Is it worth upgrading your iPhone to iOS 11? Is it worth upgrading your iPad: pros and cons

September 19 (release date) released iOS 11, many have already managed to update, because so many different features have been announced. Some even thought that augmented reality would come to their 5S. It will be possible to run cool games, measure a person’s height - but figs! Let's not drag our feet and get straight to the hard stuff.

Battery life

Yes, iOS 11 eats up battery power like crazy. What's happened? Similar problems happened before, when updates to iOS 7, 8, 9, 10 arrived. Then everything was resolved, but, for example, it seems to me that the most optimal power consumption was in iOS 6. Unfortunately, in the first build of the official release of the 11th version of iOS There are obvious problems with charge consumption - that's for sure. And keep in mind that on my iPhone everything is optimized for minimal consumption: geolocation services are disabled, sleep modes are configured, cellular data transfer is disabled when not necessary, only supported network types are selected (4G is not supported by the operator) and much more.

Games and programs won't launch

I was getting ready to play my favorite toy, which just the other day crashed, and I completed a bunch of puzzles, after six months of inactivity. In general, I launch it, and: “It is necessary to update such and such a game. The developer needs to update this program to make it work with iOS 11."
Well, that's it, the mood is ruined. The developer is unlikely to update, there isn’t even advertising, and I received it for free, it seems, as part of some wave of unprecedented generosity from Apple, which is called “on the ball.”

Switching speed

Yes, now my iPhone 5S starts up and reboots much longer than it did in the “dozens”. By the way, don’t forget that the “nine” worked even faster. Wow, we'll soon be waiting an hour for it to load. Although no, I’m kidding, the smartphone will not receive the next update at all.

The keyboard is slow

Thank you, of course, but at least on the first day of rolling out the update, the keyboard was glitching, wildly. The set of letters simply infuriated me; it felt like I had a cheap Android smartphone running Android 2.3 Gingerbread for $20. To tell the truth, I will say that after some time a cache was created and it became better, but the set is not ideal in any case.


Wow, you guys are just crazy here. Now, instead of on-the-fly streaming, some kind of built-in player has appeared, which does not snatch the direct address from the player, but plays according to some unknown schemes. It has become worse to work because it takes longer to load, often glitches, and often does not play at all. I looked on the iPad, there is no such crap (there old version iOS). The same videos play normally.
And with some update on the “ten”, the ability to listen to videos from YouTube in locked screen mode has disappeared. Yes, what do you think when you do this?
Now you have to use the stupid UC Browser to listen in the background, normal, right?

That’s all, don’t forget that yesterday I published another article that reveals as many as 3 reasons why you should upgrade to iOS 11.

The tech industry, as a social phenomenon, has a habit of thriving by making money based on some kind of modernization, and essentially, on people's beliefs that what they have now is not good enough. Buyers, unwittingly, find themselves in a kind of “upgrade cycle”; often this cycle is not necessary, and the purchase of a new device is, for the most part, dictated by the desire to have something unattainable, rather than the real need for it. I would like to invite you to consider three reasons why you should not upgrade your tablet or phone.

Indeed, it happens that a manufacturer sells updated devices, offering increased performance by an order of magnitude, previously unavailable functions, adding completely new features to the product. But sometimes such updates resemble the process of throwing dust in the eyes, creating the illusion of the appearance of something new, previously non-existent and inaccessible, in fact, having no real value for buyers. The psychology is simple: these things are designed to get people to buy a new product, but to do so for no real reason. Here are three reasons to think twice before you buy. new object lust.

1. Do you just want or do you really need?

Nowadays you can very often hear the phrase: “Oh, we have to take it!” Nine out of ten pronounce it like a spell as soon as a new tablet or phone goes on sale. In fact, there are a very limited number of gadgets you really need; most of them you can do without. This statement is only true if the device is not involved in professional activity, or, for example, your health does not depend on its presence. There is a simple desire and there is a need - it is very easy to distinguish one from the other. Try to determine for yourself how much having a new device can improve your life, how much easier will it become for you to do your usual things? If somewhere in the depths you hear echoes with the word “no” - this is a desire, if a clear and reasoned answer is built - this is really a need.

An example is iPad Air, it expanded the range of supported standards mobile communications. This may be important for travelers or those who frequently travel for work. different countries- the need for several devices that you need to constantly carry with you is eliminated. However, if your trip ends at the nearest Starbucks in the next house, it is unlikely that upgrading a not-so-new iPad to the new Air will be advisable.

In no case will it be wrong to buy what you really want - why not, if you have the means and the opportunity? But if you really try to feel the difference between a want and a need, rethink some possible upgrades and analyze the costs of doing so, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

2. Minor improvements are not worth the money.

It often happens that updates and improvements that are presented to the buyer as significant and important are actually just slightly modified features of the old device. Something like this: “A few grams here, a few megapixels there, and here’s a fantastically convenient fingerprint scanner!” Are these things worth the money they are asking for? More often than not, the answer will be “no.” Everything is simple here: “no” - because such changes are not enough to feel the difference between the old and updated product.

For example, the owner of a 4th generation iPad is undoubtedly tempted to purchase an iPad Air. Mainly due to the new body and slightly reduced weight. Indeed, the iPad Air is 200 grams lighter than its predecessor—that’s 30 percent! Wow, wow! But if you look at it, a deck of cards weighs 200 grams, and where are the important improvements for the buyer? In general, such changes are not so critical that you would rush headlong to the store for new iPad Air. Unless you worry about every hundred grams that you carry with you every day. By the way, this is a reason for you to sort through your bag and put out something unnecessary...

3. What you have is enough

It’s a well-known fact: when taking photographs with a phone camera, the result is not always satisfactory; very often the photographs look downright bad. And we blame the camera for this, using this fact as a reason to buy new phone. Although, more often than not, no matter how impolite it may sound, the problem is not in the camera at all. Most people expect miracles and masterpieces from a soulless piece of hardware, are lazy, do not want to understand the intricacies, do not use the camera to its fullest and do not apply various tips and tricks to improve the quality of their photographs.

I'll say this: any iPhone, starting with the iPhone 4, is capable of taking great pictures; there are more than plenty of examples of this on the Internet. Five megapixels and the capabilities of the matrix in the iPhone 4 are enough to take beautiful pictures, especially when they are needed for VKontakte. If you spend time learning the intricacies of shooting on your phone, trying a couple of third-party apps and practicing well, most likely your desire to “urgently upgrade” will disappear.

Of course, not all updates or “upgrades” are a bad idea to begin with. It happens that some new feature, a “killer feature” or property of the product is so important that there is simply no doubt about the need to change the device, and all the expenses for this will easily be recouped by how easily you can do what was not very easy before. However, before purchasing, be sure to ask yourself a few simple questions, similar to those we discussed in this material. This will help you spend less and get a little more.

To be continued…

Despite the popularity of the brand Apple and its products, latest updates iOS do not inspire confidence. Here is problem No. 1 with the discharge battery on old iPhones, and damp firmware with interface glitches, and even problematic operation of non-factory displays on refurbished phones. What new do the developers offer in iOS 11? Let's answer these questions and understand the features of the next numbering platform for Apple gadgets.

How to update your iPhone to the latest version ios 11?

First of all, before updating the previous one. versions iOS 10 or current iOS 11.3 (on this moment this is the extreme build 11.3.1 ) you should take care of backing up important data on your device. Only after completing the backup should you proceed to the upgrade, then you will not have to worry about losing photos or deleting messages.
To create a backup, go to iTunes on your computer, first connecting the gadget to the PC. Going to the section " Backups", click on the button " Create a copy now“, after which a backup will be performed. Having created backup copy, proceed to upgrade the firmware.

The extreme version is usually beta and to update to this version, first download a special profile for developers, without which you will not be able to update to the iOS 11 beta for developers. Receiving a profile is carried out via a link, to open which you only need to use a browser Safari.

After receiving the profile, a message will pop up on the screen asking you to select a device to install the profile. After selecting your device, you will be taken to the “ Setting up a profile", where you will need to click on " Installation» and agree to all the requirements of the device.

After iPhone reboot, go to " Settings" and select " Software Update" If the above steps are completed correctly, the system will detect the new version of iOS. The download and installation process will take no more than 30 minutes.

What's new in iOS 11?

Now that the update is complete and the device is running iOS 11, you can begin to get acquainted with the new features of the installed OS. First of all, the control point should be noted, since this is what the user encounters first after turning on the device. In iOS 11 it has changed significantly: all sliders fit on one screen, and it also supports 3D Touch, with which you can open advanced settings for any of the items.

The main innovation that is already available to users is the updated App Store , which has significantly improved navigation, as well as the description and selection of the application, so that it is now much easier to navigate the million offers of developers. Minor changes have been made to the notification bar and lock screen.

Siri now acts more personally, using user data and his work history in applications such as " Messages», « Mail», Safari, « News"and others. Thanks to SiriKit More opportunities have opened up for developers to integrate a personal assistant into their applications. Now you can use new categories: bank accounts and transfers, task lists, reminders and notes, QR codes.

The camera has also acquired new functions - now you can use effects for live shots " A loop" And " Rebound", thanks to which it became possible to create looping videos. The camera can now use long exposures and has improved the algorithms that automatically select images when generating memories.

One of the most popular innovations among users was the ability to use a new image format HEIF, which reduces file sizes without compromising their quality.

Thanks to the Do Not Disturb feature, drivers will no longer be distracted from the road and endanger themselves and their passengers. The function is automatically activated when driving. Selected contacts receive a notification that the subscriber is driving, so they can respond once they arrive.

Preparing for a rollback to iOS10.

Preparing an iOS device is simple and ensures that all data is restored immediately after installing iOS 10, but there is one condition - you must have a backup in iCloud or iTunes, previously created in iOS 10. When downgrading the iOS version, it is impossible to restore data from a backup that was created before this in the updated version.

You can only roll back if you disable the protection. You need to go to the section " Settings» >> item « Touch ID and passcode» and disable protection.

How to return to the old firmware?

The process of returning to the "ten" is no more complicated than the process of updating to iOS 11. To do this, install latest version software iTunes for PC. Next, connect Apple device to the PC and transfer it to DFU mode . This is done as follows:

  • Turn off the iPhone and hold down the buttons Power + Home approximately 10 seconds.
  • After waiting these seconds, release the Power button and hold Home for about 15 seconds.

After completing the described operations, a message should appear on the PC screen stating that iTunes has detected the device in recovery mode. Now you just need to select “Restore iPhone”, and the device will roll back to iOS 10.

Does it make sense to upgrade to iOS 11?

Regular firmware updates from Apple contain new functions that were previously unavailable to the user. In version iOS 11.3, the main changes concern expanding the possibilities for using augmented reality. Updated platform ARKit 1.5 allows you to create and place virtual objects not only on horizontal surfaces, but also on vertical ones. This gives great opportunities when choosing design options for an apartment or office.

It is possible not only (as in previous versions) arrange virtual cabinets and chests of drawers, but also experiment with different types of wallpaper, wall lamps, shelves, etc. Also, the new 11th version of the OS will display information about the state of the battery, and the OS will warn about the imminent failure of the battery. In the new build 11.3.1, according to the developers, the problem with support for non-factory displays has been fixed.

Speaking of disadvantages, sometimes you can observe system glitches, as well as spontaneous closing of some applications. Also, the process of unlocking a smartphone is not always carried out successfully, and the charge of the old battery melts before our eyes.

Apple today released iOS 11.2.6, the eleventh official update to the iOS 11 operating system. iOS 11.2.6 comes about a month after launch, an update that introduced HomePod support, an updated Control Center, Siri news, and a host of bug fixes.

The iOS 11.2.6 update can be downloaded for free on all eligible devices in the Settings app. To download and install the update, go to Settings -> General -> Software Update.

iOS 11.2.6 update has been released, is it worth updating your iPhone and iPad?

Apple has released iOS 11.2.6 to fix a bug that causes apps to crash when sending messages on iPhone and iPad due to the inability to render a certain Indian language, Telugu.

When sending, receiving or typing in Messages, Safari, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc., Telugu may cause the application to freeze and become unresponsive.

Bagh centers around one language, Telugu, a dialect of Central and Southern Dravidian languages ​​spoken by about 70 million people in India. Receiving the symbol will crash any messaging app that sees the symbol, forcing you to force close the app.

If you open the app again and the symbol is still there, it will cause the app to freeze again.

In iMessage, for example, receiving a character can cause the app to freeze on all Mac and iOS devices. The Messages app then refuses to work properly until the buggy symbol is deleted, deleting the conversation with the person who sent it, the error will immediately go away.

In addition to fixing the Telugu language, Apple says the update fixes an issue where some third party applications may not connect to external accessories. If you've noticed this bug affecting your iPhone connection with accessories, this update should resolve the issue.

More interesting changes are coming with , which is currently in beta testing. Users can expect new features such as Messages in iCloud, new Animoji on iPhone X, more transparent battery status information, and the ability to .

Apple Release Notes:

iOS 11.2.6 includes bug fixes for your iPhone or iPad. This update:

Addresses an issue where using certain character sequences can cause applications to crash. Fixes an issue where some third-party applications might not connect to external devices.

Apple released iOS 11.1. Since the release of iOS 11, Apple has only been busy finishing the next beta version of the update in order to eliminate numerous firmware bugs. Some of the problems can be eliminated, but the operation of the new operating system cannot be called smooth.

On November 1, the final version of iOS 11.1 was released for iPhone and iPad

iOS 11.1 finally fixes the problem with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The WPA2 protocol vulnerability, which allowed user traffic to be intercepted and used to obtain confidential data, has been fixed.

Also, according to Apple, 3D Touch gestures should now work normally on the iPhone 6S, “Live Photos” will be played back without slowdown, and photos will not be duplicated in the device’s memory.

It's funny that among the significant improvements, Apple also lists 70 new emoji.

This is, of course, great, but not so great, considering that the company has not solved the problem of battery drain on all devices below the iPhone.

They can install iOS 11.1 iPhone owners 5s/SE/6/6 Plus and newer versions of smartphones, as well as users of 12.9-, 9.7- and 10.5-inch iPad Pro, iPad Air 1 and 2, iPad mini 2/3/4.

Why do only Apple flagships work normally on iOS 11?

This question has been haunting all Apple users for several months now. If previously the company “excluded” so-called “old” devices from normal updates, which had already been officially withdrawn from sale, then the company’s current policy looks very strange.

On the new operating system iPhone 6, 6S, which are quite sold in Apple Store. Moreover, the sixth iPhone model is the most popular in many markets, including Russia.

However, users who update to iOS 11, including improved beta versions, experience real torment instead of enjoying the gadget. Devices start to freeze, and the battery barely lasts half a day. Wherein Apple problems doesn't comment at all. There is only one answer: “We are working on improvements!”

Or maybe iOS 11 is a conspiracy?

What makes you think in favor of this version?

The fact that in a month Apple released iOS 11.0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and now iOS 11.1, and the key problem of users has not been solved.

Some complain that it even gets worse from release to release - iPhone battery Holds the charge worse and worse.

The second argument in favor of Apple’s deliberate machinations against iPhone 6 and 6S users is after installation new version The OS can no longer be rolled back to iOS 10.3.3. Apple has stopped signing this version of iOS. Thus, the official path back to iOS 10 is closed. Therefore, if you have not yet updated to version 11, take your time.

Why Apple pursues such a policy is anyone's guess. One of the options why the company needed such cheating is an attempt to increase sales of flagship models. Were you happy with the iPhone 6S, but before iOS 11? Now you may have nowhere to go: the device slows down, runs out of charge and becomes a problem. And then you turn your attention to the iPhone 8.

How possible do you think this arrangement is? Or are the iOS 11 bugs just shortcomings that Apple will eventually fix sooner or later?