Super piggy bank personal account. Review: Super piggy bank negative reviews

Everyone has a dream, and in most cases, its implementation requires a huge amount of money.

If you start saving, you will have to go a long way towards your goal, constantly giving up something and collecting money. Saving is much easier if you don’t just put money under your pillow, but put it into circulation.

Superkopilka with super interest

Money on this site is distributed among participants. The administration came up with an original approach, collecting contributions from all users and distributing them among those who had previously contributed. A kind of mutual assistance helping to save a large amount much faster.

People come here to save up faster for a car, a new gadget, large household appliances, and even for shoes.

You can set any goal, even to collect money for your birthday, the most important thing is that interest will be added to the money you collect. At the same time, it will be accrued not only on your deposits, but also on profits, which will gradually come.

This is a clear example of how quickly money can be collected to buy a refrigerator. You can set any other goal but still get 50% to make fundraising easier.

How to start saving on Super Piggy Bank?

When you visit the site, register. It is simple, and after completing it, an email is sent, where there is a link to set a password and log in Personal Area:

First, set a password, and then use it to log into your profile. There you need to select a balance replenishment and deposit funds into your account. There are several methods to choose from:

You can start by creating your own goal. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate section and select the conditions. There are quite a lot of them here, keep in mind that you will need to replenish your balance in the future, because you are saving and not just receiving interest:

After selecting, you need to click on the “Create goal” button in the “Name” column. A window will open where you will need to enter a name and indicate the weekly contribution. Please note that the amount is indicated in the currency “Tet”, this is the internal currency, its exchange rate is equal to the dollar:

Now on home page appears new entry and the amount that needs to be added to the balance and then transferred to the goal is indicated there:

As you can see, there is one day left to make a contribution of 10 tet, and if you make it, then at the end they will pay out 15 tet. If you cannot decide on the goal and amount, contact the technical support of the super piggy bank, they will help you figure out what is best to do to make a profit.

The super piggy bank has been working for more than 2 years, each client is provided personal assistant, and payments come every week.

Even a beginner can open his piggy bank and set a goal on this site. Try to start with the minimum, create a goal to buy new headphones, a hair dryer or a formal suit. By replenishing your piggy bank with small amounts, you will gradually collect the necessary money.

Super Piggy Bank Affiliate Program

With the Superkopilka project you can also earn decent money. For this purpose, an 8-level affiliate program. You can invite as many new members as you like to receive a percentage of their contributions:

If you find active investors who will constantly replenish their piggy bank with large sums, you will definitely earn serious money. Even if you don’t take into account that active partners can create a huge network of referrals for you, the income is still impressive:

This is one example in which only the first two levels of referrals are taken into account. From 10 people who also invited 10 people, $3600 per month comes in, taking into account that they make contributions starting from $150.

Try inviting users, maybe you will be able to find partners who will quickly increase your team.

Just last week, more than 200,000 tet (which is equal to a dollar) were withdrawn from the Super Piggy Bank. There is a huge amount of money circulating in the system, and thanks to a unique script, it is intelligently distributed among participants, which ensures a stable increase in the accumulated amount.

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Hello, dear SuperKopilka participants!

If you are a SuperGame participant and did not activate your account before December 5, 2016, as was written about this last time: “ ”, then this article is for you. Because We have finally developed an account activation system.

More and more participants are turning to SuperKopilka feedback with a request to activate their personal accounts so that they can continue participating in the project. Therefore, we returned to this issue and developed an algorithm for activating the participants’ personal accounts.

You can also watch the recording of the webinar on the topic of this article

Activation procedure

In order to understand the procedure for activating your Personal Account (PA), let's clarify the term Activation Deposit Amount.

Activation top-up amount - this is an amount that is equal to 10% of all funds in the Main Balance and Prepayment account.
For example, you have 1000 tet on your Main Balance, and 2000 tet on your Prepayment account. In total, you have 3000 tet on all accounts. 10% of this amount is the Activation Replenishment Amount, which is equal to 300 tet.

To activate your Personal Account (PA), you need to complete 4 mandatory, and at the same time simple, steps:

  1. Write to on the SuperKopilka website about the desire to activate your Personal Account;
  2. Top up your account by the amount of the activation replenishment, that is, by 10% of all funds on the Main Balance and Prepayment account.
    1. For participants whose total accounts are less than 100 tet, the activation conditions are 10 tet.
  3. Automatic creation of deposits for all available funds, except for the amount of activation replenishment, with a yield of 0% and a period of 100 weeks. This is done by a specialist technical support. Within 24 hours after you contact Feedback and replenish your account, you will receive an email stating that your account has been activated;
  4. Create deposits for the amount of activation replenishment for a period of 25 weeks, with the current yield in the personal account. This amount will remain with you after the automatic creation of deposits. You can create them immediately as soon as you receive a letter from a technical support specialist.

Thus, you receive the invested funds for activation within 25 weeks with a good profit. And you will receive all previously invested funds before Rebirth in 100 weeks. We have also prepared options for a faster return on your investment. Please read the terms and conditions below carefully.

Personal account activation options

We have developed several activation options to, firstly: speed up the process of returning all invested funds; secondly: get more benefits for the deposited funds. All of them differ in the amount of activation replenishment, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to receive previously invested funds.

Activation option No. 1

  • Activation replenishment amount — 10% ;
  • Automatic creation of deposits - with payments from the 100th week and yield 0%;
  • from 25 weeks and further, with the current yield in the personal account;

Activation option No. 2

  • 10% ;
  • 50%
  • Automatic creation of deposits - with payments from the 50th week and yield 0%;
  • Creation of deposits for the amount of activation replenishment for a period from 25 weeks

Activation option No. 3

  • The main amount of activation replenishment is 10% ;
  • Additional activation top-up amount — 100% from the amount in the accounts in your personal account;
  • Automatic creation of deposits - with payments from the 30th week and yield 0%;
  • Creation of deposits for the amount of activation replenishment for a period from 25 weeks and further, with the current yield in the personal account.

As you can see, the larger the amount of activation replenishment, the shorter the time frame for automatic creation of deposits, which means the faster receipt of payments for all invested funds before Rebirth.

And to make time fly by quickly, it’s worth starting full participation at the same level, with the legendary “loop” strategies that all participants use again. For all deposited funds in excess of the activation replenishment amount, you can create programs for any available weeks. Therefore, do not limit yourself to simply activating your personal account, but make new deposits, create Savings Goals, Rentier programs, Deposits and use looping strategies.

SuperKopilka is always ready to accommodate everyone who shares honesty and the idea of ​​prosperity of our civilization. During the Rebirth we had in our hands powerful technology for adaptation and protection of deposits, which will now eliminate the mistakes of the past and lead us to great goals.

SuperKopilki team.

Hi all! So the legendary SuperKopilka appeared on the portal! I didn’t pass it by and decided to write a review of this project, which deserves great respect. SuperKopilka began its activities in 2013, which today has been operating for more than 4 years and, according to the administration, is only strengthening its position in the CIS market and the world.

My new deposit to SuperKopilka from 04/03/2019. = 2000$

How to make money in Super Piggy Bank. Depositing and withdrawing money (video from the site)

During its long and honest work, SuperKopilka has received tens of thousands of positive reviews, which you can not only read, but also watch in video format on official website. The authors also released book about the global financial system, and today SuperKopilka has even started filming a film, the trailer of which you can already watch on the project’s website.

Register right now and receive a cash bonus of up to $100 to your account in the project!

Project marketing and passive income.

Marketing in SuperKopilka offers online investors 3 mutual financing programs to choose from:

The 1st program is called “Goals”

Its meaning is that you do not need to pay the entire amount at once; contributions can be made in installments every week. For example: you decide to save up for a used car that costs 3,000 US dollars. So: you set yourself a goal to save $100 a week for a car for 20 weeks, in 20 weeks you will save exactly $2000, and SuperKopilka to your deferred amount will add another +50% ($1000) on top according to the marketing condition, where at the end you will receive exactly $3000, although you invested $2000 in your goal. Cool? Let's move on...

The 2nd program is called “Deposits”

Everything is simple here: let’s say you want to increase your $2000 and are ready to do it in 20 weeks - okay, we make a deposit of $2000 into the Super Piggy Bank for a period of 20 weeks, and after your deposit has worked for the specified time, an amount of in the amount of $4000 (your 2000+2000 on top in interest).

3rd passive income program - “Rentier”

Let's immediately figure out who a rentier is. A rentier is a person who lives on unearned income. In other words, a person who receives passive income, for example, from renting out real estate, from bank deposits, royalties, and so on. What does this program offer us? The 3rd program offers us to receive income weekly from our investments. Let's say we want to receive passive income from a project in the amount of $500 over the course of long term. We deposit $3,000 into the Super Piggy Bank account and every week we withdraw part of our invested funds + dividends from our account, which in total will bring us $500 per month. This program is good because here we can withdraw our income (in parts) already in the first week of work.

It is worth considering the following: the longer the term of your deposit (in weeks), the higher the interest rate on this deposit and the more you will receive.

So, we have looked at all the options for receiving passive income from SuperKopilka, here you should take into account the fact that each program has its own characteristics, pay attention to such parameters as the deposit period, profitability, and frequency of payments. Choose the program that suits you best.

Affiliate program.

An important feature of the SuperKopilka project is that it has a generous referral program, where when you invite new partners to your team, you will have quite good bonuses, especially from the upper levels of your team. Example: you invited a new partner to your team, your partner contributed $1000 to one of the passive income programs, to you as an inviter, SuperKopilka will immediately credit 10% ($100) of your partner’s deposit to your account and so on for as many as 8 levels down!

Main project parameters:

Payment systems: Perfect Money, NIX money, Payeer.
Withdrawal of funds: every week, or at the end of the deposit period.
The minimum contribution to the project: “Goals” and “Deposits” is only 10 cents. Under the Rentier program - $10.
Average yield: 20% per month is a mutual financing system. By making regular contributions according to the marketing conditions, you will also receive all payments within the period allotted by the project regulations.

How to register?

1. Go to the official one project website
2. On the right top corner click the “Registration” button
3. Enter name, address Email, phone number (required, an SMS will be sent to your phone to confirm registration), indicate your Skype login (optional) and don’t forget to check the box that you have read the rules of the project!

Congratulations! You have registered with SuperKopilka! When you log into your personal account for the first time, be sure to watch the training video on working with your profile in the system. A pleasant female voice will literally guide you “by the hand” through all sections of your personal account and tell you which parameters need to be configured first. Also on the site at the bottom right there is online technical support that will politely answer all your questions. remains to monitor SuperKopilka, I will publish all my received payments in the comments to the review! Big profits and green light to everyone on the road to internet investment!

My contacts:
Telegram: @hyiplife

I think many investors would like to understand how “serious” a particular project is and what is hidden behind the site: a student who decided to earn some money, or a team of professionals who decided to change the entire industry?

Sometimes serious projects can be easily distinguished from the many similar friends on other projects. The hero of today's article brought something new to highly profitable projects. The administrator even wrote a book to explain to the investor the principle of operation of his brainchild.

You can find all current projects.

Distinctive features.

  • Adaptation of the payment schedule.

This is what makes the Super Piggy Bank unique and is the most important chapter in the book described above. The idea is that if there is a shortage of funds for payments (seasonal fluctuations, holidays, etc.), a queue of recipients is formed. Everyone will receive payments, but some earlier, some later.

According to the administrator, this mechanism will allow the Super Piggy Bank to work for many years and easily survive all difficulties.

In order to determine those depositors who will be moved forward in the queue, a fair system was developed. An indicator has appeared called “karma”. Karma is awarded for helping the project when it is needed, for example, making a timely contribution or inviting referrals in a timely manner. Whoever has less karma will receive a payment later if there is not enough money to withdraw.

  • High-quality work with referrals.

The administrator believes that the affiliate program is the most important element in the development of a highly profitable project. Therefore, special attention is paid to working with referrals in SuperKopilka.

Firstly, in 2018 the project launchedConsulting Center , where experienced participants who are well versed in the work of SuperKopilka advise newcomers. You can choose one of the leaders of the Consulting Center and he will tell you what to do to get maximum benefits at first, until you understand marketing yourself. And also instruct such managers to work with your referrals.

Secondly, training materials are published to help beginners take their first steps in attracting referrals and free training is provided as part of the Workshop for Beginners.

Thirdly, work is carried out with those who have registered in the project: the referral manager receives an SMS and an email with information about the new partner and a call to contact him, the project manager calls the partner and tells him about the project, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages.


  • High-quality and informative site. In this regard, everything is implemented very well: a nice design, adapted for mobile devices, a convenient personal account, if it has an SSL certificate and protection against DDoS attacks, filled with unique useful content.
  • Many ways to communicate.You can contact the SuperKopilka manager using an online consultant andfeedback forms . You can also request a call back in your personal account. In addition, you can ask for advice in the Telegram chat for communication, where experienced participants can be found at almost any time of the day.
  • Low minimum deposit. You can start investing with a small amount, even 10 cents, but remember that the payments will be appropriate.
  • Activity on social networks.SuperKopilka has groups and accounts on VK, Facebook, Chats on Telegram and Skype, as well as two official channels on YouTube - one with webinars with instructions and the second with feedback from participants.
  • Constant bonuses and promotions. IN The project regularly holds various promotions, competitions and bonuses. Typically, such promotions last only a few days, and bonuses can be very profitable, so it’s better to follow the SuperKopilka news on the website or throughnews Telegram channel .


  • Not a large number of payment systems. To replenish and withdraw funds from the project, you can only use Perfect Money, AdvCash, Payeer and Nix Money.

How much can you earn?

The project offers investors 3 types of investment plans:

  • Goals.

This plan is similar to a savings deposit in a bank. You need to select the deposit period in weeks in advance. Every week you will need to top up your balance by a fixed amount. On the date you choose, you will be able to withdraw the amount of your investment plus interest.

The longer the deposit term you choose, the higher the interest rate you will receive and the larger the amount you can invest. For up to a month, you can invest an average of no more than $50.

  • Deposit.

This plan is similar to Goal, but differs in that the contribution is made in full once, rather than in installments every week. You independently choose the deposit term, the deposit and interest are paid at the end of the term. The longer the deposit term you choose, the higher interest you will receive. Deposit is a more profitable plan than Goal.

  • Rentier programs.

Here, thanks to flexible settings, you can create your own investment plan. You can choose the deposit amount, the deposit period and the week from which you will start receiving payments. The later payments begin and the longer the deposit term, the higher your interest will be.

Bonuses for newbies.

Immediately after registration, several bonuses for new members will be available to you; if possible, you should use all of them, in whole or in part - it’s up to you.

"Test Drive".

Creation of the first program for the minimum possible period of 1 week. Since the project works according to the Payment Schedule system, where each program created by the participants takes its place, then in the very next weeks, usually all the space is already reserved by payments made earlier.

But every newcomer is given the opportunity to test the project by creating a deposit with increased profitability for 1 week and go through the full cycle of participation in an accelerated mode: replenishment-deposit-receipt of payment-withdrawal to the wallet.

Advertising mode.

After the Test Drive, weeks from 2 to 16 are open to beginners, and the profitability on them is also higher than on the same weeks for other participants. Here, programs should be opened sequentially, starting from the very minimum period of work and not jumping to longer periods, otherwise this offer will expire and become unavailable.

Due to the fact that beginners can create Test Drive and Advertising mode programs from 1 week, payments will be credited to their balance weekly from the very beginning of participation.

Bonus $100.

During the first 21 days after registration, each participant can receive an additional cash bonus on their deposits in the amount of 20% of the amount invested in the program. The bonus can be used either in parts or in full. The maximum amount can reach $100.

For example, if you make a deposit of $200, you will receive a $40 bonus from the Super Piggy Bank, and if you invest $500, you will receive the full $100.
You can withdraw these bonuses to your wallet after receiving payment under the completed program.


To receive everything on time actual news for this project and other investment projects, subscribe to my newsletters:

Real and negative reviews about Super Piggy Bank.

A section with reviews has been created on the official website of the project. There you can find success stories, video reviews and letters from participants. This section is well implemented, but, nevertheless, the reviews contained in it are not independent.

In order to find honest reviews about Super Piggy Bank, you need to go to independent sites.

The fact is that this project changed the marketing (investment conditions) and therefore on the forums you can find a large number of negative reviews about SuperKopilka.

After a change in marketing, the main negative is reflected in the system for adapting the payment schedule. Many investors prefer passive investing and do not want to help the project and increase karma. But adapting the payment schedule is the price that SuperKopilka participants must pay for a longer life of the project.

Risk Reminder.

Any investment activity is always associated with risks and the Super Kopilka company is no exception. Moreover, the higher the profitability, the higher the risks. This is a highly profitable investment project, so I advise you to adhere to the following rules:

  • Diversify your risks. Do not invest a large amount in one project or investment vehicle. Instead, break this amount into several parts and invest in several projects at once.
  • Remember that during the investment process you may incur non-trading risks, which means you may lose your deposit.
  • Don't invest an amount you can't afford to lose.


Refback for the project is not paid.

Registration at

If you decide to make a contribution to or just want to get to know the project better, then you need to follow the link to the official website and go through a simple registration procedure.

If you have any questions about this project, ask them in the comments under this article or contact me in a way convenient for you:

Don’t forget to leave your opinion about the project under this article in the comments.

(19 ratings, average: 4,00 out of 5)

I’ll say right away that for all its apparent simplicity and routine, Super Piggy Bank is quite a complex and very well-developed project, it will be difficult to understand it right away, but I will try, step by step, in an accessible language, to acquaint you with all the nuances of the superkopilka com site and explain how you can make good money on it .

Briefly about the work of the Superpiggy Bank

The name Super Piggy Bank itself reflects the essence of this fund - we very effectively accumulate our savings for our goals, for example, for a telephone. The project is a cross between a mutual aid cash register and a queue, a kind of hybrid, but now, as the time of operation has shown, the hybrid is very stable and reliable.

Complex marketing allows us to save very small sums, which are ridiculous to take to the bank and would not be understood, but it is impossible to store at home, since you constantly climb into the box and nothing is saved in it. The super piggy bank really helps and helps out in this regard. And the main thing here is that savings are really summed up using compound interest and, as a result, passive income comes much faster than in the same bank deposits.

Personal account Superkopilka

In your personal account, it is better to immediately go to the “My Profile” tab and complete registration. This consists of adding information such as last name, secret word, country of residence and city to your profile. Next, for full operation, the system will prompt you to confirm the entered data by entering a code that is sent as an SMS to your phone number and by letter to your Mailbox. After entering these codes, your personal account is completely ready for use.

Although your personal account shines with its information content, in fact, the Super Piggy Bank website has a lot of different materials, video reviews, testimonials, and training materials. Very good course on training to work with partners, I recommend it to everyone, you will learn a lot of new things.

Marketing of the Superkopilka project

The principle of operation of the system is quite simple. We replenish our balance and create goals for which we save. The advantages of website marketing are that to achieve the goal we only need to collect 2/3 of the amount, the rest of the money we receive from a bonus from the super piggy bank. It would seem that everything is very simple and such payments will not work, but in reality everything is somewhat more complicated than at first glance.

To begin with, we create our goal, which generally corresponds to reality. You can save 15 dollars in a week, but you need to save 1000 dollars for a hundred days. It works like this: we choose our goal and the deadline for achieving it, and then every week we replenish our piggy bank with an amount proportionally divided over the entire capitalization period.

At the end of the entire savings period, the amount necessary for the set goal accumulates in our account, plus we receive a bonus from the system for another third of the amount. We order everything to our account and within 24 hours we become the happy owners of the required amount of money for our purchase.

But that's not all. Advanced users of the Super Piggy Bank have developed their own strategies that allow them not only to earn money for their goals, but also to have a constant passive income simply by investing in it. The most famous of them is the “loop”, which is work with short and long terms at the same time, which after some time leads to a constant income.

Payment systems

You can top up your balance and withdraw accumulated funds using , NixMoney and AdvCash. The latest EPS allows you to quickly transfer money from Qiwi, Bitcoin, Yandex.Money, Banks, and from the same Perfect, if someone does not have the necessary funds to work with the project. On the site itself, money is called THETA, but this does not change the essence, 1 theta = 1 dollar.

Any replenishment, as well as withdrawal, is available, even for 10 cents. Also, the Super Piggy Bank balance itself is also a deposit that brings its owner 5% per annum, i.e. Interest is accrued on your balance in the Super Piggy Bank; the system works on the principle of a bank deposit. When ordering a withdrawal of funds, a representative of Superkopilka contacts us and records confirmation, then the withdrawal of funds occurs within 24 hours. This is done for our own safety, so that no one can withdraw funds if the password to the personal account is lost.