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Searching the Community

Contributing to the Community

Your Profile

Building your Reputation

Who's Who in the Community

Supported Browsers

Joining the Community

How do I join Microsoft Community?

You can explore the community and search for solutions without joining. But if you want to post or receive email notifications, you"ll need to sign up.

  1. Click Sign in at the top of any Microsoft Community page. You are taken to the Sign in page.
  2. Select how you would like to sign in to the community.
    • Sign in with a Microsoft account: If you already have an account, a Hotmail account, a Messenger account, or an Xbox Live account, you already have a Microsoft account. Just sign in with your account name and password.
    • Sign in with an Office 365 account: If you have an Office 365 account provided by your work or school, you may select this option. Just sign in with your account name and password.
  3. If you do not already have a Microsoft account, click Sign up now. You are taken to the Create an account page.
  4. On the Create an account page, complete all required fields to create an account.
  5. If you agree, click Create account. You are now a member of Microsoft Community!

Searching the Community

How do I find information on Microsoft Community?

Search first. There's a good chance that someone has already written about the topic you have in mind.

Can I refine my search?

Absolutely. There are a number of ways to narrow your search:

Someone posted my question, but it hasn't been answered yet.

If you find the same question you wanted to ask in the forum, but it hasn't been answered yet, click the I have the same question button. That way you"ll be notified via email when your question has been answered.

Note: You can click I have the same question even if the question is answered, to get updates on that thread.

There are a lot of posts replying to my question. How do I know which is the best?

Posts that contain an answer to the question will be marked as an answer by the original poster or a moderator and will be denoted by A: or Answer: depending on the language.

You can also look for posts with a high number of Did this resolve your issue? votes, even if they haven't been marked as answers yet.

Asking a Question or Starting a Discussion

How do I create a question or discussion post?

If you"ve searched the community and you can"t find a question or topic that is the same or similar to yours, it"s time to post your own.

Note: You have to be signed in to post.

What is the difference between a question post and a discussion post?

Question posts are used to get an answer or solution to a specific question or issue.

Discussion posts are used to share opinions, discuss tips and tricks, and chat about Microsoft technologies.

Both types of posts have the same formatting and similar options. The most noticeable exception is that no answer-marking is needed or available on discussion posts.

How can I edit a question or discussion I"ve posted?
  1. Go to your post.
  2. Click the ellipsis and then click the Edit button. The "Edit" screen opens.
  3. Click the Delete
  4. Click OK.
Can I delete a question or discussion I"ve posted?

Yes, if no one has replied to it.

  1. Go to your post and click the Edit button. The "Edit" screen opens.
  2. Click the Delete button. The "Are you sure you want to delete your post?" window opens.
  3. Click OK.

If other users have replied to your post, you can"t delete the post unless the other users delete all of their replies first.

No one replied to my question or discussion. Should I post it again?

No. Posting the same question or discussion multiple times creates distraction. Just wait--someone will reply, and you"ll be notified when it happens.

Can I get notified when someone responds to a question or discussion?


How do I stop getting notified when someone responds to a question or discussion?

Go to the original post. Yes. Click the ellipsis and then click Unsubscribe.

I had a question and somebody else posted the answer. How do I mark it as Answered?

If you posted the original question, you can mark the question as answered yourself. Just click Yes to Did this resolve your issue? on the response.

If you didn't post the original question, you can still mark Yes to Did this resolve your issue? to upvote the post.

I had a question and marked a response as "Answered," but then I found out it was wrong. What should I do?

Go to the response. Click the ellipsis and then click Unmark as answer.

I had a question and I posted the right answer. Can I mark it as Answered?

No one can mark their own post as an answer. Only the person who posted the original question (if it is someone else) or a moderator can mark as post as Answered.

I found a great discussion, how do mark it?

You can follow the discussion and let others know it’s worthwhile by clicking I recommend this discussion button.

If you like a specific reply in a discussion, click Upvote.

Contributing to the Community

How do I post a reply?

Note: You must be signed in to post a reply.

What does "Reply with quote" mean?

When you click this link, your reply will be posted with the content of that post at the top of your reply window.

How can I edit a response I"ve posted?
  1. Go to your response.
  2. Click the ellipsis and then click the Edit option and make your changes.
  3. Click Submit when you are done.
How can I delete a response I"ve posted?
  1. Go to your response and click the Edit option. The "Edit" window opens.
  2. Click the Delete button. The "Are you sure you want to delete your post?" window opens.
  3. Click OK.
Are there guidelines about what I can say in the community?

Participating in Forum Articles

Can I post a reply to a forum article?

Yes, forum articles accept comments so that you can share your thoughts on the article.

  • Click Comment.
  • Type your comments.
  • Click Submit.
Can I get notified when the article is updated or when someone comments?

Yes. Click the ellipsis and then click Subscribe. If you didn"t provide an email address at sign-in, you"ll have the opportunity to provide one when you click Subscribe.

How do I recommend a forum article that really helped me?

You can follow the article and let others know it’s worthwhile by clicking Upvote.

Note: You must be signed in to participate.

Your Profile

How do I find my profile?

Click your screen name anywhere it appears in the community (for example, in one of your posts or questions, or at the top of any page) to get to your profile page.

What's on my profile? Profile page

The personal profile information that you choose to share will appear to all users on the Profile tab.

  • Your username
  • Your picture (if you decide to upload one)
  • Your title, if you have one (for example, Community Moderator)
  • Your introduction (if you decide to write one for your profile)
  • Bonus links (if you are eligible)
  • Your achievements and badges
  • Any weekly awards you may have won
Activity section

All the threads and forum articles that you participated in, voted for, or are subscribed to appear on your Activity section.

  • Click Show filters to filter by types of content or by Categories.
Edit profile

From the Edit profile view, you can:

  • Change your profile picture
  • Change your display name
  • Write or edit your bio
  • Add a signature that will be displayed with your posts
  • Update your email address
  • Choose to get email notifications or not
  • Select advanced user options
How do I edit my profile?

Click the Edit profile tab on your profile page. Change your publicly-facing profile information, subscribe to email notifications, and select advanced user options as desired. When you"ve finished editing your profile, click Save.

How do I delete my profile?

You can delete your profile from this community, but keep in mind that it will also be deleted on all communities that use this profile. The communities that use this profile are Microsoft Community, Microsoft Partner Support Community, and Microsoft Training, Certification, and Program Support Community.

When you delete your profile, all of your posts, awards, votes, and subscriptions will be permanently disassociated from your profile. The profile name will become “A.User” and the profile details and signature line will be removed.

Note: Once a profile has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

  • Click the Edit profile button on your profile page.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Delete My Profile.
  • Confirm that you want to delete your profile and click OK.
Does my profile picture have to be a picture of me?

No. You can use a picture that you own (for example, a picture of your cat or dog) or a picture in the public domain, like license-free clip-art or photographs.

Can I see other people's profiles?

Yes. There are two ways to view another community member's profile.

  • Browse to a profile page. Whenever a profile name appears as part of thread activity, forum article activity, or award recognition, you can click on it to open the profile page.
  • Search for a profile page. Enter the exact profile name in the search box and select Search community member in the dropdown. Click the search icon. If an exact match is found, the profile page will appear.

Building your Reputation

You can start earning badges with your very first answer and continue building your reputation every time you ask a question, post a reply, or vote for something helpful. All of your badges appear on your profile and help others understand your level of community involvement.


These badges are awarded to community members who have demonstrated a long-term commitment to helping build a community of high quality content in a safe, healthy environment.

This is an ongoing, dynamic process. Badges earned for achievements can be lost if your community activity no longer meets the badge criteria.

MCC: Content Creator badge

Each time one of your question and answer posts is marked as Helped by this reply or Answer, you get a vote towards your Content Creator badge. When you have a high enough percentage of posts marked, you"ll get your badge.

Benefits of being a Content Creator:

  • Most Helpful Contributors rotator
  • A Content Creator badge is added to your profile
MCC: Content Curator badge

When you mark a question and answer post as Solved my issue, or, recommend or upvote a forum article or discussion post, you have started on the path to a Content Curator badge. If enough of the posts and articles (in any combination) that you have voted for end up as answers or as the most upvoted or recommended post and articles in that category, you"ll get your badge.

Benefits of being a Content Curator:

  • Your profile will be featured in the Most Helpful Contributors rotator
  • You"ll be awarded space for 5 additional links in your profile
  • A Content Curator badge is added to your profile
The Guardian badge

Every time you report legitimate abuse in the community, you get a vote toward your Guardian badge. When you have reported enough confirmed cases of abuse and accurately pointed out the type of abuse, you"ll get your badge. Reporting content that is not actual abuse will not get you votes and will slow your progress toward earning this badge.

Benefits of being a Guardian:

  • A Guardian badge will be added to your profile
  • Content the Guardian reports as abusive is automatically hidden until moderated.
The Publisher badge

Publishers are Forum Article Authors who have published numerous articles, many of which the community has identified as especially helpful.

The Conversationalist badge

Conversationalists are community members who have consistently started and participated in discussion threads. Many of the discussion threads they’ve started are highly recommended by other members of the community.


Every week we recognize the contributions of our community members with badges awarded for the best content or noteworthy participation in each category. These award badges are yours to keep and cannot be lost.

The First Answer badge

The first time one of your question and answer posts is marked as an Answer, a First Answer badge will appear in your profile.

The Quickest Answer badge

This badge is awarded to the person who posts to a question and answer thread in the shortest amount time after a user asks a question and which is marked Answer either by the person who asked the question or by a moderator in the past week.

The Helpful Post of the Week badge

This badge is awarded to the person whose question and answer post gets the most Helped by this reply votes in each week (minimum 5 votes). Every week this badge will be awarded to a poster in each category.

The Most Important Answer of the Week badge

This badge is awarded to the person whose question and answer post gets the most "I have the same question" votes in each week and is subsequently marked Answer. Every week this badge will be awarded to a poster in each category.

The Most Answers for the Week badge

This badge is awarded to the person who creates the greatest number of question and answer posts marked Answer in each week.

The Most Recommended Discussion badge

This badge is awarded to the person whose discussion thread gets the most “Recommended” votes in a given week. Every week this badge will be awarded in each category.

The Completed Training badge

This badge is awarded to community members who have voluntarily completed training courses and learning opportunities provided through the community. This badge can be earned more than once for completing training in different categories.

The Launch Expert badge

This badge is awarded to community members who have made significant contributions to the community during the launch of a Microsoft product or service. This badge can be earned more than once for contributions to multiple categories.

The Microsoft Certified Professional badge

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certification validates IT professional and developer technical expertise through rigorous, industry-proven, and industry-recognized exams.

Retired badges

We appreciate the contributions of community members from integrated Microsoft communities. The following badges were achieved on previous Microsoft communities and are no longer active. Microsoft Mobile Community

Office 365 for Business Community

Who's Who in the Community

Community Moderators

These are volunteers who are here to help the community. Community Moderators answer questions, and work to keep the community healthy and fun. Community moderators are members of the community, not Microsoft employees. People who make extraordinary contributions to the community may be asked to be Community Moderators.

Support Engineers

Support Engineers are experts who are engaged by Microsoft to answer your questions.

Forum Moderators

Forum Moderators are experts engaged by Microsoft to mark the best answers, manage abuse, and maintain community health.

Forum Article Authors

Forum Article Authors are community members who have demonstrated outstanding written and technical skills. Forum Article Authors have the ability to create and manage their own forum articles in Microsoft Community.

Forum Owners

These are Microsoft employees in charge of a particular category. Forum Owners are ultimately responsible for the health of the category.


Most Valuable Professionals are independent experts who are offered a close connection with people at Microsoft. They can often answer your most challenging questions. Find out more about the MVP program.

Microsoft Staff
  • Microsoft

Microsoft staff participating in the community have a badge that says Microsoft. These community members may work in the community, or they may be general employees who choose to participate.

Windows Insider
  • Insider

Registered members of the Windows Insider Program are technology enthusiasts who have early access to releases in order to help improve the features and functionality of Windows. Learn what you can do as an Insider.

Supported Browsers

What browsers are supported?

To take advantage of all Microsoft Community features, use a supported browser.

In general, Microsoft Community supports the current and previous major releases of each browser. This enables us to provide new features made possible by modern browser technologies.

Is the community mobile-friendly?

Yes, the community uses responsive web design to scale the webpage to the right size for your device. To expand a menu in the tablet or mobile device experience, simply tap on it. Some advanced features might not be available in the tablet or mobile device experience due to space constraints.

Microsoft Community Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct applies to all users of the Microsoft Community.

The Community includes forums, blogs and other community features.

Member Qualifications

The community is designed for individuals 13 years of age or older.

As a participant of these forums you agree that you will uphold this Code of Conduct, and are responsible for all activities and content you post/upload.

In addition to upholding this Code of Conduct, you are responsible for adhering to all applicable local and national laws.

This is your community. Help us to keep it safe, friendly, fun and helpful.

Please do:
  • Be polite and respectful in your posts, and in your replies to other people.
  • Keep conversation threads on track. It"s okay to disagree with another user"s post, but don"t take the thread off track to do so.
  • Always address your comments to the person who asked the initial question, not the other posters.
  • Cite the source of anything you post or upload, if it isn't your own original content. Be honest about your sources.
  • Keep it clean. No profanity, obscenity, insulting or bigoted comments please. No name-calling.
  • Search to see if a question you"d like answered has already been posted by somebody else. Posting the same question repeatedly and starting multiple threads on the same subject can be confusing.
  • Report any kind of abuse you find in the community. You will find "Report abuse" links in every post and in every profile.
Please don't:
  • Divert or change a thread for your own purposes; just start a new thread with the subject you want to discuss.
  • Post questions that are the same or similar to questions you have already posted. When someone has an answer or a reply, that person will respond to you.
  • Threaten, stalk, insult, victimize or intimidate anyone or any group of people for any reason; including on the basis of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race or religion.
  • Incite other users to threaten, stalk, insult, victimize, or intimidate another person or group of people.
  • Harass, insult, tease, or correct other users about the grammar used in their posts. Good or bad grammar isn't the point—the community is about getting questions answered and technical discussions.
  • Post content depicting nudity of any sort, including full or partial photographic human nudity, or nudity in cartoons, fantasy art or manga.
  • Post chain letters.
  • Link to websites that require payment to access information.
  • Post links to external sites that violate this Code of Conduct.
Things that will get you immediately banned from this community:
  • Posting content that is intended to harm or exploit minors in any way, including collecting the personally identifiable information (PII) of any minor (anyone under18 years old), including, but not limited to: name, email address, home address, phone number , or the name of the minor's school.
  • Invading anyone"s privacy by attempting to harvest, collect, store, or publish private or personally identifiable information, such as passwords, account information, credit card numbers, addresses, or other contact information without that person"s knowledge and willing consent.
  • Posting content or links to content that is illegal or violates any applicable local or national laws.
  • Posting or spreading viruses, worms, malware, or other software intended to harm another user's computer.
  • Impersonating a Microsoft employee, agent, manager, host, administrator, moderator, another user, MVP, or any other person through any means.
  • Pirating Microsoft software or products, or offering pirated software or products for sale, including posting product keys.
  • Specifically violating Microsoft licensing or terms, such as posting content or links that will install a 3rd party kernel, or evade security measures built into the software.
  • Promoting or otherwise facilitating the purchase and sale of ammunition or firearms.
  • Posting "spam," "pyramid schemes," "affiliate marketing," or unsolicited commercial advertisements of any kind, including advertising for money making schemes, discount cards, credit counseling, online surveys or online contests.
  • Attempting to manipulate the forums, or other community features, including ranking and reputation systems, by violating any of the provisions of this Code of Conduct, colluding with others on voting, or using multiple profiles.
  • Offering to make international money transfers for amounts exceeding the asking price of an item, with intent to request a refund of any portion of the payment.
  • Using any form of automated device or computer program that enables the submission of postings without the express written consent of Microsoft Corporation.
Community User Cautions
  • Be very cautious about accepting direct help from another user. If that user suggest he use Remote Assistance to help you, be aware that he will have access to your computer, and that your computer could be hacked.
  • If you volunteer to help another user through Remote Access, be very careful not to harm their computer in any way, or to access information that is not openly made available to you. Abuse of Remote Access will not be tolerated, and will result in your being banned from the community.
  • Please be careful with your personal information. If you post your email address in a post, it may be used for any purpose by the general public, as this is a public community.
  • Don't post information that could be used by others to steal your identity, like your street address, your phone number, your social security number, or your credit card number.
Termination and Cancellation

Microsoft reserves the right, at its sole discretion, and without any obligation to do so, to review and remove user-created services and content at will and without notice, and delete content and accounts. Microsoft reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to permanently ban participants or terminate access to the community.

Rights and Responsibilities
  • We encourage you to not share information that others could use to harm you. We encourage parents to be aware of and help exercise control over content posted by and activities of their children to keep them safe online.
  • Microsoft is not responsible for the content of any user-created posting, listing or message. The decision to view content or engage with others is yours. We advise you to use your judgment.
  • You are responsible for protecting your computer against interference, spyware or viruses that may be encountered. We recommend you install a virus protection program on your computer and keep it up to date.
  • You may use the Report abuse link to report violations of this Code of Conduct.
  • Microsoft reserves the right to amend or change the Code of Conduct or any service at any time without notice. We encourage you to periodically review these guidelines to ensure you are in compliance.
  • Some information you provide or upload to the service may be stored outside of the country/region in which you reside.
  • All activity on the service is also governed by the Microsoft Terms of Use and the Microsoft Privacy Policy.
  • You acknowledge that you are a volunteer participant in the Microsoft Community and that you may discontinue your participation at any time. Nothing related to your participation will be construed as creating an employer-employee relationship, a partnership, joint venture, association, or agency relationship, or as a limitation upon Microsoft"s right to terminate your access as foreseen above, or upon Microsoft"s discretion, to terminate your access as provided herein. You assume all risk for your use.
  • You understand that posting content or submitting material is voluntary, and you are under no obligation whatsoever to provide any submissions or contributions. You are solely responsible for your dealings with any third party that relates to your use of the community, or any information or materials you obtain from a third party.
  • No Compensation. Microsoft shall not be obligated to provide, and you have no expectation of receiving, any compensation in any form for your voluntary participation in the community, or for your submissions or contributions.

What to do if you accidentally linked 2 Office key to one Microsoft account I will describe in detail in this short article.

Often, when buying a Windows laptop, you are offered to buy or given a product as a gift. Microsoft Office. Now I don’t know for sure whether they do this in our stores, but this situation happened to me. When buying a laptop for the office, I was offered to buy the Microsoft Office package. I was given the choice between an annual Office 365 subscription and Microsoft Office 2016 Home & Student. I chose the second option and linked it to my colleague’s account. It turned out that it did not contain Outlook, which was necessary for operation after installation. That is, in fact, this Office 2016 turned out to be of no use to anyone. It would be quite enough for home, but it is already tied to a work account. We happily forgot about it for almost a year))

A year later a new one was purchased home laptop and I remembered that the key to Microsoft Office, which no one needed, was lying around somewhere. As usual, after searching on Google, I found that the problem is common. The solution to the problem is very simple and took me no more than 10-15 minutes.

How to remove a Microsoft Office key from your account and link it to another


I want to say right away that I am describing the methods and methods that I use myself, this does not mean that they are the only and the best. The final result depends on many factors and may differ from my description.

In this particular case, contacting technical help helped me. online chat support. In order not to search for a long time, I will immediately give you a link to it, because on the official website, in the Support section, the devil will break his leg. By the way, the quality of Microsoft support cannot be compared with the products of this company themselves. I was 4th in line and half a minute later a dialogue began with a technical employee. support. No unnecessary greetings or questions for dummies, they immediately asked me about my problem. I didn’t have to explain for a long time, as I wrote earlier, I’m far from the only one.

What to do to remove an Office key that was added by mistake to your Microsoft account

Naturally, they need to make sure that you are not some slick guy trying to get . But we actually faced the situation.
What information and access will be needed:

  • You need to write a Microsoft Office key
  • Email of the wrong account
  • Email of the account you want to transfer to
  • You need to have access to both emails to confirm that you are not a scammer

After you provide information on the first two points, a confirmation code will be sent to the email of the erroneous account. You will have to duplicate it in the chat. Then a link will be sent to the correct email. Before opening it, be sure to exit Microsoft account. After clicking on it, you need to log into the account where you want to transfer the key. Further in his personal account By following the link you will see that you now have this key in your account and you can use it for installation. Good luck!

Hello! Since you have landed on this page, it means that you are also interested in the question - how to create a microsoft account. It's easy and quick to create.

But first, let's figure out why it is needed. The thing is that the largest manufacturing company software Microsoft has collected a lot of useful services in one place. And to access them, you need to register once. This procedure is free.

Your Microsoft account is the email address and password you use to sign in to Windows. When you're signed in to your computer or other device with a Microsoft account, you can download apps from the Windows Store, create backups all important data using free cloud storage in the OneDrive service, as well as update and synchronize everything you need - devices, contacts, media files, etc. You will also have access to such services as, Messenger, Skype, Windows Phone, Xbox.

Create a Microsoft account

Go to the official Microsoft website using this link and register. Fill in all fields of the form.

In the “Username” box, enter your email address. Also come up with strong password. To improve your account security, enter your phone number, then enter the captcha. Next, click “Create an account.” An email from Microsoft will be sent to the specified email address asking you to confirm your email address. By doing this, a new account will be created.

Microsoft account - login and password for logging into Windows, Skype, OneDrive, Office, Hotmail, Outlook, Xbox Live, Bing, MSN, Store (Microsoft Store), Windows Phone, Visual Studio. An account is required for a user to access corporate services, applications, subscriptions, and devices.

Through the account, the user gains access to his data and settings from any device, applications and services become more convenient, and management becomes personal.

The user can link all their profiles on different devices to one account for convenient management of their account. A user may have multiple Microsoft accounts if they have created profiles in programs or services at different times using different email addresses and passwords. In this case, control is performed by the account associated with this device.

The account has previously changed its name several times. The previous version of the account was called " Windows Live ID".

Using an account, the user can use applications and services, as well as take advantage of all the features operating system Windows. With a local account in Windows, the user will not be able to use some built-in functions of the operating system, for example, it will not be available parental control to ensure family safety.

Another advantage of using an account in the Windows operating system is that the product key license is linked to the account data. When, Windows reinstallation, after logging in from your account, connecting to the Internet, the operating system will be automatically activated on the computer. Therefore, I recommend logging into your computer at least once using your account. The system on the PC will be associated with the account, which will help you easily reactivate the system on this hardware.

I think taking into account the above, it makes sense to create a Microsoft account. The profile can be useful in different situations.

There are several ways to create a Microsoft account:

  • directly from Windows OS settings
  • on official page Microsoft website
  • from the program window or production service

The user, having logged into his profile, manages his account from the account:

When you sign in to a profile, your account settings are synchronized between all devices managed by that Microsoft profile.

Account in Windows 10: how to create an account on Windows

In this instruction, we will look at creating an account using the Windows 10 operating system as an example. You can create an account on Windows 10 from the system settings.

To create a Microsoft account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Start menu and launch the Settings app.
  2. Open “Accounts”, in the “Your data” section, click on the link “Sign in with an account instead”.

  1. In the next window, enter your email address (any mailbox on Gmail, Yandex Mail, Mail.Ru, Yahoo, etc. will do), create a password for your account, and then select your country.

  1. Next, it asks for your consent to display materials that are more relevant to your interests. If this offer does not interest you, uncheck both boxes in this window.

  1. In the window that opens, you are prompted to enter your current password to log into the operating system to verify the authenticity of the user. The next time you log in, your account password will be used. Leave the field blank if you have this moment time on the computer does not use a password to log into Windows.

  1. The Create a PIN window prompts you to create a PIN to log in, which you can use instead of entering your account password. The PIN is stored on this device and is not transmitted to the Internet.

  1. In the Set Up PIN window, enter the characters for the new PIN, and then confirm the PIN. The PIN must contain at least 4 characters.

  1. After applying the settings, you will be taken to the accounts section of the Settings application. Here you will see that an account has been logged into your computer.

Creating a Microsoft account without using the Windows operating system occurs in a similar way. After creating his profile on the site, the user can log into his account on the computer by entering his account information.

To change parameters, or to apply the desired settings, you can log into your account on the official website using a browser from any device.

During Windows installation, the system prompts you to enter account information. If you want to use your Microsoft profile in the operating system, enter this information when installing the system. This can be done at any time from installed Windows.

After starting the computer or when rebooting, to enter the operating system you will need to enter the account password or PIN code, as chosen by the user. The user can independently change the “Login Parameters” of the system by selecting to enter an account password or PIN code in the appropriate field.

If necessary, the user can change the account name to another.

If you find it difficult to constantly enter a password every time you start the operating system, follow the link to read an article on how to disable entering a password in Windows 10 at login.

When working on a computer in the Windows operating system, the user can use an account. After creating a profile, settings for managing personal data, privacy, and security on all devices associated with a Microsoft account become available to the user.

An account, also known as a user account, is all the necessary data with which a website, program or other computer system can recognize a specific person. To put it simply, an account is somewhat similar to a passport, when a computer system is a government agency (here we can also note that for a computer system we are a user, when for the authorities we are a citizen).

So, to identify a specific person, in both cases unique data is used - for a passport this is the passport number, for an account - the user name (also known as login). In other words, the account login is the passport number, which allows you to find out who exactly is its owner.

Let's take for example Skype program, which is designed to allow people to communicate for free with friends and colleagues. In this case, we must create accounts so that we can find our friends, call or send them messages in real time. Thanks to the account, Skype remembers and saves the entire list of our contacts, messages, full name and other data.

If a regular account Skype recording and will be considered as a person’s passport, then we can call the Microsoft account a foreign passport. The fact is that using a Microsoft account we can log in and manage our profile not only on Skype, but also on, OneDrive, Xbox and Windows 8. Agree, this is much more convenient and secure.

Why then do you need a login, and even an account password?

A login and password are needed so that we can log into Skype - when we enter a login and password, Skype checks the data and if they match, it will consider that we are the true owners of the account. The password is only needed for this process, which is usually called authorization. Unlike a password, a login is also used for other tasks, for example, when we want to find a person and add him to our contact list. Knowing only his full name, we definitely won’t be able to find him on Skype, because this is the same as finding Ivan Vasilyevich in Moscow. But with the help of a login that is unique, we can easily find the right person. The same thing works the other way around - knowing your login, other people can easily find us.

Yes, that's exactly what it is. After all, our login is known to everyone, plus, it can be easily found in the Skype directory. That's why the password should be complex - not too short or explicit, and it is advisable to use a variety of random characters. In order to create complex passwords, it is best to use a password generator and write down the received password so as not to forget it.

Creating an account is the process of filling out a special form with all the necessary data. However, on each site or service, the process of creating an account will be slightly different, but in the end it all comes down to the fact that you need to enter a login, come up with a password, indicate some other data and, in most cases, correctly enter the robot protection code (also known as captcha). Once you have filled out and submitted the form, you will be able to access your new account (although in some cases, especially when you need to provide your email, you must confirm that you entered a real email address). I’ll try to show below a couple of examples of how you can create accounts on different sites, and also, for each of them, add links to authorization and reset your account password:

A Skype account is used only so that people can use Skype and communicate with each other. Of course, all this is joy, it doesn’t cost a penny.

After that, click the button “I agree - Next” and your Skype account will be created. More information can be found on the How to sign up for Skype page.

If you've forgotten your Skype password, recover it at

A Microsoft account is needed so that people can use all of the corporation's devices and services. With a Microsoft account, a user can access Skype, OneDrive, Windows 8, Office 365, Xbox Live, or Windows Phone.

After you have filled in all the required fields, click the button "Create an account".

To sign in to your Microsoft account, go to

A Facebook account allows you not only to manage your profile on but also to log in to many other sites and services (including Skype).

After entering the data, click the button "Registration"

If you have lost your password or are unable to log in, restore it here

A VKontakte account can be used not only on the website but also on other resources (in most cases Russian-language) that support authorization through the VKontakte system.

To restore access to the VKontakte page, visit

The Odnoklassniki account is used both on the website and on other resources where authorization using this social network is enabled.

After filling out the form, click the button "Register" to create your account.

Create a Microsoft account - complete instructions

You can use your Microsoft account with almost all services or devices using the same set of credentials, which includes your email address, selected profile information, and billing information that you can use to make payments.

In addition, any account is supported by privacy settings, which are represented by a unique password that can only be used by the author.

The account will allow its owner to use various programs (for example, Skype), subscriptions (Office 365), buy interesting games, download favorite music, edit selected photos and videos, and also take advantage of OneDrive online storage.

The main advantage of such an application is that you can edit individual settings, as well as view your address book and documents from any device, since it is unified for any gadget.

This is what a Microsoft account looks like.

To create a Microsoft account, simply follow the step-by-step illustrated instructions.

Microsoft account registration Windows 8 is represented by an algorithm of sequential actions of the PC user and the global network.

  • Initially, you need to activate the panel for changing computer settings. The following window will appear in front of you:

  • After clicking on the selected area, you will see the following image where you need to select the top row.

  • During account creation, the user will also be offered a local account, although the first option is more acceptable for most consumers.
    It allows you to work normally with the updated operating system, synchronize Windows 8 settings and use the Windows Live web application complex, originally provided by software from the creators of the product.
    Unfortunately, a local account does not support such options. An account is your profile in the system, thanks to which you can operate any interconnected applications.

An application for free and free communication with family and friends

One of the most acceptable ways to store files in the SkyDrive cloud service:

Receive or send messages through the application postal system Hotmail:

Take advantage of the largest information portal MSN, an online gaming service on Xbox Live, a store of various applications for Windows Phone:

The benefits of the account are obvious.

So, we selected the line “ADD USER”.

  • After this, the user must enter his name, his email address or the address of an additional mailbox that was previously created specifically for these purposes.
    After these simple manipulations, a captcha is entered, which confirms that the actions are performed by a person and not a robot, and the “APPLY” key is pressed. Visually the process itself looks like this.

  • Next, a window pops up with the following message, in which you need to confirm that the selected email address belongs to you. To do this, go to your mailbox, to the “INCOMING MESSAGES” folder.

After clicking the “CONFIRM” button, you will be informed that the first stage of the Microsoft account registration operation has been successfully completed, after which you can proceed to configure your account and computer interface settings.

Note! On their PC, the user should go to the "SETTINGS" tab and select the "CHANGE COMPUTER SETTINGS" option to customize their account interface, take advantage of accessibility features, sync settings, create a home group, upload a pre-selected profile photo and activate the center for available updates that subsequently optimize the application.

So, we have read step-by-step instructions on how to create a Microsoft account.

Every user should take certain security measures that will protect you from fraudulent activities of home-grown hackers.

You need to fill in the fields with confidential data on the electronic form, with which you confirm yourself as the copyright holder. As a rule, a password is used for this, represented by an eight-digit set of letters and numbers.

In addition, the system will analyze the complexity level of the password and offer you to change it to a more complex one. The user also needs to answer a security question.

These precautions will not only protect you from illegal actions of attackers, but will also help you recover your password if it is lost. For example, you have forgotten your password and you urgently need to log into a system to which access is restricted.

To create a Microsoft account on Nokia Lumia, you can simply use your existing ID or follow online pop-up prompts.

You can use step-by-step illustrated instructions that will simplify your work with the gadget system and you will be able to activate any application with minimal time.

How to create a Microsoft account (Microsoft) - detailed instructions

Skype Account: Free Skype Account

Since you are not yet a Skype user, you need to go through the registration process for the service.

If you have none of the above, then free Skype account will be created after completing the respiration procedure.

Do I need to provide real personal information on Skype?

It all depends on your goals and intentions. If you want to communicate with your friends, relatives and colleagues via Skype, it is better to write your real information. This will make it easier for your friends to find you.

It’s also better to place your photo on your Skype profile. The fact is that you may have many namesakes, and when your friends look for you, it is quite difficult to choose from hundreds of Ivanov Ivans who exactly you are. But if there is a photograph, then it will be easy and simple to find you.

In addition, real personal data will help you restore your Skype account in the event of force majeure.

  1. If you forget your password, you can recover it by knowing the email address specified during registration.
  2. If you have forgotten your login and email address, you will need to write to Skype support and ask to restore your account. To confirm your identity, you will be asked to provide additional information and may even be required to show photographs of your passport or other identification.

Many people are afraid to answer calls from unfamiliar numbers because there are so many scammers out there. So there may be serious problems with restoring contacts in Skype. It is much safer to indicate your real data when registering and no longer worry about forgetting something. Everything can be returned in a matter of minutes.

Linking / Unlinking a skype account to a Windows account

After the purchase of Skype by Microsoft, it began to do everything possible to improve the performance of its new brainchild, including those that many users did not like.

For example, many Windows 8 owners are faced with the fact that Skype now needs to be linked to a Windows account, but if on a PC this can be solved by downloading the full version of Skype and launching it without problems, then a Windows Phone 8 user does not have this option.

As a result, when you register your Microsoft account, when you log into Skype, a completely new Skype login is created, where, of course, both contacts and balance are empty.

Thus, if you want to return to your old Skype, you need to unlink the new login and link the old login to it.

This is done in your Skype account

1) Go to
2) Login
3) We are looking for the item parameters and settings - account settings
4) Click Cancel connection

1) Open Skype for Windows Phone.
2) Enter your Microsoft account
3) After which the application will ask if you have a Skype account - click YES.
4) Next, click Merge accounts

It is because of this desire to make life easier for users that many people install win 7 home premium instead of the new, stable Windows 8 operating system with a user-friendly interface.

It became VERY INCONVENIENT to use Skype after linking to Microsoft. You waste a lot of time while you go through all these wild checks. I'll have to give up Skype altogether! Fortunately, there are other communication programs!


Fucking manipulators, they're sick of ruining Skype

Everything about the Windows computer system: basics, startup and security, Internet - connection and surfing, maintenance and performance, email (E-mail), programs, tools and configuration

With the Messages app and Skype built into Windows 10, you can get in and use Skype faster.

If you have a Microsoft account. it will be used for automatic login. If you have Skype and Microsoft accounts, we can help you combine them .

If you're signed in to your computer without using a Microsoft account, you'll be prompted to sign in or advised to create a new account.

To get started, choose one of the following options:

I want to merge my Skype and Microsoft accounts

Before you begin, learn more about the implications of merging accounts by visiting the Skype website.

Everything about the Windows computer system: basics, startup and security, Internet, maintenance and setup

If you use, OneDrive, Office 365 or Skype, there's a good chance you already have Microsoft account. You may not even notice this because a Microsoft account can be associated with any email address. Within Microsoft, you could create an address at,, or even Alternatively, you can use an entirely non-Microsoft email address (such as Gmail).

If you have configured new computer(or reinstalled Windows) and haven't set up a local account for 8 days, then whatever address you use to sign in to your computer will be your Microsoft account.

If you don't yet have a Microsoft account (or just want to create a new one), it's very easy to do. In fact, if you install Windows (or set up a new PC), or set up a Microsoft application or service, you usually go through setting up a Microsoft account.

Otherwise if you want create a new account, go to your Microsoft account page. Once you are on the page, click the Login button on the right top corner.

You will be taken to your account login page. If you suspect that you already have a Microsoft account, try entering your email address and clicking Next.

If you see an error, then you probably don't have an account (at least not with this address). Click on the link Create it to start creating from scratch.

Note Note: Microsoft also suggests using the same email address (that you tested) to create your account. If you prefer to use a different email, click back in your browser and click on the link Create it again.

On the create an account page, you have several options. First, you can create a new account using any existing email address, whether it's based on Microsoft services or not. Simply enter the address and then click Next. If you don't have an email address that you want to use, or you want to set up a new one just for your Microsoft account, click the link Get a new email address.

On the next screen, create a password to protect your account, and then click Next.

Then you will need to satisfy Microsoft's curiosity by providing some personal information.

Paste the security code on the email verification page, and then click Next.

Solve the captcha on the next screen and then click Next again.

Congratulations! You have just created your Microsoft account.

You can now use this account for all Microsoft services such as Windows Store, Outlook, OneDrive app, Skype and Xbox Live.

Let us know if you have any doubts or problems while creating an account.

Good news for users of the Windows operating system, owners of the Xbox console and smartphones based on Windows Mobile! There is a unique opportunity to combine many accounts and services (from logging into the operating system, smartphone, cloud storage OneDrive, Skype, Xbox and logging into mail), in the form of a single Microsoft account, which also allows you to make purchases of games, movies and music in online stores.

At the same time, registering a new account is available to everyone and is free.

Microsoft account creation process

In order to create a Microsoft account, you need to go to the website: and fill out a simple form that includes user identification information, gender, date of birth and country of residence .

In the future, after registration, you can log into your account using the email address and password (specified during registration).

You will also probably have to verify your email address to ensure that you have access to this email address. To do this, you will need to follow a special link sent to this address after registration.

After the account is created, you can configure your operating system account so that you can log in under it. Next, this procedure will be shown using the Windows 8 operating system as an example.

Connecting your Microsoft account to the operating system

To do this, call the side menu from the desktop (by moving the mouse pointer to the right side of the screen), select the “Options” element.

Then in the settings window that appears, select “Change computer settings.”

If you only have it configured local recording(and by default this will be the case), now you need to select the “Your account” item and in the detail window that appears, click on the “Connect to a Microsoft account” link, this will allow you to link your local account and a previously registered Microsoft account.

In the authorization window that appears, you must fill in the e-mail and password fields, then click on the “Next” button. At the same time, on the computer where the Microsoft account is linked to the local account, the Internet must be available, since data synchronization will occur.

A similar login can be done in OneDrive storage - cloud service from Microsoft, allowing you to store user data and access it from anywhere with Internet access. Microsoft allocates a free volume of 15 Gigabytes to each new user, but this space can be expanded if desired.

Let's create a new document in Word, write an arbitrary line there and save it to our OneDrive disk:

To do this, in the file save dialog, you need to select a directory on the OneDrive drive as a directory, as shown in the figure:

Now, we can log in to any computer with Internet access using our Microsoft account and access all files saved to the OneDrive drive.

You can also quickly access your files directly from your browser by logging into and entering your Microsoft account credentials.

We can say with confidence that now you can work with documents saved in the OneDrive cloud from anywhere in the world directly from the browser, and not only read, but also edit using the Word.Online online editor built into the interface of the web service.

The same applies to viewing photos, storing equipment settings and much more.

Without a doubt, every user of Microsoft software should appreciate the convenience and practicality of such a centralized approach.

Return to the beginning of the article How to create a Microsoft account

Microsoft is known not only for its operating systems. It provides a huge number of other useful services, such as stores, cloud data storage, instant messengers (the famous Skype), an indispensable set of Office programs, and even its own search engine. For the convenience of users, it is possible to create one multifunctional account for all Microsoft products. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

In order to create a Microsoft account, you need to go to the official website of the developer. The process is very simple, because it is designed for the most untrained users. Registration is completely free and available at any time. Follow the instructions provided:

Now you have a ready-to-use account for Microsoft products.

Windows 8 (as well as Windows X) has an integrated tool with which you can create a Microsoft account. In order to do this, follow a few simple steps according to the instructions:

If you already have an account with any Microsoft products (Skype, OneDrive, etc.), you can use that. To do this, go to and click on the “Login” button. Enter mailing address, specified during registration, and password.

Similar actions must be completed after registration in order to log into the system. The following guide describes what you need a Microsoft account for.

Starting with Windows 8, developers have included the ability to combine many of your devices under one account. Let's assume you have Personal Computer and a laptop. You install operating systems on them, and then you need to configure each of them individually. On each device you will have to configure all programs and the appearance of the system.

However, you can use the Microsoft account you created. Log in using it and save your settings. And then, if you want, sync the rest of your devices.

This feature is implemented especially impressively in Windows 10. Users get access to cloud storage where they can store all their settings. You can get completely identical interfaces on several of your computers using a single account and Internet connection.

Create a note or reminder on one PC. When the time comes, you will be reminded exactly by the device you are currently using. This is similar to synchronization in browsers, only implemented on a Windows OS scale.

If you use several services of this developer, it will simply be convenient for you to make just one login name. There is no need to remember and write down a huge number of passwords - use a single account to log into Windows, Skype, cloud storage, Office and the application store.

How to create a Microsoft account and why do you need it?

Let's try to figure out how to create a Microsoft account and what role it plays. The fact is that the software giant has united a lot of useful services and servers, so with the help of a single registration you can get access to the whole variety of projects.

Creating a Microsoft account (Live ID) is necessary to manage services such as SkyDrive, Xbox LIVE, Messenger, Hotmail, Outlook, as well as Windows Phone and Windows 8 systems.

Since the end of 2013, registration in the WP SDK can also be completed using a Microsoft account. The SDK provides all users with the ability to install any application that has the XAP extension on their devices running WP 8.

Next, we will look step by step at how to create a Microsoft account (Live ID). We go to the official website at, click on “Register” - the button on the main page at the bottom. A window will open in front of us in which we need to enter personal data. Pay attention to the section that will discuss your preferred option for logging into the service.

Here we are interested in receiving a new mail address, so we select the appropriate inscription. The invented login must contain exclusively Latin letters; as for the second part of the login, it is preferable to choose windowslive or live. Next, we come up with a strong password and enter it in the fields provided for this purpose.

Never ignore the special password recovery section. When it comes to your preferred password recovery method, choose the one that is most convenient for you.

For example, you can select a security question or indicate an alternative email you have. Remember, your Microsoft Windows account should be as secure as possible, otherwise you may end up with additional hassle in the future.

At the next step, we indicate the country and zip code. You should not enter any numbers - this will not work, because Microsoft has a database of postal codes for each country. Confirm that you are not a robot by entering the characters shown in the picture in a special field, then click on “I Accept.” So, all fields have been filled out correctly, a new Microsoft account has been created, and registration, as we can see, was successful.

So, how do you create a Microsoft account for Windows 8? There is a new panel called “PC Settings” that allows you to create local accounts or link the system to an online Microsoft account.

Thanks to an online account, you can synchronize all your personal data, a list of installed metro applications and some important system settings with any of the computers from which you plan to log in. So, open “PC Settings”, then “Settings”, and then “Change PC settings”. A special window will open, in it select the “Users” section, click “Add user”. In order to use your online account, you must then enter your real email address(we discussed how to create an email above), click “Next”. Upon completion of the wizard, save the changes by clicking on the “Finish” button. The first time you log in with a new account, you will need an active Internet connection.

To create an account locally, on the first screen, select “Sign in without a Microsoft account,” then click the “Local Account” button. Enter the username, indicate the password, as well as a hint, apply the changes using the “Next” button, and then “Finish”. There are no tools for deleting or changing all user accounts in PC Settings in this version of Windows.

For this purpose, it is suggested to use the “Control Panel”, the “Accounts” item. In the list of available users, select the desired entry, then delete it, rename it or change the type. You can also apply parental controls and change or create a password.

How do I create a Microsoft account for Windows 8.1?

On your desktop in Windows 8.1, move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner or press the Win + C key combination and select “Options”. Click “Change PC settings”. The window that opens indicates what type of account we are logging in to: an account or a local account.

To log in through a Microsoft account or create one, select “Connect to a Microsoft account.” Click “Create” new entry" Fill in all fields or use an existing email.

After this, follow all the instructions of the system, and in a few minutes you will become the owner of your own account, which will significantly simplify your communication with your computer and open the way to new opportunities from a software giant that has no equal in the world of computers. We hope our tips will be useful to you. We thank every reader for your attention!

Accounts created for family members come with certain responsibilities and restrictions. A child's account is subject to restrictions on computer management, while users of “adult” accounts have the opportunity, along with the responsibility, to monitor the activities of their offspring not only on the computer, but also on the Internet.

If you need to create an account for a person who is not part of your family, use the Add a user for this computer command in the Other users section. Typically, such an account is in demand when other people live with you or close friends often visit your home. Only users with administrator rights are allowed to create different types of accounts.

Open the Start menu and select Settings. In the Settings window, click the Accounts icon. The account settings window allows you not only to add new accounts different types, but also change existing accounts. In the current settings section, you can change the parameters of your own account. To do this, in the left panel, click on the Your Account element. On the next settings page you can, for example, change your local account password or even switch from using a local account to a Microsoft account.

In the left pane, click Family and other users. The right pane of the Family and other users page contains commands for creating two main types of accounts: your family members and other people. To create an account for family members, go to the next step; to learn how to create a standard account for other users. See article: How to create a Microsoft account in Windows 10

Click the Add Family Member button and follow the instructions below to send an invitation to the person for whom you are creating an account on your computer. A dialog box will appear on the screen indicating the type of account to be created. Select one of two radio buttons to indicate whether the account owner is a child or an adult family member. In the field below, enter the mailing address to which the invitation will be sent. Consider the following options.

  • If you know the user's exact address, enter it in the Enter their email address field, and then click the Next button. (If the address you provide does not represent a Microsoft account, you will be prompted to create one.)
  • If you don't know the email address of the person you want to send an invitation to, click the The user I want to add doesn't have an email address link. You will be redirected to the Microsoft account creation page, which will also create a new mailbox.

Regardless of the option you choose, the adult or child will receive an email inviting them to join the family of users on your computer. Once the invitation is accepted, the account you create will be added to the general list.

If your invitation is ignored or if a response is received later than 14 days from the date of sending, the process of adding a new account will be interrupted. (If the user decides to accept the offer after more than two weeks, you will have to resend the invitation.)

How to add an Account for someone outside your household.

Click Add a user for this computer. To continue, you will be asked to specify how the new user will log into the operating system. If the user you are adding has a Microsoft account, enter their email address. Of course, Microsoft insists on logging in with your own account, but you always have a fallback option.

  • Microsoft Account. Without a Microsoft account, you won't have access to many Windows 10 services. A Microsoft account is represented by just one parameter - an email address, which is your ticket to the world of Windows 10. Only owners of this type of account are able to download and install applications from the electronic store Windows, save data to cloud storage Microsoft, known as OneDrive, and also receive all kinds of bonuses from the company. To create an account, go to step 6.
  • Local account. Used by people who are not interested in the privileges provided by a Microsoft account. This type of account allows you to successfully use your computer for your own purposes without outside help. To create a local account, click the Add a user without a Microsoft account link. See article: How to create a Windows 10 user account

Can't decide on your account type? Create a local one. Of course, you won't have access to special Windows features, although you can always convert it to a Microsoft account if necessary.

  • To create a Microsoft account, go to the official website
  • In the upper right corner of the site page, click on the button “ To come in».
  • Click under the button " Further» to the link to create a user account.
  • Next, you will be asked fill registration form fields.
  • Then, after filling out all the fields, click the button confirming create an account at the bottom of the page.

You can also create a user profile in Windows 10 at the installation stage operating system, following step by step instructions from the OS installation wizard.

  • If for some reason, when installing Windows 10, you created a local account, and now you need to create a Microsoft profile, then you need to open “ Options» by clicking on the Windows 10 notification center icon in the lower right corner of the toolbar.
  • Further " All parameters" And " Accounts».
  • Go to the tab " Email Address: Application Accounts».
  • Here we select the item “ Add a Microsoft account».
  • In the window that opens, click opposite the line “ You do not have an account? – Create it».
  • In the next window you need to enter the fields enter email address and password, and click " Further».
  • Celebrating or uncheck the items to improve impressions of the product and advertising mailings and click “ again Further».
  • Will follow setting, you can do this later or immediately, following the prompts and step-by-step instructions on the screen.

A profile button will appear in the window, which can now be used to log in. By clicking on it and the “ Control", you will be taken to the Microsoft website to further configure and synchronize your account documents with applications and services.

  • Creating a user profile in Microsoft with Windows 8 is a little is different from "ten". Here you need to swipe your finger from the right edge of the screen, scrolling the menu to the “ Options».
  • Select the item "".

If you are using a computer that does not support touch input, but only works with a mouse and keyboard, you must move mouse pointer to bottom right monitor angle and select " Options».

  • Next, you need to click on “ Change computer settings».
  • Then select " Accounts", And " Other accounts».
  • Click on the link " Add an account».
  • Enter registration data.

Here you need to enter your email address, which will subsequently be used as a login to log into your Microsoft account. Or create her, following the prompts on the monitor.

Post Views: 489

Good day!

The new Windows 10 OS has two types of accounts: local and Microsoft (the latter is highly recommended by developers). I think you have already noticed this several times...

In general, a reasonable question that many will ask: “Why is it needed at all, why is it better than a local account?” . Below are the main advantages Microsoft account that will clear up this "fog":

  • opportunity to work with your own documents, address book, files, settings etc. from any computer (with Windows 10) connected to the Internet (mega-convenient!);
  • possibility of use many applications: Skype (program for talking over the network), (cloud drive), Office 365 (editor for text, tables, etc.), etc.;
  • the ability to create children's accounts, and limit operating time and consumed content (more on this);
  • possibility of use app store(Microsoft Store) ;
  • access to email from any PC and mobile gadgets connected to the Internet;
  • after reinstalling the system on your computer, you can return everything to working order much faster (just enter your account details);
  • if you change any parameters of your account, they will automatically change on all your PCs (and other devices) using this account (those. full synchronization via the Internet).

In general, very convenient?! In my opinion, Microsoft is going down the path of a "personal ID/record/profile" that can be used both on home devices and at work. They will probably soon tie this to some bank card, and to work with your data, it will be enough to present it to any PC...

And so, okay, enough of the lyrics, let's get down to business...

How to create a Microsoft account

In the article, I will assume that you do not have an account and never have had one (that is, you have not registered before in various services from Microsoft). Just some of the steps below, you may be able to skip (if, say, during registration Microsoft informs you that a profile has already been created and you can use it) ...


Microsoft official website:

First, you need to go to the official Microsoft website and click on the “Login” link in the corner of the screen (it doesn’t matter if you have an account or not).

Note: You can create an account from any computer! It is not necessary to sit at the one you want to use it later.

Login (screenshot of the official Microsoft website)

Then enter your email address (a confirmation code will be sent to it) and click “Next”.

Note! If you don't have a work email, I recommend creating one:

  • if your mail has already been used in some services from Microsoft, then perhaps the service will tell you that your account has already been created previously and you can use it;
  • if the mail has not been used anywhere, the service will offer to create a new account (as in my case in the screenshot below). Press the button.


Enter your password (this will be used to access your account), your date of birth, first and last name. I recommend entering reliable information, because... after you start working (if suddenly there is a problem with logging in), you may have to confirm your data.

The three screenshots below are provided as an example.


Next, you need to open your email (which you used during registration), find the letter from Microsoft and enter the code from it into the registration form. By the way, the letter will come in Russian, in general, everything in it is clear, so I won’t comment on it separately...

An example is given below.


Confirm that the registration is carried out by a person: just enter the letters and numbers presented in the small picture (captcha).


After creating an account, try to log in to the site. If you are able to log in (the blue circle in the corner lights up, as in the screenshot below), your account is ready for further use.


Now on the computer where you want to work with this account, you need to open Windows Settings and add it to the list of allowed ones.

You will need administrator rights.

To do this, press the Win+i button combination, open the section "Accounts -> Family and other people" , press the button (see screenshot below).

In the next step, specify the account type: adult or child (note: restrictions may apply for a child).

After that, a message will be sent to the email address of the account (which we are adding) stating that “such and such” user can join the work (you just need to agree with the offer).

Actually, after this you can log in to this PC under this account and work. I’ll tell you how to do this in a couple of lines below.


In order to start working under a different account in Windows 10, first log out. In Windows 10, this can be done by right-clicking on the START menu (see example below).

Alternative option: You can press the Win+L button combination.


Next, a welcome window will appear (which you always see when Windows boots). There will be multiple users listed in the bottom left corner (depending on how many accounts you add). In general, to work with one of them, just select it and click the “Login” button (Please note that you will also need a password to log in!) .

If this is your first login under this account, you will have to wait a few minutes while the basic parameters are configured and configured.

In general, after this you will see a very ordinary desktop (as in the photo below) - you can start working!

That's all for now.

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