Strengthen signal reception on Android. How to improve your mobile signal

Have you decided to spend a few days in nature among the mountains?

Be prepared for a sharp deterioration in quality mobile communications. And the point is not that there are not enough base stations from which the mobile device can find a signal. Although this factor is also very important. After all mobile phone and the station are in constant contact with each other. The cellular device is constantly looking for a station with a stronger signal, sending it the SIM card number and IMEI of the device. Then the network computer studies the authenticity of the subscriber, doing this by transmitting a random number to the mobile gadget, which the SIM card must process according to a certain algorithm and sends the result to the base station located in the closest access. In turn, the base station sends the data to the control computer. There they check the code from the phone and the one calculated by the computer. If the data matches, the device can connect to the network.

Both the phone and the base station are constantly in contact. The device connects from one station to another, provided that it has a stronger signal. And even if your device is in standby mode, this process still occurs. The main thing that mobile device was not more than 35 km from the station. This figure is the maximum possible for being away from base station.

But even if you are in close proximity to the base station, terrain features, living on the ground floor in an apartment with massive walls, the presence of deciduous trees near the windows, etc. also play a role.

And if earlier owners of devices with an external antenna did not know sadness and could easily improve the quality of the communication signal, now, in the era of expensive smartphones with built-in antennas, everything is much more complicated. After all, firstly, built-in antenna for phone it is glued to the body by the manufacturer, and secondly, there are at least 3-4 of them there and it is difficult to improve something without damaging the original parts.

Therefore, if you are thinking about improving the quality of communication, use the diagnostic connector to insert the built-in whip antenna into it. If there is no connector in your cell phone, you can try gluing a passive antenna made of foil onto the lid from the inside, where the original antenna for phone.

In addition, you can also solve the problem of a weak mobile signal by using an amplifier, which increases the signal strength. This passive a phone antenna in the form of a sticker is very easy to install. You just need to stick it on back panel or place under battery mobile gadget. Due to the fact that passive phone antenna is in the same plane as the internal antenna, it will improve the radiation pattern of the communication signal. You can also use conservative methods to improve communication and use repeaters, repeaters, or install an external antenna for phone. You can either purchase it in an online store or make it yourself.

As you can see, there are options for improving the quality of mobile communications. All you have to do is choose yours and remember that the worse your phone receives the mobile signal, the faster the battery drains.

Many of us use the Internet provided by mobile operators. This ensures constant presence on the Internet, which is sorely lacking. WiFi networks. And since 2G networks are already completely outdated, 4G, on the contrary, has not reached many and is too expensive for others, the most popular mobile Internet Third generation communications will remain for a long time - 3G. But very often, due to overloaded transmission lines, obstacles and other troubles, it turns out to be unattainable, and the phone switches to 2G communication. Well, even if the signal is out of reach, there is several reliable ways resume it, and it is these methods that we will talk about now.

First, and perhaps the most effective solution– get an additional antenna to receive a 3G signal. Such an antenna can be either an additional modem tailored for a cellular operator or a more powerful built-in antenna of the device itself. That is why those who need 3G communications should think about buying a device with good signal reception. Unfortunately, purchasing an additional antenna is not an option for many, and you don’t want to lose your favorite tablet or phone. Well, a worthwhile solution was found for them too. And it lies in the settings of the device itself.

In fact, what is served to us standard settings about networks - not at all exhaustive information about them. Having installed special applications to your device on any operating system, you can find out a lot more information about cellular networks. One in particular mobile operator usually lays several lines for its connection, so that it is more convenient to distribute users among them. Typically, such distribution occurs automatically, and in the settings the entire network is generally displayed as one whole. But, using special program, you can manually select a connection line, choosing a free one and not an overloaded one.

Of course, such a solution is not the only one of its kind. You can select many settings, thus optimizing the network for yourself. After trying all the settings, a person optimizes the signal for himself, achieving an ideal connection.

Thus, there are two main solutions to the communication problem - hardware and software. Each of them deserves attention, and each of them can be tried. After their comprehensive application, you can achieve the highest possible signal.

Disconnecting the modem from the Internet

Click: SETTINGS, select NETWORK and set “WCDMA only”. Click "OK"

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But what can we do? What can you do to improve the reception of your mobile device?

1. Repair of the premises.
If you are going to do it anyway, then it is worth thinking about the signal attenuation coefficient depending on the material. The signal attenuation can be on the order of 20−40 units. The more metal, the larger it is. Window tinting also makes its contribution - 3-5 units (this is also true for a car; communication in a tinted car is worse than in an untinted one). In general, with a competent approach to repair, there is a chance to reduce signal loss to a minimum.

Cost of issue: it’s not worth doing repairs for the sake of the phone. We can say that for 500 dollars or more you will make life very difficult for yourself.

2. Remote antenna.
Each mobile device has its own, recommended by the manufacturer (often produced by it) external antenna. If, as a result of repairs, speaking on the phone has become significantly worse, we can recommend purchasing such an antenna and placing it behind the glass. Their dimensions are small, and the length of the cable allows you to place the mobile phone at a distance of more than a meter or two from the antenna itself (however, it is better to contact the seller for exact data). This can also be done as a preventive measure and see if there are any changes for the better.

Issue price: low. In any case, such antennas are cheaper than the mobile device itself. There is no power supply as such.

3. Broadband repeater.
If we explain the principle of operation of such a device, it boils down to the following: “received, amplified, transmitted further.” The cheapest and most suitable for home use Of all types of repeaters are broadband repeaters. They can amplify all frequencies at once, thereby improving the work of more than just one operator. In addition, if your connection did not work before, say, in the toilet, then after turning on such a device you can say with a high degree of confidence that it will work. When installing it, you should take into account special sanitary standards, which very strictly regulate the installation of such devices.

Please remember that this device should not be used without the consent of the operator. cellular communication undesirable. The fact is that unauthorized activation of such a repeater can, instead of being useful, cause damage to the operator’s company and create various problems in this place (more details in). This method is given as an acquaintance with the fact that it exists. The author does not bear any responsibility for possible problems problems that may arise when using this advice.

Price: about $500 and some electricity to power the device.

All these methods lead to improved mobile phone reception in the home. For those who do not face such a task, it will simply be useful to expand their horizons... ]