments for the article to your account after 7 days from the date of publication. After this point, the article will no longer bring you money.

No need to copy articles from the Internet and publish on Steam. There is a special bot that monitors this, and you will be blacklisted. It is better to write a short post, but your own. Payouts for some posts can be in the hundreds of dollars. It all depends on how interesting the material is, as well as how many subscribers you have. The largest amounts are collected by posts in which something for dummies is explained with pictures. For example, how to buy cryptocurrency on the stock exchange or just how to register on the stock exchange. If you are a professional in any field, then you simply have great chances to find subscribers and earn hundreds and thousands of dollars. For example, by publishing lessons on the art of photography or their forecasts for the cryptocurrency rate.

To make money on Upvotes, you need to buy Stims on almost any major exchange. Now both Steam and SBD are traded on Poloniex, Bittrex, Livecoin or Openledger. To do this, simply register on one of these exchanges and buy Steem as a regular crypto, then send to your account

But after you pump enough to get a rollback for upvotes, you can launch some kind of bot that will vote for you. But keep in mind that the number of such likes per day is limited, because with each upvote you run out of battery, which then recovers for a long time.

Steem Price Forecast

In the history of Steam this year, there were ups and downs of tokens, but in principle, the prospects for the site’s cryptocurrencies are quite bright. There are several reasons for this:

– every day there are more and more users and investors. Many people invest in Power to earn money on upvotes, many have managed to evaluate instant transfers in a couple of seconds without any commission at all.

– The lower SBD threshold is fixed. Almost no other crypto has such shock protection.

- as soon as the rate of Steem or Steem Dollars falls below, there are a lot of people who want to upgrade their Steam Power for cheap and then make money on it.

- Interest is charged on the Steam Power. Approximately 15% per year. This is also quite rare.

All this gives an ever-increasing interest in Steamit cryptocurrencies and makes them good tool for investment. For example, back in March, the price of Steem was at $0.1, and peaked at $2.6 in June. True, then the course correction went on, but still, after such a surge, the number of users of the system doubled in less than a month.

News! Literally today, on November 13, news appeared about the creation of a 20 million dollar Steem Fund to attract investments to launch startups based on Steam. This option appeared after the last fork in the system. This news is pushing the price of the crypto up.

In the cryptocurrency sphere, there has long been a discussion about what bitcoin is - a means of payment or a purely speculative instrument. While the controversy is ongoing, Valve has decided to abandon bitcoin as a means of payment in the Steam service. The reason is the high volatility of the cryptocurrency. For the first time, the service began accepting payments in bitcoin in April 2016, after several years of discussion about this possibility. The reason for abandoning cryptocurrencies is not only volatility, but also high commissions in the system, compared to making payments using traditional methods.

“Over the past few months, we have seen an increase in volatility in the price of cryptocurrencies, as well as a significant increase in the system fees for processing transactions on the Bitcoin network,” said Curtis Chinn, a representative of Valve. “The system fee for network users has skyrocketed to around $20 per transaction – well above the 20 cents the system was charging per transaction when we added crypto payments.”

Commissions in and of themselves don't scare anyone as it's part of the world of finance. The same Visa or MasterCard charge for almost any transaction with credit cards. But the amount of commission in the case of these companies rarely exceeds a couple of US dollars. When working with Bitcoin, a commission is charged on any transaction initiated by the user. Well, since the bitcoin rate is constantly growing, the size of the commission also increases. As a result, the user who buys the game receives a significant increase in the price tag due to the commission. As for Steam, the payment of the commission lies on the side of the buyer, who must compensate it. Plus, payment does not occur immediately, but after a while, after the payment is processed by the system and the transaction is confirmed.

“Unfortunately, Valve has nothing to do with this,” Chinn wrote. "The commission of the system leads to an inadequately high price of the purchased game, when making a purchase for bitcoins."

The value of cryptocurrencies is growing all the time. For example, last week one bitcoin was worth $9,500. Now the rate has already broken the $14,000 mark and is moving forward. All this creates logistical and financial problems for companies that accept bitcoin as a means of payment.

“Historically, the price of bitcoin has been highly volatile, but over the past few months this indicator has increased many times, so the growth rate could be about 20% in just a few days. This also creates problems for buyers who seek to purchase games with bitcoin,” says Chinn.

Worst of all, course changes happen very quickly. The user can already pay for the game, but during the transaction, the bitcoin rate rises. Consequently, the price goes up and Valve normally needs to return the balance. But, again, when such a transaction is carried out, a commission will be charged, which is unprofitable for either the user or Valve. It turns out something like a vicious circle, which gets more and more players.

For Valve, the answer to the current situation is to abandon Bitcoin. And this is a prime example of the problems with cryptocurrency as a means of payment. One must think that technical difficulties in conducting a transaction with cryptocoins arise not only from Valve, but also from any other companies that decide to accept bitcoin. The company is not going to completely abandon bitcoin yet - they can start accepting cryptocurrency again, but only if the above problems are somehow resolved.

“We may reassess the situation in the event that bitcoin becomes an acceptable means of payment again,” the company’s block says.

Now less and less people who have bitcoins are ready to give them away as payment for goods or services. “Now people are putting a little bit of extra money into bitcoin, watching it grow and hoping for the best, rather than using it in the real world,” said GFI Securities strategist John Spallanzani. This unwillingness of crypto coin holders to part with them leads to the fact that an ever smaller number of services receive bitcoins as payment. For example, the London-based Fifth Dimension Tattoo & Piercing salon announced its readiness to accept payment in cryptocurrency relatively long ago. But so far there has been no deal.