Construction of sf decoding. Faculty of Civil Engineering

Vesta-SF has been an active and successful player in the real estate market for many years.

The company is constantly increasing its volume of work. Thus, over the past few years, Vesta-SF has built and put into operation more than 400 thousand square meters. objects for various purposes: residential, retail and office and industrial and warehouse. Today the company's portfolio includes over 500 thousand sq.m. projects located in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In its work, Vesta-SF adheres to the basic principles, including reliability, professionalism and honesty. Always fulfilling its obligations to partners and customers, completing construction on time and hiring only highly qualified specialists, the company has taken a strong place in the real estate market.

Rich practical experience and well-coordinated functioning of a team of professionals allow Vesta-SF to take a comprehensive approach to project implementation - from determining the parameters for the best use of a land plot, concept development, pre-project preparation, obtaining initial permitting documentation to design, construction itself and further management of facilities.

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In its work, Vesta-SF adheres to the basic principles, including reliability, professionalism and honesty. Always fulfilling its obligations to partners and customers, completing construction on time and hiring only highly qualified specialists, the company has taken a strong place in the real estate market.

Rich practical experience and well-coordinated functioning of a team of professionals allow Vesta-SF to take a comprehensive approach to project implementation - from determining the parameters for the best use of a land plot, concept development, pre-project preparation, obtaining initial permitting documentation to design, construction itself and further management of facilities.


Vesta-SF implements full-cycle development projects in both residential and commercial real estate.
Taking care of the comfort of the residents of the objects under construction, Vesta-SF builds not just beautiful houses, but also thinks through planning solutions and landscaping the local area. All courtyards will have convenient parking, lighting, landscaping, as well as children's and sports grounds. To maximally satisfy the needs of the population, Vesta-SF is developing the social, communal and engineering infrastructure of the areas being built up.

The main factor for the company's success is an integrated approach to solving problems. Performing simultaneously the functions of an investor, developer, customer and general contractor, Vesta-SF significantly reduces the costs of project implementation and strictly controls the timing of work.

Thanks to this, the company has found its niche in the market and has earned an excellent reputation among clients and partners. Vesta-SF has a stable profitability and has ample opportunities for further systematic growth and development.


Currently, Vesta-SF is one of the leading construction companies in the market of Moscow and the Moscow region. Particular attention is paid to the selection and training of personnel. The company's staff is a well-coordinated team of specialists with serious experience in the field of design and construction, which is ready and able to take on projects of any complexity.

Most of the work is carried out in-house by Vesta-SF, while the rest is entrusted to trusted, highly specialized subcontractors, which ultimately allows us to strictly adhere to deadlines and guarantee high quality constructed objects.

At all stages of project implementation - from the preparation of the construction site to the completion of finishing work - the company's engineering and technical staff carefully monitors compliance with all technological norms and rules.

Throughout its operation, Vesta-SF strives to do more, faster and better.

Property management

Vesta-SF includes a management and operating company, which allows us to offer clients the most effective management services for real estate in various areas: residential, retail, office and warehouse. An integrated approach used in building management includes administrative, legal and financial support for the functioning of facilities, sanitary maintenance of buildings and surrounding areas, operation engineering systems, current and major repairs, as well as, for commercial real estate, marketing and work with a pool of tenants.

The main goals that Vesta-SF pursues when managing real estate are their uninterrupted operation in the short and long term, optimization of current and capital maintenance costs, as well as a stable increase in the profitability of projects.


The Faculty of Construction has existed since 1930, since the founding of NGASU (Sibstrin) and is the first construction faculty in Siberia and the Far East. Currently there are more than 1000 students studying there.

Graduates of the Faculty of Construction form the basis of the construction industry personnel, among them are managers of large construction companies, scientists, governors, ministers, famous builders, engineers and designers working in Russia and abroad.

Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering undergo internships at construction sites, in design organizations, design bureaus, as part of student construction teams in various cities of Russia and abroad, in , within the framework of academic mobility have the opportunity to part educational program master .

Thanks to their talents and excellent preparation, students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering are among the best, and often the best, in Russia and neighboring countries, taking top places in prestigious all-Russian and international educational and scientific competitions, surpassing their comrades from all other universities, including capital universities ( , , , , ).

The successes and achievements of students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering are highly appreciated and supported by the Government Russian Federation, the Government of the Novosibirsk region, the mayor's office of Novosibirsk, which appoint and pay them special scholarships ( , , ).



DIRECTION, bachelor's degree

Training profiles:

The prestigious and most sought-after profile in the construction industry opens up very broad prospects for the future activities of graduates. This is the design, construction and operation of residential, public and industrial buildings, various structures, the opportunity to work in any construction organizations, in all sectors of industry, agriculture, housing and communal services, design institutes and workshops, architectural and construction departments under district administrations, cities and regions, etc.

Among bachelors hired after graduation, there are several times more graduates of the Industrial and Civil Engineering profile than graduates of any other profile in the field of Construction. .

Alumni profile "Industrial and civil construction" manage general construction works, engage in design activities in design institutes, inspect buildings and structures, monitor their technical condition, perform an economic analysis of the economic activities of a construction organization, and use modern computer technologies in their practice.

To the profile training program "Industrial and civil construction" includes architecture, building structures, technology and organization in construction, economics, legal regulation of construction activities and much more.

The level of training that bachelors receive is sufficient both for professional activities and for continuing education in a master's program.


Qualification - civil engineer, duration of study: 6 years - full-time, 7 years - .

Training in the specialization “Construction of high-rise and long-span buildings and structures” of the educational program “Construction of unique buildings and structures” is elite higher education in construction .

For bachelor's degree graduates of any universities, any directions and profiles current professional standards set restrictions onobtaining positions requiringhighly qualified. There are no such restrictions for graduates of the specialty; they are intended to work in the most responsible and managerial positions that require the highest qualifications.

Graduates of the specialty “Construction of unique buildings and structures” during their studies at the university receive the entire volume of undergraduate knowledge in the profile “Industrial and Civil Engineering” , as well as additional competencies thanks to which have an advantage in employment and professional growth . Such specialists are indispensable in the design and construction of the most complex objects that have large heights, spans, underground depths and other features of uniqueness in relation to conventional construction.

Objects of professional activity of specialists:

  • industrial and civil buildings and structures;
  • high-rise and long-span buildings and structures.

From 01.09.2019 students of the specialty "Construction of unique buildings and structures"scholarship set to size150 % from the scholarship received by students in undergraduate programs!

(Graduating department - technology and organization of construction)

Areas of master's training:

Construction management. Information Support construction and operation of buildings and structures; automated systems, used in construction. Modern technologies monolithic and prefabricated monolithic construction. Measuring and computing systems for quality assurance in construction production. Intensive and resource-saving technologies for construction production. Technology of repair work of buildings and engineering systems. Materials and structures used in repair work and maintenance of buildings and structures. Methodology for developing construction organization projects (COP) and work execution projects (PPR). Calendar and network planning of construction production. Feasibility study in projects for reconstruction of buildings and development, etc.

(Graduating department - engineering geology, foundations and foundations)

Areas of master's training:

Management of construction organizations and their divisions. Examination of engineering solutions and results of engineering surveys in the field of geotechnical construction, calculation and theoretical justification of structural solutions for the foundations of high-rise buildings, joint work of pipe structures and roadbeds, changes in the bearing capacity of piles under dynamic influences on foundations, methods for reducing the vibration amplitudes of foundations for cars on the ground base and foundation body, calculation and design of strengthening the foundations and foundations of emergency and reconstructed buildings, field and laboratory methods for studying the deformation properties of soils, including the determination of dynamic characteristics, development and updating of regulatory, technical and methodological documents of the organization regulating activities in the field of geotechnical construction, implementation and organization of engineering surveys for the construction and reconstruction of underground structures and structures, etc.

(recruitment was carried out until 09/01/2018)

Master's studies allow you to:

  • deepen and expand knowledge of applied disciplines in the Construction area;
  • get highest level qualifications that allow you to occupy the most responsible and leadership positions;
  • study in more detail modern automated complexes for the design of buildings, structures, and territory planning;
  • gain knowledge about modern trends in improving technology and organizing construction production;
  • master the methodology of scientific creativity;
  • obtain and develop research skills in the field of construction;
  • study the theoretical foundations and gain practical skills in teaching, etc.